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Welcome to the tape BHD course if you bought this course which you obviously have

congratulations you're gonna change your life for the better. I know exactly what
I'm talking about. I'm fucking certified. I know what I look like a pimp right now
I look like a tramp but I just finished training. I don't owe any motherfuckers
nice clothes so whatever. I actually went out of my way on ball whiteboard.
That's some genuine effort but the only pen I have is green which is gonna be
difficult for you to see so we're not gonna use the whiteboard we're gonna put
graphics in the video instead which is more effort. I'm so charged double for this
Anyway so me I'm gonna teach you from the ground up how to get it done. I was
thinking of I was gonna do like modular videos like little modules on each
thing of how to do it or just do one long video. It's actually quite difficult
so I'm just like imagine you're the best baker in the world if someone comes to
you and says teach me how to bake. Well the first thing you're gonna do is so
okay well bake what? Bake a cake, bake bread in an oven or on a fire or how
long do I have? What are the ingredients? Like the first thing the master baker
is gonna do is going to ask you loads of questions because baking is such an
all-encompassing art. It's very difficult to just explain everything and pimping
is very much the same. It's very difficult for me to just explain absolutely
everything the whole 360 degrees but I'm gonna try anyway. For that reason I'm
not gonna do modules. I'm not gonna break it down to little videos. What I'm just
gonna do is I'm just gonna fucking lay down some knowledge for the next long
time and your ask is to get a pen and a fucking paper and pay attention. If you
have to watch this video over and over and over again fine. If you have to
watch this video and understand that there's certain parts of it that you
need to tweak to fit your particular style fine. I'm not saying that this is
gonna be absolutely not really rigid but it is gonna be a fails a fail-proof
system. That's what it's absolutely gonna be because there are some rules
which are ironclad can't be broken and some rules there are exceptions to. So
there's gonna be a whole bunch of talking here so if you haven't gone piss go
piss get some fucking popcorn buckle up this is lesson one in your pimple nose.
Alright let's start with the basics. The basics are as follows and like I said when
you're watching this video there's gonna be some rules which I tell you which are
ironclad and can't be broken and sometimes there's exceptions to the rules.
I've read a lot of a lot of the manageable shit and sometimes they say
if you fuck her on the first date she ain't worth shit that's not true. I've had
girls who I fucked in the first date who weren't worth shit and I've had girls
who I fucked in the first date I was with for two or three years and they
were fiercely loyal to me and they were fantastic girlfriends. So that is a rule
which has exceptions but there are some rules with no exceptions like oh my
girl has male friends they're just their friend no not allowed that is a rule
that can never ever ever that cannot be broken. If you got your chick on lock and
she's in love with you she ain't interested in talking to know the fucking
dude about Game of Thrones or some dumb shit she's interested in talking to you
and you only. So like I said I'm gonna do a lot of talking here and what I want
you to do is pay a lot of attention and especially pause this video if I'm
giving you examples on talking about things try to apply them to your own
life and why you well you've tried things in your own life or your own
current situation and see how they fit. I'm very open for questions, comments if
you have any particular questions or comments you want to come at me with
drop me an email there's no problem all. So we're gonna start at the very very
beginning which is the overview of the sexual marketplace that we currently live
in. We currently live in a sexual marketplace which is extremely difficult
for men and it is getting harder and harder it is not getting easier it's
getting harder and harder because women biologically are programmed to share an
alpha male. Now I say this and this is what's actually interesting to me a lot
of the Manisthere stuff the 21 convention stuff all this shit is talking
about how women are wrong and women need to be fixed. I don't necessarily think
that's the case if you can position yourself in the correct place you'll
have more than enough women. So by the way the sexual marketplace works is if
you're in the wrong place you don't have enough women but if you're in the right
place you have too many women. I have more women than I can see. By the time I
fucked all the girls I need to fuck to keep my normal rotation going I don't
have time to go on a date. Every night is planned. Every night I'm looking at my
phone and I've got four choices and I'm like where am I gonna stay. And that's
not just because I've got money because it's been like this before I had money
I've had money for six, seven years. It was exactly the same before I had money.
I've always had too many women because I understand where to position myself so
the first thing I want you guys to do is a lot of this red pill stuff is anti
women the way that women are hypergamers and they don't like the way that we
works and women only want this and it's really negative. You are not going to be
successful with girls if you hate girls. You need to get that shit out your head
and you gotta change your mindset where you don't like how women think. I don't
like how women think women do this women do that. Women think a particular way
and that's fine if you know the rules to the game if you can bend the rules or
you can put yourself in the right position so that the rules of the game
favor you then you should be very happy women think a particular way. So like I
said a lot of this red pill stuff is trying to change the way women think.
Trying to say that women think a certain way and this is wrong and elect
does a new convention coming out 22 convention make women great again about
how to make women great. If women were completely fair like men and every
woman just got with one guy then where's the fun and being a G? Where's the fun
and having all these chicks? Why come I have so many? I only have so many because
a whole bunch of dudes out there were none that's the way the world works. So
I'm gonna teach you to be in my position so you need to get rid of any hate or
resentment you have towards women. Get rid of that shit out there that's the
first thing you've all been. When you understand women better you'll understand
why they do what they do and you'll understand how to position yourself so
it suits you. So the sexual marketplace is very difficult for men and the reason
is difficult for men is because men have one weapon in the battle for sex and that
is attention. All you can give a female is attention. Right. I'm gonna take my
jacket off quickly. Before I take my jacket off let me just remind you this
logical 30 grand. That upsets you. Get your money up. So all you have is your
attention. So the basics of the sexual marketplace are as follows. You give your
attention to a woman to get sex and the woman gives you her sex to keep getting
your attention. Attention and to sex and sex and to attention. That's how it works.
Men give their attention to get sex. Women give sex to get attention. That's
how it should work. But the reason the sexual marketplace is so fucked because
there's too many women out there who get attention without giving sex. So
previously not too long ago men didn't give a fuck about a girl they weren't
banging. They didn't care. Why would you care about a girl you don't fuck?
Nothing to you. You don't see her. But now with Instagram you got girls with
millions of followers. Millions of men are giving her validation. Millions of men
are liking her comments and comment and liking her post and commenting on her
shit and telling her she's beautiful and she fucks zero of them. So that's
skewed up the whole thing. Now it's all fucked because you got chicks getting
unlimited male attention without having to give their sex out and that's why
the sexual marketplace is getting difficult because the whole fucking
the whole fucking game the fair equation has been completely skewed. Male
attention is suffering from hyperinflation whereas male attention is it
worth shit anymore. Fifty sixty years ago if you were talking to a girl or you
took her on a date when you bought her flowers it meant something. Buy a bitch
flowers now she has to give a fuck. What a fuck does she care? She gets unlimited
inboxes in her fucking Instagrams. You can get flowers anytime she wants. You
don't fucking care. None of that means anything. So that's the sexual
marketplace. So the number one game as a man is you need to attach some value to
your attention. Your attention has to become more valuable because you have two
choices. I'm assuming you motherfuckers are smart. I don't know all of you
bought this. I know some of you bought this. Some of you might be dumb but if
something hyperinflates the choices are as follows. Imagine a currency of a
currency hyperinflates. You either do something to restore the value of that
currency or you give a lot more currency to get what you want. So my question to
you is if male attention is in hyperinflation do you want to give loads loads
loads loads more attention to try and get laid or do you want to attach a value to
your attention so that you don't have to give very much at all but you get what
you want. The problem with giving loads loads loads loads more is you might not
get laid and then guess where you end up. The fucking friends of them.
It's complicated.
Let's go. Holy shit.
Oh no no we're really good friends.
I drove over there. I took it to the movies. Every time she called me I was
there. Every time she felt sad I was there. And this bitch is sitting there
going well he's there anytime I want him and I don't have to fuck him so I don't
have to fuck him. And she ends up fucking some guy who doesn't give a shit about
her and you're sitting there going why would she fuck the guy who told you
doesn't like her because the guy who doesn't like her his attention has a
value because she can't get it very easily. Just like a currency the only
attention anything only has a value through scarcity so when you want to
attach a value to your attention you have to limit the attention you give a
female. You cannot be running through the earth. Throw in attention
everywhere for fucking free and expect a girl to give a shit that she's getting
anything. If she knows you give attention to every hoe that walks she'll give a
fuck about your attention. That's the reality. This is why girls like bad boys
it's not because bad boys are assholes. Well partially it's because bad boys are
assholes but it's not actually the fact they're assholes. It's the fact that
tell the girl to fuck off. Well they'll say to her that I don't want to talk to
anymore. Well they know that getting attention from this particular man isn't
free and easy. This guy will get rid of it. He's giving me attention and he told
that he got rid of that other girl. He ignores that girl but he talks to me.
That is value. So the number one thing you want to do in the current
sexual marketplace is attach value to your attention. So how do you do that?
Now this is where we're going to get into internal factors. Factors you can do as
a person and external factors. There are a lot of factors you can't control. I
want to fucking... What's the shitty expression? Teach grandmothers suck eggs or
some dumb shit. I don't want to state the obvious but obviously if you have a
profile as a high value male your attention is instinctively more valuable.
So we're talking about attaching value to your attention and we're going to do
that by limiting your attention. But you can also attach value to your
attention with the obvious things you already know. Go to the gym, get in
shape, dress well, have money. All these basic things but I'm
here to tell you that because that doesn't help you. You bought this course on
how to get girls. I can't sit here and go get a lamb bone because that ain't a
fucking answer. That's stupid. But I'm saying if you do those things it will
absolutely help you because it makes you a higher value person. It means and a
girl is more interested in you. A lot of the time it just sparks their
curiosity. My experience with money is that girls don't care about money but
they care about how you've made it. Girls don't care about money but they're
like where does he get this money from? They're curious about it. So it's some
intrigue there and with intrigue your attention once again increases. So those
are all the things you already know. If you don't know to go to the gym get
some money then you're an idiot. You know all these things we're not going to
talk about them. We're going to talk about the things you can do
without increasing your bank balance. So increasing the value of your attention.
So as follows I don't know your current situation but I guarantee there's a
bunch of girls in your phone who you're talking to or attempting to talk to
who you've never fucked and you never stand a chance of fucking.
Why are you talking to her? Why are you giving your attention away for free?
Why are you devaluing yourself? And that's a mistake. So for this reason
anytime we're giving our attention to a woman we need to aim for progression.
Progression towards the end goal. If you find a woman sexually attractive
I know the fucking modern world tells you that's a bad thing but it's not a
bad thing. There's nothing wrong with finding a woman attractive and there's
nothing wrong with wanting to stick with a woman. There's nothing wrong with that.
That is your end goal and every move you make, every bit of attention you give
has to be progressing towards that goal. You can not just flounder to see
you giving out your attention you end up in the fucking frenzy.
So like I said just like with the bakery example there's a million things I
need to teach you guys. I need to teach you guys approaching
bitches on the street. I need to teach you guys how to do things in the club
and teaching these things without experience is extremely difficult.
So to keep this easy what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you some iron
clad steps that you can do in the next two weeks so you can fuck a bitch.
Brand new girl you never fucked so you know that I know I'm talking about
because a lot of this stuff I need to show you in person there's a lot of other
mergers etc. We're going to keep this very simple. We live in the world of the
internet. So first thing to do is start getting laid today
is your number one tool to get laid is Instagram.
Instagram is the new dating fucking app.
Fuck Tinder. I mean Tinder's okay. The problem with Tinder is if you're going to
do Tinder or not just swipe with just some girls.
But every girl on Tinder has fucked someone else.
A Tinder's been around for four years now. They fucked dudes from Tinder before.
You know only real rash ass hoes are left on there really. Maybe if they're
newly single or something you might find something good on Tinder.
I've done it. I found good girls on Tinder. But in general what you want is
Instagram. The reason Instagram so fantastic is because women sit on
Instagram all fucking day. The only problem with
Instagram is that they get unlimited inboxes from guys
saying bullshit. So how do you make your inbox
more appealing than anyone else's inbox? So we're talking about some inbox game.
That's the thing. First thing you need to do is sort out your Instagram page.
You can see on my Instagram I have my particular angle and that is
money obviously. I play the fight or thing. And also what I try and do with
every single post is a degree of intrigue. Intrigue is super important in the
sexual marketplace because intrigue attaches to value to your
attention because you instantly become interesting. So imagine you work in
Starbucks. Your job's your star box. If a girl says what do you do?
You can say I work in Starbucks or you can say
well I say well I was high level at Starbucks. I was high level management
and now they put me in as a mystery worker. I'm making the show up off the
top of my fucking head. I'm telling you what I do I work
in Starbucks. And the girl be like what do you mean? It's like oh well I was high
level management and then what they do is they send me around the different
Starbucks stores to just work as a normal person but what I do is report
back to the high level management by how the stores being run
and if the manager's competent and then all of a sudden you sound like a
fucking spy. You're now James Bond of Starbucks.
You were a barista loser. Now you're James Bond.
That's how you go up a spin on things. Really I've never heard of that. So of
course if you heard of it then it wouldn't work. No one knows about it.
So I move from store to store. Now all of a sudden you're an interesting person.
Bam. You go up a spin on things. Then you're sitting I think well if I say that
maybe she's gonna expect me to have money. No she doesn't.
Oh so you get paid a lot. Oh yeah I get paid good money but you know I'm looking
after my cousin she had a car crash or my cousin I'm putting my cousin through
college. Make up some bullshit. Look we live in a world where you cannot
play fair anymore. When you walk down the streets nowadays
it's almost a mugging. It can't be all right let's have a fair duel
one on one. If you win you get there's no more fair people gonna run it from
behind the stab you. You can't play fair anymore
and with violence or the sexual marketplace you can't play fair.
If you work in Starbucks and you are broke you now are high-level management
on a secret Starbucks mission to find the worst Starbucks employees as a spy
and the reason you have no money is because you're putting your sick cousin
through college. That is how you have to play the game.
All of a sudden you're an interesting person from a barista to James Bond
the philanthropist. That's how you go I'll be doing things. So whatever your job
is now it may be a little bit interesting but I guarantee you
could put a spin on it and one of the most important things you can do is
never give away all the information because there is nothing as
interesting that you can say as what she can think of herself.
So girls ask me all the time well I do. I do loads of different things.
I don't tell them. I say oh yeah you know I'm just working.
Why work are you doing what? So just making money.
That's the answer. They sit there and think is he an assassin?
Is he a spy? Is he? Is he this? How come he has his car?
Let them go through all the crazy ideas in their head because they'll settle on the
one they like the most. No matter what I make up
or what lie I tell it's not going to be as interesting as what they can imagine
it could be. So you need to have some intrigue there.
Don't be afraid to put a spin on your shit that's the first thing
and your Instagram page needs to reflect that. My Instagram page very clearly
makes me look like Russian mob millionaire
pure gangster. Is that true? Yeah but still it's done in a very particular
way so that when girls look at my page they go who the fuck is this dude?
Like where's he getting all these? Where's he getting this? Why is he there?
I'm tagged in all these weird locations. What's he doing?
And also there's a very fine line here you got to be careful
but I have girls on my Instagram page because I'm telling you this
no girl wants to fuck the guy that doesn't get girls.
They all want to fuck the guy that other girls want to fuck because women
are purely fucking evil when it comes to taking a guy off other dudes
a guy off of the chicks they love that shit. So you don't want to do too much
you don't want to try and be like a budget Dan Bozerian but you do want to make it
clear that you roll with chicks especially hot ones.
Even if she's your friend or some shit put a picture on there and gonna hurt you.
Who's she? Oh someone I know. Once again entry
your girlfriend. I didn't say she's my girlfriend I said someone I know.
Oh okay lay it down let him know. Like I said this is a lot of talkings you
grab a pen and paper make some fucking notes find a girl take a picture get
that shit done. Your Instagram page has to be interesting
you have maybe half the second sending inbox to a girl
she's gonna look at your page you have maybe half the second to impress her.
For me it's easy now about cars and shit but you know what girls even care about
cars bro. Girls don't give a fuck they don't care about
lambos and shit the number of times I've had girls go lambos uncomfortable come
get me the BMW they don't care. I mean yeah it's good for an
Instagram page but in general they don't care so you need to put together an
Instagram which is appealing to females. You're a full grown
fucking man if you're a full grown man you don't care about likes
and you don't care about keeping your Instagram updated.
So if you only have your five or six best pictures
and that's all you have there do that don't keep updating every day with new
pictures of you and your friend drunk because no one gives a fuck bro
no one cares and it's making you look at dig and it's damaging your fucking
potential construct an Instagram front page because
ain't gonna scroll down the first five or six pictures
that make a girl be interested in you one way or another.
I don't care if you have to get a professional professional photographer.
I don't care if you have to rent a car. I don't care if you have to fuck. I don't
care what life you have to tell. I don't give a fuck.
You should know look at my Instagram put something together that is
interesting. I've used the money angle if you haven't got the money angle
you know it chicks love travel do the travel angle
fucking right now book something go on holiday
spend two days taking loads of photos next to rocks and oceans and bullshit
and do the travel angle that's cheap and then bang you're a traveling guy who
girls like travel it's interesting to them because they all want to
fucking travel for free because they're all scared.
So putting Instagram page together that's interesting and
don't update all the time of shitty photos. Do not update your Instagram very
often if you haven't got amazing things to put on there.
That is your fucking shop window that's your portal to the chicks. You're
gonna inbox a chick that's the first thing to look at that's all you've got.
Do not give a shit about keeping people updated with your life because no one
fucking cares about your shit life anyway. This is the absolute hard
reality. Another thing you don't want to do if you look on my Instagram
picture of me with four guys single leather jackets before we
diss them work in London. We're clearly Russian mob so that's
allowed. If you're clearly mafia or you're looking like a
G you're allowed but in general groups of pictures of men
are a no. I'm telling you some solid no-nose for Instagram.
the thing in the animal kingdom it's always little shitty weak animals that are
huge groups. Pray like fucking buffalo or whatever even
though they're strong. The prey the things they get hunted are always in big
groups. The hunters are like one or two. Hunters are like
lone soldiers. You don't see fucking 20 hunters together.
If you think you and all your 20 friends are cool with your beers,
20 guy with a picture no one gives a fuck and if a girl looks at you she's
not going to know which one is you and instinctively she's going to think
Bea loser. You on your own or you and someone else.
Two guys, three guys max, bang, ama gee. You don't even have a fucking big
groups of things. Next thing do not put any pictures of you with
your mouth open. That soy face shit is taking over the
world. You know when every when guys are uncomfortable in their
skin so they take a picture and they go like
or some shit. There's that's been scientifically proven in primates,
monkeys. They open their mouth as a sign of submission.
Primates are to our closest cousin. When the alpha male monkey turns up he's got
pissed off face and the other monkeys when they see him they kind of go
and show their teeth as saying like it's a submission thing like don't hurt me
and nowadays you look at fucking a democrat or liberal or somebody who
doesn't support trump. All of their pictures they've got a
fucking mouth open. The reason they do that is
instinctually it's a it's a submissive sign.
Please world don't hurt me and women detect that shit. It's not
almost. It's not attractive in any way. Get rid of that shit. Look about your
business. You're a full grown fucking man. You haven't
got to piss off. You don't look about your business. Look like you know what
you're doing. Like you know where you're going. They could do
in something worthwhile. Nobody is doing anything worthwhile
going like this. It's bullshit. Girls don't want to see you
fucking happy. I'm in a great time laughing. You're not five years old.
You're a fucking full grown man. Looking for a man's gonna take care of her.
Looking for a fucking serious g. So put that shit together.
Build an Instagram page. Even if you can only get five good
photos that's enough. Never update it again. Because girls don't check when
the photo is posted. You think a girl sees a good picture and goes
oh that was posted six months ago. They don't give a fuck.
They look on your fucking page and go oh okay I'll reply to him.
Done. Get a good couple good pictures. That's that. Next stage. What do you
inbox the woman that makes you different from everyone else?
Now everyone watching this I'm sure you've already inboxed loads of girls on
Instagram. I don't know what you particularly say.
I'll tell you what I would say and I'll give you screenshot examples.
So a lot of men say hey how are you?
Hey how are you? Bitch she doesn't even know who the fuck you are.
Why would she give a shit about telling you how she is? She knows you don't care.
You don't care and she gets that 30 times a day.
So she doesn't care. That's a bad idea. You were beautiful. Isn't bad.
But it leaves you open for loads of shit testing.
Leaves you open for I know or LOL or some kind of sarcastic shit that they
reply to you that makes you look like a dick and you
got instantly fight to prove your manhood.
By message you go you're beautiful and so go I've had a like before.
LOL as in laughing and they're like what's funny and then they can ignore you.
Then you cook a dickhead. You're a beautiful LOL. What's what and then you get
blanked. You're gonna be careful how you set this
shit up because women are looking to shit test you as soon as they can.
Women are looking to turn it on you and give you some shit to see how you
react to them straight away. So in my experience what I find
raises intrigue. It inspires them to respond and also makes it extremely
difficult for them to shit test me is I ask where they are.
So what I do and you're gonna see a screenshot in a second.
I live in Bucharest Romania. That doesn't matter if I'm in London, Bucharest,
Moscow anywhere I am. I just say Bucharest question mark or a
Moscow question mark or London question mark.
Sometimes because like I said intrigue I'll put a completely
pointless emoji on the end. Some cherries or an orange or a strawberry
because it doesn't mean anything. So the girl sitting there she's scrolling
through how are you you sexy how are you you sexy how are you sexy
Bucharest strawberry. Yeah I am in Bucharest. Then they start to think
why does he want to know where I am like does he want to fuck me does he
see me does he have something of interest for me
and they usually reply yeah why or yeah because they're interested they're
like well what the fuck what does he want to know for.
So that that's how you get the instant response. In my experience I've done a
lot like I said about PhD but of course for a
fucking reason I know what to do. In my experience it's the best
message you send. Of course not every girl's gonna reply
but the ones who do you've already from the first question
raise some kind of intrigue because they want to know why you want to talk to them
they're a bit like mmm that's interesting. So we're going to play through an
example here of a girl you know look at my phone or the graphics up in the
video because we're fucking professionals me my boy James.
