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Maria da Aparecida Oliveira





AUTHOR’S PRESENTATION..................................................5
RETROSPECT ON MY FIRST BOOK....................................8
MY DEVELOPMENT..............................................................24

1st Part
MY FIRST OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE........................27
IMAGE CHANGE......................................................................34
RETURN TO THE PAST........................................................52
THE CITY OF THE DEAD.....................................................57

2st Part
NEW REALITY.........................................................................67
HOW I MET DR. HULLF.......................................................75
THE PHYSICAL BODY ..........................................................82
THE CUSTODIAN....................................................................91
IMAGE RECOVERY.................................................................98
CATHOLIC HOSPITAL........................................................ 115
THE RELIGIOUS REPRESENTATION........................... 130
THE AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS.................... 141
THE TEMPLE OF THE ORIXÁS...................................... 149
3st Part
THE SEVEN SOURCES OF ENERGY.............................. 169
SYMBOLISM IN “TECHNIQUE”...................................... 197

4st part
PHILOSOFY OF TECHNIQUE.......................................... 218
ECHNIQUE.............................................................................. 230

5st part

ACCOUNTS OF MY EXPERIENCES............................... 269

INTRODUÇÃO....................................................................... 269
EXPERIENCE......................................................................... 270
CONCLUSION........................................................................ 276
MY FIRST EXPERIENCE.................................................... 281
RETURN TO YOUTH........................................................... 287
RETURNING TO THE PAST............................................. 292
INJURY TO MY RIGHT FOOT........................................... 293
AUTOKINESIS....................................................................... 294
“THE DEATH”........................................................................ 296
After meeting Karran, I had the chance
to interact with different groups, each hav-
ing their own ideas and beliefs about the
spiritual realm. The vast amount of in-
formation I came across fueled my curi-
osity to delve deeper into this unfamiliar
world and develop a stronger bond with
it. At first, I was fascinated by certain ex-
planations, like spiritualization, which seek
to attain a deep connection with God. Ac-
cording to this viewpoint, the connection
was so strong that individuals would be-
come one with the Creator.
I also came across other explanations
that aimed for the same connection with
God, but I felt there was a major obsta-
cle—the physical body. According to these
beliefs, the body acted as a barrier separat-
ing individuals from God. They thought
that being bound to a physical body led
humans to face temptations that prevent-
ed them from realizing their ultimate pur-
pose, which is to be complete. Howev-
er, Karran shared an insightful perspec-
tive with me, “The Creator reveals Him-
self through His creation. Get out of your
body and you’ll see that you are a mind that
can see, feel, learn and think. Then you’ll
understand that the body is only a part of
yourself and not the whole of you.”
Karran’s words have been, and still are,
like a key that opens the doors to self-con-
sciousness. They inspire my ongoing jour-
ney of self-discovery and my quest to un-
derstand what it means to be human. Most
importantly, they made me realize that the
body is not a barrier that keeps us apart
from the profound truths of existence.
This realization became clear as I em-
barked on my first experiences in the spir-
itual world.
It is important to note that I have no in-
tention of discussing the faith or coher-
ence of the groups, whether religious or
not, that exist here. This intention arises
particularly after hearing from Karran that
faith and religion are the only factors that
still exert control over our animal instincts.
According to Karran, regardless of wheth-
er we label ourselves as humans, terrestri-
al beings, or energy/spirit, we have not yet
attained control over our bodies; instead,
we are subject to their control. Karran
asserts that the only way to liberate our-
selves from this state is to exert influence
on our bodies through a physical process,
increasing cerebral impulses and conse-
quently elevating brain frequency and vi-
bration. Thus, in this work, I will only re-
count my own experiences, which became
possible only through practicing the set of
exercises taught to me by Karran.


In this reflection, I want to share parts
of my first book that are closely related
to the start of this second book. The first
book, titled “The Possibilities of Infinity,”
tells the story of my encounters with Kar-
ran, which began on January 12, 1976. In
that book, I also wrote about other con-
tacts I had until 1981. However, after Kar-
ran taught me how to consciously leave my
physical body, he has been giving me his
full attention. Whenever he is on Earth,
he seeks me out to answer my questions
about the work I’ve been doing and to un-
derstand how it’s progressing and being
carried out.
During our meetings, Karran often ex-
presses surprise at how people in our time
struggle to accept anything that doesn’t
have a connection to either science or reli-
gion. But he also acknowledges that there
is a significant number of people, includ-
ing myself, who have dedicated themselves
to this work and have seen positive results.
These individuals can confirm the truth of
the words that motivated me to diligent-
ly practice the exercises taught by Karran.
It was during a conversation about death
that he said something that deeply affect-
ed me. He said, “Get out of your body
and you’ll see that you are a mind that can
see, feel, learn and think. Then you’ll un-
derstand that the body is only a part of
yourself and not the whole of you.” This
statement was powerful to me because un-
til that moment, I couldn’t accept the idea
that something of us could survive phys-
ical death. My religious upbringing taught
me that only our good actions are remem-
bered by God for a potential resurrection.
However, during that unexpected conver-
sation, Karran said more things that made
me aware of the existence of a spiritual
life beyond the physical. He also said, “I
don’t communicate with your body. Your
body can’t respond to me without your ac-
tual presence.”
When he spoke those words, I felt a new
sense of independence from my physical
body. It was like I could sense two parts
of myself—the real me and my body. My
body’s desires and the knowledge I already
had made it harder for me to be open to
the new things Karran was sharing through
his presence, his spaceship, and his per-
spective on humanity, the universe, and the
world. But in that moment, I let go of my
preconceived ideas and embraced what he
was teaching me. Through this process, I
had the chance to learn from him and ben-
efit not only myself but also others who,
like me, want to gain this knowledge with-
out the mystery, without blind belief, and
without being tied to any specific religion.
It’s a knowledge that we choose to pursue,
not something forced on us through fam-
ily traditions or the beliefs of existing reli-
gions on Earth.



I met Karran for the first time on Janu-

ary 12, 1976. I stayed on the spaceship for
two days and didn’t return to my home in
Rio de Janeiro until the morning of the
15th. In my mind, everything was very
clear. I remembered everything I saw and
heard while I was inside the spaceship.
Karran’s words left a strong impression
on me, and I still remember them clearly
to this day. It was because of this memory
and the possibility of consciously leaving
my physical body that I started practicing
the exercises right after we returned home.
At that time, because of my religious back-
ground, I wasn’t aware of any groups that
talked about the spiritual world apart from
the Protestant beliefs I was familiar with. So
I didn’t know about the beliefs of spiritual-
ists, Rosicrucians, or spiritists. This lack of
knowledge made me uncertain about prac-
ticing the exercises. Furthermore, I didn’t
have anyone to discuss these ideas with, as
my friends were limited to church mem-
bers. On top of that, my ex-partner had
forbidden me from talking about the exer-
cises and their goals. But practicing the ex-
ercises was crucial for me because I want-
ed to understand why Karran had said that
they didn’t die but rather, they exchanged
their physical body, and, according to his
words, “only through practicing these ex-
ercises would I gain that certainty”.
With the daily practice of the exercis-
es I began to get my first “results”, be-
cause whenever I did I began to have vi-
sions. They were visions always attached
to something, or that I liked very much,
or something I was afraid of. After meet-
ing Karran what I liked most to remem-
ber was his spaceship and his position on
the subjects we talked about. And what I
feared most was the spiritual world, for to
me it was a mystery that could not be un-
masked, since it was explained to me in the
Bible that man wasn’t given the right to un-
ravel the mysteries of God, and that any
will in this sense was a demonstration of
the lack of faith. From the Bible, they had
already told me that the spiritual world was
composed of angels and demons. So, I felt
like a Saint Thomas, who wants to see to
believe, and this situation made me afraid.
But things were happening while I did the
exercises, since it was enough for me to do
the relaxation, which is part of this work,
so that I’d begin to have visions. And al-
most always in these visions I was with
him, Karran, talking and seeing his space-
ship, and if during the day I kept imagin-
ing any situation with them, the aliens, it
was almost certain that at night I was go-
ing to experience that imaginary situation.
During the year 1976, my nights became
quite busy, my visions were full of extra-
terrestrials and flying saucers. There were
also nights in which, in my visions, I saw
the spiritual world, not the spiritual world
that I participate in today, but that world I
imagined, with angels and demons, heav-
en and hell, judgments and punishments.
Anyway, with all my imagination allowed
me. So, the year of 1976 is an unforgetta-
ble year for me, because it was in that year
that I began to wake up to life, the universe
and the wonderful human capacity. But at
the end of that year I received, through the
record that Karran had made of my brain
frequency, a statement that Karran would
speak to me in January 77. So, a year after
our first meeting. This news was received
by me with great euphoria, because this
meeting was all that I wanted, since, at that
time, my partner and I were already being
investigated by some groups of ufologists,
and among them some tried to convince us
of that everything had not passed a great
moment of imagination. And the interest-
ing thing is that the argument they used
was very strong. It was based on the great
capacity of the human being to create cer-
tain mental situations. But then there was
the confirmation I wanted so badly and,
of course, I told all of them that Karran
was back and that he was going to talk to
me again in person.
Some researchers were excited about this
possibility, while others doubted its validi-
ty. But their opinions didn’t matter to me.
All I cared about was the day and place
of the meeting that Karran had arranged.
Finally, that day came. I had overcome all
the challenges I faced, and there we were,
me and my partner, on our way to anoth-
er meeting with Karran. I was eager to tell
him that I had been practicing the exer-
cises and having out-of-body experiences,
and my partner also had his own worries
and anticipation.
When Karran appeared, I couldn’t be-
lieve my eyes. I didn’t believe I deserved
such attention, such privilege. Yet, there
he was, standing before us once again. Af-
ter a brief conversation, I proudly declared
to him, “Karran, I’m already experiencing
out-of-body journeys!”
Upon Zirr translating my words to Kar-
ran, he gazed at me for a few moments be-
fore exclaiming, “Already! So, tell me, what
has been happening?”
At that moment, I told everything that
had happened. I recounted the contacts
I had made with Karran throughout the
year and shared my experiences with heav-
en and hell. I held nothing back, offering
a comprehensive account. Karran listened
attentively as I spoke. When I finished, he
informed me that I had not yet conscious-
ly left my physical body at any point. The
words “at any point” seemed to imply that
everything had come to an end.
During that year, I faced many difficul-
ties while doing the exercises. In addition
to my apprehension regarding the spiritual
world, I also had to deal with my partner
criticizing me. They didn’t believe in life
after death or anything beyond our physi-
cal existence. While looking at Karran and
then at my partner, I didn’t say anything
out loud. Instead, I turned to Zirr and qui-
etly said, “Oh, Zirr! Maybe my partner is
correct. Perhaps I have no spirit. I must be
nothing more than a physical body!”
Zirr heard my sad thoughts and shared
them with Karran, who said, “Don’t wor-
ry. I will teach you.” Having spoken these
words, Karran beckoned me to follow
him, and we moved towards the front of
the car, where he proceeded to correct my
practice. Karran observed my execution
of the exercises, instructing and rectify-
ing each movement. Consequently, three
months after that meeting, I achieved my
first conscious out-of-body experience. It
was then that I comprehended the distinc-
tion Karran had tried to elucidate during
our second encounter—that going out of
the physical body is one thing, while free-
ing ourselves from the clutches of our
subconscious is another. I realized that
throughout 1976, I had been undergoing
the latter, the release of my subconscious,
rather than truly going out of my physical
body, as I had initially believed.


In 1977, I acquired a rural property in
Belo Horizonte with the intention of put-
ting Karran’s suggested idea into practice.
The idea was to create a community where
we could live together, far away from civi-
lization, allowing not just me but all mem-
bers of the group to learn from him.
The proposal to purchase the property
came from a group of individuals I had
met in Rio de Janeiro in 1976 during the
early stages of UFO research. The rural
property was small, and I worked diligent-
ly to prepare the environment to accom-
modate these people. It was here that my
father experienced a remarkable recovery
from a cerebral thrombosis that had left a
significant portion of his body paralyzed.
The extraterrestrials had determined that
in such a place, there should be no sick in-
dividuals, and they completely healed my
In 1978, I received an invitation to par-
ticipate in Flávio Cavalcante’s TV program.
I spent six weeks there, discussing my con-
tact experiences and answering questions
from the audience. During the program,
I also shared information about the rural
property I had acquired and its purpose.
The public’s response was positive, and as
a result, I began receiving an average of
eighty to ninety people per week. Among
these visitors, there was one individual
who couldn’t accept the fact that Karran
had come so far and seemingly left noth-
ing for humanity. This person’s name was
Alfredo Buzelim, a journalist from Belo
At that time, I still hadn’t revealed the
technique that Karran had taught me.
Firstly, because my partner didn’t allow me,
claiming it was a big nonsense. He argued
that if this teaching were truly valuable,
Karran wouldn’t have taught me, a woman,
but would have imparted this knowledge
to him, a man and a supposed superior be-
ing, especially since he considered himself
a minister of God on Earth. Secondly, I
felt that I lacked sufficient experience to
teach this work due to its profound signif-
icance for humanity. Additionally, I wasn’t
sure if these exercises were exclusive to
me or if they could be taught to others.
My uncertainty was further fueled by the
fact that Karran hadn’t taught them to my
partner, who was present during both of
our meetings.
However, Alfredo Buzelim persisted so
strongly that I eventually started teach-
ing the exercises, despite my doubts about
their effectiveness for others at that time.
It turned out to be a rewarding experience
because as soon as I began teaching, I wit-
nessed the positive results that everyone
interested in this work achieved. Many of
them, in their initial experiences, expressed
surprise and pride in the incredible sensa-
tions they felt when they left their physi-
cal bodies. I was proud to share with them
the opportunity I had been given, but at
the same time, I felt concerned. I hadn’t
yet received permission from Karran to
teach the exercises. This authorization was
granted to me only in 1979.
Karran also informed me that, due to
what I had done, he would need to acceler-
ate my learning process significantly. On-
ly then would I be prepared to guide the
group of individuals who had embarked
on this journey with me.

After my first conscious out-of-body ex-
perience, my life took a significant turn.
This change didn’t affect my way of being
or living but rather my will to live. In addi-
tion to the reasons we all have to be grate-
ful to the Creator for the gift of life, I had
another reason to be thankful. I consider
knowing Karran as a divine opportunity, as
he has taught me to engage with the spiri-
tual world and given me a chance at a new
life. Discovering the existence of this spir-
itual world, where we exist before and after
our physical existence, has made my earth-
ly life much more fulfilling. I have over-
come the greatest fear shared by humani-
ty—the fear of death. Without the fear of
death, sin, and hell, physical life has be-
come a precious gift from God. As the Bi-
ble says, “we are created in His image and
likeness.” This understanding helped me
overcome the difficulties I faced in prac-
ticing the exercises and accessing this oth-
er side of our existence.
During that time, I diligently practiced
the exercises twice a day—once in the
morning and once at night—because my
desire to control the out-of-body pro-
cess was immense. After nearly two years
of learning, I had discovered which brain
movements facilitated my astral projec-
tion. To ensure I was truly in control, I at-
tempted to leave my body during the ex-
ercises. I even tried to project while in the
car during our travels or at home during
the day when possible. As a saleswoman, I
only had Saturdays, and holidays to make
these attempts. Traveling made it easier to
prove my projections to my partner since
I could observe the surroundings and lat-
er recount the details to convince him
that I had indeed left my physical body. I
would inform him in advance about high-
way patrols, whether they were using ra-
dar, and any accidents that might have oc-
curred along the way. However, I no lon-
ger engage in such activities today because
I have gained a deeper understanding of
the importance of this work. I now real-
ize that a practice aimed at awareness is
driven by the desire to know, not the need
for convincing. As my extraphysical teach-
er says, “When someone needs convincing
to practice or engage in something, that
person is not ready to participate.” This
principle applies to the technique as well.
Hence, I have made the decision to teach
the exercises only to those who genuinely
need to learn them.

1st part



My first out-of-body experience occurred
three months after my second contact with
Karran. It was during this encounter that
he taught me the proper technique for a
series of exercises aimed at transitioning
from the physical frequency to the extrap-
hysical frequency, allowing for a conscious
exit from the body and entrance into the
spiritual realm.
The date was April 1977, and I lived on
Cândido Benício Street in Jacarepaguá,
Rio de Janeiro. Following Karran’s instruc-
tions, I diligently practiced the exercises on
a daily basis, either in the morning or eve-
ning. One particular night in April, around
9 pm, I entered the room after putting my
young daughter to bed and started the ex-
I began with the breathing exercises,
which served to cleanse the lungs and en-
ergize the body. Next, I focused on ener-
gizing the glands. Subsequently, I lay down
to establish an energetic connection be-
tween the glands. As the process of ac-
tivating dormant areas of the brain de-
manded intense concentration, I naturally
entered a state of spontaneous relaxation.
While gradually releasing the energy
links that facilitated the transition from
the physical to the extraphysical frequency,
I started sensing a doubling of my body.
It was as if my physical form had expand-
ed and encompassed the entire bed. This
experience manifested as a weighty sensa-
tion, as if I were enclosed within an inflated
ball, with increasing pressure compressing
me against the bed. Alongside these sen-
sations, I also felt the presence of another
version of myself, smaller and detached,
hovering above my body. This was the
first time I had ever perceived such sensa-
tions, and although I felt the duality physi-
cally, my consciousness remained singular.
Through this consciousness, I was able to
perceive the happenings in both my phys-
ical body and the newly experienced body.
These sensations provided an unprece-
dented sense of well-being. Additionally,
my sense of hearing became remarkably
heightened, as I became attuned to sounds
that had previously gone unnoticed. I dis-
tinctly heard conversations and footsteps
from the neighboring apartment. Howev-
er, without any apparent cause, all of these
sensations abruptly ceased. The duplica-
tion of my body, the weight, and the ex-
pansion vanished, leaving only the height-
ened auditory sensitivity. Expecting the
sensations to return, I persisted in con-
structing the energy links and extending
them from my perceived physical body.
This endeavor continued for quite some
time, perhaps over an hour, as I endeav-
ored to reclaim those feelings. However,
my attempts proved futile.
It was at this point that I began to feel
thirsty. Consequently, I decided to halt my
activities and proceed to the kitchen for a
drink of water. Due to the intense heat of
the night, I had not covered myself with a
blanket. As was my habit, I shifted towards
the edge of the bed. Upon sitting down, I
attempted to put on my slippers. Strangely,
my feet remained in place, and when I at-
tempted to walk, I realized I was barefoot.
I attempted to put on my slippers several
times, but every time I stood up and tried
to walk, the slippers remained in place. I
attributed this lack of control to the relax-
ation I had just experienced. In response,
I decided to go to the kitchen without my
slippers, walking barefoot. As I approached
the bedroom door, I encountered a prob-
lem. When I touched the doorknob, I felt
the extreme coldness of the metal, but
lacked the strength to turn it. I resorted
to gripping it with both hands and exerted
force to turn it.
Suddenly, I realized my hands were
clenching with the effort I was exerting.
I was quite surprised at that moment. Al-
though I could still feel the shape of the
doorknob, my fingers passed through it,
as if it wasn’t there. While I tried to com-
prehend what was happening, my daugh-
ter stirred in her crib, accidentally hitting
her leg against the railing. This made me
turn around to check if she had woken up.
Since her crib was positioned at the foot
of my bed, upon seeing her, I also saw my-
self lying on the bed. It was then that I no-
ticed I was standing by the door, attempt-
ing to open it, while my body remained as
if I were doing exercises. Observing this, I
recalled Karran’s words, “Get out of your
body and you’ll see that you are a mind that
can see, feel, learn and think. Then you’ll
understand that the body is only a part of
yourself and not the whole of you.”
At that moment, I realized that I had
completely separated from my physical
body, and all my senses were intact, inde-
pendent of my body. I also realized that
there was no connection between me and
my physical body lying there, except for
the energy links that emanated from the
body and floated above it in the form of
cones. These links were initially small but
expanded as they moved away from my
physical body. It was also at this point that
I recollected the teachings I had grown up
hearing within my religion. Teachings like,
“One should not attempt to unravel the
mysteries of God” or “The spiritual realm
is inhabited by angels and demons.” The
term “demon” had always frightened me
immensely, and this fear began to grip me,
fearing that one of them might manifest at
that very moment. Under the influence of
this fear, I released my grip on the door-
knob and hurried back to the bed. That
night, I am unsure of how I returned to
my body, but all I can recall is that when I
did, I trembled with fear to the extent that
the bed shook. This marked my first out-
of-body experience.
I want to clarify to the reader that today,
after thirteen years of practicing this work,
I know from experience that the moment
I left my body was not when I rolled to the
edge of the bed, but rather when I ceased
feeling its weight and the sensation of it
inflating. Furthermore, I wish to empha-
size that this sensation of inflation is a re-
sult of the heightened perception that ac-
companies our progress in this practice.
Thus, at that particular moment, I could
perceive the energy inherent in the phys-
ical body as well as the energy I had just
harnessed through the breathing exercises.

