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Packaging Influence: A Study on Water Packaging Design's Impact on College/University Students

Groupe 4: Camille Taïeb, Mary Grace Bryan, Ian Hanline, Corbin Wilde, Katie Witmer

Table of Content

Executive Summary 3
Chapter 1: Introduction to the project, the research problem and research objectives 4
Chapter 2: The research methodology 6
Chapter 3: The sample and sample characteristics 15
Chapter 4: Data analysis 16
Chapter 5: Discussion, Integration, and Recommendations 28

Executive Summary

The purpose of this project is to investigate the effects of packaging design on the sensory liking and
willingness to purchase water products among college and university students aged 18-25. Packaging
plays a significant role in consumer behavior, and understanding its influence on this demographic
can provide valuable insights for businesses. To achieve our research goals, we constructed the
following objectives: Investigate the impact of packaging design on sensory liking, assess the
relationship between packaging design and purchase intentions, identify key packaging design
attributes influencing student preferences, explore the role of sustainability in packaging design
preferences, and provide insights for effective packaging and marketing strategies.

Research Methodology:
The research conducted in this study was quantitative, in which we gathered data using Qualtrics
from a survey distributed on a convenience-based approach. To make the process more efficient, we
shared the survey's link electronically with friends, and teammates, and enlisted the help of
accommodating professors who shared the survey within respective classes. This method allowed us
to reach a diverse range of 94 participants while fitting the practical constraints of our study.

Visual design appeal was not a significant factor in determining the sample’s purchase decision.
However, the packaging material influenced which brands of bottled water respondents purchased.
From this, we gather that factors, other than packaging and design, have a greater impact on the
sample's decision to purchase. 69 percent of respondents indicated that they typically purchase
bottled water while traveling and 47 percent reported that convenience was a significant factor in
determining purchase decision. With this, it is understood that the appeal of convenience is valued
by respondents purchasing bottled water while traveling or on the go. The sample answered strongly
to questions regarding societal issues such as environmentalism and overconsumption. The data
reveals that 35 percent of respondents hold a strong opposition towards single-use plastic water
bottles and prefer metal instead. Additionally, 40 percent of the sample strongly agreed with the
existence of overconsumption in society. Both conclusions indicate that the sample holds great
interest in these trends.

Understanding that a significant amount of the sample usually purchases bottled waters while
traveling for convenience purposes, brands should push marketing efforts at locations along
highways or interstates, and position products in the front of checkout lines. Since packaging and
design were not significant factors in the sample’s purchase decision, brands should cut costs in this
area of production and allocate funds to areas of greater importance. This could involve taste and
quality enhancement, which is a factor that respondents indicated a great appreciation for.
Understanding the issues important to target consumers, bottled water brands tailor their marketing
and develop a strategy to align with the environmentalism trends appealing to this population. It
would also be beneficial to promote the environmental ethicality of the brand once a proper strategy
has been developed.

Chapter 1: Introduction to the project, the research problem and research

Packaging Influence: A Study on Water Packaging Design's Impact on College/University Students

The research project, "Packaging Influence," aims to investigate the effects of packaging design on
the sensory liking and willingness to purchase water products among college and university students
aged 18-25. The project is motivated by the profound impact of packaging on consumer behavior,
with a specific focus on the demographic of college and university students. Water was chosen as the
product for this study due to its universal appeal, relevance to health and wellness trends, everyday
necessity, eco-friendly implications, and alignment with the convenience and mobility needs of the
target demographic.

The topic of how packaging affects consumer behavior is of great interest due to its significant impact
on consumer perceptions and decisions. Research demonstrates that packaging design can shape
consumer expectations, evoke emotions, and influence purchasing intent. About 72% of Americans
believe that product packaging design plays a crucial role in their purchasing choices1. Packaging can
create a sense of reliability and influence preferences, leading to higher purchase intention.
Furthermore, packaging is often the first point of contact between consumers and products, making
it a vital factor in forming impressions and preferences. Understanding the role of packaging in
consumer behavior can help businesses enhance their marketing strategies, product positioning, and
overall success in the market.

The overarching objectives of this research project are as follows:

To investigate the impact of packaging design on sensory liking.

To assess the relationship between packaging design and purchase intentions.
To identify key packaging design attributes influencing student preferences.
To explore the role of sustainability in packaging design preferences.
To analyze peer influence on packaging preferences and purchase intentions.
To provide insights for effective packaging and marketing strategies.