So here's a very perfect example
Chick a nine haul. Bucharest hey yes then I
might reply why do I never see you where are you hiding
that's my reply because once again it's it's some
intrigue it's an easy women like easy conversation
what women don't want to do for a guy they don't know
and have never met is thick. If a woman has to sit there and go what do I reply
they ain't gonna reply. If a woman looks at her phone and she hasn't got something
instantly she wants to say she ain't gonna say anything because she has
so many messages a day as a woman that if you don't
get inspired to instantly type something back you're not gonna type anything
so if you just say something boring they'll look at it and leave you on red
you gotta write something that makes an instantly reply. So I said why do I never
see you where are you hiding and the reason I say that in a very
particular way is because it's extremely easy for them
99% of them say I'm not hiding that's what nearly every one of them says
I'm not hiding all of them. What did this bitch say let me check
I'm not hiding oh no she actually this bitch says she was hiding so there we go
make myself looks stupid. I'm hiding in work right now
don't have much free time. Also note as I put cherries on there when I said why
where are you hiding why did I put cherries who the fuck knows
your guess is as good as mine friend just makes my messages different because
no one gets messages with cherries if you mother fuckers start putting
cherries in your messages and I'll come over and beat the fuck at you
it's my thing choose a different food anyway they don't get messages with
cherries so it's like the fuck cherries when girls say to me why do you put
cherries on the messages I always say who doesn't like cherries
you know like lol true so that's how you get out of the cherry thing so if you
choose strawberries and a bitch gets fresher the strawberries you can say well
who doesn't like strawberries fucking with the flops strawberries are good
calm yourself down so that's what that is. I'm hiding in work right now don't have
much time I said what work do you do break hearts
look how's fucking smooth I am so what I'm doing there
it's giving her a compliment so there ain't no ugly bitches out there who are
breaking hearts only hot girls break hearts so what I'm
basically saying is your hot but I'm saying it out smooth operator kind of
way it's in my fucking jeep. So what do you do for work break hearts I say that
because it's a compliment she replies I do that in my free time
smiley face and I put fur fun and I say good thing I'm strong I'm not afraid
so once again I'm establishing some dominance there I've given her a
compliment but I'm also letting her know I'm the fucking jeep like I said
everyone has to have their own unique style I'm not saying to say exactly
why say what I'm trying to explain to you is why I do it I put the cherries
because it makes my message unique I ask where they are that's the one thing I
would recommend everyone start with if you want to fuck a girl and you're in
fucking Grand Rapids Michigan go on Instagram type in Grand Rapids
Michigan see some dickhead hoes who have tagged themselves and message them and
say Grand Rapids question mark and go why just say I'll never see you around
where you're hiding it's a good opener that's the opener you can take but the
rest of it has to be you you can't pretend to be anyone other than
yourself impersonating someone else is not going to work in the long term
however you gotta be yourself you gotta be yourself in the right way
can't just you gotta put things in the right angles I'm explaining why I do what
I do and you need to listen to that understand why I'm doing what I do
and apply it to your own style don't copy me word for fucking word
she says a good thing I'm strong I'm not afraid she goes I'm just kidding I'm not
that bad to break hearts then what did I say then then I asked her how old she
was I always ask how old they are I don't know why
something they always seem to reply to no matter what they say whether it's 30
or fucking unless they're really young if they're above 20
between the age of 20 and 30 if they're a teenager I usually say oh you're young
I'm an old man and if they're like whatever her age was
I don't know if screenshot is probably I say that's a good age you're old enough
to have fun young enough to be smart sorry young enough to have fun but old
enough to be smart I always say that girls like that line because it makes
them sound like oh yeah I'm 23 I'm old enough to be smart you're gonna have to
have fun way smart but still I say that they like that shit
and I sound a very old man I'm 30 because yes I would like to stay forever at
this age now remember what I said earlier about 20 minutes ago in this
video we are always aiming for progression this girl is now getting my
attention so far this exchange has to happen to
this about minute minute and a half long because once again with women they
get bored quick if I don't reply to her quickly if I leave her for a couple
hours and try to message her again she's gonna oh she's forgot about me
she looked at my Instagram an hour a half ago she was a little bit intrigued
now she's had six messages since from new guys and she's forgotten all about me
so progression what am I aiming to do from the what's the Instagram
conversation what's the progression the progression is because we're always
giving our attention in in in exchange to progress up the ladder
you use my fucking whiteboard even I don't have a green marker you can barely
see I'm gonna use it we're progressing we're starting here
with all the other shit munchers let me see that here's where we want to be
at the top because with the shit munchers there's lots of people
at the top with their teas there should be only one man
you so you want to get higher up as you get higher up
there's less and less shit munchers hope that makes sense
so on our Instagram anyone can message her there's loads and loads and loads of
guys so what we're aiming to do out of the Instagram
conversation is get her WhatsApp or get her phone number
now you're thinking what's the difference between messaging or an
Instagram and messaging on our phone the big
difference is everyone can message on Instagram there's only a few people
can message on our phone because not everyone has their fucking phone number
you dumb-com so by getting her phone number we are
progressing up and slowly limiting it to the number one dude at the top
which is you so when you move from Instagram to phone number
you cut it down from the entire world being able to message her
down to about a hundred people perhaps that's a big jump
that is the aim of the Instagram conversation progression
from the phone number we go on to the next stage to the next stage
to eventually you end up with teas that's how it works
so that's what we're trying to do in this conversation here is get her phone
number so where were we that's a good age
old enough to be smart and young enough to have fun
I said I'm a very old man I'm 30 women like age
women like you to be older than them so do not be afraid to say your age
she goes yes I'd like to stay forever at this age
time to make a joke because I'm so funny I said I can make you a mortal
Jesus is my friend I'll watch that thing she put lots of laughing faces
she goes if he doesn't respond I'll give you his instagram because he likes all
my posts
and I bet he does because you're beautiful and he's a pervert
tongue of face so that's the second compliment I'll give it
her so she already thinks I'm funny she's had a couple compliments she's
scrolled through my instagram page by now she's talking to me this is about two
minutes in two minutes that's always I spent two
minutes of time on this girl and what do I do she goes after I said
she's beautiful she goes well thank you next thing I say what's that question
mark straight to the point hello this is who I am
do you see my instagram you're beautiful ha I'm funny give me your number
we ain't fucking around we ain't playing no three days of messaging
can I have your number please like some fucking pussy
two minutes two minutes of talk you've seen me
you're applying to me you know what a big G is give me your number
if at this point she goes oh I prefer to talk on instagram
you know what you do tell you what you do and you're going to hear this a lot
this is a very important pimping term you can write this down on my board
back to the right of this piece of paper so you can understand how important it is
we're going to use this a lot f d b
which means fuck that bitch f d b if she wants to give you bullshit f d b
what you do if she goes I don't want to talk to you on what's that I brought
her to an instagram you don't reply you leave her ass on scene
ignore her f d b I've shown you who I am I've spoken to you I've proved I'm
fucking funny you're gonna give me your fucking phone number
I'll talk to someone else f d b message a different girl because by not giving
you her phone number she's shit testing you she's saying yeah I'll talk to you
but you don't deserve my number and what you're doing by not
applying is saying I'll talk to someone else and fuck you
you can't say that to her because if you say it
then it shows you're emotionally upset and if you get upset when she wins
because she's emotionally affected you men could not be emotionally affected
men are iron can't affect us you just don't apply
because you don't care you don't give me a number okay I don't care
do not apply and about 70 percent of the time they'll still message you or say
oh so you don't want to talk to you go get my number or some shit
they'll come back at me and then you can play the game again
you say well anyone can message you on on instagram i'm special so I want to
what's happening to be clear with your intention
she can give you the number f d b because you're doing it remember when you're
talking to girls like this you're not messaging one girl at a time
you can say book arrest or grand rapids or text
Houston or whatever to the hundred girls you can go on instagram right now and
message a hundred girls so you're gonna be doing loads of
conversations at once so you're only really interested in the ones we're
gonna play ball they ain't gonna play ball and give you their number
fdb so in this particular case we all know
fucking gbb what's that yet somebody face what's your number i'll put some
cherries on there because i'm g bang i've locked out the phone numbers i know
you motherfuckers we think i'm a mess jimahab
bang there's the number progression we've moved from here to here
this can happen many many different ways i'll give you another example is
another screenshot because this is why i do
listen i have too many girls but if i want some chicks
i go on instagram i may because because i've got quite a few followers i've got
about 30 000 i'll scroll through girls who've already
liked my pictures because it's easier than because then i know they definitely
won't dig
then book arrest question mark i'll i'll message 10 girls
i'll get five what's apps i'll fuck two girls
that's the average math so any monday morning i can wake up and go you know
what i want two new pussies this week book arrest a copy and paste boom boom
boom boom boom what's apps man what's that
uh me interested call it paul sisser we call it sisser
we they're being interested especially when our girlfriends around we say i'll
go sisser over and we do that because i think it's
in good fellows i can't remember what message i can't remember what movie is
one of the gangster movies is a guy called paul sisser over and he said he
doesn't move very fast because paul he doesn't have to move from no one
because he used to sit there and people used to come and deal with him and then
leave so me and Tristan call it paul call sisser over so
me and Tristan know we're going to sisser over today we'll go to a coffee shop
at three o'clock we'll have a date at three 30 a date at four 30 a date at five
30 we'll bring the girl at three 30 and then go oh yeah i've got a go now i'm
gonna go in and i'll just pay the bill okay nice to see you send her away
next next next i'll do three dates on a fucking day
narrow down the one i want and then that's the one i take to the club at the
weekend bangs game over so you can get on that level if you
get as professional you give a phd you literally just
ten questions on a monday sisser on a wednesday
fucking my friday game over but that's just let you know where you're gonna end up
if you study hard enough so next bitch he'll give you
an example book arrest question this girl tried to play a bit harder with
the g trying to play harder with the fucking i should walk or i should let
these bitches know i should put on my instagram profile
phd so they know not to get too fresh book arrest her reply was a lot less
friend even the last girl yes right yes like i said
she probably read it she probably has a fucking boyfriend or she's
even if she hasn't got boyfriend there is no female on this planet who's truly
single this is something's one of the unbreakable
rules unbreakable rule and flashing red across the top
unbreakable rule there is no hot attractive woman on the planet
who is completely single they are always at least talking to someone
they're always at least messaging someone or still kind of talking to
their ex or fucking their ex but then there's no single woman
so making a woman like you is not about making them like you it's about making
them like you more than the other people who are already talking to
keep this in mind so the reason this girl gave me attitude and the reason
law girls give you attitude is because they're already fucking someone else
or are already talking to someone else so they're thinking well i already
if you're already full you've been for dinner and you're full
some goes do you want dessert i'm already full
so that dessert has to look good for you to want to take a bite from it
so you have to look good for them to be interested in you because they're
already full they're full already all the women are walking around with full
stomachs you got to look fucking amazing you don't want to take a bite
keep that shit in mind so this bitch i found out i'll lay your date does have
a boyfriend fucked her anyway but this is why she started off so fresh
book arrest yes same thing why do i never see you
where are you hiding she said i don't go out too much
i don't like the men here i was living in other countries or between travels
so no time or wish to be popular here this is remaining
all right okay longer you can do another example this bitch knows me
she was i just followed you because i saw you were very funny in an interview
and you have some funny things on insta what i say about having your page on
point so we've been messaging for 30 seconds and she's
mentioned me saying i had some funny things on insta i messaged her
she looked on my instagram she saw something that made her laugh or something
that intrigued her that's why it's important your
five or six photos are interesting because that's your chance
if my photos were shit i never would have got that message from her
never would have come would have been game over right then in there
but she saw something she liked so i said where are you living now
because you talked about she's going to be in book arrest she was book
rest of the moment i said good it's the best city
i'm here also which is important so we can meet and take over the world
i say that because women it's authoritarian it's authoritarian
you are high yeah you're barely knowing me and you are going to take over the
world it makes a thing who the fucks this do you
think something conquer the world who is this guy what do you mean
conquer the world what it's better for a woman it doesn't matter what emotion
you evoke as long as you evoke something even if they are a bit like
curious or a bit like well angry can work if you don't push it too far
as long as they don't read it and think it's boring like i said if they read it
and they don't feel instantly compelled to reply they won't reply
this is your only show so when you say like we're gonna take over the world
they're like they're either gonna be like what do you mean take over the world
why take over the world or what like there's something in they just go
they just want to reply you gotta be careful of what you say
ha ha i was thinking you already took over the world without me there's
something left question mark and the reason she said that is because my
Instagram page is a fucking g with all these cars and shit
once again instagram page i said there's a tiny tiny bit that i need you for
there is one place i cannot go and she said what place
and i said the girl's bathroom is my face how old are you
always asking how old they are they like that shit
childish joke she put with a laughing face but i didn't like that it pissed me
off a little bit 22 you 22 is probably a little bit
too young to do the old enough to be smart but you could probably get away
with it i just said i'm an old man 30 now when she said childish joke with the
laughing face that was the beginning of her trying to get a little bit fresh
and i could detect it and that's why i didn't reply with
old enough to be smart you're young enough to have fun because i thought
i've been i've been pretty funny to this girl i made some jokes and she
i didn't like it now do you your sit there going when she just said childish
joke it's the problem i have a phd i can detect
instantly how women's thinking so she looks she thought i was interesting
tada and the rain reason she's probably being this way is because she's insecure
she knows i have shit loads of jigs she's seen my instagram
she knows who the g is and she's thinking i got to give this guy a bit of
shit because he thinks he can get any girl he wants tada i have this problem
below so then she tries to belittle me still a lot to learn and live for you
a real life for a man starts after 30 you will see just try and tell me that i'm
young and stupid i replied
i know this what's that i'm fucking around with you
tell me about man life after 30 or 22 year old jig
the fuck you know about man's life after 30 i know this what's that because we
are trying to progress i ain't sitting here handing out attention
you've already shit tested me to a degree twice of your stupid ass answers
telling me that i don't know anything about the world
telling them i jokes are childish give me your fucking number
or fdb because i'm perfectly prepared to never talk to you ever again i don't
know you give a fuck it's a numbers game
it's a loss it's a loss so basically it's a waste of time for you to talk to me
but then she gave me her number here's my number
text me when you're 35 so she wanted to give me her number
because she wants me but she's trying to fucking give me shit
saying i said waste of time i said you think 30 is too young
she goes i think you're into games and i don't like drama and complicate
complications so she's saying so you see you can see now where i detected
her bullshit way back at the childish joke and i started to reply
less nicely but we thought that because if she gave me a little bit of shit and
i still replied super nice old enough to have fun young enough to be smart all
this bullshit was some cherries and was a nice guy all the time
she would have instinctively thought well i've given him some shit and he's still
being nice about it he's a pussy when she gave me a bit of shit and i cut
my replies down i know this what's that and start being a bit of a dickhead
back then she thought okay i can't push him too
tough because she saw listen to me carefully watch this
part of the video again this is important dynamics
she tried to give me a bit of shit i limited my attention that's the weapon
we have that's what we do we give attention to get sex
we fuck what else we take our attention away she got fresh i limited my attention
now and i still replied by remove the friendliness
straight to the point teacher or lesson not to get too fresh
and then when i said what's your what's that even though she gave me shit
she still gave me her number because she knew and she didn't
i would she knew that'd be the end of it but she still wants me of course she
does he doesn't so she's like okay well i've already
given my number about what he was sarcastic bullshit at the same time
she goes you lose this waste time to talk to me here's my number but text me in
her 35 so she gave me the number but she fucking attacked a bunch of
shit to me said you think 30 is too young so i think
you're into games and only drama complications
so i said so you want to judge someone who you've not even gotten to know
one second so you want to judge someone who you're not even gotten to know
i can tell we're only 22 that's why i said so she said i'm young and stupid
but i said oh you're judging something you don't even know i can tell you're 22
i'm calling her young and stupid flip all the
up you think i'm young and stupid you're the one making judgments i judge you
bitch i don't know you she replied i don't judge you
i said well then you don't know if i'm drama or games
be nice i'll what sack you and she replied okay
smiley face that's the game she tried to get flushed to me two or three
times i ended up with the what's at the bitch has been put in place
she sent me a little smiley face at the end she now knows that she can't judge me
even though i've got girls a little way instagram and i'm clearly a player she
i don't have to say it anymore i put that bitch in her
fucking place if i didn't take her shape when she called me childish and i would
have been like yeah i am childish oh well you're so pretty here's a heart
game would have been over you fuck with me i reduce my attention
give me a pen this is the tower power attention
this is a girl behaving i know you love my graphics
this is a girl being a dickhead dick this is the attention meter
if they are a dickhead you reduce your attention if they behave well you
increase your attention if they reply nice things to you
you message them lots of nice things if they reply bullshit dickhead stuff to
you you cut your attention right down but remember
stay emotionless never insult a woman never get angry
because if you if you get angry or you insult them it shows they've emotionally
affected you and then they win it's just an attention scale
there is no emotion there's no anger there's no resentment there's nothing
even if a girl says you're fucking out of the dignity of my number you're too
ugly you just reduce your attention simple as that
attention scale they reply like dickheads you give them
dickhead answers they reply nicely you give them nice answers
keep the shit in line to keep the bitch in check
that's how it goes so i can show you 200 examples of this
in fact i could go on forever because this is basically all i do but this is
just a couple examples of how you can write here and now
after this PhD course start talking to new girls you never spoke to before
fix your fucking instagram and start messaging
to see you live in and to grow now if you've got a level of game like i've
got you can do other cities so if i know i'm going to be in kia
next week i'll do kia of in advance i can do that
because i'm a fucking g for you amateurs i'd recommend just wherever you are
stick in your own seat let's ask them where they are they'll start with their
all the next thing i thought i'd take a piece
right congratulations you've got the girl's phone number you've progressed
from every shitmunther in the world the exclusive club of people who have her
phone number everything we are doing is for progression
you give attention for progression getting her phone number is just one step
closer you are now aiming for the next goal
which is a date with the girl you are not getting her phone number to give the
bitch unlimited attention for no reason you're not giving her getting her phone
number just to text and text away for fucking weeks on end
and get nowhere you're not doing that shit you're aiming
to take on a date that's next stage on the tower power
date so texting a chick you have to be yourself
you can't be me there's only one me but there's only one you
some motivation you're changing so you're gonna be yourself but
the basic rules still apply you don't take shit you're a nice guy
but you're not a fucking pushover little piece of shit win
in general generalization in fact not generalization is absolutely truth
everybody loves to talk about themselves everybody
loves to talk about themselves so although you need to get some intrigue
remember you work for Starbucks you're a fucking Starbucks spy who's putting
your fucking cousin through fucking college or some shit
you need to ask her about herself what do you do do you work or study
oh did it so work or studies when i use law do you work or study
oh i'm studying economics ah you like money who doesn't
or oh i'm studying law perfect you can get me out of jail
whatever they say add a little thing on it oh yeah
i can give you a jail shut up can't do shit you used this
still ask them all about themselves whatever you do
every single thing has to come from a position of dominance
so for example though i'm putting my cousin through college thing you can't
message your girl go oh i don't have much money right now
so putting a girl my cousin through college that's not dominant that's
bullshit pussy if she would have mentioned something about money you could say
or let's go here say oh that's too expensive for me i'm putting my cousin
through college wait for her to mention something first
or say i'd rather put my cousin to college it ain't easy but i'd rather
help family than than spend money at the moment
put it from a position of dominance like yeah own it you're a fucking man
everything you do you're the fucking man do the girl saying to me
i seen your instagram page you have all these girls yeah
i'm the fucking man yeah i'm the man doesn't matter what it is on the man
when you work in Starbucks yeah i'm the fucking on the head of starbucks spy
operation mi6 and james fucking bond of starbucks
so i can of course i will start with i'm the best
i'm a fucking on my base via undercover agent
you got own that shit there's a fine line between arrogance and owning it
don't be too arrogant you got own that shit
most people think girls like arrogance they don't they just like men who own
their things you can actually own who you are and be confident who you are
without being arrogant that's how you get laid
not being erin erin pisses them off it's just being confident with who you are
and what you do without being erin so keep that
shit in mind your text center rules to text
center do not double text her if she ignores you
want to leave it maybe a day day and a half then try again
hey how you been done you should ignore you again game over
forget about it in fact i want to mention something quickly we're just
gonna mention later i'm gonna mention it now
the whole fucking time you're starting with instagram testing the whole way
through you there's something you have to keep in mind
there's something called external factors that you cannot control
sometimes you just can't win i've had girls who i've
i've tried something on and it completely ignored me and the six months later i
tried the same thing and it worked flawlessly
why is that because the first time it didn't work is nothing to do with me
and my system is because there's external factors you cannot control
every girl your messaging has a life if that girl is completely head over
heels in love with someone else she's not gonna reply to you if her grandad's
just died change didn't go on a date with you
if her dog's just died or she's just fucking or she's failing her homework
maybe she's suicidal maybe she's overdrawn who the fuck knows
there's a whole bunch of external shit you cannot control
so you have to keep in mind the reason it's a numbers game
it's because there's too many external factors
that can influence to end result thank you
i'm talking about fucking girls great exactly
this too many external factors that you cannot control that have an influence
so when i say something like don't double text her text her once
she doesn't reply again don't text her again she doesn't reply
don't be one of those guys oh you give me your number don't get upset
don't be a fucking little bitch don't start messaging her why'd you give me your
number you're not gonna talk don't be a little fucking pussy
don't sit there be like whoa upset emotionality is not how men act
you do not care if she replies about do not be a bitch because it could be an
external factor maybe your game is flawless and on point
maybe her granddad just died bro you don't know and i don't know nobody knows
if you just want to text you is fine start again with someone else
do not be start messaging her why'd you give me your number if you're not gonna
reply being a little fucking loser because then she definitely ain't gonna
fuck you then she'll reply and call you a dickhead and then the game's over
what's the point in that don't be a fucking idiot
so don't do that shit so rules to text and girls don't double text
told you to double text and rules next only message women at night
do not message during the day during the day they're busy
they're working and they're certainly not thinking about relationship
women are one trapped women cannot do women can multitask
no they fucking can that's a lie men multitasking
so if a woman's at work or she's busy or she's got a she ain't sitting i really
want boyfriend she's sinking i really want a boyfriend
at night at home on the couch in bed unless she's with some other dude
she might be it's very often that she might be another guy
a lot of the girl i guarantee right now you're texting a girl who you really
like and she's still banging someone else normal it's the world we live in now
whoa she's texting me back yeah she probably fucking some other dude
so that's the world we live in anyway text girls at night they are more
susceptible to flirtatious notions at night because they're fucking sitting
around thinking about a relationship whether more at home
they're comfy they're watching bullshit on tv they're more susceptible to the kind
of conversation you want to be having do not message girls during the day
it just doesn't work as well unless you know the girl really well or you've
already met her before she's your girlfriend or some shit
in general with the new girls you want a message to midnight
i know you're thinking well if i get her number and then i don't message her
all the way till the night don't get a little pussy when you first get her
number say hey it's me cherries strawberry whatever oh hey how are you
so yeah i'm really good i'm just about to drive on a message in a bit
say something i think don't explain yourself don't say oh i'm just about to
do this and this and this and this and it's not about to drive or i'll be
able to do or i fucking i'm gonna shoot someone in the head i'll be right
back keep it vague and just fucking here up at night
that's when you text girls when you're texting the bitch
you should be texting her for maximum two days
before you arrange a date maximum two days if you're texting a girl for
fucking a week and a half and she still won't meet you
fdb we do not have time to waste gentlemen
we have phd's way out here giving away our attention for girls who won't even
meet us for a fucking coffee because if you're texting her for a week and she
won't meet you she's getting attention and she ain't giving you anything back
she's not allowing you to progress up the tower of power and she's taking all your
attention for no reason which devalues your attention
your hyperinflate yourself and the girl is sitting there thinking
well he'll text me all the time whether i fucking meet him or not
it's my super lovely brother hello hello
yeah no idea i'm filming my phd course right leave that in there
i like it anyway so you may give your attention for
reason because here's why we take a fucking amazing mind-woggling fact to
most of you motherfuckers if you're a girl's number
and you play it right even if she ain't replying
sooner or later you might fuck her anyway it's like build it's like if any of you
ever worked in sales i used to work in sales you build up leads and people go
nah maybe next year maybe next year and then
eventually you have all these old leads you can talk to for ages and ages and
you start just landing sales easily girls are the same but that won't happen
if you fuck it up so if you're giving out all your
attention too easily the girl your hyperinflate your attention
and the girl will lose respect for you and she'll never fuck you
even if she continues to text you you think you're getting somewhere
we can text in for three weeks and she's replying to me every time i think
we're texting for three weeks during those three weeks she's fucked someone else
bro or she's definitely been on a date with someone else she hasn't been at home
she ain't that busy oh i'm just busy no one's that
fucking busy don't believe that shit for a second she's probably met me
sucked them on big balls and replies to you when i don't text her because she's
upset that's what's happening don't fucking fall
through the tricks she's losing respect for you
what you need to do is keep the value on your attention because
even if she if you're texting her she just want to meet you
fine 50b you can text her again in a few months
oh hey how you been should oh yeah this is the guy i remember this guy yeah yeah
but he wouldn't he wouldn't just text me for a whole bunch of time for no
reason he wouldn't just text me for no reason because i wouldn't meet him
then when you say let's go for coffee she'll remember last time i said no he
stopped texting me oh okay let's get the coffee
because she knows you cannot have your attention for free
keep your attention valuable do not devalue yourself
for any female because you will definitely not get them
you stand a better chance getting them keeping your attention valuable and
being patient patience gentlemen is how you get to
a lot of these girls and if you're talking to enough girls
you don't care i'm happy to wait six months to fuck a girl because i got
something to fuck today and tomorrow and the day after
and first of my fucking life so i don't care about begging you now or in six
months into the matter who cares patience so
texture it like you're aiming for the day one or two days
then you say now you do not ask girls to go on dates
you tell girls to go on dates if you've ever asked a woman anything
you'll know that they're pretty shit at deciding would you like to maybe go
have some time some gotta push the ass already
would you like to maybe listen
who gives a fuck if she wants to or not and if you say sometime
sometime opens up the fucking window for the friend zone like you
sometime is a fucking ticket to the friend zone
yeah we'll go out sometime what fucking 2019 2025
sometime sometime to me we're all dead sometime to be the end of the fucking
planet earth or is no sometime you tell
when so you can either say when we have coffee which is a forceful
ask or you can say we're going for coffee soon that's what i always say
talk talk talk talk talk yeah yeah blah blah blah how you been
blah blah blah like i said don't text them during the day text them one
evening talk to them a bit say good night don't overtext them either
don't overtext them fucking if you text them a little bit 20 minutes 30 minutes
it's enough okay yeah all right i've got something to do
never say you're going to bed another thing like i told you with the bakery
thing i've got so much fucking knowledge in my brilliant brain it's actually
difficult for me to put it linear at least you have to watch this video
over and over again whatever never say you're going to bed
going to bed is emasculine cowards need sleep
well i'm texting you you beautiful girl but i'm tired
so i'm tired i'm go i'm go to bed you know i like to say it fucking quarter
past one in the morning i'm going to work
work at this time money never sleeps baby
i'm going to fucking work then i go to bed it's fine but the boy is
she said they're going work what do you do
i'll tell you in person that's why i say there's another little thing to add
towards the day so don't say you're going to sleep
so never overtext a ho text up for 30 minutes or so
then you got something to do i'll go to work
you work night shift hour 24 25 hours a day eight days a week
bitch i'm gonna pay so you got to say things with g
so keep the intrigue here that's back to the intrigue
so two nights i'm in text in the girl i'll say we're going for coffee soon
they'll usually reply 99th of the time yeah sure or yeah we are
something good enough if they reply some dumb shit like
are we and try and shit test you you know what you say
because you're a full grown man with clear intentions
you say yes we are and she goes what if i don't want to
you know what you're applied to that nothing
you call and play games we talk for two days you don't want to meet me for
coffee your attention drops to zero fuck you
let her sit there and wait for that reply
doesn't come most of these hot pictures don't get ignored
hot girls do not get ignored it fucks with their brain
no one ignores hot girls because hot girls are too so valuable
they've never been ignored let them sit there and go to sleep and go
he'll text me tomorrow next day
he's still in text to me then you'll start to notice
they start to like your instagram pictures so like your pictures like
every picture why should i get your attention again
because your attention is now valuable your attention is going down to zero it's
scarce it's like gold it's hard to find where's the attention go
start liking your instagram pictures then maybe if they start if they
make that first move like liking your instagram pictures or they ask how you
are or something then you can talk to them again of course
you're like oh hey yeah sorry been working or say hey sorry i've been busy
i was out like coffee i like to say that one because i like well you might
need for coffee you might not have a girlfriend coffee then they'll say what
with another girl say of course not here sarcastic
which means yes but i also said no so they can't complain about it
careful with your language so fucking flip on the bitch sorry i was out of
coffee talk to her again that another couple days
invite her she doesn't come the second time
that's the basic rules of the game progression you are not texting her to be
her fucking friend or to make sure her phone
fucking works some dumb shit progression date
now you're on the dating stage dating is hard for me to coach
because really in reality this is something that has to happen in person
many of you guys out there have any kind of serious income
message me i want to put together a three-day thing
where i bring you to me or i can do probably bring you to me
we hit the streets we do the instagram thing we get some dates
we organize those dates and you can see how i do it and you can see in real life
then you're gonna learn a next level game if you're interested in that
email me but in general on a date these are all things you would have heard
before be confident not over confident be confident
let her talk about herself pretend to give a fuck
keep the intrigue there don't overstay this is the most important thing
the last thing you can do to a woman is boar
it's better to cut a date short and her at the most interesting point
than boar imagine you have a movie and the end of the movie
shit or the movie okay imagine you have a movie it's an okay movie but it's five
hours long but after an hour and a half it's
super interesting what's gonna happen if you cut the movie off there
the person really really wants to see the end of that movie
if you let the movie play to the end okay it was an okay movie but they know
what happens no the first date should be short
and for that reason that's why i always organize a coffee day
because coffee is short coffee's 15 20 minutes max
all you're trying to do with the first date is prove you're a real person
you look like your pictures you're not a fucking psycho you're not gonna stab her
and to break the wall of real person from guy online
it's the only real goal to first date you're not trying to bang on the first
date you can bang on the first date but that's a different kind of date
that's like if i have loads of girls and i've got to the texting stage and me
drissner go into the club one night i'll text all of them
hey i'm in the club tonight i know we've not met but come it's gonna be really
fun there's lots of people here i say there's lots of people so they
don't feel like it's creepy and we just and then you bring them to the table
get in drunk bang you can bang in first date that way
the drissner have a little saying call the only thing better than double
booking is triple booking and the reason we have that saying is because one time
Tristan text all those girls and two of them turned up but we have PhDs so he
fucking both we fucking won and a couple weeks they're fucked the other one
anyway so there's two girls who even text and turned up
and i text all my girls and three turned up
when i was drunk i turned to Tristan said the only thing better than double booking
is triple booking and we both laughed and we both fucked because we're jes
so that's the club game but if you're just doing a coffee thing
you just want a short date to introduce yourself short snappy
i'm an interesting person i'm a real person i'm not creep
and another thing you need to do is especially in the world is
you need to fucking check for these catfish brain
there's girls i'm talking to on instagram who are tens and i turn up in
their seventies now i know that doesn't bother you because all you do is
fuck seventies i fuck tens so if i'm putting energy into a
ten and i turn up and she's a fucking seven i get pissed off
