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Myeloid-​derived suppressor cells

in the era of increasing myeloid
cell diversity
Filippo Veglia1,4, Emilio Sanseviero2,4 and Dmitry I. Gabrilovich 3 ✉

Abstract | Myeloid-​derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are pathologically activated neutrophils

and monocytes with potent immunosuppressive activity. They are implicated in the regulation of
immune responses in many pathological conditions and are closely associated with poor clinical
outcomes in cancer. Recent studies have indicated key distinctions between MDSCs and classical
neutrophils and monocytes, and, in this Review, we discuss new data on the major genomic and
metabolic characteristics of MDSCs. We explain how these characteristics shape MDSC function
and could facilitate therapeutic targeting of these cells, particularly in cancer and in autoimmune
diseases. Additionally, we briefly discuss emerging data on MDSC involvement in pregnancy,
neonatal biology and COVID-19.

Monocyte-​like precursor Neutrophils and monocytes with potent immunosup- Main characteristics of MDSCs
of granulocytes pressive activity were first reported around 30 years Definition and basic features of MDSCs. There are two
Recently identified population ago and later named myeloid-​derived suppressor cells major groups of MDSCs in humans and mice, namely
of monocytic precursors of (MDSCs)1 to underscore their unique place among granulocytic/polymorphonuclear MDSCs (PMN-​
granulocytes (primarily
polymorphonuclear myeloid-
myeloid cells. Many studies (more than 5,000 listed in MDSCs) and monocytic MDSCs (M-​MDSCs), classified
derived suppressor cells PubMed to date) have implicated these cells in regulating according to their origin from the granulocytic or mono-
(MDSCs)) accumulated in immune responses in pathological conditions, includ- cytic myeloid cell lineages, respectively. A small group
tumour-​bearing hosts. ing cancer, chronic infection, sepsis and autoimmunity. of myeloid precursor cells with MDSC features has also
Physiological roles for MDSCs have also been described been identified in humans (but not in mice) and named
in pregnancy and neonates2,3. It is now evident that ‘early MDSCs’. This group of cells with potent immuno­
MDSCs contribute to the myeloid cell diversity observed suppressive features is mostly comprised of myeloid
in pathological conditions. However, the nature of this progenitors and precursors and represents less than 5%
diversity and the characteristics that allow for the dis- of the total population of MDSCs7. A recent report sug-
tinction of MDSCs from neutrophils and monocytes gested that a substantial proportion of PMN-​MDSCs
have been poorly understood. Emerging studies have might also differentiate from distinct monocytic pre-
characterized the specific genomic, proteomic and cursors named monocyte-​like precursor of granulocytes8.
metabolic features of MDSCs that define these cells as However, the intriguing possibility that some PMN-​
pathologically activated neutrophils and monocytes. The MDSCs may differentiate from precursors other than
specific pathways involved in the acquisition of MDSC granulocytic precursors requires further validation.
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer characteristics by neutrophils and monocytes have also Several years ago, we proposed the concept that a
Center and Research been described4–6. pathological state of immune activation is a common
Institute, Tampa, FL, USA. In this Review, we discuss new data on the genomic feature associated with the emergence of MDSCs3.
Wistar Institute, and metabolic characteristics of MDSCs. We describe Classical myeloid cell activation takes place in response
Philadelphia, PA, USA. how these characteristics are linked with MDSC func- to pathogens and tissue damage and is mainly driven
AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, tion and how they can be used in therapeutic target- via danger-​associated molecular patterns (DAMPs),
ing. We focus on two main disease areas: cancer, where pathogen-​associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and
These authors contributed MDSC function exacerbates the disease, and auto- Toll-​like receptor (TLR) activation. This leads to the rapid
equally: Filippo Veglia,
Emilio Sanseviero.
immune and chronic inflammatory diseases, where mobilization of neutrophils and monocytes from the
✉e-​mail: dmitry.gabrilovich@ MDSCs can limit the severity of disease. Finally, we bone marrow and manifests in the activation of phago- briefly discuss emerging studies that suggest roles cytosis, respiratory burst, degranulation and neutro­ for MDSCs in pregnancy, neonatal biology and in phil extracellular trap (NET) formation. By contrast,
s41577-020-00490-​y COVID-19. pathological activation arises from persistent stimulation

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of the myeloid cell compartment owing to the prolonged of PMN-​MDSCs and M-​MDSCs, respectively, and
presence of myeloid growth factors and inflammatory sig- MDSCs in mice are distinguished functionally based
nals in the settings of cancer, chronic infections or inflam- on their ability to suppress other immune cells (Table 1).
mation, and autoimmune diseases. Examples of such In humans, although PMN-​MDSCs and neutrophils
activating signals include cytokines and vari­ous growth share the same cell surface phenotypes, PMN-​MDSCs
factors like granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating are purified on a lower density gra­dient (1.077 g/ml),
factor (GM-CSF), macrophage colony-​stimulating factor whereas neutrophils are purified on a higher density
(M-CSF; also known as CSF1), IL-6, IL-1β, adenosine sig- gradient (1.1–1.2 g/ml)7. In recent years, lectin-​type
nalling or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signalling oxidized LDL receptor 1 (LOX1; encoded by ORL1
(Table 1). gene) has emerged as a specific marker of human
The signals driving MDSC development occur in PMN-​MDSCs that can be used to identify these cells
two partially overlapping phases4. In phase 1, myeloid in the blood and tumours of patients with cancer9–14.
cell expansion and conditioning takes place in the bone Furthermore, M-​MDSCs can be distinguished from
marrow and spleen. Phase 2 is characterized by the con- monocytes in peripheral blood by the detection of MHC
version of neutrophils and monocytes into pathologi- class II expression. Although MHC class II is widely used
cally activated MDSCs, which takes place primarily in for the identification of M-​MDSCs, it is probably not
peripheral tissues. Many molecular pathways that regu­ sufficient to fully discriminate between monocytes and
late the development of MDSCs have been identified M-​MDSCs. New molecules recently described may help
(Table 1) and are described in detail in several previously to further delineate these groups of cells7 (Table 1).
published reviews4–6. The main characteristic that defines MDSCs is
Currently, in mice, there are no phenotypic cell sur- their ability to inhibit immune responses, including
face markers that allow for the separation of classical those mediated by T cells, B cells and natural killer
neutrophils from PMN-​MDSCs or classical monocytes (NK) cells. M-​MDSCs and PMN-​MDSCs share key
from M-​MDSCs. Therefore, the same phenotypical biochemical features that enable their suppression of
characteristics that are used to identify granulocytes and immune responses, including the upregulation of sig-
monocytes in tissues are also used for the identifi­cation nal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3)