The research specifically targets college and university students aged 18-25. This demographic is
characterized by its significance as a consumer group, potential for long-term brand loyalty, early
adoption of trends, susceptibility to peer influence, and diversity in perspectives and preferences.
The research further delves into their psychographics, including various aspects of their lifestyle,
interests, attitudes, and behaviors, such as health consciousness, technology usage, budget
constraints, beverage consumption, cultural and ethnic diversity, communication channels, academic
factors, packaging convenience preferences, sustainability concerns, and peer influence. By focusing
on this demographic, the research aims to provide valuable insights for businesses seeking to tailor
their packaging design and marketing strategies to effectively engage with and influence the
preferences of college and university students.

Chapter 2: The research methodology

Sample size: 94 respondents.

The research methodology used in this study is quantitative research through a questionnaire.

In gathering data for this study, we opted for a non-probability sampling method. Specifically, we
employed a convenience-based approach for distributing our survey. To make the process more
accessible and efficient, we shared the survey's online link within our network of friends, fellow
teammates, members of various organizations, and even enlisted the help of accommodating
professors who kindly shared the survey within their respective classes. This method allowed us to
reach a diverse range of participants while fitting the practical constraints of our study.

Survey was created and distribute through qualtrics. We distributed the survey electronically and
asked for participation from friends and other university students. Professors also distributed survey
link to other students in their classes

The survey began with a clear introductory statement explaining the purpose of the survey, assuring
anonymity, and providing contact information for inquiries: “As students of MKTG 387 (Marketing
Research), we are conducting a survey on the impact of packaging and design elements of bottled
waters for our class. Your honest and complete responses are earnestly requested. While your
participation is voluntary, your responses are anonymous and will remain confidential, and will only
be shared in an aggregate form in class. The time taken to complete the survey is not expected to
exceed ten minutes. If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact Mary Grace Bryan
at the email We are grateful for your participation and thank you
for your cooperation.”

The questionnaire was created, tested, and finalized using Qualtrics.

The questionnaire includes various question types, such as rank order scale, likert scale, and
open-ended questions for the demographics portion of the survey

The questionnaire contains 30 questions.

The survey was administered through a virtual online platform from September 25, 2023, to October
5, 2023.

The variables involved are primarily categorical (nominal or ordinal) with a few ordinal variables
based on rating scales.

One respondent did not answer one question: What Country is Your Home Located in? As a result,
one value is missing.

To ensure a rigorous approach to data collection and minimize the potential for errors, we
implemented the following procedures:

Coding Procedure:
We adopted a systematic coding process to maintain data accuracy. Each question was designed as a
forced completion, meaning that participants were required to provide a response for every
question. This approach was implemented to eliminate non-response errors and ensure that no vital
data points were left unanswered.

Data Entry Procedure:

Our data entry process was carefully designed to reduce the likelihood of human errors. We
minimized manual data entry as much as possible, as manual entry can lead to issues like misreading
or mistyping. By automating data capture whenever feasible, we significantly decreased the chance
of data entry errors.

Minimizing Bias in Questions:

To prevent biased responses from participants, we rigorously avoided leading and loaded questions.
We crafted our survey items in a manner that was neutral and unbiased, aiming to elicit genuine and
unaltered responses from respondents. This approach ensures that the collected data reflects the
true sentiments and opinions of participants.

Likert Scale Design:

For Likert scale questions, we thoughtfully provided respondents with 5 answer choices. This number
was selected intentionally as an odd number to allow participants to express feelings of neutrality, if
applicable. Moreover, an odd number of options aids in capturing nuanced differences between

extreme responses. This ensures that our Likert scale questions are comprehensive and conducive to
accurate data analysis.

By implementing these procedures, we have taken significant steps to maintain the quality and
integrity of our data collection process, thereby reducing the potential for errors and ensuring that
the data obtained is reliable and free from bias.

Blank copy of the questionnaire:

1. How often do you purchase bottled water?

- Never
- Rarely
- Occasionally
- Frequently
- Always

2. In what situations do you typically purchase bottled water? (Select all that apply)
- On-the-go: buy bottled water when you are out, running errands, or commuting.
- While traveling: On a road trip or a flight
- Exercising: Purchase bottled water before, during, or after workouts
- Dining out: At restaurants, cafes, or fast-food establishments
- Convenience Stores: Quick stop at convenience stores, possibly when other water source
options are limited.
- Events and Gatherings: Hosting an event or gathering.
- Emergency Situations: In preparation for natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, or
- Preference for Bottled Water: Regularly purchase bottled waters for daily use at home
- Never purchase bottled water

3. How often do you reuse bottled water bottles after consuming the product?
- Never
- Rarely
- Occasionally
- Frequently

- Always

4. Please indicate your preference regarding drinking water:

- I prefer bottled water over tap water.
- I have no preference between bottled water and tap water.
- I prefer tap water over bottled water.