you guys are probably fucking happy as hell with ever seven
i am so you also got checked at the girl the girls got fucking proved
herself too these girls live in catfish land
sometimes you're sitting there texting away with your hard dick
thinking she's something special and she turns up and she's basic anyway
most of you guys are getting upset and worried about basic ass hoes these
chicks are basic so the first date is good because
sometimes they might be below your standard moment you're
relatively quickly i've had dates before where they turned up and go i don't
don't think or coffee oh yeah coffee oh yeah we do
yeah work study okay yeah we'll see each other again okay
bye if you organize a big thing we'll go for dinner and coffee and then
we'll go for dinner and movies and all this bullshit
how do you get rid of her maybe you maybe you want to get rid of her maybe
she's annoying maybe she's a vegan who knows
coffee it's quick it's to the point you can give it a part quick within 15
minutes you can stay 45 minutes if you want make her interested in you
build her intrigue make her want to see you again do not
overplay it do not sit there and talk for hours about your job and your pets
she doesn't fucking care she only cares about herself
because she's a woman ask her questions by herself
don't give her any real answers on you keep your shit vague but be
interesting be a little bit funny a little bit smart be confident
45 minutes that okay yeah well to meet again soon bang bang bye
that's the goal of the first day after the first day
then the texting game goes into the next level
now i'm not saying you can message her i'm gonna fuck you in your ass obviously
you can't do that but at this point she's met you
she knows what you look like she knows you're a real person
if she's replying to you you can be quite
when i say direct i don't want you fucking losers being creepy
don't be creepy but your adults there's now
no reason for you to be texting unless you're gonna fuck
why are you texting she knows who you are she's met you
if she's replying to you she likes you so it has to be going you're progressive
done the day now you've got to basically now you're basically talking about
adult things and there's no reason to be texting otherwise
if you if if you text her and she doesn't want to talk about adult things
then what the fuck you talking to her for she's met you she knows what you look
like and she doesn't want to talk about adult things and she doesn't want to
fuck you so simple you're at that point now
so i'll say things like after the first day i'll say things like
hey we up to i'll just embed that yeah uh yeah i've just finished work that uh
some bullshit um but you have to be careful
i'm saying this because most of you motherfuckers aren't smooth as me
don't don't be creepy you gotta be to the point with like why you're texting
you should know where i'm coming from with that so don't say anything creepy
and weird but just be to the point just say yeah i'm not working i'm gonna work
all night tonight probably or you're gonna work on like yeah i'm not gonna
sleep till you're with me some bullshit like that but just kind of
smooth with it lol might be a long time then i'm superman i don't need
sleep i'm gonna fuck i'll wait that can just be cool with it but
just make it clear start talking about adult themes
if she's still replying everything's good from there
couple days organize second date and from there's game over you should know
what to do from there then you organize a proper date at night
dinner's a bit formal movies is always a no because you can't talk
movies are an easy one because you don't have to talk to the girl but then also
you don't get to really get anywhere because you don't talk to the girl
so movies are bad dinners i don't really like dinners
i like drinks and i actually like to keep it super
informal so i'm lucky i have my brother but
formal situations make things awkward so if i'm gonna bring a girl out for
drinks i'll say oh yeah we're gonna use some drinks
my brother and some people are there just come along
if there's other people around they feel it's less like you and me and
sitting down and we're drinking we're talking
you don't need the intimate shit you talk one on one on what's up all the time
you can just bring her into a fun environment now all your friends are
dickheads you can't do that because your friends need to know the game as
well your friends have to make sure they never hit
with your girl they never interrupt or try and talk to your girl in this
your job to be talking to her your friends need to participate towards
getting you laid if you have good quality friends it's
easier so i'll give you a very quick example
like me and Tristan are fucking smooth so if i have a girl on a bank
it's out of 10 a marriage is a 10 bank 10 i say come for some drinks
i say Tristan i want to close this one tonight all right cool
Tristan will bring one of his girls so he's already fucking
and his girl knows the game so not only do i have Tristan
as a wingman i've got a female wingman so like for example we go out and
girl turns up that other girl saying oh yeah not and her age is yet these
brothers are so fun she they took me here they took me there
my girls listen to this girl going well she gets to fuck with these guys and
she went there and well her life's great i want to be like i want these
things and then we're stringing and drinking and if i say oh come back to
my place it's creepy if the girl goes let's go back to your
house your house is fun then the other girl be like
okay the girl is going to go back it's so easy if you have a fucking chick
so this is what i'm saying if your friends are dickheads it's hard
i've got a fucking support team which are ironclad i know if i bring Tristan
and one of his female soldiers i do not fail
getting back to the house is going to be guaranteed by the girl
the girl is going to say i'll break her life and it's just so fucking i don't
even do anything i don't even do let's sit there on twitter calling the old
idiots i don't do shit and i still be late so if you have a good group of
friends who aren't fucking pricks and then what you have to understand is that
most of you watching this are pricks yourselves losers or
selves between your friends and losers but if you're going to bring a girl around
you gotta be clear with your friends they can't be like the bit like banter
for example if my boy were to bring his friend a girl i would never like
jokalee insult him or something oh he fucking he thought you know like all
the dumb guy shit you do calling a guy a loser or calling a guy this or that
you can't do that if a guy is bringing a girl he's trying to get laid
your friend shouldn't be insulting you even as a joke your friend shouldn't be
trying to talk to your girl your friend should just be there to make some noise
to break down the monotony of a formal situation
say hi be polite offer a drink or whatever and that's it
so if your friends aren't dickheads i'd actually recommend on the last day
to make it a group kind of thing if your friends aren't dickheads if your
friends are dickheads they'll be detrimental so you have to sit here and
look and think do i have good friends or idiot friends
because if you were to come out with your girl and me and my girl you'd be
getting laid so if your friends are good do that if not
it's just you and her it's fine but if you've got friends around make it
informal yeah we'll have some drinks that uh come out
have some drinks hella da da da never kiss at the end of the date
on the second date don't kiss her at the end because kissing at the end
then you want to fuck her but at the end of the day we've just kissed
it's a bit weird kiss early on don't be a pussy
the date let's say she turns up eight o'clock for drinks
by eight forty five should have at least kissed her
that's what i do turns up an eight drink gin and tonic
whatever ball talking shit Triss is there
ball talking shit everyone's laughing having fun da da da da
give her a kiss eight forty five then then she's got her hand on your leg by
fucking nine thirty then by the time it's fucking 12th
thirty she wants dick because she's been comfortable with you she's kissed you
she's hung out with you a few hours since she's been touching you a bit now
she's comfortable enough to fuck if you try and kiss her at 12th 30
we're about to go home now kiss want to come to my place it's two
romantic mall movie ps i love you bullshit it ain't real it's too
formal don't do that kiss her in forty five minutes have a
lap keep drinking have a joe keep her hand hold her hand
or put her hand on your leg talk some shit da da da kiss her again
blah blah blah by the time it's time to go show one of
fuck and you don't ask her you just take her
just take her don't ask her if she wants to come to yours
ask her if she wants to go home so when the taxi turns up i go we're going to
mine and unless she goes no i want to go home
she goes okay you want to go home no problem cool
you want to go home all right cool get your taxi never take her in the same
taxi she doesn't get you don't ride with me if you're not
coming to my house i ain't getting in my taxi work out of my way to drop you
off to that and i think okay cool i'll get your car
uber bank yeah kiss all right i'll see you next time
bank nothing wrong with that maybe i'll fuck her the day after some girls are
like that it's no problem if you get my car coming to my
house we're going to mine who really yeah we're going to
like get in okay women like to be led they don't like to be
asked you ask the one who wants to eat she doesn't know
oh they want to be told to do come with me if she says no that's perfectly fine
remember you're not fucking psycho i don't want any of you motherfucker
getting rate charges and the police find in this video and coming after me
for it because i ain't done nothing fucking wrong
with anybody just saying you're clear i'm going we're all going to mine
we're all going to mine you're coming with me
oh no i really want to go home no problem you do not ask twice
oh i really think you should come to mind that's submissive and pathetic
no you're not pathetic you're a fucking full grown man
i want to go to mind no problem and in fact a lot of the time
they don't like that because sometimes women are trying to play hard to get
well maybe i should go home okay you want to go home no problem we'll get a
car we'll get a car we'll get a taxi
oh oh i was just thinking i need i need my things
then they'll try and back out of it with the idols just thinking
so all right well we're going to mine you don't need your things you want to
come okay done but as soon as they say they want to
go go yeah give them what they want it's to take
away trump said no one to walk away from the table
the r of the deal walk away from the deal
deal let's go to my house oh you want to play games all right you're not allowed
to come okay we'll do take your home we'll take
you i'm gonna go party we're gonna take you home they don't want to miss out
oh okay i was just thinking i don't have a phone charger i have a phone charger
or phone you go sam sum i've got sam sum charger maybe
no nobody has a sam sum charger who cares
yeah i'll go one now somewhere come on
bang done if you know i really go home cool
certain car bang all right maybe see you again bang kiss by
do another day maybe it takes three or four days your motherfuckers are
smooth as me why date two i'm fucking i'm a g
you guys aren't smooth as me so you need some more time she wants to go home
it's no problem you haven't got fdb so good see you again keep tech center
keep working it you'll get there in the end when you're as smooth as me date two
game over i don't have girls saying no to my house maybe so i've had girls come
to my house and not fuck that happens but they always come to the house
so that's the basic progression so i told you in this video i'm not going to
tell you anything about getting a lambo and getting in shape because you
know all that shit i'm telling you about things you can do
right here right now to improve your game so
instagram progress do a graphic instagram progress what's that
progress coffee day more texting serious day aiming to close
that is the system now power here wipe on one
you can cover a t-shirt fuck it right now we're going to talk about
next talk about how you get dates we're going to talk about cold hard truth
of these females truth is this there's no such thing as a perfect woman if you
want a woman who's perfect for you you must build her to be perfect for you
a woman who is understanding and kind and who respects you does not exist
unless you force her to be that way and when i say force i'm gonna be in a
horrible way i mean in a simple there's no other option
like water always takes the easiest path through the rocks
the woman must learn that her man is fucking an iron mounted and the easiest
path is to obey any other kind of resistance simply
doesn't work that's how you have to be but some women are more moldable than
others you have i call it blueprints you have good blueprints
and bad blueprints so you have i with my skill level
can make any female do as i say and i say that with absolute conviction
i've never met a woman who will not do the basics of why i say bring me coffee
turn up where i tell her to listen to me not talk to other men basic things
but some are better blueprints than others so when you read these books
these red pill books on this bullshit talking about bpd and all that bollocks
firstly let's do a very side subject on bpd like i said
talking about bakery masterclass mom brain is full of information
bpd ain't fucking real and the reason it ain't real
is because all these red but the pill guys talk about borderline personality
if the girl doesn't listen to you or the girl acts this way she's got borderline
personality disorder every single hot shit in the world
has bpd how can you be 16 years old with a hundred thousand followers on
instagram and full grown men giving you unlimited attention for no reason
all the way up until you're 25 for nearly 10 years
men going out of their way breaking down crying in voice notes
being complete little pussies doing anything you tell them to do
how can you live that life and not have an ego or a borderline personality disorder
every single hot chick and trust me i fucked more than you
to a degree has something fucked up in their head because the attention they're
getting is off the fucking scale men have made women have bpd
luckily there's men like me out here who puts them back in fucking check
so bpd ain't real so get that shot your head if a girl
ain't listening to you it's either because your game
shit or because of external factors maybe her granddad just died she doesn't
listen to you right now doesn't mean she has bpd
get that whole excuse out your head a a real thing
so you have good blueprints and bad blueprints some women are more susceptible
to being molded some women have better values than others
i do agree with what the red pill books say that if a woman's fucked lots of men
she's not as good a mole as a woman who's fucked less men
that's true and the reason for that is because if a woman's fucked lots and lots
and lots of guys they don't have a stigma attached
to getting a new dick so when times get hard or you tell them to do something
they don't want to do they think all this fuck someone else
then they're more they're less loyal they're more likely to run off and leave
if they've slept with lots of men then they've only slept with a few men if
you're the second guy or first guy ever they don't want to give up on you that
easy so if you say stop texting this dude they're more likely to do that and
then girls have 20 lives she allows Texas to find a new
guy to fuck so that is true so you have good blueprints and
bad blueprints now i could tell you just like i did with
though how many men did segment i could tell you 100 different reasons
what makes a good blueprint what makes a bad blueprint
that i could waste loads of time or i could just give you the fucking
instant easy to tell iron breakable test this test tells you
concrete if a woman is good quality or bad quality
here's how
test happens after you sleep with her now if you're sitting here thinking
why do i have to sleep with a woman first to see if she's good or not
because that's how it really goes because that's when you really know a girl
until you sleep with a girl it's all just front
the game is it's all just bullshit it's just who they want to be
then pretending it's after you sleep with them you see the real man
so you're gonna have to fuck a whole bunch of girls to get a good one
if you're let's say it's your job to find the best apple in the world
and you have three apples and you say this apple is the best apple in the
world and another guy has a thousand apples and he says this apple is the
best apple in the world who knows more about apples
who's more likely to have chosen an exceptional apple
the man who has more apples the thousand apple guy knows more about apples than
the three apple god if you want to understand women
i know what i know because i fucked so many women i've had
smart ones stupid ones hot ones hot ones no at least you know i've had them all
so i know i knew through experience so if you're sitting here going oh i have to
fuck a whole bunch of girls to find a good one and you're worried about that
then you're a pussy yeah you're gonna fuck in the
modern world for every five girls you fuck one will be a good
quality so look go fuck five girls and get one
what's the problem you're afraid to use your dick you little pussy
get it done so that's the reality sometimes you get lucky
you could fuck one girl and you can tell she's good girl right away
it happens but sometimes i fucked three four girls in a row and the girl just
been trashhows so it goes it's how it goes sometimes you
fuck three girls in a row and they're all fucking nice
and i know that from this ironclad test ironclad test tells me
so i'm telling you you cannot tell i don't care when you're texting some girl
and you're sitting there with your little fucking penis twitch and like a
little bitch sitting there i lay at night what's that
anyway just who she saw before you got her
instagram your texting her she seemed so nice and so sweet
she ain't shit she ain't shit and you don't know if she's calling her not
until you suck her so don't get emotionally attached to some girl you
haven't fucked because you don't know anything about her until you sleep
with her and here's how you tell after you sleep with a girl
your attention goes to nearly zero attention
goes right down here's why we give attention
to get the sex we've had the sex now
we've had it we've had what we wanted so the attention has to drop instantly
to set a standard for the relationship and the relationship standard is as follows
you better be nice to me you better fuck me when i want you to
you better do as you're told to get my attention
otherwise it's staying down here you have now won the game until you sleep
with a woman she's in charge she's the gate
she's the lock you're trying to break once you've slept with her
you are now in charge and what most men do after they fuck a girl
is instantly give away their position of power
you are finally for the first time since you've messaged this girl on
instagram in the position of power you're above her now
because you fucked her and if you fuck her and never talked to her again
then she's a stupid slut and she doesn't want that
she wants you to want her so she wants to keep you
for the first up until now you wanted to fuck her you wanted to get her
this is the first time she wants to get you and most men
fuck that up straight away by either saying something oh i really like you
will kind of see you again good and just fucking being
submissive to the woman's wins straight away and giving them attention
you can't do that you have to drop your attention down to
absolute zero and here's why one it sets a standard for the
relationship i fucked you now i'm in charge
oh you want to see me again do you all right cool
yeah i'm waiting for a new bank card let's go for coffee but you you know my
money's love just you have to buy i won't pay you back
i ain't buying you coffee fdb i fucked you now
someone care you know buy me a coffee i fucked you
i'll buy some other other coffee i don't care
all right cool well i'm busy you you have banger
you've won you've won you ain't got nothing to worry about
who cares if you never talked to her again who cares keep that in mind
okay yeah no bro why don't i'm paying this time turn up get yourself some
fucking carrot cake and shit carrot cake when i fucking
i'm a millionaire i still do this you want to fucking yogurt some starbuck
two cappuccinos a sponsor more maybe bitch spent like 20 fucking year old
me buy it for me set the standard your man told you
buy a coffee buy me a fucking coffee because you
fucked the girl fine but if you want a relationship
a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship
if you fuck it up at the beginning is extremely difficult to recover
but if you set the standard right at the beginning
it's much easier so the standard from the second you fuck her
now i'm not saying you become rude i'm not saying you become an asshole
don't do that i'm just saying your attention drops you're still nice
but your attention is in there so we're used to text her every night
you barely text or you text her one or two times
and then you don't make it clear she has to clearly see
here's the fine line she has to clearly see that you
get your attention's dropped but not enough for her to call you out on it
not enough where she can go oh you fuck me you don't talk anymore
she can't say that oh what do you mean i'm texting you i'm just busy
so it's got me that fine line where she feels uncomfortable because she knows
something's up but she can't say anything about it
that's how you gotta do it make her buy you some fucking coffee
you fucked her now you are in charge and this is to test
a quality woman after you sleep with her when your attention drops
will do anything it takes to get your attention back up
to retain you as a man so you've slept with her you've had sex with this girl
the next day you barely text her then you're too busy to meet her
then you say then when you say yeah okay yeah you have to pay
problem a backguard whatever whatever excuse or whatever
a quality woman oh okay no problem no problem because they know
that fucking oh guys a big deal and they don't want to fuck you for no reason
and they don't want to be a hoe they don't be a number number another
random number on your fucking book they want to get relationship out of it
they want to build it into something so a quality woman will bend her normal
rules a girl who would perhaps never buy you coffee
is now prepared to do some of you will bend her normal rules
to get your attention back post sex that's what a quality woman will do
a shit quality woman a crap woman when you say these things we're like oh
fuck this guy and she'll fuck someone else a girl who will rather go have a
new dick than buy you a coffee is not the kind of girl you need a
relationship with guys because that's only going to end bad
sooner or later one way or another there's going to be an argument or
something or gonna have to do something she doesn't want to do
and she's going to end up fucking someone else
this is the test that proves good woman against bad
after you sleep with them literally the next day
you conduct this test drop your attention if they work hard
if they double text you if they text you first if they ask to see you
all these are positive things hey maybe we can go out to the
that's what you want to see that's a woman who wants to work hard to keep
her man interested you're not going to be able to conduct this test
if after you fuck her you're like oh look what are we gonna see you we're gonna
because you're too busy flooding over the tension
so there's no test involved if you fuck her and then you drop your
attention and she doesn't really care or she doesn't really try to see you
again then she's trash do not fall into the trap
of going okay i'll ask you retention again fucker
more so i'm gonna fuck her that is gonna end bad
don't waste your time tell you man i was with cab club christian
fucking McQueen three months ago walked in the club
was fucking in the zone walked in the club two girls at the bar
said yeah table bang or got a lot table christian big money christian
so i came start paying for the table whatever before i even sat at the table
went up to the bar went to this girl hey you're beautiful that's why i say in
person i do different person excuse me who yeah
and in person i make them pay attention what most people do they fuck up in
person is that they they talk to girls when they're not paying attention
you go through going well hey you're beautiful they're like what
i go excuse me excuse me i'm making yeah i make a pay attention to what i'm saying
because i'm a fucking fool growing man talk when you pay attention
so you're absolutely beautiful you're staying in the meantime
uh drink my mom anyway fucked her same night even christian who's a g
that was smooth of course how many take so bang your same night just a fucking
ten a ten all you motherfuckers if you fuck this girl
would fall head over heels in love with her because of how she looks
i fucked her next day i didn't text her she didn't text me
next day didn't text her she didn't text me third day she likes more my instagram
issues some basic pathetic attempt and i thought there
you just bang some dude you barely know and you're not even going to humble
yourself to text me first you think you're so special you're not
going to reduce yourself to text me first if you're not going to humble
yourself to text me first after you've got fucked in one night
then you're never going to humble yourself for me
you're always going to have this ego you're always going to be so i don't want
you i never spoke to that girl again no it's not true it is me do i saw her
three weeks later at different events she ran up to me
oh my god oh how you been i spoke for a little bit but i could just see
and she she talked me a little bit then she walked off and tried to talk to
another guy in front of me to make me jealous
where is the proof there that's the proof in my lesson that she's trash
ho what kind of girl does that he talks to another guy from a guy trying to
adjust whores that's horseshit she was a fucking hoe and i spotted
instantly because she didn't humble herself and she was supposed to
and i'm glad i didn't waste any more time on her because she's never going to be
doing what my other girls do living in my house
letting me fuck other women remaining loyal and fucking bringing me coffees and
doing as i say that's what you're looking for gentlemen you're not looking
for sex sex is easy you're looking for a woman who is
loyal to you fiercely you need a woman that you could sit and say i'm going to
jail two years co two years and you're not worried about her cheating while
you're in the cell now this girl the hoe who ran
tried to make me jealous and who wouldn't text me
could i trust her for two years or could i trust the girl who next day was like
i don't know who to do that i really want to see you again
i hope you don't think bad to me please can i see you again
that kind of humbling bullshit that's what you want
that's what you want i hope you understand the differences between those two
women because it's a huge difference between those two females
i do not waste my time even with my phd trying to convert a hoe into a housewife
there's a reason that old saying exists don't waste your time with that shit
now i fucked girls on the first night and the next day they were so desperate for
my attention that they were quality women doesn't matter if you
fucking the first day loves these red pill books because you fuck her first
day she's trash not true i've had amazing women who i fucked first day
amazing because the next day they cast this test this test is extremely
important if you this is why you cannot get feelings for
girl before you fuck her because i know you guys gonna like it a
chick and she's gonna fail this test you're gonna stay
with her anyway because she's hot and you like her you end up in a fucking
bullshit relationship reality of the role of this gentleman
you're walking down the street with your woman a man comes up and decides to
rape her you've punched a guy in the face he falls
over hits his head and dies very possible you go to jail for four years
you're in a fucking jail to protect her and she's fucking someone else
that's what women will do they'll do that to you they'll go fuck someone i'm lonely
i'm lonely i'm in jail yeah but i'm lonely because
her selfish comes so do you want to be walking down the street with a girl
who will do that to you or do you only want to walk down the street with a
girl who you know will be crying her fucking eyes out
right when you let her stay after day at every single visitation
uninterested in every inbox she gets on instagram
while you do that jail time and the only way you're gonna know that is with
this fucking test do not waste your time with trash hose
it only ends up in one place i fucked a whole bunch of women
and i fucked some beautiful women but if they fail this test i will not
talk to them again because i do not have time and energy to waste on a woman who
will not be loyal to me that is the most number one
most important thing the most important thing is this test
people often say to me how how how do you how does why does your girlfriend
let you fuck other girls she let me fuck other girls because she
cannot possibly leave me she leaves me because she loves me
and i love her and she loves me with all her heart and she cannot imagine her
world without me if i died she would commit suicide
i am her everything it doesn't matter if i fuck someone else
because i am her everything she has nowhere else to go
because this test was implemented and she passed it and years have passed where
i haven't taken her shit and i've kept a position of authority
and i've just become her idol in life it's like trying to take God away from a
christian they're like well if god doesn't exist
have you ever argued a religious person look and
know after you've proven wrong a bunch of times but well if god doesn't exist
then what's the point they'll eventually say what's the point being alive what's
the point in doing good what's the point in doing bad without god
that's how your woman has to think of you without him
what's the point in doing anything when you get to that point you don't have the
fuck you want i can fuck you i want because she's gonna leave
she's gonna leave she doesn't even cry about it anymore
so i know you're gonna do what you do is don't you only love me of course i only
love you they're just stupid hoes okay done it ain't
unachievable gentlemen it's very achievable
if you keep your shit in order remember all these lessons about what we're
talking about getting the girls the attention scale
it's the same when you're in a relationship if your chicks getting
fresh tell you man this is the mistake the biggest
mistake i ever made in my phd life is when i was young and i was grinding
i was trying to make money trying my money i'd get a girlfriend
and i'd text her oh i'm really busy today love you
and then i wouldn't text her because i was busy working
and then she'd reply to me some fucking rude shit and i'd end up text her all
they arguing and i realized she gets the most attention from me when she's
misbehaving she gets constant messages when she
misbehaves when she acts good i barely text her because i'm busy
making money so you're training her because females
want the attention it's what they want so they want
you're training her to misbehave for your attention
reverse it and your girls being nice flutter
she has to dick cut that shit off it's the only way to do it
so it's important that even the lessons we're learning about how to get girls
it's the same in a relationship keep your attention
rare even in a relationship tell you something man i say this to people
they don't believe it your girls should want sex more than you give it
i say this all the time i have never ever ever once texted my girlfriend i had
it in six years ever she's want sex with me and not had it
unlimited times unlimited times your girls should want sex more than you give
it because you had to do all the fucking work
and you got much about the sidehose anyway fucking so often inside
it's just give me that massage entirely your girl that is a sign of a healthy
relationship and your girl wants sex and you don't really want it
that's a healthy relationship shouldn't be the other way around
because that's put her in a position of power you could not let these women ever
be in a position of power because women are not evolutionarily designed for
power and they don't want power they think they want it but when they
get it they just lose respect for you and then they get harder and harder on
you because they start to secretly resent you
that's what happens when a female is a position of power they start to
resent you got a fucking lay it down and the biggest weapon you have as a man is
i don't care if you're with a girl for six months everything's going well but
she gets too fresh you go just get back on instagram
and get messaging new ones that's how it's got to be
so i have a guy who i coach on girls he said uh i've been a girl with her for
five months but she has male friends and she talks to these guys and
did it i was like look it's not acceptable it was a little how do i stop her it's
like bro
you cannot have your woman talking to other men those men are trying to
fuck your girl if you had a car they're gonna try to
fuck your girl let's cut the bullsh** their friends know the
know if your girl was fat with no legs in a wheelchair with a bigger friend
would they text her no they fucking would so let's cut the fucking bullsh** right
here right now try to fuck your chick if you had a fucking car
would you let car thieves attempt to break into your car no matter how good the
locks are would you let them sit there and just try and break in and just watch
them do it would you be like get the fuck away from my car
it's the same as the chick bro you can't be letting these people attempt
because no matter how good the locks are maybe one day they'll find a weakness
and they'll get it maybe you're arguing with your girl
you had an argument this guy's been particularly fucking
generous mood he decides to take her somewhere of some
shit that problem you don't need it men should
don't be texting your woman's phone ever so he's like well i agree with you
but how do i stop it there's only one thing you can do man
tell her to fucking stop texting them make her choose
it's like oh yeah what if she chooses them
you have to be prepared to walk away from a bad relationship from a bad chick
trump said it the art of the deal you have to be prepared to walk away from the
table here's some math view if you tell the girl to
choose between you and her friends and she chooses her friends
she's gonna fuck one of them eventually anyway
don't you see how eventually she's gonna end up banging one if she already
chooses them above you so why would you allow that dynamic to
continue instead of walking away with honor and
reducing your attention to zero put in a super high value on your
attention and then maybe after a couple days of not hearing from you
she might think okay now your attention's high your attention's high value
she might reverse her decision but okay i'll stop you're right i've taken
a thought about it then then you stand a chance
if you allow her to continue if she says she wants to choose them you will
okay and stay with her anyway it's only going to end with her
fucking one now or later or are you such a big
opposed he's like ripping off a band-aid rip it off
you're gonna do it slowly she's gonna fuck one she's gonna do it
so you want to do those extra few months and get cheated on
or let wait for her to message you it just isn't working
some bullshit because you want to fuck someone else
you know where it's going to end so why are you allowing it to happen
instead of walking away at a point where you can make a difference
by attaching super value to your attention and laying it down with a
fucking man you can't have that shit as a man we have one weapon
attention reduction at fdb and you have to prepare to do that in a relationship
for important issues almost like the girl won't make you a coffee
you know never talk for again that's maybe a bit too much
but with things like talking to other dudes or things that are red lines
you have to be prepared to walk away if you've been with a girl for three months
and she won't do as you say fdb now obviously if you just get with a girl
she ain't a great of all her friends she just made
use your brain but you've been with her a while she should fucking know this
score and if she doesn't like it back on instagram start my
sending those messages again it's as simple as that
i've told you how to get laid that's what this course was about
said how to get girls i've told you how to retain
girls the most important thing is this test
and post-test if they pass the test always make sure that your attention
is within the correct parameters her behavior and your attention have to be
explicitly linked you cannot fuck that up in any way
you have to make sure that there's no other men or outside influences
fucking with her too much you don't bother men musting your girl
forget the modern world they're just friends bullshit that is
only going to lead to a bad relationship good relationships are one man one woman
no sorry one man ten women it's my relationship
it's not a shit a bunch of dudes messing her it's not acceptable
it's not acceptable in any way and if she chooses them over you
then find someone else because it's only going to end one way or another
anyway i've tried to be all encompassing i know i've
actually missed a whole bunch of things because like i said i know so much
shit because a whole bunch more i i need to say so what i'm going to do is this
is the first video i'm going to release for all you guys have purchased a video
i want you to go out there start your Instagram messaging
start your Whatsappet go on some dates do what you need to do
in a week from now i'm absolutely not really welcoming all your questions
any questions you have a specific conversation a screenshot
or a scenario or any questions or anything i've missed
email them all to me and i'm going to do another video in a week completely
free for you guys answering all your specific questions be another
hour and a half of knowledge and between this video
which is the absolute fundamental basics how attention works
the easiest way to speak to girls how to the progression
the power of power how to always progress progress
how to test a girl after you suffer and how to retain the control with your
attention post sleep meter with this one video
your game will be ten times what it was before
plus you're going to send me a whole bunch of questions i'm going to do another
video with specifics of our hour and a half and with these two videos
plus a shitload of experience because that's what life is it doesn't matter how
long you read about learning to play piano until you get on that piano and
start to play you don't know how to play piano experience is extremely important
with these three hours of videos plus experience
you should have everything you need to begin the long journey
to a ph. PhD course part two more knowledge for you motherfuckers
i don't have a whiteboard this time what i do
it's there but i'm not moving so this is as i said in the end the first
ph. D if you have any questions you want to ask me
if there's any information you feel like you need that i didn't portray
to drop me some emails i've had some really interesting emails with some
interesting questions so i'm going to answer them here
i'm going to keep all the names and everything anonymous to no one knows
who asked what and i'm going to obviously this email is on what everyone
about the course the reason i'm not answering specifically to each person
who asked me to question is because maybe some of the points on that i
mentioned these questions are valid for people who didn't particularly ask
the questions so but there was no idea from everybody so let's get started
first things first first email i had hi i drew amazing course
of course course of course ha ha anyway i've been learning a lot from your
content of course the lowest of questions i have in mind
so one aside from instagram or social media what your recommendation
recommending alternative for giving girls social media can be distracting
on the everyone's to expose their lifestyle
valid point if you don't use social media you have a few choices
you have in-person which is obviously the old school way
very doable but i'd say it's a harder it's much harder for me to teach
it's difficult for me to teach and of course only a week ago i was in new york
with myself christian mccleen and goldman unleashed we were all together in
a club with one guy who was trying to learn from us and he learned from all
three of us at once that lucky fucker but don't have to girls approaching them
really and another's a sound cliche it's about confidence
it's about not being creepy it's about a few basic tips and tricks and give you
some basic tips and tricks but it's real it's hard for me to put it into a course
if you really want to know how to approach girls on the street or approach girls
in a club and have the best possible chance of them speaking to you that's
fine email me separately we'll put together some training
look i'm a real person i'm not some dude in the internet
if you say look tate i really want to learn how to do this it's like okay look
