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1.1 Background of the Study

The background of the study delves into the intricate issue surrounding the self-esteem of senior
male students at Koronadal National Comprehensive High School (KNCHS), with a spotlight on the
school’s haircut policies. In an educational era valuing diversity, the policies unintentionally clash
with students’ desires for self-expression through their chosen hairstyles. While KNCHS, like many
schools, implements such policies for a uniform appearance, this conflicts with the deeper
significance some students attribute to their hairstyles as a form of identity and individuality.

Beyond aesthetics, the impact of these policies resonates strongly within the LGBTQ+ student
community. Historical discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ individuals intersects with the struggle for
self-affirmation, often expressed through appearance. Strict haircut regulations not only obstruct
this self-expression but can also contribute to an environment where LGBTQ+ students feel
marginalized or targeted. This study raises critical questions about the broader implications of
school policies on students’ self-esteem, individuality, and the potential unintended consequences
affecting specific groups within the student body.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The heart of this investigation lies in understanding how Koronadal National Comprehensive High
School’s (KNCHS) 2x3 haircut policy impacts the self-esteem of Grade 12 male students. This study
adopts a comprehensive approach, taking into account various factors, including demographics
and, optionally, the potential influence of academic tracks on individual experiences and

At its essence, the research questions aim to reveal the intricate ways these students perceive and
interpret the school’s haircut policy and, significantly, how these policies resonate with and affect
their self-esteem. The formulation of hypotheses adds a layer of statistical clarity — the null
hypothesis suggests no significant impact on self-esteem, while the alternative hypothesis implies a
compelling influence.

In essence, this research is a quest to unravel the perspectives of Grade 12 male students
regarding the school’s haircut policy. It seeks to discern whether these policies significantly shape
the self-esteem of these students. The hypotheses not only guide the study’s statistical analysis but
also contribute to a holistic understanding of the dynamic interplay between school policies and
the psychological well-being of the students in question.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in addressing the common challenges faced by students,
particularly males, regarding self-esteem and physical appearance. Students frequently grapple
with concerns about societal perceptions and their impact on self-worth. The stringent haircut
policies imposed by educational institutions unintentionally limit self-expression amid these
psychological challenges. This study aims to thoroughly examine the tangible effects of school
haircut policies on students.

The primary objective Is to discern whether these policies adversely influence academic
performance and overall well-being. By delving into the broader repercussions on students’ sense
of self and identity, we seek to unveil the potential hindrance these regulations pose to genuine
self-discovery. This research advocates for the voices of male students at Koronadal National
Comprehensive High School, with implications extending to other educational institutions.

Our ultimate goal is to contribute valuable insights that inform decision-making in schools, not
solely at KNCHS but universally. By highlighting the potential impacts of these policies, we strive to
cultivate an environment fostering self-expression and inclusivity, allowing students to flourish
academically and personally. This research underscores the importance of creating supportive and
inclusive spaces, where students can authentically be themselves without unnecessary constraints
on their physical appearance.

3.1 Research Design

This study adopts a quantitative research design, utilizing surveys as the primary data collection
method. It focuses on male students in grade 12 at Koronadal National Comprehensive High
School (KNCHS), including those who identify as LGBTQ+. The main aim is to investigate the
potential impacts of school haircut policies on students’ overall well-being and academic
performance. The study specifically aims to identify evidence of how these regulations may
influence students’ sense of self and self-worth.

By concentrating on a quantitative approach and employing surveys, we seek to gather factual data
that offers a measurable understanding of the connection between haircut policies and students’
experiences. More precisely, we are interested in uncovering whether these rules have noticeable
effects on students’ psychological well-being and academic success. This research strives to
contribute valuable insights into the interaction of school policies, students’ identity, and their
general well-being, shedding light on areas that require attention and potential improvement.

3.2 Sampling Procedures

In this study, a thorough stratified random sampling technique is employed, focusing on four
distinct strata: the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track (TVL) and the Academic Track (ABM,
STEM, and HUMSS) at KNCHS. The goal is to achieve a comprehensive representation of the
diverse student body by treating each academic track as a specific subgroup characterized by
shared traits.