5. I am inclined to choose store-brand bottled water instead of nationally recognized bottled

water brands.
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

6. I prefer plastic water bottles over reusable metal water bottles

- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

7. I usually purchase the same brand because of personal preference

- Strongly Disagree
- Somewhat disagree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Somewhat agree
- Strongly agree

8. Low price is important to me for buying bottled water

- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree

- Strongly Agree

9. I purchase bottled water based on the packaging and visual appearance of the bottle
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

10. Please rate the importance of the following factors or situations when deciding to purchase
bottled water:
- Taste preference
- Convenience
- Availability of tap water
- Packaging material
- Visual design appeal
- Label information
- Price
- Brand reputation
- Nutritional benefits
- Environmental considerations
- Very Unimportant
- Unimportant
- Neither unimportant nor important
- Important
- Very Important

11. Please indicate your agreement with the following statement: “I prefer to purchase premium
water brands like Smart Water, Voss, and Fiji over standard store brands like Deer Park or
Walmart’s Great Value"
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree

- Strongly Agree
12. How important is the type of top, nozzle, or mouthpiece in your decision to buy bottled
- Very unimportant
- Unimportant
- Neither unimportant nor important
- Important
- Very Important

13. The packaging material of a bottled water container influences my likelihood of purchasing.
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

14. The visual design of a bottled water bottle influences my perception of its quality
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

15. How important is packaging design in your willingness to pay a premium price for bottled
- Very unimportant
- Unimportant
- Neither unimportant nor important
- Important
- Very Important

16. Rate your level of agreement with the statement: "I often find myself purchasing bottled
waters having great visual appeal"
- Strongly Disagree

- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly agree

17. Rate your level of agreement with the statement: "There is a noticeable difference in the
taste of various bottled waters."
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

18. Rate your level of agreement with the statement: "The brand of bottled water does not
influence my decision to make a purchase."
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

19. Would you be willing to pay a higher price for bottled water with environmentally friendly
- Never
- Rarely
- Occasionally
- Frequently
- Always

20. How important is the inclusion of environmental impact information on the packaging, in
your decision to purchase bottled water?
- Very unimportant
- Unimportant
- Neither unimportant nor important

- Important
- Very Important

21. Have you ever tried a bottled water product based on a friend's recommendation or social
media post?
- Never
- Rarely
- Occasionally
- Frequently
- Always

22. How important is hydration in your daily routine?

- Not at all important
- Slightly important
- Moderately important
- Very important
- Extremely important

23. "I believe tap water is perfectly safe to drink"

- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

24. I believe overconsumption is a problem in society today

- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

25. "I lead a physically active lifestyle"

- Strongly Disagree

- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

26. "I am influenced by trends or cultural movements related to hydration and wellness"
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree

27. Gender
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary / third gender
- Prefer not to say

28. Education Level

- Freshman
- Sophomore
- Junior
- Senior

29. What Country is Your Home Located?

30. Living Situation

- Dorm
- Off-Campus Living

Chapter 3: The sample and sample characteristics

Upon a thorough analysis of the survey results, we can provide a comprehensive overview of the
sample characteristics and demographics.

Gender Distribution:
The survey revealed that the majority of respondents identified as female, representing 64% of the
total participants. The second most prevalent gender was male, constituting 32% of the respondents.
A small portion, 3%, chose not to disclose their gender preference by selecting "Prefer not to say,"
while 1% identified as Non Binary.

Class Ranking:
In terms of class ranking, the sample consists of various academic levels. Seniors constituted the
largest segment at 51%, followed by juniors at 30%. Sophomores and freshmen represented 13% and
6% of the sample, respectively, making them the minority groups in our survey.

Home Country:
The respondents' home countries exhibited diversity. A significant number of respondents, 78 in
total, reported the United States as their home country. Ten respondents stated France as their home
country. Additionally, there were six respondents who originated from various countries, including
Morocco, Japan, Albania, Ghana, and the United Kingdom. Regrettably, one respondent did not
provide information about their home country.