get flight to paris or get flight here get flight whatever
let's meet up and let's hit the club i'll show you how i do
so tips and tricks for approaching girls first things first is you have to get
their attention now i've seen the biggest mistake i've
probably seen guys make is that they don't get a girl's attention before they
try and talk to her they go up to her and they say oh excuse me
you're really pretty excuse me my name's kevin or whatever
women are women are female females are female
i mean they're mindsets female they're distracted they're thinking about
fucking bullshit and gossip girls and sex in the city and
their brains are a mess they're women well they're thinking about me because i
fucked up two years ago they came over it so you have to get 100% of their
attention you can't go up to a girl and while she's on her phone or while she's
stuck to her friend and says excuse me my name's kevin because she'll be like
what her saying what or i don't understand you or i can't hear you
is a bad first response to your approach it's just a negative star
what what uh what it's just a negative so you have to get their attention
and the way i do that is by being supremely confident with the fact that we're
talking so i'll go to the girl i'll say excuse me i'll tap her on the shoulder
excuse me she'll stop she'll look at me and i will
literally delay for a second or two i'll wait for her to give me her full
attention and fully look at me before i say something
so this is the most important thing i've seen two of the people fuck that up
you have to get the girl's attention this is in the club it's one thing but on
the street or somewhere else is even more important you go up to a girl while
she's walking oh beautiful what the fuck what it's
gonna be an annoyance to her if you say excuse me excuse me you make her
stop and say sorry i didn't i didn't want to stop you
but and then you start to talk when she has when you have 100% of her
attention she's devoting attention to you to
common moment you're gonna give her because that's what it effectively is
has a lot more weight and a lot more value as opposed to just throwing out
or while she walks down the street first thing's first is get their attention
make them pay attention to you personally i cut straight to the point
i say to her i say you're absolutely beautiful
and they're usually and if you say that there's very little bad or wrong they
can say i mean if they're a complete dickhead
or they have a boyfriend they might go okay thanks and turn around
that's a fine interaction nothing bad's happened
you haven't been insulted you haven't been shot down really
so this will give you the confidence to approach any girl you want if you get
her attention told she's beautiful even if she goes oh okay thanks
and turns around then you can just walk off what bad's happened
nothing but if she goes oh thank you thank you and she continues to look at you
then you know she wants you to keep talking to
so that's my opener people have different openers that's my personal
i've seen a lot of guys who go oh my name's kevin or whatever
the reason i don't do that is because i don't think she gives a fuck what your
name is bro she doesn't even know you excuse me
yeah my name's Andrew so who the fuck are you
like that that internally that's what she's thinking
whereas if you see saying my name's Andrew means all the it's all about me
the tensions on me here's who i am she doesn't care if you are she's a
noob same you are beautiful means the attention's all about her
and she's more likely to respond positively to a compliment which is all
about her but an introduction from some dude who
doesn't fucking know she doesn't care about who you are
so i say absolutely thank you say social system i say what's your name
and she'll tell me better than that and now i'll start talking shit
so what do i say when i start talking shit i don't know
i'll talk absolute garbage it depends where i am depends on the situation
but like i said in the first state it's at the first uh
lesson the phd course we're always aiming for progression
so if if we're in a bar i'd love to say excuse me you're absolutely
views of oh thanks i said i've got good news
see i use little things like that i'll say if i say if i say i've got good news
blah blah blah blah she doesn't respond with my
while i say i have good news and she said good news well
i'll start taking her to respond and i'll do that with little breaks so i've
good news so while i say mean you're drinking and if she's with other girls
they're saying all of us are drinking we're all drinking
we're all drinking vodka and i'll just point them with a vodka bar and i'll
start ordering shit with the vodka shots
well i don't drink vodka then you do with me
start being assertive drinks totally she's beautiful
who's this dude whoa vodka's coming oh vodka okay cheers everyone cheers bang
and your friends one the simple another little trick i'll give
if you've been talking to a girl for three or four minutes
before you've introduced yourself a good trick i'll give is if you ask her
her name and she says it's kvw
leave it a second and wait to see if she asks
you your name back so let's say you've been talking to a girl you need an
coffee shop you're talking shit oh the line in this coffee shop's always so
long yeah i know it's too long did i if i owned a coffee shop i'd make sure
my staff had to run everywhere although as they don't get fired
he's on the king well you should open a coffee shop then
i will you're gonna come in you know i'll always go to coffee from you
typical bullshit conversation i haven't those
that i mean in coffee shops oh good uh talk for a few minutes i'll say so what's
your name kvw
after she tells me her name i'll pause for a second
i don't introduce myself i pause and i wait to see if she asks me my name
this is a huge tale and i've heard this somewhere else before i can't
remember where but it's something i observed and something i used
before i heard it somewhere else and it's true
you say what's your name kvw and then you wait she says and you
let's say oh my name's Andrew then she's interested in you
you see what's your name she loves kvw
she's and she doesn't even fuck who you are i have to talk with you for a few
minutes that it's probably not going to go anywhere
doesn't mean you have to abandon the whole procedure it just means be aware
that it's probably not going to go anywhere
so there's a few tricks tip-trick tips
fucking hell no it is tips and tricks picking up girls in person
but a lot of that shit and that charisma and stuff that's just down to practice
i think i talked about luke the man in the first video did i talk about luke
the man in the first PhD video i can't remember i'm gonna talk about luke
the man again so when my brother worked in a coffee shop
there was a black guy from the ivory coast to public called luke
and he was broke he worked in the coffee shop he was an african black
ugly skinny no money and he used to try on every girl came in that shop
if you went to buy a coffee he just gave the coffee say hey baby you're so
beautiful this is before that whole this is about
this is a twisted work in the pre so Tristan was about eight years ago about
ten or eleven years ago before this me too
it would be fired right now for fucking sexual misconduct
hey you're so beautiful you're so beautiful you're sick every single girl
and he always just called they said what's your name you go luke
like James Vaughn James James Vaughn who luke the man
excuse the call himself he was with you anyway
so he's charlotte every single girl and he was so ugly and had no money
that he used to get shot down 99 times out 100
and my brother being young used to say to him why do you do that they all say no
to you goes yes but some say yes and one day
uh luke came in with pictures about Hungarian girl
must have been like some racist Hungarian girl whose father is a strict
christian and she had some fantasy about fucking a black dude or something i don't
know but she was a fucking nine hot and luke is as ugly and as poor
as you can get he's in a worse position than any of you
and he fucked this fucking Hungarian supermodel
and he had pictures of her naked my brother's like how the fuck did you do
that he went out because i'm luke the man
luke the man keeps trying and this is an important lesson
you haven't really gonna have anything if you're prepared to do the numbers
if you're really that militant about it and you don't give a shit about getting
shot down then you're never gonna fail that's the truth if you're that militant
with your numbers but if you're like me i'm selective
i'm not one of them dudes who's like day game run around the mall all day
going up to every girl i see i'm not like that
that's not me i'm calm cool and collected i'll approach a bitch once a week maybe
and she's got me a hot fine i i'm going to know basics
sevens and she i have enough girls so if i go to a girl this like if i see a
10 then i'll go approach a girl but in reality i don't often do it but if i
do do it that's how it's done well another way you can do is tender
everyone uses tender tender is perfectly doable you can meet good girls on
tender there's nothing wrong with tender so tender
short answer tender but whether you're on tender or in person progression so if i
meet a girl in person i still get the instagram
and i get instagram within three to four minutes i still do that or i still get
the whatsack exactly the same and if i'm talking to one tender you want to get
them off tender asap if i'm talking to a girl in the club
i'll talk to her after we've had the shots so what's your instagram i bet you
have loads of men following you who know that many
25 000 dudes following her right follow her insta i get the instagram early on so
i have her content details to hit her up later so i get that shit early
same with tender you talk to her on tender then she's talking loads of dudes on
tender talk to her a little bit just like a lesson to the first page of
course talking over a shit four or five minutes bang trying to get her instagram
or whatsapp get her off tender get her into a pro platform to reduce the numbers
you're always going to reduce the numbers you're talking to her in real life
everyone will talk to her reduce it to her instagram 25 000
reduce that to her whatsapp couple hundred reduce that to date and one by
always looking to reduce the numbers so whether it's tender or in person
progression you know the producers talk shit keep contact details and progress
next big daddy tape you mentioned that your girl cannot have
male friends as she'd be interested in talking to you and you own
correct how can this be achieved without behaving like an insecure beta
who's mate guarding attractive women often have multiple guys texting her
even when she's not interested at all why actions would you take
very good question and also the person who said this is personcacious enough to
know that you don't want to look exactly like he said
insecure beta mate guarding so mate guarding is when you're like oh
like just super protective pathetically protective of your girl
that's not out for quality so how do you approach this from alpha stance
well it depends if it's a girl who you're just seeing and dating
there's not much you can do about it you don't have the authority yet
if it's a girl you've been with for a while there's a lot you can do about it
so if i if i'm just dating a girl and i know she's
dating dudes or talking to dudes whatever i do nothing
i don't give a shit i'll fuck her i'll progress towards
banging her i'll let her do what she's going to do
i'll bang her and i'll and i'll do the test you talked about the first episode
the cut attention test bang cut the attention off
and then we'll see how she reacts from there
if i fuck her and she chases me badly then i'm going to know the other dude she's
talking to shame interested because she's chasing me for my attention
after having sex with her if i have sex with her and i don't hear from her
and she's bit annoying about it by it but she starts chasing her other dudes and
she ain't more shit anyway once again for that test i'm not
saying stop talking to the girl completely i'm not saying that
i'm saying reduce your attention reduce your attention
it has to be it's a fine line you've to reduce your attention enough
so that she can feel something's changed but not too much so she can call you
out on it you've got to be just at that line you can play
innocent we should say oh you fucked me you're not talking to me anymore
don't want to be able to say that you got to reduce it enough so she doesn't
feel comfortable i don't feel comfortable i don't feel like he likes me
that's how it's that fine line we'll say never talk to her
i'm saying reduce the attention that's why i say
if it's a girl you've been with for a while you don't fucking lay it down bro
but what the fuck she doing if she if you say to her
we've been together a few months now i don't like these dudes texted you
if you had no legs and was fat and was in a wheelchair they wouldn't text you
do not text you for your personality they're texting you because you're attractive
i don't feel comfortable with that it's on your man if you want to talk to a
man you can talk to me stop applying to these guys
and if you say that to her she goes no i really like them they're my friends
if she's going to choose them over you that she's going to cheat on you in the
end anyway this is the harsh reality of the game
if you lay it down say it's me or them and she chooses them
then what's the possibility of her being loyal to you in the long term
it's zero it may be a time frame but in the end it's zero
if her texting these dudes who want to fuck her is more important than keeping
you happy then eventually she's going to cheat
so the question is this what do you do well if she chooses them
it's better to end the relationship there and walk off as a hero
and to upset her and destroy her heart then to let it slowly fade away while she
slowly falls in love with some new dude so you end up catching her cheating
on you with some other guy and then when you're upset
she doesn't give a fuck because we're better ruthless
so you make that clear to you one more time you lay it down and you say
i don't like to chop another man i'm your man you don't talk to other men
if you talk to other men well i'm gonna be able to take you seriously so this is
not going to be a relationship we're going to do that
she goes oh no well i i'm going to do that you say yeah all right cool all right
i'm just told you i'm not comfortable with it if you want to keep talking to
them then talk to them that's all you do and then you reduce your
attention right now reduce it completely now you
go i'm a s
you tonight i'm busy reduce your attention right now
oh fine if you're gonna be upset i'm talking to guys fine fuck you then
then you never to control me i like to have friends
set it up if that's the kind of person she is she's going to cheat on you
eventually anyway so your choices are you leave her
and she's upset or she cheats on you and you're upset
which one's better well i'll tell you the one that's better is upsetting her
not just because it avoids you discomfort but also because if you upset her
you're gonna have an emotional hangover that allows you to get her back later
i've had this exact scenario girls exact scenario
or said why are you talking to this guy i've known him since school
literally so i don't care how much you've long you've known and he still has to
fuck you so stop talking to it i'll put up
building forever you've only been together a few months
tell him you have a boyfriend and that you're still friends
but you don't you can't get me out with a new boyfriend and stop fucking texting
simple oh but you know i just think you're trying to control me i said all
right forget it do what you want well i'm not taking you seriously you can
talk to a bunch of guys i'm all taking that kind of girl seriously
oh yeah well whatever i'm gonna cut my attention right now
she got fresh i dumped her now i'm telling you something
that girl this is a long time ago that girl once every four to five months
to this day likes a picture on instagram or
fucking drops me some bullshit meme in my face building books
still trying to this day this was years ago because i'm the guy who dumped her
my attention is the most valuable remember the lessons from the first one
my attention is the most valuable because my attention is hard to get she
didn't do what i wanted she didn't conform to be the way i want her to be
so where's my piece of paper fdb fuck you
bye i thought another girl you're not in the basis of turning a hole into a
housewife if someone's menta the girl's mentality is
i need to talk to lots of men all the time it's not your job to fix her
throat that's not your job lay it down make it clear and make her
make a choice it's really as simple as that but you
have to be prepared to walk away and you don't get what you want like trump
said they are the deal and it may be it may upset you you may be annoyed you
may lose a girl you don't you like you don't really want it to
but this is the truth you're looking for a wife or looking for a girl you
would be with forever shade that girl so cut her attention right now and find
something else if she will comply that's how you
analyze tuition three you talked about dropping attention
after having sex with a woman will this increase the girl's the risk of a
false rape accusation e g the girl feeling
use or manipulated very valid question and this is why i said
drop the attention to a very important fine line level
where she can feel that the attention's dropped
but she cannot call you out on it it's that perfect level of
i don't want to say i can't say he is texting me back
but it's not it doesn't feel the same it's just that perfect level
so that's something you have to do with experience you have to cut the
attention down but she can't be able to call you out on it so that
handles that but a very good question expanding on the approaching stage
this guy's sorry next question will you be expanding on the approaching stage
approaching girls i'll give you some tips in the first question but
it's really something you have to see if i had to break it down to three things
it would be get their attention first it's absolutely not really a numbers
game especially your approaching girls you're going up to girls in the club
they might have done drugs they don't want to pay attention they might be too
drunk they might have their boyfriend in the club or an ex-boyfriend in the club
or it might be a bunch of people in the club they know and they don't want to be
seen talking to guys there's so many outside influences when you're approaching
girls but you really have to be prepared to do a complete numbers game
you have to be prepared to approach approach approach approach if you want to
pull same night especially in the modern world so it's a numbers game absolutely
get their attention first and whatever you say the first thing you say after
get their attention should be a compliment that's last my advice
right next question this is a very very long question
what's about a guy who does his approaches
um at colleges during the week and aims to take the girls he meets during the
week to bars at the weekend and close the deal very efficient system i agree
with that but his question is very basically is
i can't seem to figure out the cold approaching during the day because i
feel it's totally different vibe versus approaching in a club or a bar
i get a few leads during the day but sometimes there's something i'm
missing in my day game i can't seem to figure out i'm not hitting the level of
leads i should be getting during the day versus the leads i get at night
tell you what and obviously i don't know the exact scenario but i'll tell you
what things are probably answered a lot of this question in in the previous
question but the reason is easier at night because
one is a more relaxed vibe two girls are drinking and the more sociable
that's the reason is easier their music on their happy they
no one goes out no one really goes out when they're depressed or busy or
stressed they go out to be happy they're happy they're drinking
they're with their moron friends talk about moron shit
they're receptive so they're more receptive at night when they are doing
the day so why are you doing better at night than during the day well i do
think it's easier at night you're probably always going to do a little bit
better at night than you are during the day however
you're saying if your day game seriously lacking the first thing is like i said
are you getting her attention before you talk to her
are you doing that properly second thing are you complimenting her
and third thing is how are you getting her contact details
i find this is why i use instagram so much
instagram is so useful because even i find that a girl
doesn't really want to give you her phone number
will happily give you her instagram so because instagram is public
instagram is for everyone so if you want leads during the day instead of trying
to get the phone number which can be a little bit awkward and especially in
the world we live in now the me too era all these girls are sketchy
as thought they're all living on edge all nervous
you talk to a girl for five minutes say oh what's your phone number
they can be a bit like they don't want to give it out
if we say i'll tell you what it was really nice talking to you
you're beautiful i want to follow you on instagram
not give me your instagram i want to follow you on instagram
a girl doesn't say no to that because they let anyone follow the one instagram
anyone can follow on instagram so all do is i'll say always me and i talk to you
yeah you're really beautiful too well i want to see your face again
i'm gonna follow you on instagram what's your instagram
and i'll get i'll give them my phone in fact i try to avoid doing that because
a couple times i've given them my phone you know like a what saps come up love you
baby so but i'll say oh what's your instagram
that i'll type her instagram in but before you walk off
let's go okay bye follow them click message and then what i'll do is in fact
let me see if i've caught it fucking right here so i know you guys know i don't
lie let me see if i can find one right now an example of why do
i did this like two days ago i've got so many messages in my inbox
i'm gonna find it that was new york it's after i left New York
no edits you guys are going to sit there and wait
all right so anyway i got her instagram
and then i while she was watching me while she was paying attention
i sent her a message of cherries cherries in my game choose your own food
for here instagram and i click message i send her something
or i can send her selfies another good idea
ask for her instagram she'll give it to you click follow and go oh
you probably have loads of guys messaging you
oh no i don't you must do but you have loads of guys i don't want you to forget
about me here wait wait go camera and let get into a selfie a stupid picture
and send it to her message and she'll laugh huzz and now you know who i am
i'm going to message you later i'll also say i'm going to message you later
to get some kind of verbal agreement oh okay and what the reply is instinctively
oh okay and then when you message them they feel more compelled than to reply
lie green to message you now if she messages you a little bit
it doesn't go anywhere whatever but i'm just talking about to make it
easier to get the leads so don't ask for numbers ask for instagrams
message them while they are doing selfie or send some fruit or some bullshit
and say something like i'm going to message you later i want to talk to you
i'm super forward with what i do and say but i'm not open i'm not creepy with it
i'm just very clear about my objectives what's your Instagram you're beautiful
i'm gonna follow you okay i'm going to message you later i want to talk to you
i'm going to talk to you later okay okay i'm very clear about what i want to
happen so that's probably the advice i give you i'd have to see your
approach to see if there's anything else missing
but try to ask for fun over ask for instagrams
get their attention first and the first thing you say needs to be a compliment
if you do those three things you can't really go too
wrong especially if you're confident with what you're saying and etc etc
but you can't really go too long from there so that's why i recommend
right last question for today gentlemen may you
didn't expect this free PhD video when you're in walks to do
motherfuckers they're all sitting there going okay that was a good course
bang more content more fucking knowledge from tape
best purchase you ever made
i'm too damn nice i'm too nice
do a video about how nice i am right i have a question i've got this
chick on lock and she's loyal to me congratulations
what do i say to her by banging other chick and the main one finds out
how can i get away with having multiple girls right
sitting down with your girl and saying i want to fuck other girls
ain't really a conversation is going to go well
it's just an awful conversation truth of it is
you have to be militant i'm smiling with them laughing at how i do it
so i've got my chick who's loyal to me and she loves me
so what do i do i fuck other girls sooner or later she's going to catch me
and this is your chance so you don't have the conversation with her
women are not logical enough you can't approach women and say
this is what's going to happen let's do a deal and be logical and make a deal
they don't work that way you gotta hit them with shock and awe
of emotion so you're going to cheat as normal you're gonna do your thing you're
gonna fuck your hose and maybe she won't find out for a year
maybe she won't find out for two years maybe she'll find after a week
but when she finds out that's when the pimpin starts
so when i get caught cheating i don't worry about it i'm like okay
now we get to hammer it out so the key things are this
i have the girls loyal to me and i fucking want to
and i do that by i did it as follows i was with her for about a year
and two or three months before i got caught cheating
in fact but i've got some screenshots i need to find on facebook
from my old phone i've got old phone working and i had screenshots of that
conversation when she first caught me cheating i put them on facebook because
it was so funny i'm going to find them and try to
serve in this video if they're in this video in the following
seconds i did a good job and i found it for you
so anyway the keys of this you just caught your cheating
bang rule one is you never ever apologize
you are not sorry they take that weakness and they
fucking twist it and they use it against you and this is not just
cheating this is relationships in general you are
never sorry because once you admit fault a woman doesn't sit and go okay
he admits he's wrong or he admits that this is not the best situation he
admits that i'll be nice to him and think oh he knows he's wrong let me just
fucking let me squeeze as much uncomfortable
inconvenience out of this as possible so don't do that shit
you're not sorry and another thing you don't do is you don't lie
because lying is cowardice so when i get caught cheating
sit up when i get caught cheating should be like
who the fuck is this that was a girl i slept with
whoa whoa yeah it's a girl i slept with but obviously you're my girlfriend i
love you i i don't care about her
boy i'm a full grown man so one of those things that happens but i don't care
about her so it doesn't matter i apologize and i
haven't lied now if she really loves you and she's really loyal to you
she ain't going nowhere now she's gonna leave you for that
for that small thing fucking someone else that she's not on lock so you're
telling me your girls won't lock if your girls won't lock
like my girls don't lock and all my girls don't lock
then what i'm saying to you is going to work and that is
yeah i fucked her listen i'm a full grown man
sometimes i seek sometimes i you know i do what i do
but i really love you and one other thing i say is
i say this is testament to how much i love you
most dudes are out there fucking other girls fall in love with other girls
i fuck other girls i don't even care about them all the girl i care about is
you i seek the girls on it they even crossed my mind anymore
so this shows i love you more than fucking anything
most these guys are out here and if they fuck someone else they fall in love with
someone else you know me i fuck i fuck 100 girls and i'm still here with you
you're the only girl i care about so what do you worry about what was the
problem and then eventually after this long
conversation because she's gonna cry and she's gonna play in all this
shit all you do is knock back down she's gonna come at you with things like
oh is it gonna happen again say i don't know probably not i don't
maybe not it really upsets you we can talk about it
but i don't like you trying to control me and tell me what to do like i do i'm
gonna do i feel like doing i'm telling you that i'm loyal to you because i
only love you so i'm loyal to you just the same
what you have to do is you have to shift their perception of loyalty
a female's perception of loyalty is is he's only has sex with me
you have to change that from the only has sex with me
to he only loves me if they understand that i'm the only one he loves but he has
sex with lots of people then you can do it so that's the real aim of the game
and you cannot do that from a position of weakness or apology that's not from
a position of strength and never back in bed
so the individual conversation you're going to have is going to be different
than individual conversations i've had but if you're not apologizing you don't
lie you should explain look which is sex you have a dildo you have a vibrator
i'm a jealous i don't care do you love your vibrator no you
fucked it or you use it and then you don't care anymore so i did
so that's the problem well but how do i know you don't love her
and that's what's going to come in that's what's going to eventually that's
what the conversation's been eventually how do i know i'm special
that's the final hurdle when you start hearing things like that you've won
because all you do is convince her she's so special
and you do that to her so when she starts saying things like how do i know
special look i only love you you know i only love you or i only live with you
or you're the only girl i've taken from holiday or you're the only girl
whatever whatever you come up with you're the only girl i do these things with
yeah i fucked some girl i was out i fucked some weird
out i was low guys i fucked some girl she's tried to see me since and i didn't
want to see her because i don't care about her or she tried to see me since i saw
a few times but i don't know she's boring i don't like any girl but you these
girls are boring all you have to do is convince her
she's still special and that you're still loyal to her
because you love her and you do what you want
my girls don't allow to say i cheat she used to say oh you're always cheating
oh you're going out she's making joke of it oh you're going out i put clothes
and she's like oh you dressed up you're going cheating tonight and say don't
tell me i cheat i don't like that line she was wise because i don't cheat because
i love you i only love you oh fuck something it's not cheating because i'm
loyal to you i go to the point now she doesn't even think i cheat i'm
fucking girl she's even calling cheating to go you know now yeah you're back
and i don't know okay she doesn't call it cheating
because the camera got me shaking in there because he knows this truth
but because my loyalty is not defined by who i have sex with my loyalty is defined
by who i love so by convincing her she's special and she's the only one i
love that i'm allowed to do i want now if you're going to try and have
multiple girlfriends then that's going to be harder because she's going to think
oh you care about them and you care about me they're going to try and have
different girls of me in the same house in the same bed like i've done
that's going to be harder that's a new level but the basic level the base level
is but a girl who cared about and you fucking you
want and as long as she's getting attention she feels like she's special
and she understands that she she's she's the only one you love and that's where
loyalty is loyalty is love is not through sex
then you're going to be able to do it so that's the main aim of the game
i hope i've answered that question there's no very specific formula
but that's the basis of it have a grown love do your thing wait for to catch
you do not apologize do not back down change her perception shift her
thinking to understand that love is about loyalty
loyalty is about love loyalty is not about who you have sex with
for the same reason she'll fuck a toy or whatever you'll fuck a girl you don't
care about and it's nothing more than that she's
to get over it and usually you're going to have questions like well
people girls are going to laugh at me say these girls don't laugh at you these
girls are jealous of you this is the number one question i
escape well girls are going to laugh at me if they know you're fucking other girls
so no they're not every single girl i thought is desperate to be in your
position every girl i thought is desperate to be my girlfriend
they're all super jealous of you they all want to be you you're the one i'm
going to holiday with you're the only one i'm in love with
the only one i put my instagram page they're all completely jealous of you
and girls like me girls like those people jealous of them so they don't show
at the time they think about it you know girls are jealous
if you start shifting like oh these girls aren't hating on you these girls are
super jealous you're the best you get to be the fucking queen
why treat nicely i treat you the other girls like hoes and they're jealous of
you you're the only one i love it's i'm loyal to you they're just stupid you're
not stupid they're stupid shift the thinking and then you'll get away with it
that sounds fun that's enough for this course i've got more questions
answered or get this video out there once again if you watch these answers and
you have any more questions email to me this is the best fucking money you guys
ever spend they're getting hours and hours of fucking content
you're probably gonna get another video at later date so
if you have any further questions feel free to drop me an email
and we might have another video coming out for you guys for you
right PhD course gentlemen have some questions here
let me go through them question one hey how do you handle
hand you how do you no edits leave it how do you handle
multiple girlfriends do you explicitly tell them about others what's the
process and find themselves right you can't get a girl make her
love you and then go out for dinner and sit her there and go by the way i've got
loads of girls because it just makes you look like a
dig so what you do is you do you hide it the best you can
basically you hide it until she finds out and then when she finds out you just
super downplay it so actually last night last night one of my
girls arena found out found she's dark hair she found a
blonde hair in my bed she was who's been staying in this bed
i said well me she was well whose hair is this i said i don't know i'm not always
in the house people sit on beds maybe they didn't sleep in the bed i don't
know i'm walking it's at one o'clock in the morning i'm not sitting here
talking about hair in a bed well i don't know you don't have other girls
say don't just shut up you're being juvenile we're going to sleep
and we went to sleep so basically the exchange was
she knows i fucked a girl i said it doesn't matter everything's fine we're
going to bed it's very it's about playing off as
nothing so when she catches you who's this other girl
that uh oh it's some girl i talked to well she says you're her boyfriend oh yeah
i fucked her a few times but it's not a big deal you know i'm with you
well you're cheating on me i'm not cheating on you because i love you
it's not cheating if i only love you it's only cheating if it's emotional it's
not emotional with her so just fucking calm down
if she says she wants to leave and she tries to leave you fdb
because what happens is when drama kicks off girls want attention
the girls just found out you're cheating she wants a big episode she wants you to
apologize she wants saris she wants all this
shit going on if you don't give a fuck then she's like well you don't even
seem to care i said well i don't care because i don't feel bad because it
wasn't a big deal i don't and she'll be like well why don't you feel bad
because i didn't have any emotion i don't feel bad because i don't feel like
anything wrong because to me it was nothing it's like
you're using a dildo who gives a shit just completely trivialized their
emotionality until i'm their juvenile to give a
fuck and eventually you'll get away with having two
now they might not be happy about it they might cry about it they might moan
about it they might be like oh you're always with that bitch
didn't it but they ain't gonna leave and that's how you have two girlfriends
that's how you start with it and a lot of this experience it depends on the
actual girl who you're talking about who the first girl is
the second girl is like everything is experience is let me tell you how to
punch someone to face this experience to convince who they are how big they are
if they move whatever but that's the basis of it you don't sit down and and just
try and explain it with women you never just try
and do i say a business deal a business deal you don't sit down and appeal to
their logic if you appeal to their logic you'll fail
if you sit down and go hi i'm gonna have other girls here's why here's why it
doesn't bother you it's okay it ain't gonna work
ain't gonna work you cannot appeal to their common sense
you just have to wait for them to find out and handle the emotionality correctly
limit your attention in the correct way so that she understands that if she
leaves you just go back to fucking the other girl
that's it you just say look i really like you i want to be together if you leave
then i'm just gonna you know i'll be single online
but it's not a big deal don't worry about it just don't piss me off
and just be super juiced completely trivialize
her feelings that's what you have to do that's how you play it like i did last
night all you found some hair in the bed it's two o'clock in the fucking
morning we're going to sleep or what what were you
cheating it's two o'clock i'm going to sleep it's hair
who gives a fuck you have hair eye of hair it's hair
as in it's not even a thing today she hasn't even mentioned it
because she knows she fuck she ain't fucking dumb
she see me with long girls all over my instagram she knows i'm fucking one of
them she ain't that stupid she just doesn't want to know
so now she's willfully ignorant which is fine by me
how to play it properly when a girl you like is a virgin well lucky
gentleman you have to play a lot slower same basic principles
attention blah blah blah play it slower let her get away with more take your
time you can't be expecting to bang a version on her second day that's
crazy next can you elaborate more on compliance
after she passed the test well she passes the test
then you're starting the relationship in a position of power aren't you
you're now in a position of power you fucked her she's chased you
which is good she wants your attention she's actively shown that you're now
starting to give her a little bit of attention but if she fucks up you cut
the attention quick and she should cave quickly because she
knows this is not a guy who i can fuck with because he'll take all the
attention away so after that it's just a matter of
managing a relationship i mean if she's completely on this and open i've had
girls after they pass the test say to me i really love you i'm completely i
know i shouldn't say this i'm completely in love with you
that i'm someone's gonna be that honest and open you know
you don't have to be addicted to them and be like okay good i love you you love
me everything's fine obviously you don't take shit you haven't got
to be a dickhead anyway then you get the girls who still want to play the
games if they still want to play the games even after they paid the test
then okay cool fdbm it's just a repeating cycle
it the the phd system and relationships it never ends
you never get to a point where it's like okay
she's now programmed as a robot slave i'm done
i've been with my girl six years and still to this day i use game otherwise
she gets out of control if i'm too nice to my girl now
after six years she still gets out of control
so it's a never-ending philosophy sometimes hoes need to be ignored
no matter how long you've been with them sometimes you have to fdb them sometimes
you have to show them you don't take shit no matter how long you be with them
that is a universal truth so you start a relationship in a dominant position
which of course is important from the position of dominance you maintain it
very much a poker game or chess game you have the advantage
you just play your advantage it's as simple as that
next question
how do you manage hierarchies let's say with two girls
does the first girl have seniority over the second girl
no girls won't take that if you have one girl who's clearly better than the
other one you're going to struggle massively the
second girl is just not going to stick around for very long
i've had it where i've had girls who say oh i know you're with Vivian
i know you've been with her a long time i don't mind i'll stay out tonight you
too stay alone all that shit but it never lasts long
because the ones who are really in love with you won't do that
