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The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for innovative
solutions in the healthcare industry. Infectious diseases have plagued humanity throughout history,
causing widespread illness, death, and disruption to society. However, COVID-19 is not the only
infectious disease that poses a significant threat to public health. Tuberculosis, Sars, and influenza are just
a few examples of diseases that still cause a lot of sickness and death worldwide. Each of these diseases
presents unique challenges in terms of prevention, treatment, and control. As we confront the ongoing
challenges posed by infectious diseases, it becomes crucial to explore innovative technological solutions.
Using advanced technologies like robots could completely change the way we respond to these diseases
and make it easier to stop them from spreading and hurting people. Robots are increasingly present inside
hospitals and clinics to help health-care providers with their work activities (C. Lauretti et al., 2017).
The use of robots in healthcare settings is becoming increasingly important, especially in limiting
physical contact between healthcare providers and patients to prevent the spread of infections. By relying
on robots for tasks that would normally require close proximity, such as delivering medications, the risk
of transmission can be significantly reduced.
Numerous robots such as the Docto-bot, ALIAS robot, and Care-o-bot, all have relevant
functions and concepts that align with the researchers’ proposed assistive robot. The Docto-bot, like the
proposed assistive robot, focuses on medical assistance and monitoring. It also has a room temperature
and humidity monitoring, automatic sanitizer, and vital signs monitoring (R. Ab Rahman et al., 2020). It
has 2 control systems which are the autonomous control mode and manual control mode. Similarly, the
ALIAS robot aims to assist elderly individuals with restricted quality of life due to diseases, just like the
proposed robot (T. Rehrl et al., 2011). While it may not have physical manipulators, it provides reminder
functions and cognitive assistance, which can be beneficial for patient care. Its main purpose is to
communicate and it has no physical manipulators. It can help by providing reminder functions and
cognitive assistance. Lastly, Care-O-bot is designed to assist elderly individuals in their daily lives (Dario,
P. et al., 1997). It can perform tasks such as delivering medication, reminding individuals to take their
medication, and monitoring vital signs. It also has a communication interface that allows users to interact
with it and receive assistance when needed. This robot shares similarities with our proposed nurse
assistive robot as it focuses on providing care and support to elderly individuals, including medication
reminders. Overall, these existing robots serve as relevant examples of how technology can assist in
healthcare and improve patient outcomes.
While there are several existing robots with similar functions, our proposed nurse assistive robot
stands out in its comprehensive approach to care provision. Additionally, the researchers’ robot's ability
to provide care to elderly individuals, high-risk patients, and those in need of remote monitoring sets it
apart from the existing robots that may have a more specific target audience. Overall, the assistive robot
incorporates the best features and functionalities from existing robots while introducing its own unique
capabilities to provide efficient and effective care support.
This is particularly crucial for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or high-risk patients,
who are more susceptible to severe illness. Additionally, robots can play a vital role in providing care to
those in need of remote monitoring. They can be programmed to deliver medicines throughout the day,
ensuring that patients receive the necessary care without the need for constant physical presence. By
utilizing robots in healthcare, we not only enhance patient safety but also facilitate efficient and effective
healthcare delivery in various settings.
The use of robots in healthcare has been found to be particularly beneficial for the elderly
population, who often have weakened immune systems and are more susceptible to infections. By
employing these advanced technological tools to provide care and assistance, the exposure of the elderly
to potential sources of infection can be minimized, thereby ensuring their safety and well-being. This is
especially crucial in the current times where the world is combatting a global health crisis. The use of
robots has been found to provide elderly care support in ways that are not only effective but also highly
convenient. According to the research conducted by Mitzner et al. (2021), robots have the potential to
enable older adults to live in their homes longer by assisting them in maintaining their independence in
the home environment. This is not only beneficial in terms of psychological well-being but also supports
their preference to age in place. Overall, the use of robots in healthcare has been determined to be a game-
