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DATE: 04/11/2023

Report on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

By-Vinayak Saxena
Roll Number-16

The Wireless Sensor Network Survey, authored by Jennifer Yick, Biswanath Mukherjee, and
Dipak Ghosal, provides a comprehensive review of recent literature on Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs). WSNs are a cutting-edge field in wireless communication technology, and
this survey delves into various aspects of WSNs, including their applications, design
considerations, physical and MAC layers, security, energy efficiency, and data aggregation. In
this report, we aim to summarize and expand upon the key findings and insights presented in this

Key Sections of the Survey:

1. Overview of Key Issues in WSNs:

The survey begins with an overview of key issues in WSNs, providing insights into existing
sensor technologies, types of nodes and gateways available, and challenges associated with WSN
deployment in specific environments. This section sets the stage for a deeper exploration of
The initial section of the Wireless Sensor Network Survey serves as a foundational exploration
of essential issues in WSNs. It offers a vital backdrop for understanding the intricacies of
wireless sensor networks by addressing the following critical components:

● Sensor Technologies: The survey highlights the importance of sensor technologies, the
heart of any WSN. It discusses the various types of sensors available, including
temperature, humidity, motion, and more. Sensor selection is a crucial decision that
directly impacts the network's ability to collect accurate data.
● Node and Gateway Varieties: In the context of WSNs, nodes represent individual sensor
devices, and gateways act as intermediaries connecting these nodes to the central
network. The survey outlines the different types of nodes and gateways available,
including stationary nodes, mobile nodes, and their variations. Understanding these
variations is essential in designing WSNs tailored to specific applications.

● Deployment Challenges: Deploying a WSN in real-world environments poses unique

challenges. Factors such as geographic location, terrain, climate, and the presence of
obstacles can greatly influence network performance. This section delves into the
intricacies of deploying WSNs successfully, emphasizing the need for careful planning
and adaptability.

● Scalability and Network Size: WSNs often need to be scalable to accommodate different
network sizes. It's crucial to address how to maintain network efficiency while scaling up
or down to suit the application's requirements. This section discusses the strategies and
considerations for managing network scalability.

● Data Collection and Fusion: Efficient data collection and fusion are vital in WSNs,
especially in resource-constrained environments. The survey highlights techniques for
collecting, processing, and fusing data from multiple sensor nodes to ensure accuracy and
reduce redundancy.

● Communication Protocols: Communication in WSNs is typically characterized by

low-power, short-range wireless connections. Various communication protocols are
available, and choosing the right one depends on factors like energy efficiency, data
throughput, and network reliability. This section provides insights into selecting the most
suitable communication protocol for a given scenario.
By thoroughly understanding these fundamental issues in WSNs, researchers and practitioners
can develop tailored solutions that address the unique challenges posed by different applications.
This knowledge serves as a springboard for exploring the more advanced aspects of WSNs, such
as energy efficiency, security, and novel applications, which are covered in subsequent sections
of the survey.

2. Physical and MAC Layers:

The physical and MAC layers are fundamental to understanding the performance of WSNs in
various environments. The survey discusses the effects of different environmental conditions,
coding schemes, and transmission settings on WSN performance. It also touches upon spatial
characteristics and the presence of a gray area for some nodes.

The second section of the survey delves into the critical components of the Physical and Medium
Access Control (MAC) layers within WSNs. These layers are integral in determining the
operational efficiency and performance of WSNs across diverse environmental contexts:

● Physical Layer Considerations: The physical layer deals with the actual transmission and
reception of data. In WSNs, the choice of hardware and transmission characteristics is
pivotal. Different environmental conditions can have a profound impact on the
performance of the physical layer. For instance, signal attenuation in urban areas may be
vastly different from that in rural regions, necessitating tailored solutions for signal
propagation. Moreover, understanding the effect of environmental factors such as
interference, noise, and multipath fading on signal quality is vital for optimizing WSN
● Coding Schemes: The survey delves into the role of coding schemes in enhancing data
reliability. Error-correcting codes are employed to mitigate data transmission errors,
which can be prevalent in wireless communication. Various coding schemes, such as
Reed-Solomon codes and convolutional codes, are examined in terms of their suitability
for WSNs and the trade-offs they entail.

● Transmission Settings: Optimal transmission settings are vital for efficient data exchange
in WSNs. This involves determining the transmission power, data rate, and modulation
schemes. For example, lower power settings may conserve energy but limit the range,
while higher power settings might increase communication range but consume more
energy. The choice of transmission settings must strike a balance between energy
efficiency and communication reliability.

● Spatial Characteristics: Understanding the spatial characteristics of a WSN deployment

area is essential. Factors like node distribution, location, and topology play a crucial role
in network performance. Irregular node distribution or the presence of obstacles can
create spatial variations in signal strength and connectivity. The survey explores
techniques for optimizing the spatial layout of sensor nodes to ensure comprehensive data
coverage and efficient communication.

