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Section 1: Health Safety & Environment

1.1 List and explain what the organisations objectives and targets are for:
Occupational Health and Safety

The primary objective of our training center organization is to prioritize the

health and safety of our employees, trainers, and trainees. VGSSTC aims to
achieve zero workplace accidents, full compliance with all OHS regulations,
continuous improvement in safety practices, comprehensive OHS training,
robust emergency preparedness, proactive risk assessment and mitigation,
promotion of overall health, effective incident reporting and investigation, and
a culture of safety awareness. Our targets include reducing workplace
accidents by 20%, conducting quarterly OHS training for all, responding to
emergencies within 5 minutes, achieving 80% wellness program participation,
and promptly investigating all incidents and near misses, among other
specific, measurable, and time-bound objectives.


VGSSTC is an environmentally aware training center organization

who's goals and objectives are to reduce its ecological impact through lower
energy use, waste production, increased recycling, sustainable procurement
practices, and use of green technologies.
The following specific goals have been set: reduce energy use by 20% over t
he course of the following year; divert 50% of waste from landfills by creating
recycling programs; and, over the course of the following two years, source 7
5% of office supplies and training materials from sustainable and environmen
tally friendly providers.
These goals and objectives demonstrate our dedication to environmental res
ponsibility while promoting a sustainability culture inside the training center.

1.2 Please explain in detail how your company formalises their HS&E management system

Occupational Health and Safety

Certainly, here's a detailed explanation of how Venture Gulf Safety and
Security Training Center is formalizing their Health and Safety management
systems as given below:

Policy Development: VGSSTC has Developed a comprehensive Health and

Safety Policy that outlines the organization's commitment to safety, endorsed
by top management.
Leadership Commitment: A dedicated team responsible for HSE
implementation is available at VGSSTC along vith the provision of necessary
Risk Assessment: VGSSTC conducts regular risk assessments to identify
workplace hazards, evaluate risks, and develop control measures.
Safety Procedures: Establish clear safety procedures for various tasks and
processes within the training center.
Training Programs: Develop and implement training programs to ensure all
employees, trainers, and trainees understand safety procedures and their
roles in maintaining a safe environment.
Emergency Response: Emergency response plan is develpoed and
implemented by VGSSTC including conduction of drills, and by ensuring all
personnel are aware of evacuation procedures and first-aid resources
available in facility.
Incident Reporting: Set up a system for reporting incidents and near misses,
and conduct thorough investigations to prevent recurrences.
Continuous Improvement: Implement corrective and preventive actions based
on incident investigations and performance data.


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Environmental Policy: VGSSTC has an Environmental Policy that
demonstrates commitment to environmental protection.
Legal Compliance: VGSSTC identify and adhere to all relevant environmental
regulations and standards.
Environmental Risk Assessment: Assess environmental impacts, such as
waste generation and energy consumption.
Sustainable Practices: Integrate sustainability into operations, including
waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable procurement.
Environmental Training: Provide training on environmental responsibilities
and sustainable practices.
Monitoring and Reporting: Implement monitoring systems to track
environmental performance and report compliance.
Environmental Audits: Conduct regular environmental audits and inspections
to ensure adherence to policies and regulations.
Continuous Improvement: Identify areas for improvement and implement
sustainable practices to reduce environmental impacts.

Does your organisation have Policies issued for Health, Safety and the Environment? - PLEASE PROVIDE

Occupational Health and Safety

Yes, Venture Gulf Safety and Security Training Center has issued
comprehensive Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) policies. These
policies demonstrate the organization's commitment to providing a safe and
secure environment for employees, trainers, and trainees while also
emphasizing its dedication to environmental protection. These policies have
been developed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, endorsed
by top management, and communicated to all stakeholders.


Yes VGSSTC has developed and implementd Environment policy. Copy will
be provided along with this document.

1.4 Please provide the name(s) of the responsible Person / Persons for HS&E within your organisation

1.5 How do you ensure that all tasks are Risk Assessed? (please provide examples)
All tasks are risk-assessed at Venture Gulf Safety and Security Training
Center through a systematic approach. Here's how this can be accomplished,
along with examples:

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Task Identification:
VGSSTC created a comprehensive inventory of all tasks and activities
conducted at the training center. This includes administrative tasks, training
activities, maintenance work, and more.
Hazard Identification:
Conducte regular meetings with employees, trainers, and other stakeholders
to identify potential hazards associated with each task. For example, in a
practical training exercise involving electrical equipment, hazards could
include electrical shock, burns, or equipment malfunction.
Risk Assessment:
Assess the likelihood of each hazard occurring and the potential severity of
the consequences if they do. For instance, a hazard associated with lifting
heavy training materials during RAH, BFF training etc could result in
musculoskeletal injuries if not properly managed.
Control Measures:
Controls Identification: Determine appropriate control measures to mitigate or
eliminate identified hazards. For example, for tasks involving chemicals,
control measures may include proper labeling, ventilation, and personal
protective equipment (PPE).
Develop and communicate task-specific procedures that incorporate the
identified control measures. Ensure that employees, trainers, and trainees
receive training on these procedures.
Monitoring and Review:
Conduct regular inspections to ensure that control measures are in place and
Risk Assessment Records: Keep detailed records of the risk assessment
process, including hazard identification, risk evaluations, and control
measures implemented for each task.

