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Which among the following feature does not perform by KnockoutJS?


MVVM stands for ____________.


What is the abbreviation used for KnockoutJS?


KnockoutJS can be classified as a _____________.


KnockoutJS is __________________ pattern.


How can you add reference of KnockoutJs in your project?

All of the options

_________________ is a mediator between the view and the model, and is responsible
for handling the view logic.

Which attribute is used in View to bind data from ViewModel?


What is not the Benefit of MVVM?

Supports one way binding

___________ inserts a new item at the beginning of the array.

unshift( value )

Which function is used to reverse the order of the array?


Value of computed observable is determined at ____________.

Time of creation

destroy(item) finds any objects in the array that equals the item and it gives them
a special property called _destroy with value false.

How to declare a ViewModel property as Observable? = ko.observable('value');

Which interactive binding adds click event to element on view?

Click Binding

What happens in if binding?

contained markup remains in the DOM and just toggles the container element’s

If you want to refer to the array entry itself in foreach loop, you can use the
special context property ____________.

The ____________________ comments act as start/end markers, defining a virtual

element that contains the markup inside
<!-- ko --> and <!-- /ko -->

The Text binding lets the associated UI element to become hidden or visible
according to the value you pass to the binding.

KnockoutJS is is a replacement existing library like Jquery ,Prototype and MooTools


The _______________ lets the associated UI element to display the text value of
your parameter.
text binding

Which of the following depends on the other observable properties?

Observable Arrays -- Wrong

KO does not support in all mainstream browsers.


Automatic Updation of UI(DOM) whenever data model is changed is known as

Two way Binding

Which function is used to remove an item at the last of the array?


KnockoutJs was developed by ____________.

Steve Sanderson

How do you activate a KnockoutJs Model?


How can you register a component?


______________ are a simple and convenient way to build sophisticated UI


For what purpose we use foreach binding in KO?

To duplicates section of markup for each entry in array

How to initialize an empty observable array?

this.arrayName = ko.observableArray();

_________________ and _______________ are two ways of creating templates.


How to fetch a viewmodel using an AMD loader (such as require.js)?

viewModel: { requires: 'some/module/name' }

Parameters in Templating like _____________ are used to represent callable

functions to be executed depending on operation performed.
All of the options

How to read the value of Observable property Name?

All of the options

It is easy to refer to parent objects from foreach loops by creating ____________

and useful when the code is complex and nested at multiple levels.

Knockout is a light-weight library where Angular is a full-fledged framework.


Which among the following feature does not support by KnockoutJS?


What is the correct syntax to use visible binding?

<div data-bind=”visible : true”></div>

Which function will delete an item at beginning of the array?


An alias is an alternative name for an object, such as a variable, file, or device.


Features of KnockoutJS are ______________.

All of the options

_________________ used to return a calculated value based upon one or more other
Computed observables

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