Table 1 | Comparison of basic characteristics of MDSCs and classical neutrophils and monocytes
Characteristic Myeloid cell population
Neutrophils Monocytes PMN-​MDSCs M-​MDSCs
Origin CMP and granulocytic CMP and monocytic CMP, granulocytic precursors, CMP and monocytic precursors
precursors precursors monocytic-​like precursors
Activation stimuli Primarily bacterial and viral pathogens; TLR Prolonged exposure to cytokines released during chronic infection,
ligands, PAMPs and DAMPs; relatively short inflammation, autoimmune diseases and cancer
duration of activation
Activation process Classical one-​phase activation: rapid mobilization Pathological two-​phased activation: myelopoiesis and conditioning in
to tissues associated with compensatory the bone marrow, conversion to pathologically activated cells in tissues;
myelopoiesis; fast degranulation, cytokine release, modest myelopoiesis, altered cell metabolism
activation of phagocytosis and respiratory burst
Standard CD11b+LY6G+Ly6Clo CD11b+Ly6G−Ly6Chi CD11b+Ly6G+Ly6Clo CD11b+Ly6G–Ly6Chi
markers in mice
Standard CD11b+CD14−CD15+/ CD14+CD15−HLA-​DRhi CD11b+CD14−CD15+/CD66b+; CD14+CD15−HLA-​DRlo/–
phenotypical CD66b+; high-​density low-​density cells
markers in humans cells
Novel markers NA NA CD11b+Ly6G+CD84+ CD11b+Ly6G-​Ly6ChiCD84+
in mice
Novel markers NA NA CD15+/CD66b+CD14−LOX1+; CD15+/ CD14+/CD66b−CXCR1+; CD14+/
in humans CD66b+CD14−CD84+ CD66b−CD84+
Maturity and fate Mostly mature cells; Differentiation Mostly immature cells, with variable Differentiation to macrophages in
lifespan in steady-​state to macrophages presence of mature cells depending tissues; in cancer, differentiation to
conditions ~ 2–3 days in tissues on type of disease; very short lifespan tumour-​associated macrophages
Major GM-​CSF, G-​CSF, SCF GM-​CSF, M-​CSF, High levels of GM-​CSF, VEGF, IL-6, High levels of M-​CSF, VEGF,
developmental FLT3L, SCF IL-1β, adenosine, HIF1α adenosine, HIF1α
Main regulators NA NA STAT3, STAT1, STAT6, NF-​κB, ER stress pathways, cAMP, COX2, PTGES,
of suppressive CEBPβ, IRF8, RB1 downregulation, oxidized lipids
CMP, common myeloid progenitor; DAMP, damage-​associated molecular pattern; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; G-​CSF, granulocyte colony-​stimulating factor;
GM-​CSF, granulocyte–macrophage colony-​stimulating factor; HIF1α, hypoxia inducible factor 1α; M-​CSF, macrophage colony-​stimulating factor; MDSC,
myeloid-​derived suppressor cell; M-​MDSC, monocytic MDSC; NA, not applicable; PAMP, pathogen-​associated molecular pattern; PMN, polymorphonuclear;
PTGES, prostaglandin E synthase; SCF, stem cell factor; TLR, Toll-​like receptor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

486 | August 2021 | volume 21


Mouse only
CD36 CD84 CD36
CD244 Human only
Human and mouse DR5

S100A9 WFDC17
S100A8 CD14
NF-κB genes CXCR2 CSF1
LYZ2 ARG1/2 CD84


ARG1, O2•– , H2O2, ONOO–, PGE2 NO, TGFβ, IL-1β, IL-10

T cells

Fig. 1 | Distinguishing MDSCs from classical neutrophils and monocytes. The figure depicts the genes (depicted
inside the cell) and surface molecules that can be used to distinguish polymorphonuclear myeloid-​derived suppressor
cells (PMN-​MDSCs) and monocytic MDSCs (M-​MDSCs) from classical neutrophils and monocytes. Factors are depicted
in yellow, green and red based on whether they are useful markers in mice only, humans only, or both mice and humans,
respectively. The figure also illustrates the main immunosuppressive mechanism used by MDSCs. Please note that this
Heterodimer, calcium binding
information was obtained from studies of MDSCs in cancer. CXCR1, CXC-​chemokine receptor 1; FATP2, fatty acid transport
pro-​inflammatory protein protein 2; LOX1, lectin-​type oxidized LDL receptor 1; NO, nitric oxide; PGE2, prostaglandin E2.
that presents in neutrophils
and monocytes and greatly
accumulates in MDSCs;
expre­ssion, induction of ER stress, expression of argi­ ‘N1 neutrophils’ have features of classical neutrophils,
it is considered as one of
the hallmarks of these cells. nase 1 and expression of S100A8/A9. They also have whereas ‘N2 neutrophils’ have typical features of PMN-​
unique features that may affect their ability to regulate MDSCs16,17. In contrast to macrophages, neutrophils in
M1/M2 polarized diffe­rent aspects of immune responses. For example, tumour tissues have a very short lifespan and are con-
macrophages PMN-​MDSCs preferentially use reactive oxygen species stantly recruited to tumour sites and their polarization
‘M1’ and ‘M2’ are classifications
historically used to define
(ROS), peroxynitrite, arginase 1 and prostaglandin in situ is very problematic. Another example of con-
macrophages activated in vitro E2 (PGE2) to mediate immune suppression, whereas fusing terminology is the use of the term ‘low-​density
as pro-​inflammatory (when M-​MDSCs use nitric oxide (NO), immunosuppressive neutrophils’. These cells have typical features of PMN-​
‘classically’ activated with cytokines such as IL-10 and TGFβ, and the expression of MDSCs18. A low density is one of the defining character-
IFNγ and lipopolysaccharides)
immune regulatory molecules like PDL1 (ref.15) (Fig. 1). istics of PMN-​MDSCs as described in numerous studies.
or anti-​inflammatory (when
‘alternatively’ activated with The introduction of all those terms leads to further
IL-4 or IL-10), respectively. The need for uniform nomenclature of immunosuppres- confusion for investigators and creates an impression
However, in vivo macrophages sive neutrophils. In recent years, many research groups of the existence of multiple populations of neutrophils
are highly specialized, trans­ have studied myeloid cells to identify new targets with the with immunosuppressive features when, in fact, they all
criptomically dynamic and
extremely heterogeneous with
goal to improve current immunotherapeutic regimens describe the same cells — PMN-​MDSCs.
regards to their phenotypes or to overcome resistance to immunotherapy. Although
and functions, which are the term PMN-​MDSC is most widely used in the litera- Lessons from gene expression profiles of MDSCs in cancer.
continuously shaped by ture to define immunosuppressive neutrophils, several Due to the absence of suitable phenotypical markers,
their tissue microenvironment.
other names are also used in some reports. The term it has not been possible to distinguish PMN-​MDSCs
Therefore, the M1 or M2
classification is too simplistic granulocytic MDSC is mentioned frequently. This term from neutrophils in the same mouse. Therefore, investi­
to explain the true nature of was used during the early days of MDSC research. It is gators have compared cells expressing PMN-MDSC/
in vivo macrophages, although probably as good a term as PMN-​MDSC; however, neutrophil-associated markers from tumour-bearing or
these terms are still often it does not bear any different functional meaning than tumour-free mice. In earlier studies using micro­array
used to indicate whether the
macrophages in question are
PMN-​MDSC. In some studies in cancer, ‘N1’ and ‘N2’ analysis, PMN-MDSCs were found to have distinct
more pro-​inflammatory or polarized neutrophil nomenclature is used to mimic transcriptomic programmes compared to neutrophils.
anti-​inflammatory. the nomenclature of M1/M2 polarized macrophages . Specifically, PMN-MDSCs showed a higher expression