The initial step involves identifying students within each academic track. Following that, a
representative sample is randomly chosen from each stratum, ensuring fairness and equitable
opportunities for inclusion across all academic tracks.

Participants are fully informed about the research’s purpose, procedures, and their rights prior to
data collection. Emphasizing the voluntary nature of participation and ensuring confidentiality,
informed consent is obtained. Selected data gathering techniques, such as surveys, will be
employed to delve into students’ sentiments regarding haircut policies and their potential impact
on self-esteem.

After data collection, each academic track’s stratum undergoes careful examination before being
amalgamated. This approach allows for a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between
haircut policies and the self-esteem of Grade 12 male students at KNCHS. The utilization of a
stratified random sampling approach ensures an exhaustive exploration of varied viewpoints within
discrete academic tracks, thereby enhancing the validity and trustworthiness of the research

3.4 Sampling Size and Respondents of the Study

In our study delving into the impact of the KNCHS 2x3 haircut policy on Grade 12 male students,
participants are sorted into four distinct academic tracks: ABM (Accountancy, Business, and
Management), STEM, HUMSS, and TVL. These academic tracks play a crucial role in providing a
detailed analysis, allowing researchers to explore potential variations in attitudes and experiences
related to the haircut policy across diverse academic backgrounds.

Here's an overview of the total population and sampling size for each academic track:

o STEM: Total Population: 68 students, Sampling Size: 19 students

o ABM: Total Population: 82 students, Sampling Size: 23 students
o HUMSS: Total Population: 495 students, Sampling Size: 140 students
o TVL: Total Population: 370 students, Sampling Size: 104 students

In total, our study encompasses 1,015 Grade 12 male students, with a stratified sampling
approach that includes 286 participants across these academic tracks. This detailed breakdown
sets the stage for a comprehensive examination of the research topic, considering the diverse
perspectives within each academic track.

3.5 Research Instruments

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the perspectives and experiences of Grade 12 male
students at KNCHS regarding the school’s 2x3 haircut policy, our research utilizes a survey
questionnaire as the primary tool. This structured survey is designed to capture both quantitative
and qualitative data, allowing for a detailed exploration of the policy’s impact on self-esteem.

The questionnaire is organized into five sections:

1. Demographics: Collecting basic information, including optional details like name, and academic
2. Perceptions of 2x3 Haircut Policy: Exploring how students interpret the current policy, its
contribution to appearance, and the perceived strictness of enforcement.
3. Impact on Self-Esteem: Investigating the perceived influence of the 2x3 haircut policy on the
self-esteem of Grade 12 male students.
4. LGBTQ+ Exclusive Questions: Examining inclusivity and the policy’s effect on LGBTQ+
students’ self-expression.

The survey employs a 1–5 Likert scale to capture nuanced sentiments, where 1 signifies very
dissatisfaction, 2 dissatisfaction, 3 light satisfaction, 4 satisfaction, and 5 represents satisfaction.
This comprehensive approach enables a thorough exploration of participants’ opinions and
provides valuable insights into the diverse experiences of students in relation to the haircut policy.
3.7 Statistical Treatment of the Data
In the statistical treatment of the data for this study, various measures will be employed to gain
meaningful insights into the opinions and experiences of Grade 12 male students at KNCHS
concerning the 2x3 haircut policy.

1. Demographics (Section 1):

 Academic Track (2.1): Percentage distribution will be calculated to determine the
proportion of participants across academic tracks, offering a comprehensive overview of
the academic diversity within the study.

