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The Light of Birth

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Translated by Shuyu

For many years, we have been saying that there is light during fertilization stage, but it was dismissed as
nonsense. Finally scientists discovered this light. Thanks to scientific advancement, we can finally prove
what our Taoist ancestors have known for thousands of yeas. Modern science is a field of discovery
science, it tries to discover matters that already exist in nature. Science today has not yet been able to
create new matters, supernatural matters. Hence it does not recognize the existence of supernatural

Lao-tzu said: “Tao creates one, one creates two, two creates three, three creates everything.”So When two
matters combine to create something new, a third matters must exist. In the case of the sperm and the egg,
the third matter is light. Depending on the brightness, size, and color of the light, the quality of the fertilized
egg would be different, and that would in account for the differences between people after they are born.

Taoist ancestors did not have modern scientific tools to examine this theory, but they found other means to
study human life. Through their practices and experiments, they have already discovered the following, and
it is up to scientists to verify and conduct further research.

1. Light exists when sperm enters egg during fertilization. In ancient times there were many names for
this light, awareness light, essence light, spiritual light, primordial light, etc. Can scientists categorize
this light?
2. The brightness, size and color of this light impacts the quality of the fertilized egg, and in turn will
impact the person to be born. Can scientists find ways to prove this?
3. How soon this light appear during the fertilization process will impact the intelligence of the person
to be born. Did scientists notice this?

Taoist ancestors call the light during fertilization awareness light, the light when infant leaves mother’s
womb essence light, and the light in the universe spiritual light. This is the light in one of the important
Taoist concepts, “light of birth, brightness of death”. We all seek enlightenment, but without understand this
awareness light during fertilization one can not see one’s heart, and without understanding the essence
light during birth, one can not see one’s true nature. In this case, the awareness light and essence light can
not combine with the spiritual light, and we can only live in ignorance of our true self, and are not able to be

“Tao creates one, one creates two, two creates three, three creates everything.”This is the underlying
principle behind everything. How ingenious!

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