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of genes associated with the cell cycle, autophagy, PMN-​MDSCs and M-​MDSCs isolated from spleens and
G protein signalling and the CREB pathway. Neutrophils tumours of a model of breast cancer have a gene signa-
showed a higher expression of genes associated with ture that strongly differs from that of neutrophils and
NF-​κB signalling via the CD40, IL-1, IL-6, TLR and monocytes, respectively22. However, there was a substan-
tumour necrosis factor (TNF) pathways as well as via tial overlap between the gene signatures of PMN-​MDSCs
lymphotoxin-​β receptor signalling19. The mRNA profile and M-​MDSCs (namely, expression of IL1B, ARG2,
of tumour-​associated neutrophils significantly differed CD84 and WFDC17), indicating that similar immuno-
from the profile of splenic neutrophils and PMN- suppressive features can be acquired by both neutrophils
MDSCs. Neutrophils showed high levels of granule pro- and monocytes. CD84 was identified as a marker defin-
tein production and activation of the respiratory burst, ing MDSCs in cancer. In mice, M-​MDSCs from pri-
which are critically important for their antibacterial mary tumours showed an increase in CD84 expression
functions. These pathways were progressively lost in compared with monocytes from control tissue, but the
splenic PMN-​MDSCs and even more dramatically lost expression of CD84 was barely detectable in M-​MDSCs
in tumour-​associated neutrophils. By contrast, many from spleen. High levels of CD84 expression were seen in
immune-​related genes and pathways, including genes PMN-​MDSCs isolated from both primary tumours and
related to the antigen-​presenting complex and cytokines spleens. CD84high MDSCs exhibit a T cell-​suppressive
(for example, TNF, IL-1α, IL-1β), were upregulated in capacity and increased ROS production22. In humans,
PMN-​MDSCs and further upregulated in tumour-​ CD84 was expressed by M-​MDSCs and PMN-​MDSCs
associated neutrophils17. The differences between these and CD84 was co-​expressed with LOX1 in PMN-​MDSCs.
reports probably reflect the source of neutrophils/ PMN-​M DSCs emerged from neutrophil progeni-
PMN-MDSCs and their activation status. In studies tors via an alternative maturation process. Consistent
where authors compared naive neutrophils from bone with another recent report8, these results suggest that
marrow with PMN-​MDSCs from spleen or tumours17, PMN-​MDSCs may use a separate differentiation path-
PMN-​MDSCs showed higher inflammatory cytokine way from that used by neutrophils. M-​MDSCs had a
production and activation of some downstream targets similar alternative maturation process occurring during
of NF-​κB signalling. This may be the difference between their differentiation but, in contrast to PMN-​MDSCs, no
activated PMN-​MDSCs and non-​activated bone marrow transitional states were described22. It will be important
neutrophils. In another study19 where classically acti- to test whether CD84 is restricted to MDSCs in breast
vated neutrophils (with casein) were compared to PMN-​ cancer or is a common feature of M-​MDSCs in cancer.
MDSCs, classically activated neutrophils showed higher Song et al. used scRNA-​seq to compare transcrip-
levels of IL-6, TNF and NF-​κB signalling compared to tional profiles of tumour and normal tissues from
PMN-​MDSCs. These observations are consistent with four patients with early-​stage NSCLC and confirmed
the concept that different stimuli drive the generation the presence of cells with transcriptional features of
of classically activated neutrophils and PMN-​MDSCs. MDSCs23. According to a trajectory analysis, Song et al.
More precise analysis has been possible in humans showed that cells expressing M-​M DSC-​associated
when PMN-​MDSCs and neutrophils were obtained markers (namely IL-10, CD14 and VEGFA) and PMN-​
from the same patient. Using density gradient separa- MDSC-​associated markers (namely IL-6, OLR1 and
tion and microarray analysis, we found that gene pro- TGFβ1) were observed along the monocyte-​to-​M2
files seen in neutrophils isolated from healthy donors or macrophage transition but MDSC subsets did not
from patients with non-​small-​cell lung cancer (NSCLC) show root or branch-level enrichment. These find-
and head and neck cancer were very similar. By contrast, ing pointed out that MDSCs are molecularly distinct
gene-​expression profiles of PMN-​MDSCs and neutro- from M1-​like and M2-​like macrophages. In a recent
phils from the same patient were vastly different9. Genes study, subsets of immature (CD11b−CD13–/loCD16−),
enriched in PMN-​MDSCs included regulators of the ER intermediate (CD11b +CD13 –/loCD16 −) and mature
stress response, the MAPK pathway, M-​CSF, IL-6, IFNγ (CD11b+CD13+CD16+) neutrophils were identified in
and NF-​κB; these molecules were previously impli- the tumour microenvironment of patients with multiple
cated in MDSC development20. This study also identi- myeloma24. The frequency of mature neutrophils at dia­
fied LOX1 as a specific marker that can be used for the gnosis was significantly associated with a negative clinical
identification and characterization of PMN-​MDSCs in outcome and a high ratio of mature neutrophils to T cells
patients with cancer9. was associated with a poorer progression-​free survival.
A comparative RNA sequencing (RNA-​seq) analysis Mature neutrophils (CD11b+CD13+CD16+) from patients
of M-​MDSCs and monocytes sorted from the same with multiple myeloma were shown to exert the strongest
patients with advanced NSCLC revealed a distinct trans­ level of T cell immunosuppression. These cells expressed
criptional profile. M-​MDSCs showed upregulation of higher levels of genes encoding inflammatory cytokines
several genes associated with neutrophil functions, (namely TGFB1, TNF and VEGFA) and higher levels of
including CXC-​chemokine receptor 1 (CXCR1)8. In a genes associated with a PMN-​MDSC phenotype (namely
study in pancreatic ductal carcinoma, transcriptomic NF-​κB genes, PTGS2, CSF1, IL-8, IRF1, IL4R, STAT1,
analysis of M-​MDSCs revealed that M-​MDSCs show a STAT3 and STAT6) when compared to intermediate and
distinct gene signature compared to monocytes. STAT3 immature neutrophils24.
was identified as a crucial regulator for monocyte Various experimental approaches have been used to
re-​programming into M-​MDSCs21. In a more recent identify CD71 as a marker of early neutrophil progeni-
study, single-​cell RNA-​seq (scRNA-​seq) confirmed that tors in humans25. CD71 was also shown to be expressed