Residential Status:
Regarding their living arrangements, a substantial 73% of respondents reported living off-campus,
while the remaining 27% indicated that they resided in dormitory facilities.

Chapter 4: Data analysis

No. Question from Survey Variable name Data type Mean Mode Interpretation of
(if (percent of sample) findings
1 How often do you PurchaseFrequency Interval 2.98 3 37.2% of the sample
purchase bottled water? (occasionally) (37.2%) said they occasionally
purchase bottled
water. The mean of
2.98 is fairly close to
this result and
therefore, the mean
is reflective of the
mode indicating that
the average purchase
frequency aligns with
the most common

2 In what situations do you PurchaseSituation Categorica 2 65 respondents

(Q2_1 typically purchase bottled l (“While traveling on mentioned
:Q2_9 water? (Select all that the road”) purchasing bottled
) apply) water while traveling,
a. On-the-go highlighting the
b. While Traveling relevance of
c. Exercising situational factors
d. Dining Out like travel in
e. Convenience influencing
Store purchasing decisions.
f. Events and
g. Emergency
h. Never purchase
bottled water

3 How often do you reuse Reuse Interval 2.64 3 (“Occasionally”) The mean of 2.64
bottled water bottles (25.5%) suggests that, on
after consuming the average, respondents
product? reuse bottled water
bottles about 2.6
times within a
specific interval. The
mode of 3 indicates
that "occasionally" is
the most common
response, with about
25.5% of

reporting occasional
reuse. This means
that occasional reuse
is a central tendency
in the sample, as
indicated by the
mean being close to
the mode. This
suggests that a
significant portion of
occasionally reuse
bottled water

4 Please indicate your DrinkingPreference Categorica 2 41.5% of

preference regarding l (“No preference”) respondents
drinking water (41.5%) expressed having "no
regarding their
choice of drinking
water, indicating a
significant portion of
the survey
population does not
have a specific
preference for the
type of water they

5 I am inclined to choose BrandPreference Interval 3.11 3 43.6% of participants

store-brand bottled water (“Neither agree nor neither agree nor
instead of nationally disagree”) (43.6%) disagree when it
recognized bottled water comes to preferring
brands. store-brand bottled
water over nationally
recognized brands.
The mean value of
3.11 in the given
interval closely aligns
with this response,
suggesting that the
neutral stance is
representative and
forms a central
tendency in the

6 I prefer plastic water MaterialPreference Interval 2.34 1 35.1% strongly

bottles over reusable (“strongly disagree”) disagree with the
metal water bottles (35.1%) preference for plastic

water bottles over
reusable metal ones.
This sentiment is
reflected in the mean
value of 2.34 within
the given interval,
indicating that the
strong disagreement
forms a central
tendency and is
representative of the

7 I usually purchase the SameBrand Interval 3.41 4 31.9% somewhat

same brand because of (“somewhat agree”) agrees with the
personal preference (31.9%) preference for
consistently buying
the same brand. The
mean value of 3.41 in
the given interval
aligns closely with
this response,
suggesting that the
inclination to stick to
a preferred brand
forms a central
tendency in the

8 Low price is important to LowPrice Interval 3.71 4 34% agree that low
me for buying bottled (“Agree”) (34%) price is significant
water when purchasing
bottled water. The
mean value of 3.71
within the interval
supports this
sentiment, indicating
that the importance
of a low price is a
central tendency in
the sample.

9 I purchase bottled water PackageAppearance Interval 2.66 3 28.7% hold a neutral

based on the packaging (“Neutral”) (28.7%) stance regarding the
and visual appearance of influence of
the bottle packaging and visual
appearance when
buying bottled water.
The mean value of
2.66 in the given

interval aligns with
this response,
indicating that
neutrality is a central
tendency in the

10_1 Please rate the FactorsTaste Interval 3.79 4 Participants rate

importance of the (“important”) (34%) taste preference as
following factors or (12 responses missing) important, with a
situations when deciding mean value of 3.79 in
to purchase bottled the interval.
water: Taste preference Approximately 34%
find taste preference
significant when
deciding to purchase
bottled water.

10_2 Please rate the FactorsConvenience Interval 3.88 4 Convenience is

importance of the (“Important”) considered important
following factors or (42.6%) by 42.6% of
situations when deciding (12 responses missing) respondents, as
to purchase bottled reflected by the
water: Convenience mean value of 3.88
within the interval.