2. Perceptions of 2x3 Haircut Policy (Section 2):

 Neat and Uniform Appearance (2.1): Mode will be determined to identify the most
frequently chosen response, unveiling the predominant perception regarding the policy’s
contribution to a neat and uniform appearance.
 Allowing Expression (2.2): Frequencies and percentages will be analyzed to showcase the
distribution of responses on whether the policy allows students to express themselves,
providing insights into the perceived impact on individuality.
 Strictness Level (2.3): Mode will be calculated to identify the most frequently chosen
response concerning the perceived level of strictness in enforcing the current policy,
shedding light on the agreement among participants.
3. Impact on Self-Esteem (Section 3):
 Effect on Self-Esteem (3.1): Mode will be determined to pinpoint the most frequently
chosen response regarding the impact of the 2x3 haircut policy on participants’ self-
esteem, offering a central perspective on this critical aspect.
 Judgments or Stigmatization (3.2): Frequencies and percentages will be analyzed to
gauge the prevalence of participants who have felt judged or stigmatized based on their
hairstyle, providing insights into potential social implications.
4. LGBTQ+ Exclusive Questions (Section 4):
 Inclusivity of the School Environment (4.1): Percentage distribution will be calculated to
present the distribution of responses on whether participants believe the current school
environment is inclusive and supportive of LGBTQ+ students, offering insights into the
perceived inclusivity.
 Impact on LGBTQ+ Students’ Self-Expression (4.2): Mode will be calculated to identify the
most frequently chosen response regarding the impact of the 2x3 haircut policy on
LGBTQ+ students’ self-expression, providing a central perspective on this aspect.
 Discrimination or Stigma (4.3): Frequencies and percentages will be analyzed to
understand the prevalence of participants who have witnessed or experienced
discrimination or stigma related to hairstyle based on LGBTQ+ identity, shedding light
on potential challenges faced by this demographic.

These statistical treatments aim to uncover patterns, preferences, and prevailing sentiments within
different dimensions of the study, contributing to a robust and intricate analysis of the 2x3 haircut
policy’s impact on Grade 12 male students at KNCHS.

The survey results concerning the 2x3 haircut policy at KNCHS offer valuable insights into the
perceptions of G12 male students.

Starting with Question #2 (Neat and Uniform Appearance), assessing the perceived strictness in
enforcing the policy, the responses present a diverse range of opinions. Notably, 91 students
express being “slightly satisfied,” suggesting a moderate level of approval. However, a substantial
count of 97 students express dissatisfaction, combining “strongly dissatisfied” and “dissatisfied.”
On the positive side, 123 students are satisfied (combining “satisfied” and “very satisfied”). This
diverse set of responses underscores the complexity of students’ views on the strictness of policy

Moving to Survey Question #4 (Strictness Level), which explores the effectiveness of the 2x3 haircut
rule in maintaining a clean and uniform appearance, the majority of respondents (106 students)
fall into the “slightly satisfied” category. This implies a moderate level of approval, indicating that a
significant portion of students acknowledges the rule’s impact on the school’s aesthetic standards.
However, the distribution across other satisfaction levels reveals a dichotomy of opinions, with 91
students expressing dissatisfaction and 176 students expressing satisfaction. This polarization
emphasizes the varied perspectives on the rule’s effectiveness.

Survey Question #3 (Allowing Expression):
This question probes the perceived impact of the 2x3 haircut policy on students’ self-esteem. The
responses reveal a range of opinions. Notably, 106 students express being “slightly satisfied,”
suggesting a moderate level of approval regarding the policy’s impact on their self-esteem. However,
91 students express dissatisfaction (combining “strongly dissatisfied” and “dissatisfied”). On the
positive side, 106 students indicate satisfaction, combining “satisfied” and “very satisfied.” This
diversity suggests a mixed impact on self-esteem, with some students feeling positively affected,
while others harbor dissatisfaction. Further exploration is crucial to understand the specific factors
influencing these varied perceptions.

