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Present continuous - affirmative

Name: ___________________________ Grade: _______

Fill in the blanks using "ing" in its correct form.

1. The bird is __________ (flying / flew) in the sky.

2. The baby is __________ (crying / cried) because he is hungry.

3. The cat is __________ (purring / purred) on the bed.

4. The children are __________ (playing / played) in the park.

5. The dog is __________ (barking / barked) at the mailman.

6. The fish is __________ (swimming / swam) in the pond.

7. The horse is __________ (galloping / galloped) in the field.

8. The kids are __________ (laughing / laughed) at the funny joke.

9. The leaves are __________ (falling / fell) from the tree.

10. The monkey is __________ (swinging / swung) from the branch.

11. The rabbit is __________ (hopping / hopped) in the garden.

12. The turtle is __________ (crawling / crawled) on the ground.

13. The water is __________ (flowing / flowed) down the river.

14. The wind is __________ (blowing / blew) through the trees.

15. The worker is __________ (building / built) a house.

Present continuous - Negative

Name: ___________________________ Grade: _______

Fill in the blanks using the verb in its negative form.

1. The boy __________ (isn't / doesn't) swimming in the pool.

2. The flowers __________ (aren't / don't) blooming in winter.

3. The cat __________ (isn't / doesn't) chasing the mouse.

4. The bird __________ (isn't / do) singing in the morning.

5. The dogs __________ (aren't / don't) barking at the visitors.

6. The children __________ (aren't / don't) playing outside today.

7. The teacher __________ (isn't / doesn't) teaching the lesson.

8. The train __________ (isn't / doesn't) leaving the station yet.

9. The trees __________ (aren't / are) losing their leaves in summer.

10. The baby __________ (isn't / doesn't) sleeping through the night.

11. The car __________ (isn't / is) running properly at the moment.

12. The river __________ (isn't / doesn't) flowing very fast today.

13. The snow __________ (isn't / do) falling in the middle of summer.

14. The worker __________ (isn't / are) building the house anymore.

15. The kite __________ (isn't / am) flying high in the sky today.
Present continuous - Interrogative

Name: ___________________________ Grade: _______

Fill in the blanks using the verb in its correct form.

1. _________ the dog barking at the postman? (Is / Are)

2. _________ the children playing in the playground? (Is / Are)

3. _________ the baby crying in the crib? (Is / Are)

4. _________ the bird flying in the sky? (Is / Are)

5. _________ the cat sleeping on the couch? (Is / Are)

6. _________ the rabbit hopping in the garden? (Is / Are)

7. _________ the flowers blooming in the spring? (Is / Are)

8. _________ the monkey swinging from the tree? (Is / Are)

9. _________ the workers building the new house? (Is / Are)

10. _________ the river flowing swiftly today? (Is / Are)

11. _________ the wind blowing through the trees loudly? (Is / Are)

12. _________ the teacher explaining the lesson clearly? (Is / Are)

13. _________ the car running smoothly on the road? (Is / Are)

14. _________ the snow falling gently from the sky? (Is / Are)

15. _________ the leaves changing colors in the fall? (Is / Are)

Write the -ing form of the following verbs.

a. buy e. do i. play
b. come f. eat j. stop
c. cry g. go k. take
d. dance h. get l. use

Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the verbs in brackets
a. I can't go out. I (have) lunch right now.
b. The TV is off because Mary (do) her homework.
c. The students (listen) to the teacher.
d. My brother (read) a book about monsters.
e. The children (wait) for the school bus.

Choose the correct option

a. I am not/ isn't listening to you. I is / am studying.
b. Let's go to the park! It aren't / isn't raining anymore.
c. The baby are / is crying. I think he aren't / isn't feeling well.
d. What are / is you doing? Are / is you doing your homework?
e. My parents am / is having a party tonight. Am / is you coming?
f. Where are / is she going? Are / is she going to work?

Put the words in order to make sentences or questions

a. playing / I / not / video games / am
b. is / for the test / He / studying
c. at the moment? / Tom / reading / is
d. having / isn't / She / a good time
e. are / They / studying French / not
Name _______ Date_________

The Present Continuous Tense

Exercise Set
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the
present continuous tense.

1. The children ___________ (play) in the park at the moment.

2. Look! The cat __________ (sleep) on the couch.

3. I'm sorry, but I __________ (not listen) to music currently.

4. The teacher __________ (write) on the whiteboard at the front.

5. My sister __________ (watch) her favorite TV show tonight.

6. We __________ (have) dinner with our friends this evening.

7. The baby __________ (cry) because she's hungry.

8. Mark and Lisa __________ (dance) at the party right now.

9. It's raining outside. The kids __________ (not play) in the garden.

10. The sun __________ (shine) brightly today.

11. They __________ (travel) to Europe next month.

12. I __________ (read) a book in my free time.

13. Look! The birds __________ (build) a nest on the tree branch.

14. The chef __________ (cook) a delicious meal for the guests.

15. We __________ (visit) our grandparents this weekend.

16. She __________ (talk) to her best friend on the phone right now.

17. The dog __________ (chase) its tail in the backyard.

18. John and Mary __________ (plan) their vacation for the summer.

19. The flowers __________ (bloom) beautifully in the garden.

20. I __________ (wait) for the bus at the bus stop.

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