10_3 Please rate the FactorsTapWater Interval 3.40 4 (“important)” (26.6%) The availability of tap
importance of the (12 responses missing) water is deemed
following factors or important by 26.6%
situations when deciding of participants, as
to purchase bottled indicated by the
water: Availability of tap mean value of 3.40 in
water the interval.

10_4 Please rate the FactorsPackaging Interval 2.67 2 (“unimportant”) About 24.5% find
importance of the (24.5%) packaging material
following factors or (12 responses missing) unimportant,
situations when deciding reflected in the mean
to purchase bottled value of 2.67 within
water: Packaging material the interval.

10_5 Please rate the FactorsDesign Interval 2.44 1 (“very unimportant”) About 24.5% of the
importance of the (24.5%) participants stated
following factors or (12 responses missing) that visual design is
situations when deciding unimportant to
to purchase bottled them, as indicated by
water: Visual design mean value of 2.44
appeal within the interval.
This suggests that a
portion of consumers
may not prioritize

visual design when
making their
purchase decisions
regarding bottled

10_6 Please rate the FactorsLabel Interval 2.87 3&4 When deciding to
importance of the (“neither unimportant purchase bottled
following factors or nor important & water, label
situations when deciding Important”) (24.5%) information is
to purchase bottled (12 responses missing) considered important
water: Label information by about 24.5% of
respondents. This
indicates that
consumers value
having access to
details about the
water source and
treatment processes
provided on the
labels. Additionally,
the survey data
shows a bimodal
response, with a
significant number of
respondents rating
label information as
"neither unimportant
nor important" and
"important," further
emphasizing the
mixed significance
placed on this factor.

10_7 Please rate the FactorsPrice Interval 4.09 4 (“important”) (35.1%) The importance of
importance of the (12 responses missing) price when deciding
following factors or to purchase bottled
situations when deciding water is rated as 4.09
to purchase bottled on a scale of 1 to 5,
water: Price with 4 being
"important" by 35.1%
of the participants.
This indicates that
price is a significant
factor influencing the
decision to purchase
bottled water for a
considerable portion
of the respondents.

10_8 Please rate the FactorsBrand Interval 3.26 4 (“important”) (30.9%) When deciding to
importance of the (12 responses missing) purchase bottled
following factors or water, brand
situations when deciding reputation is
to purchase bottled considered important
water: - Brand reputation by 30.9% of
consumers, as
indicated by a mean
value of 3.26 within
the interval. This
suggests that brand
reputation plays a
significant role in
influencing consumer
value judgments and
purchasing decisions
regarding bottled

10_9 Please rate the FactorsNutrition Interval 3.30 4 (“important”) (24.5%) Nutritional benefits
importance of the (12 responses missing) in water are deemed
following factors or important by 24.5%
situations when deciding of participants, as
to purchase bottled indicated by mean
water: Nutritional value of 3.30 of
benefits interval.

10_10 Please rate the FactorsEnvironment Interval 3.44 4 (“important”) (28.7%) When purchasing
importance of the (12 responses missing) water, 28.7% of
following factors or participants voted
situations when deciding environmental
to purchase bottled considerations as an
water: Environmental important factor, as
considerations indicated by the
mean value of 3.44
within the interval.
This underscores the
growing awareness
and concern for the
impact of bottled
water consumption,
reflecting an
increasing trend
sustainability and
eco-friendly choices

11 Please indicate your PremiumBrand Interval 2.39 2 (“Disagree”) (28.7%) Based on the survey
agreement with the (12 responses missing) data, 28.7% of
following statement: “I participants disagree

prefer to purchase with the statement,
premium water brands “I prefer to purchase
like Smart Water, Voss, premium water
and Fiji over standard brands like Smart
store brands like Deer Water, Voss, and Fiji
Park or Walmart’s Great over standard store
Value" brands like Deer Park
or Walmart’s Great
Value". This
disagreement is
reflected by a mean
value of 2.39 within
the interval,
indicating that a
significant portion of
the respondents do
not necessarily prefer
premium water
brands over standard
store brands.

12 How important is the BottleTop Interval 2.80 2 and 4 (“Unimportant The type of top,
type of top, nozzle, or and Important”) nozzle, or
mouthpiece in your (22.3%) mouthpiece when
decision to buy bottled (12 responses missing) deciding to purchase
water? bottled water is
unimportant to
consumers, with only
2.80% of
considering it
important. This
indicates that the
design of the bottle's
top, nozzle, or
mouthpiece does not
significantly influence
purchasing decisions
when it comes to
bottled water.

