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COMMITTEE: United Nations General Assembly

AGENDA: Deliberation on the future prospects of space

weaponization with special reference to the intricacies of dual
use technologies.

COUNTRY- New Zealand

New Zealand is deeply concerned about the future prospects of

space weaponisation. We believe that the development and
deployment of space weapons would have a profoundly
destabilizing impact on the global security landscape.
Space is a critical domain for our modern way of life. It is
essential for communications, navigation, Earth observation,
and many other essential services. The development and
deployment of space weapons would create a new and
dangerous arms race in space, which would threaten the
security of all nations.
Dual-use technologies are technologies that have both civilian
and military applications. The development of dual-use
technologies for space raises the risk of space weaponisation.
For example, technologies developed for space exploration
could also be used to develop space weapons.
New Zealand calls on all nations to take steps to prevent the
weaponisation of space. We support the negotiation of a legally
binding international treaty that would prohibit the
development, testing, and deployment of space weapons. We
also support the development of norms and principles of
responsible behavior in space.New Zealand is committed to
working with all nations to ensure that space remains a peaceful
and secure domain for all.

In addition to the above, New Zealand would like to make the

following points:

 The weaponisation of space would have a devastating impact

on the global economy. Space-based assets are essential for
many critical industries, such as telecommunications,
navigation, and finance. The destruction or disruption of these
assets would have a ripple effect throughout the global
economy, causing widespread damage.

 The weaponisation of space would also pose a serious threat

to global security. Space-based assets are essential for national
defense, and their destruction or disruption could give one
nation a significant military advantage over another. This could
lead to conflict and instability on a global scale.

 New Zealand is committed to working with all nations to find

peaceful solutions to the challenges of space security. We
believe that a legally binding international treaty is the best way
to prevent the weaponisation of space and ensure that this vital
domain remains peaceful and secure for all.
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