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SPHERICAL HELICAL ANTENNA WITH 2 a / N . For a complete spherical helix 0 < 4 < 2nN.

For a
CIRCULAR POLARISATION OVER A BROAD truncated spherical helix eqns. 1 and 2 can be used with
BEAM 0 i6 < 2nn, where n is the actual number of turns.

J. C . Cardoso and A. Safaai-Jazi Analysis and results: The investigation of the spherical helix
was carried out using both numerical techniques and experi-
mental measurements. Attention is focused on a particular
Indexing terms Antennas, Polarisation, Antenna radiation helix which provides circular polarisation over a wide beam-
width. Although several cases were examined, results for a 10
A spherical helical antenna is proposed and its radiation turn spherical helix are presented here. The wire antenna code
characteristics are analysed using numerical methods and ESP (electromagnetic surface patch code), based on the
experimental measurements. Results for a 10 turn helix are method of moments, was used to numerically analyse the helix
presented. These results indicate that the spherical helix can [7]. Both the magnitude and phase of electric field com-
provide circular polarisation over a wide heamwidth. The ponents E , and E , were calculated in the far-field region. Fig.
radiation patterns have a broad main beam, essentially no 2 shows the gains G , and G , for a 10 turn helix with a circum-
sidelohes. and low backlohe level.
ference C = 2na = 1.252, where 1 is the wavelength. The gain

Introduction; Helical antennas are of considerable interest

because they provide circular polarisation over a wide band-
width. The conventional cylindrical helix has been investi-
gated extensively in the past by many researchers, and
numerous modifications to the simple cylindrical geometry
have been proposed in the pursuit of increased bandwidth and
optimisation of other parameters [l-31. We report prelimi-
nary results of an investigation in a spherical helical antenna.
The spherical helix is a wire antenna in a helix shape that is
wound over a spherical surface as shown in Fig. 1. It is fed
coaxially with the inner conductor of the coaxial cable becom-
ing the helix and the outer conductor forming the conducting
ground plane.

Fig. 2 Calculated far-field patterns in xz-plane for I O turn spherical

helix with circumference 1.25).

of each component of the electric field is referenced to an

isotropic linearly-polarised antenna and is expressed as
Fig. 1 Spherical helical antenna over a ground plane fed by coaxial
go^, = 10logio(CoIE,.+l2) dB (3)

Unlike the cylindrical helix, spherical helical radiators have where COis a constant related to the radiation intensity of the
not been widely investigated. One class of radiators known a s reference isotropic antenna [2]. The radiation patterns in Fig.
spherical anisotropic antennas was studied about three 2 are in the xz-plane (4 = 0" and 180"). A square ground
decades ago by Mei and Meyer [4]. These antennas are plane with a side dimension larger than a half wavelength was
assumed to have many turns so that they can be modelled as considered in the calculations of radiation characteristics. The
anisotropically-conducting surfaces. Another type known as size of the ground plane whose smallest linear dimension
the spherical spiral antenna was investigated by Atia and Mei exceeds one half wavelength does not influence the results.
[SI. The spherical helix presented here has a limited number The total gain of the spherical helix with respect to a circular-
ly polarised isotropic antenna was also calculated. The gain is
of turns, thus most of the spherical surface is nonconducting.
Analysis of this structure requires numerical methods and - 9.5 dB in the axial direction 0 = 0".
Fig. 3 illustrates the phase difference between the field com-
experimental measurements because its complex geometry
makes it very difficult to develop analytic expressions for its ponents, L E , - LE,, against 0. In this Figure, positive values
radiation characteristics. of 8 correspond to 4 = On, and the negative values are for
4 = 180". Examination of Figs. 2 and 3 clearly indicates that
Geometry: The geometry of the spherical helix is defined such
250, ,
that a constant spacing between successive turns is main-
tained. The advantage of fixed spacing is that the spherical
helix can be easily constructed and the mathematical expres-
sions that describe its geometry can be readily formulated,
thus facilitating experimental evaluation as well as computer
simulation of the helix. The equations that describe a spher-
ical helix with constant spacing are [6]
2 90 U
r = a

where a is the radius of the sphere, N is the total number of


a -30
- 9 0 - 7 5 - 6 0 - 4 5 -30-15 0 15

e ,deg
30 45 60 75 90

turns, and r , 0, and 4 are the spherical co-ordinates The Fig. 3 Calculated phase difference between electric field components E ,
spacing between successive turns as projected on the z-axis is and E ,