13 The packaging material of PackageMaterial Interval 2.77 4 (“Agree”) (25.5%) 25.5% of participants
a bottled water container (12 responses missing) agreed with the
influences my likelihood statement, ““I prefer
of purchasing. to purchase premium
water brands like
Smart Water, Voss,
and Fiji over standard
store brands like

Deer Park or
Walmart’s Great
Value" As indicated
by mean value of
2.77 of interval.

14 The visual design of a PerceivedQuality Interval 2.90 2 (“Disagree”) (Valid 33.8 % of the group
bottled water bottle Percent- 33.8%) think that the visual
influences my perception (14 responses missing; design of a water
of its quality valid % was used to bottle does not
account for missing influence their
responses) perception of quality.
As indicated by the
mean value of 2.90
within the interval.

15 How important is PayPremiumPrice Interval 2.64 2 26.3% declared that

packaging design in your (“Unimportant”) (Valid packaging design
willingness to pay a Percent- 26.3) does not have any
premium price for bottled (14 responses missing; importance to them
water? valid % was used to when paying a
account for missing premium price for
responses) bottled water, as
indicated by mean
value of 2.64 within
the interval.

16 Rate your level of VisualAppeal Interval 2.44 1 (“strongly Disagree”) 28.7% of the sample
agreement with the (Valid Percent- strongly agreed with
statement: "I often find 28.7%) the statement of, "I
myself purchasing bottled (14 responses missing; often find myself
waters having great visual valid % to account for purchasing bottled
appeal" missing) waters having great
visual appeal", as
indicated by mean
value of 2.44 within
the interval.

17 Rate your level of TasteDifference Interval 3.84 4 (“Agree”) 35.7% of the group
agreement with the (Valid Percent- 37.5%) said they agreed with
statement: "There is a (14 responses missing; the statement,
noticeable difference in valid % was used to "There is a noticeable
the taste of various account for missing difference in the
bottled waters." responses) taste of various
bottled waters." As
indicated by the
mean value of 3.84
within the interval.

18 Rate your level of BrandInfluence Interval 3.18 2 and 4 (“Disagree & 27.5% of participants
agreement with the Agree”) have indicated a level

statement: "The brand of (Valid Percent- 27.5%) of disagreement with
bottled water does not (14 responses missing; the statement that
influence my decision to valid % was used to the brand of bottled
make a purchase." account for missing water does not
responses) influence their
decision to make a
purchase, with a
mean value of 3.18
falling within the
interval of 2 and 4
("Disagree & Agree").
This bimodal
response suggests
that a significant
portion of
participants do
consider the brand of
bottled water to be
influential in their
purchasing decision,
while a smaller
portion may not find
it as significant.

19 Would you be willing to EnvironmentalPacka Interval 2.97 3 (“Occasionally”) 35.9% said they
pay a higher price for ge (Valid Percent- 35.9%) would be willing to
bottled water with (16 responses missing; pay a higher price for
environmentally friendly valid % was used to bottled water with
packaging? account for missing environmentally
responses) friendly packaging
occasionally. As
indicated by the
mean value of 2.97
within interval.

20 How important is the EnvironmentalInfo Interval 3.21 4 (“important”) (Valid 37.2% of the sample
inclusion of Percent- 37.2%) deemed the inclusion
environmental impact (16 responses missing; of environmental
information on the valid % was used to impact information
packaging, in your account for missing on packaging as
decision to purchase responses) important. As
bottled water? indicated by the
mean value of 3.21
within the interval.

21 Have you ever tried a Recommendation Interval 2.16 3 (“Occasionally”) 33.8% of the sample
bottled water product (Valid Percent- 33.8%) said they have
based on a friend's (17 responses missing; occasionally or would
recommendation or valid % was used to try a bottled water
social media post? account for missing product based on
responses) recommendation of

social media post. As
indicated by the
mean value of 2.16
within the interval.

22 How important is Hydration Interval 3.94 5 (“Extremely 39% of participants

hydration in your daily Important”) (Valid said hydration is
routine? Percent-39%) extremely important
(17 responses missing; in their daily routine.
valid % was used to As indicated by the
account for missing mean value of 3.94%
responses) within the interval.