● Gray Area for Some Nodes: Some nodes within a WSN may find themselves in a "gray
area" where communication is challenging. This could be due to factors like distance
from the gateway, interference, or signal degradation. Identifying these nodes and
implementing strategies to address their connectivity issues is a significant aspect
discussed in this section.

By addressing the nuances of the physical and MAC layers, WSN designers can fine-tune their
networks to perform optimally in various environmental settings. This understanding enables the
development of robust communication protocols and hardware configurations, tailored to the
specific needs of the applications these networks serve. In subsequent sections of the survey,
more advanced topics, such as energy efficiency and security, are explored to build upon this
foundation of knowledge.

3. Energy Efficiency:
A critical concern in WSNs is energy efficiency, as most sensor nodes are battery-powered. The
survey explores techniques such as duty cycling, data aggregation, and topology control, which
can significantly enhance the energy efficiency of WSNs. Additionally, the use of energy
harvesting techniques is examined as a means of powering these networks sustainably.

The third section of the survey focuses on one of the most critical challenges in WSNs: energy
efficiency. Given that a majority of sensor nodes are typically battery-powered and replacing
batteries in remote locations is impractical, optimizing energy consumption is paramount. This
section elaborates on several strategies and techniques employed to enhance the energy
efficiency of WSNs:

● Duty Cycling: Duty cycling involves periodically turning sensor nodes on and off to
conserve energy. This technique is fundamental in scenarios where continuous sensing
and communication are not required. By intelligently scheduling sleep and wake periods,
WSNs can significantly extend the lifespan of their battery-powered nodes.

● Data Aggregation: Data aggregation is a process that reduces redundant data

transmission by combining and summarizing information at intermediate nodes before
forwarding it to the sink (gateway). This approach minimizes the amount of data
transmitted over the network, reducing energy consumption. Data aggregation also helps
in enhancing network scalability and decreasing communication overhead.

● Topology Control: WSNs can benefit from topology control strategies that optimize the
connectivity between sensor nodes. By intelligently configuring the network's topology,
it's possible to reduce communication distances, which, in turn, lowers the energy
expended during data transmission. This can be particularly crucial in large-scale WSNs.

● Energy Harvesting Techniques: To address the challenge of finite battery life, the survey
explores the application of energy harvesting techniques. These techniques involve
harnessing energy from the environment, such as solar power, vibration, or thermal
gradients, to supplement or even replace battery power. This sustainable approach can
potentially allow sensor nodes to operate indefinitely in remote or hard-to-reach
● Low-Power Hardware and Protocols: The survey also covers the significance of using
low-power hardware components and communication protocols. Energy-efficient
hardware components, such as low-power microcontrollers, radio transceivers, and
energy-efficient sensors, are critical for reducing energy consumption. Additionally,
communication protocols designed with energy efficiency in mind can significantly
impact a network's longevity.

By focusing on energy efficiency, WSNs can operate for extended periods without requiring
frequent maintenance or battery replacement. This is especially crucial in applications where
sensor nodes are deployed in remote or inaccessible areas. The implementation of
energy-efficient techniques not only conserves energy resources but also extends the lifetime of
the entire network, making WSNs more sustainable and cost-effective solutions for a wide range
of applications.

4. Security:
Security is of paramount importance in WSNs, especially when deployed in remote and hostile
environments. The survey outlines techniques for enhancing security, including encryption,
authentication, and intrusion detection. It also discusses secure routing protocols to safeguard the
network against attacks.

The fourth section of the survey underscores the critical role of security in WSNs, particularly
when deployed in remote and hostile environments. Protecting the integrity, confidentiality, and
availability of data in WSNs is vital, as any compromise could have significant consequences.
This section explores various security measures and techniques to safeguard WSNs:

● Encryption: Data encryption is a fundamental security measure in WSNs. It involves the

transformation of data into an unreadable format using cryptographic algorithms. Only
authorized parties possessing the decryption keys can access the original data. Encryption
ensures the confidentiality of data, even if unauthorized entities intercept it during
transmission. The survey discusses encryption techniques tailored to the resource
constraints of sensor nodes.

● Authentication: Authentication mechanisms are used to verify the identity of nodes

within the network. Unauthorized nodes can potentially disrupt the network's operation or
compromise its security. Authentication protocols ensure that only trusted nodes can
participate in the network. This section outlines various authentication methods, such as
pre-shared keys, digital certificates, and biometric-based authentication.

● Intrusion Detection: Intrusion detection systems (IDS) play a critical role in identifying
and responding to unauthorized or malicious activities within the network. These systems
can detect anomalies in data traffic, node behavior, or network activity, helping to thwart
potential threats. Intrusion detection is especially vital in remote and hostile environments
where the risk of attacks is higher.

● Secure Routing Protocols: WSNs employ routing protocols to facilitate data

communication between nodes. Secure routing protocols are designed to protect the
network from attacks, such as eavesdropping, data injection, or node compromise. The
survey explores the use of secure routing protocols that ensure data is transmitted along
trusted paths, preventing potential breaches.