488 | August 2021 | volume 21


by a population of proliferating neutrophils in the specific genomic signatures and specific markers of
blood of patients with melanoma and in the blood and MDSCs are now starting to emerge, their clinical utility
tumours of patients with lung cancer25. These CD71+ needs to be formally established. The need to distinguish
neutrophils expressed high levels of markers associ- MDSCs from classical monocytes and neutrophils will
ated with an immature phenotype (CD38, CD49d and be critical for the design of effective therapies targeting
CD48) and had higher expression of CD304, a VEGFR2 MDSC populations.
co-​receptor associated with the pro-​tumour functions of
macrophages. However, since these cells also expressed Metabolic characteristics of MDSCs
antigen-​presenting proteins (HLA-​DR) and costimula- Metabolic reprogramming is one of the hallmarks of
tory molecules (CD86), it is unclear whether they have cancer. Tumour cells reprogramme their metabolism
pro-​tumour or antitumour functions and whether they to sustain a high energy demand, thereby supporting
may have any relationship with PMN-​MDSCs25. In a rapid proliferation, survival and differentiation. The
recent study in patients with colon cancer, PMN-​MDSCs competition for nutrients and oxygen in the tumour
showed upregulation of several pathways associated microenviron­ment forces immune cells to adapt their
with DNA damage responses, chemotaxis, apoptosis, metabolism. MDSCs sense the environment and
MAPK signalling, TGFβ signalling and various myeloid respond by selecting the most efficient metabolic path-
differentiation-​related transcripts compared with mono- ways to sustain their suppressive and pro-​tumorigenic
cytic antigen-​presenting cells (APCs) or early MDSCs26. functions27 (Fig. 2). Below, we highlight recent studies
Furthermore, PMN-​MDSCs had an elevated expression that have provided insight into various aspects of MDSC
of genes related to Janus kinase (JAK) and STAT signal­ metabolism.
ling. Additionally, the authors found that pathways
involving phosphatidylinositol 3-​kinase (PI3K), IL-6 Lipid metabolism in MDSCs. There is now ample evidence
and TGFβ were upregulated in M-​MDSCs and cell that lipid metabolism is altered in MDSCs and that this
cycle-​related pathways were upregulated in early MDSCs plays a critical role in their differentiation and functions.
compared with in monocytic APCs. Importantly, Diets enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids or high-fat
acetylation-​related genes were upregulated in both diets were shown to favour the differentiation of MDSCs
PMN-​MDSCs and M-​MDSCs, indicating that epigenetic from bone marrow precursors and to potentiate the sup-
modifications may also play a role in the regulation of pressive activity of these cells in mice28. A recent report
multiple tumour-​promoting genes in PMN-​MDSCs and demonstrated an association between increased adiposity
M-​MDSCs26. and increased tumour growth and mortality. In tumour-​
Thus, MDSCs have a distinct transcriptional profile bearing mice, obesity was associated with an increased
characterized by the expression of pro-​inflammatory accumulation of MDSCs and a reduced CD8+ T cell to
and immunosuppressive pathways (Fig. 1). Although MDSC ratio in various tissues. Increased adiposity was

a b
↑ FAO ↑ Methylglyoxal
↑ Glycolysis ↑ Arginine IRE1 PERK ATF6
↓ OXPHOS ↑ Tryptophan
↑ Lipid ↑ Cysteine
↑ Oxidized
lipids P P
P ?


↓ Glucose
↓ Glutamine
↓ Arginine LOX1 DR5
↑ Differentiation Mitochondrial
↑ Acidity
↑ Suppression homeostasis
↑ Lactate ↑ Hypoxia
↑ Kynurenine
Functional ↑ Suppression
↑ Suppression ↑ Apoptosis reprogramming
Tumour microenvironment

Fig. 2 | Metabolic characteristics of MDSCs. a | Changes in lipid and upregulation of activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol requiring
glucose metabolism that occur in myeloid-​derived suppressor cells enzyme 1 (IRE1α) and PKR-​like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK). The
(MDSCs) and in tumour cells in the tumour environment are shown. MDSCs transcription factor C/EBP-​homologous protein (CHOP) is a critical
in the tumour microenvironment show an upregulation of fatty acid mediator of the PERK pathway, whereas spliced X-​box binding protein 1
oxidation (FAO) and glycolysis and a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation (sXBP1) is a mediator of the IRE1α pathway. ER stress induced the expression
(OXPHOS). They also show increased lipid accumulation and increased of TNF-​related apoptosis-​induced ligand receptors (DR5) and lectin-​type
production of the metabolites methylglyoxal, arginine, tryptophan and oxidized LDL receptor 1 (LOX1) and the conversion of neutrophils to
cysteine. Key changes in the tumour microenvironment are depicted in the polymorphonuclear MDSCs. The reduced NRF2 signalling favoured the
yellow boxes. b | Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and the unfolded protein accumulation of cytosolic mitochondrial DNA and consequent expression
response (UPR) in MDSCs. The UPR is characterized by an orchestrated of antitumour type I interferon, in a STING-​dependent manner97.

NAtuRe RevIews | IMMuNology volume 21 | August 2021 | 489


also associated with the accumulation of MDSCs in the antioxidant activity of the glycolytic intermediate
CH3C(O)CHO is a reduced spleens and lymph nodes of tumour-free mice29. phosphoenolpyruvate38. Glycolysis increased in parallel
derivative of pyruvic acid The uptake of lipids, mediated by the upregulation with increased arginase I activity in MDSCs. Under
involved in the formation of the scavenger receptor CD36, favoured the switch hypoxic conditions, the activation of hypoxia-​inducible
of advanced glycation
from glycolysis to fatty acid oxidation (FAO) as a pri- factor 1α (HIF1α) induced the switch from OXPHOS to
end products.
mary source of energy in tumour-​associated MDSCs30,31. glycolysis in MDSCs39,40. HIF1α is a critical regulator of
MDSCs underwent metabolic reprogramming that the differentiation and function of MDSCs in the tumour
upregulated the mitochondrial electron transfer complex microenvironment41,42. HIF1α facilitated the differentia-
and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The deletion of CD36 tion of M-​MDSCs into tumour-​associated macrophages
or FAO inhibition affected the suppressive functions through a mechanism involving CD45 tyrosine phos-
of MDSCs, delayed tumour growth, and enhanced phatase activity and the downregulation of STAT3
the efficacy of chemotherapy and immunotherapy30,31. activity42,43.
Recently, the fatty acid transport protein 2 (FATP2) was In contrast to monocytes, M-​MDSCs isolated from
identified as a regulator of the suppressive functions of tumour tissue of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
PMN-​MDSCs. FATP2 was responsible for the uptake had a dormant metabolic phenotype. These cells failed
of arachidonic acid and for the subsequent synthesis of to utilize glucose, had a reduced cellular ATP content,
PGE2. The inhibition of FATP2 abrogated the suppressive and showed reduced cellular bioenergetics and lowe­
functions of PMN-​MDSCs and enhanced the efficacy of red baseline mitochondrial respiration44. This peculiar
cancer immunotherapy32. PMN-​MDSCs were implicated metabolic phenotype was mediated by the accumulation
in the negative regulation of antigen cross-​presentation of methylglyoxal in MDSCs. In turn, MDSCs suppressed
by dendritic cells (DCs) and this mechanism was media­ T cell activation and proliferation by transferring methylg-
ted by the transfer of oxidized lipids from PMN-​MDSCs lyoxal to T cells. Methylglyoxal suppressed T cell function
to DCs33. The cross-​presentation of tumour-​associated by the chemical depletion of cytosolic amino acids, such as
antigens in vivo by DCs was substantially improved in L-​arginine, as well as by rendering L-​arginine-​containing
MDSC-​depleted or myeloperoxidase (MPO)-​deficient proteins non-functional through their glycation44.
tumour-​bearing mice. PMN-​MDSCs express higher Whether these findings can be recapitulated in other
levels of MPO when compared to neutrophils34 and conditions remains to be determined.
MPO deficiency also affects the suppressive activity of In summary, in contrast to classically activated
PMN-MDSCs, indicating the critical role of MPO in neutro­phils and monocytes, the metabolic functions of
the bio­logy of these cells in cancer33. The pharmaco- MDSCs are characterized by the increased accumula-
logical inhibition of MPO in combination with check- tion of lipids and FAO, which promotes their suppres-
point blockade also reduced tumour growth in tumour sive activity, and a switch to glycolysis (Fig. 2). Data on
mouse models33. Since PMN-​MDSCs but not neutro- the contribution of glycolysis to the suppressive capacity
phils have immunosuppressive activity, it is likely that of MDSCs are few and contradictory. Glycolysis might
the antitumour effect of MPO inhibition was mediated be important during the differentiation and migration
via PMN-​MDSCs. of MDSCs rather than in the regulation of suppressive
functions. However, more in-​depth studies are needed
Glucose metabolism. MDSCs exhibit an increase in glyco­ to decipher the relative contribution of these different
lysis, the pentose phosphate pathway and tricarboxylic metabolic pathways to the differentiation and functions
acid cycle during their differentiation and activation3,27. of MDSCs.
PMN-​MDSCs were shown to use both glycolysis and
oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in a preclinical Amino acid metabolism. The deprivation of essen-
model of nasopharyngeal carcinoma35. MDSCs had high tial metabolites, including arginine, tryptophan and
glucose and glutamine uptake rates, a reduced oxygen cysteine, from the microenvironment has been used by
consumption rate and most of the ATP generated was MDSCs to regulate T cell functions. The depletion of
obtained through a glycolysis-​dependent mechanism36. arginine through the upregulation of arginase 1 was one
This study revealed that a high glycolytic flux is needed of the first T cell-​suppressive mechanisms described in
for the maturation of MDSCs from bone marrow precur- MDSCs45. Arginine catabolism through NOS2 is another
sors and suggested an indirect mechanism by which the key suppressive mechanism of MDSCs46 and their release
consumption of carbon sources by MDSCs results in of peroxynitrite can induce apoptosis in T cells as well
the suppression of effector T cells. Patel et al.37 showed as inhibiting T cell function and migration47–49. IDO-​
that bone marrow neutrophils from mice with early dependent tryptophan metabolism is another pathway
stages of tumour progression had some transcriptional used by MDSCs to inhibit immune responses. MDSCs
characteristics of PMN-​MDSCs but lacked suppressive decrease the levels of tryptophan in the external environ-
activity. These cells upregulated OXPHOS and glycolysis ment by inducing IDO, which catabolizes this essential
and produced more ATP than neutrophils from control amino acid to N-​formylkynurenine50–52.
mice. This facilitated the migration of these cells to However, such metabolic profiles in myeloid cells do
tissues and could represent the first step of pathological not necessarily define them as MDSCs. Besides meta-
activation of neutrophils in cancer37. bolic changes, cells have to acquire suppressive func-
The upregulation of glycolytic pathways protected tions. In the context of MDSCs, it is clear that these cells
MDSCs from apoptosis and contributed to their sur- show a different metabolic profile when compared to
vival by preventing ROS-​mediated apoptosis via the normal neutrophils and monocytes and this metabolic