The days that followed were challenging
for me due to the absence of someone to
whom I could confide in about what had
occurred. I was afraid of experiencing an-
other out-of-body episode, but I was un-
willing to cease practicing the exercises
taught by Karran. This was especially true
after I had obtained my first tangible out-
come, confirming Karran’s teachings and
solidifying my belief that I was more than
just a physical body. Consequently, every
time I engaged in the exercises at night,
I grappled with the certainty of the re-
sults of this practice and my own fear.
This situation became distressing because
whenever I began to perceive the growing
weight and volume of my body, I would
halt the exercise, rise from bed, and go to
the window or the kitchen. When the fear
became overwhelming, I would sit in the
living room and turn on the television. I
did all this in the hope of dissipating the
fear of that moment, and I would only re-
turn to bed when I believed there was no
possibility of leaving my body. Neverthe-
less, something remarkable was unfolding.
Whenever I managed to sleep, my dreams
became much clearer. They no longer had
the confusing mix of images that dreams
usually have. My dreams now had a dis-
tinct beginning, middle, and end, and each
morning I vividly remembered all that had
transpired during the night. I recalled the
names and appearances of individuals I
had encountered, as well as the topics we
had discussed. Admittedly, I did not al-
ways comprehend why these subjects were
being broached, attributing it to fear and
my preoccupation with leaving my body.
However, I later came to realize that all
those subjects and individuals were striv-
ing to aid me in the challenging yet attain-
able pursuit of self-consciousness.
Some time later, I had my second con-
scious out-of-body experience. On that
night, I didn’t go to bed too early because
I had visitors who left around midnight.
After taking a shower, I mentally got ready
for the exercises and began doing them
like I do every day.
I performed the first two exercises while
standing, and for the third one, I reclined
and continued my practice. As I began to
sense the weight in my body, the impulse
to rise emerged. However, drowsiness had
taken hold of me. I shifted from my po-
sition and turned onto my side. I attempt-
ed to get up and stroll within the house,
but the overwhelming sleepiness and my
fear of leaving my body impeded me. It
required an extraordinary effort to rise
and make my way to the bedroom win-
dow. My vision was impaired, obscured
by a mist, and I felt incredibly light. Lean-
ing against the window, I intended to rest
there for a while. However, after a few
moments, my vision started to clear, the
drowsiness began to dissipate, and before
long, I felt quite well. It was then that I be-
came aware of the distinctiveness of the
night. Alongside the darkness, there was
a new luminosity permeating everything I
gazed upon. It emanated from the plants
in the courtyard, the walls of the build-
ings, the pavement of the street, and even
the passing cars. While I was observing all
of this, I noticed an elderly man emerging
from a street that intersected with Cândi-
do Benício Street. He paused and lingered
by the bakery entrance, fixing his gaze up-
on me for a while.
Then he crossed the street towards
the building. When he reached the mid-
dle of the courtyard, he paused, glanced
at me, and continued walking, but not to-
wards the gate. Instead, he moved direct-
ly beneath my window. Being on the ninth
floor, I felt no fear. In fact, his presence
instilled in me a sense of security and tran-
quility. However, something peculiar oc-
curred. He approached the wall and con-
tinued walking in the same manner, now
heading towards me, moving quietly and
gracefully along the wall. I watched in as-
tonishment, devoid of fear. When he was
nearly on the seventh floor, he halted. His
gaze remained fixed upon me. It seemed
as though, in that moment, he was study-
ing and analyzing me. He must have re-
alized that his presence did not elicit fear
but rather amazement. After all, it was the
first time I had witnessed someone walk-
ing along a wall. He smiled. Then, he lift-
ed his feet off the wall and floated in the
air right in front of me, outside the build-
ing at the height of the ninth floor. Up un-
til that point, neither of us had spoken or
made any direct contact. Unable to bear
the silence any longer, I posed a question
to him, “How do you manage to do this
without falling down?”
“It is quite simple to accomplish. I am
capable of much more. And I am not the
only one who can do it; you can too.”
I gazed at him, then glanced downward
before uttering, “Wait a second! What is
happening here? How can I do this when
I am even afraid to lean a bit further out
of the window? How can I float outside?”
He responded, “You want to know how
you can do it as well?”
“I cannot!”
“You can! Can you not see that I can?”
“I can see.”
“And do you trust me?”
“I am certain that you are doing this, it is
not about trust, I see it!”
“Then give me your hand, and I will
bring you out here.”
With immense trepidation, I extended
my hands to him. He firmly grasped them,
and I felt myself being pulled outside.
However, I noticed no effort on his part.
Once I was already outside, he spoke to
me, “If you wish, you can open your eyes
and perceive that you, like me, are out-
side your window. Moreover, you should
understand that space can be as solid as
we desire. It can also be gentle and light
like the wind, as smooth as a breeze. It can
be as dark as the night and as viscous as
swamps. Now, you will encounter a place
where, I believe, you will gain substantial
We began moving through space, ini-
tially at a slow pace. Eventually, I felt our
speed increasing as the wind blew against
me with greater intensity. At this point, he
said, “Feel the wind passing through your
body, through your hair, and most impor-
tantly, recognize that in space, we can soar
like birds or swim like fish.”
Immediately after uttering these words,
I felt that we had come to a halt. I believed
we had arrived. I then heard his voice once
again, “You can open your eyes.”
Upon opening my eyes, I found myself
in an environment resembling a hospital
laboratory, filled with individuals dressed
in white uniforms, aprons, and masks. Ev-
eryone was engrossed in their work. He
instructed me once more, “Wait here; I’m
going to that compartment.”
The compartment was another small
room, with half of it appearing like a wall
and the other half resembling glass, allow-
ing me to see him from the waist up. How-
ever, something peculiar occurred. The
room he had entered began to fill with
smoke. The smoke was not white but rath-
er green, and it appeared denser than what
I was accustomed to seeing. Then, just as
quickly as it had materialized, the smoke
dissipated, and I could not discern where
it had vanished. Yet, when the smoke had
completely dispersed in that compartment,
the person standing before me was no lon-
ger the same as the one who had brought
me there. Now he was a brunette man, ap-
pearing to be around 45 or 50 years old, tall,
with gray hair, strong build, broad shoul-
ders, and he was wearing a white shirt with
black stripes, with the sleeves rolled up to
the middle of his arms. The shirt had a
wide collar and loose, flowing sleeves. He
also wore black high-waisted pants with
buttons at the front. I observed the row
of buttons fastening the waistband. As he
drew near, I inquired, “You went in there
looking one way and emerged looking dif-
ferent, or am I mistaken?”
“No, you’re not mistaken. However, if
I had approached you in this appearance,
would you have trusted me? Would you
have come here with me?”
“I don’t believe so,” I replied.
“That was precisely the reason for my
change in appearance. Now, Bianca, you
can relax. Do as you please. Walk around,
examine everything up close, and touch
whatever you desire.”
Having spoken these words, he went
to speak with the individuals who were
working in the lab. Meanwhile, I contin-
ued to survey my surroundings. However,
something seemed wrong in that place. As
I walked through the room, endeavoring
to observe things more closely, I noticed
that when I passed by and looked at them,
the individuals acted as if I were invisible.
It was as though they couldn’t see me, as
they showed no reaction to my presence.
They all continued to work, wholly obliv-
ious to me. This situation left me feeling
perplexed because, simultaneously, while
they seemed oblivious to my presence,
the man who had brought me there was
talking to them. After realizing that I had
already examined everything up close, he
approached me and said, “Now, it’s time
to go.”
He returned to the room where he had
previously changed his appearance. The
smoke reappeared in the room. After it dis-
sipated, he had the same previous appear-
ance, he looked exactly the same—clear
skin, white hair, shorter height, and wear-
ing the same gray suit and brown shoes.
He also appeared much older. When he
approached me again, he asked, “Do you
want to see anything else or ask any ques-
“No. On your way back, please explain
everything to me.”
“Then close your eyes. We will return.”
I closed my eyes and felt that sensation
of my feet leaving the ground once more.
Then there was wind and a sense of speed.
When we arrived, he accompanied me to
the courtyard of the building and asked me
to open my eyes. Then he inquired, “What
now? Will you go through the building en-
trance or stay here?”
“No, I can’t go through the entrance.
My apartment door is locked, and the key
is inside.”
“Then let’s walk.”
“But how do we walk?”
“Just like I arrived.”
He walked a bit on the wall and called
out to me, “Come on!”
“But I can’t!”
“Yes, you can!”
“I can’t!” I insisted.
I placed one foot on the wall but lacked
the courage to put the other. I was afraid
of falling. He returned to the ground and
said, “I’ll hold you.”
He placed both hands on my back.
“Now you’re going to start climbing.
Don’t be afraid, I’m right behind you, hold-
ing you.”
I began to climb. Then I felt weightless,
light. When I glanced back, he was follow-
ing me, but he was farther down. As soon
as I realized that I was climbing alone, I
began to fall, but he quickly caught me. We
reached my window, and he positioned me
to face him, “I’ll place you inside.”
After I was safely inside the room, I
wanted to know where he had taken me,
which place it was. He replied that we had
gone to one of their many hospitals. I also
asked if the people in the laboratory had
seen me.
“They did. But they were instructed to
pretend they didn’t see you. We thought it
would be more comfortable for you to see
and touch what you desired.”
What was the green smoke you used to
change your appearance?
It wasn’t smoke. It was plasma energy.
We utilize it to alter our appearance and
materialize things as well.
Why did you change your appearance
We didn’t want anything to frighten you.
Now, it’s time for you to sleep.
But I’m not sleepy!
Nevertheless, it’s good for you to sleep
while I’m here.
Are you leaving already? I asked.
I will go, but I’ll wait for you to go to
bed first.
You haven’t told me your name so far.
At the moment, I don’t think my name
is important.
But of course, your name is important to
me. How will I refer to you? How should
I address you?
What do you think I resemble, in your
Until now, you have acted like a profes-
Then, for you, I will be the professor.
As he said this, he approached the win-
dow and entered my room. I stepped aside
to let him in. As I moved backward, I
leaned against the wall, facing my bed. On-
ly then did I notice that my body was lying
there. Until that moment, I hadn’t seen my
body and had thought that everything was
happening within the physical world, nev-
er outside of it. He noticed my fear and
apprehension and quickly came to calm
me down, “You must not be afraid. The
knowledge you have acquired is meant for
this to occur.”
“But, professor, I don’t see the channel
that Karran mentioned, which is meant
for us to exit and enter the body.”
“Do not fear. Approach your body, and
it will draw you towards it.”
He took my hand, and we approached
my body. Before returning to it, I asked,
“And now? How am I going to talk about
everything I have seen? How will I explain
this to others?”
“You will not speak of it. You are go-
ing to return to your body, sleep, and I will
come back another time. It is important
for you to return to the environment we
visited today regularly. One or two con-
scious exits from our physical bodies are
enough for us to confirm the existence be-
yond our physical form, but it is not suf-
ficient to comprehend the world outside
this physical frequency or attain self-con-
sciousness. So, do not rush. It is a long
Before fully merging with matter, before
placing my head into my physical body, I
saw him exiting through the window. Once
I realized I was back in my body, I got up
and sat in the living room. I didn’t sleep
for the remainder of the night. Instead, I
spent the time trying to comprehend what
had happened to me, reflecting on the pro-
fessor’s words. I was particularly intrigued
by how he had used the smoke known as
plasma energy to alter his appearance.
What fascinated me the most, this time,
was not fear but rather a mix of anticipa-
tion, euphoria, and inner joy. In that mo-
ment, my happiness was so overwhelming
that I even thought I might be the only
truly happy human being on Earth.


After the second conscious exit, I went
through a period of over thirty days with-
out realizing that I was leaving my body.
During this time, I didn’t encounter the
professor, not even in my dreams. I men-
tion this because my nights became rest-
less due to the vividness of my dreams,
which grew increasingly frequent. In these
dreams, I met various individuals and vis-
ited different places, all of which appeared
exceptionally clear to me. On numerous
occasions, I even influenced the course of
these dreams, particularly when I didn’t ap-
preciate what I was witnessing. Allow me
to describe one such dream.
One night, after completing the exercis-
es, I fell into a deep sleep. I emphasize the
depth of my sleep because, this time, I ex-
perienced no discernible reactions that I
could attribute to the work I had been un-
dertaking. The dream that unfolded was
exceptionally lucid and conscious. I found
myself in a location resembling a sacrificial
square, accompanied by two individuals.
Together, we traversed this square, await-
ing something unknown to me. Howev-
er, I felt intense anxiety, and the familiarity
of the place struck me. Overwhelmed by
nervousness, I observed numerous people
arriving and settling around the square. I
felt that something significant was about
to happen, yet I couldn’t understand why
my anxiety was so heightened or why the
two individuals accompanying me were
observing me so intently, closely monitor-
ing my every reaction.
It didn’t take long before I witnessed
some men bringing a woman with her
hands tied. They were on horseback while
she walked, being pulled by one of them.
Upon seeing this scene, I experienced a
feeling of humiliation mixed with pro-
found despair. I felt an immense connec-
tion between myself and her. Suddenly, a
praying man appeared from somewhere,
and I observed him as he prayed, experi-
encing the same feeling of familiarity that
I had felt when I saw the woman. When
he finished his prayers, the crowd began
hurling stones and screaming hysterically
as they struck the woman, who remained
standing there. However, amidst the cha-
os, she screamed in pain at a certain point,
and I understood the excruciating agony
she was enduring, as I felt every stone hit-
ting her. In that moment, I started shout-
ing, “Stop! She is me! Stop! I cannot bear
to witness this any longer!”
As I cried out these words, the two indi-
viduals accompanying me held my hands,
and one of them asked, “Alright, but where
do we go, the past or the future?”
I cried and replied, “To my home, to my
I am unsure of how we managed to leave
that square, but I do know that shortly after-
ward, I woke up. Yet, something troubled
me deeply; this was not merely a dream.
I was genuinely frightened. The fear was
so intense that I went to drink some wa-
ter. However, the sensation of pain in my
body, originating from the stones, had not
gone away. For several days, I continued
to experience pain in various parts of my
body, as if I had indeed been stoned.
Observation: Certainly, at present, I
possess the knowledge to distinguish be-
tween a dream and an out-of-body experi-
ence, but this wasn’t the case in 1977. Back
then, my understanding was limited to rec-
ognizing my separation from my physi-
cal body when I saw it. Otherwise, I mis-
took it for a dream. Nowadays, I am aware
that the dreams in which I could active-
ly participate were not dreams at all but
rather conscious out-of-body experiences.
To grasp this distinction, I had to gain an
understanding of how brain energy oper-
ates during such experiences, specifically
the rise in brain impulses per minute and
the distribution of this energy within the


During another time when I left my
physical body, my professor guided me to
explore the city of the dead. I was greatly
surprised when he shared this opportunity
with me. I had been learning from him for
a while, and all he taught me was how to
stay aware, understand the reasons for our
limitations in the physical body, and ex-
plore past lives. These teachings aimed to
show that death doesn’t exist for humans
and that we have been part of the physical
world before. It confirmed the idea that
death is not the end. That’s when my pro-
fessor said to me, “Now you will get to
know the city of the dead.”
I was astonished by this revelation and
thought it was another test of reasoning,
which my professor had been giving me
since we first met.
He looked at me, noticing my aston-
ished reaction. So I asked him, “Profes-
sor, how can we get to know the city of
the dead if we are already in it? From what
I’ve learned, death doesn’t exist. The fre-
quency I’m in right now, where you are
too, is the realm of the deceased! You told
me that when we leave our bodies, we en-
ter this frequency. So for me, this is the
city of the dead.”
He continued observing me before an-
swering, “No, Bianca, the frequency we
are in is the frequency where all human be-
ings belong after they are created. We exist
here whether we have a physical body or
not. When we have a body, we can interact
with the physical world, but we can also
leave our bodies and enter this frequency,
which is the main frequency for humans.
It’s not the city of the dead here because
consciousness and knowledge prevail. A
person truly dies when their conscious-
ness no longer exists, when their willpow-
er fades away. Even the realm without con-
sciousness exists here, within our frequen-
cy, the frequency of human beings.”
As soon as he finished giving these ex-
planations, he took hold of my hands and
said, “Let’s go now. You need to see it.
Only then can you truly understand every-
thing I’ve just told you.” I closed my eyes,
as was my habit when transitioning from
one place to another, outside of my phys-
ical body. It was fear, I suppose. I felt the
familiar sensation of leaving my body, with
the wind rushing through me, through my
hair, and the sense of movement. In that
moment, we were moving towards what
he had described as the city of the dead.
When we arrived, he beckoned me, saying,
“Come, come and see.”
I opened my eyes and saw a wide space.
In this place, I saw many people lying still,
as if deeply asleep. We walked among them,
but nothing moved. It was completely qui-
et and still, even the usual sounds of the
wind were absent. Everything was silent,
like death. I felt scared by this disturbing
discovery and the gloomy atmosphere.
The air felt heavy with negativity, suffocat-
ing. In that moment, my professor point-
ed to the path ahead, urging me to contin-
ue. I really wanted to go back, to escape
from that place, but he wouldn’t allow it.
So, I held tightly onto his hand and con-
fessed, “This place terrifies me, it fills me
with dread.”
He said, “Looking at me, don’t worry.
Fear and the feeling of chills are reactions
of the animal body that human beings ex-
perience. This vision frightens all animal
matter, whether human or not, because
life, for any animal, ends with death. Since
you have a body, you experience fear. But
now you must remember that you are a hu-
man being, and as a human being, you sur-
vive the death of the physical body. Now,
come! You need to observe and notice the
details. Pay attention to the expressions.
See how serene everyone is, with gentle
I continued to look and then reasoned
and asked, “Professor, these people ar-
en’t dead; they are unconscious. I can see
them, so they exist. So, professor, what is
the cause? What leads human beings to
this unconsciousness?”
“There are many causes that lead to hu-
man unconsciousness, and I’m sure you’ll
discover them. So let’s keep walking and
observing. Because, like any human be-
ing, you have the answer within you. Now,
look for this answer within yourself. But
remember, the answer is unique and it’s re-
lated to physical facts and interpretations,
limited knowledge about the Creator, and
lack of knowledge about the human be-
ing. Keep searching for this answer.”
“Professor, when will they wake up? Or
will they never wake up? Are they in an
eternal sleep, as some religions claim based
on the Bible, one of our sacred books?
Professor, before I met Karran, I didn’t
believe that anything could survive phys-
ical death. That’s why I was so impressed
when Karran told me, ‘I don’t talk to you,
body. Your material body cannot answer
anything without your actual presence.’
So, professor, can you answer these ques-
tions? Or is this another thing that you’ve
been telling me that I will have to wait to
“No, Bianca. From now on, you are em-
barking on a new stage in your learning.
Today, you will take a decisive step in the
pursuit of human knowledge. In order to
do so, you must share your observations
and insights with me. First, what does
death mean to you? Second, what causes
a person to condition themselves to die?
Third, why do these events occur in the
physical world? Fourth, how do you per-
ceive unconsciousness? Fifth, apart from
these unconscious individuals, what else do
you observe in this environment? One of
the pathways to consciousness and knowl-
edge is to maintain a keen sense of ob-
servation, regardless of the circumstanc-
es. Therefore, everything that exists within
this realm is a human capability and must
be closely observed.”
“First, professor, death no longer makes
sense to me because I have personally ex-
perienced evidence that show its nonexis-
tence. I perceive the loss of the body only
as a form of renewal.
Second, I believe that a lack of knowl-
edge about the spiritual world is what ulti-
mately leads to a person’s death.
Third, I am of the opinion that these
phenomena occur exclusively within the
physical realm, as our ability to reason is
constrained by the limitations imposed by
the accidents we suffered.
Fourth, I consider unconsciousness as
an impediment that obstructs our par-
ticipation in the spiritual or extraphysical
realm, as Karran suggests.
Fifth, in this particular place, unlike the
others I have experienced with you, I can
only perceive these unconscious individu-
als. Here, the boundaries of my visual and
auditory abilities are restricted by an im-
penetrable energy barrier, preventing me
from perceiving anything beyond the im-
mediate environment and only allowing
me to hear your communications. If there
is anything different in this place, it is un-
doubtedly this energy barrier. Now, pro-
fessor, I am curious to know if these in-
dividuals will eventually regain conscious-
“You will know. All the answers you
seek will be revealed through the knowl-
edge you have now gained access to. Now,
let us return and exit this environment, as
you seem to be experiencing fear here, am
I correct?”
“It’s strange, professor. I no longer feel
fear, but rather a profound emptiness and
an unfamiliar sensation of helplessness in
this situation, despite not being afraid.”
As we were departing from that place,
the professor, using hand gestures, creat-
ed a passage for us in the energy barrier.
While we were leaving, I posed a question
to him, “Professor, do many people come
to visit this place?” “No, a lot of people
come here.”
Following his answer, he guided me back
to my physical body.

2st part

In the nights that followed, I contin-
ued studying the same subject. The first
place I visited after the city of the dead
was a hospital. According to my professor,
in order to understand human beings and
gain control over the body, we need first
know what is part of their physical and ex-
traphysical life.
We arrived at the hospital, a large and
beautiful modern building. Its exterior was
painted a vibrant yellow and emitted a ra-
diant glow from the walls. Unlike the des-
olate city of the dead, the hospital bustled
with activity. People were seen walking
around, some leaving the building while
others were entering. We stood in a court-
yard facing the hospital.
Professor placed his arms on my shoul-
ders and guided me towards the entrance
of the building. We entered and found
ourselves in a reception area with a spa-
cious waiting room. Several people were
engaged in conversations with each oth-
er. Professor left me sitting in the waiting
room and approached the reception desk,
where he spoke to a gentleman seated be-
hind it. The man wrote something on a
card, which professor then brought back
to me. Together, we made our way towards
a set of back-and-forth doors leading to
a wide corridor. Inside the building, there
were doors on both sides of the corridor,
but we proceeded towards a large trans-
parent door near the end of the hallway.
As we passed through that door, profes-
sor handed the card to a man whom I pre-
sumed to be in charge of the hospital. It
seemed that our visit was now authorized.
We explored various departments, in-
cluding patient wards, intensive care units,
and state-of-the-art operating rooms
equipped with advanced surgical instru-
ments. Throughout the hospital, I wit-
nessed numerous doctors and nurses dili-
gently attending to their duties. It was par-
ticularly fascinating to see doctors dressed
in white garments, carrying medical bags
and stethoscopes, while nurses hurried-
ly entered patient rooms, carrying trays of
medications. Everything appeared so nor-
mal that I began to doubt whether this hos-
pital existed in the physical realm or not.
This led me to ask, “Is this hospital we are
visiting located in the physical plane?”
It was surprising to hear him say that this
hospital existed only on the spiritual plane,
and it wasn’t the only one. There were oth-
ers, some even larger than the one we were
currently visiting.
“But, professor,” I exclaimed, “I thought
that in the out-of-body state, we could sim-
ply do things without the need for equip-
ment, instruments, or anything of that sort!
Why do the patients here require beds?
Why are nurses and doctors needed? Why
would someone, after losing their physi-
cal body, still require surgery? I had heard
about spiritual surgeries being performed
on individuals with physical bodies, but I
didn’t know it was necessary in the out-
of-body state! I thought that by shedding
the physical body, all problems would be
resolved, and none of this would be nec-
essary. Why does all of this exist, profes-
“You have many questions,” he replied.
“Time will bring you understanding, and
the answers will be revealed to you. How-
ever, I can provide you with an answer to-
day. Everything that exists on the physical
plane first originates here, on the spiritu-
al plane. Nothing occurs there that hasn’t
been first experienced here.”
Our visit continued, and we proceeded to
visit the rooms of the patients. I observed
that some of them were already up and
walking, while others were seated in arm-
chairs. In many other rooms, patients were
lying in bed. Among the patients in beds,
some appeared to be asleep, while others
were awake. I witnessed nurses adminis-
tering medication and fulfilling requests,
such as providing water to a patient who
asked for it. In the largest bedroom, multi-
ple beds were occupied. Within this room,
many expressed complaints of pain in var-
ious parts of their bodies, and some even
shed tears. There were doctors and nurses
attending to the sick within this room. It
was the last place we visited, because pro-
fessor said that my time was running out
and I’d have to go back to my body.
As we left, we passed by a gentleman
who I believe was the head of the hospi-
tal. He handed the professor the card he
had left when we entered. We walked back
down the same corridor, and as I walked,
I marveled at the beauty of the hospi-
tal. Observing the walls, I noticed a slight
tremor, akin to the ground shaking under
the scorching sun. From a distance, one
could see a translucent glow rising from
the ground in waves. That’s how I saw the
walls, as if they were shimmering. The in-
terior of the hospital was predominant-
ly white, including the beds. Some doors
even had drawings reminding people to
maintain silence, indicating that it was in-
deed a hospital.
We proceeded to the reception room,
where I waited while the professor ap-
proached the receptionist and handed him
the card. Upon his return, I inquired about
the people in the waiting room, wonder-
ing if they were hospital patients or sim-
ply waiting for visiting hours. The profes-
sor explained that they were most likely
accompanying someone who had recent-
ly lost a loved one. They were still waiting
there for updates and information.
As for the visits of relatives, friends, ac-
quaintances, who are already part of the
spiritual world, aren’t allowed in the first
moments or in the first days that a person
loses their body. Because they don’t know
that this fact has happened. The presence
of people, who they know have no more
body, can increase the trauma and make it
difficult to recover and adapt to this new
reality. For this reason, they are only vis-
ited by doctors and nurses, or, when nec-
essary, by acquaintances and relatives that
they know they still have body.
All this was being said to me as we left
that hospital. I saw that in that room some
people were tense, worried, others were
calm. Anyway, everything there was very
human, very normal.
When we were outside, the professor told
me that I’d come back there several times,
because it was necessary to learn, and on-
ly practice leads to understanding. There-
fore, there would be given my first classes
on behavior and adaptation of the human
being in the spiritual world. After saying
this, he brought me back to my body.
After my initial visit to the hospital, I
stayed away for a few days because I hadn’t
yet fully mastered consciously leaving my
body. There were times when, even though
I knew I was out of my body, I couldn’t
think clearly or see properly. I would often
forget what the professor and I had dis-
cussed. The lack of control over my vision
made things even more challenging. Some-
times the images would disappear, leaving
everything in darkness. Other times, the
images would shake and move, distract-
ing and confusing me. However, once the
professor noticed that I had gained con-
trol over all my senses, our lessons contin-
About ten days later, we returned to the
hospital and once again stopped in the
courtyard in front of the building. The
professor asked me what the place was and
what it contained. I informed him that it
was a hospital and that he had already tak-
en me there before. I didn’t find his ques-
tion strange. It was his usual practice to
have me recount previous experiences
whenever we revisited a location. He be-
lieved it strengthened memories and en-
hanced comprehension.
We then proceeded to walk to the en-
trance of the building. Upon reaching the
front desk, he escorted me to the count-
er to obtain a card. I overheard him intro-
ducing himself. Initially, he mentioned his
name and then said, “I have been assigned
to represent a new line of work that Kar-
ran is undertaking.” With the card in our
possession, we proceeded down the hall-
way. After passing through the transparent
door, he returned the card to the individ-
ual seated there. This time, the professor
guided me to a room that I had not previ-
ously visited. Inside, I noticed several doc-
tors present. I was introduced to each of
them, with a particular emphasis on one
individual. The professor informed me
that his name was Hulff and that he over-
saw one of the teams at the hospital. This
was an incredibly thrilling moment for me,
as it marked the first occasion where the
professor introduced me to someone be-
yond the physical world. It is worth noting
that while I had encountered and talked
to different individuals previously, this was
the first time I was formally introduced to
someone and learned their name. This mo-
ment remains one of the numerous signif-
icant moments in my journey of learning
beyond my physical body.
After the introductions, the professor
proceeded to explain to Dr. Hulff the rea-
son for my presence in the hospital and the
purpose of my visit. Dr. Hulff engaged in
a brief conversation with me, seemingly to
assess my level of reasoning and under-
standing at that moment. He quickly real-
ized that I had little to no knowledge of
medicine. Based on this observation, he
concluded that the best approach for me
to learn would be through hands-on in-
volvement in the work whenever possible.
Dr. Hulff extended an invitation to both
the professor and me to accompany him
to the clinic. Upon arrival, I observed that
everyone present, aside from the doctors
and nurses, had recently lost their physi-
cal bodies. They were currently receiving
“first aid” following the separation from
their physical form. Dr. Hulff informed
me that all the doctors who practice in the
outpatient clinic are general practitioners
and have obtained their medical education
in our physical realm.
He went on to explain that the cause
of each individual’s condition was deter-
mined in the clinic, after which they were
referred to specialized teams based on
their specific case. To provide me with a
clearer understanding of his explanation,
Dr. Hulff took some prepared charts and
approached each person listed on them.
By having the charts in hand, he was able
to address the patients by their names as
he approached them. He then posed the
following questions, “What happened to
you? What brought you here?”
As the person responded, Dr. Hulff put
on his stethoscope and listened to the pa-
tient’s heart. He took their blood pressure
and then proceeded to press different parts
of the patient’s body, asking if it caused any
pain. He also inquired about the person’s
place of residence and the names of their
close relatives, such as their father, moth-
er, husband, or wife. The main question
he asked was whether the person knew the
name and location of the hospital.
I noticed that Dr. Hulff would accept
whatever name the patient mentioned for
the hospital, as well as their provided lo-
cation. When we were on our way back, I
couldn’t help but ask him a question, “Dr.
Hulff, why do you agree with patients when
they give the wrong name and address of
this hospital? I haven’t heard any of them
answer that question correctly.”
Dr. Hulff explained, “For those who
have recently arrived, this hospital can have
any name and address they desire. Only af-
ter they, with our assistance, rid themselves
of the sensations of the physical body, can
we show them that this hospital doesn’t
exist on the physical plane. Just as they are
no longer part of it either.”
I wanted to ask more questions, but
the professor advised against it, suggest-
ing that I should focus on assimilating one
thing at a time. I wondered why there was
a rush. As a human being, I was a part of
eternity, so time for learning would not be
After saying goodbye to Dr. Hulff, the
professor said goodbye to me as well. We
retraced our steps and exited the building.
Once we were outside, I expressed my ex-
citement to the professor. Once again, his
response left a strong impression on me.
He cautioned me to exercise control over
my emotions when returning to the phys-
ical world, as the intense emotion I was
experiencing had originated outside the
physical frequency. He explained that this
kind of emotion could be very strong and
different, potentially causing fear or dis-
tress in my physical body. He emphasized
that this was undesirable because a fright-
ened body could hinder our consciousness
while we were within it. Following this ex-
planation, he guided me back to my phys-
ical body.


