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eeo6 0d.

5 6al)6ro
i>oa"c6:& o"6 a"ar

-oAJ".Ao.J4l Closs lV 12C.22 €q OJD boa"oJo6 @Qs.o a"o s"o"gero5oil,

do. .6.2022 5err6o eo. , 5o:"d0.

&{cUoi:::- o"5 -6.oorpa6 basJoo - g"iu i>oa"c o&od aodco.:of1 d"5 -d.eoJpa6
ba"Joo drSE c56i)cD - bbD Jo.toCJ ,rl)oos
i]rfl5:-, do.o3.08.2022 6ec bro5 s-6S 06s;r"sr"os"0, eq OaJ"
Xpa6, 5ey6o a"o da;.

p Ar"oS 6DJo! €cq dc g"fo i>oa.o5o&erd ;)odoil.ioS) o"5 -geolpe6 65656ler5)
nQo.iiotuS B:5u5.; b.es6.b-2015, h.es6.tu-2022 SoooJ.)) &.o6.eoo5o6;010 o'5o" SpoQ do:*lS
eoi66Qi biJ"D"6br 6Ar:6rtu .r.og 6iD0JortD OSoEo 8 eo6iDoQ Q)"q e66irer6{ iroS
s"6S 06$J"ea"Os"o iroc ) ee* Xroa.clo& eeos"o Aoobg;bo" Od05 X)o;)iobsoo. 55ra$6,
X:oa"c$r& o"d oo6 6J"65 a6oe>aoC5, o"dfp o"6o S6oobo";60, 65dD @odb)oA Odas
biDoJodiohbrr $ocfio"lOo.

s"O5 oPiD boa"oJo&erd bodc[xJo5] d"5 -dpeOJpEE 65'E56ro sJdtu)eD 6 da;66 ao

f)ooS 2 flto&o"3 erd ilodo 6os 6a s-o.5oc[:irSsJ bso-oJo.iiob$orr 6i036 bSJio Rt6'Jo
eo, do so6ct &sd$6 ioa"ctr)& s0s-6oobo esdao.tApfo.

6s 651 6ioJ So1l:d sbra56, boa"c o& o"6 oo6 t5r65 Gioblod, e"dag aro3
(fDoJo.t5obcfu)iJodDb @8 acfd) rl a)"oo.1io$o.

UU.^t,--7 o4lzltot
a5: hrOS 65o: & 2 o6#e]o esq O"SD f)oa"ctro& oos'o
5o:"t! eq,5o:"t!.
565r Au
6i0ta 68JiD s66.Jo eq do oo56D 6ed56 bo .c D& o0s'6Dosr
55o: 65036 58;io 6€6"50 €o" Ot$ so66o ioo6o i)oa6 @aidB @Os"l1Jos) 6dD 'i6{ stuqo.
55or 6Joa& b6J5D 866"50 aq d6o sc66o so6m"Os-o (be6 so6 ego)elso
55eo i::ab s"65, 06tfr"ee"Os"o, €e* oar ;)oa6, Serrdo a"os 65rd"6o cSrqo 6iDoJo55+5o

Particulars of Non Provincilised Staff Working in Gram Panchayats

Name of the Non-Provincialised Salary Particulars

Name of the employees woring in the Gram
Sl.No Name of the l4andal Name of the GP
Division Panchayat

Pay Gross

Particulars of Non provincilised Staff Working in Gram panchayats

Name of the Retired Non-

Name of the Provincialised employees worked
Sl.No Name of the Mandal Name of the Gp
Division in the Gram Panchayat during the PPO Number
period from 1.1.1981 to
eo66d,5 6d66J6.r: - boao::6 cp6 a"a)
aq 6a" i)oAE EDo"5oc66D, bAJiD B56"io der., SorrJD -Sg4 006
irs do0gA!2-232353. &51io.-OBA12-253815 - E-rnor c€ow0dH@€rnol.corn. c€o_pr_wod@opsov]n

$$i.p6, MA,,B.Ed
/&araaqaoa"cul6 oos-o,
s::es s'6s 06sirrpos-o, ege, f)o c D0 s-e5oc$iD,

