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What are Spam messages?

Spam messages are unsolicited or unwanted electronic messages

sent in bulk to many recipients, typically via email. Still, they can
also occur through other communication channels like text
messages, social media, and instant messaging platforms.
Imagine a world without a spam filter on your email. Every day, your
inbox would be flooded with unwanted, irrelevant messages,
making it a constant struggle to find the important emails you
actually want to read. This is the reality for millions of individuals
and businesses worldwide.

What are Phishing messages?

A phishing message is a fraudulent communication that

attempts to trick the recipient into revealing sensitive
information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or
Social Security numbers. Phishing messages can come in
the form of emails, text messages, or even social media
94% of the phishing messages are delivered to the
suspects via email.
How big of a problem is this?

1. Security Concerns: Without proper spam filtering, users are

at risk of falling victim to phishing scams, malware, and other
cyber threats that can compromise sensitive information.
Even the toughest security systems can be compromised using
simple phishing attacks.

2. Scams:. In 2022, the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center

(IC3) received 323,972 phishing complaints, with reported
losses of over $4.3 billion. This represents a 34% increase in
phishing complaints and a 16% increase in reported losses
from the previous year.

3. Missed Important Emails: Legitimate emails often get buried

under the mountain of spam, leading to missed opportunities,
deadlines, and important communications.

4. Time Wastage: Users spend a significant amount of time

sifting through their inbox, and deleting unwanted messages.
This inefficiency hampers productivity.
Our product and its working:
We train our AI model by giving it a lot of spam and phishing
emails and messages. By showing these many spam emails,
the model creates patterns among the data using machine
learning algorithms. Through this, if a new spam email is shown
to it, the model can detect if it is a spam email or not.
The accuracy depends on the amount of data it is trained with.

Natural Language Processing:

Machine-learning algorithms are used to recognize patterns in
the data of lots of spam and phishing emails
Patterns for example:
The words sale, offer, and discount are found in a lot of
e-commerce spam emails and messages, So the model
understands that if a mail is from an e-commerce brand and it
has these words, It’s most likely to be an unwanted spam email.

This model is used to detect sentiment in a given email or

We can detect various sentiments using NLP like anger, fear,
surprise, urgency, and even political sentiments.
The model analyses the sentiment in spam emails it is trained
on and recognizes patterns among them
An e-commerce brand is trying to sell you a T-shirt by telling you
that it is a surprise offer for you which is only valid for the next
10 minutes
Here our model detects the sentiment of urgency and surprise
using NLP.
Demonstration of how our model detects phishing mail:

Here is an email from a popular payment service of his called

PayPal. It is saying that Dear customer, your account is limited. You
have 24 hours to solve the problem or your account will be
permanently disabled. If you want to be saved from this problem,
you have to give your information to us. Thank you.

A person who is less informed about cyber security and fishing

emails is most likely to send his information to this institution which
is claimed to be PayPal here.
The only job of these people is to get your information and loot
your bank account and they are very good at doing this without
leaving a trace.
NOSPAM AI comes to rescue:

Our nose pam AI model which is trained on huge amounts

of data recognizes the keywords and the sentiment of this
Our model identifies the sentiment of urgency which is “you
have 24 hours to solve the problem” and the sentiment of
fear which is” your account will be permanently disabled”
which is mostly found and common in phishing emails.
By considering these parameters, our model moves the
email to a separate spam and scam folder. Our model still
has a low chance of being wrong. So we store the email by
giving the user a warning rather than deleting it

Limitations of our model:

1. Training a machine learning model with huge datasets is

a time-consuming and expensive process.
2. There is always a low chance of our model being wrong,
So alternative measures should be in place
3. Collection of Data is a huge limitation in itself
4. Training a model requires huge computational power
which is very hard to get.
5. Models learn on their own and grow which is an advantage
but it also increases the cost of maintaining it.
Why you should use our service?

According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, there were

over 6 million individual phishing attacks reported in 2022
Along with that, it's found that 75% of all organizations are
victims of phishing attacks which pushes the figure into
tens of millions.
If you’re connected to the Internet and have something that
others want like money, information, media, and data you’re
susceptible to these phishing scams
So by using our product, you can easily dodge 99% of the
phishing scams on the internet.
So it is a no-brainer to use our product.
Don’t be penny wise, pound foolish.

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