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Present Tenses

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in

1. Does Peter know how to fix the tap ?
2. Have you ever eaten frogs’ legs ?
3. Have you ever visited London ?
4. Andy has passed his exam and he is very happy.
5. David knows how to play chess,but I don’t.
6. Every year Paul spends his holidays in Italy.
7. How long has she had that car for ?
8. How often do you go to the gym ?
9. I think you can speak Eglish very well.
10.I haven’t heard this song for ages.
11.I have been to Canada twice.
12.I haven’t been speaking to John since July.
13.I can’t talk now.I study for my exams.
14.I often walk to school with my friends.
15.I usually go dancing on Saturdays.
16.I’m really fed up !You always copy my homework !
17.It has been a long time since we last saw you.
18.Jack hasn’t made his bed yet.
19.Linda has just sold her postcard collection.
20.My boyfriend always arrives late and I can’t stand it !
21.My daughter hasn’t cleaned her bedroom yet.
22.My father has just gone to the Supermarket.
23.My friends usually download music from the internet.
24.My mother has never tried chinese food.
25.My sister always uses my clothes without my permission.
26.New films come out every Friday.
27.Nowadays children spend much time watching T.V.
28.Rose doesn’t cook very well.
29.Someone has taken my pen because I can’t fin dit.
30.Sonia is in her bedroom.I think she does her homework.
31.Stop talking ! I am watching my favourite programme right now.
32.The bus leaves at five past every hour except on Sunday.
33.The film starts at 9.30.
34.They have been living in this flat since 2005.
35.They aren’t playing football at the moment.
36.This guitar belongs to my grandfather.
37.We haven’t been to the new shopping centre yet.
38.We have just seen a terrific film.
39.Where are you ?We are waiting for you.
40.You need to revise for your exams !

Vocabulary of jobs : Complete the following

sentences with the suitable job’s name according the
description of the job.

1. Someone who works at the butchery is a butcher

2. Someone who flies a plane is a pilot
3. Someone who makes furniture is a carpenter
4. Someone who cuts men’s hair is a barber
5. Someone who makes dress is a dressmaker
6. A man who serves food in a restaurant is a waiter
7. Somebody who keeps a shop is a shopkeeper
8. Someone who does women hair is a hairdresser
9. Somebody who sells charcoal is a charcoal-seller
10. Someone who looks afer people teeth is a dentist
11. Someone who decides cases in a law court is a judge.
12. Someone who delivers or collects letters or parcels is a
13. Somebody who makes bread and cakes is a baker
14. Someone who makes jewellery is a jeweller
15. A greengrocer is someone who sells fruit and vegetables.
16. A teacher is someone who teaches in a class.
17. A policeman is someone who works at the police.
18. A soldier is someone who works in the Army.
19. A secretary is someone who carries out administrative
20. A doctor is someome who looks after people who are sick.
21. A journalist is someome who writes for newspapers.
Grammar : Relative Clauses Practice.
Complete the spaces with thte right relative
1. Is he the person who lives with you?
2. The man, whose wife is a famous violinist, can play the
piano himself.
3. The Johnson family, whose son moved to the U.K., lives
in Canada.
4. The man called his wife, who picked up the phone.
5. Can you tell me about the policeman, whom/who you
spoke with this morning?
6. The bad weather is the reason why I didn’t come to
practice yesterday.
7. Food that/which is imported from other countries is
often more expensive than local food.
8. I know a great restaurant where we can get good food.
9. The policeman talked to the children whose mothers
were waiting outside.
10. I helped the old lady whose books fell on the floor.
11. Do you know why there are no elephants in South
12. My parents remember the time when there was no
13. The cake which my mother made tasted really great.
14. The fireman rescued the girl who was trapped on the
third floor.
15. The woman whose dog barks all the time lives together
with her daughter.
16. I often visit my grandparents, who live a few blocks
down the street.
17. Avatar, whichwe saw a few days ago, won several
18. My dad knows a man whose brother works in the White
19. I visited one of my uncles, who lives on the other side of
20. The office is a place where I can do my work without
being disturbed.
21. Give this medicine to the parents whose child is ill.
22. Most of the people whom/who she met were asylum
23. My classmate, who studied hard for the test, failed.
24. There is the cafeteria where we can have lunch.
25. The man who sold me the car is my neighbour.


creation / create creative


satisfaction satisfy satisfactory /


application apply applicable

excitement excite excited /


preparation prepare prepared /


imagination imagine imaginative

pay / payment pay payable

explanation explain explanatory

industry / industrialise industrial


response respond responsive

prevention prevent preventive

embarrassment embarrass embarrassing /


threat threaten threatening

security secure secure

protection protect protective

theory theorise theoretical

completion complete completed

symbol symbolise symbolic

communication communicate communicativ


appreciation appreciate appreciative

end / ending end endless

note / notice notice noticeable

identification identify identifiable

profit profit profitable

confirmation confirm confirmed /


defense defend defensive

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