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Macabebe, Pampanga


Teaching Approaches and the K-12 Curriculum
Resource Teacher: Vilma S. Mendoza Teacher’s Signature: _________ Date: 09/06/23
School: Macabebe High School Grade: Grade 10 Subject Area: English

Teacher-centered Student-centered

Did teacher discussed all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-
learning process? How? Or were they mere
No, the teacher is connecting the lesson to the passive recipients of instruction?
students so they can share their own
experiences. The teacher is discussing the lesson but still
allow the student to share their own ideas and
experiences based on the topic, the teacher
always ask their ideas and their own
experiences, for example, the lesson is family
conflict and the current question if you have a
conflict between you and your siblings, she ask
multiple students to answer this question or
just give their own experiences.

Was the emphasis mastery for the lesson for Was the emphasis the students’ application of
the test? Prove. the lesson in real life? Give proofs.

The emphasis of the discussion is not for the The emphasis is the student application of
mastery for the test, the emphasis is on how learning in real life, the lesson is about 4
can you use the learning on the real life family conflicts and the teacher gave the
situation, for example, the teacher ask the students a scenario about the rivalry of a
student on what is the outcome if both parent sibling and made the student think what will
will not be able to work, that rings to the be the outcome and what can ne the possible
student that if in the future if they were not solution of the problem.
be able to work negative outcome will show.

Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?

No, the classroom environment is very good Yes, the teacher gave the students a chance to
and the teacher focused that the atmosphere answer the question if the student doesn’t
of the classroom will not change because have an idea other student will help him
collaboration will increase and fasten their answer the question.
learning instead if pulling each other down.
Did the teacher focus only on the Did teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?

No, the teacher focused solely to the current No, the teacher focused only on the current
topic and did not use other discipline/subject. topic which is the 4 family conflict, the teacher
connected the lesson only to the own
experiences of the learners.

What teaching-learning practice show the teaching approach was:

a) Constructivist-connected to past experiences of learners; learners constructed new
lesson meanings.

The teacher ask the student there own ideas on the current topic and share their own
experiences, for example, the teacher ask if there parent discipline them like authoritarian or
much like pessimist and one of the student said that her father is much more strict and her
mother is much more gentle and less strict and the teacher ask a follow up question “how did
that affect you growing up” that made the student construct new ideas and lesson meanings.

b) Inquiry-based

The teacher asked the student what are the 4 family conflict that were discuss and told them to
explain it.

c) Developmentally appropriate –learning activities fit the developmental stage of children

The teacher discussed the lesson timely and gave different example and scenario and let the
student construct their own ideas and perspective about the family conflict that might come up
in the future

d) Reflective- significance of the lesson to the learner.

At the end of the lesson the teacher ask about the family conflict and their own ideas and what
did they learn, and if in the future one of these family conflict come up they would be able to
understand it and be able to solve.

e) Inclusive- - No learner was excluded, teacher taught everybody.

The teacher included all the student in the lesson and did not excluded one student in the
discussion, all the student that wanted to share their own experiences were able to participate,
as well as the teacher take it on to herself to encourage the students to share their own
experiences to the class.

f) collaborative- Students worked together

while the student answers the question the other student were all attentively listening and
want to share their own ideas and own experiences, and if someone are not able to explain or
having a hard time explaining their thought the other student will help him.
g) integrative- lesson was multidisciplinary- e.g. In Science, Math concepts were taught

the teacher did not include other discipline rather she focus on the current topic which I think is
a very important lesson and did not need any other discipline to be involve


1. Based on your observations, as a whole was instruction teacher-centered or student-


Based on my observation, the lesson is student centered because the teacher always connect
the topic to the own experiences and allow the student to share their experiences and reflect
on the lesson, she let the student partake and contribute on the discussion, for example, she
allow the student to share their own experiences on the lesson about family conflict like asking
the question, do you have a siblings rivalry and what is the cause of it.

2. Where there instances when the students could have been involved in class proceedings
but were not? Give examples/s.

The teacher all allowed the student to participate and answer the question given but will look
for another student to answer the question if the she/he already been given the chance to give
their ideas on the topic.

3. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for
the test?

In my opinion, teaching for mastery or only for the test will make the student have a hard time
using the things they have learn and apply it in the real world. Teaching primarily for exam
performance and subject matter knowledge might result in students that lack real-world
application, have superficial understandings, and limited critical thinking skills. Without a
deeper understanding of the material, students may remember facts, which will limit their
flexibility in solving challenging situations and stifle their curiosity and inventiveness.

4. If you were to reteach the class, would you be teacher-centered or student-centered?


To encourage students to participate actively in their education and develop critical thinking,
problem-solving, and deeper comprehension, a student-centered approach would be selected.
It prepares students for flexibility and real-world application by encouraging autonomy,
involvement, and long-term retention. The decision would take the needs of the pupils and the
subject matter into account.
5. If you abide by the pedagogical approaches that the k-12 law states, will you be more
teacher-centered or student-centered in approach? Explain your answer.

A student-centered approach is usually encouraged by K–12 laws, which place a strong

emphasis on tailored instruction, active engagement, collaboration and meeting a variety of
learning needs. In order to guarantee educational equity and satisfy the requirements of every
student, it supports student empowerment, individualized instruction, and personalized
learning plans.


Between teacher-centered and student -centered approach, the latter must be more
pedagogically sound because even RA 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,
mandates it for K-12. Write your reflections about it. Or is it better to use both approaches.

The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (RA 10533) places a strong emphasis on a
student-centered approach in K–12 education and emphasizes the value of addressing
various learning needs, tailored learning, and active student involvement. It demonstrates
the change in pedagogy that aims to prepare students for issues they will face in the real
world by encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and deeper comprehension.

However, circumstance frequently affects how effective a teaching strategy is. Even if
a student-centered approach is crucial, focusing only on it might not always be the best
method to teach. There are benefits to both teacher-centered and student-centered
approaches. Because students have different learning styles and some courses require a
structured learning environment, teacher-centered approaches can offer the required
support, knowledge, and advice.

With a graphic organizer, present the pedagogical approaches to the K-12 Curriculum as stated
in RA 10533. Give the main features of each approach
A student-centered approach is very interactive. Research on at least 3 teaching-learning
activities/techniques that can be used at the beginning or end of a lesson. Place them here.

1. A crossword or crossword puzzle is a word game consisting of a grid of black and white
squares, into which solvers enter words or phrases ("entries") crossing each other horizontally
("across") and vertically ("down") according to a set of clues.

2. a game in which players mark off numbers on cards as the numbers are drawn randomly by a
caller, the winner being the first person to mark off five numbers in a row or another required

3. Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play
learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Unleash the fun in classrooms

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