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The Italian Renaissance

By the end of the 14th century AD, the Italian philosophers realized that this is a period of

new age. The Middle Ages was famous for barbarous has over now and new age had begun. The

new age was being popular for the rebirth and learning of the literature, art and architecture. The

new birth of the literature, art and architecture is referred as the Renaissance. The scholars

believed that the period between the 14 th and 17th century is specifically called for the Italian

Renaissance. This period is based on the modern way of thinking about the world. The

Renaissance in the Italy and some parts of the Europe is more intricate. It is surprising that the

artistic and cultural realization in the period of renaissance did not follow the same themes.


During the 14th century the Italy was divided into the independent states. Each

independent state had its own unique form of government. The Renaissance began from the

republic of Florence. Florence was the third largest city in the Europe and was commercially

developed. The Florentines were rich people because of banking activities in their region, thus

heavily invested on the artists and scholars of literature. Eventually the Florence became the

center fo cultural attraction of Europe first and later on was known for the Renaissance.

The artistic work or work relate to the literature was of significant nature. It was much

different from the other monotonous jobs in the Italy. The writers, architects and artists of the

Italian Renaissance were diligently do such kinds of jobs for having pleasure in their live. The

classical sources of Renaissance had great insight for the scholars and philosophers of

Renaissance period. During the Renaissance period, the philosophy of humanism is gravely

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based on the gratitude of the physical body and achievements of man in the field of art, literature

and architecture. (Architecture in Renaissance Italy, 2016)

The humanism of Italian Renaissance provoked the people to enquire the perception

about this period. The people were free to make their experimentation and observations to have

the solution of problem relates to the perception. Thus onward the period of humanism most of

the intellectual of the Renaissance spent their time in defining and comprehending the laws

belong to the physical world. Leonardo Da Vinci, who is artist of the Renaissance, presented the

studies in order to elaborate the moving objects that relates to the flying machines and

submarines. His study is not limited to the moving objects. He is also known as the pioneer of

human anatomy. Another scientists and mathematician of the Renaissance period Galileo Galilei

took part in the investigation of the natural law after the Leonardo Da Vinci. His was of the view

that all objects in the universe fall with the same rate of acceleration. To prove it he threw the

cannonballs from a significant height. Moreover, the mathematician and scientist Galileo create

the telescope with the help of which we can see the planets revolving around the Sun and can

elaborate their positions.

Another most significant technological development belongs to the Renaissance period is

the invention of the mechanical and moveable type printing press that was invented by the

Johannes Gutenberg in the middle of the 15 th century. Such technological devilment of

Renaissance was meant for the Germany rather than Italy. There was huge knowledge that was

extensively available in the form of books. ( Italian Renaissance History., 2016)

Italian Renaissance is still today famous for the art because this era is highlighted by the

presence of the art. During eth period of Italian Renaissance art was most significant possession.

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Medici family of Florence heavily subsidized the art project on only on small ground whole they

also subsidized the large projects too. The most prestigious and hardworking artists became the

celebrities there.

There are many examples like application of the humanist principles are found in the

work of the Renaissance artists and architects. For instance, Filippo Brunelleschi was an

architect who applied the humanist principles to his own building such as he used the shapes and

columns of classical Roman architecture. Another magnificent example in this context is the

establishment of the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral that built in the Florence. It was the triumph

of engineering and was an aesthetic piece. (Architecture in Renaissance Italy, 2016)

The art of painting of Italian Renaissance was developed by the Brunelleschi. He

proposed to draw and paint the frame by using the linear perspective. He in actual tried to paint

the frame from the perspective of the viewer and successfully painted the perspective of the

viewer. The principle of the linear perspective that was introduced by the architect Leon Battista

Alberti became the most significant part or element of all Renaissance painting. Later on the

technique of chiaroscuro was used by many painters to draw the illusion of three dimensional

spaces on the canvas. (Architecture in Renaissance Italy, 2016)

The end of the 15th century is marked as the end of the Italian Renaissance. By coming of

Girolamo Savonarola in power in Florence in 1497, the city did not further flourished. The Italy

was caught by the foreign invasions and Italy war continued for several decades. Thus Italian

Renaissance came to an end. ( Italian Renaissance History., 2016)

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Italian Renaissance History. (2016). Italian Renaissance History. Retrieved November 12, 2016,
from Italian Renaissance

Architecture in Renaissance Italy. (2016). Architecture in Renaissance Italy. Retrieved

November 12, 2016, from

ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. (2016). ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. Retrieved November 12, 2016,

from History:

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