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Macapinig, Lanie L.

Elements of Thinking

1. Thinking Operations - type of mental activity which involves complex strategies to find meaning, and
the way we direct and control such activity.

4 Thinking Skills( Dr. Derek Cabrera )

*Distinction-able to define terms and ideas, create distinction between things

*System-able to know what, why and how.Organize thoughts into parts;whole groupings
*Relationship- able to make connection between and among things

*Perspective- we take different perspective on and from things

2. Thinking Tools- a thinking activity that serve as a device that helps us use to carry out thinking

*Questioning- one way motivate others to get information , test understanding ,develop interest and
evaluate one's ability toward understanding certain things.

 Fact
 Interpretation
 Application
 Analysis
 Synthesis
 Evaluation

*Concepts-general ideas that we use to identify and organize our experience

 Signs
 Referents
 Properties

*Mindmaps-visual presentation of the ways in which concepts are can be related to one another

*Cognitive Research Trust or CoRT Thinking Method- focus attention on different aspects of thinking and
to cryatallize these aspects into definite concepts and tools that can be use deliberately

 Consider All Factors

 First Important Priorities
 Plus, Minus, Interesting( Ideas)
 Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices
 Other People's Views
 Aim, Goals, Objectives
 Consequence and Sequel
3. Thinking Structure - a type of thinking that describes the way we organize or pattern our thoughts

 Comparative thinking information process

 Symbolic representation structures
 Logical reasoning structures

4. Attitudes - is the way we feel or value things, towards anything around us (tendency to evaluate
either people, issues and events and based on experience and observation)


 Affective- feelings and emotions

 Behavioral- how act and behave
 Cognitive - belief and knowledge


 Positive Attitude- individuals who pay attention to good rather than bad in people, situations
and events, example traits are condifent, optimism, sincerity, determination, responsibility and
 Negative Attitude - people who ignores good and pay attention to the bad in people, situations
and events, example traits are anger, hatred, doubt, inferiority, frustration and etc.
 Neutral Attitude- people that don't give enough attention or importance to situations or events
and don't get affected much.Example traits are indifference , detachment, lack of emotion and
feeling of being disconnected.

5. Principles -" rules" that we used to guide what we need to do and what to do

6. Mental Habits-routines or procedures we apply to thinking about things

 Imagination
 Mal-adaptive Daydreaming

Factors that Influence Thinking

1. Environment

2. Food and Drugs

3. Culture Values

4. Mental Models- routine or procedure we apply to thinking about things

5. Thinking Styles- unique way of processing info

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