changer in elderly care, revolutionizing the ways in which elderly individuals can live comfortably and
safely in their homes, and derive the support they need to lead healthy and dignified lives.
The increasing elderly population is creating a growing burden for the younger generation (Zhao
& Li, 2018). In the modern age, where the demands of work often separate families, the presence of
an assistive robot capable of providing timely assistance and medication to elderly individuals can have
an intense impact on the lives of Filipino families. In many cases, elderly family members are left to live
alone due to the busy schedules of their loved ones. However, the introduction of an assistive robot in
their lives can bridge this gap by ensuring their well-being and safety. With the ability to administer
medication on time, the robot becomes a reliable companion for the elderly, relieving their family
members of constant worry and guilt. Moreover, the robot's assistance ensures that the elderly individual
stays healthy and independent, promoting a sense of dignity and self-worth. As technology continues to
advance, the significance of such assistive robots in modern times cannot be overstated, as they provide
an innovative solution to the challenges faced by families in balancing work and caregiving
The utilization of robots is proving to be also beneficial, particularly for high-risk patients who
may have underlying health conditions that put them at a greater risk of severe illness. As stated by
Bogue, R. (2020), Robots are playing diverse and vital roles. They have helped to reduce the chances of
spreading the infection by reducing interpersonal contact. By employing robots, these individuals can
receive necessary medical assistance without the need for direct contact, thereby reducing the risk of
exposure to potentially harmful viruses and bacteria. Robots can play a vital role in delivering
medications, ensuring patients adhere to their prescribed treatment plans. This not only minimizes
unnecessary physical contact but also allows healthcare professionals to closely monitor the condition of
high-risk patients from a distance. By utilizing robots, healthcare providers can enhance patient safety and
improve the overall quality of care for those who are most vulnerable to complications.
As the world struggles with the challenges posed by different infectious diseases, the researchers
recognized the importance of minimizing physical contact between healthcare providers and patients to
prevent the spread of infection. In addition to that, the researchers' nurse assistive robot also aims to
minimize the workloads and lighten the burden on healthcare providers. This not only saves time but also
minimizes the risk of cross-contamination and infection transmission. In this project, the researchers
aimed to develop a robot using mBot that can assist in providing care to elderly individuals, high-risked
patients, and those in need of remote monitoring. The mBot is designed to help with tasks like reminding
patients to take their medication and monitoring vital signs.
The researchers’ goal was to create a solution that improves healthcare technologies and enhances
the quality of life for patients who may need assistance in managing their medication schedules and
overall well-being. This robot can perform various tasks, including providing companionship, physical
assistance, and monitoring. The mBot has a small compartment to hold medication and can remind
individuals to take their medicine at specific times. This is particularly useful for patients who may have
multiple medications to take throughout the day. Additionally, the mBot is equipped with sensors. This
feature adds an extra layer of safety by alerting relatives from a distance in case of accidents. We were
inspired to develop this project during the COVID-19 pandemic when the importance of remote
healthcare assistance became evident.
Imagine having a robot that can be programmed to remind elderly individuals or patients with
high infection risks to take their medication at specific times. Introducing NARS - the Nurse Assistive
Robot, designed to revolutionize healthcare and improve the quality of life for patients. NARS stands for
N-nurse, A-assistive, R-remote manipulative, S-service robot. It is a groundbreaking nurse assistive robot
that combines technology and healthcare to enhance patient care and improve quality of life. Difficulty in
efficiently managing medications is one of the main predictors of older adults' transitions into assisted
living facilities (J. M. Lieto et al., 2005). With its line tracing function, NARS can navigate through the
house and reach the patient's location, delivering medication or performing various tasks like delivering
the patient's needs. This functionality makes it an invaluable tool for infected patients as well, as it helps
reduce the need for a healthcare worker to interact directly with the patient, minimizing the risk of
transmission. With its essential features, NARS offers a convenient and safe solution especially for
medication reminders. Stay tuned to learn more about the incredible functionalities and potential
applications of NARS in our households.

