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Submitted to: Ms. Neha Kumari Ma’am
Telling a Secret

Your friends tells you that they committed a crime. They explain
that they are having trouble sleeping at night and feel you are the
only one they can trust with their confession.
A few days later, you read in the paper that someone has been
arrested for your friend’s crime.
Do You ?
• Go to police and tell them what you know?
• Encourage your friends to confess and warn him if he does not,
you will tell?
• Say nothing because you will not betray a friend’s confidence?

Trolly Problem

Pic Credit; trolly problem - Google Search
Heinz Dilemma
A woman was near death from a unique
kind of cancer. There is a drug that might
save her. The drug costs $4,000 per dosage.
The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to
everyone he knew to borrow the money and
tried every legal means, but he could only
get together about $2,000. He asked the
doctor scientist who discovered the drug for
a discount or let him pay later. But the
doctor scientist refused. Should Heinz
break into the laboratory to steal the drug
for his wife? Why or why not?
Pic Credit: Heinz Dilemma - Google Search

Submitted to: Ms. Neha Kumari Ma’am
Aims and Objectives

• To Understand meaning of the term Ethical and Dilemma.

• To Analyse the concept of Ethical Dilemmas.
• Learners will be able to illustrate with example the concept of Ethical
• To be able to differentiate b/w different type of Ethical Dilemmas.
• To be able to apply the concept of ethical dilemmas in school settings.
• To understand why is important for Teachers.
• To Critically Analyse why Ethical Dilemmas is important in Education.

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Ethics ?

• Branch of Philosophy
• That ask What should we do?

• It deals with morals and values. An ethics is a

principle that we use to decide whether an
action is good or bad, right or wrong.
• Being ethical leads to right conduct and good
life that is a life worth living.

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Dilemma: A situation in
which you have to make a
difficult choice.

A moral/ethical dilemma is a conflict in which a

person must choose between two or more actions, all
of which they have the ability to do. There are moral
reasons for each choice. No matter which choice you
make, someone will suffer or something bad will

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Types of Ethical Dilemma…

1. Epistemic dilemmas vs Ontological Dilemmas.

2. Self-imposed vs World-imposed dilemmas
3. Obligation vs Prohibition Dilemmas
4. Sigle Agent vs Multi-person Dilemmas

03-11-2021 9
Reference: What are Moral Dilemmas? - Introductory Topics in Ethics - PHILO-notes (
Types of Ethical Dilemma…

1. Epistemic dilemmas take place in a decision-making context where moral

standards conflict and the agent cannot readily determine which ethical principle
should take precedence over the other while Ontological Moral dilemmas
involves situation wherein two or more moral requirements conflicts with each
other, yet neither of these conflicting moral requirements overrides each others.

2. A self-imposed dilemma is one created by the agent’s own errors in

judgment, such as making competing promises to multiple organizations that
cannot be fulfilled simultaneously. In contrast, a world-imposed dilemma is
caused by circumstances outside the agent’s control.

03-11-2021 10
Reference: What are Moral Dilemmas? - Introductory Topics in Ethics - PHILO-notes (
Types of Ethical Dilemma
3. An obligation dilemma is one where an agent has multiple options and more
than one of them is obligatory, while a Prohibition dilemma occurs when all
available options are prohibited.

4. Single-Person moral dilemma in which the moral agent is compelled to act on

two or more equally the same moral options but she cannot choose both while
multi-person dilemma occurs in situations that involve several persons like a
family, an organization, or a community who is expected to come up with
consensual decision on a moral issues at hand.

03-11-2021 11
Reference: What are Moral Dilemmas? - Introductory Topics in Ethics - PHILO-notes (
School Ethics ?

Schools face numerous ethical issues everyday.

• Cheating And Assisted Cheating
• Bullying
• Assessment Problems
• Preferential Treatment

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Reference: Schools' Ethical Issues - Ethical Advocate
Why Ethical Dilemmas in Education?

03-11-2021 13
Reference: Divorced Teacher Elopes With Her 17-Year-Old Student, Used to Teach Him Tuition at Her Home For 4 Hours Daily (

• Schools' Ethical Issues - Ethical Advocate

• Ethics In Education | Importance Of Ethics In Education (
• Max Hospital refused to release body until bill of over ₹22L cleared, allege kin - The
• Mumbai bridge collapse: Mumbai foot overbridge collapse: CST FoB was declared 'fit' six
months ago - The Economic Times (
• 28 Top Moral Dilemma Questions [+ Scenarios & Examples] (

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Reference: Divorced Teacher Elopes With Her 17-Year-Old Student, Used to Teach Him Tuition at Her Home For 4 Hours Daily (
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