In the nights that followed, I experienced
continued confusion, which is natural for
someone who is learning to control their
body and awareness outside of the body.
This statement may be difficult to grasp
for those who don’t practice exercises or
don’t have conscious access to the spiritual
realm. However, for individuals like me
who engage in such practices, we are aware
of the challenges we face in controlling
our consciousness when we navigate the
spiritual realm. This difficulty arises from
the ingrained habit of having a limited
consciousness, a limitation imposed by
the accidents we encounter while in our
physical bodies, as Karran mentioned.
It is widely known that when we separate
from our physical body, we carry the
energetic remnants of our body with us
for a considerable time. This energy acts
as a limitation and contributes to our
Now, I will recount my third conscious
visit to that hospital.
When I arrived, the professor accompa-
nied me to the room where Dr. Hulff was
waiting. He remained as attentive as the
first time we met during my second vis-
it to the hospital. Dr. Hulff proceeded to
ask me a series of questions about my ex-
periences and observations from my ini-
tial class with him. This fact was a great
surprise to me, much like everything that
had been happening since my first con-
scious out-of-body journey. The profes-
sor stayed silent, observing us, while Dr.
Hulff prompted me to recall the events of
my time with him. I responded as usual,
answering all his inquiries, but I couldn’t
help glancing at the professor with a sense
of fear. I was afraid that he would leave me
alone with Dr. Hulff at the hospital. This
fear grew stronger as Dr. Hulff continued
speaking. It was interesting because I was
fully aware of being outside my physical
body and that death didn’t exist, yet the
fear persisted. It was a fear of Dr. Hulff
and other people. And it was because of
this fear that I experienced one of my first
embarrassments. While Dr. Hulff was en-
grossed in conversation with me, the pro-
fessor, who had been standing motion-
less, suddenly decided to walk around the
room. This gesture led me to believe he
was about to leave. That’s when fear com-
pletely overwhelmed me, and I could no
longer resist. I rushed to the professor’s
side, pleading, “Please, professor! Don’t
leave me alone here with him! I’m terrified
of Dr. Hulff because he’s dead!”
Hearing me say these words, the pro-
fessor walked alongside me towards Dr.
Hulff. He took hold of my hand and, while
gripping it, posed the following questions,
“What sensations do you experience when
you hold my hand? Can you perceive its
shape? Do you notice any consistency or
lack thereof ?”
“Yes, professor, I can feel your hand,” I
Upon hearing my response, he placed
Dr. Hulff ’s hand on mine, instructing me
to feel Hulff ’s hand. “See if you notice any
With trepidation and at a slow pace, I
reached out to touch his hand, all the while
glancing at the professor who inquired, “Is
there any discernible difference?”
“No, there isn’t,” I answered.
“Why then are you afraid of him and not
afraid of me?” questioned the professor.
“Professor, you have already enlightened
me about the two categories of human be-
ings: those who were created with a physi-
cal body and those, like yourself, who don’t
have such a physical record. Therefore,
you are not deceased because you never
possessed a physical body. However, Dr.
Hulff informed me that all the doctors at
this hospital have studied medicine within
the physical realm. In that realm, when we
encounter someone who has died, we per-
ceive them as a ghost. I recollected this in-
formation as he spoke to me, and that is
why I told you he is dead.” Before the pro-
fessor could respond, Dr. Hulff rose from
his seat and remarked, “Do not worry. You
are not the first person to express this sen-
timent to me, and you certainly won’t be
the last. Here at this hospital, we hear such
statements every time someone becomes
aware that they no longer belong to the
physical world. Now, come along. Let us
proceed to the clinic.”
I walked alongside both of them, the
professor and Dr. Hulff. Upon arrival, Dr.
Hulff immediately approached a wom-
an who expressed difficulties in conceiv-
ing a child. She had just arrived. I was as-
tonished to see that despite no longer hav-
ing a physical body, she still had a prom-
inent belly, as if she were carrying a ba-
by inside. Dr. Hulff talked to the wom-
an, informing her that she would undergo
surgery to remove the baby. I noticed that
all the preparations for the operation were
promptly made. As she was being taken
to the operating room, I asked the doctor
if he was truly going to remove the baby
from her. He replied negatively, explain-
ing that the surgery aimed to remove the
energetic volume from her womb, allow-
ing her to release the lingering effects of
birthing contractions. This would facilitate
her swift recovery. Otherwise, she would
still recover, albeit at a slower pace, and
this sometimes results in deeply ingrained
marks. In such cases, multiple transitions
through the physical realm are necessary
for the person to truly alleviate the trau-
mas associated with the loss of the body. I
then turned to the professor and inquired
about the possibility of such occurrenc-
es happening to human beings. I noticed,
however, that his response was brief, as if
he was reluctant to elaborate on the mat-
ter. This is how he answered, “The human
being, as an integral part of Creation, pos-
sesses immense strength. And with pow-
er comes the necessity for balance. As this
equilibrium has not yet been achieved, hu-
man power tends to be more destructive
than constructive. For this reason, many
things that exist in this realm today were
created only to assist in restoring the lost
It was evident that he didn’t wish to delve
further into the subject. Additionally, I no-
ticed that Dr. Hulff was about to enter the
operating room, but before he did, he said
goodbye to both me and the professor. He
promised that if my consciousness per-
mitted, I would follow the patient’s recov-
ery process.
As I began returning to my body, I in-
quired whether they would perform a sur-
gical incision and open the woman’s abdo-
men, as is customary in the physical realm.
He informed me that if it was necessary
for her well-being, they would indeed per-
form the procedure.

Dr. Hulff ’s assurance that I would fol-
low that woman’s recovery process has sig-
nificantly increased my motivation to prac-
tice the exercises taught to me by Karran.
These exercises are responsible for grant-
ing me access to the spiritual realm. More-
over, based on my current understanding,
Karran has taken on the role of being my
guide and mentor in the physical world. In
other words, he is my professor.
I firmly believe that without his assis-
tance, I would never have been able to
learn and develop this ability without ven-
turing down the enigmatic and tumultuous
path of mysticism.
Karran possesses a profound knowledge
of both the spiritual and material worlds,
which, to me, seemed infinite until now.
Whenever he concludes an explanation,
he always advises me against the mistake
of interpreting his words. He expresses
it as follows, “The interpretation of facts
only reveals a lack of understanding about
them because when we truly understand,
we do not interpret, we know.”
It’s important to remember that Karran
also asks me not to interpret the words of
the person guiding me in the extraphysical
realm. In his own words, “We already have
enough understanding to learn and partic-
ipate in the spiritual realm. So, we no lon-
ger need unclear or cryptic phrases.”
“I have been and continue to be encour-
aged by these two men in my pursuit of
knowledge. Although I have been practic-
ing the exercises daily since I learned them,
I realized at that time that I was far from
achieving the ideal—full control of my
body that would enable me to have dai-
ly awareness outside of it. However, this
did not discourage me. Some time later,
when some time later, I managed to leave
my body, the professor took me back to
that hospital. Upon our arrival, Dr. Hulff
was not in his usual room as he was tend-
ing to the sick. Someone else guided us to
him. This time, he was pleased to see me
and allowed me to observe his work. Once
again, we visited several rooms.
I was eager to see that woman, so I asked
Dr. Hulff how she was doing. He informed
me that she was well but had been moved
to another wing, and we would go there.
On our way, between one wing and an-
other, Dr. Hulff stopped to talk to a doc-
tor who had been looking for him to dis-
cuss a newly arrived patient. It appeared
to me, at that moment, that Dr. Hulff al-
ready knew this patient, as I sensed a cer-
tain sadness between the two doctors. Dr.
Hulff inquired about the cause, and the
other doctor responded that it was cancer
in the head. This confirmed my suspicion
that the person was known to Dr. Hulff, as
he instructed the other doctor to refer the
patient to Dr. Chen’s surgical team.
Afterward, we proceeded to visit the
woman, but I noticed a change in Dr.
Hulff. He seemed tense or sad. I suggest-
ed that if he wanted to go see the newly
arrived patient, the professor and I would
wait there, and when he returned, we could
visit the woman together. However, he re-
plied that it wasn’t his case, and even if it
were, he wouldn’t be able to assist because
it involved one of his relatives in the phys-
ical realm.
We arrived at the bedroom, and he
opened the door. As I entered, I noticed
that the woman no longer had a swollen
belly and was no longer in pain. Howev-
er, she appeared very calm. Dr. Hulff ap-
proached her and began to examine her.
Then she asked him a question, wanting to
know if her husband had given any news
or if they had made arrangements for the
burial of the baby. I also observed Dr.
Hulff pretending to be unaware of what
had transpired, giving her unconvincing
responses like, “I don’t believe your child
has been buried. It hasn’t been that long
since your surgery. As for your husband
and relatives, they were all waiting for you
in this room when you returned from the
operating room. If I remember correctly,
he stayed with you throughout the night.
But he shouldn’t be gone for too long, so
stay calm.”
I overheard her asking when she would
be able to have her first meal because she
was hungry. Dr. Hulff inquired about her
food preference, and she mentioned that
she would like to have some soup. He made
a note of her request on the card. As we
exited the room, he called one of the nurs-
es from that ward and handed her the card,
asking her to ensure that the woman’s food
request was fulfilled. He then requested
the presence of a custodian. Shortly after,
a young man made himself available to Dr.
Hulff, who asked him to go to the woman’s
home and check if he could bring her hus-
band immediately to visit her. When the
young man left, I asked Dr. Hulff what
a custodian was, as the term held biblical
connotations for me. Dr. Hulff explained
that in hospitals like this one, custodians
were responsible for maintaining the con-
nection between patients and the physical
world for as long as necessary. At that mo-
ment, it was crucial for the woman to see
and talk to her husband to find comfort. I
then asked if her husband would remem-
ber being with her. Dr. Hulff stated that
since it was such a remarkable experience,
he would likely remember it. However, as
he couldn’t explain what had occurred, he
might think it was merely a dream.
Dr. Hulff ’s words deeply affected my
emotions. Suddenly, I realized how un-
aware we humans are of the true nature of
the world around us. We are also defense-
less in the face of the vastness of creation.
I pondered on how much that accident,
which Karran mentioned as the cause of
our unconsciousness, had harmed and lim-
ited our perception of human reality.
Therefore, when I returned to my body,
I couldn’t contain my sadness, and I cried.
I cried intensely, and for the first time, I
cried not for a person or out of pain, but
I cried for what is most sacred to me—hu-
man beings.

I want to let you know that the days that
followed were not easy for me. Howev-
er, when I regained consciousness, I ex-
plained everything that had been happen-
ing to me and how I felt about this new
reality to the professor. He listened atten-
tively as I spoke and I also asked him a few
questions. I was curious to understand why
I had cried when I returned to my body
previously. Additionally, I wanted to com-
prehend the reason behind my prevailing
sadness and my lack of desire to engage in
conversations with others, preferring soli-
tude instead.
As usual, the professor spoke very lit-
tle, but he provided enough insight for me
to grasp the situation. He explained that I
had shed tears because I had brought emo-
tions from the spiritual realm back into
my physical body. Regarding the sadness
I experienced, he clarified that one can-
not simply discard feelings acquired out-
side the physical body once inside it. He
assured me that with time, these emotions
would gradually subside, although it had
only been a short while since my return.
The professor elucidated that my reluc-
tance to speak was a result of my deep-
ened understanding of the world and peo-
ple. According to him, this behavior is con-
sidered normal because the more we com-
prehend, the less we feel the need to ver-
balize. After our conversation, we went to
the hospital. Upon arrival, Dr. Hulff took
me to visit various wings and intensive
care units where physiognomy restoration
was taking place. This allowed me to com-
prehend the significance of surgical pro-
cedures in such treatments. As Dr. Hulff
mentioned, nothing can weigh down a hu-
man being more than knowing that their
appearance is unpleasant to others. Subse-
quently, I was taken to one of the rooms
to witness the process of recovery first-
On the operating table lay a man await-
ing treatment, or rather, restoration of his
appearance. In that room, Dr. Hulff, the
professor, and I were mere spectators. At
that moment, I posed a question to Dr.
Hulff, seeking to understand if the man’s
appearance would be completely altered.
His response was both affirmative and
negative. With that said, he guided me to-
wards the table where the elderly man lay.
He requested that I observe him closely.
Initially, all I saw was a tired and weath-
ered face, as the man appeared to be at
least eighty years old. The team of doc-
tors who were responsible for the treat-
ment approached him. Surgical instru-
ments and equipment were arranged near-
by. One of the doctors initiated a conver-
sation with the elderly patient, inquiring
about his well-being and whether he felt
any fear. The old man responded that he
felt fine, but surgery always instilled a fear
within him, as he believed it might result in
his demise. It was at that moment the doc-
tor reassured him, guaranteeing his safe-
ty throughout the procedure. The doctor
also asked if there was anything the old
man wished to express or do before they
started their work. The elderly patient re-
quested a moment to pray, and everyone
in the room waited respectfully as he en-
gaged in his prayers. The atmosphere was
filled with complete silence. After he had
finished, the doctor who had spoken with
the patient previously informed him that
they would initiate the procedure by ad-
ministering anesthesia, and to avoid losing
consciousness, they would talk throughout
the entire duration of the treatment.
The old man nodded in understanding,
and the procedure began.
I then noticed that each doctor near the
table held pipes connected to large trans-
parent spheres suspended from the ceiling
above the table. These spheres exhibited
various colors—white, yellow, blue, green,
red, pink, and lilac. The colors were not
opaque but rather translucent, and they
flowed within the tubes held by the doc-
tors. I also observed adjustable nozzles at-
tached to the ends of these tubes. Every-
thing was prepared meticulously, with the
tubes filled with the respective colors cor-
responding to the spheres. From my van-
tage point, I discerned the formation of a
rainbow in the arrangement of these tubes.
Everything appeared exceptionally beau-
tiful and immensely intriguing. However,
the most awe-inspiring moment was yet
to unfold. Dr. Hulff requested that I di-
rect my attention towards the patient. The
doctor positioned at the head of the table
maintained a conversation with him while
the other doctors silently observed. During
their exchange, the doctor gradually shifted
the conversation towards the man’s phys-
ical life, beginning with his place of birth
and the names of his parents. The doc-
tor also inquired about the patient’s child-
hood. I noticed that some answers came ef-
fortlessly, while others required a moment
of reflection. However, when the doctor
delved into the subject of adolescence and
youth, I felt as though I was witnessing a
miracle. As the elderly man responded to
the doctor’s inquiries, his countenance be-
gan to transform. A youthful and robust
image emerged, gradually overlapping the
weary and aged face of the patient. Al-
though not entirely distinct, both aspects
were perceptible to me. Unfazed, the doc-
tor continued with his questioning. He fur-
ther inquired about the duration and loca-
tion of the man’s marriage, as well as the
name of his wife. With each response, the
overlapping image grew stronger, clearer,
yet remained translucent, adapting to the
passage of time. The doctor persisted with
his inquiries, always leading the old man
to reason as his answers were intrinsical-
ly linked to specific moments in his phys-
ical life.
And so the conversation progressed.
However, to my astonishment, there came
a moment when the overlapping image be-
came remarkably distinct. When the doc-
tor shifted his questioning towards more
recent events, the old man provided re-
sponses, yet the image no longer corre-
sponded to the current timeframe as it
had previously. Realizing this, the doctor
redirected his inquiries to earlier periods in
the patient’s life. Although the old man an-
swered accordingly, the overlapping image
remained unchanged. The doctor persist-
ed, posing questions about recent times,
but to no avail. The patient answered each
question, yet the image didn’t change. At
that point, the doctor turned his gaze to-
wards the others gathered around the ta-
ble. With a nod of affirmation, everyone
sprang into action. They retrieved the tubes
with adjustable nozzles they had prepared
and began applying jets of color to specific
points on the patient’s body. The sequence
was as follows: the first at the crown of
the head, the second at the center of the
forehead, the third at the throat, the fourth
at the chest, the fifth at the stomach, the
sixth at the abdomen, and near the pel-
vic region. As these colors were applied,
the overlapping image grew sharper and
more defined. The doctor who had given
the order for the others to make those ap-
plications gestured for them to stop their
actions. He then instructed the patient to
turn onto his stomach, a task that he ac-
complished swiftly. Once in position, the
doctors aligned all the nozzles with the
colors along the patient’s spine, reaching
up to the coccyx. They began applying the
colors from the bottom of the spine, go-
ing upward, switching beetween differents
shades. The doctor who had the device
placed near the patient’s neck was the last
ine to di this application. It seemed to me
that everything was over. The doctor in-
structed the patient to sit at the table and
attempt to get off it by himself. The man
did so with great agility. As he sat down
and faced the area where Dr. Hulff, the
professor, and I were observing, I had a
look at his face from the front. To my as-
tonishment and excitement, I could wit-
ness a new old man emerging from the ta-
ble. I say a new old man because the pre-
dominant appearance was that of a man
around forty years old. However, through
his new appearance, I could still perceive
the old image of the previous elderly man,
which had not completely vanished yet.
The old man wanted to know from the
doctors what had happened to him be-
cause, upon leaving the table, he noticed
that everything in his body had changed.
He examined his hands, arms, and legs
with excitement, pacing back and forth in
the room, seeking explanations from the
doctors about the transformation he had
just experienced. None of them respond-
ed, but I could see a smile and a sense
of excitement on each of their faces due
to what they had accomplished. The old
man’s emotions were so overwhelming
that, in that moment, it was nearly impos-
sible for anyone to provide him with an
explanation. However, I could sense that
the emotions had affected everyone pres-
ent, even the professor.
Subsequently, the doctors and the patient
left the room. Only Dr. Hulff, the profes-
sor, the doctor in charge of the treatment
I had witnessed, and I remained. The doc-
tor approached us and initiated a conver-
sation with Dr. Hulff and the professor. I
was introduced to him, and that’s when I
learned his name was Alan.
Dr. Alan started talking to me because,
just like I was amazed and touched by
what I had witnessed in that room, he also
expressed that he was equally astonished
and moved by my presence in that loca-
tion. He inquired with the professor about
my understanding of the frequencies and
what my intentions were upon returning
to my body, now aware of what had trans-
pired. I do not know the professor’s re-
sponse to Dr. Alan as, at that moment,
I was walking towards the table with Dr.
Hulff to get a closer look at the colored
tubes. Dr. Hulff proceeded to explain that
inside those transparent spheres, there was
energy extracted from patients in the op-
erating rooms.
In order for me to comprehend what he
meant, Dr. Hulff referred back to the preg-
nant woman. He explained that the wom-
an’s belly contained physical energy, which
accounted for its volume. His team’s ob-
jective was to extract and store that energy,
providing relief to the woman. The colors
I observed within the tubes represented
these energies. There, in that room, they
were used for the recovery of physical ap-
I asked Dr. Alan if the patient would still
appear younger. He responded negatively,
explaining that it was the appearance the
patient preferred. Otherwise, the image
would have been fixed at a different stage
of his life. Dr. Alan clarified that his pur-
pose in that room was to pinpoint the pre-
cise moment in each person’s physical ex-
istence when they desired to have their ap-
pearance restored.
Furthermore, he informed me that the
patient’s treatment was not yet complete,
and he had been referred to another team.
This team would address his psychologi-
cal recovery as it was time for him to ac-
knowledge that he no longer belonged to
the physical world. Once this process con-
cluded, the patient would return to that
room to finalize the restoration of his ap-
pearance. At that point, he would be pre-
pared to actively participate in the spiritu-
al realm.
Dr. Alan asked the professor about my
understanding of that frequency and what
I would do upon returning to my physical
body aware of what had happened in that
room. I don’t know what the professor’s
response was to Dr. Alan because, at that
moment, I was heading towards the table
with Dr. Hulff to take a closer look at the
colored tubes. Dr. Hulff explained that in-
side those transparent balls, there was en-
ergy extracted from patients in the operat-
ing rooms.
Dr. Hulff explained that inside those
transparent spheres, there was energy ex-
tracted from patients in the operating
To help me understand what he was
talking about, he brought up the exam-
ple of the pregnant patient. He explained
that the woman’s abdomen was filled with
physical energy, which accounted for its
size. His team’s role was to remove and
store that energy to provide relief to the
woman. The colored tubes I saw in the
room represented those energies. They
were used for the restoration of physiog-
nomic aspects.
I asked Dr. Alan if he was still going to
make the patient younger. He responded
that no, because that was the appearance
the patient preferred. If it were different,
the image would have settled at another
moment in his physical life. His purpose
in that room was precisely to find that spe-
cific moment for each person who came
to have their appearance restored.
He also informed me that the patient’s
treatment had not yet been completed
and he had been referred to another team.
This team would handle his psychological
recovery, as it was time for him to realize
that he no longer belonged to the physical
world. Once this work was finished, the
man would return to that room to com-
plete the recovery of his appearance. Then
he would be ready to fully participate in
the spiritual world.
Afterward, we talked a little more until
Dr. Hulff said goodbye to Dr. Alan. The
professor and I did the same and left.
We left the room and headed towards the
hospital reception. Before parting ways, Dr.
Hulff asked me about my thoughts on my
understanding of the spiritual world and
the human being. I responded that, in that
moment, it was impossible for me to ar-
ticulate anything due to the overwhelming
emotions that hindered my ability to rea-
son and reply. Upon hearing my response,
he paused and looked into my eyes for a
few moments. Then, without further dis-
cussion, he bid us farewell and we left.
Once we were outside the hospital, I at-
tempted to ask the professor something,
but he didn’t permit it. He stated that I
should refrain from asking questions at
that moment, as the path of knowledge is
filled not only with inquiries but also with
reflections. He encouraged me to take that
time to contemplate rather than ask. Sub-
sequently, he guided me back to my phys-
ical body.

