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Provide an introduction to the subject area of the This research aims to compare the effects of sustainable and traditional event approaches on brand perception and purchase intent among
study student attendees. By analyzing the experiences and perceptions of students, the study seeks to understand the importance of sustainability
 Have I provided a brief introduction to the
in shaping their attitudes and behaviors, particularly in the context of product launches.
subject area of my study?

Summarize the current state of research in the field The current research in the field of sustainability and consumer perception indicates that consumers increasingly prefer sustainable
 Have I summarized the current state of
products and brands. Sustainability practices have been found to positively influence brand perception, leading to increased brand loyalty
and willingness to pay a premium. However, there is a need for more research specifically focusing on the impact of sustainability on
research in the field?
attendee perception at events, particularly in the context of product launch events. Comparative studies analyzing the differences between
sustainable and traditional event approaches are necessary to understand their effects on brand perception and purchase intent among
attendees, especially among students.
Identify the specific problem or question addressed The specific problem addressed by the study is understanding the impact of sustainability practices on student's perception, particularly in
by the study the context of product launch events. The study aims to answer the question of how sustainable and traditional event approaches differ in
 Have I clearly identified the specific problem
terms of their effects on brand perception and purchase intent among student attendees. By conducting a comparative analysis, the
research seeks to identify whether sustainability initiatives have a significant influence on student's attitudes and behaviors, specifically in
or question my study addresses?
the realm of product launches.

Identify the Gap

Demonstrate the existing gap in the literature or The existing literature lacks sufficient research on the effects of sustainability practices specifically on student perception, particularly in
knowledge the context of product launch events. While studies have explored sustainability's impact on consumer perception overall, there is a gap in
 Have I demonstrated the existing gap in the
understanding how students, as a distinct consumer segment, respond to sustainable event practices.
literature or knowledge?

Explain why this gap needs to be filled Filling this gap is important because understanding the effects of sustainability practices on student perception in the context of product
 Have I explained why this gap needs to be
launch events can provide valuable insights. By studying this specific consumer segment, we can gain a deeper understanding of how
sustainable event practices influence their attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making processes. This knowledge can help businesses and
event organizers tailor their strategies to effectively engage and appeal to students who prioritize sustainability.

Highlight the significance of this gap for further The significance of this research gap lies in the lack of understanding regarding the effects of sustainability practices on student
research perception, specifically in the context of product launch events. The existing literature has explored the impact of sustainability on
 Have I highlighted the significance of this
consumer perception in general, but there is a distinct lack of knowledge about how students, as a unique consumer segment, respond to
sustainable event practices. Filling this gap is crucial as it provides insights into the preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of students,
gap for further research?
enabling businesses and event organizers to effectively engage with this influential consumer segment. Further research in this area can
inform marketing strategies, brand image creation, and sustainability efforts targeted towards students, ultimately driving positive
outcomes for both businesses and the environment.
Purpose of the Study
Clearly state the main objective of the research The main objective of this research is to compare the impact of sustainable and traditional product launch events on student's perception at
 Have I clearly stated the main objective of
the Technological Institute of the Philippines in 2023. The study aims to analyze how these different event approaches influence brand
perception and purchase intent among students.
my research?

Link the purpose of the study to the identified gap The purpose of this study is to address the existing gap in knowledge by examining and comparing the impact of sustainable and
 Have I linked the purpose of my study to the
traditional product launch events on student's perception at the Technological Institute of the Philippines in 2023. Despite the growing
interest in sustainability and its potential influence on consumer behavior, there is limited research specifically focused on the effects of
identified gap?
sustainable product launch events on student's perception in an educational context. By investigating this gap, the study aims to provide
valuable insights into how these different event approaches can shape brand perception and purchase intent among students, ultimately
contributing to a better understanding of the effectiveness of sustainable marketing strategies in educational environments.
Present the purpose as a potential solution to the This study is to propose a potential solution to the existing gap in knowledge by examining and comparing the impact of sustainable and
problem or gap traditional product launch events on student's perception at the Technological Institute of the Philippines in 2023. With limited research
 Have I presented the purpose as a potential
specifically focused on the effects of sustainable product launch events on student's perception in an educational setting, this study aims to
provide insights that can contribute to bridging this gap. By analyzing how these different event approaches influence brand perception
solution to the problem or gap?
and purchase intent among students, the research intends to offer valuable information for marketers and educators seeking to implement
effective sustainable marketing strategies that resonate with students. Ultimately, this study aims to address the gap by offering a potential
solution that enhances our understanding of the effectiveness of sustainable product launch events in educational environments.
Explanation of Significance
Articulate how the study contributes to the existing
body of knowledge
 Have I articulated how my study contributes
to the existing body of knowledge?

Discuss how the research addresses a significant

research gap
 Have I explained how my research addresses
a significant research gap?
Explain how the study offers a new or better solution
to a problem
 Have I discussed how my study offers a new
or better solution to a problem?

Highlight the potential impact on policy, practice, or

improvements in a specific field or sector
 Have I highlighted the potential impact of
my research on policy, practice, or
improvements in a specific field or sector?
Make these claims based on the scope and limitations
of the study
 Have I made these claims based on the scope
and limitations of my study?

Identification of Beneficiaries
Identify who will benefit from the study
 Have I clearly identified who will benefit
from my study?

Explain how the findings can be used by researchers,

practitioners, policymakers, communities,
businesses, etc.
 Have I explained how my findings can be
used by other researchers, practitioners,
policymakers, communities, businesses, or
Describe the potential applications and utility of the
 Have I described the potential applications
and utility of my research?

Future Implications
Discuss the implications of the study for future
 Have I discussed the implications of my
study for future research?

Raise unanswered questions or new areas of inquiry

 Have I raised any unanswered questions or
new areas of inquiry?

Suggest potential future methodologies or

approaches based on the study
 Have I suggested potential future
methodologies or approaches based on my

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