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In my current role as an ABA therapist, I provide behavioral therapy to children

of various ages who have been diagnosed with autism. I build relationships with
these children by teaching them various skills in their homes such as toileting,
handwashing, cooking, calling their parents, and social skills. I consider myself a
person who is innately gifted in communication but learning how to teach
complex concepts to children with intellectual disabilities and working with this
population has refined this skill. Through this role, I realized that everyone learns
differently. It is essential to communicate information to a person, in any
circumstance, in a way that caters to their learning style. Some people are
hands-on learners; some learn through modeling and demonstration; others learn
with auditory information styles. Regardless of their learning style, being an
effective teacher and communicator requires understanding this concept and
applying it in their practice. This will be extremely beneficial in academia and a
career as an SLP because it will allow me to communicate effectively with
clients/peers and convey information to them to benefit all parties involved.
Communicating effectively will allow me to have a more significant positive
impact in team-based environments and allow me to probe instructors when
ideas and concepts are unclear.” I work at an aftercare , where I engaged with
children were they only spoke Spanish. I have experience with bilingual
children . According to the 2019 U.S. Census Bureau population estimate, 60.5
million Hispanics live in the United States.

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