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Cover letter

Mehdi Bel Haj Yahia

Adresse: Erriadh Djerba 4146

N° Tél : +00 216 26.193.995

PJ: Curriculum Vitae

Subject: Application for the post of (job)

Being currently looking for a job, I allow myself to offer you my candidacy for the position of
(kitchen clerk).

Indeed, I am very interested in your ad which describes a profile that matches me perfectly.

Hardworking, rigorous and available, it is with great optimism that I apply to join your
company. Possessing an unfailing motivation, I will be able to carry out the various missions
that you will entrust to me.

Sociable and attentive, I know how to adapt to a situation in place and could thus integrate
myself without the slightest problem into your team.

My lacks of professional experience in no way affects my desire to occupy this position and
pushes me, on the contrary, to prove myself. The proposed challenge is up to my

This first job will mark the beginning of my active life, the success of which is in my hands.

I remain at your disposal for any further information, or to meet you during an interview.

Please accept, (Madam, Sir), the expression of my sincere greetings.

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