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Whether you want to make as miuch At the same time,, you need to deal
1 as possible or experience profit with swings in customer demand
and work-life balance, chronicalily without going broke. You need t10
overloading your staff is a guaranteed detect ond adjust to these

path to disaster. Stressed-out people fluctuations quickly. Here a1re some

1 more mistakes, are less creative, of the comm
i on practices high­
and will seek an escape sooner performing ,agencies use to
rather than later.
! mana1
1 ge r1esources.

Match recruitment with your sa es forecast and target utilization rate. 1

Have a reali'stic utmzation

1 rate for your staff. Then constantly mo
: nitor whether you nee
· d to hire or fire staff
for the work you expect in the months aheod.

Use c:arrots and

1 sticks ·1n the eternal b,ati tle to ,91et ti1me tracked.
You can1t monagie resources effectively without doto on how they spent time. Compel people to do so with carrots.
like paying bonuses for tracked time. and sticks. such as spot checkingi their logs.

· tain a lar1ge pool of reliable freela1ncers.,
Maintain relations with freelancers through your own network. those of your coworl�etrs i
and marketplaces !like Upwork or Dribbble.

Offload your own people to a marketplace. 1

When there 1.s some downtime at your agency, moke your people available on a marketplace.

Get started with a resource mana. ement tem late

Cl'ickUp The Big IBook for Agency Project Management I 18

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