@[e::-oo{6,5or{u, 5ordo,
qr16rarS aso"4o aq. Sorct ael, 5ordo.
ee6 b do.N1reoabpo2l, da: 3.d6.zozz

t 5-0'6oo{oJDpE babo6 - eq boa6, ;)€Jio fF6"$o, 5o:"t$ - o"5-
s 1t &OO;9€ .65$S6€ISJ (:oaoOoOS 6i)"a.6o S5.raS6, X>o.o".& ry.e0. E"o 6"5o.
6a1)*tu a"os - (1)000.
E?A * 5:- 8o:rO 5$a66, X)o.o..& 0..6., e.dag d.o Arra,
4o.234756/cPR&RDiczE0l7, 6.06.O7.2022.
€q i)oa6 iroob eer 6oa.c[:& OsJ"6$) 6o0d0 o.s-dpeoJp€ 6665rter5r
a?o,J$otuJ AS{sJ, PRC-2015, pRc-2022o iooctu 6.es6.soc$:6p OtO o"5o" ApoO dotOS
eei66iDaD Q).q 6ila.6o !Ab66tu: i,'os biooJo.lo OeDqo, 6€ 6at$ BDbS eoo,Sirop Qyq
eS66>o86 6>a:5 s'6g065#sr0s-6)o, sq Oer. boa6 iDooJD €o. i)o;r.cb& oosD6en
i)oo$liturr,' oSoS 6obiob6orP 5fu466, boa"cf:6 o.6 a g.h:a @aeide, 6.ebQ n 6 p
6:"O566 S,6oo:itr:o"160.

'i. Recruitment procoss of the Non Provinclolzed stoff:

2. Their service rules:

3. Mode of Appoinlment
4. Whether codre strength followod:
5. How penslon rules, PRC Grotulty,Commutotlon ore oppllcoble io them:
6. Fundlng pottern of exlsting/reflred Non-Provlnclolzed stoft
7. Existing ond retlred strength:
8. MonthlyExpendlture:
p eodiuod 6 & 85 &o:ro6; Sr$$r So{6 olreesSrQtuS$ boaooooi
eeodiDor. &I)AD6 1S ioo6 55 & 66 #oJJoe* (sodiDo)) aq 6ooc[:6 eapdiDssr
6oao0o05odo$, iDoc6) 656 0$OS SDe{ s6606si}€r0s.6eD, €q 6es. X:oit6 iooOr: ee*
i:oa.o1>& scs-C)o: X:oc[r:$ir:o" S)€aSDrp irodooo 65uo.1o5$ob6oe 36o6o6o6, Aobd Q
so,5$)op odos 6ojr6odb {fq 66.p*66Dd X)oooo6 656c5JSJoio 5e s.o.5oo5oi>i5c
aQ,.sd dosiohsorr sAoapro (

ee6:-b bJ"os66o sse))) il' ,lredr tL\l .l t^tl'tf


eo. 6ioj& b.S.eq, 5oo"d:.

Oe:- Sobd 5b466, bo.cP.& oP.6., e.dap a.oS 66J.a"6 C&)6o biD0Jort6+50
Fllo No.C.No.060920/AudllltAccountr/201 7


SublEstt, - Penslons to lhs Non . Provlnelnllred employoes -Detaits

Roquostod - Rc0,
Reli I. Thls ofiico Leiler pRR0z.2IolZl2gl?O2o.F.CoMMR-
PRRD/r29$334, Dt,U.0?,2021.
l. e Flle N0, 608920/Audlt&Account0l2017 wtth cornpurer No:

The imntedinte attention ol all the Chiel Executlve Officers, Zilla Praia
rishads and the District Ponchaya t Offlcers ln the State is invited to the
r.o reference cited.

Th overnment have requested to lurnish the following inlormation

reg s Non- Provincialized slafl :

\i$' 1. Recruitment process of the Non.provincialized staff

-f 2. Their service rules

3. Mode ol appointment,
4. Whether cadre strength is followed or not
5. How pension rules, PRC Gratuity, Commutation are applicable to them.
6. Funding pattern of existing/retired Non-provincialized stafl
7. Existing and retired strength
8. Monthly expenditure
Hence, all the Chief Executive Officers, Zilla praja parishads and the
District Panchayat Officers in State are requested to examine the matter
thoroughty and furnish the information oint as the sub Ct rtains to both
j\ CEO and DPO Wings in t e eac ct within three (3) days.
aga f una agar arrey
for Commissioner PR & RD

k All the Chief Executive Officers, Zilla Praja parishads in the State
All the District Panchayat Officers in the State

Signad bt Naga4un6 Sagar

oats: 0&07.2022 13:07:{0

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