After witnessing, outside of my physical
body, the miracle of human rejuvenation,
something strange happened to me. I be-
gan to feel more confident about life and
death. The fear that torments everyone no
longer troubled me, as I had overcome the
greatest fear of all—the fear of death. It
was then that I realized how this fear lim-
ite us in both our physical and non-physi-
cal lives. Having witnessed the restoration
of physical aspect, I became certain that
we, as human beings, have a chance be-
yond the confines of the physical body.
Even old age, which is a kind of disease,
had a remedy.
From that point onward, my perception
of the world and its existence underwent
a profound change. Life no longer carried
the same meaning for me as before, where
man is born, grows, and eventually dies, as
taught by my religious upbringing. The no-
tion that only our good deeds are recorded
by God for a potential resurrection lost its
hold on me. I started to feel a sense of se-
curity about life, recognizing it as a divine
gift rather than a reward for our virtuous
actions, as some groups or organizations
try to enforce upon us.
It is important to note that I hold no
opposition toward any religious group or
sect. During my journey of understand-
ing, I have come to appreciate the signif-
icance of these groups within our physi-
cal realm. However, it is true that I do not
agree with certain methods employed by
these groups. Yet, who am I to engage in
such debates? Who am I to determine what
is right or wrong? Especially after hearing
from Karran that “all that exists was or is
necessary.” Therefore, I shall refrain from
making judgments and instead continue to
share my experiences, as I have done so
I will now recount my sixth conscious
visit to the hospital. On this occasion, up-
on arriving with the professor, Dr. Hulff
asked him if I could accompany them to
another hospital. Initially, I sensed some
concern in Dr. Hulff ’s conversation. How-
ever, the professor reassured him that it
was not a problem. He explained that al-
though I might not fully comprehend what
I was about to witness, this visit to anoth-
er hospital would provide valuable insights
into the concepts he had been teaching me
since we first met.
The three of us proceeded to the oth-
er hospital. As we entered the courtyard, I
was taken aback to see several nuns among
the people making their way to the recep-
tion. I glanced at the professor, but it was
Dr. Hulff who said to me, “Don’t be sur-
prised, this is a Catholic hospital.”
The sight of the nuns did not astonish
me as much as hearing the words “Cath-
olic hospital.” Until that moment, during
my experiences outside of my physical
body, I had not encountered anything that
reminded me of religious groups. Apart
from the gentleman whose appearance
was restored and who requested to pray,
leading everyone to respectfully observe
a moment of silence, Dr. Hulff noticed
my concern. Nevertheless, the three of us
walked to the reception.
At the entrance of the hospital, I noticed
several differences compared to the pre-
vious one. The reception area was not as
spacious, and instead of armchairs, there
were large wooden benches. The over-
all atmosphere also seemed darker, likely
due to the gray walls rather than the white
ones in the previous hospital. I noticed
a crucifix image on display at the recep-
tion, something that was absent in the oth-
er hospital. I observed priests entering the
rooms, carrying a rosary and a black book,
which I assumed to be the Bible. I was in-
troduced to the mother superior, who was
in charge of the facility. This hospital was
also quite large, bustling with doctors and
nurses providing care to the sick.
I accompanied Dr. Hulff as he visited
various wings of the hospital, but the pro-
fessor discouraged me from asking any
questions. He wanted me to focus on ob-
serving what I could. On our way out, I
learned that Dr. Hulff also worked in oth-
er hospitals and had come to visit some
patients here. I had the opportunity to
meet another doctor, a friend of Dr. Hulff,
named Dr. Lino. He introduced himself
to me and mentioned that he had studied
pediatrics when he had a physical body.
However, in this hospital, he was practic-
ing a different field of medicine. We had
conversations about various topics, but I
believe Dr. Lino would prefer that I not
disclose the details of our discussion as it
delved into personal matters related to his
transition from our physical realm. As we
conversed, Dr. Hulff completed his tasks
and rejoined us where I was with the pro-
fessor and Dr. Lino.
We were waiting in one of the corridors
of the room wings. I referred to it as a
wing of rooms because there were also
collective wings where many people stayed
in the same area. In the wing where we
were waiting for Dr. Hulff, there were on-
ly patients who were in the process of be-
coming aware of their new condition of
life, the extraphysical life. It was there that
I had a great surprise. A priest and some
nuns passed by us, with the priest wearing
his liturgical vestments. He appeared to be
in a hurry. Curious about what was hap-
pening, I decided to ask the doctors. Dr.
Lino quickly replied, “They’re going to the
chapel. They are going to pray.”
I remember putting my hands on my
head and uttering just one word, “Pray?”
At that moment, the professor asked me
to remain silent and simply observe and
wait. It didn’t take long before we started
hearing the sound of sacred music, which
seemed to resonate throughout the hos-
pital. The music was pure and beautiful,
filling me with delight. It wasn’t loud, but
as the volume decreased, the voice of a
person praying grew more prominent, fill-
ing the atmosphere along with the music.
The voice came to the forefront while the
music receded into the background. It was
then that I noticed something I consid-
ered very significant. The voice belonged
to a single person, yet it echoed in the hos-
pital in multiple languages simultaneously.
As I stood there, deeply moved by what
I was hearing, something else caught my
attention. People began emerging from
every room, making their way toward the
chapel that Dr. Lino had mentioned. After
everyone had passed, Dr. Hulff informed
us that we could leave if we wished, as he
had completed all his tasks. I expressed
my desire to stay a little longer and con-
tinue listening to the music and prayers. I
asked to be taken to the chapel so that I
could witness the religious ceremony that
seemed so beautiful. However, the profes-
sor thought it would be best for me not to
see it at that moment, so we departed.
When we were outside, I inquired Dr.
Hulff about Dr. Lino performing a role
that wasn’t his usual function. Dr. Hulff
explained that Dr. Lino was still in the ad-
aptation phase, and as a result, his specific
role had not yet been defined.
I assumed that the professor would now
take me back to my physical body, but to
my surprise, he invited me to sit outside
the hospital. I didn’t understand the reason
for this invitation, but I followed his sug-
gestion and took a seat. He did the same,
and we sat there in silence. As time passed
without him saying anything, I eventually
asked him, “Why did we sit here?”
He responded that it was so I could lis-
ten to the prayers and religious songs that I
had expressed a strong desire to hear. It was
at that moment I realized that even though
we were outside the hospital, I could still
distinctly hear what was happening inside.
This realization made me ask him why we
had left the hospital in the first place since
I could hear everything from outside.
“The reason we left is both simple and
complex,” said the professor. He contin-
ued, “It’s simple to talk about but complex
to understand. Let’s see how you will com-
prehend it. Due to the accident that Kar-
ran told you about, the human being, in
their physical structure, experienced near-
ly complete inhibition at the energy feed-
ing points.
This inhibition caused blockages in the
distribution of the energy received by the
physical body, leading to differentiation
in its distribution within the human be-
ing. Something was created that didn’t ex-
ist before, not only in the physical plane
but also in the spiritual plane. Until then,
the two planes worked in perfect harmony.
However, with the energetic inhibition on
the physical plane, understanding became
diverse, and there was a complete forget-
fulness of the spiritual plane by those in
the physical plane. The human beings, in
their physical structure, started to form
groups based on the functioning of their
energetic areas. The similarity in the func-
tioning of energy areas gave rise to similar
visions, reasoning, and understanding, re-
sulting in the formation of these groups.
In order to meet the needs of the physical
plane, the spiritual plane had to organize
itself into groups corresponding to each
group formed on the physical plane. One
of these needs is the non-interference in
the performance of each group on the
physical plane. Since you have a physical
body, you are allowed to observe the work
of each group, but you need authorization
to do so.”
After providing me with these explana-
tions, we lingered there for a while, listen-
ing to the enchanting religious ceremony
taking place inside. Just as the priest’s ser-
mon was about to begin, the professor in-
vited me outside.
Still in my physical body and under the
enchanting effect of the religious music, I
began to ponder everything that the pro-
fessor had told me.
Reflecting on our conversation, I realized
that he was conveying the same concepts
that Karran had already discussed with me
during our initial encounter. These ideas
encompassed the burning of our neurons
and the subsequent decrease in brain func-
tionality, leading to the loss of memory re-
garding our physical origins and a discon-
nection from the extraphysical realm. That
night, I also observed a distinct difference
in language between the professor and
Karran when discussing the same subject.
For instance, when the professor used the
term “physical structure,” he was referring
to what Karran denotes as the physical
body. To elucidate what Karran had pre-
viously conveyed about the flow of ener-
gy within our bodies, the professor stated,
“The physical structure of the human be-
ing has undergone nearly complete inhibi-
tion in the energetic feeding points.”
While discussing the brain, he used
the following statement, “This inhibition
caused a blockage in the area responsible
for distributing the energy received by the
physical body.” As you can see, the differ-
ent perspectives on the same subject lead
to a common mistake we make when re-
ceiving information from beings of anoth-
er planet or the spiritual realm, as the pro-
fessor explains.
Often, we presume that they are con-
veying more than what was explicitly spo-
ken, and as a result, we start using our rea-
soning not to understand but to interpret
their words. Consequently, at some point,
everything that was said loses its intend-
ed meaning, and we abandon true com-
prehension to indulge in the fantasies that
our interpretations offer.
I vividly recall when Karran asked me
not to make this mistake because, as he
said, “Interpreting facts only reveals a lack
of understanding about them. When we
truly understand, we don’t interpret; we
That’s why I always make an effort not
to extrapolate beyond the presented infor-
mation. By doing so, I grant myself the
opportunity to learn and, in turn, extend
this opportunity to anyone who seeks it.
After being in a Catholic hospital and
encountering priests and nuns, and hear-
ing part of the service, I felt a profound
transformation within myself. I became
incredibly sensitive, and my emotions took
on dimensions that I had never previous-
ly perceived. This change was so sudden
that I even questioned if I had converted
to Catholicism. The longing to reconnect
with religion grew so strong that I found
myself doing something I had never done
before due to my past beliefs. As a Protes-
tant, I had viewed Catholicism, along with
Spiritism and other religions that did not
align with my teachings, in a similar man-
ner. The Assembly of God and the Jeho-
vah’s Witnesses had taught me that they
possessed the truth about humanity, the
universe, and God because they were with
God, or Jehovah. They believed that any
other religious groups were created by
the devil to deceive and divert humani-
ty from its divine purpose. Therefore, if
it weren’t for the sudden change I experi-
enced, I would have never entered a Catho-
lic church with the intention of experienc-
ing the same sensations and enchantment
that had benefited me during my time at
the Catholic hospital. During that period,
I recall visiting the Catholic church twice
a day—once on my way to work and again
when I returned home in the afternoon. I
also remember avoiding attending church
during the services, fearing that the move-
ment of people might disrupt or diminish
the emotions I was feeling. For this rea-
son, I preferred the times when the church
was empty. I have never gone to church
specifically for the purpose of praying, at
least not in the way Catholics do. Howev-
er, in my own way, I prayed. When I sat in
silence in the church, I expressed gratitude
to God for teaching me the exercises that
helped me connect with the greater human
reality. As time went by, I started going to
church less and less. It wasn’t because I
stopped experiencing what I felt before,
but rather because I discovered that what
I felt was within me and not confined to a
particular place.
I believe that my enthusiasm for what I
heard at the Catholic hospital influenced
the professor to show me and explore oth-
er subjects unrelated to faith or religion af-
ter I left my physical body. As a result, I
began studying minerals, their forms, and
their energies. Although I desired to con-
tinue my lessons with Dr. Hulff at that
time, the professor insisted that I wasn’t
ready to visit religious hospitals because
he had noticed that I was still very suscep-
tible to religious influences. He believed
that this vulnerability would hinder my
ability to maintain a clear and logical per-
spective on the spiritual world, causing me
to fall back into religiosity. If that were to
happen, I would completely deviate from
the initial purpose that Karran had taught
me, which was not the path of faith, but
rather the path of self-consciousness.
After the professor explained why he
had discontinued our previous line of
study for some time, I realized how cor-
rect his evaluation of me was. It became
apparent to me how little I truly knew my-
self because, without his knowledge and
understanding of who I am, I would have
easily gone in the wrong direction in my
learning. To prevent this from happening,
I continued studying the role of minerals
in human existence until I could remem-
ber the Catholic hospital with the same
naturalness with which I saw the other ex-
periences. When one is conscious of the
significance of each event they encoun-
ter, they also possess the opportunity to
analyze these events. Through this analy-
sis, one can determine whether they have
genuinely learned anything. Emotion takes
away from us, human beings, precisely that
vision that gives us a chance to reason. As
the professor emphasizes, “To reason yes,
but with no emotion.” He regards emo-
tion as one of the most powerful human
feelings, capable of obstructing our capac-
ity for rational thought.
Time was passing, and along with it, the
emotional intensity I had experienced in
the Catholic hospital was fading. It was
then that I started contemplating the ex-
istence of religious practices in the spiri-
tual world. No matter how hard I tried to
understand, I couldn’t, because all of my
learning up to that point indicated that hu-
man matter had been blocked in the ac-
cident we experienced, as Karran had ex-
plained. His words echoed in my mind:
“Only one record of ours was not erased;
the one that tells us that the help to get out
of this situation would come from above,
thus, from the sky.” This record remains to
this day. Also, because of this record, sal-
vation became, for us, the only way out of
the abyss that the amnesia of conscious-
ness caused us. From the moment I first
encountered Karran, I began to regard re-
ligious groups with great fondness and re-
spect. I saw in these groups a continuous
quest for consciousness, which they refer
to as salvation. However, one aspect trou-
bled me deeply: I couldn’t understand why
there was religion in the spiritual world
since it hadn’t been suffered any blokage
from the accident. After grappling with
this question, I finally decided to approach
the professor for an answer. It is import-
ant to note that when I posed this ques-
tion, nearly a year had passed since I began
studying minerals and had left the Catho-
lic hospital.
Upon asking the question, I observed
that the professor gazed at me for a few
moments before responding.
He prompted me to articulate the rea-
soning behind my inquiry. Only after hear-
ing my developed thoughts did he say, “We,
who exist within this human frequency
(the spiritual world), do not truly experi-
ence the blockage that was imposed up-
on the physical frequency by the accident.
That is why our senses remain intact and
our perception remains unaltered. Conse-
quently, we do not require prayer, nor do
we need religion to sense the profound
presence, the divine presence, as you de-
scribed. This presence within us is con-
stant. We recognize and feel the existence
of this ‘Creative Force.’ However, in or-
der for individuals to be received into our
world after the loss of their physical bod-
ies, much needs to be created and adapt-
ed according to the beliefs of each group.
Beliefs are determined by the number of
brain impulses, frequencies, and vibrations
unique to each group. To aid them in re-
gaining awareness in this realm, we make
sure that individuals who arrive here after
losing their bodies do not realize they have
already experienced physical death. This
enables us to help them recover their con-
sciousness. We do everything within our
power, including providing religious rep-
resentation, to give them an opportunity.”
“But professor,” I asked, “if religiosity
emerged due to the blockage, how can it
assist us in the extraphysical plane?”
The professor responded, explaining
that if a person on the physical plane is
accustomed to certain experiences, only
through those experiences can we demon-
strate that they are unnecessary in this
realm. The understanding of this lack of
necessity must progress in a manner that
aligns with the individual’s acceptance of
this truth. Knowing that I would require
more than words to be convinced, he in-
formed me that I would need to witness
and participate in order to grasp the con-
cept fully. With that, he promptly redirect-
ed my studies toward what we refer to as
religiousness. I distinctly recall that during
this time, I began to comprehend the true
meaning of the word “love,” which we of-
ten discuss but seldom genuinely feel.
I also became acutely aware of how far
removed we are from translating this feel-
ing into action. As the professor elucidat-
ed, love is something that is felt. Acting
in accordance with that feeling is sponta-
neous; it is not learned but rather achieved
through feeling and understanding.
Before returning to the hospital to con-
tinue my learning, the professor took me
once again to experience that particular
part of the service that had greatly im-
pressed me during my previous visit to the
Catholic hospital. I still found it marvel-
ous, but as I returned to my physical body,
I didn’t feel the same intense emotions
as I did the first time. Curious about this
change, I approached the professor to un-
derstand what had happened. I wanted to
know why I had felt such excitement the
first time but not the second. After exiting
my body, I shared my current feelings with
the professor and posed my questions. In
response, he explained that several factors
had contributed to my initial strong reac-
tion. Firstly, my deep connection to reli-
gion played a significant role, given my up-
bringing in a religious environment. Sec-
ondly, the element of surprise had height-
ened my response, as I hadn’t been pre-
pared for this particular experience be-
forehand. But something unexpected also
occurred during that experience of mine.
Due to my surprise, emotions arose, and
they energetically affect a person. Addi-
tionally, since music operates on vibra-
tional frequencies, it took me longer to
undergo psychological restructuring, thus
prolonging the duration of the emotion-
al state. However, as he mentioned, once
I emotionally restructured myself, I re-
sumed my pursuit of self-consciousness.”


As time went by, my studies in extrap-
hysical frequency were divided into two
main areas: the behavior and adaptation
of human beings to the spiritual world,
and the importance of minerals for main-
taining the balance of human beings while
in physical bodies. Whatever the subject I
was studying, I always liked, but the be-
havior and the adaptation of the human
being to the spiritual world always caught
my attention. This study helps me under-
stand the experiences that occur not on-
ly to myself but also to others, particularly
when the events are related to the work I
have been undertaking with a group of in-
dividuals who, like me, have committed to
practicing the exercises taught by Karran.
As you may be aware, self-consciousness
is not acquired overnight. It requires ex-
tensive study and understanding. Further-
more, when we are outside of our physical
bodies, we do not always have complete
control over our senses. This lack of con-
trol hinders our comprehension and slows
down our progress.
Now I will talk about my attempt to un-
derstand the presence of religion in the
spiritual realm. When the professor in-
formed me that mere words wouldn’t con-
vince me and that active participation was
necessary for understanding, he was abso-
lutely right. From that moment on, he ac-
companied me on visits to hospitals and
religious gatherings. During this time, I
had the opportunity to observe a priest
delivering a sermon in the hospital chap-
el, something I had long desired. Before
going to Mass, the professor encouraged
me to carefully listen to the words used by
the priest to create his sermon. Everything
was very beautiful, but that sermon, to me,
was incorrect, as it never made any refer-
ence to heaven or hell. It also didn’t men-
tion sin or purgatory, and when it referred
to God, it was to emphasize the strength
of His love, which is so immense that it
made us eternal participants in the magnif-
icence of the universe, grented us as a gift
by Him, our Father. Also in this sermon, I
heard about the rupture of consciousness,
which caused one side of us to be con-
stantly in darkness.
The priest stated, “The human being,
as a thinking entity, is also a creative be-
ing. They are beings who seek and desire
to learn. However, the pursuit of knowl-
edge was interrupted in the physical realm,
and as a result of this interruption, the hu-
man being, a divine creature, became lim-
ited in the world that surrounds them. For
the one who possesses two concrete lives
is infinite. Yet, there was a moment when
they found themselves confined to one of
these lives. For when we are born, as chil-
dren of a father and a mother, we receive
one of the most beautiful gifts that a hu-
man being can receive, given to us by an-
other human being who, in the act of giv-
ing, seeks to preserve its continuity. It is
noteworthy that the human being always
desires to continue existing. Do you know
why? The answer is quite simple: simply
because they exist.”
In this excerpt from the sermon, the
priest used an example that caught my at-
tention. He said, referring to the existence
of the two worlds: “Day and night were
created for the delight of human beings.
And through a great bridge of light, they
should have access to day and night. So,
through this bridge, many who were in
the night began to cross over to see what
was in the day. But suddenly, the bridge of
light disappeared, leaving an impassable
abyss between day and night. Those who
somehow came from the night to the day
crossed the bridge. They now know what
exists in the day and the night, but those
who remained in the night do not know
what exists in the day. Therefore, we who
crossed the bridge and are now in the day
must always activate our memory to nev-
er forget those who remained in the night.
For, being dark, the night limits the vision,
and it is up to us, who are on this side,
in the day, to build with the strength that
God, our father, has given us, the bridge
of light that connects day and night. The
bridge that will free human beings from
unconsciousness and put them in contact
with the universe and eternity that belongs
to them, and thus, we will make the word
“eternal” valid, as God, our father, always
intended us to be.”
“Still in this experience, I could ob-
serve that among those people attending
the service, many of them, through the
sermon, were about to face the reality of
physical death. However, everything inside
the chapel was prepared for this awaken-
ing, and when someone started to show
any sign of regaining consciousness, one
of the nuns would approach them, and
they would both leave the chapel. When
the service ended, I asked the professor
what would happen to them now that they
know they no longer have a physical body.
“They will be taken to a large hall where
many other people will be waiting for
them, including friends and relatives who
already belong to this frequency. At this
moment, they need a lot of support be-
cause now they will experience the great-
est pain of all, the pain of knowing that
they have lost the only thing that was truly
theirs, the physical body.”
“But professor! Knowing that you don’t
die is all that a human being wants! So why
the pain?” I asked.
“The physical structure, for those who
have a material connection, is a part that
no human being wants to lose because they
are accustomed to acting in the physical
plane. Therefore, even knowing that they
don’t die, they feel incomplete, as they tru-
ly are.”
“Professor, I have seen many people
working here. Doctors, nurses, priests, and
nuns. But what do people who don’t have
these professions do here?” I asked again.
“Our way of life is actually very different
from the way you live. But after becoming
aware of physical death, everyone contin-
ues to have the activities they desired. Here
we have all of them, and we also have all
kinds of studies because the only thing a
human being cannot have is mental iner-
tia. The lack of activity in this frequency
disqualifies them for a new physical life.”
We stayed a little longer inside the chap-
el, and the professor gave me further ex-
planations about the large number of reli-
gious groups existing in the spiritual world.
He said that all the groups that exist in the
material world have representation in his
world because all people deserve the same
attention. He also told me that I would go
with him to visit these groups in their tem-
ples and hospitals. In the end, I would see
everything that involves the awareness of
the human being in the spiritual world. And
it was with this promise that he brought
me back to my body.”