● Key Management: Effective key management is crucial for maintaining the security of
WSNs. Keys are used for encryption, authentication, and securing communication
channels. Proper key generation, distribution, and revocation are vital to prevent
unauthorized access. The survey provides insights into key management strategies
suitable for resource-constrained sensor nodes.

● Tamper Detection and Node Resilience: Since sensor nodes are often deployed in
unattended or hostile environments, it is essential to incorporate tamper-detection
mechanisms and design resilient nodes. These mechanisms can alert the network to
physical tampering or node compromise, allowing for timely responses to potential
security threats.
By addressing these security considerations, WSNs can maintain the confidentiality and integrity
of collected data, ensuring that it remains trustworthy and accurate. This is of utmost importance,
especially in applications like military surveillance, environmental monitoring, and critical
infrastructure protection, where the consequences of a security breach can be severe. The
deployment of robust security measures in WSNs mitigates the risks associated with remote and
hostile environments, making these networks more dependable and resilient.

5. New Applications of WSNs:

WSNs have found applications in diverse fields, including environmental monitoring, healthcare,
industrial automation, structural monitoring, surveillance and security, agriculture, wildlife
monitoring, smart homes, and buildings. The survey highlights the unique challenges associated
with each application and showcases successful deployments in these domains.
The fifth section of the survey explores the diverse and emerging applications of WSNs,
showcasing how these networks have extended their utility to address a wide range of challenges
across various fields. Here, we provide a brief overview of the new applications discussed in the

● Environmental Monitoring: WSNs have become invaluable tools for monitoring the
environment. They are deployed in remote and sensitive ecosystems to collect data on
factors such as temperature, humidity, air quality, and water quality. WSNs enable
scientists and conservationists to gain real-time insights into environmental changes and
protect natural resources.

● Healthcare: In healthcare, WSNs are applied for remote patient monitoring, tracking vital
signs, and managing chronic diseases. Wearable sensors and medical implants equipped
with WSN technology allow healthcare providers to monitor patients' health status,
providing timely intervention when necessary.

● Industrial Automation: Industries benefit from WSNs by using them for process
automation, predictive maintenance, and asset tracking. These networks help optimize
operations, reduce downtime, and improve overall efficiency in manufacturing and
industrial environments.

● Structural Monitoring: WSNs play a crucial role in structural health monitoring, ensuring
the safety and integrity of infrastructure such as bridges, buildings, and dams. They detect
structural anomalies and provide early warnings about potential issues, helping prevent

● Surveillance and Security: WSNs are utilized for surveillance and security applications in
both urban and remote settings. They can monitor public areas, critical infrastructure, and
private properties, detecting unauthorized access, intrusions, and other security threats.

● Agriculture: Precision agriculture benefits from WSNs by optimizing crop management,

irrigation, and soil quality monitoring. These networks help farmers make data-driven
decisions, reducing resource wastage and increasing crop yields.

● Wildlife Monitoring: WSNs are instrumental in studying and protecting wildlife.

Researchers use these networks to track animal behavior, monitor migration patterns, and
safeguard endangered species. WSNs offer non-intrusive and efficient data collection
methods in challenging natural environments.
● Smart Homes and Buildings: WSNs are at the core of the Internet of Things (IoT)
revolution in smart homes and buildings. They enable automation of lighting, heating,
security systems, and more, enhancing comfort, energy efficiency, and security for

The survey highlights that each application of WSNs comes with its own set of unique
challenges, ranging from environmental extremes in remote monitoring to data privacy in
healthcare. Successful deployments in these domains exemplify how WSNs can provide
cost-effective solutions, improve data quality, and revolutionize various industries. As
technology continues to advance, WSNs are likely to find even more applications, further
expanding their impact on our daily lives and the world around us.

Importance of the Survey:

The Wireless Sensor Network Survey is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in
the field of WSNs. It offers a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art, providing a
foundation for further research and development in this area. Key takeaways from the survey
emphasize the significance of energy efficiency and security in WSNs, two critical aspects that
impact their success in real-world applications.

Wireless Sensor Networks are custom-designed to cater to specific applications, each with its
unique set of features and requirements. To accommodate this diversity, new communication
protocols, algorithms, designs, and services must be developed continually. The challenges
discussed in recent literature on WSNs, such as energy efficiency, data aggregation, and security,
underscore the need for ongoing research and innovation.

WSNs have already demonstrated their versatility across various domains, from environmental
monitoring to healthcare and beyond. By addressing the challenges and continuously improving
the technology, we can bridge the gap between WSN capabilities and real-world applications,
unlocking their full potential in diverse fields.


Resources from Scopus-Indexed Journals:

1. Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey by Ian F. Akyildiz, Weilian Su, Yogesh

Sankarasubramaniam, and Erdal Cayirci.

2. Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review by Ian F. Akyildiz, Weilian Su, Yogesh

Sankarasubramaniam, and Erdal Cayirci.

3. Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks by Wendi

Rabiner Heinzelman, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Hari Balakrishnan.

4. A Survey of Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks by Sudip Misra and Isaac

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