490 | August 2021 | volume 21


a Preparation of pre-metastatic niches b Escorting tumour cells into the circulation

Inhibition of
• Neutrophil/PMN-MDSC/ NK cells
Neutrophil tumor CTC
PMN-MDSC • Increased metastatic

• Matrix remodelling
• Immunosuppression NK cell
• NETs
NET • ROS production
Tumour production • Inflammation
cell • Tumour cell

CXCL8, CXCL2, extravasation

NETs trap tumour

cells in the

Fig. 3 | Contribution of MDSCs to the formation of the premetastatic niche. Myeloid-​derived suppressor cells (MDSCs)
promote metastasis by ‘priming’ the premetastatic niche to enhance the engraftment by circulating tumour cells (CTCs)
(panel a) and by escorting tumour cells into the circulation (panel b), promoting their metastatic potential, inhibiting their
killing by immune cells and by promoting their extravasation into the tissues. NET, neutrophil extracellular trap; NK cell,
natural killer cell; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; PMN, polymorphonuclear; ROS, reactive oxygen species.

switch is directly associated with the acquisition of sup- niches may facilitate the escape of tumour cells by sup-
pressive functions. These studies were performed in the pressing immune cells, inducing matrix remodelling
setting of cancer. Whether similar features are associated and promoting angiogenesis55, which in turn facilitate
with MDSCs in other pathological conditions needs to the engraftment of tumour cells. Another mechanism
be determined in further research. of regulation of tumour metastasis was described in a
recent study by Li et al.56, who demonstrated, in a breast
Roles of MDSCs in cancer cancer model, that neutrophils accumulated neutral
The role of MDSCs in the formation of the premetastatic lipids via the repression of adipose triglyceride lipase
niche. Metastatic disease represents the main cause of activity. Neutrophil-​specific deletion of adipose tri-
death in patients with cancer. Metastasis requires the glyceride lipase decreased metastasis in mice and lipid
circulation of tumour cells from the primary tumour transfer from neutrophils to tumour cells was shown to
site to distant organs, which have been ‘primed’ for the facilitate metastasis56. The authors reported that these
engraftment of disseminating tumour cells in a process cells suppressed NK cells, suggesting that they may be
known as the formation of the premetastatic niche PMN-​MDSCs.
(Fig. 3). Neutrophils or PMN-​MDSCs are recruited to NETs are extracellular structures released by neutro­
the premetastatic niches mostly through the chemokine phils in response to stimuli and composed of cytosolic
receptors CXCR2 and CXCR4 (refs53,54). It was recently and granule proteins as well as DNA. NETs were shown
shown that bone marrow-​derived neutrophils in early to promote metastasis, facilitate ovarian cancer colo-
stages of cancer lack the immunosuppressive ability nization to the omentum and promote extravasation
that characterizes MDSCs but exhibit higher spon- of circulating colorectal cancer to the liver and lung in
taneous migration, higher OXPHOS and glycolysis, preclinical colorectal cancer models57–61. Moreover, NETs
and increased production of ATP compared to naive can recruit tumour cells to the premetastatic niche via
neutrophils. The transcriptomic profiles of these cells CDC25 (ref.62). Although it is not yet known whether
demonstrated enrichment of ER stress-​associated path- NETs are produced more frequently by PMN-​MDSCs
ways (Box 1). Bone marrow PMN-​MDSCs isolated from than by neutrophils, it was recently reported that granu­
patients with late-​stage cancer were immunosuppressive locytic cells from tumour-​bearing mice are more prone
but their migratory capacity and metabolism were indis- to producing NETs than neutrophils from tumour-​free
tinguishable from control neutrophils37. Importantly, mice57. The pharmacological targeting of NETs may
these cells had potent spontaneous migratory activity, be a promising way to reduce metastatic colonization of
suggesting that they may migrate better to non-​inflamed the tumour.
tissues than control neutrophils or PMN-​MDSCs. While Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) are precursors of
it is plausible that these cells may be converted to PMN-​ metastasis and are often found in the circulation of cancer
MDSCs once they reach their destination, this has not yet patients. CTCs are associated with white blood cells63,
been formally tested. PMN-​MDSCs in the premetastatic including neutrophils. The clusters formed by CTCs and

