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The Leadership Discussions are designed to allow you to expand upon the material presented in the

textbook, and to give you the opportunity to interact with other students. Your first post should answer the
topic questions and should be completed early in the week. You will need to make at least two additional
posts before the end of the week.
Your score on this assignment will be based on the following:
 The substance/length of your response, displaying your knowledge and understanding of the
 Citation to reliable authority to support your comments
 Your writing ability
 Submitting your posts on three different days
I am looking forward to some great discussions!
Discussion Grading Criteria:
Threaded Discussion Grading Total Points Possible
Thoroughly answered all of the 40
Responded to at least two classmates 30
in addition to your initial post
References in APA format, and 10
sources cited within the paragraph in
Spelling and Grammar are at the 5
college level
Post on three separate days 15
Total 100 points

Week 3 Discussion Questions

1. What communication channel would you choose to communicate an impending company-wide layoff?
News about the company picnic?
2. What communication channel would you use for new corporate quality goals that will require significant
changes in how your subordinates perform their tasks? Explain your choices.
3. If you wanted to communicate non-verbally with your team to create a sense of trust and teamwork,
what would you do?

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