so the only girls who do that aren't really in love with you
you have to be such an imposing dominating force
that there's no room for hierarchy underneath you
you have to be like when i say imposing and dominating i don't know
i'm not talking about being a psycho i mean your personality has to be so large
that you're in charge of everything there is no hierarchy how can it be a
hierarchy you said to be like okay i need a coffee
you made me a coffee and you cooked me something
if you send one to make the coffee then there's a hierarchy
either way if you send one to make the coffee it can either be it can either be
seen as you trust her more and want her more
or she's lower than the other one she's a slave
women will always just make up a reason so it doesn't matter which one you
choose they'll decide as negative so you have to send them both
go make me a coffee who both of you go you have to be like that you have to be
dominant to a point where there's no room for hierarchy
it's just you and everyone else now that's easy for my personality for
other people can be slightly harder but there's a whole bunch of
stupid fiddly shit you need to learn to do if you want to truly have two girls
in the long term you got to learn to sleep when you're back you can't sleep
on your side you sleep on your right side i'm telling you now whichever girl
you're looking at when you're sleeping the other one's gonna be
pissed maybe not the first night but by night tens you will
when you're always facing her and you're hugging her and i'm like
this is a little dumb shit you have to deal with but basically you have to be
big large enough personality that you handle it there is no hierarchy
you can't clearly have women below women they don't like that shit
what you do when you're in my situation where you have a girlfriend of six years
and you try and bring a new girl in you actually have to downplay your
relationship with the girl of six years which is difficult
and now let me get away with that because the girl of six years plays along
so Vivian's been giving me six years she's completely head over he'll love me
she wants kids with me everything everything everything and we met and we
fell whatever we're in love but when a new girl comes she'll go oh yeah
i started off working for him and you know it's just how it worked out
she'll super downplay us so that the new girl feels like oh well they're just
kind of working sex and now i'm here and he likes me and
and she can believe in her mind that she can be equal
if you were on if Vivian was completely honest well he's been with me six years
and we're gonna be together forever so you're a side-bitch then it's not going
to ever work so it also depends how much control you
have over your bottom beach because you have to be able to have her
on side playing the game that's super important so
the key is it's you and everyone else there is no hierarchy below you
can you break down your own situation so i got two main bitches
i'm gonna deal with my fire gentlemen i got two main girls
i got Melissa and Vivian now Melissa and Vivian started off together
after two years of slamming them every day together
tensions were getting a bit crazy i mean i could have held it together
forever but it was just to a point where it's just like oh
shut up so everyone made a happy agreement that they'd be separate
i'd still be with both of them but they don't want to live together anymore
that's fine
when i bring on new girls i usually pair them with Vivian
because Vivian's younger Melissa's like 28 Vivian's like 21
Vivian's younger she's more fun more outgoing Melissa's really quite
not a bad way she's more homey boring sits at home
so it's if you're gonna pair a girl with a girl it's much easier if the girl's
fun let's all go to the club let's all drink champagne let's all do this let's
go here let's go here that's what it does so since i've had Vivian
i've had five other girlfriends i've shared with Vivian
some last a couple weeks some last a couple months one last
of the year so i've had Jenny the dark-haired one i've had
Andrada the other one up these are all on my instagrams or my twerry we would
have seen them at some point i've had loads of hot girls who come in
Vivian's already there they join like i said Vivian downplays it
blah blah blah and for and for different reasons if it breaks up like you've
seen some of my threads about the dark-haired girl tried to give me an ultimatum or
or Jenny who went to the festival against the rules
sometimes they rebel i have to fdvm but that's basically how it works i've got
my main bitch my bottom bitch Vivian i could do it Melissa too but she's
you know i just do with Vivian for some reasons how it's worked out
my main bitch Vivian and i bring in new girlfriends
and their temporary like it won the sticks forever whatever good
i have one recently that stayed for a very long time
but um if they leave they leave because of chef i'm a new one
that's my basic situation i've got girl calling me right now i'm going to
hang up on our film film
right so a description of relationship process with Vivian so yeah that's how
it started i met Vivian in in Slovakia we had a long-term
relationship thing i was living in england it's a really long story i don't
want to tell you the whole story i moved her to england to be with me to
start doing my webcam company which i started if you don't have a webcam
company you need to look into it as soon as you have a couple girls in love with
you it's the fucking easiest money in the world
no i take that back it's not easy money you gotta build up but once you get
girls build up then it's free money like every other business you gotta build
up i decided i want to start a webcam business Vivian's beautiful i said
look stop being a waitress come here live with me
she came everything was flying for a couple weeks
melissa obviously lived in england they didn't know about each other they
found out they tried to have a big argument with me i did exactly as i said
downplayed it didn't give a shit everyone moved in together everyone
started doing webcam i was making loads of money
then we agreed to the split like we said and that's basically been it since then
new girls have come along Vivian understands that i'm fucking these
hoes but i don't care about these hoes i've seen i've done it
when i do it i prove it to her this is another important thing guys
if you're gonna say to one girl like you're the only one i care about and she's
gonna see you fucking these other girls when those other girls eventually leave
where you fdb them you gotta use that to your advantage
so i'll come home sometimes to Vivian say jenny's gone she'll go what what do you
mean jenny's gone oh she annoyed me so i'm your
murderer what do you mean she annoyed you oh she's just something small but she
annoyed me so glad and they like that she's like well you go
rid of her over nothing although yeah she annoyed me fdb
and that makes her feel secure that these other girls he really doesn't give
a fuck like he'll just get rid of them for no reason
so i use that to your advantage as well and that's the basic dynamic of my
relationship with Vivian she now knows what i do
last night i just put in the war room telegram if you're not in the war room
as well motherfuckers you've got to get in on there
it's too much shit happening you're missing out on i just put in the war room
telegram i texted conversation with her last night
she goes you come at home i said no she goes what girl are you staying with
Vivian now it's just nosy she isn't jealous she's just nosy
she's curious so i'm staying with her palina or the hell or whoever
okay all i see tomorrow so it's there's no secrets no hiding she knows i'm
fucking all these girls she doesn't care so if i want to fuck her with the girl
i'll say look we're going out i'll just introduce booze
so like the first time i've reached some a lot of girls i'll say oh yeah we're
going out some other girls are coming what girls girls i know
and Viv will turn up and it'll just be there i'm gonna be drinking i'll just say
i'll just say i'll just say i'll say i'm gonna fuck you both
now you're not it's not gonna fuck you both and Vivian will just like laugh
just play off ha ha ha very funny all get in the taxi at the end we're going
my house just fucking just own it i don't want to
simply both okay bye see you i'll fuck Vivian then
whoa the hoses i told she just worked for you who's this girl
they're supposed to be my boyfriend look stop being fucking boring we're going
to my house shut up let's say you just got to fucking own it
say it come suck it down right i'm gonna say be a rapist
i feel like i always have to fucking clarify myself because to me it's super
obvious but there's some weirdos out there that don't
fucking thing you cannot force a girl to do anything
you just have to make it clear of your objective
you're a train a train stays on the track i'm a train on this track
you either get on the train and go to the destination or you get off the train
and you don't trains don't go off tracks it's that simple i'm fucking
Vivian tonight you're coming with me and you're helping me
fuck Vivian or you're not but this is where the train's headed
that's how you have to be don't be a creepy weirdo
please right one more question i'm going to do for this
video i have a lot of questions i need to handle
but i'm going to do one more for this
do i believe in nagging girls
nagging girls is calling them names or saying something negative to them
that's some pickup artist bullshit that the red pill guys do
no i don't believe in that i believe you need to tease them
have a joke with them like you know everyone knows how to tease a girl
like she's a kid sister have a joke but don't be negative don't be aggressive
i've seen loads of dudes on dates just talk to a girl like shit like it's
super black they're the man and it's not cool you don't look cool you look
like a cunt if you're deaf if you're genuinely an alpha
you don't need to impose your superiority
by insulting her so what you're trying to do by insulting her is bring her down
a peg well if you're already above her you don't need to bring her down
so i don't think it's alpha to be out there and
insulting girls but obviously you can tease her and make fun of her a little bit
of course but once again this comes to experience
this is down to experience depends on the girl you're talking to
give to gauge the conversation gauge who she is and play accordingly
so that's it for this episode another video coming soon
right questions i can't build uh
right questions i can't build uh high senior PhD course
blah you're the man blah blah blah i can't build a very interesting instagram
what should i do well you need to build an interesting one but you don't need
to have that many pictures if you were to take one day out of your life
and get a good camera and put on some good clothes and take four or five good
pictures that's enough put them at the top and even
if a girl ever says to you oh you don't have much on instagram just say yeah
don't use social media very much it's not really my thing
and then she tries to shit test you she'll say well why'd you message me then
so i thought you were beautiful so i thought i'd message you but
it doesn't mean i have to post an instagram all the time
just play it off like i'm a cool cat i'm not an instagram dude
you know i'm just a mr normal dude i'm not a fucking mr showoff
so you haven't got to do you haven't got to have like me pages and pages of
supercars you see that four or five good pictures
if you can't find four or five good pictures well
something wrong with you ain't that hard i'm sure you've been on holiday once in
your life take some good pictures on the beach
done get picture of you in the jimmy get it from far away so you look
muslim or some shit it ain't that difficult make it happen
i shouldn't have explained this to you like this is common sense stuff don't
be stupid five or six good pictures you can make it happen
next do you answer texts whenever you want or do you have rules to when do you
respond i answer texts in real time i don't
believe in making girls wait message me i message back if they start making
you wait well then it's different then you're going to have to you know
return favor or fdb them or whatever but if a girl's messaging me yeah message
them the fuck is normal a lot of these little
dominance tricks that people are taught make her wait and all this bullshit
or just trying to feign dominance if you have genuine dominance you don't need
to do that you message me i message you everything's fine
then i'll go for coffee okay you'll message later that is everything's
normal there's no need for any of those things
if i have a girl who ignores me every time i message her
and that eventually decides to message me well then yeah i'm gonna take my
time on it if she does message me first i will reply but i'll probably wait
the same amount of time she made me wait but in general though
do you have a call to set up dates this is actually interesting
what i do when i'm texting girls on what's that means
you okay tower of power you're progressing so you met her on the street or
tinder or instagram wherever you call her what's that now you're what's
happening after a day or after a day or even an hour
depending how long you spoke to them of what's happening them
i go on to voice notes because voice notes are that little bit more personal
because they get to hear your voice so i'll move from texting into voice
notes it's that tiny bit upgrade of personality
i don't do phone calls if you see my tatepage videos i don't like phone
calls but i'll move into voice notes the good thing about voice notes is as
well they don't have to answer it if you call or she might ignore the call
and i'm busy or whatever i'm driving she'll ignore you if you give her a voice
note she'll listen to it so i actually do recommend after a little bit of
texting to upgrade to voice notes there's nothing wrong with that
smoke cigar trigger a little bit of whiskey hear voice deep
sound like a g and send her some voice notes because once again it's that
tiny bit more personal and she might start sending them back to you she
starts sending you voice notes back hundred percent she wants to back
hundred percent so do i call the set updates no i use voice notes or
i don't know i sometimes i organize a date by text it doesn't really matter
but in general i use voice notes that that's just something that came from my
mind i haven't mentioned before you use voice notes it's really good
or send pictures what you do and she'll be like oh hey how are you
so just saying i'm fine you i'll take a picture of my coffee
picture of dang yeah i'm good dang how are you just more
here's where i am here's who i am just to break the ice a little bit more to
try and get her to agree to meet all that tower power remember
progression all times don't do it as soon as you get her
number don't get her number be like hey hey how are you
to talk through a little bit first i'll be a weirdo after you spoke through a
little bit then you can hit her with it next question
tips for trying to close the deal once you got the girl alone at your
place now this is actually a really interesting question because
if the girls come to your place alone she knows what's going down
like she's not stupid unless she's really stupid she knows what's going
down so the only reason it's not going to happen is if she changes her mind
which might happen she might change her mind so to be prepared for that
but if a girl comes to my house
hello this is why i don't do thumbles i fucking hate thumbles
if a girl comes to your house she wants to bang so she might change her mind
so the girl comes to my house my routine is very simple why i do is i go up to
my cinema even now the cinema maybe tv i put on a movie
i always put on a horror movie don't put on music i've seen a lot of people go
those put on music if you put on music and the girl's drinking and drunk she
wants to party she wants to have fun yay she wants to stay up
you don't want her to stay up you want her in bed
so after the club if we come home we've got girls and they come in they go let's
put music on i say no no no no music put on my movie
because i've noticed before you start putting music on you get ball of
a cow it's another three hours of partying it's just like
no music you can't go on action movie it's the wrong vibe you can't put on a
wrong column you're not gay so it's gonna be a horror movie
horror movies you're quiet during you sit you're quiet
horror so you come in i put on a horror movie offer a drink get some wine
whatever whatever pour a couple glasses of wine usually i come downstairs to pour
it i usually pour her wine i pour myself water
because i don't like being i don't like having sex from super drunk if i've
been drinking all night in the club and we go back
i don't want to be like getting really hammered and sloppy so i'm by then i
know it's gonna happen i just start to pour
give them wine whatever sit upstairs i'll watch the movie
for five to six minutes before i start to kiss her on the couch
that's it she's gonna fuck she didn't come to my house to watch the movie
she's stupid five to six minutes we'll start kissing for a minute or so
i'll stand up gear hand and walk towards the bedroom and she either follows me
or she does she comes with me she wants to bang
she goes oh no i can't i can't i said oh you don't watch the horror movie
oh yeah so you're not gonna be scared i'm like a joke out of it i'll play it
now well none of you're here i said all right well
i'll watch it for a little bit sit down more wine kiss her again and say look i'm
going to bed you want to go home and join on the bed
i'm gonna leave okay and i probably get that so far
i'm playing games the whole the whole thing's about 20 minutes 30 minutes
i'm very clear of my intention she ain't stupid she's an adult she came to my
house at four in the morning the fuck we dare to do
play chess you've not enjoyed that none of these bitches are good months and
no we're not there to play chess we're the fuck
so that's basically it i mean i don't think it's difficult to close the deal
if they come to your house saying you should know what's going down unless
you're in the friend zone if you're in the friend zone or some bullshit then
it's hard we get some more wood for my fire but if you're in the friend zone
hold back
if you're in the friend zone and you can't close the deal and then you're
then you're asking stupid questions because if you're in the friend zone
you fucked up already you already haven't been doing the tower power
you already haven't been doing your progression and now you're asking me
well how are you gonna fuck your friends we can't
that's why the friend zone's so toxic that's why you call off your attention if
they don't want to bang but if you meet a girl you get her
number you meet a girl on instagram you get her what's that you start what's
happening then you start voicing her you agree to go for coffee you go for
coffee you greedy over dinner you go for dinner you say come over chill up mine
she comes over to chill she knows what's going down now maybe she may not want to
fuck you the first night she comes over to chill maybe the first night she'll
want to go home cool but the second night she will
it's not a big rush it's cool you haven't you don't want to come across needy you
don't want to come across desperate so if a girl ever says to you oh no not tonight
the instant answer is yeah all right cool you don't try
do not be the guy like oh stay uh it's super unattractive it's super desperate
never do that well girl goes to me oh i can't stay with you tonight
cool and then they get pissed off that you don't care
it's like it's a subtle form of fdb what do you mean cool i thought you
i come in her head she's thinking i came here thinking i was gonna bang and i
wasn't sure and now i told him i don't want to bang
and he doesn't give a fuck does he even like me i flip it on him flip on him
like i told you in the first the first course
get a taxi come to mind no i'm gonna go home all right cool i'll get the taxi
instantly bang flip it on him give him what they want and watch him lose their
minds so you don't try then maybe the second time
you're fucker whatever but just be clear with your intention
and she's coming over for a reason so i ain't that difficult
there hello my name is Tristan Tate now you've
purchased the andrew tate how to be a g course
so i imagine many of you know who i am i'm andrew's younger brother and a very
good friend of christians now there are very few things about
game that you could teach a man like christian mcqueen
however when guys like us get together we talk we exchange tips
and i hit him with the genius way i organize the contacts in my phone
he's now using the same system and as people who have bought the how to be a
g course he thought i should share it with you
the way i organize my phone is very complex because i'm a man who does a
lot of different approaches i use a lot of dating apps i meet a lot of women
so i need a way of filing them in a way that i don't lose track
i first developed the system some years ago what happened was i had approached
a beautiful girl i got her number and i was messaging her very hard on what's
app for a day or two i was then messaging too many
other girls too many other people and i lost track of her
nine days later she hit me with a message i guess you don't really want to meet
up then no matter how i try to explain my way out of
it and say baby it's okay let's still go out
she said you've been on what's app for nine days online every day
and you haven't written me once you're obviously a player i'm tired of guys like
you and i never met her again the way i organize my phone is based on
three different elements one the priority of the girl in question how
important she is to me now this is either based on looks or her
commitment level to you your main chick and your girl
friends for example are more important than the girls you'll call late night
after the club the second element is the name
now the name isn't just what their name is for example here in Romania
andrea is a very popular name my phone has seven andrea's in it
so you need to weigh of knowing which andrea is which
the third is the location it's good to know where the girls
in your phone are located for example if you go to a city once every six months
or once every three months it's good to know who you have in that city that you
could potentially meet up with if i were to store contact in my phone
this is how it's done first a number between one and three
the number between one and three is the girl's priority
for example when i wake up every morning i press one
in my phone book and all the girls that appear with the number one next to their
name are the ones i messaged first thing
the hey baby i was had a dream about you last night
i hope to see you real soon now these are your main chicks
your girlfriends the girls that you really love banging you see three or four
times a week these are your ones your twos
are the girls that you care about but not as much as your number one
it's the girls who think you're busier than you are but you see once every
ten days every two weeks there's something about her you really
appreciate and you really like but she's never going to be a main chick
when a two sends you a message you're applied to a two immediately
but you don't necessarily have to message her every morning when you wake up
you have to take care of your twos because you don't want to lose them
because they matter to you somewhat but you don't have to maintain them
constantly like you do with your most important girls
your threes are the kind of girls that you call after a night out
it's five o'clock you're in in the club
you're bored that's when you message your threes if they message you at a time
like that reply but a three is not so important that when she
messages you she can instantly demand your time
you manage your threes on your own terms when you get bored and you're sitting
on your phone for three hours waiting at the airport message your ones twos
and threes keep all your girls entertained keep all of them interested
now this priority system would have stopped me from making the mistake that
i made with that girl i would have saved her as a one
because she was stunningly hard i was actively pursuing her and trying to
bang her so for those nine days i ignored her
she would have got a good morning message every single morning
saving a girl's name is very important to do correctly
and there are many girls who have the same name if you do a lot of approaches
and you're trying to meet lots of different women you're going to encounter
some girls that you don't even remember meeting especially when you're out in
clubs drunk so when you save their contact details
make it as clear as you like what i like to do is her name followed by her
instagram handle so i can always check how hot she is
and follow up on how good she looks to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving
me after 20 bottles of vodka the girl's name
is andrea for example her instagram tag or
andrea the blonde i met in this club that's the way to save your girls names
that way you can't make a mistake and you can't do what i've done
christian has done and and you have done many times before
which is confuse a girl for somebody else you instantly lose them
the third most important thing to put when you're saving a contact in your
phone is the city name now this takes a very long time for it to actually
become useful but as you slowly build up your contacts
list as a man who travels and does approaches worldwide like me
you slowly accumulate a list of girls in various cities
so there are cities you visit once every six months or once every three months
me marbaia for example i can go to marbaia
type marbaia into my phone book and the six or seven numbers i have in marbaia
will appear you can then hit that girl with a
hey babe just came to marbaia you're the first person i thought of
she'll reply oh my god i didn't know you still remembered me
doesn't matter if you remember her you know she lives in marbaia
because the contact is saved is marbaia so to recap every time you save a girl's
number in your phone if i'm in new york city and i approach a
beautiful brunette named samantha she's not that good looking
but i definitely want to see her if i'm there i'd save her as
three samantha her instagram handle and new york city
when i'm in new york six months down the line and i type type new york city
i could see samantha's number is there if samantha was a 10 out of 10
gorgeous girl who lived here in my city of book arrest i'd say
whereas one samantha book arrest that way every day when i wake up i
type number one in my phone samantha appears along with my other priority
girls the girls i have the girls i badly want
and she gets messaged every single day there's no chance i figure
disclaimer the one two and three depending on the operating system of your
phone you have to be careful with my phone the tennino lambergini
typing the number one comes up with my contacts that start with one
i do realize that with some phones if you press one it will start to dial a
number one or show every number with a one in it
in which case you simply save as one phonetically spell
the number one two and three but it is the same system
whether you're new to the game of approaching and dating multiple women
or it's something you already do i hope you find this system useful
thanks for listening
welcome to the six week iron mind training if you've bought this course
you may have seen one of my first videos if not the link is going to be below
here where i explain the secrets to having an iron mindset
so i'm going to preach the virtues of an iron mindset i know all of you bought
bought this because you understand how important it is to have a mindset of
iron but i'm going to sit here and once i get explained to you how
different the world is when you have a mind which isn't warped
and affected easily by outside influences you are never going to become a robot
this is nothing to do with not feeling emotions there's nothing to do with
just becoming an empty emotionless void of a person that's not what this is
this is about understanding that you're a human being
you're going to feel emotions this is a beautiful thing and making sure that
you use them in the correct way a and b you do not ever let them stop you
doing what you're supposed to do i say to people often i haven't felt
like going to the gym in two years i'm wearing my gym clothes right now i
just finished training i haven't felt like training in two years
i after 10 years of professional fighting after giving my life to exercise
genuinely i have not woke up and felt like oh i really want to train
i haven't felt that way in a long time that's why i retired from fighting
but i have still gone and i have still trained regardless of how i feel
so this is one of the tenets and there's going to be a lot of things you're
going to learn of an iron mindset so you're going to not let your feelings
affect you and sometimes to do the complete opposite of how you feel
because you're not going to very often feel like working hard you're not going
to always feel like doing the right thing you're not always going to be
motivated the idea that you need to be constantly motivated
shows how weak your mindset is i don't need motivation to go to the gym
i cannot want to go with every fiber of my being i will still be there
because i use my cerebral ability i use my mind and i logically decide what i'm
going to do with my day regardless of how i feel
regardless of whether i'm motivated or not this course is going to be six weeks
that's going to teach you how to put together a mindset that allows you to
get things done because that's all life is and that's all the world is
life is just getting things done doing the right things doing the important
things making sure they're done efficiently and thoroughly
so that you live the best possible life it's as simple as that it's not
complicated a lot of the lessons that you would need to learn i gave out in my
free video so if you've not seen that video once again the link is below
watch that video for a star because that teaches you some very very important
things about where your mind should be to begin
and this six-week training is going to be about exercises you can do
to teach yourself slowly over time to put together a mindset that prevents you
from failure because if you have a mindset that doesn't allow you to fail
then you're simply going to win there's no other option so that's what this is
all about so in the first week we're going to learn something which is
extremely basic but it's extremely important i'm not going to be and i don't
want to be one of those guys who's like
motivation inspirational that i've never been one of them people i don't
believe in motivation inspiration i don't believe in that crap i don't
believe that you need motivation to get things done i'm not going to sit here
and just talk a whole bunch of motivational things to make you feel
good what i'm going to do is i'm going to tell you the things i always did
that allowed me to put together the mindset i currently have
so if you look at any story literally any story with a hero in it
they all have one thing in common and that thing is that there's
always a villain you cannot have a hero without a villain it doesn't matter you
can think of any superhero any comic book any
any book you can think of any movie there's always a good guy and there's a bad
guy so for the good guy to exist there has to be a bad guy
there's no other way for the duality of the universe to continue
without this basic tenon so you want to be the good guy in your story you want
and in every i've said this before actually as a man life is going to be
difficult it's more difficult than being a woman it's more difficult than anything
else so it's very easy to see yourself life is
actually easier as a whole if you see yourself as a hero because in every
single hero story the hero suffers he has a hard time
and if you understand that you're suffering because you're a hero then the
suffering begins to make sense so you can be sitting here right now
my woman doesn't respect me i have no money in the bank this is difficult
i am struggling here i'm struggling there you can feel sorry for yourself or you
can say yeah my woman doesn't respect me i'm struggling i can't make money
but you know what that's that's because i'm a fucking superhero
and my life's going to be hard because i'm a man and as a hero it's going to be
difficult these are the tests and the trials and tribulations i have to go
through to become someone every single male superhero went through a whole
ton of shit before he became superhero you've seen the
Batman movies he was his parents died he was he was locked up in jail
all these bad things happen and then they emerge as the hero and this is
done for a reason because it's the reality of life especially as a man
so right now you have to understand that you're the hero in this movie and if
you're struggling you're struggling for a very important reason
and how you handle these struggles and how you deal with these struggles are
going to decide the kind of person you're going to be afterwards you're
going to be a superhero or you're going to succumb to them you're going to fail
so be happy that you're struggling because that's important
that's the first thing the second thing is there has to be a villain
now most people think their villain is someone else
you see this all the time the villains the opposite the hero so if you're
sitting at home and you haven't got much money and you're and you're broke and
you're pissed off and you're depressed and you look at me and i have four super
cars and all these girls i'm traveling the world i go everywhere i want
you may think i'm your villain people look at other people and think oh that guy
has this this guy has this and they become envious and i think that's the
villain that's not true that's not the case because
every single person it has different circumstances
there are things you have that i don't have and it's things i have that you
don't have so i may have had a genetic gift over
you for example some of a fantastic kickboxer but you may have been born more
wealthy than me i was born a very very poor family
so i had advantages and disadvantages you had advantages and disadvantages so
comparing yourself to other people is is asinine and it's a name because it's
not a level fair playing ground there are some people who are born to
millionaire parents who are gorgeous model good-looking
and have six packs without trying some people are lucky like that that's just
how it is so comparing yourself to these people is not going to help you
your villain is nobody else your villain is someone you're going to create
and you create your villain because he's going to motivate you to be the most
powerful hero you can possibly be so you're going to create your villain
and this is the task for the first week this is a six week training course
and over each week you have a very important task and the task for this
week is to create your villain to make sure that there was no disadvantages
involved your villain is going to be a clone of you
but what your villain is going to have is he's going to have some things you
don't have and your villain is going to be the person
who basically without requirement for motivation
without requirement without being no matter how he feels that day
or how stressed he is from work regardless of what happens to him
your villain is going to be the guy who always does
exactly what he wants to do so your villain is going to be the guy who
goes to the gym regardless of how he feels your villain is going to be the
guy who approaches every beautiful girl he ever sees
and says hey i really think you're beautiful goes every time it talks to
them your villain is going to be the guy who asks for a raise at work
your villain is going to be the guy who does everything he wants
regardless of how he feels regardless if he's not motivated or not regardless of
he's shy to tuck that girl or people are watching or his ankle hurts he doesn't
want to go to the gym whatever or his boss is he thinks his boss is going to
fire him your villain is that dude who does anything he wants to do
so for this week you have to sit and you have to make a list of all the things
you sit there and say if i did everything i want to do
if i were to be the best version of myself possible what would i do okay well i go
to the gym every day i get up at six a.m and i go to the gym every day
you write that down i'd approach every beautiful girl i ever see and i'd
introduce myself and try and get their instagram one number you'd write that
down for example i'd start a side business even though i don't know
anything about it i'd learn how to make websites my
villain is the kind of guy who would sit there and he'd learn how to do it by
himself i need to start his own online business
write that down my villain is the kind of guy who reads
very important books i'm i say i don't have time
but my enemy this villain he reads books he finds time
he doesn't watch tv ever he doesn't waste time ever he doesn't eat junk food
he reads books writes it now and you have to make a list
now this list at first should be easy for you but then you're gonna get to about
seven or eight things you're gonna stop no this list needs to be 25 to 30
points long minimum this guy you're building your
arch nemesis you have to write down every single
quality about this guy what he does it goes to the gym every day
six a.m he doesn't watch tv he doesn't eat junk food he goes up to beautiful
girls etc etc etc 25 are 30 points long
because this is going to be your come your enemy for the next six weeks of
training you want to become a hero you need someone to battle against this is
who you're battling against you're battling against a better version of
yourself a version of yourself that doesn't succumb to how he feels
but does what he's supposed to do anyway so this is who your villain is going to
be and when you're writing down this list
all the qualities your villain has imagine what this person looks like
you have to put genuine effort into this you have to imagine what he looks like
imagine how he walks imagine how he talks imagine what people think when
they see him imagine how different you would be if you had been going to the
gym every single day for an hour and a half every single day
for the last two three four years imagine it imagine how differently people
would look at you imagine how differently females would
would treat you if you were a jack like that guy would be
you have to sit and you have to put down all these qualities and then once the
qualities are there 25 or 30 minimum then you have to imagine what kind of
person this is you have to imagine what he looks like what he talks like what he
thinks like imagine how he views the world because this is who you're going to be
battling against so you have to put genuine effort into constructing this
person and understanding this person the reason i'm saying do this because
this is what motivates me every single day when i was training for a fight the
reason i'd always go trains because i knew my enemy was training
but when i stopped fighting professionally i thought well i
what enemy do i have and i realized i had to create my own
so when i don't feel like going to the gym i imagine
i've built my own enemy i won't even list all the things that my enemy has he has
a whole bunch of shit i don't have and he's a he would be an impossible nearly
impossible person to be but when i sit and i don't feel like going to the gym i
know my enemy's training because he trains no matter what regardless of how he
feels regardless if he's pissed off or if there's traffic or it's raining
or he's tired my enemy trains when i see a girl and she's beautiful but all
her friends are there i'm afraid they're gonna laugh at me
my enemy wouldn't give a fuck he'd go over there anyway that's who he is he's
a man so when i understood who i was truly battling
against and you have two choices you either rise up to try and take him on or
you become a little pussy you have to choice do i want to lose to this man
this man i've created and i've built do i want to lose to him or do i want to
beat him or compete with him and you have to make a choice and you sit there and
go well i know that the person i created my mind my
archenemesis would go over there and he talked to all the girls
and he'd fuck two of them let alone one this is an extremely important facet
and for the next six weeks i'm going to be doing lots of things that are going to
revert back to the enemy that you've created so you'd have to put genuine
effort into putting together this person you have to imagine everything about
them from start to finish you have to imagine standing next to them
if you're standing next to this guy right now with no shirt on
who would girls want to fuck who would people respect
and the crazy thing about all of this is that this person is you
this person is you it's just you with a little bit
of a different path or a different take on life it's you
who's the person who does whatever he's supposed to do regardless of how he feels
it's you with an iron mind this is the exact point of it
the reason creating this enemy is so important and the reason
viewing him and seeing how he sees the world
and and understanding how important and powerful this person is
is important is because that person is you that person is you who does what he
supposed to do without fail that's all it is
and when you truly truly put this person together and you truly truly understand
him and you find out what you could be and you find out what you're battling
against you're going to become far more difficult