NAtuRe RevIews | IMMuNology volume 21 | August 2021 | 491


Box 1 | ER stress in regulation of MDSCs Targeting MDSC recruitment. MDSCs are more
immuno­suppressive in the tumour site than in lym-
Myeloid-​derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are characterized by the accumulation phoid organs 67. The migration of neutrophils and
of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which induces the PMN-​M DSCs to tumours is mainly driven by the
unfolded protein response (UPR)140,141. The UPR features an orchestrated chemokine receptor CXCR2 in response to CXCL1 and
upregulation of activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol requiring enzyme 1
CXCL2 in mice and humans as well as in response to
(IRE1α) and PKR-​like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK). The transcription factor
C/EBP-​homologous protein (CHOP) is a mediator of the PERK pathway, whereas IL-8 (also known as CXCL8) in humans68. High IL-8
spliced X-​box binding protein 1 (sXBP1) is a mediator of the IRE1α pathway142. levels have been asso­ciated with increased neutro-
CHOP positively regulates the accumulation and suppressive functions of tumour- phil infiltration into tumours and poorer responses to
infiltrating MDSCs. CHOP expression in MDSCs was induced by reactive oxygen immune-​checkpoint blockade69,70. Earlier studies showed
and nitrogen species and regulated by ATF4 (ref.143). ER stress induced the expression that blocking PMN-​MDSC recruitment to tumours
of TNF-​related apoptosis-​induced ligand receptors (TRAIL-​Rs)84,85. The activation of by genetic ablation of CXCR2 or with small-​molecule
IRE1α/XBP1-​dependent pathways was shown to be involved in the upregulation CXCR2 inhibitors improved the outcome of metastatic
of LOX1 and in the conversion of normal neutrophils to PMN-​MDSCs9. PERK signalling sarcoma and enhanced the efficacy of anti-​PD1 treat-
was increased in tumour MDSCs and regulated their suppressive functions through ment in established tumours71. These findings were
the inhibition of STING signalling97. The deletion of PERK reprogrammed MDSCs
recently confirmed and expanded in mouse models of
towards myeloid cells with the ability to activate CD8+ T cell-​mediated immunity
against cancer. In the absence of PERK, tumour MDSCs showed a reduced head and neck cancer, pancreatic cancer, and metastatic
NRF2-driven antioxidant capacity and impaired mitochondrial respiratory liver cancer53,72,73. A recent study showed how epigenetic
homeostasis. The reduced NRF2 signalling favoured the accumulation of cytosolic therapy can influence MDSC accumulation and promote
mitochondrial DNA and the consequent expression of antitumour type I interferon macrophage differentiation at premetastatic niches.
in a STING-​dependent manner (Fig. 2). By using low doses of methyltransferase and histone
deacetylase inhibitors, Lu et al. demonstrated reduced
CCR2-​mediated and CXCR2-​mediated MDSC accumu-
white blood cells are rare in the peripheral circulation but lation in premetastatic niches in the lung and increased
increase exponentially and can be trapped in the capillar- overall survival in mice after surgical resection of the
ies before reaching the periphery64. Furthermore, CTCs primary tumours74.
cluster with neutrophils more frequently than with any
other immune cells. Cancer patients with high percen­ MDSC depletion. MDSCs are short-​lived cells that are
tages of neutrophil–CTC clusters in the blood had worse constantly replaced and released into the circulation.
clinical outcomes64. The neutrophils contained in the The depletion of cells with high rates of renewal can
clusters showed a gene expression profile similar to that be challenging but several approaches have provided
of PMN-​MDSCs. Additionally, neutrophil-​containing encouraging results. Chemotherapeutic drugs, such as
CTC clusters were able to form metastasis much faster 5-​fluorouracil, carboplatin, paclitaxel or gemcitabine,
that CTC alone64. These findings suggest that, at the can reduce MDSC numbers in the circulation and pro-
very early stage of cancer dissemination, neutrophils can mote a more robust antitumour immune response75–77,
promote the formation of metastasis by enhancing the but these agents are not specific for MDSCs and affect all
prolife­rative abilities of CTCs; these results are consistent rapidly proliferating cells, including antitumour T cells.
with mouse data describing the pro-​metastatic potential A more refined approach uses antibodies recognizing
of neutrophils in early-​stage cancer37. CD33, a marker expressed on the surface of human mye-
CTCs can also be targeted by immune cells with anti- loid cells. A monoclonal anti-​CD33 antibody (gemtu-
tumour activity, including NK cells and CD8+ T cells65. zumab) conjugated with a toxin (ozogamicin) was
In mouse models of metastasis, the depletion of NK cells shown to deplete CD33-​expressing MDSCs with good
prior to the injection of tumour cells increased metastasis results in a phase II clinical trial78–81. The recognition of
to the lung. PMN-​MDSCs inhibited NK cell-​mediated CD33 has been exploited for CD16 and IL-15 tri-​specific
killing of CTCs and promoted metastasis formation killer engager (TriKE) in haematological malignancies82.
into the lungs56,66. MDSCs express high levels of matrix This molecule (GTB-3550) crosslinks CD33 and CD16
metall­oproteinases (MMPs) and PMN-​MDSCs were expressed by NK cells, inducing ADCC and NK cell
shown to promote both the extravasation and engraft- cytotoxicity and proliferation. Although GTB-3550
ment of CTCs by producing high levels of MMP8 and has been shown to reduce TIGIT-​mediated NK cell
MMP9 (ref.66) (Fig. 3). inhibition by MDSCs83, ADCC-​dependent depletion
of MDSCs could be another possible mechanism of
Therapeutic targeting of MDSCs in cancer. Although action. GTB-3550 is currently in a phase II clinical trial
MDSCs have a short-​lifespan in tissues, their conti­ (NCT03214666) and an evaluation of MDSCs in treated
nuous recruitment to sites of chronic inflammation patients could answer this question.
enables them to have long-​lasting effects at these sites. The activation of ER stress is a common character­
However, because their lifespan in tissues is short, the istic of MDSCs in both mice and humans that distinguish
state of pathological activation of these cells in tissues them from monocytes and neutrophils (Box 1). Activation
is difficult to reverse. Therefore, effective therapies of the ER stress pathway induced the upregulation of
could aim to target MDSCs by blocking their differen- DR5, a TRAIL receptor, on MDSCs and targeting of this
Stimulator of interferon
tiation in the bone marrow, inhibiting their migration molecule rapidly induced MDSC apoptosis84. An agoni­
genes (STING) induces to the affected tissues, or by manipulating the tissue stic DR5 antibody, DS-8273a, has also been tested in a
type I interferon production. microenvironment (Fig. 4). phase I clinical trial. The treatment was well tolerated

