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Module 1-Activity

_Thomas Harrold Nemiada ABPhilo 2A

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among people, businesses,

and governments from various countries, fueled by international trade and
investment and facilitated by information technology. It is the process by which the
entire world is transformed into a single market. This means that goods and
services, capital, and labor are traded on a global scale, and information and
research results flow freely between countries. It could imply the opening of large
markets, large opportunities, international collaboration, mass production, and the
most efficient use of resources.
This integration takes place on a global scale. Furthermore, it is the process of
expanding the company globally. Many businesses expand globally and adopt an
international image as a result of globalization. As a result, massive investment is
required to develop international businesses. Globalization encompasses the
economic and social changes that have resulted as well. It can be compared to the
threads of a massive spider web, with the number and reach of these threads
increasing over time. People, money, material goods, ideas, and even disease and
devastation have traveled these silken strands in greater numbers and at a faster
rate than ever before in history.
Of course, globalization has had a positive impact. Richer countries can and do now
come to the aid of poorer countries in crisis. Many countries' increasing diversity has
resulted in more opportunities to learn about and celebrate other cultures. There is a
growing sense of a global village, a global "us."

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