to demoteivate it's going to be much harder for someone to say to you don't
go to the gym because you're going to know well my
opponent my enemy this guy give him a name whatever
this dude's going to the gym that's why he looks how he looks
and that's who i'm being compared to so i have to go to the gym
oh yeah but you know i'm tired when you don't go then my training part is when
i go find you don't go i am going i'm not the guy who's going to let this
man beat me and you have to start comparing yourself
to this guy in every single facet i still do it to this day i compare my
bank balance to disguise and he's killing me i compare my body to disguise he's
killing me i compare so many things about myself
you guys may look at me and go i'll take millionaire girls this that that i
i'm still comparing myself to this person i've created
and i know that i'm losing and that's what drives me forward that's why i don't
miss the gym that's how i find a way to make money
that's how i do whatever it takes to succeed because i know who i'm battling
against most you guys have no enemy you have no
enemy or you have an enemy which is somebody else
you're looking at Justin Bieber or Drake or some shit that that's not going to
motivate you that's pointless it's not going to help you
or you have no enemy at all you have a support structure around you and you
have people saying oh you're great just the way you are you know you're
beautiful just the way you are and you're sitting there and living in your
little comfort zone like a little bitch bullshit put this enemy together
from start to finish feel free to email me the list
email me the list i'll see if there's anything you've missed out
email addresses at the bottom screen feel free to email me your list i'll
compare it to my list and we'll see if there's anything you've missed out but
this is going to be the most important thing across the next six weeks we're
going to keep referring back to and when you truly put this list together you
truly create this person and truly understand that it could be you
it's going to be far more difficult to stop you doing what you need to do in
the future so you fashion your enemy your enemy is
the version of you which doesn't take shit your enemy is a version of you which
goes to the gym every single day and if you've done this correctly
then what you should be doing by now is thinking of him permanently
every single time you go to the gym and you haven't done that one extra rep
he did every single time you don't feel like doing something you'd think yeah
but he would do it if you truly constructed the way you should
he should be crossing your mind with every single thing you do
and this is why it's important to develop an ego this is lesson two the iron mine
course is to develop an ego egos are extremely important
egos have always existed throughout ancient history
men kings went to war and millions of people died
because someone insulted him because of his ego egos are a natural human thing
and they're extremely important and the modern world tells men to not have an
ego and they do that because it makes you weak and
easy to control you can only have an iron mine if you are so sure of
yourself so egotistical that nobody can break it
so an ego is extremely important now for the first lesson we built your
enemy and we built this perfect person you're going to be battling against
and there's a very specific reason we did it based on a version of you
one because it shows who you could be but the other reason is also because if
your ego is based around beating this person
you get to go through life and be a nice guy to everyone else
people say don't have an ego because if you think that if you they give you an
ego you have an ego you're going to be egotistical to the people you meet
i'm a nice guy to everyone i mean because they're not my enemy
i'm not combating against them i'm a nice guy to every person a nice guy to
every woman i say please and thank you i'm a nice person
but i do have a massive ego but my ego comes into play
when i'm fighting against my enemy listen did you fuck your wife yesterday maybe
you did so imagine this guy fucked your wife you
would have fucked her better than you did and this should inspire your ego
the person you're battling against is BTU and this person is who you could be
that's what's the most annoying thing about it this person's outlifting you in
the gym they're making more money they're fucking their wife better they got
more girls they're rolling around a nicer car
this could be you but it's not you only because you don't have the motivation
to do with this individual does nothing to do with genetics nothing to do with
luck this person is you and they're beating you
and this shouldn't inspire your ego most people's egos work against them and the
way it works against them is they feel entitled
they wake up and they think oh i deserve a nice car i'm a special person i deserve
a nice car and then when they don't get a nice car they get disheartened and
annoyed that is not the right way to use an ego
the ego should be used as in i deserve a nice car i'm gonna go fucking
give them that's an ego so this person who you've built your enemy he has a nice
car because he has worked harder than you have
so he has a nice car and you don't have one
whose fault is that there should be no reason no excuse for you to not do
everything that you believe you need to do to be the best person you can be
if you've properly created this enemy you've looked at this list 25 to 30
points long of everything this guy does and you should look at that list and
think fuck this is who i'm competing against i need to start getting my
shit together and and your ego should stop you
from wanting to lose otherwise day after day after day you are
losing to this individual this individual is beating you
day after day after day you can't let that happen your ego is
extremely important and you only have one person you're competing against
and it's the person you create which is nothing more than a better version of
yourself so day by day you're losing his battle
and that should make you uncomfortable she'll make you nervous or she'll make
you anxious so you start to feel that way because this is the truth if you've
truly imagined who your enemy is and you truly imagine them being you
you should not be able to relax the fact that you can still sit and watch
tv means you need to go back to the first video of this course and start again
and do it properly and do it well enough so that you can no longer sit still
you look at yourself in the mirror okay i've got some muscle but this guy he's
got real muscle i've got a little bit of money this guy he
hustles non-stop he's on twitter non-stop he's starting businesses he's
learned how to make websites he's trading crypto he's got all the takes
programs he's got this he's got that you need to get
your shit together and if you do that properly you'll start to feel nervous
you'll imagine the version of you that is as amazing as they could be and then
you look at yourself and realize that you're failing
it's the reality and you'll sit there and go fuck
now when you feel anxious there's only one thing you can do you either sit there
or be anxious a little girl be worried about it or you can put some things in
action i was nervous for every single fight and that's my
fault the best because i was afraid it's afraid of losing
and you need to be afraid of losing day by day throughout your life
you know your enemies you know what he's doing and you're losing day by day
now if you go to the gym and you beat your
personal best let's say the most you've ever benched is a hundred kilo
you go there you bench 105 kilo the days you beat your personal best
are the days you've beat in this individual that's the only day you're
allowed to claim a victory if you beat your personal best you can claim a
victory i went there i did more than i've ever done i beat this guy
but if you're not beating your personal best he is being you and that should
inspire you to try and smash through your own records
day after day after day the most money you've ever made in the month
the most weight you've ever lifted the most girls you've ever smoked to it
doesn't matter what goals you said you have to understand during this
amount of a lot of time losing and all this time you're spending losing is
going to damage your ego and that's going to make you anxious and unhappy
and nervous and you're going to put all that nerve synergy into smashing your
personal records you have those days of victory
everything compounds what most we would understand is they think that life
just changed overnight everything compounds people say to me
oh tell you how did you become successful i can't tell you the one thing that
made me successful i was always driven motivated
i understood how to make good connections i looked after the people looked after
me i always knew what the right thing to do was i didn't drink for many years
my life i didn't do this i didn't do that i did do this
and it all comes together to success it's not about one thing
a lot of people go through life with a very average attitude to life and they
wait for their one big break yeah maybe you'll get it but that's not the
reality if you're hoping for a big break you may as well just keep buying
lottery tickets you have to build your big break
and you're going to do that with a thousand tiny victories
there's a change of mindset that allows you to put together a thousand tiny
victories and the change of mind says simply understanding that there's a
version of you that exists somewhere in the multiverse
which is much better than you are right now they're the same star the same
genetic composition but they are destroying you in every measurable
metric purely because they don't get lazy don't get tired
don't watch tv don't waste their time they have an iron mind and that person is
going to become you now that is who you are fighting against
in this lesson of the iron mind course is going to be a happy lesson
all of our previous lessons were about creating enemies and understanding that
you have to fight a battle against the enemy you create and how difficult life
can be and in this lesson we're going to do something that's a little bit
more positive so you can smile and what we're going to do is we're going to talk
about gratitude i have learned the hard way
that it is impossible to be grateful for things that you have an abundance
everybody knows this i'm stating the obvious here
everyone talks about how if you were born a millionaire kid you wouldn't
appreciate money it's absolutely the same with absolutely everything else
and no matter how hard you try it or how hard you try and check yourself
and appreciate your current situation you're never going to appreciate
if you have an abundance the easiest way to be grateful for your life
and appreciate things is to self-sensor now this takes self-control
but we've already discussed how your enemy has self-control
and how you're going to compete against him you're going to need self-control
so for this reason you now have self-control i'm going to tell you something
by reducing your time spent or money spent or energy spent on the things you
like not only do you become a more productive
worker you get more stuff done but two you appreciate those things more and you
end up genuinely happier so i'll give you some examples
it's a sunny day today on sunny days i like driving my Lamborghini around
and showing off and sometimes when i really feel like driving it i don't
allow myself i'll take a bike and i'll go pedal my bike instead or i'll try and
extra hours in the gym or i'll do some work so when i really want to drive it
even though i have the time to drive it even though i could drive it i do not
drive it and the reason i do that is i deliberately prevent myself from
doing something i want so when i get back in that car
the next day or a couple days later i appreciate it
if i drove the car anytime i wanted to i might still even like it myself
enjoy it but i will never appreciate it now when i get in that car i appreciate
my car and that's because i stop myself from using it as
often as i want to use it humans were never built for the abundance
we live in today we live in an abundance which we were never
designed to have we were designed to barely barely scrape enough calories
from the surroundings to survive and sit around in the dirt
wishing for more than what we had we were not designed to be able to get food
anytime we wanted that's why people are fat to get satisfaction entertainment
anytime we wanted that's why people can't pay attention anymore
the human mind is not evolved to live the life we're living
so you have two choices you either cave to that completely and you're given
to consumerism and you end up obese and have attention deficit disorder
because you're too busy watching youtube videos to concentrate anything important
or you sense yourself and you prevent yourself from having as much as you want
and that's how you build an iron mindset so i'm going to give you a few examples
of things you can do because now i know in all of you have
lemry ganies that was a pretty first world example
but i'll give you some other examples of things that i have done
now i actually developed this and learned this tactic when i was fighting
because fighting makes you sense yourself when you're training for a fight you
can't drink alcohol you have to eat correctly you have to sleep correctly
so when i'm at my fight camp would be over the idea of staying up late
and having a beer and eating an ice cream was amazing
to most people that's every fucking day and they don't give a shit
but to me the idea of just cracking open a beer and drinking it and not thinking
about it as anything other than a beer when i did that after a fight camp
i was smiling ear to ear genuinely because i hadn't touched alcohol for
eight weeks so by preventing myself from having alcohol
not only was i'm more grateful in the end
like people had beer all the time it doesn't make them happy it's just something
they do not only was i'm more grateful in the end not
only was i happier i was also in better physical condition
i also didn't spend money on beer and this is the exact point if you restrict
yourself from the things you want not only do you enjoy the more in the end
not only do you end up happier you usually end up in better physical
financial shape for it so there's a whole bunch of stuff you do right now
that you enjoy everyone has things to enjoy and that's fine
you absolutely should have things you enjoy you've made your list of of
your enemy obviously he's a machine he's a robot he doesn't waste much time
but we're all humans you're competing with him but there's still some things
you enjoy which aren't completely essential you need to learn to restrict
those things or delay those things so that you appreciate them more
happiness and gratefulness are basically the same thing
if you're grateful for what you have you're going to be a pretty happy person
and a happy mind is an iron mind the idea of being a robot
and being i've got an iron mind nothing affects me
that's not that's not a good life a good life is a happy person
who when the struggles of life come they can just glide over the bumps
that's the kind of person you want to be and you're going to do that by making
yourself more grateful you make yourself more grateful
through scarcity so across the next couple of days here's what i want you to
do i want you to choose each day if you're going to allow yourself to
eat or to drink you have to make a choice because these are things you do
every day you eat some food you drink some more and you don't care about
and you're not grateful for either one so each day you're going to wake up and
you're going to decide i'm either going to drink whatever i want today
coffee water orange juice smoothie whatever
or i'm going to eat whatever i want today and i'm going to be thirsty
at the end of either one of those days you're going to be pissed off you made
the choice you made and you would wish you made the other one
and you'd be grateful for all the time she've had a meal with a nice cold glass
of water with it or all the time she had a cold glass of water with a nice meal
with it for the next three or four days you have to make a choice each morning
stick to it don't be a pussy you've had enough of the other lessons if you're
struggling to stick to it watch the other videos
don't be a pussy and choose next three or four days choose food or war
at the end of the four days you can allow yourself to have both together
and you'll feel a whole new appreciation for the most basic thing in the world
a meal and a cold glass of water i guarantee you
because for three or four days it was always a choice you're waking up in the
morning you wake up your mouth's dry but you're hungry as
fuck from yesterday so which one is it you have to make the choice
so when you get to a situation we have two things together two very basic
simple things together you're going to appreciate both of them
more so this is the first exercise you're going to do across the next three or
four days the idea being is you need to learn
how to remember that feeling now i know this sounds stupid but
feelings can be remembered if you listen to a sad song
or if you think about sad event the feeling comes back
you remember the feeling people very rarely remember
gratefulness they don't remember feeling content with something
so what you're going to do is you're going to put yourself in position of
stress you're going to relieve that stress you're going to feel content
and then you're going to try and remember that feeling
everything about it remember how you're sitting remember where you are
remember that feeling and give yourself a memory that you can
revert revert back to any time in the future and you'll
automatically feel grateful so i have this from fighting
i can literally right now i can think back to that time when i just lost
ten kilos and been in the sauna for two days and hadn't had a drop of war and
lost all that weight and i had my first class of war i can remember that and
i'm smiling already literally genuinely i can remember how that felt
because i've had these extreme situations super extreme situations
whereas when they were relieved i remember how thankful i was
so i have countless memories in my life that i can
revert back to that allow me to instantly feel grateful for what i have right
now for the most basic things in the world
money is another fantastic thing to do is with right now check your bank account
hopefully you're broke if you're broke this is really easy check your bank
right now you're broke okay good when you get some money in your bank and
you smile remember that feeling this video is a short video but this is
very very important you can email me now after watching
this video and tell me what you're going to do to put yourself in a
position of stress how you're going to relieve it
and then once you've relieved it once you are sitting there
and you're feeling content and happy you need to remember that feeling and i
want you to email it to me and describe it to me
now this isn't going to work if you don't create yourself in a situation of
extreme stress if you're thirsty for 30 minutes then
have a glass of war you're not going to be happy enough
to be able to hack your brain to truly remember that feeling
you need to suffer gentlemen you need to be two hours sleeping like for two
days in the room or the no food no water back and
forth i don't care if it takes a week two weeks until you literally can't
handle it anymore and when you're on absolute edge
that's when you give in because only then you'll be able to hack your brain to
remember that memory you need a plethora of memories in your mind
that you can revert to that will instantly make you happy and grateful
and feel gratitude for what you have if you have those things that you can
reserve vert to anytime you want it's almost like being a
like puppy you can bust out the spinach anytime you need it
and that's genuinely the way i live my life if i i'm a happy person but i've
ever pissed off or really really stressed or i'm
working going right and my lamborghini won't start and
girl one of my girlfriends is being a dick and
well the electricity bill is six grand and whatever whatever whatever i never
i can sit there and go yeah pop at least i'm not
broke because when i was broke and i can think about that exact memory or i can
sit and go at least i have war i can think about that exact memory and i
will smile regardless for water i can be in the most
fucked up situation in the world i'm not going to glass of water and i'll be
happy and that's what you're going to learn to do
so put together your scenarios i've given you the scenario of sleep that's an
easy one i've given you the one with food war
that's another easy one in general this is a good habit to
learn to restrict yourself from doing the things you really want to do
because you're going to appreciate them more and you're also going to be
financially and probably healthier so you should also look at what you're
doing with your spare time in general and reduce it next time you want to do
something next time you want to watch a youtube video or you want to do
something stupid go no i'm not going to do it today i'm going to do it tomorrow
make yourself wait because you'll appreciate it more when you do it
and i want you to put yourself in a situation of extreme stress
gentleman it has to be extreme when you lay in bed after being
that tired for that long and you feel completely just you don't give a
shit about anything else you're so happy to just be in bed
remember that feeling because that's a memory you're going to be able to go back
to anytime feel free to email me your ideas feel free to email me and what i
want you to do is email me how it feels if you email me how it
feels when you finally get that relief and you finally feel like gratitude
email that to me because if you write out an email and explain it to me
then you're going to do far better at memorizing the memory
you're going to do far better at hacking your brain and this can be a far better
attempt at having something you'd revert to at any time
that'll instantly lighten your mood now we're going to talk about rewards
because people have this impression that to have an iron mine you need to be in
constant god mode and that life needs to be
struggled permanently and you need to be able to deal with that struggle
permanently and it's all just doom and gloom which is not the case
at all you need to have goals you've obviously you've created your enemy you
know you're battling against but life should be a happy experience
so making sure that completing your goals makes your life
better and more positive makes you feel more happy
is certainly going to encourage you to set larger goals and to complete them
so what i do when it comes to rewarding myself because every single one of us
needs to reward ourselves is i very simply pin my rewards
to an objective so what people normally do is they go through life and they go
ah i feel like having an ice cream and then they buy an ice cream
then they eat the ice cream at the end even on such a small level what they're
saying is i do what i want i do what i feel like at the time
and i don't feel like i have to earn that tree for example
so even on a very very small level let's say i'm walking down the street and i
feel like having an ice cream i will sit and think i really want an ice cream
but i'm not going to have one tomorrow i'm going to do x amount extra on the
gym i'm going to do an extra 100 burpees i'm going to do an extra set of bench
breasts just one extra and tomorrow afternoon i'm
going to ice cream and even something small like that
this is a genuine example you spend the whole day thinking about ice cream
you're going to be anticipating ice cream getting sight for ice cream
you go to the gym you do extra you earn the ice cream
and then you know what the crazy thing is the ice cream tastes better
after going through that process then if i would have just bought it when i
kind of want it when the first time and it's the same with absolutely
everything if i had some money in my bank and i decided to buy a lambo
sure it'd be a fun happy day but if i set myself a series of objectives i had to
complete first now i even just to be able to afford the
lambo sure you can say once i make x amount of money i'm going to treat
myself to this that's fine but you could also pin to a bunch of other
objectives so i had the money for a lambo i wouldn't allow myself to buy one
until i completed other things in the gym for example
gym is the one i use all the time if i want to do something which i know is
stupid but makes me happy like booze like eat some bad food
like buy something i shouldn't buy etc etc i make myself work for it
and i do that to alleviate the guilt of having it because what's kind of
happen is if you've done the first two parts of this
correctly and you understand the enemy you're combating
you're going to know that that person doesn't give in to those kind of
desires doesn't give in to urges if he wants ice cream he just goes without
well that that's your battling against but it's fine for you have an ice cream
because you're going to work extra hard so the next thing to do is you put
together a list of objectives you need two lists
you list of things you could already do and afford
and you list of things you can't do and afford
so the first list things you can do and afford
you to sit there and think even basic shit junk food i want to have a cheat
day of junk food to allow myself to have that cheat day of
junk food on the seventh day of the week on the six days of week i'm going to get
at six o'clock on the other gym and i'm trying for an hour and a half i'm not
going to leave the gym until seven thirty i'm going to be there at six o'clock
every day and unless you complete those six days
unless you complete the objectives you're not going to give in and allow yourself
to seven and i'm telling you the seventh day if you finally do
complete the objectives and then you sit in there eating the junk food it will
be so much better once you've earned it the greatest thing about this is
it did the reward is actually better not only do you work harder
but the reward is so much better knowing you worked for it
so that's one example junk food for example or let's say you want
new shoes basic shit all the shit you're doing anyway
now without thinking you're going to a mall you'll buy yourself something
you'll want it for ten minutes by the time you get home and take out the bag
you don't want any more that's because you haven't trained
yourself to earn it you're gonna be a happier person when you look at
something you want go around come back and get that in two days
and in the next two days i'm going to do x and you do that x that you don't want
to do it's going to be difficult and you're going to achieve it
and then you're going to get what you want and you're going to be happier that
you got the thing that's the first thing and second thing is all these small
little objectives you small little missions you're setting yourself right
a compound especially when it comes to physical fitness
physical fitness is the easiest one because you can say i'll do 500 press
ups and then i'll get it done so this list of things you can
already easily afford you're going to do you're going to write it out and you're
going to set an objective for each one so if right now you're thinking of going
on holiday you need to set an objective for completing a holiday if you want to
have a day of junk food if you want to buy something cheap
etc etc that's the first list the second list is a list of things you
cannot yet afford or things you do not yet have
and that's very easy because what you're doing is
the the punishment or the mission you're trying to complete
is actually necessary it's vital to having the objective so
if you want a Ferrari you write down Ferrari well then you have to make the
money first don't you of course if you want to have a six pack
when you go do the work a separate list of things
with the objectives yet to be completed which you will need to finish before
you can even purchase them so you have two lists things you can do right now
and you're going to delay gratification on purpose
to change to train your mind to earn things so you're going to train your
mind to earn things with the first list and the second list is also going to be
all your life goals all the things you're aiming to get
the first list is actually the most important the second list is just going
to be a general motivation everyone wants to have a Ferrari and a mansion of
course it's good to write listings down you may never even get them as the
reality of the world you know you may get halfway there and still be a very
happy content person so this is a dream list
but that that's good to have but the first list is the most important because
you're going to learn to delay gratification you're going to learn to
train yourself to make yourself work for the things you want things you
already can do you're going to start putting an objective you're going to
start putting a goal in the way so people say to me often how do you
find the motivation to do this it's like well if I don't do that I won't
allow myself to do it and why how do you find the motivation to do x
if I don't do x I won't allow myself to do y so for example I train 70s a week
some days I wake up and I cannot be asked I ache I'm tired I've got super busy
day I don't want to go to the gym my phone's already going off I've got
shit to do but if I don't go to the gym I will not allow myself to drive my
fast cars around which I enjoy doing and I've set that in stone if I don't
gym I'm not driving the cars so I'll end up you know what I'll fuck it the
lambos looking nice is sunny I'll have to go to the gym
you have to learn to put objectives in the way the things you want
and if you complete the objectives and you can have what you want
now the most important thing about this list is also you need to write down all
the times you fail so let's say you've decided that on this on one of these
days I'm using very simple examples you could think of the examples you do
for yourself you need to go through your life over the next couple days and
realize how often you actually give into your impulses you're driving you see
the Donald's fuck out the Donald's when you see junk food fuck it you see some
shoes you won't fuck it you're watching TV you want to watch Game of Thrones
fuck it fuck it fuck you give in a tons more than you realize
and if you actually be conscious about it you'll realize oh shit I want to watch
a new series of Game of Thrones that's effectively wasting my time
purely for entertainment if I'm gonna do that I have to do X amount of work first
so you can always find an objective you know I started objective to put in
before so it should be very easy for you over the next couple days and look
all the times you've given to impulses and do things
which your opponent wouldn't be doing your opponent would not waste time on
Game of Thrones he would not sit in a McDonald's drive through
he would not buy those shoes just for the sake of the saw me like them
so all the things your opponent wouldn't do well the next couple days you can
write down you need to set objective in front of each one and you also need to
realize and need to keep track of how often you fail the objective
so let's say we chose Game of Thrones you want to watch Game of Thrones on
Sunday and you've decided you're going to go to the gym
six days from Monday to Saturday every single day before you'll allow yourself
to watch Game of Thrones and for some reason on Thursday you fuck it up and
you don't go you need to write down next to the objective you
are fucked up you need to try the week after if you give in and just watch Game
of Thrones anyway then then everything start out the window
but if you're truly listening to the first two lessons we've laid out
then you should feel too guilty to watch Game of Thrones
I couldn't sit there knowing I failed the task
and give myself the reward I wouldn't enjoy the reward I'd feel genuinely
guilty genuinely if I was supposed to go to the gym and
I'd end up in the gym and I had the ice cream anyway I wouldn't enjoy the ice
cream because I feel guilty you have to learn to take yourself
accountable make yourself accountable and if you make this list
like I said over the next couple days keep track of all the times you give in
put an objective in front of each one and you shouldn't be able to do
you shouldn't be able to give in and do these things because you should feel
guilty if you don't completely objective which means the only way to do it is
to complete the objective and before you know you're gonna have a
shitload more work done than you could have ever imagined
especially when it comes to physical fitness is the easiest one
what will happen when you truly implement this mindset is you'll start
this is what happens this is what happens to me you'll start realizing
and you'll start noticing how much other people give in
so I'll be sitting there at dinner I'll eat my dinner I'm so old the person I'm
waiting to go oh I want dessert I want to diet I fuck it yeah fuck it
dessert menu and you'll start realizing how quickly and how easily other people
get into impulses they'll be in the mall or look at something I want it
yeah I'll buy it okay yeah fuck it and you'll also notice how how it doesn't
fulfill them whatsoever the first thing that happens when you take this step
back and put these objectives in place is one you notice how people give in so
easily and two you notice how much it doesn't actually
fulfill them they want the dessert they the dessert are they happy
afterwards are they smiling are they ecstatic or they feel the same as you
do except they've got a fucking stomach full of sugar and you don't
most people because they give into their impulses so easily
they're not even happy with them this is the reality of the world people buy
shit they don't want do shit they don't even fucking like doing
eat crap they go I really want that and they eat and they feel like shaft
towards it's all asinine it's all a name when you truly implement this system
you're gonna start noticing how easily others give in
and what it's gonna start to do is it shouldn't motivate you further
when i'm walking through the mall someone gives in does some dumb shit they
shouldn't do it motivates me to make sure i'm never like that
literally when they buy that t-shirt and then they go home by the time they
own they start on a couch and throw the bat on a couch throw in the wardrobe
it's carry on playing video games or whatever they're doing
then what do i waste money they don't even fuck up there you fuck about that t-
it made them happy for maybe six minutes maybe
if if you only got six minutes of hacking this out of the t-shirt
but it inspired you to go to the gym beforehand then it's worthwhile
then the t-shirt now has a purpose but just to buy it for a second feeling a
little bit happier for a few minutes to throw in the wardrobe
absolutely not worthwhile so there's a huge difference between the two
so the second part of this objective after you've done everything we've
discussed with the two lists and your understanding after a couple days
of analyzing all the things your opponent wouldn't do to realize how often you
give them yourself is to also become super
perspicacious and pay attention to how often other people give in to their
whims because that should motivate you more than anything
make your list pull your objectives down doesn't matter what your objectives are
objectives can be super simple and they can be super basic to start
you know i want to make my first fifty dollars online i've never made money
online before i want to find a way to get someone to pay
family fifty dollars i mean my first fifty dollars online and after i do that
i'm gonna allow myself to go and blow it or go blow two hundred dollars doesn't
matter it's just a principle that i managed to make money online
and if i do that i'm going to go and i'm going to go shopping on sunday
and then you're going to sit there on twitter you sit there and they go how
the fuck can i make some money because i want to go shopping i want to go
shopping but i don't do this i can't go shopping
and you're going to see how quickly this compounds to a complete
change of lifestyle these are some small mind hacks this will be a quick video
because there's some small mind hacks you can do that will change your entire
perspective near instantly and the first one i alluded to a couple of
these on twitter but this is the first one the first one is a very very important
one it's probably the most important one and it's changing i have to
the sentence i have to or the saying i have to
into i get to a lot of people are extremely stressed about things that they
have to do and because they have to do them or they
understand the importance of doing them they forget that it's actually a
blessing to do them in the first place because they're obligated when you're
obligated to do something you forget that it's actually a good thing
if i like for example going to the gym is something
people can enjoy when i was a fighter and i had to go to the gym
twice a day every day like anything in life once you're obligated once you
have to a lot of fun disappears so i have to
implicate an obligation whereas i get to implicate to choice
so i'll give you an example if you wake up and you're really busy anything i have
to take the kids to school i have to go to work
i have to take the car to be repaired those are three things which are not
necessarily fun to do they're not necessarily
they're everyday activities they're things you can be stressed about you're
no on time you got to get the kids ready for school you got to work i was the
problem with the car if you change i have to do those three things into i get
do those three things the mentality around the actions
change so i get to take the kids to school a lot of people don't have kids
a lot of people want kids and can't get them there's a lot of kids who can't go
to school you get to take your children to school
which is which is which the blessing itself yeah i have to take the kids to
school you get to take them to school aren't you lucky
i have to go to work well you get to go to work imagine you didn't have a job
imagine right now you lost your job if you lost your job right now overnight
you had no income your whole life would be up
upside down you'd be in turmoil and you'd miss your job very much and you wish
you had your job back so you get to go to work you don't have to go to work you get
to go to work that's what's a good thing even something
as annoying as a car bring i take the car from mechanics well at least you get
to take the car from the mechanics imagine you didn't have a car
imagine there was no mechanic so next time you're sitting there looking
at your day or looking at a list of things or jobs you have to complete or
you're stressed through the low on time and all these things are happening i have
to do this i've got to get this done i have to do this
change the language i get to do x y z and i guarantee you'll feel better about
the activities near instantly and this is something you can do very very
quickly this is the first thing you need to do and this is the second little
mine hack and this video is short because i want you to implement these i want you
to take time to genuinely make sure you implement
these two things change i have to do i get to
and the second one is and then i can so when you have to do something
difficult add up and then i can on the end for example with
me the gym i i'm being honest with you i don't like
the gym anymore i'm doing too long but i understand it's important and i don't
want to miss it so i think you know what i'm going to go train and i'm
train hard because then i can relax so adding and then i get to
onto the end of basically anything can give you a lot of motivation so even
the simple activities we labeled earlier but i have two things i have to
get the kids ready for school i have to go to work i have to fix the car
if you change it to i get to take the kids to school i get to go to work
i get to get the hard fixed and then i can relax
or and then i'm going to give myself i'm going to treat myself and allow myself
to have a glass of wine or some ice cream whatever
add and then onto the end of every single difficult task
and change i have to so i get to try that for a week
and you'll see exactly how your entire world changes
language body language is how people communicate without speaking
since the dawn of human time people have always communicate without speaking
and a man's role and i'm assuming you're a man because i doubt a female
about this a man's role is very very specific in his body language
in this course you're going to see a video where i kind of do an overview on
body language and i basically say be combative
but i'm going to i'm going to go into that into more detail in this video
the reason i say be combative is because being combative is the most important
body language which exists which you can portray to other men
and to women because this is the only body language which was important for
millennia for human existence the only important body language was the
body language that you were not an easy target
the attracted women and it made men respect you
so we're going to talk about the broad basics of body language and we're
going to go into some little tips and tricks
overall so the first thing i want you to understand is
combative does not mean walking around swaying shoulders like this
combative means looking alert i think jordan peterson says something
about this but i don't think his body language is particularly alpha