492 | August 2021 | volume 21


and induced a selective reduction of MDSCs in a subset The treatment of mice with the FATP2 inhibitor lipo-
of patients with various types of advanced cancers, which fermata markedly reduced tumour growth. Moreover,
was associated with increased progression-​free survival85. it synergized with anti-​CTLA4 antibody treatment32.
Liver X receptor (LXR) has a potent effect on MDSC Since PGE2 biosynthesis is considered a downstream
survival. LXR activation was able to strongly reduce target of FATP2, these results were consistent with the
MDSC numbers in tumour-​b earing mice by induc- role of PGE2 as a potent inhibitor of T cell function in
ing apoptosis in these cells through apolipoprotein E cancer92. The targeting of systemic PGE2 with cyclooxy­
(APOE) signalling. MDSC apoptosis was associated with genase 2 (COX2) inhibitors has also been shown to
a reduction of immunosuppression and activation of block MDSC expansion in mouse tumour models93–96.
antitumour T cell responses. Preclinical tumour models However, the prolonged systemic use of COX2 inhib­
responded well to two LXR agonists: GW3956 and itors is associated with substantial haematologic, cardio­
RGX-104 (ref.86). RGX-104 is currently in a phase I clini­ vascular and gastrointestinal toxicities. The selective
cal trial, with initial results showing that the drug pro- targeting of FATP2 (which is necessary for downstream
motes T cell activation and is effective in reducing both PGE2 synthesis) in PMN-​MDSCs may instead offer the
PMN-​MDSC and M-​MDSC counts in the circulation86. opportunity to inhibit PGE2 only in pathologically acti-
vated PMN-​MDSCs and mostly within the tumour site,
Reprograming MDSCs to enhance antitumour immu- where expression of FATP2 is the highest32.
nity. The blockade of MDSC immunosuppressive It was recently shown that targeting the PERK path-
functions can improve antitumour immune responses. way of ER stress response reprogrammed tumour-
Early studies showed that all-​trans retinoic acid (ATRA) associated M-​MDSCs towards cells with antitumour
promoted the differentiation of M-​MDSCs into macro­ functions. The inhibition of PERK augmented the effi-
phages and DCs and killed PMN-​MDSCs in both mice cacy of checkpoint inhibitors in preclinical models97.
and humans87–89. More recently, in preclinical models Another approach involves the targeting of TOLLIP,
of breast cancer, the depletion of MDSCs via ATRA which is a signalling adaptor molecule expressed in
treatment has been shown to improve the efficacy of myeloid cells and recently implicated in the acquisi-
VEGFR2 inhibitors as anti-​angiogenic therapy. In those tion of immunosuppressive function by PMN-​MDSCs.
models, the triple combination of ATRA with a VEGFR2 The genetic ablation of TOLLIP reduced tumour for-
inhibitor and conventional chemotherapy significantly mation in a model of carcinogen-​induced colon cancer
delayed tumour growth90. ATRA therapy in combina- and adoptive transfer of TOLLIP-​deficient neutrophils
tion with anti-​CTLA4 immune-​checkpoint blockade in tumour-​bearing mice reduced tumour growth and
was tested in patients with melanoma, showing a reduc- increased T cell responses98. Although TOLLIP block-
tion in the number of circulating MDSCs and in MDSC ade has not been tested in the study, those findings make
expression of immunosuppressive genes91. TOLLIP an interesting target for cancer immunotherapy.

Cancer Autoimmunity

Inhibition of recruitment Adoptive transfer

• CXCR2 blockade • Tumour-bearing mouse-
• CXCR4 blockade derived MDSC
• Epigenetic regulation • Airway inflammation-derived
• ESS-derived MDSC
• CIA-derived MDSC
Depletion • Lactoferrin-induced MDSC
• DR5 agonists
• LXR agonists
• Anti-CD33 antibodies
• Low-dose chemotherapy
Enhanced suppressive activity
• Glatiramer acetate
Reprogramming • mTOR inhibitors
Blocking immunosuppressive functions • EZH2 inhibitor
• Tofacinib
• STAT3 inhibitors • COX2 inhibition
• DNase • ATRA
• FATP2 blockade • MPO inhibition
• Entinostat + • TOLLIP inhibition
ricolinostat • NO inhibition
• Arginase inhibition • PERK inhibition

Fig. 4 | Targeting MDSCs in cancer and autoimmune diseases. Opposite strategies are used to regulate myeloid-​derived
suppressor cell (MDSC) function in cancer, where therapies are aimed at reducing MDSC recruitment, accumulation and
suppressive functions, or in autoimmune disease, where increased MDSC accumulation or function may be used to restrain
disease severity. ATRA, all-​trans retinoic acid; CBD, cannabidiol; CIA, collagen-​induced arthritis; CXCR, CXC-​chemokine
receptor; ESS, experimental Sjögren syndrome; EZH2, enhancer of zeste homologue 2; FATP2, fatty acid transporter
protein 2; G-​CSF, granulocyte colony-​stimulating factor; LXR, liver X receptor; MPO, myeloperoxidase; NO, nitric oxide;
PERK, PKR-​like endoplasmic reticulum kinase; STAT3, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3.

NAtuRe RevIews | IMMuNology volume 21 | August 2021 | 493


Thus, multiple approaches to targeting MDSCs in cancer compared to in healthy donors109. Notably, the frequency
have been proposed (Fig. 4). Ongoing clinical trials will of MDSCs was lower in patients who experienced a
soon identify which one is most promising. relapse than in patients with stable disease109. Moreover,
PMN-​MDSCs were found to accumulate in the central
Roles of MDSCs in autoimmune disease nervous system of mice with EAE at the onset of disease
MDSC accumulation has been described in patients and their frequency was decreased following recovery
with various autoimmune disorders, including type 1 from EAE. The acquisition of an MDSC phenotype was
dia­betes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sys- restricted to the central nervous system, where PMN-​
temic lupus erythematosus (SLE), inflammatory bowel MDSCs reduced pathogenic B cell accumulation109.
disease and autoimmune hepatitis. It is expected that, Cannabidiol and IFNβ have been shown to attenuate
in auto­immune diseases, the increased presence of EAE severity by promoting MDSC accumulation and/or
MDSCs might correlate with positive clinical outcomes suppressive activity110,111.
and decreased disease severity. However, as discussed In early studies, MDSCs showed a protective effect
below, this is not always the case. on asthma and airway inflammation by suppressing
TH2-​type immune responses, one of the main contribu­
Association of MDSCs with more severe autoimmune tors to airway inflammation. Recently, group 2 innate
disease. Increased frequencies of M-​MDSCs and PMN-​ lymphoid cells (ILC2s) have emerged as major contri­
MDSCs were observed in patients with relapsing– butors in asthma induction. PMN-​MDSCs were shown
remitting multiple sclerosis during relapse compared to to inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines by
those with stable disease. However, patients with second- ILC2s in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation
ary progressive multiple sclerosis displayed decreased fre- through a COX1-​dependent pathway, which reduced the
quencies of M-MDSCs and PMN-​MDSCs99. Discordant severity of disease. In this model, antibody-​mediated
results regarding the effect of MDSCs in rheumatoid depletion of PMN-​MDSCs exacerbated the disease and
arthritis have been reported in both preclinical mouse promoted ILC2-​driven inflammation112. Moreover, the
models and in patients. The prevalence of circulating adoptive transfer of MDSCs to mice with allergic airway
MDSCs and plasma arginase 1 increased significantly in inflammation reduced the severity of disease113. MDSCs
patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to healthy have also been shown to have a protective effect in
controls and were negatively correlated with peripheral murine models of Sjogren syndrome and arthritis, where
T helper 17 (TH17) cells100. However, a different study the activation of the suppressive functions of MDSCs
showed that MDSCs might promote arthritis onset in ameliorated the severity of the diseases114–116.
mice by sustaining TH17 cell differentiation. MDSC infil- MDSCs have also been implicated in the onset or
tration in arthritic joints positively correlates with high progression of inflammatory bowel disease. In murine
disease activity but MDSC frequency in peripheral blood models of colonic inflammation, the use of a histone-
negatively correlates with TH17 cell numbers101. Both methyl transferase inhibitor reduces the severity of
M-​MDSC and PMN-​MDSC frequency and number were the disease by inducing the accumulation of immuno-
elevated in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and SLE, suppressive MDSCs in the colon117. Moreover, mTOR
which correlated with disease severity102–104. Moreover, inhibi­tors and glatiramer acetate (a compound approved
MDSCs have been found to accumulate in murine for the treatment of multiple sclerosis) have shown effi-
models of asthma, experimental autoimmune enceph- cacy in treating mouse models of colitis by enhancing
alomyelitis (EAE), SLE and collagen-​induced arthritis, the suppressive functions of MDSCs118,119.
where the presence of MDSCs correlates with TH17 The adoptive transfer using three types of splenic
cell accumulation and increased disease severity105–108. MDSCs (total MDSCs, M-​MDSCs and PMN-​MDSCs)
Interestingly, patients with SLE showed the accumulation obtained from mice with collagen-​induced arthritis
of low-​density granulocytes with a high expression of demonstrated that all these MDSCs markedly amelio-
LOX1, a marker of PMN-​MDSCs. From that study, how- rated inflammatory arthritis and profoundly inhibited
ever, it was unclear if these cells could directly supress T cell proliferation120. Consistent with these observa-
T cell function102. tions, the adoptive transfer of MDSCs generated in vitro
Apparently, during pathological autoimmune reac- following treatment with lactoferrin markedly reduced
tions associated with inflammation there is an expansion autoimmune inflammation in lung and liver121 (Fig. 4).
of MDSCs, which may be a protective mechanism that These findings demonstrate that, although naturally
inhibits the autoimmune reaction to a certain extent. occurring MDSCs may not be sufficient to control auto-
However, the control of pathological processes is not immune diseases, their therapeutic expansion, activation
in itself sufficient. Therefore, the prediction is that the or adoptive transfer can clearly have beneficial effects in
more severe the disease, the higher the production of limiting autoimmune pathology.
MDSCs will be. This hypothesis was tested in number
of studies as described below. Other emerging roles for MDSCs
For many years, the biological roles of MDSCs were
Therapeutic applications of MDSCs in autoimmunity thought to be restricted to cancer, autoimmune diseases,
and allergy. LOX1+ PMN-​MDSCs accumulated in the chronic inflammation and infectious diseases. In recent
blood of patients with established multiple sclerosis as years, a broader role of MDSCs in biology has emerged
well as in patients with clinically isolated syndromes that challenges a prevailing view on the mechanisms
(that is, the first neurologic episode of multiple sclerosis) of the development of these cells. The accumulation

