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Are you a positive or

negative thinker?
Do you think....?

You'll pasa t
english examnext
You'll have a nice
weekend I think so, I'm going to
study and pay attention
in class to be able to
I hope so, I have to
answer as best as
go to a baptism and
win money at the
You'll get a go
job un the futu d
If my plans come true, I would
end up being a pilot, then I would
be very happy to be able to fulfill
my goal.

You'll make som

e n
on tour next hoelw friends You'll live to be 100

I don't think so my parents are I hope not, I don't have suicidal ideas or
always behind me and I would be anything like that, but I would really like
embarrassed to talk to someone to live until I'm 40 at most and inherit
while they are there, but I can everything from my parents. I don't like
always escape for a while the idea of being older and depending
on someone. I want to enjoy my life to
the fullest and then just leave fully.

You'll get to end ur life

of this book You'll find the love of yo

Definitely not, I'm afraid it's not I doubt it, I think I already met him
the ending I expected and it didn't end well

Mayte Flores García

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