During my previous spiritual experience,
when I had the opportunity to attend a reli-
gious service, I spent several days contem-
plating how much our unconsciousness
has modified the spiritual world. Knowing
my professor and understanding that he
is a person who has never had a physical
body due to the absence of such record, I
began to make a comparative analysis be-
tween him, doctors, myself, and the oth-
er people I had encountered in the spiritu-
al realm.
The distance in terms of knowledge
that separates him from us is striking. It
is so evident in him that sometimes a sin-
gle word he says clarifies obscure points
that accompany humanity in everything it
thinks or does. This difference is not on-
ly in the way he speaks but also in his at-
titudes, appearance, and gestures. When I
refer to appearance, I am not suggesting
that it differs from ours but rather trying to
explain the inexplicable, at least for those
who do not leave the physical body and
do not participate in the spiritual world.
However, just as I participate in this oth-
er side of our existence, I know that ma-
ny people also make this crossing. And I
am certain that these individuals, when in
the spiritual realm, are aware of the differ-
ence between him, the professor, and us,
human beings who inhabit a limited body.
But I hope that, one day, all of humanity
can, just like me, participate and differen-
tiate this wonderful world we live in.
Within the field of study I have cho-
sen for this work, I reached my ninth vis-
it to extraphysical hospitals. One night, as
soon as I found myself conscious outside
the physical body, I saw that the profes-
sor was waiting for me. I also recall apol-
ogizing to him for taking so many days to
achieve the necessary level of conscious-
ness to continue my lessons. However, he
did not show the slightest concern about
this fact. On the contrary, he said to me,
“Wisdom and humility are part of the hu-
man spirit. Even if you do not realize it,
I speak to you every day and listen to you
every night.”
I confess that I did not always under-
stand what he was saying, and this state-
ment was something I did not compre-
hend at the time. Then, he took me to the
first hospital that I had already encoun-
tered. When we arrived there, we met Dr.
Hulff. He said that the professor would
take me to explore other lines of work,
and he would like to accompany us to ob-
serve my understanding and reactions to
what would be shown to me. For him, as
he explained, this was important to better
understand how to work with the people
who need his help in the spiritual plane.
However, he would only go if I permitted,
as the professor had already given him per-
mission. While Dr. Hulff spoke, I became
fearful of what I would see that night, and
I recalled the city of the dead where I felt
so afraid. That was when I asked the pro-
fessor, “We are not going back to the city
of the dead, right, professor?”
“No! We are not going back there.”
Shortly after, we left, and the professor
took me along with Dr. Hulff to see hospi-
tals and temples belonging to other exist-
ing religious groups in our physical plane.
Everything I saw that night stirred up my
emotions. But with each explanation given
to me, I realized that things in the spiritual
world could not really be arranged differ-
ently due to our involvement in the mate-
rial realm and the lack of knowledge about
the existence of life after the loss of our
physical bodies.
Up until that moment, everything was go-
ing very well. I was even starting to believe
that my understanding was quite good, and
it was only when we arrived at the Spiritist
hospital that I realized it wasn’t the case. I
wasn’t prepared to encounter this religion
in the spiritual world, a religion I despised
and fought against until I was twenty-eight
years old when I first encountered Karran.
Our entrance to that hospital was no dif-
ferent from the ones we had visited earli-
er that night, as in each of them, the pro-
fessor introduced himself, stating that he
was representing a new line of work ini-
tiated by Karran with me here on Earth.
He also explained that this work included
knowledge about the spiritual world and
self-consciousness. He further mentioned
that he had been chosen to represent this
work and accompany me in understanding
the spiritual world. After visiting the hos-
pital, we went to see their temple because,
in the spiritual realm, the temple of each
religious group is located next to their hos-
From the outside, nothing seemed
strange. The appearance was similar to
other temples I had seen before, except
for its circular shape. At the entrance, two
black men dressed in white seemed to be
on guard. To pass through them, the pro-
fessor greeted them with a phrase in a
language I didn’t know. While saying this
phrase, he paid them respect with a ges-
ture that I found very strange as he didn’t
shake their hands. He simply moved his
torso from side to side, bowing his head
forward. Dr. Hulff said the same thing and
made the same gestures. Each of the two
men at the temple’s entrance held a large
wooden spear that they crossed over the
doorway. They moved their arms, caus-
ing the spears to collide. After the third
strike, they moved the spears out of the
way, and we entered. As we entered the
temple, they crossed their spears and again
struck them together three times. When
we passed through the doorway, I felt sur-
prise and fear. Surprise, as I saw that the
temple lacked the luxury and pomp dis-
played by the others I had seen. Fear, be-
cause I had been conditioned by my reli-
gion to fear Spiritism, and this was my first
visit to a Spiritist temple. In the physical
world, I had never even been to a spiritist
When we were already inside, I imme-
diately noticed that the temple, from the
inside, was much bigger than it seemed
when we were outside. The environment
was filled with people wearing traditional
clothing, the kind you can see in the imag-
es displayed in shops that specialize in ma-
terials for this religion. It also didn’t have
the same type of lighting as the temples
I had seen outside of the physical body.
That environment was bathed in a yellow
light. That’s why it was very different for
me. As for the floor, it seemed to be made
of packed earth. In the middle of that
temple, there was a large circle rising from
the ground. This circle was about one me-
ter tall, and from it emanated a silvery light
that didn’t mix with the yellow light of the
surroundings. For that reason, I had the
impression that all the people were under a
rain of luminous and silvery drops. Inside,
everyone was singing and forming a beau-
tiful choir. However, this time, I couldn’t
understand the language, unlike what hap-
pened when I was in the Catholic hospi-
tal. Even without understanding what they
were singing, I couldn’t help but be moved
by the beauty of the music. It’s worth not-
ing that there was no sound of any mu-
sical instruments, not even percussion in-
struments, which are very common in the
physical plane. TThere were only human
voices, both male and female, as in that en-
vironment, wearing typucal clothing, there
were also women.
I noticed something that left me curi-
ous—in that environment, there wasn’t a
single white person; everyone was wear-
ing typical clothes and they were black.
Therefore, the only people who were not
black there at that moment were me, the
professor, and Dr. Hulff. As I observed
these details in the surroundings, we stood
still, waiting for an opportunity to speak
with someone. Everyone was standing and
seemed deeply engrossed in the music they
were singing. But while they sang, there was
a man standing silently at the edge of that
circle, looking inside without ever looking
away. As he looked, the professor called
me to come closer to the luminous circle
along with him. I was afraid, didn’t want to
go, but the man at the edge of the circle,
still fixated on it, reached out his hand and
beckoned me with a gesture. I think I had
never wanted to leave a place as much as I
did at that moment because I was afraid to
approach where he was. I looked at the pro-
fessor and saw disapproval in his eyes. So,
very reluctantly, I approached along with
him and Dr. Hulff. As I got closer to the
circle, I saw that it seemed to contain wa-
ter. But it was strange water because while
it emitted that silvery light, inside it, there
were a series of images of people dressed
in clothes identical to the man who was
there, looking into the circle. And almost
all of them were holding another person
who seemed to be sleeping while the oth-
ers appeared strange, dancing, singing, and
having two images. As I looked, I asked
the professor what it was that I was seeing
inside that water.
“You are witnessing the only way we have
found to awaken those who have condi-
tioned themselves to die, as you saw in the
city of the dead.”
“But professor, do they wake up with
this energy and music?”
“No. They conditioned themselves to
this unconsciousness when they had their
physical bodies. That is why only a physi-
cal body can restore their consciousness.”
As the professor spoke, I closely ob-
served what was happening inside that cir-
cle. I wanted to know where all of this was
taking place. The professor told me it was
in the temples that belonged to the physi-
cal frequency.
“In the spiritist centers, professor?”
“Yes! In the centers.”
While the professor provided his ex-
planations, the choir changed to a faster
rhythm. I thought something was about to
happen in that environment. So, I stopped
looking at the circle and started observ-
ing the people present there. But the pro-
fessor asked me to continue looking in-
side the circle. That’s when I saw how they
awaken the “dead”. I witnessed those peo-
ple with double images reaching out their
hands to those carrying the sleeping ones.
The carriers approached and handed over
the sleeping individuals. When the sleep-
ers were with those who had double im-
ages, something incredible happened: first,
the person receiving the sleeping individ-
ual placed their hand on their head. Then,
sparks of energy started emanating from
their entire hand, leaving the sleeping per-
son with a kind of glow they didn’t have
before. After that, the person removed
their hand from the head of the one who
seemed to be lifeless and held their hands.
They then brought them close to their
body, giving them a big hug. This gesture
was repeated three times, and on the third
time, they pulled the sleeper forcefully,
placing them in the position where they
were before. Now, that person was behind
the physical body they had used, and the
sleeper was in the physical body in their
place. But the person leaving the body did
not move away, and kept his hands rest-
ing on the body that was then being used
by the sleeping person. The others who
had a physical body approached in a cir-
cle, because the one who was sleeping
could hardly stand up, and they couldn’t
let them fall on the ground. Then they
started spinning the sleeping person with-
out letting them fall until, in the middle of
the spin and the music, the sleeper opened
their eyes. I was very frightened witness-
ing all of that, especially because not all of
those who awakened remained calm. Ma-
ny started screaming, crying, and strug-
gling as if they were possessed by some-
thing evil. However, the people from the
center didn’t seem to be bothered by what
was happening, taking care only not to let
the other person harm the body they were
using. Shortly after, they were taken out
of the body and handed over to the peo-
ple who had brought them to that place.
But those who were struggling didn’t stop,
even after they were out of the body, and
they were immediately removed from the
environment where they were. I asked the
professor what would happen to them
now that they were conscious. He replied
that they would go to the hospitals of their
groups to receive treatment in order to re-
gain clarity and the newfound awareness.
As the professor replied to me, the man
standing at the edge of the circle raised both
hands. When he made this gesture, every-
one stopped singing, and another person,
dressed differently, approached the circle.
But before he started looking inside, the
two of them greeted each other by touch-
ing shoulders, making the same movement
that the professor and Dr. Hulff had done
outside before we entered the temple. The
only difference was this: the professor and
Dr. Hulff did not touch the two guards
at the door, but inside, the two men were
touching each other. Then the professor
stepped away from the circle and asked me
and Dr. Hulff to do the same. The music
resumed, but it was no longer the same.
The man who was previously at the
edge of the circle came towards us. He
approached the professor and greeted
him, using the same shoulder-to-shoulder
touch. The same was done with Dr. Hulff,
but when he addressed me, he greeted me
with just a nod. At that moment, the pro-
fessor introduced us. He told me his name,
and the professor explained that he was an
orixá. One of the twelve orixás who initi-
ated the spiritual group here in our physi-
cal realm.
“Professor, why is everyone in this envi-
ronment black?” I asked.
“Because this group originated from the
spiritual being who guided the black race
in the physical realm,” the professor re-
“And why didn’t they greet each other
by shaking hands like everyone else does,
“This is an interesting question. They
only adopted this way of greeting when
the black man was subjugated by the white
man. Among them, this movement sym-
bolized the chains that the white man
placed on the black man in the physical
“Professor, but why did they allow this
to happen? Why didn’t they fight against
“When the solar accident affected our
system, in the physical world, eleven races
had already begun reproducing in physical
bodies, and in the spiritual world all those
who had a record of the physical frequen-
cy organized themselves to occupy phys-
ical bodies that would give them the best
chance to fulfill their aspirations. How-
ever, there was a large number of people
who aimed for dual work, as they needed
a physical body but also needed to act in
the spiritual world. After extensive stud-
ies, they concluded that black matter was
the only one that would provide them with
this possibility at the time. They began to
occupy these bodies and fulfill their ob-
jectives. But with the accident, everything
was changed. Everyone’s objectives under-
went alterations, but black matter, being
the most peaceful of all, retained within it
the imprint of the spiritual world. Slavery
was only possible because the black man
was never a warrior but rather very peace-
ful, always oriented towards the spiritual
As the professor spoke to me, that orixá
who had come to greet us changed his ap-
pearance to that of a man who resem-
bled my professor. When he was ready, he
called us to leave the environment. Once
we were outside, I asked that man only
one question: I wanted to know if he en-
joyed what he did, and he responded to
me in this way, “I enjoy helping my fellow
beings, even when they don’t understand
I don’t know why, but when I heard that
man say this sentence, I remembered an-
other one. Not the same, but with a very
similar meaning, which is: “Father, for-
give them, for they do not know what they
are doing.” And as the professor brought
me back to my physical body, I could see
the greatness of a group that I didn’t even
know existed.

3st part


When I had this experience, I had al-
ready been accessing the spiritual world for
nearly seven years. It was during this time
of study that I became aware of the city
of the dead, hospitals, and their temples.
It was also during this period that I began
studying minerals, their forms, and the im-
portance that each one has for our well-be-
ing in our physical frequency. And I must
confess, it was marvelous to discover the
energetic life of minerals and how that en-
ergy acts in our physical frequency in the
form of consciousness. I also learned how
to balance our energetic system by utiliz-
ing the energy of trees. However, in this
account, I have chosen a line of work that
reveals life within life, and therefore, I am
limiting myself to recounting experienc-
es that particularly involve human beings,
their beliefs, and the spiritual world.
When I refer to the spiritual world, I am
not talking about a world that is beyond
our reach, as we often tend to think! I am
referring, instead, to a parallel world that
coexists with our physical world. We sim-
ply do not see it because we do not have
the visual capacity to do so, just as we do
not have the visual capacity to see the mi-
croscopic world. However, everyone now
accepts the existence of the microscopic
world, as it can be seen through lenses that
reveal its reality to us. And as proof of
this reality, we have the influence of this
world, which until recently was invisible,
acting visibly in our physical body. Wheth-
er we like it or not, it is part of our world.
Sometimes it helps us, and other times it
harms us. The spiritual world is no differ-
ent, and the fact that the majority cannot
see it does not mean that it does not exist.
Karran, with his wisdom and patience,
knows that we, human beings of this plan-
et, will only truly be complete on the day
we stop theorizing about this world and
move towards practice and real coexistence
with this side of our existence, the spiritu-
al world. And it is from this world and our
confusions that I have been speaking so
far because the access I have to this other
side of our existence, I believe, is of inter-
est to all who live in search of this knowl-
One night, when I left my physical body,
the professor was waiting for me. I remem-
ber that I was very restless and nervous be-
cause during the day, I had a heated argu-
ment with someone from a religious group
who believed that I, not being a model of
perfection, could not have access to the
spiritual world as I claimed to have. I tried
to tell the professor what had happened
to me, but he interrupted me, saying that
he had witnessed the entire conversation
I had with that person. It was then that
I asked him this question, “Professor, do
you also think I am not perfect? That per-
son told me that someone like me, who
drinks, smokes, and eats meat, cannot, un-
der any circumstances, have access to the
spiritual world!”
“Do not worry. If you stop and think,
you will see that human beings have been
given everything on Earth as food, and
if you smoke and drink as you said, it is
because human beings have been given
knowledge, and this knowledge has given
them the power to transform one thing in-
to another, and everything you use is part
of human knowledge. It is worth remem-
bering that the most respected person in
your world today, when he was there, was
called a drunkard and troublemaker, and
today he is considered a model of perfec-
tion. As you can see, it is all a matter of
time, and at the moment, we do not want
you to worry about this because we do not
want you to be perfect. We want you to
be aware because those who are self-con-
sciousness eventually become perfect one
“Professor, what are these many bodies
that person was referring to? They said we
have seven bodies, but so far, I have on-
ly seen two—the one in the physical plane
and this one here in the spiritual plane.
Where are the others, professor?”
“I will show you.”
After giving this response, he invited me
to go out so that I could see what he was
going to show me. As we were already leav-
ing, I became worried and afraid of what I
was going to see. So I asked him this ques-
tion, “Professor, are we going alone?”
“Yes, I see no need to have anyone else
with us.”
“But I do, professor! Since I’m afraid,
maybe I’m not yet prepared to see my oth-
er bodies.”
“You are, indeed! But if you wish, we
can take someone else.”
“Then let’s take Dr. Hulff because he has
already had a physical body, so he knows
what fear is.”
“If you want, we will take him.”
When we encountered Dr. Hulff, I asked
him to accompany us, and since he didn’t
refuse, the three of us set out to see what
the professor wanted to show me. We ar-
rived at a place completely covered by a
white mist. However, that mist didn’t re-
semble the fog we are accustomed to see-
ing. It had more of the appearance of a
cloud, but it was whiter and brighter.
Still outside, I paused and looked at the
professor and the doctor, then asked them,
“Are we going in there?”
“Yes, we are,” replied the professor.
Dr. Hulff came closer, took my hand,
and said, “You’re not scared, are you?”
“Yes, Dr. Hulff, I am because I have
the impression that we’re entering heaven.
The heaven that all of us, as human be-
ings, dream of. And if it is indeed heav-
en, I don’t want to go because I don’t feel
worthy of knowing such a place.”
After I finished explaining the reason
for my fear to the doctor, the professor
looked at me and said, “No, this isn’t the
heaven that is dreamt of by everyone in
your world, nor is it the paradise you be-
lieve to be the origin of life. But here, be-
hind this auric barrier, lie the sources that
energetically nourish the spiritual world
and, to some extent, the physical world as
well. It is only here that you will be able to
see what initiated the idea of dimensions
and the various bodies you discussed so
much during the day.”
Without saying another word, he walked
toward the mist. The doctor and I fol-
lowed suit. As we began to pass through
that mist, my entire body felt electrified,
crackling at various points, and emanating
reflections of light simultaneously. Sparks
of light also emanated from the doctor’s
body, accompanied by the same crackling
sound. However, the professor did not ex-
perience this.
Upon completing our passage through
that radiant mist, I had the strange and
wonderful sensation of being inside a mir-
ror, such wasthe translucency of the en-
vironment. At one end of the auric barri-
er, as the professor had mentioned, seven
points of light stood vertically, each emit-
ting a different color. These lights seemed
to be behind an invisible barrier, as they did
not spread throughout the environment in
all directions. I must emphasize that when
I refer to the seven points, I do not mean
they were small. On the contrary, they re-
sembled large suns from which the light
radiated all the way to the other end of the
environment. Outside the environment,
those lights formed a sort of colorful wa-
terfall, though this waterfall did not con-
sist of water but pure energy. I am aware
that words will hardly convey the beauty of
what I witnessed that night, let alone the
emotions I felt, as words become worth-
less in the face of such magnificence.
While I was somewhat paralyzed, ob-
serving everything, the professor caught
my attention by stating that we were going
to walk inside that light. When I heard him
say that, I didn’t react at all. My state of
mind at that moment didn’t allow me to.
The professor took my hand, and I walked
with him to the edge where the light dis-
persed, cascading like a waterfall. Once
we arrived, the professor extended both
hands, allowing them to be bathed in that
energy. When he withdrew them, I noticed
they were filled with red energy, a beautiful
and translucent shade of red unlike any-
thing I had ever seen before.
Then he directed his hands towards me,
placing them at the level of my stomach.
This gesture caused all of that energy to
flow into my body. When I looked at the
area where he had applied that energy, I
saw it shining, emitting, and receiving red
energy. I asked the professor why he had
done that. He replied that it was so that we
could walk within that source.
As I entered with the professor, I called
out to Dr. Hulff, “Doctor, come, doctor!”
But he looked at me and said, “No. You
have to go in there alone. I will wait for
you here.”
I entered, being led by the professor’s
hand. Inside, when the professor released
me, I found myself walking in slow motion
within that light. I could see nothing else
except the professor, who walked ahead of
me, moving towards that red sun. I felt as
though I were in another universe, another
dimension. The professor guided me until
I reached it. When I approached that sun,
he inquired about my feelings. I explained
to him that I had the sensation of being in
another dimension and that I also felt very
hot. While we returned, he explained that
I should pay close attention to everything
I would feel; everything would be of great
importance for my learning.
We exited. When we were already out-
side the red energy, he dipped his hands
again in the waterfall, but this time, the en-
ergy he withdrew was yellow. He applied
that energy to me once more, in the same
area of the stomach. However, the illumi-
nated spot on my body was slightly below
the navel. Then we entered the yellow light,
and something very interesting happened
as I began walking within it. I continued
with slow movements and the same warm
sensation throughout my body. However,
the contact of that light with my body felt
like a caress. It was such a pleasant caress
that I found myself in a difficult situation,
trying to hide from the professor what I
was feeling. He persistently asked, but I re-
mained silent. Yet, my silence was in vain
because he told me he knew how I was feel-
ing. Afterward, he applied the pink energy,
which emerged around my chest. When I
walked within it, I experienced such pro-
found and indescribable emotions. I had
the desire to laugh, cry, sing, be still—all at
the same time. When I shared my feelings
with him, he confirmed that it was indeed
the case, as I was within the energetic cen-
ter responsible for human emotions.
Then it was time for the violet energy.
When it was applied, it emerged close to
my throat and also around my head. Upon
entering and walking within it, I lost my
vision. Everything turned dark. I couldn’t
see the professor, and I couldn’t even feel
my body. The sensation I had was that I
wasn’t in any specific place, yet I felt con-
nected to all places simultaneously. Howev-
er, this time, there was no emotion. There
was only reasoning.
We exited the violet light, and he applied
the green energy to my stomach. I felt a
sort of shock in my spine, and my head
became warm inside, right at the center. I
raised my hand to the top of my head, as
if something was emerging from it. When
I withdrew my hand, I saw that it was filled
with that energy.
Then we entered the green light. As we
began walking toward the source of that
energy, my vision expanded, and every-
thing became brighter. I still couldn’t see
anything beyond the light, but that energy
and the professor took on a different radi-
ance, becoming more translucent. Not to
mention the overwhelming sensation of
love for the world that I was experienc-
ing. The inner peace I felt was so complete
that I even considered the possibility that
it might be the place of the long-imagined
celestial peace.
We exited once again, and then it was
time for the blue energy. When the profes-
sor applied this energy to me, something
strange happened to the green energy that
had been emanating from the top of my
head up until that point. With the applica-
tion of the blue energy, the green energy
started emanating from the center of my
forehead. And the blue energy began to
emerge from where the green energy used
to come out—right at the top of my head.
As we entered and started walking within
the blue energy, I experienced a peculiar
expansion of vision. With my eyes, I could
see the professor standing near that blue
sun, with his arms outstretched, beckoning
me to come to where he was. I could also
see and sense that blue dimension. How-
ever, inside my head, I was perceiving be-
yond the auric barrier that we had crossed
to enter that place. My inclination was to
stop walking in that space and sit down to
observe, but the professor caught my at-
tention, “Don’t stop! Don’t stop, because
we want you to have controlled clairvoy-
ance, not definitive clairvoyance. Some-
one who is permanently clairvoyant can
become very confused in the face of the
two realities.”
When we emerged from the blue light, I
noticed that the professor was concerned.
He insisted that I look at him and the sur-
roundings and that I never close my eyes. I
admit it was somewhat challenging because
my instinct was to close my eyes and look
inward, and I conveyed this to the profes-
sor. He then placed two index fingers on
my temples, lightly massaging them. While
he did this, I felt the blue energy also em-
anating from these two points. When that
happened, the internal imagery I was see-
ing began to fade until it vanished com-
pletely. Only then did he take the white en-
ergy and apply it to me. When it was ap-
plied, it didn’t emanate from any specif-
ic point but spread throughout my entire
body, enveloping me in a kind of white
mist over my arms, my hands; finally, I be-
came enveloped in that mist.
As we walked within it, I noticed that as
I approached the center emitting the white
energy, all the other energies that had been
applied to me merged with it, and my ener-
gy field, as the professor described, turned
entirely golden, no longer white as it had
been when I entered. When this occurred,
the professor took hold of my hand, stat-
ing that everything had gone well and that
my energy field was balanced once again.
We exited from there, and Dr. Hulff was
waiting for us. I looked at him and said,
“Doctor! Look how I’m shining! Will I re-
main like this?”
“No. You won’t.”
After the doctor told me that the glow
wouldn’t remain, the professor wanted to
know how I was feeling with all that ener-
gy inside me and the active energy points.
I replied that I felt different. It was as if I
had grown. As for the points on my body
from which the energies emanated, I could
feel each one of them. Some were cold,
while others were warm. Regarding my
head, it was as if I had become more lucid.
When I finished explaining how I was feel-
ing, the professor said to me, “Well then,
let’s take advantage of this moment to re-
turn to the subject that troubled you so
much throughout the day: the seven bod-
ies, their dimensions, and their roles in the
physical and spiritual planes. Now I would
like you to observe the seven energy corri-
dors closely. As you can see, although they
are separate, they are connected. Connect-
ed by a force that appears invisible to you,
isn’t that right?”
“Yes, professor.”
“Well, that force that you don’t see but
feel, and these corridors, represent the hu-
man being and their roles, which, when
united, become one, but if perceived sep-
arately, are seven.”
“Professor, are you telling me that these
corridors represent the seven bodies I was
discussing during the day?”
“But I remained a single entity, profes-
“I know, but with seven levels of percep-
tion. What did you feel when we walked
along the red corridor?”
“I felt like I was in another dimension,
another universe. I also felt very hot.”
“Well, when you perceived the dimen-
sion and the heat, you were perceiving the
dimensional body. Now tell me about the
yellow corridor.”
“In this corridor, professor, I felt ca-
ressed by that energy, and a great arousal,
almost uncontrollable.”
“That energy is considered by us as the
causal body because if the human being
didn’t receive that energy, they wouldn’t
reproduce. Your people used this knowl-
edge to create the much-discussed laws of
cause and effect, which were wrongly at-
tributed to all human behavior. But in your
physical world, these laws became neces-
sary to control your instincts, which were
greatly disturbed by the accident you suf-
fered. However, as every action has a re-
action, we accept the implementation of
these laws. Now, tell me how you felt in
the pink corridor.”
“When I walked through that corridor,
I felt several things at once. I wanted to
laugh, cry, sing. I felt anger, love, and I
think I also felt peace. Is it possible that I
felt all of this, professor?”
“Yes, it is possible, as you were walking
within the energy source that we call the
emotional body. This energy is responsible
for all human emotions, and these emo-
tions are what distinguish humans from
the animal matter they experience in the
physical realm. Now, tell me a bit about
the violet energy. How did you feel walk-
ing through that corridor?”
“When I was walking through that ener-
gy, I felt blind, professor. I also didn’t feel
my body. It was as if it didn’t exist, but at
the same time, it was as if the whole world
was within me, and I was within it. Do you
“Yes, I do. That energy is what we call
the mental body, and it becomes very dan-
gerous for those who excessively absorb it
in the physical realm. When this happens,
the person stops perceiving the events
close to them and only perceives what is
happening at a distance.”
“What do you mean, professor?”
“They become blind to the present and
only connect to the past or future, never
to the present moment.”
“And the corridor that had green ener-
“Inside it, I only felt my vision altered
because you, and even that energy, gained
a more intense, stronger glow. What do
you call this energy?”
“We call it the etheric body because this
energy promotes clairvoyance, and when
one is clairvoyant, they not only see what
is meant to be seen but also see the energy
that is part of everything that exists. And
that is the reason why you saw me with
more brightness, as you said.”
“Professor, when I was inside the blue
corridor, I felt very heavy. Even my eyes
were heavy. It was difficult to keep them
open. With them, I saw you, but inside my
head, I saw what was outside the environ-
ment. And it was very good to be able to
see internally. Professor, now tell me, what
do you call this energy and what is it for?”
“The blue energy is called the double
etheric body by us because the combi-
nation of this energy and the green one
makes someone clairvoyant. But clairvoy-
ance, when not controlled, is very harm-
ful as it causes imperfect introspection in a
person. Imperfect because they retreat in-
ternally to escape reality since it is very dif-
ficult to coexist with the physical and spir-
itual worlds at the same time.”
“And the white corridor? Why did I turn
“Because this energy is called the spiri-
tual body by us or, as they say in your fre-
quency, the astral body. We call it the spir-
itual body because only it has the power
to balance all the other energies. And the
golden color you acquired shows this bal-
“How long will I keep this glow?”
“Until you return to your matter.”
“But professor, does that mean the sev-
en bodies don’t exist?”
“My answer will be yes and no. Yes, be-
cause we call anything that moves human
capacity a body, and these energies are re-
sponsible for these capacities. And no, be-
cause they are not conscious forms. They
are just energies created to maintain bal-
ance, not only of the human being but also
of everything that exists here in the spiri-
tual world and the physical world as well.”
“Doctor, why don’t you use these ener-
gies to treat the sick in your hospitals?”
“Because the people who arrive here ac-
quired their problems in physical matter,
and only physical energy is capable of re-
covering them.”
Then the professor invited us to leave
the energy environment. When we left,
crossing the auric barrier, my body didn’t
pop, but Dr. Hulff ’s body did.
Once outside, the professor said he
wanted to take advantage of my energetic
balance for me to see one more thing. He
stood behind me and, once again, touched
my temples with his fingers. He asked me
to close my eyes while he slowly massaged
the points he was touching with his fin-
gers. When he finished, he said, “I want
you to see the two worlds you actively par-
ticipate in.”
When I opened my eyes, I was greatly
surprised because I saw the physical and
spiritual worlds simultaneously. I must ad-
mit that having this vision was fascinating
for me. It allowed me to clearly distinguish
one world from the other, which had been
a source of confusion as separating them
was extremely challenging. However, on
that night, I saw both worlds, and it was
truly marvelous to realize that the physical
world exists within the universe, occupy-
ing the same space as the spiritual world.
This vision revealed to me that the phys-
ical Earth is situated within the Earth of
the professor’s realm, separated only by
a cloud-like barrier forming a black ring
between the two worlds. After witnessing
both realms, the professor guided me back
to my physical body.
Upon reentering my body, I experienced
a kind of shock and intense warmth. For
the first time, I was able to see and talk
to the professor, all while being in my
physical body without having performed
the specific exercises for such an interac-
tion. It was a beautiful experience because,
once in my physical body, the professor
taught me how to perceive and maintain
balance for each of those energies within
me. He also instructed me on how to open
and close my clairvoyance through specif-
ic brain movements. This newfound un-
derstanding allowed me to alleviate myself
from a series of exercises I had been prac-
ticing until that moment.
Subsequently, the professor departed,
but before leaving, he gently touched my
forehead, indicating it was time for me to
sleep. As soon as he departed, I quickly
fell asleep.