494 | August 2021 | volume 21


of MDSCs during pregnancy was described in a num- profile immune cells isolated from matched blood samples
A globular glycoprotein from ber of studies and these cells were directly implicated and broncho-alveolar lavage fluids of patients with
the transferrin family widely in maternal–fetal tolerance by suppressing T cell COVID-19 and healthy controls139. This analysis revealed
expressed in various secretory responses122–126. The percentage of MDSCs was shown to an immune signature of the disease severity that corre-
fluids such as milk, saliva,
tears and nasal secretions.
be decreased in spontaneously aborting mice compared lated with the accumulation of naive lymphoid cells in
with in control mice and the depletion of MDSCs was the lung and the expansion and activation of myeloid
associated with increased cytotoxicity of decidual NK cells in peripheral blood. Myeloid-​driven immuno­
cells127. MDSCs are now emerging as part of the complex suppression was a hallmark of COVID-19 evolution
system protecting the fetus during gestation. and arginase 1 expression was associated with mono-
The accumulation of MDSCs in neonates was cyte immune regulatory features. Importantly, the loss
more surprising since the suppression of the immune of immuno­suppression in monocytes and neutrophils
system is not considered as favourable for newborns. was associated with fatal clinical outcomes in patients
However, several studies described the accumulation of with severe COVID-19. It is important to point out that
MDSCs during first weeks of life in newborn humans the results of scRNA-​seq of myeloid cells are protocol and
and mice96,121,128–130. Mechanistically, MDSCs played time dependent, which will require careful assessment in
an important role in the protection of newborns from future studies. It appears that massive exposure of myeloid
inflammation associated with seeding of the gut with progenitors to bacterial or viral products triggers the acti-
microbiota. MDSC deficiency in very-​low weight pre- vation of immunosuppressive programming in myeloid
maturely born infants was associated with necrotizing cells, leading to the rapid development of MDSCs. The
enterocolitis96,121. The mechanism of transitory MDSC mechanisms of this phenomenon need to be determined.
accumulation in newborns was different from that
described in cancer and was dependent on lactoferrin96,121. Perspective
MDSCs may be an attractive option in the treatment of Emerging evidence suggests that MDSCs play crucial
pathological inflammatory conditions associated with roles in shaping the immune response in many patho-
low birthweight in infants. logical settings as well as in some physiological settings
Very recently, cells with MDSC features were impli- such as pregnancy and in the first weeks of life. We now
cated in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused have a better understanding of the origins of these cells
by SARS-​CoV-2. Several reports described the accu- and of how they mediate immunosuppression. However,
mulation of potently immunosuppressive M-​MDSCs the precise mechanisms that drive neutrophils and
and PMN-​MDSCs in patients with severe COVID-19 monocytes to differentiate into MDSCs remain unclear.
(refs 131–133) . A study in high-​dimensional flow cyto­ Although the key genomic and metabolic character­istics
metry and scRNA-​seq of peripheral blood cells from of these cells are now described, the precise genomic
patients with COVID-19 revealed an accumulation of signatures that allow for the identification and analysis
HLA-​DRlow monocytes with characteristics of M-​MDSCs. of MDSCs in clinical settings remain to be established.
Immature neutrophils with an immunosuppressive pro- A major challenge will be to determine if PMN-​MDSCs
file (PMN-​MDSCs) accumulated in the blood and lungs. could be subdivided into smaller populations with
These myeloid cells release large amounts of S100A8/ speci­fic functional characteristics or if they represent a
A9 proteins. The higher plasma levels of these proteins discrete single population distinct from classical neutro-
correlated with patients who developed a severe form phils; the same is true for M-​MDSCs. This goal can be
of COVID-19 (ref.134). These findings were corroborated accomplished by the analysis of scRNA-​seq. This is not
in a large study where scRNA-​seq and single-​cell proteo­ an easy task, especially with respect to neutrophils and
mics of whole-​blood and peripheral blood mono­nuclear PMN-​MDSCs due to their low transcriptional activity
cells demonstrated elevation of HLA-​DR hiCD11chi and difficulty in isolating them without inducing cell
inflammatory monocytes with an interferon-​stimulated activation. Recent data on the identification of specific
gene signature in mild cases of COVID-19. By contrast, precursors of these cells is intriguing but requires strong
severe COVID-19 was associated with the accumula- experimental validation. Finally, but probably most
tion of neutrophil precursors, dysfunctional mature importantly, the challenge remains on how best to selec-
neutrophils and HLA-​DR lo monocytes with appa­ tively target MDSCs. In the coming years, we may witness
rent features of MDSCs135. These results are similar to a strong effort to determine whether targeting these cells
the previous reports describing the accumulation of improves clinical outcomes in different disease settings.
MDSCs in patients with sepsis and septic shock136–138.
In a recent preprint study, scRNA-seq was used to Published online 1 February 2021

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142. Grootjans, J., Kaser, A., Kaufman, R. J. & Acknowledgements Peer review information
Blumberg, R. S. The unfolded protein response in The authors thank S. Gabrilovich, Rutgers New Jersey Medical Nature Reviews Immunology thanks the anonymous, reviewers
immunity and inflammation. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 16, School, for help with editing the manuscript. for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
469–484 (2016).
143. Thevenot, P. T. et al. The stress-​response Author contributions Publisher’s note
sensor chop regulates the function and The authors contributed equally to all aspects of the article. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
accumulation of myeloid-​derived suppressor claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
cells in tumors. Immunity 41, 389–401 Competing interests
(2014). The authors declare no competing interests. © Springer Nature Limited 2021

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