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I have seen domination exist around me for a long time. We humans dominated this earth for centuries
and are still dominating. We dominated animals for centuries and are still dominating. Homo sapiens
evolved today at it's best to be the only species which can extinct any species left on earth. In the name
of evolution technologies are spreading all over the world. The one who has more technologies can
dominate the other. Rich dominate the poor. This play of domination was continuous for a long time and
still continuing. Everyone is trying to control his surroundings by money, power, anger, fraud,
manipulation, ignorance, knowledge etc.
Money is one of the important figures which can be used to dominate anyone in this world. If you have
more money than you automatically have more power through your surroundings. Because people
please the one who has more money. And the one who has more money starts enjoying the feeling of
being pleased by others. Then his hunger for money becomes more in the sake of controlling more
people of his surroundings. People automatically start listening to you when you are in a crowd and you
possess many materialistic things.
Anger is mainly used by men over women. Mens are physically more powerful that's what they were
taught from their childhood and women are weak as compared to them. In the process of getting anger
on someone they came to violence. When they come to violence specially one woman, women think
they can't cope up with mens violence and they surrender themselves to him. This system made men so
powerful and women so weak that they needed a man to protect themselves from surroundings but no
one could protect her from the men.
Men dominated women for centuries and are still dominating. Women also dominate some men. Men
dominate their surroundings by dominating their women in front of people. Men want their woman to
be treated in the way he likes. Women dominate their surroundings by dominating their man in front of
people. Women want her man to be treated in the way she likes. It's a game called True love.

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