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o ensure that the lesson will go

smoothly, teacher A listed

down the steps she will
undertake together with those
of her students. This practice
related to
A. Teaching style
B. Teaching method
C. Teaching strategy
D. Teaching technique
Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1.To ensure that the lesson will go smoothly, teacher A listed down the steps she will
undertake together with those of her students. This practice related to
A. Teaching style
B. Teaching method
2. Pictures, models and the like arouse students interest on the day topic. In what
part of the lesson should be given materials be presented?
A. Initiating activities
B. Culminating activities
3. Teachers evaluate student’s achievements because _______.
A. They want to know how their student perceived their method
of teaching
B. They want to know if they are able to reach the goal of their
teaching efforts
4. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations.
What must a teacher do?
A. Make students feel good about themselves
B. Make students work collaboratively
5. What does a teacher do if she practices differentiated instruction?
A. Applies a multidisciplinary teaching approach
B. Makes students collaborate with other on
instructional tasks
6. Schools are referred to as second homes. What pillar stands for caring
and nurturing schools?
A. Learning to be
B. Learning to live together
7. To encourage class participation, which should a teacher NEVER do?
A. Pose high level questions.
B. Reject a student’s response at once
8. Teacher Liam strives to draw participation of every student into her
classroom discussion. Which student need is she trying to address?
The need to _____.
A. show their abilities to the rest of the class
B. feel significant and be part of a group
9. Why is it sound to encourage our students to define terms in their
own words? Because ____.
A. students remember information better when they mentally
process it in some way.
B. they ought to connect the terms that they learn with other

10. Teacher Cris always checks on entry knowledge and skills before she
proceeds to her new lesson. On which principle is Teacher Cris’ practice
A. Learning increases when the lesson is relevant.
B. New learning builds on previous learning.
Pictures, models and the like arouse students interest on the day topic. In
what part of
the lesson should be given materials be presented?
A. Initiating activities
B. Culminating activities
C. Evaluation activities
D. Developmental activities
Test 11. True or False:
Write True if the statement is true and False if it is false.
1. A student who is capable of self-regulation is one more likely to be more intrinsically
motivate but confused to set her own goals and standards. FALSE
2. Observing oneself in action is an important part of self-regulation. TRUE
3. It is not proper to publish the output of your learners because it is against the law of
confidentiality. FALSE
4. Giving rewards to students mean motivation. TRUE
5. It is important for students to set their own goals. TRUE
6. A good teacher dominates the class. FALSE
7. Teachers are best visual aids. TRUE
8. Parents played an important role in the life of the learners. TRUE
9. Connecting students to their real life situations would mean motivation for them to
learn more. TRUE
10. Classroom environment only includes the physical aspect of the classroom. FALSE

Test III. Explain briefly the following statement. (5points each)

1. How will you deal learners with different learning abilities.
a. With proper attitude and technical skills, an educator must be well-versed in
identifying each learners difficulties and properly design a learning
methodology consist of materials that captures learners attention specific to
the difficulty of the learner. The educator must consider incorporating
traditional and modern way of teaching including the use of technology and
interactive materials combined with sincerity and positive attitude of turning
the lives of a learner into something more significant one.
2. Explain a conducive classroom environment.
a. Knowing a classroom is a space where a learner spends most of his or her
time and therefore must be conducive enough for a learner to absorb all
instructions from an educator. Therefore, ideally, the classroom must be well-
lit, well-ventilated, a wide space enough for physical collaborations, furniture
and fixtures that are comfortable for learners, with modern technology
devices such as interactive screens, a projector and other multimedia
equipment that could support quality learning.

3. Claire is a learner with learning disability. Oftentimes she roam around the classroom
and beat her classmates and would like to be given attention always. What will you
do as a teacher?
a. Being a teacher aware of Claire’s disability and tendencies, I must seat her
away from distractions or where her attention can easily be caught by
anything or anyone. Provide her with specialize learning materials with less
activity but re-enforced with less-words instructions yet repetitive so she can
easily grasp slowly and comprehends. Often times, a short break could
capture back her attention to you as educator, thus provide her with such
breaks. To capture her attention, often tries to call her name and ask
questions if she understood the subject matter or ask her to do some actions.
4. Teacher Glen was given subject load which is not his major subject. If you were Glen,
will you accept the teaching load?
a. Yes – as an educator, I must be prepared to be flexible in every way as
possible or platforms, this may include teaching a subject that is not my forte
or specialty. To prepare me in doing this, I must equipped myself theoretically
by studying the subject matter and gather enough resources and strategies on
how to effectively delivery the said instruction to the students. One effective
way to do it is to observe other teachers on how they deliver and teach the
subject. With the basic principle of teaching combined with research, studies
and exploration, I believe I can deliver the subject matter efficiently.

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