The experience I am about to recount
was completely different from the ones I
had been having. Until then, all the sym-
bolism shown to me had been explained,
but explained through words rather than
on a sensory level. “However, now” –
said my professor – “you are experienc-
ing a very challenging moment within ev-
erything that your consciousness holds
because, along with you, the closed eyes
of the sleeping ones may one day catch a
glimpse of the light. The light that hov-
ers above the black veil that surrounds hu-
manity. But not all darkness is complete,
and in order for them to navigate through
the darkness, there is always a crack. And
through that crack, light enters, maintain-
ing in humanity the hope of one day be-
ing able to see it in its fullness, and not
just through a crack where small rays in
the darkness indicate the way. Many say,
‘Accursed rays of light, showing me clari-
ty, but I remain in darkness!’”
I remember even making a joke with
him, saying, “Professor, why don’t you ex-
plain everything you said? Because I still
don’t understand anything.”
After I said that, he explained to me that
I was about to go through a symbolic ex-
perience because symbolism goes hand in
hand with facts. And that this was the ex-
act moment for me to understand the val-
ue of senses and forms.
Then he took me to a place where a house
seemed to have just been built, as it had a
new appearance. We entered, and the pro-
fessor told me that everything inside be-
longed to me, including the house. I told
him that all of it was very strange because
I had never had a house like that. Once
again, he repeated that he knew and insist-
ed that I shouldn’t forget that my lesson
was symbolic; therefore, I shouldn’t reason
but only feel, as symbolism is only under-
stood through sensation, not information.
After this explanation, he asked me if the
house was good or if something was miss-
ing for me. I looked around and found the
house perfect but mentioned that it would
be complete if there was a lake.
He walked outside for me to show him
the location where I would like the lake to
be. After I showed him, he told me that
the water was far away and asked what was
needed for me to bring the water to the
lake’s location. I replied that a canal was
necessary. I found everything very curious
because as I spoke, things started appear-
ing as if by magic. There was the lake and
the canal bringing a large amount of wa-
“Now, is everything perfect?”
I said yes, and that it was just the way I
had imagined. At that moment, he asked
me to look at everything carefully because
we were going to walk along the edge of
the canal. As we started walking, some-
thing incredible began to happen to me.
With each step I took, I felt smaller. I drew
the professor’s attention to what was hap-
pening to me. He replied that he saw it,
but the moment was not for me to think
but to feel what was happening. Suddenly,
we stopped walking. I looked into the ca-
nal and thought it was very wide and deep.
However, in contrast, I felt the size of a
four-year-old child. But my reasoning re-
mained the same. At that moment, the pro-
fessor said he would lay me down at the
bottom of the canal. He didn’t want me to
think, only to feel what would happen, and
he would be waiting for me outside. He al-
so said that I would only leave the canal
when he took me out from there. When I
was placed in the water, I closed my eyes
and was afraid of drowning, but I heard
the professor saying, “Don’t be afraid and
don’t think. Just feel what will happen.”
It didn’t take long before I started feel-
ing the water flowing over my body, and
even with my eyes closed, I began to see.
But while I saw the light that seemed to be
from the sun through the water, I also had
a strange sensation of emptiness and time.
Emptiness because it was as if nothing ex-
isted at that moment except for me and
the water flowing over my body. And time
because everything that came as a mem-
ory seemed so distant from me, in a past
that I could never recover. As a moment
of consciousness, the only one I had was
the following: it seemed like I had been in-
side that water for many centuries. During
all these sensations, I felt the professor’s
hand touching mine and pulling me out of
the canal. When I looked at myself, I no-
ticed that I was no longer small but had the
adult form I have today. When I looked at
the canal, I saw that it had also changed be-
cause vegetation had grown around it, and
it was hidden among the bushes that pre-
vented light from reaching the water. As
I walked back towards the lake, I saw that
the whole landscape seemed abandoned.
Everything that was once new now looked
old and rundown. I felt sad to see that the
old lake I had imagined no longer existed,
and in its place, only a foul-smelling, rot-
ten mud infested the environment with in-
sects. As for the beautiful house, only ru-
ins remained. I tried to ask the professor
what had happened, but he repeated the
same phrase, “Don’t reason, just feel.”
Together, we walked towards the seem-
ingly abandoned house. When we reached
what used to be a beautiful porch, I be-
gan to hear voices coming from inside the
house, and once again, I tried to ask what
was happening. But he didn’t allow it, say-
ing, “Don’t speak! Just feel.”
Confessing that it was very difficult not
to think, I never argued with him, and
that’s why I did my best to follow his in-
We entered the room. There, I had a big
surprise because the house was in ruins,
but inside, all my students and close friends
were waiting for me with a grand celebra-
tion. When I saw them, my consciousness
stabilized in the present again because un-
til that moment, I still felt like I was in the
past. While they embraced me with happi-
ness, I asked the professor if my symbolic
experience had already ended. He replied
that it hadn’t, so I would have to continue
without reasoning and simply act and feel
everything that was going to happen.
I was in my house. I started to act as such,
paying attention to and greeting each one,
as I always do. But suddenly, among the
people present, I saw a guy I didn’t know.
I approached him, introduced myself, and
asked for his name. He replied that his
name was Shiva. I looked at him and made
a comment, saying that I had heard of Shi-
va before but thought it was a woman, not
a man. He smiled and said, “That doesn’t
matter because Shiva is not a human being
but rather a human capability.”
After saying this, he invited me to step
away from the crowd as he had something
specific to show me. I looked around, but
the house was crowded. So I took his hand
and said, “Shiva, right now, only the bed-
room is empty. If it works for you, we can
go there!”
“Yes, let’s go,” he said.
When I entered the room, I saw two
beds, and unlike the rest of the house, it
was new and beautiful, but with a rather
strange detail: the window was open, and
outside, the sun seemed to be hot as its
light fully illuminated one of the beds and
half of the room, while the other half and
the other bed were in darkness. I looked at
him and said, “How strange! The profes-
sor told me that this house is mine, but I
have never seen this room. Could we be in
the wrong place?”
“No, we’re not,” he replied.
After saying that, he asked me which side
of the room I wanted to stay on. I quickly
answered, “The bright side! The sunlight
is so good!”
When I finished saying where I wanted
to be, he went to the bed, lay down, and
asked me to sit beside him and look into
his eyes. I sat down, looked into his eyes,
and made the following comment, “You
seem Indian, but I didn’t know that Indi-
ans had such dark and beautiful eyes.”
“If you like, look closely,” he said.
When he finished saying that, my gaze
was already fixed on his. The light that had
been coming through the window focused
on his eyes, which grew larger and took on
a different color. I don’t know how or why,
but in a short time, I found myself seeing
through his eyes. And it was among a vari-
ety of colors that I once again experienced
the feeling of time. However, this time,
the past that had felt so distant while in-
side the canal quickly rushed back, bring-
ing scenes and sensations to the present
moment within the experiment. Another
curious sensation accompanied all of this:
as I saw through his eyes, I could feel the
cold and lifeless nature of the dark side of
the room. In the rest of the house, I ob-
served people laughing and playing, as if it
were a celebration. Yet, from within those
eyes, I sensed that it was not a celebration.
When it ended, I found myself back in the
living room, with the man who called him-
self Shiva standing next to the professor. I
attempted to ask what had happened, but
Shiva gestured for silence, placing his in-
dex finger over his lips. Meanwhile, one
of my friends caught my attention, saying,
“Are you not going to serve us anything to
eat today? We’re hungry!”
I excused myself to everyone, mention-
ing that I was going to the kitchen to pre-
pare the food. I went alone. As I opened
the door, I saw a large wood-burning
stove. The fire had gone out, and on the
wall above the stove, a large snake was de-
scending. As soon as it noticed me, it coiled
up and prepared to strike and bite me. In
that moment, I began screaming for help.
Then I saw Dalton enter the kitchen to as-
sist me. When he appeared, I cried out, ter-
rified, “A snake!” pointing in its direction.
But he remained remarkably calm and said,
“Don’t be afraid. It’s just a snake.”
He approached it and extended his arm.
With his hand, he closed the snake’s mouth,
and the snake, with its mouth closed, ex-
pelled something into his hand. Upon
this happening, he opened his hand, and
a man fell out, who promptly ran out of
the house. Once again, the snake opened
its mouth, and he closed it once more, re-
ceiving what it expelled. When he opened
his hand again, another man fell onto the
kitchen floor and, similar to the previous
one, fled from the house. Meanwhile, the
snake prepared to strike again. However,
Dalton extended his hand towards it, grip-
ping its head and pulling it off the wall, stat-
ing, “This is how you deal with a snake!”
After saying those words, he swung his
arm and threw the snake out the window,
sending it far away from the house.
After everything had calmed down, I
went outside to gather firewood and light
the fire to prepare dinner. To my surprise, I
noticed that the cut firewood, which I had
seen when the house was new, was still in
the same place, stacked in the same way,
but it had rotted. Very rotten. Neverthe-
less, I proceeded to collect it. As I began
removing the firewood, insects typical of
old wood emerged from it. When they fell
to the ground, they transformed into hu-
man beings and ran away from me. Others
threatened to attack me but then gave up
and left. This time, I was afraid, but not as
much as I had been of the snake.
I returned to the kitchen, made the fire,
and prepared the food. While everyone
was eating, two women knocked on the
living room door, asking to come in and
join the celebration and the dinner, es-
pecially the dinner, as they claimed to be
hungry. I didn’t object. After all, there was
plenty of food! They entered, ate to their
hearts’ content, and engaged in conversa-
tions with everyone present. When they
were preparing to leave, they called me over
and thanked me for the hospitality and the
meal. They left, while my friends and stu-
dents remained in the house. It didn’t take
long before we heard another knock on the
door. When I opened it, I saw that the two
women had returned, but this time they
had brought two police officers with them
to arrest me. I didn’t understand what was
happening or why those two women had
done such a thing. That’s when Humber-
to Brasil approached me, placed his hand
on my shoulder, and said, “They felt of-
fended by the amount of food you pro-
vided! They believe you are overfeeding
these people, and that’s why they brought
the police; they consider all of this a tre-
mendous waste.”
When I heard him explain the reason for
my arrest, I started crying, saying, “It can’t
be true! I only wanted to offer the best for
While crying, I looked at the professor
and asked, “Professor! Can’t they see?”
It was while I asked this question that
my symbolic experience came to an end.
After the symbolic experience had come
to an end, I wanted to know from the pro-
fessor the meaning of my experience and
how the symbolism would be applied in
the work I have been doing.
“The symbols are part of the universe,”
he said, “and to be self-aware, one must
understand the language of representa-
tion. And one only understands this lan-
guage and its value through the senses, not
“Professor, why that house and not mine,
where I live today?”
“Because your house is real, and being
real, it doesn’t represent surprise or novel-
“If everything was meant to represent
novelty, why didn’t that house have a lake,
considering how much I love water?”
“That detail only you could perceive
and reproduce in your experience because
symbolically, the lake represents feminine
“But if the lake was already there, why
did you tell me that the water was far away
and, most importantly, what I thought was
necessary for it to reach the lake?”
“Because a lake with stagnant water
symbolizes the death of feminine sexuali-
ty, and the canal represented life, as it sym-
bolized man, union, reproduction.”
“And when we were walking along the
canal, why did I feel smaller, professor?”
“This question you asked me, you can
answer yourself! How were you feeling?”
“Small and fragile, professor!”
“Did your consciousness and your sens-
es also become fragile?”
“No, I don’t think so because I noticed
and felt everything that happened to me
while I was inside the canal. Professor,
when I came out of the canal, I saw that a
lot of time had passed because the house
was old, the lake was dead, but the canal,
although hidden in the bushes, still had
flowing water that was fresh. What does
this mean?”
“The canal represents hope. The house
and the lake represent the moment, the
present. And you? Do you remember how
beautiful the lake was?”
“When I was seeing through the eyes of
the man who claimed to be Shiva, I no-
ticed many things, professor, but only two
really impressed me. One was realizing the
coldness that existed on the dark side of
the room, and the other was seeing that
everyone in the house seemed happy with
my presence, but I felt that they weren’t. I
felt that behind every smile, people were
trying to hide what they were truly feel-
ing. I didn’t see happiness in anyone. Can I
know the meaning of what I felt or not?”
“Let’s refocus your attention on the
room! Remember the bright side and the
dark side. Now tell me, how did you feel
when you entered it?”
“I felt it was something unfamiliar.”
“And why did you prefer the bright side
of the room?”
“Because there was light and warmth
there, and it was such an enveloping
warmth... so good.”
“And how did you feel about the dark
“Strange and cold, professor.”
“Well, that room symbolized the two
sides of human beings—what they show
and what they hide. Now let’s go to the
kitchen. There was something there that
you already knew symbolically because
when we studied the power of symbolism,
I explained to you that multiple snakes rep-
resent wisdom, while a single snake rep-
resents betrayal. Therefore, betrayal will
be a constant in your life and can come
from anyone.”
“And the food? How did it fit into my
“This food was requested from you, and
you did not refuse. It is important to re-
member that the thirst for knowledge is in-
satiable. Therefore, for every weight, there
is a measure.”
“And the light, professor? What did it
represent in this experience?”
“I cannot answer that question. But ask
the cracks, and they will give you the an-
After telling me this, he asked me not to
ask any more questions, and it was in si-
lence that he brought me back to my phys-
ical body.