Survey Question #5 (Effect on Self-Esteem):

This question explores students’ beliefs regarding whether the 2x3 haircut policy allows for self-
expression. The results showcase a divergence of opinions. A majority of students (159) answer
“yes,” indicating they believe the policy permits self-expression. This suggests that a significant
portion of students sees the policy as a facilitator of self-expression. On the contrary, 126 students
respond with “no,” highlighting a substantial group of students who feel the policy does not
contribute to allowing them to express themselves. This disparity emphasizes the varying
perspectives on the role of the 2x3 haircut policy in facilitating self-expression among G12 male
students at KNCHS, adding depth to our understanding of its impact.
Survey Question #7 (Inclusivity of the School Environment):
This question investigates the perception of whether LGBTQ+ students receive support and equal
treatment in today’s schools. Among the respondents, 55 individuals answered “Yes,” indicating
that they believe LGBTQ+ students are supported and treated with equality. On the contrary, 28
respondents answered “No,” suggesting a portion of the surveyed individuals holds the view that
LGBTQ+ students may not be receiving adequate support or equal treatment in today’s school
environments. This indicates a diversity of perspectives regarding the inclusivity and
supportiveness of schools for LGBTQ+ students.

Survey Question #10 (Impact on LGBTQ Students’ Self-Expression):

This question assesses the perceived impact of the 2x3 haircut policy on the ability of LGBTQ+
students to express themselves. The responses reveal a range of opinions. Notably, 29 respondents
express being “slightly satisfied,” suggesting a moderate level of approval regarding the policy’s
impact on LGBTQ+ students’ ability to express themselves. However, a combined count of 41
respondents (combining “strongly dissatisfied” and “dissatisfied”) indicates dissatisfaction with the
policy’s impact on self-expression. On the positive side, 15 respondents indicate satisfaction
(combining “satisfied” and “very satisfied”). This variability suggests mixed perspectives on the
influence of the 2x3 haircut policy on the ability of LGBTQ+ students to express their identities,
emphasizing the importance of understanding the specific factors influencing these opinions and
potentially exploring avenues for improvement in policy inclusivity.
Oral Defense Possible Questions

1. Can you provide a concise overview of the background of the study and the context within
which it was conducted?
2. How did you formulate the research problem and what led you to focus on the self-esteem of
Grade 12 male students at KNCHS regarding the 2x3 haircut policy?
3. Could you explain the significance of addressing this specific issue and its potential impact on
students, particularly focusing on self-esteem and identity?
4. Walk us through the specific research questions and hypotheses that guided your study.
5. Can you elaborate on the research design you chose, particularly why a quantitative approach
was employed and how surveys were deemed suitable for data collection?
6. Explain the sampling procedures used in your study, detailing the rationale behind stratified
random sampling and its application to academic tracks.
7. Provide insights into the size of your sample and how it corresponds to the total population,
considering the diverse academic tracks.
8. Share the key components and sections of your research instrument, the survey questionnaire,
and how it captures both quantitative and qualitative data.
9. How did you address potential biases or challenges in survey responses, especially regarding
sensitive topics like LGBTQ+ experiences and self-esteem?
10. Walk us through the statistical treatment of the data, focusing on specific measures applied to
each section of the survey.
11. Present the major findings from your survey, particularly emphasizing insights related to
neatness and uniform appearance, allowing expression, and impact on self-esteem.
12. Discuss the implications of your findings on the perceptions of G12 male students, considering
the diverse and sometimes conflicting responses.
13. Dive into the survey results related to LGBTQ+ inclusive questions, shedding light on
perceptions of inclusivity in the school environment and the impact on LGBTQ+ students’ self-
14. How do you interpret the variations in responses concerning the 2x3 haircut policy’s impact on
self-esteem and self-expression among G12 male students?
15. Share any unexpected findings or patterns that emerged during your analysis and how they
contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the research topic.
16. What recommendations would you propose based on your findings, both for KNCHS and
potentially for other educational institutions facing similar challenges?
17. Discuss potential limitations of your study and how they might have influenced the results.
18. How do you envision your research contributing to the broader discourse on school policies,
self-esteem, and inclusivity?
19. Reflect on your overall research experience and any insights gained during the process.
20. Finally, how do you see your research influencing future studies or initiatives related to school
policies and students’ psychological well-being?

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