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As you all know, today I am going to talk to you about Lesson 3: Caution. My
presentation is divided into 4 parts. Firstly I will talk about definition of cautions.
Then I will look at format of cautions. Next, tips for cautions. And finally, mini game.
If there’s anything you’re not clear about, feel free to stop me and ask any questions.
To begin with definition of cautions.
1. Definition of cautions
Refer to measures taken to prevent or minimize risks, dangers, or potential problems.

(It can also) Refer to warnings or advice given to someone to help them avoid
making mistakes or encountering difficulties.

-> Uses of cautions :promote safety, security, and successful outcomes in various areas
of life.
Let’s turn to the next part: Format of caution
2. Format of cautions
Caution is usually a short note.
- Heading: Begin with a bold and clear heading, such as "CAUTION" or
"WARNING," to draw the reader's attention and indicate the severity of the message.
(There is sometimes a visual cue, such as the internationally accepted exclamation
point inside a triangle.)(Only the word “warning/caution” is italicized or has a bigger
size compared to the rest.)
Begin with a bold, clear italicized or has a bigger size compared to the rest.
- Content of the cautions (Warning/Caution is written directly to the point, in plain or
clear language. Explain what could go wrong if a reader does not follow the
instructions precisely.)
- Illustrating images
3. Tips for cautions
- Read the question first and indentify question types
Types of question:
+ The topic of the caution
Ex: What is the caution about? -> First lines or right under the title CAUTION ( The
information for this kind of questions is usually in the first lines or right under the title
+ Details of the caution
Ex: Who/Where/When/ How/Why -> Use scanning technique (The information for
these kinds of questions is in the content of the caution.)
+ "Not" questions
Ex: What is NOT mentioned in the caution? -> Use Elimination technique ( we
compare all the answers to the information in the caution, then choose the most
suitable one.)
+ Inference questions
Ex: Which one is true? -> Use scanning technique ( You scan a text when you want to
find specific information. When you scan, you only look for the information you want.
You don't read the rest of the text)
- Pay attention and underline the keyword
Ex: What kinds of injury can this lotion cause?
A. A skin injury
B. A foot injury
C. An eye injury
D. An arm injury
- Read the cautions for details
4. Mini game

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