4st part

What is it? How did it arise? And what
is its objective? These are the questions
we will explore throughout this narrative
about the opening of the work.
Venturing into outer space, seeking the
stars, without truly exploring our inner
space to better understand ourselves, is
the great drama currently faced by human
beings on Earth.
From ancient times until today, a sig-
nificant part of humanity has only expe-
rienced technological advancements. The
planet has become small, and we can quick-
ly reach any point on it without major dif-
The planet is still entangled in fratricidal
wars for the pursuit of material goods or
the enslavement of thousands of minds
for specific interests, whether they are po-
litical or religious. The thirst to know one-
self better is the fundamental tone of the
era we are currently experiencing, as hu-
man beings have always questioned them-
selves, finding countless answers that have
left them in a state of belief and doubt.
Fantasy, mysteries, and mysticism pro-
vide answers in a mixture where human
beings often confuse what is real and what
they perceive to be real.
To achieve self-consciousness means to
be truly conscious not only of oneself but
also of the entire universe that surrounds
us, free from prejudices, labels, and alien-
ating conditioning, through our day-to-
day experiences, passed down from gener-
ation to generation.
During this narrative introducing this
work, after this brief history, you will be-
come acquainted with what Maria da Apa-
recida de Oliveira, known as Bianca, has to
convey to you. She was born in Ewbank
da Câmara, a small town in the interior of
Minas Gerais, in the year 1947. At the age
of twenty-eight, she had a unique close
encounter of the third kind with extrater-
restrial beings, which revealed to her un-
explored realms of human existence, sig-
nificantly expanding her understanding of
life. This event took place in 1976.
Today, Bianca endeavors to share with
all those who are interested the knowledge
she has acquired throughout these years of
experience. This knowledge has demon-
strated the infinite possibilities of the hu-
man being.
The Physical Technique for the Achieve-
ment of Self-Consciousness consists of
simple exercises that must be performed
with dedication and perseverance to
achieve gradual results. These exercises
will enable each of us to expand our per-
ception of the world around us and our
own selves in relation to the Creator.
It is certain that we are going to discuss
a very delicate subject. A subject that has
been troubling human beings since the
first glimmers of consciousness emerged
within them.
Since then, death has ceased to be a nat-
ural consequence of human existence, and
man has delved into the search for an an-
swer to this question: Does life exist after
Along with this question, several others
arise: if it exists, how would it be? Would
it be a world of light or darkness? Would
this world have shapes or not? If there are
no forms, light, or darkness, how would
it be? Would we be thrown into an emp-
ty space with gentle light and a thin mist,
where eternal peace reigns? Would this
world have a breeze, or would it be cold and
dark, or perhaps there could even be pain,
or maybe none of this exists, and death
is the end of everything, eternal oblivion.
Who knows?
“The knowledge I have in this area to-
day was only made possible after I start-
ed practicing the technique taught to me
by Karran. This technique aims to achieve
According to Karran, “only self-con-
sciousness can answer these questions.”
For this reason, I cherish the moment
when I was filled with doubts, and he, Kar-
ran, helped me by saying, “Get out of your
body and you’ll see that you are a mind that
can see, feel, learn and think. Then you’ll
understand that the body is only a part of
yourself and not the whole of you.”
I confess that at that moment, I didn’t
understand Karran’s words. Nor did I
think that one day I would be able to un-
derstand them because, like all human be-
ings, I was no exception.
It was easier for me to believe that I was
right on my path than to seek confirma-
tion elsewhere because we hardly like to
admit when we are wrong, especially when
it comes to our religious convictions.
When it comes to the spiritual world, it
has always been much easier to imagine it
than to participate in it. Initially, we were
unable to participate in the spiritual world
due to the significant blockage we expe-
rienced with the burning of our neurons
during the accident with Earth, as Kar-
ran said. But his words also inform us that
“our recovery is magnificent, and there-
fore, we can now stop imagining the spir-
itual world and participate in this great re-
ality, which is the nonexistence of death.”
It is important to remember that we
are not here to say which religious group
or sect is right in their convictions. Kar-
ran says that “everything that exists was
or is necessary.” It is up to each individu-
al to engage in self-analysis or perhaps ask
themselves these questions: does the spiri-
tual world exist? Am I prepared to discov-
er it? Is my faith or the group I belong to
enough for me? Will I be capable of living
in balance without my current fantasies to
face the great reality that awaits me? When
faced with this reality, will I not become
excessively vain? Will other people remain
the same to me? With this knowledge in
hand, for what purposes would I use it?
If you think that these questions or this
self-analysis have already been done, and I
believe they have, I hope that the only an-
swers you lack are these:
Who are you?
What are you?
And why are you?
To discuss these three questions, let’s re-
visit my second encounter with Karran.
However, some clarifications are necessary.
It was during this encounter that I had the
opportunity to meet Zirr, a resident of a
planet other than Karran’s. Zirr was an in-
dividual who willingly left the comfort of
his homeland to live among us and closely
observe our physical, mental, and techno-
logical development.
It was Zirr who, upon realizing my lack of
understanding regarding Karran’s words,
explained to me, “No, Bianca, we are not
referring to this consciousness, but rath-
er to another, a different kind of knowl-
Who are you? is not limited to who you
are in the present moment but also en-
compasses who you were in previous lives.
What are you? is the study you will under-
take to master your physical body.
And why are you? is the understanding
you will gain from past lives, from mas-
tering your physical body, and potentially
comprehending the purpose of this pres-
ent moment in the future.
It is known that various groups are ac-
tively pursuing self-consciousness, and
this pursuit did not begin recently. It likely
began when human beings, upon witness-
ing a lifeless body, experienced the pain of
separation and loss, prompting a profound
question: Is life merely this? If so, it seems
meaningless to live.
From that point, the great search for
self-consciousness began, an unrelenting
quest. Humanity has made both mistakes
and correct choices in the pursuit of this
knowledge due to a lack of concrete data.
Nevertheless, many paths have been ex-
plored and continue to be traversed.
Some individuals prefer the path of ab-
stinence, while others choose self-flag-
ellation. There are also those who seek
self-consciousness through fasting and
Ultimately, in one way or another, we all
strive to access the spiritual realm. How-
ever, few have succeeded so far. Unfortu-
nately, some individuals who were certain
of life after death, whether out of vanity
or a lack of information, altered their be-
havior. The image projected by these indi-
viduals has greatly hindered access to the
spiritual world for their followers or ad-
For reasons that are not well understood,
these individuals have limited and contin-
ue to limit their lives, essentially renounc-
ing everything that exists in the physical
world. This often fosters a mistaken belief
that being part of the physical or material
world is a negative aspect of being human
and that having a physical body and deriv-
ing pleasure from it is evidence of human
We want to emphasize that this work is
of fundamental importance to us as hu-
man beings. According to Karran, these
exercises have been taught on our planet
before. Unfortunately, the purpose of this
work has always been altered based on in-
terpretations of events that occur outside
the physical body. We hope that this does
not occur now because the times have
changed, and our understanding has also
Karran states that “interpreting facts
only reveals a lack of understanding about
them because when we truly understand,
there is no need for interpretation, we sim-
ply know.”
I would like to emphasize that I am aware
that I am not perfect in the eyes of the ma-
jority who strive for perfection. However,
it is not our current objective to attain per-
Additionally, Karran reminds us that “ev-
erything that exists was created by the Cre-
ator, and He does not perceive any flaws in
His creation.” Furthermore, according to
his words, “only once we have gained ac-
cess to our true selves will we possess the
means to verify whether we are aligned
with the profound reality of the universe
or not.”


Why is this subject very delicate?
Bianca: Because
a) It touches on the subject of “religion”;
b) It discusses the system in which we
c) It relates to traditional morality;
d) It addresses many other problems that
are part of our culture today;
e) And it also talks about death.
You say that this subject is very delicate because
it touches on religion, the system in which we live,
traditional morality, culture, and death. Why is it
delicate to talk about these subjects?
Bianca:It is delicate to talk about reli-
gion because we all have religious back-
grounds, and we strongly believe in the re-
ligion that was taught to us by our parents.
Religion has become almost a family her-
itage. Therefore, when we talk about the
religious issue, we are not so much talking
about the “church” itself but rather the
family structure of our planet.
It is delicate to talk about the system in
which we live because our system is very
different from what I have been learning
about how the moral, familial, and cultur-
al structure of human beings should be.
Hence, the difficulty and delicacy of the
subject. When it comes to culture, my un-
derstanding is limited, and when it comes
to morality, we no longer know, here on
our planet, which would be the best path
to follow. Therefore, it is a delicate subject.
As for death, it is one of the most chal-
lenging subjects because the nonexistence
of death cannot be proven to those who
do not participate in the spiritual world.
You say that what you have been learning about
the system is very different from ours in terms of
moral, familial, and cultural structure. What does
this difference consist of? Or rather, how should
the moral, familial, and cultural structure be ac-
cording to your learning?
Bianca: I cannot provide a direct answer
to this question because endorsing a new
way of life goes against my teachings. I
am instructed that changes in the way of
life must arise from human understand-
ing. Otherwise, such changes would not be
You begin the philosophy of the Technique by
stating that you will discuss a delicate subject that
has been troubling human beings. Why has this
subject been troubling for them?
Bianca: Human beings fear ignorance,
and when it comes to topics like death, the
spiritual world, and eternal life, most of us
are uninformed and lack certainty. We on-
ly possess limited information, which con-
tributes to our feelings of insecurity.
What do “glimpses of consciousness” and
“glimpses of awareness” mean?
Bianca: “Glimpses of consciousness” re-
fer to the awareness of existing in the past,
present, and future. “Glimpses of con-
sciousness” relate to the day-to-day con-
sciousness that does not extend or consid-
er the future beyond the death of the hu-
man body. It only encompasses the pres-
ent moment.
The statement “Death has ceased to be a nat-
ural consequence of what lives.” What does this
Bianca: Death is the natural outcome of
living matter, which, due to its material na-
ture, undergoes decay in accordance with
the laws of the physical universe. Animal
matter experiences this process of phys-
ical transformation, and the matter used
by human beings is also animal matter,
subject to the same deterioration process.
From this perspective, the death of mat-
ter is a natural consequence of life. How-
ever, human beings, who are independent
of matter, do not undergo the process of
death because they are “part of eternity.”
Human beings have delved into the search for
the answer to this question: Does life exist after
Bianca: Independent of matter, human
beings have reasoned and discovered their
immortality. Therefore, they have never
accepted and understood physical death as
a natural occurrence.
Alongside this question, several others have aris-
en: Would the spiritual world be a world of light
or darkness?
Bianca: Light. Why light? Because as
human beings, we recognize the magnifi-
cence of our Creator, and based on logical
principles, we understand that vision and
warmth are among the greatest aspects of
existence. We also associate brightness with
vision and warmth with love and light.
Darkness. Why darkness?
Bianca: Evil has always been portrayed
as something cold, dark, and ominous.
And our consciousness also brings forth
this perception of the spiritual world, as
we fear what is unknown. However, I want
to clarify that these are merely natural fears
of the unconscious human being. If with-
in our unconsciousness, we only had the
vision of love, light, and eternity from the
spiritual world, we would never be able
to bear inhabiting the physical body. And
without it, we would be incomplete..
Would this world have form or not? If there
were no forms, light, or darkness, how would it
Bianca: It would not exist because as hu-
man beings, we can only comprehend what
is within our natural understanding. We can
only grasp what is part of our innate per-
ception. That is why we cannot fully com-
prehend the “Creative Force” because we
have never had direct access to it. How-
ever, we know, through our innate under-
standing, that this “Creative Force” always
has access to us.
Would we find ourselves in an empty space with
gentle light and thin mist after death? Why is gen-
tle light and thin mist mentioned?
Bianca: The notion of an empty space
with gentle light and thin mist is an imagi-
nary concept that aligns with religious and
mystical beliefs. Since they do not possess
an accurate perception of the non-physi-
cal realm, they have speculated about what
might be pleasant for human beings.
A place where eternal peace reigns?
Bianca: As you can see, light, breeze, and
thin mist are represented to us by religion
as examples of eternal peace or celestial
Does pain truly exist? Why does pain exist?
Bianca: As we inhabit physical bodies,
we experience physical pain. This pain is
recorded within our physical bodies. When
we transition into the non-physical realm,
we carry this record with us, and it takes
time to release it, along with the sensation
of physical pain. However, physical pain
is not the only aspect that accompanies
human beings. Within our innate under-
standing, we possess emotional experienc-
es, and these emotions can be felt in vari-
ous ways. I will mention a few:
Longing and sadness are painful emo-
tions. Love and reunion are emotions that
bring us pleasure.
Does none of this exist, and is death the end of
Bianca: According to certain religious
and philosophical groups, death signifies
the end because they do not accept the no-
tion of the human being inhabiting a physi-
cal body. If the human being were not em-
bodied in a physical form, death would in-
deed represent the end. The physical body
only continues through reproduction, not
through consciousness.
And eternal oblivion?
Bianca: As you can see, the question im-
plies a concept of continuity, even with-
in unconsciousness. However, if eterni-
ty exists, our consciousness of the past,
present, and future serves as the reference
point for it.
Who knows?
Bianca: From what I have been learn-
ing so far, it appears that all human beings
possess this knowledge. However, I have
also observed that on Earth, this knowl-
edge is often contradictory. Therefore, the
correct access to this knowledge can on-
ly be achieved through self-consciousness
and a continuous presence in both the
non-physical and physical worlds.
What would constitute knowledge within this
Bianca: I have noticed that the knowl-
edge acquired in the physical world is in-
formative knowledge, while the knowl-
edge of the non-physical world is practical
knowledge. In the non-physical world, you
acquire this knowledge and draw your own
conclusions and information. It is import-
ant to remember that when we are in the
non-physical world, many of the limita-
tions imposed by the physical body cease
to exist. Therefore, the knowledge we ac-
quire is not subject to the interferences
that we normally experience here.
This knowledge that you have acquired was on-
ly made possible through practicing the “Physical
Technique for the Achievement of Self-Conscious-
ness.” Why?
Bianca: Karran explained to me that we
experienced a solar accident which caused
an excess of energy, leading to a block-
age of our neurons. This blockage result-
ed in unconsciousness and limited brain
function, preventing us from accessing
the non-physical world. However, through
a series of exercises, our energetic capac-
ity increases, along with our impulses and
brain frequency. This allows the energy ac-
quired through the exercises to travel with
increasing intensity through a larger group
of neurons, activating the recovery of hu-
man consciousness. Through this recovery,
we begin to bring the knowledge and un-
derstanding we acquired in the non-phys-
ical frequency (spiritual world) into the
physical body.
Does the Technique aim to achieve self-con-
Bianca: We consider self-consciousness
to be the knowledge granted to us by the
“Creative Force.” It is this knowledge that
we lost access to due to the blockage of
our neurons after the accident.
Why is self-consciousness considered an achieve-
Bianca: Recovering self-consciousness
is only possible through the energetic bal-
ance of our consciousness. This balance
does not occur naturally, which is why we
need to engage in self-recovery practices.
By recovering our consciousness, we re-
gain access to the spiritual world and our
Can only self-consciousness provide answers to
these questions? With numerous mystical move-
ments and religions on the planet, why wouldn’t
they have answers to these questions? Why is
self-consciousness the only means to answer them?
Bianca: When I refer to self-conscious-
ness, I am speaking of universal knowl-
edge granted to us by the Creator, rather
than the planetary knowledge we possess
here on Earth, which has been disrupted
by the accident.
A person who has never detached themselves
from their physical existence will never compre-
hend that they are more than just their physical
Bianca: Through faith and religion, one
can believe that they are more than just
physical matter, but true certainty can on-
ly be achieved by leaving the physical body
and personally verifying Karran’s words.
Why should we get out of the body?
Bianca: Based on my knowledge and
current awareness of the non-physical
world, I have become increasingly certain
that physical matter is deeply intertwined
with our original existence However, we
only feel complete when we actively en-
gage in both aspects of our existence: the
physical world and the non-physical world.
Unfortunately, due to the accident we ex-
perienced, we lost access to one side of
our existence. If we lose our physical mat-
ter, we become part of the non-physical
world, and upon receiving new matter, we
forget our experiences in the non-physi-
cal realm, retaining only fragmented infor-
mation. As Karran states, “We can only be
whole by actively participating in both as-
pects of our existence.”
Based on my knowledge and current
awareness of the non-physical world, I
am increasingly certain that we have phys-
ical matter inserted in our original records.
However, we only feel complete by partic-
ipating in both sides of our existence: the
physical world and the non-physical world.
But with the accident we experienced, we
lost access to one side of our existence be-
cause if we lose our physical matter, we be-
come part of the non-physical world, and
upon receiving new matter, we forget that
we once existed in the non-physical world.
And from it, we only have information.
As Karran says, “We will only be com-
plete by actively participating in both sides
of our existence.”
Why do we struggle to admit when we are wrong?
Bianca: The reason we find it difficult to
acknowledge our mistakes is because we
often firmly believe that our understand-
ing of a particular subject is correct. Con-
sequently, we tend to question the reason-
ing and understanding of others while
holding on to our own convictions.
Why does the human being tend to believe they
are always right in their beliefs and practices?
Bianca: Our understanding of non-phys-
ical life or the path leading to it depends
on the number of brain impulses and the
specific areas of the brain through which
this energy travels. Religious and philo-
sophical groups existing on our planet are
embraced by individuals who share simi-
lar brain impulses and the corresponding
areas energized by this energy flow. Con-
sequently, the understanding of their fol-
lowers becomes uniform. Within the lim-
its imposed by physical matter, their con-
victions are valid, contributing to their cer-
What do you mean by “imagining the spiritu-
al world”?
Bianca: Growing up with a Protestant
religious background, I was exposed to a
great deal of information about the spir-
itual world through my faith. However,
during that same period, I lacked direct ac-
cess to it. Following my contact with Kar-
ran, I became aware of other religious and
philosophical groups that also extensively
discuss the spiritual world, yet lack access
to it. Through my current participation in
the non-physical realm, I am now certain
that only a few individuals here have had
and continue to have access to this other
world. Consequently, I have come to re-
alize that our understanding of the spir-
itual world in this physical realm is often
shaped by imagination rather than provid-
ing an accurate representation of reality.
What do you mean by “burning neurons”?
Bianca: “Burning neurons,” as explained
by Karran, refers to an energy overload
during a specific period. This overload
causes the neuronal field and its connec-
tions to become fragmented, preventing
the captured energy from flowing through
the neuronal field with the necessary in-
tensity and strength for the ideal develop-
ment and functioning of the human being
in the physical realm.
In what sense is our recovery magnificent, in
Karran’s view? Because almost all of humanity is
still trapped in their minds.
Bianca: When he mentioned a “mag-
nificent recovery,” he was referring to
our physical and technological recovery.
The records were lost due to the accident.
However, he also observed that our recov-
ery is predominantly focused on the prac-
tical and physical aspects. As for the hu-
man side, the extraphysical side, it remains
part of the human imagination.
How can we go beyond imagining the spiritual
world and actively participate in it?
Bianca: By engaging in exercises that en-
hance our brain impulses, frequency, and
vibration. Through this practice, we will
overcome the physical blockage imposed
by the accident and gain the ability to con-
sciously enter and exit our physical bodies.
Why is the absence of death the ultimate reali-
ty for human beings?
Bianca: Much has been said about eter-
nal life, often associated with the loss of
the physical body. However, as human be-
ings, we are eternal regardless of our tem-
porary departures from the physical realm.
Yet, we lack the certainty that can only be
attained through the unblocking of mat-
ter. When matter becomes unblocked, we
will be consciously eternal.
How can we explain the absence of death in
perishable matter?
Bianca: When Karran referred to the ab-
sence of death for human beings, he was
not referring to the physical matter itself,
as it is temporary. However, if we are con-
scious, upon receiving a new body, we will
retain awareness of who we were and what
we did. Thus, the absence of death for hu-
man beings becomes evident. Even per-
ishable physical matter becomes eternal
through reproduction.
Wouldn’t this be the “reincarnation” that reli-
gious groups have been teaching for so long?
Bianca: Yes! We have records of mat-
ter, which instill a sense of necessity for
it. However, the difference lies in the fact
that we will be in a physical body again,
fully aware of our responsibilities, not for
the purpose of settling “karma” or as a
form of punishment, nor for evolution, as
human beings are already perfect. Matter
is granted to us as a divine gift, not as a
“Everything that exists was or is necessary.”
When Karran made this statement, was he refer-
ring to nature itself or to everything that humans
have created and built?
Bianca: He was referring to everything
that humans have accomplished within the
realms of technology, philosophy, and cul-
When you say that it is up to each individual to
perform this self-analysis, does “each individual”
refer to those who practice the Physical Technique
for the Achievement of Self-Consciousness or to
any person within our social context?
Bianca: It refers to individuals who are
interested in exploring and engaging with
the spiritual world. It is their responsibili-
ty to examine their purposes, understand-
ing, and the aims they intend to pursue
through this interaction.
In what sense would a person be prepared to
discover the spiritual world?
Bianca: A person is prepared to discov-
er the spiritual world when they have the
need to learn and seek the hidden truth
within each of us, rather than the need
for cultural or personal confrontation. It
is also when they don’t have the need to
become a leader of a group or engage in
confrontations and debates to test or chal-
lenge others’ knowledge. Self-demonstra-
tion is not part of self-consciousness.
When does faith or a group spiritually fulfill
Bianca: When we accept and under-
stand everything that is being taught to us
in that group, then it fulfills us. Howev-
er, if something said causes moments of
doubt and we need to be persuaded by the
group or someone else to understand or
accept what has been said, then that group
or philosophy no longer satisfies us.
What does it mean to live in balance within this
Bianca: Living in balance within this
work means not regretting leaving some-
thing behind. It also means not feeling
proud or special about the access one will
gain to the spiritual world.
What do you understand by the current fanta-
sies of people?
Bianca: When I refer to fantasies, I am
referring to imaginary situations that faith
provides us. Faith can lead us to moments
and situations that do not align with the
reality of the spiritual world.
What does “the great reality that awaits us”
Bianca: The great reality refers to the
absence of death, the spiritual world, and
self-consciousness. That is the great reali-
ty that awaits us.
How could a person become proud when con-
fronted with this great reality?
Bianca: In reality, we all become proud
when we make this marvelous and signif-
icant discovery. However, what we must
not do is consider ourselves superior to
In this philosophy, when would a person possess
Bianca: A person possesses knowledge
when they are certain that they are aware
of both the physical and spiritual worlds
and actively participate in both.
For what purpose or purposes should this knowl-
edge be used?
Bianca: This knowledge should be used
to guide and direct others in the physical
or spiritual world without letting them per-
ceive that you possess this knowledge.
“Who are you? What are you? and Why are
you?” Are these three questions asked because
man never knew the answer or did he know and
forget due to the accident?
Bianca: They knew and forgot due to the
Does this mean that human beings already have
all the knowledge within them?
Bianca: As a record of creation, yes! As
accessible knowledge, no! It needs to be
Was this response given in relation to individu-
als who only have a physical record, or does it ap-
ply to all human beings?
Bianca: From what I know, based on my
experience in the spiritual world, there is
almost an equal number of people with a
physical record as there are people with-
out it, just created to inhabit the spiritual
world. However, the response applies only
to us who have a physical record.
Karran told you that when they arrived here,
they found us still without the matters we use, that
is, in the extraphysical frequency. I ask: did we,
in that frequency, have the same knowledge as
those without a physical record?
Bianca: From what I know now, no! Be-
cause we only had the knowledge that is
innate in individuals with physical records
and some knowledge that was transmitted
by those without such records. This means
that human knowledge is held by those
who do not possess the physical record.
Do you know the reason for this difference in
knowledge between people with a physical record
and those without it?
Bianca: The explanation I receive in the
extraphysical frequency is that individu-
als without a physical record do not ex-
perience blockages or interference in their
knowledge. For this reason, the most im-
portant knowledge for human beings is
safeguarded and protected by these indi-
Will those with a physical record one day pos-
sess all the knowledge of those without a physical
Bianca: We have the capacity to learn this
knowledge. And since we are eternal, we
have all the time in the world for it. That’s
why I believe that one day we will have all
this knowledge.
You have been talking a lot about eternity.
Could you provide a difference in explanation be-
tween time and eternity?
Bianca: Time is measured by day, night,
week, months, and years. In eternity, there
is no night, week, month, or year. It simply
exists. It is a timeless state without chrono-
logical measurement. Everything in eterni-
ty is in the present.
So, to understand eternity, do we have to step
out of chronological time?
Bianca: Yes, we do!
In what sense does the study of the physical body
help in its mastery?
Bianca: Because it allows you to know
it in every sense and understand its lim-
itations. And, most importantly, it helps
you realize that you are not the physical
body. Only through this understanding
can we gain enough control over it so that
it doesn’t limit or prevent us from seeking
knowledge. When this happens, we can
truly say that we are getting to know and
controlling our physical body.
The groups working towards self-consciousness,
do they know what they are seeking, or do they
work without a pre-established objective?
Bianca: I believe that everyone knows
what they are seeking because they all ad-
vocate for the salvation of the human
spirit and eternal life. However, for us,
the salvation of the human being lies in
self-consciousness, and eternal life lies in
transcending the barrier between life and
In what attitudes or aspirations of the human
being would the sense of living be justified?
Bianca: The sense of living would be
justified by the importance that a physi-
cal body holds for us and our actions in
the world for which we were created—the
physical world. Without a physical body,
we could never actively participate in this
But does the ultimate justification of the hu-
man being (why are you) already lie within their
own nature, or is it yet to be discovered?
Bianca: The ultimate justification lies
within their own nature. As for the discov-
ery of this knowledge, I believe that each
person has their own individual journey
and timing.
Can you provide historical examples of both
mistakes and successes in the pursuit of self-con-
Bianca: No, I cannot. As Karran said,
“Everything that exists was or is neces-
What do you understand by “concrete data” in
the pursuit of self-consciousness?
Bianca: Concrete data refers to knowl-
edge and direct experiences in the spiritual
world. If humanity had constant access to
this other side of our existence, we would
not make mistakes in seeking this knowl-
edge, only experience successes.
Will the “Physical Technique for the Achieve-
ment of Self-Consciousness” provide us with these
successes without errors?
Bianca: If the practitioner of the “Tech-
nique” achieves an out-of-body experience
and is patient enough to wait for the time
of their understanding, then there will be
no errors. But if they are impatient and let
their imagination run wild, falling into the
error of interpreting the events that occur
outside our physical body, then they will
not be any different from other existing
groups, as they will be subject to the same
mistakes that have already been made un-
til today.
Among the paths that humanity takes in the
pursuit of self-consciousness, would any path be
considered the best for everyone, or does it have to
come from each individual’s search?
Bianca: There is no single best path be-
cause all paths aim towards the spiritual
world. However, there is a better under-
standing of this pursuit, and that under-
standing is individual, not collective.
You mention that abstinence, self-flagellation,
fasting, and meditation are paths adopted by ma-
ny in the pursuit of self-consciousness. Within this
philosophy, are these practices condemnable or can
they be supported? What do you have to say?
Bianca: These practices are not neces-
sary. The resource we utilize to achieve
self-consciousness is the practice of the
exercises that make up the Physical Tech-
nique for the Achievement of Self-Con-
Can you explain the fundamental importance
of work? Why is this importance fundamental?
Bianca: All the studies I have undertak-
en in the extraphysical realm aim at human
awareness because it is through awareness
that we can change our understanding,
reasoning, and perception of the world
around us. Additionally, I have come to un-
derstand that every religious or philosoph-
ical path on Earth aims to achieve human
awareness, as we recognize that without it,
we cannot bring about meaningful chang-
es on our planet.
Can you tell me where and when Karran taught
these exercises on other occasions, as he claims?
Bianca: I cannot provide specific details
regarding the locations and times, but I am
aware that teachings such as the “Hindu
Philosophy” have originated from extra-
terrestrial sources, along with several oth-
When you mention interpretation, do you mean
the same as it is commonly understood in our cur-
rent culture, or does it have another meaning?
Bianca: No, I do not mean it in the same
way as it is commonly understood in our
present culture. When I refer to interpreta-
tion, I am specifically referring to the pre-
mature conclusion of an idea by a student
before completing their studies on that
subject within the extraphysical frequency.
In what sense are “times different, and under-
standing as well”?
Bianca: Since we know that we are sur-
vivors of a major accident in our solar sys-
tem, we also know that the excessive en-
ergy caused blockages in our brains, re-
sulting in the loss of our origin, technolo-
gy, and especially awareness of the extrap-
hysical frequency (spiritual world). There-
fore, all our knowledge had to be restarted
by inhabitants from other worlds and the
spiritual realm. As our recovery progresses
flawlessly, I believe that our understanding
is also improving. As Karran states, “we
no longer require ‘vague words’ or ‘ob-
scure phrases’ to begin grasping the con-
cept of the nonexistence of death for hu-
man beings, the long-awaited eternal life,
and the spiritual world.”
When you say that you are not perfect, do you
mean that you make the same mistakes as every-
one else in relation to self-consciousness, or do you
still have much to learn?
Bianca: We are all susceptible to making
mistakes. Regarding perfection, it is some-
thing we should continually strive for be-
cause the fewer mistakes we make, the eas-
ier it becomes for those who come after
Many notice that your way of life seems normal
within the social context. You don’t even dress dif-
ferently. A person with your knowledge could posi-
tion themselves in a position of prominence. How-
ever, you are not like that. Is there any special rea-
son for this?
Bianca: All my teachings are based on
the equality of beings. I do not wish to be
different from other human beings I en-
counter because if I were, I would be com-
mitting the first irreparable mistake with-
in my work.
Do you then believe that there are no special in-
Bianca: Yes, I do! They do not ex-
ist! There are people with greater knowl-
edge, but special individuals do not exist
because we share the same origin and the
same “Creator”. As an example, I will use
a family: within a family, some study more,
others study less. Some graduate and be-
come doctors, while others do not. How-
ever, parents see all their children in the
same way.
What does perfection mean for human beings?
Bianca: As an example of human per-
fection, I can mention Karran, who is a
person like us, possessing a physical body,
and also my teacher who does not have a
physical form and was created to only ex-
ist in the spiritual world. Both of them tell
me that “the Creator sees no flaws in His
creation.” From this, we can conclude that
even though we may be “flawed” due to
an accident, in the eyes of the “Creator,”
we are perfect.
You make many assertions based on what Kar-
ran and other individuals have said in the extra-
physical realm. If someone demanded logical ev-
idence within our system to support your claims,
how would you explain it?
Bianca: I would respond that only time
and the understanding of human beings
will be able to confirm what I have been
saying so far. For those who practice the
exercises of the “Physical Technique for
the Achievement of Self-Consciousness,”
the confirmation is immediate, but for
those who do not even want to try, on-
ly time and factual evidence will serve as
Many people would like to see Karran to believe
in you. What do you say about that?
Bianca: I say that this is something be-
yond my control because it does not de-
pend on me for him to meet anyone; it de-
pends only on him. I am not someone who
makes promises I cannot fulfill.
To conclude, I would like you to comment, in
your view, on what constitutes the “great reality of
the universe”?
Bianca: The great reality of the universe
for human beings is the immortality of the