The design and production of the prototype involved using the mBot and programming it using
mblock software. The NARS robot movements were carefully programmed to enable effective
features/functions. We created algorithms for medication reminders and vital signs monitoring and
alerting. While the physical prototype was developed by merging small compartments for medication
storage with the mBot.
A. Assembling the NARS Robot
Step 1: Add Velcro to the Chassis and Battery Pack.
Step 2: Attach the Main Circuit Board to Chassis.
Step 3: Attach the Light Sensor and Front Bearing.
Step 4: Attach Motors to Chassis.
Step 5: Attach the Wheels.
Step 6: Attach All of the Cords.
B. Programming
1. Waiting time was set.
2. The LED panel was set up to show time, eyes, and reminders regarding medication.
3. Colors and alarm were also set along with the LED panel.
4. Movements were set according to the alarm respectively.
Observational research is a type of non-experimental research in which behavior is
systematically observed and recorded in a natural setting. It can involve direct or indirect engagement
with the subjects. The goal is to describe a variable or set of variables. It can be divided into naturalistic
or participant observation, and may use case studies or archival research as methods Using the researchers
own observation, they managed to list down the positive and negative things they had observed about the
outcome of the program. They used this data to fix the negative things and to enhance the positive things
even more.

The NARS Robot was designed to provide healthcare assistance to people especially at home.
After conducting two trials the NARS Robot was found to be functional as an assistive robot considering
that its autonomous and manual manipulation are successful in achieving the goal or purpose. Upon
observation it was found that the movements, LED panel, color and sound were observable. On the
contrary, upon testing these features there were challenges encountered. Yet later it was resolved by
adjusting the programming to these features respectively that resulted in enhanced and more accurate
movements to perform its job.
The prototype successfully achieved the engineering goal of improving the quality of life for
patients by effectively providing medication reminders. The medication reminder feature effectively
alerts individuals to take their medication at specific times, promoting adherence to their treatment plans.
It showed a high level of accuracy in reminding individuals to take their medication at the specified times.
The alarm system also effectively notifies relatives from a distance, enabling them to take
appropriate action just in case there is an emergency with the patient.



movement OBSERVED It was found that it The value of the

can. be derailed speed was reduced
sometimes. It was and the time it
assumed that the moves was also
cause to that this adjusted for better
problem may be the movement
area it was on or the
or or wheels itself

LED display OBSERVED It can be delayed The problem is

sometimes when the uncontrollable
on board button is

Waiting time OBSERVED The bot has its own The problem is
timer that doesn’t uncontrollable
match the time used



The results indicate that the development of the nurse assistive robot has been successful in
addressing the engineering problem of improving healthcare technologies and enhancing the quality of
life for patients. The medication reminder feature has proven to be effective in promoting adherence to
treatment plans by accurately reminding individuals to take their medication at specified times. Moreover,
the ability of the robot to bridge the gap between distant family members and their ill loved ones aligns
with the cultural beliefs and values of Filipino society, emphasizing the importance of currently available
solutions by offering a comprehensive and versatile approach to patient care. This highlights the potential
of nurse assistive robots in providing an additional safety measure for patients, especially in situations
where immediate human intervention may not be possible. Yet along with this innovative approach on
home-based healthcare assistance are the problems encountered upon testing the prototype. Upon testing
it, derailing on movements and delays on the LED panel and waiting time were observed. Upon several
trials it was later fixed by adjusting the program appropriate to the right time and movement. According
to “Some Problems of Programming In Robotics” (Authors: Eleonora Bilotta & Pietro Pantano, June
2000) these problems related to movements are also caused by the design of the robot itself and not only
the program. Regarding to the time and LED delay, it was primarily caused by the mbot system itself. The
delay on time is a big deal to accurate medicines intake yet the delay encountered by the researchers were
assumed to be milliseconds only. The mBot prototype represents an improvement and advancement over
existing options in the market. This sets the mBot apart from other nurse assistive robots and makes it a
valuable tool for improving the quality of life for patients.

In this paper, the researchers were able to achieve their goal of making a functional assistive
robot "NARS". Along with this success there were few challenges that the researchers faced in some
features such as the movements being derailed sometimes and the delay of the LED panel display, and the
waiting time. With the right knowledge, skills and determination they managed to resolve these
challenges and made NARS a home-based healthcare assistive robot. Furthermore, after testing the
autonomous and manual manipulation of NARS, it turned out to be successful in reaching its goal to be
an assistive robot. Given the fact that the NARS Robot is able to track lines towards a certain place, carry
multiple things at once, project words and time, avoid obstacles and emit sound and color that acts as an
alarm, this project is not limited on assisting in medical situations yet also on daily basis considering that
It's a great help to carry and deliver things around at once with the autonomous and manual manipulation.
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