ELECTRONICS LE77TR.S 18th February 1993 Vol 29 N o 4 325

-- --
for -45” i0 < 45”, the field components E, and E, have 7 NEWMAN, E. H.,and DILSAVAR, R. L.: ‘A user’s manual for the elec-
equal magnitude and 90” phase difference, indicating that the tromagnetic surface patch code’. ESP Version 111, The Ohio State
polarisation is circular. What is remarkable is that circular University, ElectroScience Laboratory, NASA Technical Report
polarisation is maintained over a wide beamwidth. The con- No. 716148-19, 1987
8 KIUFT, U. R., and MoNtCH, G.: ‘Main-beam polarization properties
ventional helix does not maintain circular polarisation in off- of the axial mode helix antenna’, IEEE Trans., 1990, AP-38, pp.
axis directions, a drawback which has motivated researchers 589-592
to find ways of improving it [SI. The limitation with this
antenna, however, is that circular polarisation over a wide
beam is maintained over a relatively narrow bandwidth.
Results indicated that for a spherical helix the size of a ping
pong ball, the bandwidth is -50MHz. In some applications
such as mobile radio communications where high channel
capacity may not be required, wide beamwidth, circular pol- SIMPLE AND LOW-LOSS FIBRE-TO-CHIP
arisation, and compact size are important advantages offered COUPLING BY INTEGRATED
by the spherical helix. FIELD-MATCHING WAVEGUIDE I N InP
A prototype 10 turn spherical helix, 0.06111 in diameter and
backed by a conducting dish 0.15m in diameter, was built and Th. Schwander, S. Fischer, A. Kramer, M. Laich,
tested. Fig. 4 shows the measured far-field patterns. The K. Luksic, G. Spatschek and M. W a r t h

Indexing terms: Optical couplers, Integrated optics, Optical

A nested taper structure in InCaAsP/lnP, using only hori-
zontally tapered waveguides, trnasforms the fundamental
mode of an integrated waveguide to the mode profile of a
singlemode fibre. Taper tips below 300nm width have been
achieved with standard technology. Very first measurement
results show an insertion loss of only 4dB lor a 1mm long
device without any antireflectivecoating or immersion fluid.

Introduction; Fibre-to-chip coupling between optical trans-

mission fibres and planar optical waveguides of semicon-
ductor lasers or optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) is
still one of the most important cost factors. Simple butt joints
between fibres and InGaAsP/InP waveguides only have poor
efliciencies, whereas microlenses and fibre tapers are dificult
to mount and require costly alignment procedures. To obtain
a cheap but eflicient connection, we integrate the complex
field matching area, which transforms the strongly guided fun-
Fig. 4 Measured far-field patterns of IO turn spherical helix with cir-
cumference 1.251
damental mode of an OEIC system waveguide to the mode
profile of the weakly guiding fibre, on a mass-producible
lEel ldBl OEIC. In Fig. 1 an optical front end for wavelength division
. . . . . . . I E+ I CdBl

are0 of
maximum of the E, pattern is normalised to OdB and E, is optoelectronic components
normalised relative to E,. The measured patterns of the two
components differ from each other by 2 dB and mimic each
other almost exactly in the upper half plane. Experimental
errors (interference, reflections, gain fluctuations, etc.) may
have contributed to the difference between the components
which are equal in the calculated patterns of Fig. 2. The
antenna range facility available did not provide the capability field matching
for phase measurements. section

Conclusion: A spherical helical antenna has been proposed

and investigated. The proposed antenna is compact and pro-
vides circular polarisation over a wide beamwidth. This broad
beam circularly polarised antenna has potential applications
in communication systems with low channel capacity.
singlemode fibre terminol
28 October 1992
J. C. Cardoso and A. Safaai-Jazi (The Bradley Department of Electri-
cal Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, p
Blacksburg, Virginia 240610111, U S A ) Fig. 1 OEIC with field-matching waveguide for integrated subscriber
multiplexing application is shown, containing the field-
1 KRAUS,I. D.:‘Antennas’ (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988), 2nd edn. matching section, a wavelength division multiplexer [l] and a
2 STUTZMAN, w. L., and THIELE, G . A.: ‘Antenna theory and design’ laser- and detector diode, coupled to system waveguides Low-
(John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1981) cost fabrication with high yield requires the use of standard
3 NAKANO, H.: ‘Helical and spiral antennas-a numerical approach’ technology with high reproduability Therefore we d o not use
(Research Studies Press, New York, 1987) vertically tapered waveguides [2] The device should not pri-
4 MEI,K. K., and M E W , M.: ‘Solutions lo spherical anisotropic
antennas’, IEEE Trans., 1969, AP-12, pp. 459-463 marily be applicable to laser-fibre coupling [3] but also to
5 AnA, and mi, K. K.: ‘Charactenstics of a spherical spiral satellite passive fibre-OEIC coupling over the entire 1 3-1 55pm
antenna’. Program and Abstracts of the URSI Meeting, 1969, pp. wavelength range.
6 CARWSO, I. c.: ‘The spherical helical antenna’. MS Thesis, Virginia Design At the OEIC-fibre interface, a weakly guiding wave-
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1992, Chap. 3 guide is designed [4] as an InP homostructure waveguide
326 ELECTRONICS LETTERS 18th February 1993 Vol 2 9 No 4


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