5st part

By Domício Bering Ferreira

Like everyone else, I had a mystical past
from my childhood. I participated in vari-
ous religions, philosophies, and doctrines.
All of these experiences were very helpful
and aided me in thinking more objectively
about engaging with the “spiritual world”
in a more tangible way.
Today, I will discuss the “spiritual world”
based on my concrete knowledge of it. To
do so, I will draw upon one of the ma-
ny experiences I have had until now, while
actively participating in the Physical Tech-
nique for the Achievement of Self-Con-
sciousness course.
The experience I will share took place in
the apartment where I lived, Brasília, in the
year 1984. This experience was one of the
most memorable I have had in the course
that I have been practicing for five years.

I always did the exercises before going
to bed. In the early hours of the morning,
I woke up with the sensation that I was
about to leave my physical body. I relaxed
and managed to exit. I rose vertically and
reached the ceiling of the room. Looking
down, I observed that I was lying on my
side, with my back facing my wife. She, in
turn, was also lying on her side, facing our
daughter’s crib. Our daughter’s crib was
positioned at the doorway leading to the
balcony of our room. I could see both of
them and my physical body in the room
very clearly. I observed for some time. It
was the first time I had seen my physical
body while being outside of it. This had
been one of my greatest curiosities since
I started practicing the Technique. My
awareness was complete; I could see and
reason at the same time.
The room was small, and after careful-
ly examining every corner, I realized that
I had satisfied all of my curiosities there.
And I decided to search for evidence in
order to prove my consciousness outside
of the physical body. I went to the oth-
er room where my other two daughters
slept in bunk beds. I approached them and
looked at them closely. In doing so, I sat-
isfied another one of my curiosities within
that experience.
After completing this step, I thought to
myself, “I will go to the living room and see
if I encounter someone outside the phys-
ical body whom I can speak with.” I im-
mediately arrived there, but it was empty. I
paused for a moment and thought, “What
do I do now?” That’s when I remembered
a colleague who had gone to work in Saudi
Arabia. I was flying at approximately three
meters above the ground at a reasonable
speed. There was brightness, as if it were a
sunny morning, and I could distinguish the
green of the trees, the yellow of the san-
dy ground, and feel the wind on my face
caused by the speed of my travel. I also felt
the branches of the trees brushing against
me. When I noticed the tree branches and
the wind on my face, I reasoned, “How
can I, without a physical body, be feeling
all these sensations?” Although I didn’t un-
derstand those sensations at that moment,
I continued with my objective.
Shortly after, I arrived at an underground
city and took a tour, still flying. From what
I could perceive, this city seemed to be an-
cient, as its constructions had a rustic ap-
I left the city and remained suspended
in the air fora few moments, thinking to
myself, “Does my physical body need me?
No! I think it can endure another fifteen
I continued my journey towards Sau-
di Arabia until I reached a location with a
landscape similar to the surroundings of
the pyramids in Egypt. I stood still, above
the ground, feeling somewhat disappoint-
ed that I hadn’t achieved my objective, re-
alizing that it wouldn’t be possible at that
Upon realizing that I wouldn’t achieve
my objective, I decided to make my way
back. After flying for a while, I stopped
and exclaimed, “Now I want to see some-
one!” A man appeared from behind a wall,
but I could only see him from the waist up
as the other half remained hidden. How-
ever, after achieving my wish, I no longer
had an interest in seeing him, and these
were my words in response: “Alright, I’ve
seen you, now you can go.” Following this
scene, I continued my journey back, which
was much faster. I approached the build-
ing and entered through the balcony in-
to the living room. I went to the bedroom
where, at the foot of the bed, I saw the
same scene that I had visualized during
my first exit. I saw my physical body, my
wife, and our youngest daughter. I knew
that I had to take the initiative to re-enter
my physical body, but I hesitated for a mo-
That’s when I remembered an experi-
ence shared by a classmate, in which she
said that when she was about to re-en-
ter her physical body, she would lie down
on her body. She would also try to press
the switch that turned on the light. If her
finger went through the switch, it meant
she hadn’t re-entered the physical body
yet, and she would try again. However,
since the light switch in our room was on
the other side, near my daughter’s crib,
I thought, “I have to do this task in my
own way.” I approached my physical body
and lay down on it, thinking I had re-en-
tered, and tried to stand up, but my hands
sank into the mattress. Then I realized that
I hadn’t re-entered my physical body yet.
I got up and repeated the same process.
This time I succeeded and was able to ex-
perience something incredible: the tran-
sition of consciousness from outside the
physical body to inside the it.

After experiencing and personally real-
izing this experience, death ceased to be,
as referred to in the philosophy of the
Course, “the natural consequence of life,”
and I found the answer to the question:
“Is there life after death?”
Yes, there is! Because outside of my phys-
ical body, I observed that it is the matter
that dies, but the human being is immor-
tal. Not only are we immortal, but we also
retain full consciousness, movement, and
reasoning. Even if I don’t return to inhab-
it my physical body, I would still be alive,
reasoning, moving, and with the same lev-
el of consciousness I have here and now.
Furthermore, the philosophy of the
“Technique” poses other questions, such
as: “If there is life after death, what is it
like? Is it a world of light or darkness?”
I can confidently assert that it is a world
of light, but it can also be a world of dark-
ness. When I was flying toward the East,
I vividly witnessed the brightness of the
light, the greenness of the trees, the yel-
lowness of the sand on the ground. Yet, in
other experiences, I found myself in com-
plete darkness.
Continuing with the philosophy of the
course, which asks: “Does this world have
forms or not?”
Yes, I can answer this question as well!
During my out-of-body journey, I saw
tree branches, an underground city, rustic
structures, landscapes reminiscent of an-
cient Egypt, vegetation, shrubs and tufts
of grass. I encountered a wall behind
which the person I mentioned was stand-
ing. Therefore, a world with forms is pos-
sible. It’s not only possible, but I want to
remind my colleagues of Karran’s words
to Bianca: “Only with the existence of the
spiritual world does the material world be-
come possible!”
The philosophy of the “Technique” fur-
ther ponders: “Would we be cast into an
empty space with soft light and fine mist,
where eternal peace prevails upon death?
Does this world have a gentle breeze?”
Based on the experience I lived, I per-
ceive that this is also a reality. Outside of
my physical body, I witnessed light, felt the
breeze caressing my body and face, and ex-
perienced a profound sense of tranquility
toward everything that exists. There was a
profound sense of peace and well-being.
Once again, the philosophical inquiry
of the course expresses itself: “Could this
world be cold and dark, or perhaps even
involve pain?”
For me, these answers became clear and
simple when, outside of the physical body,
I personally felt all the sensations of the
physical world: the brushing of branches,
the breeze, the wind, the ambient tempera-
ture wherever I went, fear, and the very ex-
perience of pain in other instances I had,
as well as the darkness, as I previously de-
Lastly, the philosophical considerations
of the “Technique” ponder: “Perhaps
none of this exists, and death is the end
of everything, eternal oblivion?” I do not
wish to deny any of these possibilities. No,
I will not deny any of these words, but with
the objective certainty I now possess re-
garding all these facts, I want to sincerely
state, based on my experiential knowledge,
that it is not so. All of this exists! Death,
far from being the end of everything, is
the beginning. It is the beginning of every-
thing we can concretely achieve from now
on because it does not cease to exist. When
matter perishes, it does not affect the in-
dividual who, regardless of matter, thinks,
acts, works, learns, reasons, and ultimately
performs all the acts of life. This is a clear
demonstration that “eternal oblivion” is a
In concluding all the questions posed
by the philosophy of the course “Physi-
cal Technique for the Achievement of
Self-Consciousness,” there is the hypothet-
ical conjecture about the spiritual world:
“Who knows?” I, and anyone who exits
their physical body with consciousness,

By Carlos Takanori

From a young age, the idea of the spiri-

tual world had already existed within me in
some way, but I never had certainty about
anything. I sought answers, but I never
found them in a way that was satisfying to
me. With the death of my father, the search
for a connection to the spiritual world be-
came even stronger. And for a long time, I
paid close attention to anything that would
show this path.
One day, I learned about a course called
“Physical Technique for the Achievement
of Self-Consciousness” through the news.
I didn’t know exactly what it was, but the
subject fascinated me from the beginning.
I soon became part of a group of enthu-
siastic students, and the focus was on con-
sciously leaving the physical body through
practical exercises.
We began this course with a class of sev-
enteen students, having weekly lessons over
a period of three months. I thought the
proposed time was too short considering
the objective, but I started with great ded-
ication nonetheless. After the first month,
the number of participants in the course
had been reduced by half. It seemed that
people’s interest was gradually decreasing,
perhaps because the “Technique” didn’t
meet their initial expectations. But for me,
it was only the first month.
In the second month, the group further
decreased, and we were down to just five
people. Finally, in the third month, only
three people remained, including myself.
The other two individuals described in-
credible experiences that I couldn’t com-
prehend. They spoke of journeys they
took inside a flower, the sensations and
beauty they encountered during relax-
ation. And all of that seemed very strange
to me. Even their way of dressing was cu-
rious, as one of them wore a colorful cloak
resembling a priest or something similar.
The truth is, when it came to experiences,
I hadn’t observed or felt anything yet. And
so, the course came to an end.
On the last day of class, while speakin-
go with my instructor, I was advised not
to worry about the lack of results, as they
would come later as long as I continued
practicing the exercises I had learned. I was
also told that initial obstacles were usual-
ly anxiety and fear, and that willpower and
perseverance would bring me results. I was
encouraged to, at the very least, give my-
self the chance to prove that none of it
would work. This clarification was crucial
for me because from that day forward, I
set a goal to achieve.
After two months of constant exer-
cise, on a particular night, I woke up to go
to the bathroom. Upon returning to my
bed, I noticed the wall clock showing ex-
actly four in the morning. I lay down and
thought, “I’ll take this opportunity to ex-
ercise.” And so I began. During the exer-
cise, I started feeling a peculiar physical
sensation in my body. Vibrations, weight,
and suddenly I felt myself being propelled
forward, falling to the ground. I felt the
impact of the fall, but when I was on the
floor, I didn’t feel any pain, and I could
feel the cold floor with my hands. I slow-
ly got up and observed the brightness of
the room. But I was certain that just mo-
ments before, I had turned off the lights.
I looked back and saw, with astonishment,
my body lying on the bed. I felt that, for
the first time, I had managed to leave my
physical body with complete awareness. I
observed my body on the bed for a mo-
ment, peacefully breathing and sleeping.
Then I decided to leave the room, and
when I touched the doorknob, my hand,
as I made an effort to open it, went right
through the door, and my body also quick-
ly passed through it without encountering
any obstacles. I found it incredible, and
three times in a row, I repeated the act of
entering and exiting the room in that man-
ner. I went to the living room and sat on
the couch, constantly feeling immense joy
for living this experience and for achieving
what I had always longed for. I waited for
a moment and then decided to leave my
house, always passing through the doors in
the same way. As I walked through a cor-
ridor, I encountered a person. They were
standing and were very surprised to see
me. They didn’t say anything, and I sim-
ply greeted them. I left. Outside, I leaped
up and, like a bird, I could float and move
above the house without feeling any fear
of the height I was at. I only felt great sat-
isfaction. I decided to return inside and
did so using the same path. I entered the
house, noticed that the clock was show-
ing four thirty, exactly thirty minutes af-
ter I had last checked the time. I went in-
to the bedroom, approached my body, and
as if wanting to sleep, I lay down on top
of it, and within seconds, I felt my phys-
ical form and opened my eyes. The room
was dark, and I was certain that I had ex-
perienced those moments. This happened
nine years ago, and today, with every new
out-of-body journey, I always feel the same
satisfaction as in my first experience.

This second experience that I am go-
ing to share follows Bianca’s line of work,
which deals with the recovery of a per-
son’s physical appearance in the extraphys-
ical plane after they have passed away.
I met Mrs. Basilides Tagliari a few years
ago through my professional activity as an
accountant for several companies. We fre-
quently met to discuss my out-of-body ex-
periences, and she was genuinely curious
about how things unfolded.
Mrs. Lide, as she was called, told me that
a significant part of her life had been de-
voted to a convent, where her parents had
taken her when she was a teenager. She re-
mained there for thirty years in search of
knowledge and religious convictions. She
mentioned that those years were not easy
because, after such a long time, she wasn’t
completely certain if she had achieved the
goals she had sought. I could sense that
she felt a great deal of frustration for dedi-
cating so much time to pursuing those ob-
jectives. She expressed that faith was the
foundation of everything and wondered
if it was necessary to devote such a large
portion of her life to have that faith. We
often discussed this topic, and sometimes
I noticed how deeply it hurt her, causing
her to cry silently. Nevertheless, her faith
remained strong and unwavering.
She once told me that during a trip to Eu-
rope, the ship she was on sank. In the mid-
dle of tremendous despair, she managed
to survive, constantly turning her thoughts
towards God. This experience had a pro-
found impact on her, as she felt truly sup-
ported by God and her faith in Him.
Some time later, she suddenly disap-
peared from my life. It was unusual for
her to be absent for such a long time with-
out any contact. I later learned that Mrs.
Lide had passed away a month ago. In that
moment, I wondered about her emotions
and how she would be in the extraphysi-
cal plane, where we are guided by our own
desires, fears, and convictions. Finding her
became an immediate goal, and I felt quite
anxious about it.
It took me some time exerting effort to
leave my body, and after about a month, I
achieved a conscious exit. At that moment,
I was filled with excitement at the opportu-
nity to visit Mrs. Lide. I was accompanied
by a person who guided me to her location.
When I arrived, I saw her sitting calmly at
a table. I approached her and asked if she
was okay, already aware of what had hap-
pened. She replied that “now” she was fine.
At that moment, it felt unnecessary to ask
her anything further, as her tranquility and
serenity were evident on her face. I didn’t
know how to express myself, whether with
joy for finding her or with sadness for ac-
knowledging that she had left her physical
body. She immediately noticed this con-
flict within me. She quickly began justi-
fying her current state, saying, “Now, I’m
fine.” She asked me to closely observe her
face. I kept looking at her, observing the
familiar face that I knew so well. However,
suddenly, her expression started to change
and twist in a continuous movement. Her
facial features were changing rapidly, grad-
ually settling into an almost adolescent ap-
pearance, with longer hair than I had ever
seen before. Although her hair was messy,
it possessed an incredible natural beauty. I
observed this transformation closely, pay-
ing careful attention. She said, “From now
on whenever you see me, you will see me
like this.” And she was immensely joyful
while making this statement.
I also felt that happiness and returned to
my physical body with a profound sense
of satisfaction. I knew that she would now
live her youth to the fullest and had man-
aged to reclaim what time had taken from


By Justina Caciano

A few days ago, while out of my body,

I found myself at the wedding of a friend
from my youth. My eldest daughter, who
is now sixty years old, was in my arms at
the age of three months during that wed-
ding. Even as a baby, I was absolutely cer-
tain that she was my daughter because I
recognized the time, the surroundings, the
people, and the things that existed there.
I can even recall the names of many indi-
viduals who attended the wedding on that
day in 1929, in the municipality of Santo
Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul.
There were many other people present
at the wedding, all of whom I knew. My
husband, my mother-in-law, and I were
family guests that day. The house was
exactly as it had been back then. I remember
all the objects and items that were there on
that day, and they were present once again.
The barbecue, in particular, remains vivid
in my memory as it was the same as the
one we had at that time. This experience
occurred in February 1988.


I was out of my body and at my house,
and my mother-in-law had come to vis-
it us. Aurora, my daughter, accidentally
stepped on my mother-in-law’s foot as she
said goodbye. It resulted in a small wound,
so I went to inspect it and applied some
medicine. At that moment, I felt a sharp
pain in my right foot. Upon checking, I
noticed blood flowing from my foot.
Upon returning to my physical body, I
discovered that the blood was indeed com-
ing from my foot in the physical realm. I
realized that the wound had occurred on
my own foot, not on my mother-in-law’s.
The bedsheet was stained with blood. I
then called Maria, my daughter who shares
the same room, and she helped dress the
wound as the bleeding wouldn’t cease. This
incident took place in September 1988.

I left my room, but I hadn’t exited my
physical body. After taking a nap in the af-
ternoon, I got up and walked into the liv-
ing room of our apartment, and something
very peculiar occurred. As I entered the
room, my gaze fell upon the framed por-
trait from my wedding, which measures
approximately two feet by twelve inches.
The portrait hangs on the living room wall,
about four feet above the floor.
To my amazement, as I looked at the
portrait, it started slowly descending un-
til it ended up resting on top of the tele-
vision, which sits atop a table in the liv-
ing room. I observed the portrait in this
new position for a few minutes, question-
ing the reality of what I was witnessing. I
even rubbed my eyes to confirm if I was
mistaken. Then, gradually, the portrait be-
gan to rise again, and before I knew it, it
had returned to its original position on the
wall. This event took place in March 1989.

By Severino Batista da Silva

My father passed away from cancer in
December 1984, and I began practicing the
technique in September 1985. Right after
the exercises, I went to sleep, and during
the experience, I saw my father walking
past me, his hand on his stomach and an
expression of pain on his face. He ap-
proached me, and I told him, “You don’t
need to worry about this pain anymore. It’s
over.” I had the impression that my father
understood mentally what I meant. “You
have already passed away, and the cancer
no longer exists...”
I was in my hometown when suddenly I
encountered my uncle (who passed away
in 1983), and he asked, “What are you do-
ing here?” I explained that I had learned a
technique that allowed me to visit his world
before leaving my world permanently.

There was someone with me, and we
were engaged in a dialogue about how to
make the most of my waking conscious-
ness outside the body. I was filled with eu-
phoria, wanting to do a thousand things at
once. Suddenly, I had the desire to visit a
specific city. There was no need to take a
bus or any other form of transportation
to reach the desired places because such
limitations do not exist for someone who
is consciously outside of the physical body
during experiences.
These experiences were enough for me
to realize that death does not truly exist.
All my beliefs came crashing down, and
the fear of death vanished. I cannot fear
what I have come to understand. I do not
expect others to accept this evidence blind-
ly, as it is a realm where each individual can
investigate and learn for themselves. How-
ever, some of us can serve as guides and
point the way for others.

The End

Also read the book IN SEARCH OF LOST

CONSCIOUSNESS by José Antônio Cunha
e Silva.

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