Does your organisation have a document/s detailing your Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental
1.6 Management systems?
(PLEASE PROVIDE COPIES of HS&E Manual Index of procedures and work instructions)
Yes, Venture Gulf Safety and Security Training Center have a document/s
detailing your Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Management

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Does your organisation assess and approve your Sub-Contractors with regards to Occupational Health &
Yes, Venture Gulf Safety and Security Training Center assess and approve
your Sub-Contractors with regards to Occupational Health & Safety and the

1.8 How they are linked in to continual improvement?

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health & Safety Management systems at the Venture Gulf

Safety and Security Training Center can assist in continuous improvement by
providing a structured framework for safety, enabling compliance with
regulations, fostering a culture of safety, and facilitating the identification and
mitigation of risks and hazards. These systems should be dynamic and
adaptable to ensure ongoing improvement in safety practices.


Similar to the above, Environmental Management system documents at

Venture Gulf Safety and Security Training Center would assist in continuous
improvement by providing a structured framework for setting goals, taking
action, monitoring progress, and making necessary adjustments to reduce
the center's environmental footprint and enhance sustainability. These
documents help ensure that environmental management is an ongoing and
systematic process within the organization.

How does your organisation identify legislation and other requirements, such as Standards,
Industry Codes etc that apply to your operations and good/ services?

VGSSTC, typically use to identify legislation and other requirements

applicable to their operations and services. VGSSTC typically have dedicated
compliance or legal teams that conduct regular research to stay informed
about relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. They may also
engage external legal counsel or consultants for specialized expertise.
Additionally, industry associations, government agencies, and industry
publications often provide updates and guidance on applicable requirements.
Regular monitoring and assessment of these sources help the training center
to ensure they remain compliant and up-to-date with the latest legal and
industry-specific obligations.

What access to Competent Assistance and professional advice in respect to arrangements for
Health, Safety and Environmental does the organisation have?

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VGSSTC typically have access to competent assistance and professional
advice for Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) matters through various
channels. This can include in-house HSE professionals or teams, external
HSE consultants, legal experts, and industry-specific advisors avalable in the
group (AL NASR HOLDINGS CO. WLL). In-house experts and teams are
responsible for developing and implementing HSE policies, ensuring
compliance with regulations, and addressing day-to-day operational safety
concerns. External consultants and advisors can provide specialized
knowledge and guidance, especially for complex regulatory issues or when
organizations need third-party assessments. Collaboration with industry
associations and participation in relevant networks also facilitate access to
professional advice and best practices in HSE management. These
combined resources help organizations maintain a comprehensive and up-to-
date approach to HSE arrangements.

How does your organisation measure and evaluate Employees’ competence? (Please demonstrate
1.11 that Health, Safety and Environmental training is being delivered on a regular basis to
management, staff and employees)

Venture Gulf Safety and Sevcurity Training Center implement a combination

of methods such as training records, performance evaluations, competency
assessments, and feedback mechanisms. They maintain detailed records of
employee training, including attendance, completion, and certification.
Regular performance evaluations may include HSE-related criteria to assess
employees' knowledge and application of safety protocols. Competency
assessments are conducted to verify that employees can perform specific
HSE-related tasks effectively. Additionally, feedback mechanisms, including
incident reporting and employee surveys, help identify areas for improvement
and ensure that HSE training is ongoing and effective for all levels of staff,
including management, staff, and employees.

What Key Performance Indicators (KPI) does your organisation use to measure
Health, Safety and Environmental performance?

KPIs that VGSSTC use to measure Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE)
performance include metrics related to accident/incident rates, near-miss
reporting, compliance with regulatory requirements, training completion rates,
emergency response times, and environmental impact assessments.
VGSSTC would likely select KPIs that align with its HSE objectives and
reflect the effectiveness of its safety and environmental management efforts.

1.13 Please provide examples of procedures that control:

Occupational Health and Safety Risk

Environmental Risk

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What Environmental risks associated with the scope of work your Company intends carrying out
on behalf of Doosan Power Systems have been identified?

The scope of work that Venture Gulf Safety and Security Training Center
(VGSSTC) intends to carry out on behalf of Doosan Power Systems or any
specific environmental risks associated with it. To identify environmental risks
associated with a particular project or scope of work, it would require a
detailed environmental impact assessment (EIA) or risk assessment specific
to that project.