23 "I believe tap water is SafeToDrink Interval 3.40 3 (“Neutral”) (Valid 33.8% of the sample
perfectly safe to drink" Percent- 33.8%) stood neutral when
(17 responses missing; asked about the
valid % was used to statement, "I believe
account for missing tap water is perfectly
responses) safe to drink” As
indicated by the
mean value of 3.40
within the interval.

24 I believe OverConsumption Interval 3.91 5 (“Strongly Agree”) 40.3% of the sample

overconsumption is a (Valid Percent-40.3%) strongly agreed with
problem in society today (17 responses missing; the statement, “I
valid % used to account believe
for missing responses) overconsumption is a
problem in society
today.” As indicated
by the mean value of
3.91 within the

25 "I lead a physically active ActiveLifestyle Interval 3.70 4 (“Agree”) 31.2% of the sample
lifestyle" (Valid Percent-31.2%) strongly agreed with
(17 responses missing; the statement, "I
valid % was used to lead a physically
account for missing active lifestyle" As
responses) indicated by mean
value of 3.70 within
the interval.

26 "I am influenced by CulturalMovements Interval 2.97 3 (“Neutral”) (Valid 32.5% of the sample
trends or cultural Percent-32.5%) chose “neutral”
movements related to (17 responses missing; when reading the
hydration and wellness" valid % was used to statement, "I am
account for missing influenced by trends
responses) or cultural
movements related
to hydration and

wellness" As
indicated by mean
value of 2.97 within
the interval.

Inferential Statistics

No. Research Variable 1 Variable 2 Significance Conclusion Interpretation

hypothesis /
Research Question
Chi Square test of
1. Does gender have Gender DrinkingPreference Alpha = The observed This means that there is
an influence on 0.396 (one alpha is greater no relationship between
preference of tail) than the 5% gender and the
drinking water? level of preference of drinking
significance, water. This result
leading to the suggests that gender
conclusion that does not significantly
the null influence the preference
hypothesis is for drinking water based
upheld. on the data analyzed.
samples T test
2 Does a student’s LivingSituation PurchaseFrequency Alpha = The observed The study on the
living situation 0.316 (two alpha is greater influence of students'
(dorm or tail) than the 5% living situation on the
off-campus) level of frequency of purchasing
influence their significance, bottled water found that
frequency of leading to the there is no significant
purchasing bottled conclusion that difference in the mean
water? the null purchase frequency
hypothesis is between students living
upheld. in a dorm (2.81) and
those living off-campus
(3.07). The data indicates
that the living situation,
whether in a dorm or
off-campus, does not
have a substantial impact
on the frequency of
purchasing bottled water
among students.
Therefore, it can be
concluded that students'
living situation does not
influence their frequency
of purchasing bottled

3 Does perception of EducationLevel FactorsEnvironmen Alpha = Null hypothesis Education level
environmental t 0.897 is upheld (freshman, sophomore,
considerations vary junior, senior) does not
by education level? determine perception of
4 Is believing in Overconsumptio ReuseBottles Alpha = The observed Believing in
overconsumption n .274 alpha is greater overconsumption does
positively than the 5% not influence the reuse
associated with the level of of plastic water bottles
reuse of plastic significance,
water bottles? leading to the
conclusion that
the null
hypothesis is
5 Is there a FactorsDesign PackageAppearanc Alpha = Accept the Perceived importance of
relationship (Independent e (Dependent <0.001 research visual design appearance
between the Variable) Variable) hypothesis and factors is a significant
perceived R squared = Reject the null predictor of the decision
importance of 0.226 hypothesis to purchase bottled
bottled water (22.6%) water?
design appearance
and the decision to 23.6% of the variance in
purchase bottled the DV is explained by
water? the IV. Regression
PackageAppearane =
1.392 + 0.504

Chapter 5: Discussion, Integration, and Recommendations

Results of Analysis and Conclusions

More than half, 50.6%, of our sample consisted of senior-level students, with which 56 of 94
respondents live off-campus. Although most students reported the United States as their home
country, 35% of respondents indicated being from another country. This statistic of 35% provides
insight into the beliefs, cultural trends, and lifestyle differences that may be present between citizens
of different countries. It would be of interest for marketers to further understand if these differences
have a significant impact on the sale and marketing of bottled water around the world.