in fact i don't think the world has many alpha role models
jordan if you name the right wing role models like milo and jordan peterson
and all these people just weirdos none of them are particularly overtly alpha
besides trump himself but trump is a great guy to study body language wise
you want a body language lesson watch trump he doesn't play games
anyway you have to look combative so to look combative it's basic things
it means be ready for a fight that does not mean project
aggression it means be ready for a fight so if you were walking down the road
you're walking down the road are you more ready for a fight with your hands
in your pockets or your hands outside your pockets
or you're more ready for a fight if you're staring your phone with your head
down or with your head up with your shoulders back with your
posture correct while i teach you in this course it's not
just going to be do this do this do this it's how to think about body language
so that you're overtly you're overtly aware of how you're acting
you need to be aware of how you act so you need to have a correct posture
you need to sit up straight sit properly you need to have your hands out of your
pockets you need to look where you're going and not look down
not be distracted not look like a victim
this is extremely important when projecting to men and it's also important
projecting to women to where to go in that in detail in this course
so i know i just mentioned trump but we also can't forget about Putin because
Putin's a gg he was kgb trained he knows exactly how to act
so when someone's talking to him and he wants to make it clear he doesn't give
a fuck what they say he will for example lean back in his
chair so Putin will sit there and he'll start talking to him and he'll sit
like this this is Putin's i don't give a fuck
this is Putin's i'm not listening many traditional body language courses
will teach you if you cross your arms you're not receptive this is true
you know like this shows you're not open you're not receptive you're crossing
your arms etc but there's much more subtle moves
like leaning back in your chair leaning back in your chair is a great one
i use it all the time so we'll sit there we'll start talking to me
i don't like what i have to say i'll lean back
i'll still look at the muzzling back in my chair but i'll loop directly at them
and they'll know oh fuck you so i'm upset him somehow
so i'll make that clear so we're gonna go over a few things the first thing we're
talking about is being trusted and listened to
now if you've bought my other courses you know that my brain
is a mega hive of unlimited potential petrobites of is petrobites even a thing
no okay we'll go back then if you bought my other courses you'll know that my
brain is unrivaled by any most of this planet
terabytes on palm terabytes of information from fucknoseware
just a genius so like all my other videos i'm just
gonna be talking skip bang information just to be coming at you you need to
sit there slow it down watch it over and over again
decipher it and put some things in action because i guarantee there's a lot
you're doing wrong already right now don't move your posture right now
wear your hands are you sitting up straight do you even look are you
sitting correctly or are you all like in your chair
maybe you're already made from mistakes you don't know so the first things we
talk about is how to be listened to and trustworthy
i have been to court six times and every time i've walked and i've never used a
lawyer and i've represented myself and the reason for that is because i
won i speak very clearly very precisely and i know exactly how to use
the human language but secondly is my body language so sometimes in court you
need to look believable you need to look innocent
and to do this you make yourself appear less aggressive
big men have this problem small men are very concerned about looking big
whereas a big man in many situations you need to look less intimidating
if my car breaks down and i want to knock on someone's
door to use the phone another super old school
i know that's how people get murdered in every single movie that's just an
example when if i knock on a door people don't answer the door to me
well me interest to knock on doors they look outside but what the fuck
who the fuck is two six foot five dudes i have no no
chick is opening that door me my brother used to have a job where we
used to do door-to-door sales a long time ago and we have to quit the job
because no one would answer the door of us what the fuck is two massive guys
just really what the fuck no one answered out the window
what can i sell you now get the fuck away from my house
so you have to try and change your water language to appear less aggressive
so we've actively slunk or hold a clipboard or something to just
make yourself seem smaller so when i was in court and they were accusing me of
things i didn't fucking do but even though i was innocent of course
you have to look innocent so you don't look innocent by looking aggressive
you look innocent by looking smaller you make yourself seem smaller
you'd add in stammering to your language so i i never say um and uh
ever probably uh yeah well i don't think it's fair uh
uh uh and you almost in many ways see yourself appear less intelligent
not less intelligent in a stupid he's dumb he did it way
in a very like i couldn't hurt anyone women are experts at this
women do this the best watch a female get pulled over by the police
watchers start going oh oh really uh plain stupid is a great way to play
innocent and it's very very effective but what you'll find in one language
sometimes the biggest result is when you can just oppose them against each other
so while i was in court they'd ask me questions
i'd be like oh no i don't even really know how that works to be honest but
i don't don't really know i'd add in these little delays
i deliberately slow my speech down but then when i had to make a point i'd
completely flip it and i'd be very adamant and direct with my words
even now and even in all my case speech videos you'll notice how i use my hands
if i have a point to make i use my hands to make the point
i direct the point with my hands you're going to notice me doing all the time
now something i do in accident but if i want to make a point i'll say
something like and the reason for this the reason
your mom has a big ass is because she eats too much
i'll do things like this i'll explain the reason
i'll get your attention to my hands and then i'll directly give you the reason
and i'll i'll put it into your brain i'll put it in with my hands
this is something i do completely by natural i don't even have to think about
anymore but it's something i did learn and it's amazing with women
it's great with women when you're arguing with them and they sit there and be like
blah blah blah i didn't fucking fuck her be quiet
i'm a hare but the physical action makes them sit there and oh okay
just be very aware and very avert with your hands
like i said this course is just going to be
knowledge flying at you so when you talk where are your hands
where are they how do you use them your hands you should be extremely
expressive with your hands especially if you're a man
when i before i was a kickboxing world check and i worked in sales
and i had the best sales record in the fucking company obviously
and a lot of that was down to body language i would sit there in front of
somebody i sold tv advertising i'll sit there and say you need tv
advertising they go oh we do pretty good i said yeah you do good now
but in the future you're going to need you're going to need tv advertising
it's the future of advertising you're going to need it
i'll tell people you ain't got a choice you better buy it today you need this
i said they're okay well let me look at your current strategy and then maybe i
could improve it no fuck that garbage if you're a salesman you're watching
this now you better start telling people they need it
you can't live without this you need this today i understand my industry
no disrespect you're a diaper company or you're a fucking
war company you understand war you know more about war than me i understand
advertising see what i've done there
you understand war that's your thing advertising is my thing
you don't tell me about your advertising strategy because i don't
fucking care advertising is my thing it's mine i own it and if i say you need
something you better buy it so you understand war
war is your industry advertising my industry i've been in this industry for
a long time i'm telling you with your current strategy
you're having success now but you won't have success in the future
and you're going to need a different form of advertising
that's exactly how i'd be people sitting there going oh okay
sign so be very very careful with your hands and how you use things
i am very good at that you me this all these things are learned you have to
deck your own style but you need to sit there and think
consciously when you speak what are you doing with your hands
if you're to sit there and talk with your hands in your pockets
you're not going to nearly as convincing if you if i want to sit there and i want
to come across as there's the old mafia boss you know you can sit and be like
with your hands in one place and just use your eyes instead
that works but that's a far more that's the kind of
body language you use when you don't really want to talk anymore
if i'm about to if i'm about to have someone shot
and they come in to apologize to me before i have them shot in the head
i won't be moving my hands i'll be listening to them like this
because i don't want to listen to them i don't want to talk this is i don't
really give a fuck anymore like this same
your hands are crossed you don't really care when i met Donald Trump jr. Trump
tower i was super aware of his body language what trump did is something
i've never seen before trump jr we sat down and we started talking he sat
like this but his hands opened on the table
i don't know where he learned that from i'm sure he was tall
but rather than normal conversation we had coffees we sat down on the table
it was a round table not like this and he sat down he said of this
which i thought was quite interesting i've actually never seen anyone else do
that before so it kind of threw me a bit and i thought maybe the reason he was
taught that is because it's so unusual because i read people's body language
in every other position this that you've seen all i've never seen this
really ever so that was interesting so first you
choose to be very overtly aware of how you use your hands
when you speak if you want to direct something and you want to be believed
you want to be convincing your hands have to be involved in that process
when i was in my police interviews once again i would use my hands
overtly and i would sit there and say i actually said
some of my police tapes and when i get them back i'm finally
cleared of all charges he's been off for four years
i get the tapes back i'm going to release them all two errors i mean the best
thing ever because i made these police look like
fucking fools but i would say to them in the tape i would say
very much i said i said i said do the camera in here
and they'd be like oh yeah we do i said okay i want this for the camera i don't
want this to the tape i want this for the camera i am innocent i am innocent me
i've done nothing wrong say innocent with your hands on
i'm innocent i'm innocent they're different things
i'm innocent i want this on camera to the tape
reference to time what time is it point at someone when you need something
oh five fifteen five fifteen look at the day five fifteen
twenty-fourth in November look i've done nothing wrong i said that she
direct me to the camera i've referenced off the tape
body language makes a huge huge difference and basically if you want to be
believed or trusted in my experience which is
fucking vast you need to use your hands effectively
i've given you some tips on how i do it you have to adapt your own style
like everything in the world if you completely replicate someone else's
style that comes across is unnatural and it doesn't work
you need your own style you can't be the exact same as me
and i can't be exactly the same as you same as boxing or fighting
i can teach you how to do jab cross but everyone does it a little bit different
everyone has a slightly different style so you have to adapt your own style what
you need to do is be overtly aware if you're aware
of things you'll pick up on things and you'll change things
so first of all you do use your hands more effectively especially to be
trusted and listened to
how to speak convincingly to speak convincing the laws you probably
already know these things you have to talk loud you have to talk clear
and this is another thing you need to learn i'm i'm actually tempted
to do a course specifically on oration but you need to learn to speak
effectively the way you interact with the world
outside of your little digital keyboard and your twitter bullshit is with your
voice i know you're paying attention to my hands now
is with your voice if your voice is meek or if your words aren't clear
or if you don't say what you mean effectively then you're not going to be
taken seriously people tell you me seriously because when i speak i speak
with a conviction they say they're going this motherfucker knows
the way he's talking he knows what he's talking about
and i do let's sit here and go oh okay well um
so uh for um fuck that um and on is something that you need to forget
instantly i don't care if you have to train yourself i don't care if you have
to look in the mirror get rid of um get rid of uh
get rid of gaps it just completely destroys your entire
image that shit needs to go and it's something you can be learned
and when i sit there listen to people oh well yeah
uh well yesterday we went out and then um
it's like what the fuck do you mean um i went out and then um you don't remember
you did yesterday i'll slow your fucking brain you look at the moral
99% of people look like idiots because they don't pay attention to how they
speak so with ouration is extremely important you
get rid of umbs you're in this bullshit is one the first thing you have to do
to speak convincingly second thing is with the hands
the body language the third thing is you have to be if you're standing or you're
sitting regardless you have to have a presence as a person
nobody believes in nobody so if you're sitting in a room you need to be
overtly taking up space as a man especially they call it man
explaining that's all the feminists call it
he's man explaining he's taking up space i'm a man
i'm a fucking man about space my space it's mine i have something to say here
to listen you want to be believed it's a
combination of things but a lot of people just want to sit in their little
chair uh well i was thinking that for the progress
report maybe it's garbage also there's nothing wrong with talking too
loud outside of shouting fucking talk loud
conquer the room you're gonna piss some people off but guess who you're gonna
piss off you're gonna piss off the betters never gonna piss off the boss
like i said when i used to have a job boss loved me
i'd sit in a meeting and just be like look here's how i sell
i was half yelling i don't know about what the other guys are doing but what i
do is i tell them they'd bear by it today
the boss is sitting there and go this fucking guy
but i had the best sales record if i said i'd go oh well
i don't know how you do it but what what i uh sometimes do is uh
this is bullshit fucking scream at people sitting there going no
this that bag direct don't be afraid of the attention you're gonna begin
if you have alpha body language if you have serious body language you project
you're going to attract a whole bunch of attention if you're shy
you're not going to want the attention it's going to impact your psyche it's
going to impact how you portray yourself forget the attention
don't worry about it it's coming there's no other way to project yourself
project yourself in a way where you attract attention be loud
fuck all wrong with it be loud it's exactly the same with lying
learning how to be convincing and how to be believable is the same when you
lie now people say when you lie people look
away from the eyes in my experience what happens
when people lie is they actually know this that everyone's been told they
look away and they look at you more trying to prove they're not lying
the easiest way to lie is to not change your body language in any way from when
you're telling the truth a polygraph test the only how does a
polygraph test work you can't just plug yourself in say
lie or true it only knows by comparing you to a baseline
first they ask you your name they ask you questions you tell the truth to and
then they compare it when you lie and they see the difference
well body language is no fucking different if you know you're gonna have to lie
to somebody you need to sit there before the conversation even starts and talk
about something which is easy for you to talk about and be smart enough to be
speaking with one side of your brain and with the other side of your brain
measuring where are my eyes where are my hands how am i standing how am i saying
and then when it starts coming to lie you don't alter shit if you're already
looking at me eyes continue to look at me eyes if you're not looking at who
don't if your hands are a certain way keep them
there you only get detected on lies when you alter your body language
it doesn't matter what body language you have you can be like i am now alpha
projecting trying to point ultra convincing or you can sit there like a
weak little it doesn't matter if that is the default
and you retain the default when you're telling the lie
then you have nothing to lose so when you tell a lie
it's not about you how do i act until i lie it's not changing how you acted
before this is the most important thing but most of you guys are so unaware of
your body language you're so unaware of where your hands go
unaware of where you're looking think of your last conversation with someone
where were you looking think about it
at them i guess i don't know you're going to like ignorant you don't fucking
know if you learn your own shit and you adapt your own shit to have a style
which is favorable to you and favorable to your outcomes
this is going to be very very easy for you to lie because you can replicate your
own style so that's how you fucking lie i will pass any
lie detector test there is in fact
writing that down for a tape speech we're gonna lie detector company in here
i'm gonna do it i'm gonna pass it and the reason i'm gonna pass it is because i
don't give a fuck ask me a question take me the greatest man
of life yes true that's the baseline question
that one knows what's fucking true tape do you give a shit about these hoes
no true they're gonna ask me a lie like tae is making
markle a good princess i'm gonna say yes
there's all these sales fucking lie still gonna come up it's true
hope that bitch doesn't get hold up piece of paper and uses it as proof
daddy tape validated me fuck it hate that
when we're talking about the correct way to be
when i talk about things like hands seat positioning etc
this is universal across sexes the same way you can make a man like you
and you can sell products in a business meeting it's the same way you can make
a girl fuck you it's no different all of it is based around primary
evolutionary human instincts around confidence
confidence trustworthiness these are things that this is a dawn of time
they look at doing this is a competent guy if a man looks at you and thinks this
is a competent guy they want to be your friend in a business relationship if
they look at you and think this is a competent guy they want to give you
money and if a girl looks at you and thinks this is a competent guy she
wants to suck your dick it's the same there's no
difference in your body language for a woman or for a man or for business
or anything else it's project it's projecting
competence and confidence and combat ability in all of the situations
you need to learn to walk into a room like i am the
baddest motherfucker in the room and the baddest motherfucker on earth
you got to walk in like that walk in like a fucking g
doesn't matter what you're doing doesn't matter about the fuck a bitch
or fucking sell a fucking window who gives this shit
you're walking like i'm the shit yeah sit down yeah coffee please thanks
fucking man's here but fuck man's here you're sucking dick well obviously
you know be like that so i know you guys are gonna come back to me go okay
thanks to the course but what do i do with this girl you do with the girl
the same shit you do with the guys it's the same thing
because it's the same general attributes which are seen as attractive
keep that in mind how to intimidate well i don't really like
the idea of intimidating unless i mean why i say
the easiest way to intimidate someone is to mean what you say
but just like lying in most of my personal experiences
you intimidate by changing your body language
humans are amazing at detecting change if something stays still
it's not nearly as attractive to the human eye as if something moves
something's like a corner derived still spine when it moves
humans detect changes in velocities changes in speeds
so how the human eye works is detecting changes
and it's very similar with body language so let's say i'm out
and let's say three guys are gonna attack me
and i don't want to fight with guys because i'm like lose so i want to
intimidate them so let's say it was first i'm like hey get the fuck
off the end and then we go outside and go you
do it and i go i've been overtly i've been aggressive
i've been the big man i'm like look at the fuck away from me
dada and they come out and they want to fight me anyway
i'll change my body language completely i'll say okay
okay we're gonna fight now okay and then let me
be a bit old we're gonna fight i've tried to tell you not to and you want
to fight so i've tried to be reasonable it's done so we're going to fight now
let's go and i'll start walking towards them and that sudden change in body
language will make people think whoa fuck
you have to change a body language typically people intimidate by
screaming because they start low and they go high
to intimidate so they'll start like trying to be sensible and reasonable
and the person doesn't listen and they'll go you know what
fuck into it and they'll change it but it's not the shouting which is
intimidating it's changing body language but everyone's accustomed to that
i do the other way round the other way around for me is far more effective
let's say you're arguing with your girl you're a stupid bitch oh uh
i'm tired of your shit you're always fucking these hoes
but i say yeah fuck hoes what shut the fuck up
cook by arguing arguing eventually she won't shut up the other
playgo you know what you know what you're arguing
enough you're arguing enough and you get your
your keys she goes where are you going just oh no i'm just gonna go out
don't worry no i don't want to argue with you i'm just gonna go out
i'm just gonna go out i take your keys she's gonna be more worried about you
being sensible and calm and nice that if she didn't have your
shouting anymore because it's the change in body language
you have to understand body language isn't about do this to be this way
it's about being able to flip it and it's having that sudden deceleration
that massive change suddenly is what makes people think
when i've been attacked before that story was told he's a completely true
story this was only one guy i had a guy who was talking shit from the other
side of the fucking room so bro stay the fuck over there
he was talking shit you know you know you know nothing i said bro i'm not
trying to fight you you come around i fucking hurt you
talking shit no no no anyway he gets up
comes starts walking over i stand up and say okay we're gonna fight this
let's at least let's at least do outside he was yeah we're on both sides
you know what i'm gonna say he's like you know what and fucking
he's trying to get me to argue again because that's how he felt comfortable
because take you know i'm just sick of your shit take that
say no it's fine you're sick we're gonna say
i'm done shouting i'm not a girl i don't shout
ain't my thing i don't shout like females you spoke
i told you to stay away from me you didn't want to listen so
let's go i wasn't being intimidating in any way
i wasn't acting intimidating it's the change in body language you made
anything oh fuck this muckus guy you didn't want to fight anymore
because i became nicer all of a sudden he was this guy's too calm
motherfucker should be here something shit that's crazy
so it's not about being a certain way it's about being overtly aware of your
body language in a way that allows you to switch it on people
most of you are so unaware of your own body language you can't effectively
change it okay you can go from happy to angry or from normal to
shouting those are basic things a kid can do that
but you can't do on a very conscious level with tiny details
you can't flip reversing go from angry to nice you can't mix it up
nobody in this world has dealt with someone a full grown man going from
crazy screaming to nice inside of two seconds
that comes across as psychopath that scares people when you come across as
you you fucking didn't fuck you know what it's okay it's okay i agree we should
we should hurry each other that's what makes people think what the fuck
this guy's fucking nuts that's how you intimidate someone
the sudden fucking change everyone's dealt with it from happy
to angry or normal to angry no one's done with the other way
fucking around i reverse on people i start shouting
you come near my car i fucking start shouting
that once i know it's violence time i drop the whole shouting act
i go straight into the nicest man in the world i'll smash his fucking face
so you'd be aware of your body language and able to change it
this is extremely important a lot of people talk about mirrored body language
i don't like this shit people go oh if you mirror someone's body language they
like you more not fuck that that's pussy shit
oh someone crosses their arms
i almost put it on the side and says it's a little fucking punk
i say how i want to sit i come i come into the room i sit like this
whoa i sit like this if everyone changes the word language on a
fucking care this is how i sit because i'm in charge
alphas don't change their body language look at orangutans
look at fucking apes they're got the closest relative we've got
the alpha doesn't change for shit everyone else changes when he's around
so don't believe that mirroring crap well if you go out with a girl in your
mirror or body language just shut the fuck up man
i'm gonna sit there with a girl she crossed her arms and i crossed my arms
and then she sucked my dick never never i sat down and i was the
fucking man so i just sucked this dick nothing to do
fucking across my arms when she did fuck that shit
it's garbage forget that mirroring now we're gonna move on
smiley smiley is effective but it's only effective if it's used
selectively people tell me take you never smile that's not true
i do smile i smile selectively my smile has a value
if you guys are watching this i'm trusting you've seen the PhD course
how do you give your attention a value by making it rare why is gold valuable
because it's scarce my smile has a value because i rarely smile
if you walk through life
one you fucking moron one and two who gives a fuck of your smile and
wrong if i smile my smile has value has weight
has currency i've had girl my girl in six years
she'll message me i made you smile today she's happy that she made me smile
because it's hard to do there's achievement in it oh my god i made him
smile he woke up and i already cooked dinner
and he woke up and i cooked him breakfast and i had coffee in his favorite mug and
i brought him i told him i loved him and he smiled a little bit
she got her reward which is my smile if she woke up and i was always
hey what a few people fucker i smile or not i smile what is deserved
and you're a fucking full grown man you should be walking through life
smiling you need to smile at people when something
of merit happens i'm not saying come across as a miserable
fuck i'm not saying that you're sitting there looking at your fucking
curious of you not e-word i'm saying you need to smile
selectively once again you need to adapt your own body language
style you need to decide when you're going to use your smile and when you're
not don't say try to hold it in i'm saying you've probably learned
smile instinctively you're smiling at things that don't really make you smile
and you're smiling at things that you don't find funny to be polite
but let me tell you what smiling is smiling is a sign of submission
look at apes are in our oh our closest relative
apes smile to submit when the alpha appears
the beta males they show their teeth they go
it's just it's like don't hurt me it's this is what this is that you can
study this today google youtube right now they show their
teeth and a sign of submission that's what smiling is if you're going
through life every person you meet you're like hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
your business changed the world no one hurt me please please tell me nice guy
how are you gonna find you yeah good yeah does Trump smile every motherfucker
sees no it's Trump fucking yeah yeah all right okay
yeah fucking there's someone who actually go real g turns up
someone who's done a fantastic job that week who give him a little bit of
smile though smile never like a truss smile
why does Trump smile matters he doesn't walk through life we're gonna go fucking
happy clown and neither should you your smile is a selective tool
it must be rare it must be used effectively you smile at a girl she has to
fucking deserve that shit you smile at a guy he needs to
deserve that shit he would walk through like fucking smile
life's not all about jibina's happy as possible this is the bullshit the media
is trying to sell you they're purporting this idea if you're happy smile be nice
didn't everyone who's happy all the time smile all the time nice all the time
is a fucking loser you know it and i know it so you don't want to be that guy
you haven't got to be fucking smiling use your smile selectively
i use my smile selectively especially in danks and girls
if i'm sitting there it's a little bit frosty whatever whatever i don't allow
awkward science sciences because i'm too efficient for those things i'll call
phd but if uh we're talking and talks just very
general i'm very neutral i'm like this oh yeah
when she starts to flirt with me a little bit or if she starts to be a little
bit more open or i know for sure she's gonna get
dicked then i might smile a little bit i'm like
bit you agree i'll smile she'll say something and i'll smile
before i answer so you know i didn't expect you to be like this i thought
you'd be more arrogant like why i'll smile but she says that in the beginning
i think speaking to this is maybe more arrogant than real life
i'm very different i decide to smile when she's receptive to me
you're receptive to me and you're gonna fucking do what i want
you can have a smile on return smile is a weapon like your attention is a
weapon like everything you have is a weapon you're
walking back of weapons so much you men don't understand
your attention has a value your smile has a value
you're you're replying to somebody all has value and you guys just run it through
life thrown away every single chick giving them attention for no reason
even though they don't suck dick messaging girls all the time
friends owning yourself smiling at everyone just throwing your weapons away
then how the fuck are you gonna do something exclusive
how do you show me i've made you happy if you're already smiling at every
decade you've ever met it's stupid now you don't have to
come across as a horrible person i don't have to i don't i don't smile
often at all but let's say i'm in a store and i'm buying
something and the guy goes dead out so yeah this much i like thank you
thanks i'll nod a lot if i'm walking past the security guard who looks at me
i won't smile on nod a nod is a you and i both know who the men
the bad men in the room are all the big men know the big men nod
all the big men know if you're not a big man you're watching this show what's
he talking about you're a big guy right now you know
when big men walk in the club and there's another big man in the club
you instantly human instinct you catch eyes like okay
he's the only person in this club who can match me physically
if there's gonna be a fight it's only guy i have to worry about
and you always link eyes and you always kind of do this
thing this like yeah all right cool we clocked each other we decided we're
cool is done it's a big man nod it's a thing
big men no but not as far more effective than a smile you want to be polite
not at somebody yeah thank you but cheers thanks
right thanks thanks thanks the fuck you happy about you just ball fucking
skills happy over skills little bitch you're full of
man fucking smile over skills fuck's wrong
if i have to tell you to give a firm handshake then i don't know what the
fuck you're doing here because you should know that already
if i have to tell you that fidgeting makes you appear bored you should know
that already if you want to look bored
this is obvious shit you know this one if a girl who's sitting with a girl
and she crosses her legs she's basically saying you're going nowhere near my
position that's like an anti-great fucking instant reaction
you know how to read these things you know these things because you know how
to read them instinctively if you sit in the girl and she starts this
she does this you know you ain't bad you know and i know it
all those pickup artist dudes they teach what they call a keynote or something
fucking gay shit i hate pick up artists i hate pick up artists because i know
i'm the baddest i'm the best so annoys me there's all these guys red
pinhole mr lukario bad boy the day in game all these
all these dudes and every time i see the girls are fucking like what the
fuck is this bro these guys are fucking girls i wouldn't even
fuck i wouldn't even touch their girls and they're bragging about them like yeah
i went out and i gained this chick so fucking fine
your night is my five you call her a night you should fucking five
my girls are like fucking Playboy bunnies my girls got two million followers of
insta my girls have billionaire exes my guesses my girls are actually
hall your girls are basic i hate pickup artist anyway they're all
fucking idiots all of them unembered up with me
but they talk about this keynote thing where you need to do some touching on
the girl and i agree that i do that myself that can help
i have two things i do one is when i first meet uh it depends i don't really do
the hug and kiss kiss thing when i first meet girl i don't really do that unless
i know her quite well but once we're talking shit one of the things i get
to do is i say i'm a kickboxer like all your read books are to us again i'm
gonna teach you i'm gonna train you i'm gonna make you a little ninja
because you're beautiful and i don't expect you to kill me
and i give that compliment and i'm like oh yeah you're gonna work for me
so really who do i have to kill i say well are you strong enough and they'll always
go yeah so go and let me see and then they'll tempt their
shit muscles of them about what to do that's how i first do my
the keynote break the ice touch them thing i do the feeling their arms thing
but that only works five few charms provided that and she looked at my
skinny ass arms back and goes well where's your fucking muscle it doesn't work
that does it so you have to choose your own style
but yeah they're all crossing off and they don't want you to touch them
whatever whatever then that's obviously a bad sign you know these things
already i don't have to tell you super fucking obvious stuff
if you've watched at this point you haven't taken any notes
i doubt it there's i've definitely told this you should fuck it you probably
don't know yet especially changing it from from angry to
calm i know none of your fuckers do that because i've never seen anyone else
pull off from me eyes eye contact
well all you are very unaware where you're looking especially when you're
talking to somebody i look in people's eyes i do that very very
specifically not in a creepy way i don't want
all you fuckers to take my videos sometimes i say things which are so
nuanced and i'm worried that people are going to be like okay take
said this so i have to do this and you're gonna go sit there and go like hi
leave the fucking site though you have to keep things into perspective
but especially if you want to drive a point on
you look at someone's eyes like i said before the biggest
theme behind this bug language course is the ability to change your language
it's the change of language that people perceive
more than the language itself so if i talk to a girl i'm like
blah blah blah doesn't matter what i said let me think of a sentence
doesn't know what i'm saying but when i want to drive the point home
only then when i look in her eyes yeah actually i'm really glad i met you
because you are beautiful i'll say the beautiful part and look in her eyes
before i say that i'm looking away and that's what makes it more effective
it's more effective because i've gone from looking away to looking at her
if i just looked at her and said i'm glad i met you because i really think
you're beautiful it's not for me it's it's far more effective to say yeah
well i'm glad i met you because i really think you're beautiful
i'll look away and i'll look at them when i say something i mean
and that change in body language is what they perceive and that makes you
far more convincing because you're on camera no tell the girl she's beautiful
we'll make sure you're not looking out and they look her in the eyes to recognize
you say like a fucking man i contact i contact you
needs to be used as punctuation this is punctuation
everything is punctuation make them understand a point
that's how your eye contact should be used unless you give the walk eyes that
every motherfucker you meet but needs to be used as punctuation
same with men blah blah blah dude get the fuck away from me
get the fuck away from me when i look at his eyes it's what i mean it
when you're saying it you know what can his eyes you don't mean it say i live
in his eyes i mean it and if you guys watch any of my other videos you
understand how important it is to never say something you don't mean
if you've not watched my video on tape speech it's completely free
tricks on depression it's about 25 minutes long
watch that one i talk about how important it is to say what you mean and mean what
you say don't tell some of your knock them out what you're going to do it
don't want those people who walk through the earth talking shit
unless they look bro you've all got my face to the i'm going to knock you to
fuck out the first time i look at his eyes i say i'm
gonna knock him out you know it's the first i looked at he knows i'm going to
mean it that's how i context should be used power poses is a thing
i had a lot of people send me lots of emails by this course
asking me questions i asked about power poses they say like if you sit there
and you do the superman pose you start to get more you naturally release more
testosterone you start to feel stronger i believe that's true i do think that
works that is definitely a thing you know that's certainly a thing
do i walk through life with the superman pose no should you know the fuck
you look in the mirror you look in the mirror like you're like oh fuck man
yeah you need to do that of course but that's more here than a power pose
so i'm only answering this thing now so know some of the fuckers can come
into a little bit more power pose if you want to walk through life doing this
it makes you feel a little bit stronger go for it how about you just get
strongest fuck anyway you go wherever walking around
look at the fucking super hero of the door
that's that shit i've told you a lot about
being domineering and conquering however a lot you guys will know
one of the four eight rules of power is never to outshine the master
so a lot of you may have a boss and you can't act that way because you're
going to piss your boss off to my two overpowering
i managed to be overpowering my sales meetings because i was
such a fucking fantastic salesman the boss wouldn't say shit to me because i
made him so much fucking money but if you're middle of the road or
something you can't come across that way you're no
annoying people too much if you have another results to back it up
so the key things you can do if you want to make people like you
two things you want to make go like you one's a body language trick one's not a
body language trick what is if you want to people
like you ask them lots of questions because
everyone loves to talk about themselves if i have if i'm meeting someone extremely
important which happens all the fucking time
from trump jr to new house i think okay i need this person to like me
i don't sit there and try and impress me i don't sit there and go okay
entertain some chess card master genius like you four hundred plus world
champion i've got lots of girls lots of pussy and money and a lambo
they don't care nobody cares i sit there and go yeah okay it's really good to
meet you you have always i've always been interested in
ask them things because if you ask people questions
then they have to talk they have to answer them and they have to answer them by
talking about themselves and everyone loves themselves
so if you sit there with someone they only talk about themselves for an hour
they're gonna love the conversation yeah it was really good to talk to you
