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Super Bowl Commercials

Adam Hicks
This add included their product at the very beginning of the add and they included somebody trying
out their product as a taste test for their own company. But they used a super famous actor and
incorporated it with a super famous show that tons of people know and love, Breaking Bad, and
they pretty much recreated 2 scenes from the movie but with the PopCorners instead of the real
thing in the show. It was effective because people know and love Breaking Bad so they figure if the
actors like the product they might too. They also talk about how good they are and the different
flavors available.
This was a good and effective commercial because it means that since everyone is getting
triangles maybe you should getting something triangle shaped too, like Doritos. They used a
celebrity that some people might know to connect with the audience. If Jack Harlow likes
triangles you should too since he’s a famous person and Doritos happen to be good and
shaped like a triangle.
This ad really intrigues you at the very first second of it with the action it incorporates into the
ad. They use an actor people around the entire World know about, Ben Stiller, who people
love. Pepsi also does a good job at waiting till the very end to introduce their product to the
viewers since they are so entertained by Ben Stiller. They realize that if Ben Stiller likes it
everybody should like it, and that you don’t have to act to really like the product.
Hyundai uses humor to advertise their product. They drive through Ryanville which is
obviously a ton of Ryan Reynolds who all stare at her and her car because it’s a cool car.
They want you to buy their car cause Ryan Reynolds likes the car too and you don’t want to
be left out. They make sure you know that everyone will stare at your car because of how
amazing it looks.

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