The sample prefers to use metal reusable water bottles as opposed to plastic single-use
water bottles. This statistic is reflective of the sample's overwhelming interest in environmental
concerns. Respondents reported feeling strongly about the issues of overconsumption and indicated
their support of environmentally conscious packaging.

Regarding the importance of various purchase decision factors, the sample felt strongly
about the importance of taste, convenience, availability of tap water, price, brand reputation,
nutritional benefits, and environmental considerations. This information further confirms the
statistical findings mentioned above.

In considering brands, the sample reported that the specific brand of bottled water neither
positively nor negatively influenced their decision to purchase. However, respondents indicated
brand reputation was a relatively important factor in their purchase decision. This statistic may be
influenced by the factor of taste, in which consumers notice a substantial difference between brands
and are prompted to make purchase decisions on this criterion.

Additionally, the sample reported having a low interest in factors such as visual design appeal
and packaging material. However, although respondents believed packaging material was not the
most important factor, the sample agreed that packaging material influences their willingness to
purchase specific bottled waters. Furthermore, the sample does not often purchase bottled water
solely based on the physical appearance and design of the product.

The sample prefers to use metal reusable water bottles as opposed to plastic single-use
water bottles. This statistic is reflective of the sample's overwhelming interest in environmental
concerns. Respondents reported feeling strongly about the issues of overconsumption and indicated
their support of environmentally conscious packaging. Another trend respondents felt strongly about
was health and wellness. Many reported that hydration is extremely important in their daily lives, in
which many lead very active lifestyles. These societal trends and concerns are significant in the
bottled water industry and therefore, the sample of students represents an important population for
marketers to consider.

Recommendations and Future Strategies for Bottled Water Brands

65 respondents mentioned purchasing bottled water while traveling, highlighting the

relevance of situational factors such as travel. It is significant for marketers to understand where and
when their target market is buying their product to position their product at the appropriate touch
points. Since a majority of the sample suggested they buy bottled water when traveling, the appeal
of convenience is present. 42.6% of the sample indicated convenience was indeed an important
factor in their purchase decision. With this knowledge, marketers can identify where and when
customers purchase bottled water, thus improving marketing efforts in those locations.

On average, respondents agree that there is a noticeable difference in the taste of bottled
water. This is beneficial for brands appealing to consumers based on quality or taste. It would be of
interest for brands to identify factors of less importance to respondents and reduce spending in
these areas. Thus, the money saved should be allocated towards product development and
marketing to prioritize the taste and quality of its product.

On average, respondents indicate that they are impartial in purchasing the same brand of
water due to personal preference. The most common response suggests that 31.9% of respondents
somewhat agree that their purchase of bottled water brands is based on personal preference. To take
advantage of the personal brand preference factor, bottled water companies should push campaigns
highlighting the positive unique attributes of the brand or product. Ultimately this would build brand
loyalty and recurring customers.

The factor of price in purchase decisions was viewed as an important consideration by 35.1%
of participants. Understanding the significance of price, marketers should research further into the

topic of price to identify the threshold customers are willing to spend. The marketing strategy may
have to change for some brands and the cost to produce the product could potentially be decreased.

About one-fourth of the sample suggested that they do not prioritize visual design when
making purchase decisions for bottled water. This statistic is relevant for premium bottled water
brands because if consumers are not inclined to purchase based on appearance, this could decrease
the funds required for packaging, allowing the company to increase profits. Instead, there may be
other factors of greater importance to consider and potential use as a competitive advantage.

Additionally, the sample reported that packaging design does not hold a significant influence
on their decision to pay higher prices. From a marketer's perspective, it would be beneficial to
research and identify other notable factors relevant to consumers. If consumers are not deterred by
premium prices, money spent on packaging design could be decreased and allocated elsewhere.

On average, consumers stated that they are occasionally willing to pay a higher price for
environmentally friendly packaging. With this knowledge, brands can tailor their marketing or
develop their strategy to align with the environmentalism trend to appeal to this population. This
conclusion is reiterated in another question in which respondents reported the inclusion of
environmentally conscious information is important in their purchase decision. This further
demonstrates the significance for brands to adjust their marketing strategy and promote the
environmental ethics of their products, aligning with consumers' interests.

On average, respondents stated that hydration is an important part of their daily lives.
Additionally, 39% of the sample said hydration is extremely important in their daily routine. With
hydration being a significantly important trend, it would be useful for marketers to research this
growing health trend and potentially target populations who possess this perspective on water.
Younger consumers, such as the student respondents, would be a population of interest to target.


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