VGSSTC or Doosan Power Systems should conduct a thorough assessment

that considers factors such as the project's location, potential emissions,
waste generation, and any potential impacts on local ecosystems, air quality,
water quality, and community health. This assessment would typically be
carried out in compliance with local environmental regulations and
international standards.

Outline the actual and potential environmental impacts from the activities you intend to carry
1.14 out on behalf of Doosan Power Systems and the control measures you intend to put in place in
order to control/reduce these impacts.
This would depend on the specific scope of work and location. However, for
any project involving potential environmental impacts, a comprehensive
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or similar assessment should be
conducted to identify, evaluate, and mitigate these impacts. Control
measures would typically be tailored to address the specific risks identified in
the assessment and may include measures to minimize emissions, manage
waste responsibly, protect natural habitats, and ensure compliance with
relevant environmental regulations.

1.15 What are your recycling policies?

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• Venture Gulf Sacety and Security Training Center often emphasize the
importance of waste segregation. They may have clearly labeled bins or
containers for different types of waste, such as paper, cardboard, plastics,
glass, and hazardous materials. This ensures that recyclable materials are
separated from non-recyclables.
• VGSSTC provides training and education to their staff and trainees
about the importance of recycling and proper waste disposal practices. This
education can include information on what can and cannot be recycled, as
well as the environmental benefits of recycling.
• VGSSTC establish partnerships with local recycling facilities or waste
management companies to ensure that recyclable materials are collected
and processed properly. These partnerships may include scheduled pickups
or drop-off points for recyclables.
• To minimize waste generation, health, safety, VGSSTC implemented
policies to reduce the use of single-use plastics and disposable items. This
can include encouraging the use of reusable water bottles, utensils, and
• Given their focus on safety and environmental concerns, VGSSTC often
have stringent policies for handling and disposing of hazardous materials.
Hazardous waste is typically managed in accordance with local regulations to
minimize environmental risks.
• While not directly related to recycling, but VGSSTC also incorporate
energy-saving measures and practices to reduce their overall environmental
footprint. This can include using energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems.
• VGSSTC should track and report on their recycling efforts, including the
volume of materials recycled and any waste reduction goals they have set.
This helps in assessing the effectiveness of their policies.
It's important to note that the specific recycling policies and practices can
vary greatly between different health, safety, and environment training
centers. To get detailed information about a particular center's recycling
policies, you would need to contact them directly or visit their website if they
have published their policies online.

1.16 Provide a copy of your organisations accident/ incident investigation procedures.

File has been attaced for your refrence.

Has your area of the orginisation been prosecuted for Breach of any nationally applicable
1.17 Occupational Health & Safety
or Environmental Legal Statute, or had an enforcement notice issued by any applicable
enforcing authority in the last 5 years? Yes No
If “YES” Please provide FULL details No

Calculation formula
A. Injury Frequency Rate
B. Recordable Injury
Reportable Injuries (0) x 100,000 Frequency Rate
Hours Expended (0) 0


Provide details of your Organisations Group Accident and Incident
Statistics for the last 5 years.
Last Year 5th Year
-1 -3
1.0 All Employees (Average) 0 0
2.0 Hours Expended 0 0
3.0 Fatalities 0 0
4.0 Serious Non Injury Events 0 0
5.0 Injury resulting in > 3 Days Lost Time 0 0

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6.0 OSHA (Recordable) Injuries 0 0
> First Aid 0 0
7.0 First Aid Injuries 1 3
8.0 Environmental Incidents 0 0
9.0 No of Lost Working Days 0 0
10.0 No of Reportable Ill health’s reported required authorities 0 0
A Injury Frequency Rate 0 0
B Recordable Injury Frequency Rate 0 0
C Incidence Rate 0 0

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1.19 If last years Injury Frequency Rate or Recordable Injury Frequency Rate is >0 (Q15)
Please provide the following details for the most recent accidents/
incidents including:
Resulting root cause analysis N/A
Corrective actions required N/A
Evidence of implementation N/A
Evidence that actions have prevented reoccurrence of similar type
incidents N/A
How does the organisation implement corrective actions as a result of an accident, incident or
1.20 near miss? (Please provide evidence of implementation)

Name of person completing this document: Qamar Javed

Position:HSE Trainer
Date:3rd Oct 2023

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Section 2: Quality Assurance
General information
2.1 Please provide us with a scanned copy of the current ISO 9001 certificate
(if not submitted yet)

Please provide us with the name(s) and contact details of the responsible Person / Persons for
Quality Assurance within your organisation
Job position:

Contact details:

Please provide us with a scanned copy of CV of the responsible Person / Persons for Quality
Assurance within your organisation

2.4 Please provide us with a scanned copy of the Quality Mannual Index

2.5 Please provide us with a scanned copy of the Quality Policy

2.6 Please provide us with the ratio of Quality personnel to workforce

2.7 Please describe shortly your experience in the industry

2.8 Do you have a Quality Incident Escalation Process? (YES/NO)

Name of person completing this document


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