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Evidence 1

Conciliatory Proposal

Delegation of Yemen

Evidence 1: Conciliatory Proposal 2

Conciliatory Proposal

Currently, the world is facing huge problems that go along with a horrifying effect on

natural disasters and hazards, regarding unchangeable effects on climate change which have

come with secondary effects that go directly towards civilization. One of the most important

which was the focus of the forum, is Global Climate Migration. This concept has been one that

millions of people relate to because it is something that is currently happening to humans living

in the most vulnerable situations, along with a small fraction affecting the rest of the world.

The problem that is going on is that a fact exists where it is internationally acknowledged

that there is a problem with climate change, but there hasn’t been a way for the affected by this

cause, to be recognized as a refugee due to climate change. The situation here is that the

individuals living in this reality, don’t receive the rights like a refugee does, because there hasn’t

been anything properly stablished that human displacement as a cause for climate change are

indeed refugees and must be taken care of and attended just like everyone else in a refugee


Yemen is considered to be the poorest country in the middle east, and nearly in the world.

With barely any infrastructure, poor use of the little resources and corruption inside the

government. These factors along with many more, have made it difficult for the nation to be able

to maintain itself active as a pioneering country in these events, but the republic doesn’t

underestimate the problem as it is one of the countries most affected by Climate Action and is

one that has millions of internal displacements. Highly developed countries have a huge impact

on this action, because just as they are important in terms of the world economy, they also have a

huge impact on proposals, support and rising a voice at international levels regarding

organizations that work towards the solutions to these problems. Developing nations like Mexico,
Evidence 1: Conciliatory Proposal 3

to give an example, have a lot of influence in terms of supporting and acting in any way possible

towards the issue.

The importance to act on this is undeniable. Human Rights are being violated when

situations like these occur. World leaders must put saving lives first, since it is a fact that refugee

routes these days are highly risk full, and on each attempt of crossing a border, thousands of

people lose their lives in the attempts. This has to be brought up for the attention for a solution

because this is indeed a humanitarian crisis that has been left unattended for way longer than it

should have and due to this, people are put in positions of being placed in unofficial displacement

camps that in many cases, lack the protocols needed for the assurance of the human rights. This

must generate interest as well, due to how in a big percentage of the cases, people find the need to

enter a country illegally. This means that from the beginning of the journey, until reaching the

final destination, actions are taken in nonprofessional, nor safe matters that end up in catastrophic


The official Legal International Recognition of Climate Refugees without forcing nations

to receive climate refugees (UNHCR, UN Human Rights Council). In order to surpass this

challenge full event, the committee proposed an international program that declares the plan of

searching for climate migrants along with the Climate Displacement Program. Having countries

that can receive these people and train them with the IOM’s Global Migrant Training Program

based on the needs of the country facing climate change. This ensures the welfare and protection

of the climate migrants and contributes to prevent climate change. The creation of an

International Irrigation and Drainage Commission that affronts the flood problems that create

displacements. This proposal applies programs such as No Circulates, which consists on

specifying a number of days per year where each vehicle that uses gasoline can’t circulate. The

implementation of innovative climate technologies with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions, and
Evidence 1: Conciliatory Proposal 4

also promoting renewable energy. The proposal encourages nations to aim towards carbon

neutrality. A binding international treaty to be upheld by international law will be formed. The

treaty won’t be like the Paris Agreement, this will not be suggestive, instead, it binds nations to

make actual legislation on their soil to cut their emissions. If a country fails to pass legislation

and reduce emissions, it will result in vast sanctions from the International Community.

In realistic terms, the appliance to this exact solution for the actual situation could be in

some way not possible, due to how there are many conflicts between nations, as well as internal

problems inside most delegations, which makes the specifications of the proposal not possible in

some occasions. Investigations and actual country positions take months to form and the

convenience, interest or needs of most, would most likely be different to the ones planted in the

simulation that took place on Wednesday and Thursday morning of October 12 and 13, 2022.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that the proposal is wrong and there won’t ever be a solution to the

actual problem, it just states that most likely, the specifications and points for the solution will

propably be different.

Obviously, just like any other convention there has been, problems with the

implementation of solutions might come up. In the case for this event, there could potentially be a

problem where applicants don’t surpass or don’t apply as an actual refugee due to climate

change, but might look for taking advantage of the situation and the proposal. Countries in the

long term could potentially be alarmed and in disagreement by the over saturation of refugees

they might consider to enter their land. Places that have big amounts of carbon emissions, could

be annoyed by the sanctions applied and companies could potentially look for a way to evade the

protocols for the reduction of CO2 emissions and go against the treaty.

The proposal brought up has many positive advantages. The application of this will result

in a possible reduction of carbon emissions in drastic ways, helping the environment and reduce
Evidence 1: Conciliatory Proposal 5

the development of climate change. It will have a huge impact on the lives of millions, as the

program is set to help and take care of the people that were put in these very vulnerable positions

and will reduce the risks of migration and migration routes causing a big decrease in lives lost.

Giving the proper recognition to people as climate refugees will benefit in the lifestyle and living

quality the displaced individuals will have. The unification of nations to help a common cause

will result in possibilities for better communication between nations and generate stronger

relations between the actors involved.

Evidence 1: Conciliatory Proposal 6

Sources used throughout the complete time of the activity:

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Contributor, Al-Eryani, A., Robin-D’Cruz, — B. B., Bobseine, — B. H., —
By Thanassis Cambanis and Sajad Jiyad, Cambanis, — B. T., Alkhudary, — B. T., & Heller,
— B. S. (2021, June 30). Yemen's environmental crisis is the biggest risk for its future. The
Century Foundation. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from
Displacement in Yemen: An overview [en/ar] - yemen. ReliefWeb. (2022, May 22). Retrieved
October 13, 2022, from
European Commission. (n.d.). International issues. Multilateral Agreements - Environment -
European Commission. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
Human Rights Commission. (n.d.). Human rights treaties. Human Rights Commission Cayman
Islands. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
UNFCCC. (2013). Republic of Yemen - united nations framework convention on climate change.
Yemen's Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change . Retrieved October 12, 2022,
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. (n.d.). What do we mean by
‘protection’ for migrants? - office of the
ation/Protection.pdf. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies . (n.d.). Ratification Status for CESCR -
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Treatybody internet.
Retrieved October 6, 2022, from

World Wildlife Fund. (n.d.). Effects of climate change. WWF. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
Amnesty International. (2021, June 18). 8 ways to solve the world refugee crisis. Amnesty
International. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
Janmyr, M. (2021, December 3). 1951 refugee convention and non-signatory states: Charting a
research agenda. OUP Academic. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
Evidence 1: Conciliatory Proposal 7

The UN Refugee Agency. (2022, July 14). Yemen Crisis explained. How to Help Refugees - Aid,
Relief and Donations. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
Paris Climate Agreement Countries . (2022). Retrieved October 6, 2022,

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