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This team sport is inspired by javelin throw. But this is of course, played a team. Either an all-
girls or an all-boys team, or even a co-ed team can play this. The name of the sport implies how
the game is played which will be explained in the procedure part.

I. The sport is played by two opposing teams playing inside a field called “THE
NETWORK COURT”. Each team consists of 6 players namely:

DEFENDER- will defend their point court

STRIKER- will strike/launch or throw the PATPAT
STEALERS- will deal with catching and securing the PATPAT to the striker. They
are those who will play in the quadrangle.

II. The objective of the game is to secure the PATPAT which is the job of the stealers
and bring the PATPAT to the striker. The 4 stealers of each team will have to chase
each other and try to get the PATPAT.

III. Once a team’s stealer secured the PATPAT, they will cooperate with the remaining
stealers to get the PATPAT to the striker. The opposing team’s stealers shall try best
their best for the other team’s stealer to not make it to the striker.

IV. But once a team’s stealer manages to get the PATPAT to their striker, it’s already
secured. The other team cannot cross the striker’s line to steal the PATPAT any

V. The team’s striker who manages to secure the PATPAT will now aim to the
“NETWORK AREA” of the OPPOSING TEAM which every bar has a
corresponding point. (Refer to photos or to the videos for reference)

VI. And the opposing team’s defender will try to defend their “NETWORK AREA” so
the other team’s striker who threw the PATPAT wouldn’t be able to land it.

VII. If the offensive team’s striker manages to land the PATPAT to wherever bar, the
corresponding points shall be deducted to the defensive team.

VIII. Each team is granted 100 points beforehand. It’s up to each team’s effort to land a
strike onto the opposing team to make their points lower.

IX. A game of KUGIPO lasts for an hour. At the end of time, whichever team who
managed to remain the higher points WINS.

*As a safety precaution, despite the full gears, all players, especially the stealers who play inside
the quadrangle and come in contact with each other, the PATAT must only be held in a vertical
manner (patayo). If a team’s player held it upright, they will be given a warning. However, if a
team’s player done it for 3 times already, it’s already a violation. The player must sit out for the
rest of the game.
*The striker must not purposely aim for the other team’s defender. If they do so, it’s a technical
win for the opposing team.
*Each team’s stealers who play inside the quadrangle cannot go beyond the lines. If so, a yellow
card will be raised by the referee. When done thrice, the player will sit out for the rest of the
*A team’s striker shall also remain in the STRIKER’S RUNAWAY. This is where they can
strategize, measure, and aim to blow the strike. Inability of the striker to stay on this area thrice
is also a violation.
*A team’s striker who aimed for the opposing team’s NETWORK AREA must land the
PATPAT only inside the said area. If the PATPAT lands outside the bounds, an automatic 10-
point deduction shall reflect onto their own points.
*Once a team’s stealer manages to give the striker the PATPAT already, the opposing team’s
stealers shall not cross the SRIKER’S RUNAWAY anymore. Failure to follow this gives them
an automatic 10-point deduction.
*There are 3 NETWORK BARS in total. The closer to the STRIKER’S RUNAWAY, the
smaller the point, and the farther, the bigger the points.

FACTS ABOUT MEASUREMENTS: (All are just an estimation. None of these were actually
QUADRANGLE (Where the stealers play): 49 ft. wide X 50 ft. long
STRIKER’S RUNAWAY: 10 ft. wide X 20 ft.long
PATPAT: 1.8 lbs and 260 cm

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