because i've got to i've got to brag for an hour
this is especially effective with women women love this shit
if you sit there and try and make a woman impress
i'm this i'm that oh no sit and go you're a different
life spec so what do you do i'm a hairdresser
don't you get bored of i talking to people all the time
well no actually i don't mind because some of you are really nice and some of you
are my best customer today oh really okay yeah a lot of
you go hairdressers you can tell it's already beautiful
so how long you been hairdresser for i've been hairdressers for this long i went
to college and added a little bits of your own dialogue but basically just
asked them questions i took one guy on uh
pickup coaching i don't normally do this but i had one guy who paid me
money to go out for a weekend pickup girls and he said to me i'm really nervous
the real nervous like bro ask them questions
say hello here's how you introduce yourself here's how you say hello
ask them questions and if you do that you're 75% there
because they're just going to talk about themselves
you it doesn't matter what they reply who gives a fuck
you're a hairdresser you're a nurse you're a stripper
it's all the same shit who cares oh really that's interesting
same answer to them all ask them let them talk shit about themselves
this is super effective to make people like you super effective
because everyone loves talking about themselves so keep that in mind
and then the body language trick is to really look like you're listening
most people don't look like they're listening if i want someone to like me
i really look like i'm listening so if i need a boss to like me or a girl to
like me i'll make sure it's clear i'm playing attention
so if you've ever been in like a group of people and there's one girl you want
to fuck and everyone's kind of talking amongst
themselves but when that girl's talking people are
half listening but when that girl's talking
not nuance don't look like a fucking creep but make it clear you're listening
if other people are all talking to you and she starts talking to you
okay yeah look at her i'm listening to you
because then the only thing's i'm important he thinks why i say matters
and the boss is the same he listens when i talk to
he thinks i'm important he thinks why i say matters
in a corporate situation what i used to do
i say this all the time boss is the love of this shit
i used to walk around the little notepad and pen
so if i got called to the boss's office i'd go into the notepad and pen
and sit there and when they were talking to me i'd just randomly write things
down and a few who said why about that she's
i don't want to miss any key points miss it there's no
it takes everything but they like that shit like i'm talking
and he's writing it down to not miss my key points
yeah well mr. yandrew you are the best salesman you have sold three times more
than everybody else but i'm a greedy CEO come so i want you to sell more
so i was just wondering if you could possibly do this or if you tried doing
this because you're my cash cow and i want to milk you for all your
worth yeah you're right i did try that actually i did try
that but i'm gonna i'm gonna find the email i'm gonna send it to you
okay yeah you sit there and you i'm listening to you sir
well you have to say matters i'm writing it down
they're gonna fucking love you they're gonna love you like who the fuck
this guy and then they call the fucking jackass salesman in high
where's your sales yeah i've tried that's how you be light
making people make it clear you listen to people most you don't make it clear
you're listening to someone make it clear you are listening to them
the notepad and pen examples fantastic with the boss they fucking love that
shit they're missing they go this dude is fucking this
takes his shit seriously because a boss hires you to make them
money they're always going to pay you less than they make out of you
the ones that wouldn't have a business so if you're sitting there taking them
seriously you're taking their money seriously when you love it if you had
someone who came to your house with a pen and paper and goes how can i make
you more money tell me what to do i thought i like this guy
who wouldn't so you make it clear you're listening to people
and ask lots of questions all the time especially once again with the boss they
love that ask questions so even if i knew the correct answer
i'd ask them a question so i'd say something like
you know i'm pinning my paper i'm sitting there
fucking i'm always having a job again because it's so easy you know i never
failed a job interview ever i'd go for jobs that required a
degree i need not a degree i was walking there
goes mr tate uh your degree i'm going to agree
didn't need one i didn't need one because i'm the best
i'm prepared to prove i'm the best i'll work for a week for free
and i guarantee within a six months i'm gonna smash any sales target you set
i don't have time to go to university and sit there for four years
i'm here to get paid i'm here to get you rich you're here to make me rich
i'm the best there's ever been i said i'm going
what can i do well you're gonna work for free is at least try them out
i never failed a job interview ever ever ever i got every fucking job
i tend to go back to this so far but sit here my pen and paper
and i'd ask him questions knowing the answers already
i'm like okay so i've been trying two different types of proposal emails
one of them is getting about 20 more responses than the other
so as to one i think is the best but i want to send both to you so if you have
time and you're busy if you could just read them and just confirm
that's the process i should be going that's the path i should be going down
that's the process of the emails i'm going to be sending
you're like okay yes i'm across to me as if he's gonna say no the other one
where it's not as effective of course he's going to choose the effective one
if he's if he's a clever cat which he probably is because he's a CEO
he's going to come back with the odd amendment to try and make it look like
he knows something so come back and go yeah that's really good
that's good and you're trying to add this and this and i think you'll be about
there and i'll pretend i didn't think of that
good idea i didn't think of that can add it right away
we'll update you shortly i'll pretend that i didn't fucking know
and pretend that it's important even though it doesn't matter
he'll think he tricked me uh and he's a fucking smart fucker but i'm still
the smartest on the boss bam that's how they like you
then when you walk in there and go excuse me sir i've been working really really
hard for you and i do my very very best at his company's corporation i respect
you absolutely but i'm unfortunately in a situation where i need to get paid
more money
who wants it gonna be that's all i used to do i used to smash sales records and
then they were sitting there like this tank guys can make the company rich
i'm walking there three months later and say unfortunately i'm in a situation
where i need more money nor could you please consider
not the the the the no unfortunately i'm in a situation where i need more money
and their answer would be okay uh well we have a quarterly review coming up
and we need to make sure your sales stay on track they try and delay it
i'd say okay i'll wait for the quarterly review no problem i'm very very excited
about smashing records i'm no longer interested in sales targets i'm
interested in beating the company's sales records i know they're already
mind-learning to beat them again i'd say that and the reason i say all that
knowing that the quarterly reviews two three weeks away
is because basically i've said you better give me a pay rise in that review
or i'm leaving and CEO sitting in the fuck this fucker
can't let go he said that's what we go off i have to put his money out
and with the quarterly review come say oh yeah hi sir all of a sudden you're
fantastic that other than that sometimes i had a couple of them try it
unfortunately we're not going to increase your pay at this time
the upside okay no problem i i appreciate that i just want to make it clear with
you i'm going to do my upmost i'm going to continue doing my job
effectively i believe i'm going to do something i'm going to do it properly
but i am in a position where i unfortunately do require more money
so i'm going to sell it in front of the turban and
i'm going to leave that every time i let you know in two days
some fucking offer you might need the money take the money
let's fuck even if it's only a little bit of money you care it's take it
dance it's a principal thing you're gonna fucking reward me motherfucker
what a deserve i thought a company car that exact same way
okay i'm sitting out and i said excuse me sir i thought it unfortunately i'm in
position where i can know i'm going to use my own personal
vehicle he said we don't do company cars i said i understand that
and i know you're paying me 20 cents per mile
but the car i have it's been damaging the car also my brother needs to use the car
i am a very good salesman i can i would intend to continue to sail
effectively i guarantee i will continue to break every single company record
but i can no longer do it in my vehicle i need to be provided with a vehicle
or i can no longer work with something boom give me a car
most of you are afraid to say shit walk in there
give me a car walk car let's you mean my brother is sitting in our apartment one
day he said i need the car tomorrow i was like i need to go to a meeting
da da da da da oh fuck this they gave me a fucking car
next day had a car we don't do company cars yeah
you do renting a fucking car because your number one sales gonna make you all
your money fucking said so i guarantee you do that don't you
went down to her to pick me up a fucking nice car of course you did BMW 3 series
thanks let's build coffee on over the fucking seats ain't mine i'll give a
fuck so you're gonna be mean your shit but with
CEOs sometimes you have to pretend you're listening but pretend you're listening
to people they like that shit give you a note pack
your shit together this could also work with women
sometimes when one of my girlfriends i say one of
it's all you real g's know how it's really juicy
they're like oh i've really got a problem i need your time
they're complaining i say look listen i'm busy right now
but i'm gonna come around later and we're sorted out
if i say okay tell me what's the matter and i have this no i'm coming
around later i turn up later okay you have all my attention what's the
problem blah blah blah blah okay all right
okay i'm gonna do something about it you but do what listen i'm a fucking man i
know what to do just go then you do nothing and then they
forget about it because they're wearing that big
game just give me some of your undivided
detention and a short burst can be extremely effective
extremely effective leaning forward implies you're paying attention
keep that in mind as opposed to leaning back with our discussors already
i've got a long list of questions we love fuckers
leaning forward implies your pain and there's no goes how do i make it
clear that i'm paying attention then we'll make it clear listening to them we
just discussed all this also lean forward and lean forward sometimes
yes tell me matters so much i don't actually recommend this for women
but it's something you do also we're talking about women there's a
lot of body language with pictures of women that people
talk about like don't lean in towards the girl
we just talk about leaning in the leaning in shows that you're listening
shows you're attentive they have every single picture is of you leaning
into your girlfriend then it shows that basically she's in charge because
you listen to her as opposed to her leaning into you
so it is a sign of submission for the same reason it's a sign of listening
it's a sign of submission so keep that in mind if you want to picture of you and
your girl you want to put on instagram whatever whatever
it needs to be a picture of you i'm the man i am the i'm the oak tree
she's hugging the oak tree oak tree doesn't bend over to the people who
looks in i'm the fucking g she enters your world you don't enter hers
most you guys already know this stuff so it's not that complicated
but you know it hasn't got to be conscious the reason why language is so
effective is because it's unconscious that's why it's effective that's what
people read it because it happens by accident
so you have to consciously alter yours but when you're going through life you
can't be sitting there going how do i do this how do that you go i just start
thinking about it and practice a little bit and become natural with your hands
etc etc so border language with women is
never appears submissive women don't want to fuck a man they don't respect
women don't have to like you to fuck you they have to respect you
do you know how many times i've retweeted japan twair i've retweeted a girl
saying i can't stand this tates beach guy but something about him i have to
follow him or on my youtube video i hate you you're such a dick and i almost
want to meet you or i retweet the girl today i almost want to slap i
kind of want to slap him kind of want to fuck him and that's because they don't
like me but they respect me so like this fucking
asshole yeah i guess that's true yeah i guess that's they respect me
women don't like you i respect you i fuck loads of girls who hate me
in fact every day some girls tell me she hates me every fucking i fucking ain't
you dick comes along she's happy to take it so you have to act in a way that's
respected women don't respect men who are submissive to them
women respect men who are in control that's what happens
women try to take control because it's natural for them to attempt it
and if you let them succeed they'll just become worse and worse now a spiral of
just becoming a bigger and bigger dickhead because i'm waiting for you to take
control back that's what happens so it's the same as your body language
so if you're always leaning in and she's the boss
she's not going to be happy with those photos she wants a photo where you look
in control and basically uninterested in her
if you look at photos i recommend go to atcobretate
we'll put a few examples in this video we'll go to atcobretate and find pictures
of me with girls it's one of me with a cigar to curl either side
am i staring at the girls do i give a fuck they even exist i'm not in the cigar
bro i'm busy i'm smoking these are just some homes
what natural because i don't care about the girls
so who's in control they're me i'm not showing them attention
the number of the most important body language for a picture with a girl is
basically to come across like i don't give a fuck
someone goes you're about to take a picture of the girl how do you come
across as an alpha you don't give a shit about the girl
simple you don't care about the girl that's the course now take a picture like
you take it she wasn't even fucking there
bang smokeage oh there's a hoe there's a hoe there
take life whatever that's one it's another one of me was sunglasses on with
two blondes on the side and then this one i'm smiling
why am i smiling i'm smiling because of what i'm looking at
just agree to get fucked with the other one
two seconds before that so you're both staying to me tonight
she said oh i don't know i'm nervous i said look we're gonna go drinking she was
old oh maybe my smile i was like all right
we're gonna go out well smiling because she agreed
like i said earlier pause every enforcement i'm miserable
you said what i wanted you to say now i'll smile
i'm just smiling because i knew she was about to be looking at the other one
to put scene about four hours time that's what that one was
but in general i'm sitting there and i wasn't looking at her and smiling i was
looking forward i'm gonna fuck i'm a dude who doesn't care
women are always attracted to assholes people go why did girls like assholes
they don't like assholes they like men who overt
who display overtly masculine qualities men who don't succumb to their wishes
men who don't bend to their will men who are in charge men who retain
control men who can't be influenced or complain
now or nagnet and those kind of men are assholes
it's not about the fact that he's an asshole it's about the fact that they
can't control him for the fact that they're trying to take a picture with him
he doesn't give a fuck if she's there or not and those are overtly masculine
overtly attractive qualities to a woman even she doesn't understand why
but that's the reality of it so if you're sitting there going how do i
have to picture with a girl take a picture with a girl
where she doesn't exist i'll pop another picture here
of me and my girlfriend in tai-land the last picture of me taking
there we've just seen it do i look like i give a fuck that she's there
now i am looking at her a lot of body language people
every pill guys go don't even look at the girl don't look at the girl let's
grab body language come on you're a human look at things it's normal
the fuck i'm gonna do a look away all the time i'm gonna eat it
but you can tell by body language i don't give a fuck her hands on my knee
she's smiling i'm not you can tell by that by the way she the fucking boss is
so a lot of the red pill stuff is super specific
like i've told you guys when i'm teaching you in the phg course
this is not such thing as an exact formula so this thing is an exact specific
thing it's understanding general rules general themes and implementing them
that's why everything i teach it's quite generalized i'm waiting for you guys
to see it ingest it understand it and implement it in your own unique
style because then it comes across as it comes across as authentic
if i say do this with your hands exactly do this
you look like little fucking robots no i'm telling you to be aware of certain
things like chess you know the rules and you make
your own moves based on the rules to win you have to develop your own style
but in general the key for women is to just make it clear you don't give a
shit because women like that and also what's actually
super beneficial is if you genuinely don't give a
shit then it's super easy why you have to act like you don't
give a shit if you actually don't give a shit i
actually don't care i've been around so many
chicks that picture of me with cigar and there's two girls hanging off me
i was when i was swimming in cigar you can look carefully you'll see my eyes my
eyes are done i'm looking at some guy and the guy's face was literally
he was literally like his world was blown because he saw me with two
tens not these other pickup artists versions of tens
actual tens two smoking hot big booby big titty
hot ass young 20 year old chicks and he was there just like
who the fuck is this guy mr cigar just walked up and he's
chicks are hanging all over him so you're pimp is he famous who is he
he was just blown away i didn't give a fuck he gave a fuck
that's the difference don't give a shit fdb we talked about smiling a little bit
and we talked about smiling we said how is the sign of submission
also you guys would know on twitter soy face that's the sign of submission
as well if you're not comfortable within your own skin you see a lot of people
they take pictures and they pull stupid faces
they'll go like or or when there is someone in the back
all that shit is submission all that shit is evolutionary
primate subitional you're just broadcasting to the world that you're
a fucking loser don't do that you either smile in a picture because you're
happy or you just look at the camera done
uh you're not fucking clown you're not fucking 15
you're making stupid ass fucking faces is done don't do that
ever especially not with a chick sometimes chicks do that
and your next story i guarantee you're not fucking her to do that shit
i've had girls today next to me i'm just like looking i'm like the more on
they are because i don't give a fuck what do you mean it's two
but i have faces whoa fuck off suck this so don't do that shit
so you're pulling weird faces in photographs that's because you're insecure
and you're trying to broadcast to the world that you're a little liberal
coward and you're hoping that no one destroys you
you're hoping big daddy taper doesn't come along and squash you
upon this awesomely huge hand don't be like that chef i can hate that
shit but i hang around with people who do that
shit don't do that ever i put a picture of my brother now with his
girl bang you just saw it that girl there is called Bianca
drugishano she has a million followers on her mirror and really on instagram
look her up you can google her system was famous girl in
romania she's like oh shit her on tv show
legitimately a list in romania very rich as well
most men would be intimidated by a famous woman
who's that hall who's rich christen went up to her in a fucking petrol
station went up to her start talking shit
just the way me and him do it call her number progression
phd guys tower power introduced himself by a lot confident bang bang bang
you didn't get a number you got her instagram message her there on the
spot so she saw it even amongst a million messages
ended up getting a number that anyway he ends up fucking this chick she's
married she's fucking married whole thing comes out in the papers me
interested in the beta stars and remain next to the guy who's fucked Bianca
i'm the brother but he's the guy who fucked Bianca when
she's married go to everything complete craziness anyway the point of this
picture is this most men when they get girl like that were all over
she's famous she's rich she's important she's special
look at Tristan's body language in that picture
does he look like he gives one fuck about that chick
he doesn't give a fuck about that home he doesn't care
he doesn't care somehow hmm how many hoes have I thought
who cares you dudes are out here caring too damn much
it's garbage like all of my courses what i'm going to do is i'm going to update
them forever for free so if you've bought the
PhD course you've bought the webcam course you've bought this course
your money has been well spent because you're gonna be getting new videos every
couple of weeks for free forever so this is the basis of my theory on body
language if you've i've missed anything or something you want me to talk about
send me an email because guess what another video will come out and i'll
answer your questions specifically so if you've watched this
and you feel like you haven't learned anything you're
fucking lying because i guarantee you don't have
everything i've said to you i guarantee you don't have under control
understood analyzed and implemented you haven't so fucking go away and do that
shit get your things together put your hands in the right
fucking place look like a g get your shit right
learn how to go from fucking crazy to calm not from calm to crazy
put your shit together if you have any further questions email them to me
because there'll be another body language video in the next week or so
and i'll answer some right we've been over the mindset
the mindset the four tenets of the mindset are
believe you can do absolutely anything to be pissed off you haven't done it yet
three absolutely nobody is coming to save you and four your word has to be
iron-willed and use that for unlimited motivation
this is about body language i like to look at humans from an evolutionary
standpoint i like to look at us as a species because like i said i'm an
atheist i do not believe that god put us here we're no special we're not
special we're no different than any other animal here
okay we're more intelligent but there's always going to be a smartest you know
we're not the fastest or the strongest or anything else so
we're an animal species and if you look at humans uh
from that perspective and you look at men males and i'm assuming like i said
previously most of your men males for a very long period of time
had a very physical role our role was combatants our role was a
combative role our role was to protect or to destroy or to dominate
or to conquer this was a male's role so in the modern society where we
pretend physicality isn't important and we deny physicality and people say it
doesn't matter it absolutely does matter for good because
this is the dawn of human time my favorite is saying that one knocks
before it's just a dawn of human time for 95 percent of our existence a man's
role was primarily a physical role so physicality is extremely important
and when you're looking at body language it's quite difficult to have the body
language of an alpha what is an alpha let me
me diverse quickly what is an alpha if you look in
the alliance pride who's the alpha alpha is the biggest strongest line
this is this is the alpha alpha is the badass
so can you mimic the body language of the biggest longest strongest line yeah of
course but if you're not the biggest strongest line
you know it's not as easy to pull off and some of my call your bluff so
this is actually a very easy video body language is down to your physicality
as a whole the body language of a g is a
combative body language i'm not saying you walk through life
like this i'm looking for a fight not at all but you have to have a presence
about you whereas you're not an easy target
it's quite funny actually because when you're a fighter you can spot other
fighters in my life like and it's not just big muscly guys like you can put me
in a room with and 30 guys who go to the gym where fitness
experts can come in and walk through and if one of them is a high level
combatant one of them's a professional fighter like me
i can i can tell by the way he moves probably the same way a dancer can
sense another dancer i can sense another fighter
and it's something instinctual something i can't even tell you how i do it i can
just tell by the way someone moves if they can fight or if they can't fight
doesn't matter i think of the best body in the world it can be ripped
but it's a way they move i know i've seen guys who don't have a body like that
and i can sense it and i've seen guys who are built like that and i can just
tell that they would crumble it really is an amazing thing
and i think this is something that you become more
tuned into more hound on when you're a fighter yourself but it's obviously
something that humans naturally possess we naturally possess the ability to
spall another male and think that guy's a dangerous guy
so i can tell you tips and tricks in an attempt to mimic the body language of a
dangerous person or you can become a dangerous person
this course is not a shortcut course this is not tips and tricks this is not
bullshit this is about how to become a gene how to become a genuine
asset genuine male of substance and to become a genuine male of substance
you need to know how to fight it's very difficult to be a g if you're going
through life and you crumble at at physical confrontation
because when you get to a certain point in your life you will
encounter physical confrontations if you're going to go and travel the world
and drive fast cars and wear expensive things
an attempt to fuck beautiful women all over this planet
sooner or later you're going to attract negative intention
from either jealous men or an ex-boyfriend or a brother or who fuck a
fucking robber who wants your car who knows
are you really a g if you mimic every single aspect
of a high quality man and then when that situation happens you you fold
no of course you know you need to learn how to fight
i don't need to teach you how to fight i don't need to sit here in this course
they do this do that that i don't need to teach you any of that because you can
go and it doesn't matter what city you are on earth
there's an MMA class there's a boxing class that will teach you how to fight
you need to dedicate substantial periods and and and
portions of your time to learning how to fight you need to get hit you'd have your
ass kicked you'd learn how to kick someone's ass
and this is absolutely essential to want the mindset and to the physicality
firstly mindset wise fighting is a brilliant thing
because fighting is 100% accountable even if you play soccer for example
even if your team wins maybe you didn't do very much
or maybe you kick the ball and the wind help you who knows
but fighting if you got punched in the face you didn't move
and if you punched him in the face you threw your hand
and fighting we always say there's no such thing as a lucky punch and it's true
you know i i dedicate my life to learning how to punch and i knock someone out
is it a lucky punch no i talked to mounds what else i've
been training to do no such thing as a lucky punch
so mindset wise is perfect for your accountability
secondly it's a huge challenge learning how to fight is extremely
difficult it's more difficult to learn how to dance and learn how to do
anything else and the reason for this is because
learning how to fight all humans have an
instinctual way of fighting we don't have an instinctual way to dance as much
all humans basically are pre-programmed to fight but the way we're pre-programmed
to fight is completely wrong we're pre-programmed to lift our head up so we
look big and we can see and to swing with our hands low for maximum power and
these are completely wrong in terms of traditional chin down hands up fighting
so when you're learning to fight you're reprogramming
your basic instincts and this is why it's so difficult this is why it takes
more practice than the other sport i could learn to dance much easier than
a dancer could learn to fight at high level and that's because
fighting is extremely chaotic it's extremely quick
it hurts and on top of that you're trying to reprogram a basic instinct so
it's a very difficult thing to do but if you want to become a g for real you need
to learn how to fight and once you learn how to fight
your body language when i say once you learn how to fight
learning how to fight takes years once you start to begin to learn how to fight
it's a lifestyle choice this is not uh i do a six-week course then i know how to
fight no this is a lifestyle choice where you start to
dedicate a certain period of your time every single week to being a
combative individual and it's something that you never
really give up on because you never completely learn how to fight
so it's something you're going to have to change your lifestyle and base it around
but when you start to do that your body language is going to change
and once again just like in the first lesson when you start to do that the way
you interact and view the world will start to change
the way you view other people will start to change
this is a great thing about especially when i had twitter and internet
i wasn't i wasn't big on twitter until trump was
trump was elected and that's when i started to eat and they verified me straight
away and i got mixed up and everything went crazy
but um you realize that 99% of people on there with their opinions who are
being rude would never speak to you that way
in in real life you never bothered me it didn't ever upset me but
when i was on twitter i was i'd never been spoken to you that way
in real life nobody ever spoke to me that way no one ever
argued with me that way and i thought well why is that and i thought
because i have a physical presence that even i wasn't aware of
if i sit with someone who hates trump in real in the real world
the way they speak to me is completely different than they do on twitter
because even subconsciously they're thinking
this guy is a dangerous guy and even if even if they know i'd never attack
them because i'm on i'm on any animal i don't have a criminal record
i'm not a thug but instinctually inside of their mind from
an evolutionary standpoint they're thinking this is not the kind of
guide you could call names it's not the kind of guy you
talked to in that manner and this experience is a really great
experiment for me to see the way that people talk to you through the pure
and the way that i've never been interacted with that way in real life
and it's like well why is that because i said this is someone else like oh
people talk to me like that all the time i said well yeah it's because you're
you and i'm me so a physical presence is a real thing
and it's a real thing one with other males it's certainly a real thing with
females absolutely a real thing with females and this is something that
either i can teach you to imitate i can tell you tips and tricks
or you can just go and fucking do it if you go and do it for real you don't need
tips and tricks are you going to be world champion?
no because i'm in the top 0.1 of physical athletes
but can you be good? sure you can be good and is it going to damage your life in
any way to dedicate specific time learning how to fight of course not
you're going to be in better physical condition
better mental condition you're going to have a better body language
because a males body language is a combative body language that's what men
are meant to do we are meant to fight we're
meant to conquer this is why men have been men since the dawn of human time
this is why the Romans got some rocks melted the rocks made swords
these motherfuckers didn't have google maps didn't know where they were going
this thought let's just walk in this direction and then we're going to find
some people and we're going to kill them and we'll take all their
women and we're going to conquer their city because we want to
this is what men have been built to do since the dawn of human time men are
combative individuals so to pretend that combat is not really
more when we live in society we don't have to do that
all garbage you know and this is western society
but anyway if you've been i've been to 71 countries
if you go into the places i've been you will realize that physical presence
is still a very real thing absolutely a very real thing in many parts of this
planet still today so body language of the g is a very very
short simple lesson one goal learn to fight because
a man's body language needs to be a combat body language and there's no
point in me teaching you how to imitate that we can go and learn it for real
that's the first thing go learn how to fight and that's it it's really that
simple if you want a body language which really does
display your values a high value male then go and become one and learning how
to fight is the easiest way to do that my name is Tristan Tate
congratulations on buying the body language course my brother's body
language as it's been commented on by many many people is always
on point but i'm here today to talk about how
you and your best friend your brother your companion whoever you like to
hang out with how your body language can complement
each other now the main reason for this
isn't to be combat ready as Andrew touched on in a previous video
but it's more to avoid confrontation now me and Andrew are very controversial
characters almost nobody who knows who we are
likes us you are one of the few people you're one of the
elite the people who actually understand what we're talking about
and like what we have to say but most people don't
that said we are never started on in the real world
now of course now we're well renowned kickboxing champions but we've always
had the same principles and the same body language and the same mannerisms
and we've noticed that people do not start on us very often
and the best way to avoid conflict and to avoid
combat is to be perceptive there was a very famous experiment actually done in
India where tiger attacks on indian miners were
completely going crazy the numbers are through the roof and you can look this
up please look it up and the solution they came to
to avoid tigers attacking the miners with these miners would take human faced
masks and wear them on the back of their heads
so they'd do their mining go down in their boats drive around in their trucks
be out in the open with this mask on the back of their head
and if you look it up on google images for sure you'll be able to find exactly
what i'm talking about you'll see that the masks look
stupid it looks ridiculous it was only a very
minor touch that these guys thought about the problem and
actually applied something but tiger attacks essentially dropped to zero
now men very much like tigers are big pussies too
i just thought that i didn't actually write this
but um what you'll find is everyone's a coward and no one wants to fight one on
one so even if there's only two of you your body language how you stand and
where you place yourself can be a massive deterrent
to being started on or having any kind of physical confrontation
now in school they teach you uh things like a strong handshake and i'm sure
the basis of this is in every single course or guide to body language in the
world but they teach it for the wrong wrong reasons
in school i was taught that a strong handshake makes the person who i want
to employ me like me more or take me more seriously
but you could convey many different expressions and emotions with something
as simple as a handshake if i'm in a room with a group of
people who may or may not be hostile if i'm in a room with a group of people
who may or may not be hostile the standard good handshake
they'll teach you to give with the right expression on your face can also
mean don't fuck with me it can say i'm stronger than you
it could say i'm not a pushover these are things that people don't think
about because it's never taught everyone's taught how to shake hands
to say please employ me please give me a job but many other things can be
conveyed with just a handshake now when me and Andrew are out in public
we're always watching each other's backs now paranoia isn't cool it isn't
sexy and it isn't really alpha to be paranoid
all the time that somebody's going to start on you
i know people who walk through the world in this way
they're scared of everything and everybody the the police the person
walking behind them they're jumpy that's not what i'm talking about and that
is not the way men like me and Andrew behave
when i talk about watching each other's backs it's the small things that me and
Andrew do that people who will hang around with us
pick up them you guys at home won't see these things because they're never
recorded and they're never on camera me and Andrew always sit for example
across the table from one another just in case somebody decides to
come up from behind and attack us it's very much like the tiger analogy wearing
the mask on the back of your head i am in his other set of eyes
if Andrew's on a date with a beautiful woman and i'm sitting with my back against
the wall and i can see what's going on behind Andrew
Andrew can relax Andrew can have his good time he can not worry about
looking over his shoulder because you know me and Andrew do have a few enemies
everywhere including the city where we live this doesn't just apply
when you're with somebody else but it can very much apply to yourself
are you by yourself are you in Starbucks getting a coffee about to do
some work on your laptop fine be very careful about where you sit
choose somewhere where your back is against the wall like right now i'm
sitting in the corner i can see everything that's going on in the room in
front of me this is the place you want to sit
not because you think somebody's going to come up and attack you not because
you are scared of a salence or muggers or rubbers
just being able to see everything that goes on in the room
gives you the chance to react to situations i guarantee if you would look
at some of the violent crazy things that have happened in europe from
bombings to terrorist attacks in the last few years
some of the people who survived survived because of where they were sitting
and it wasn't chance a few of the people i'm sure
were self-aware enough to be
perspicacious about their environment to sit in the corner to watch what's
going on to be able to react to the environment around
now when i see people with headphones in slouch to a table with their coffee
typing away away on their laptop and the whole rooms behind them and they're
facing a wall they look like a target to me you don't have to be a tiger to
know that that person is a target if anything goes down in that coffee shop
if anything goes down in that restaurant that person is going to be one of the
first to die so watch each other's backs and sit across the table from one
another always i have had people who i've invited
over to eastern europe who assume that me and angel are the kings of everywhere
we go mostly because me and angel are very adept
fighters and we can handle ourselves very well
but you need to understand in most situations from western europe to eastern
europe when you go to very expensive exclusive places
nightclubs first-class lounges at airports the people around you
are your equals or your betters in some respect financially or
something in one way or another now if i'm in a club and i'm sitting in the vip
section there are six tables only in an entire club that has maybe two thousand
people in it i know those other people are
somebody's too they're very rarely will a club just let some
loser in to sit around and drink their super expensive alcohol and even then
it's a promoter who knows people or whose friends with the owner
or something like that now me and angel hang out in eastern europe a lot so
watching each other's backs isn't just actually viewing your surroundings and
knowing what's going on around you your self-awareness
it's also how you interact with the people who surround you
to give you an example if i sit down at a table
and there are three or four dudes a number of dudes who outnumber us
to my right now this has happened plenty of times
where there are six or seven girls on my table
now how you assert yourself is going to determine whether or not those guys
try to roll up on your women you're only two guys you're with six girls
they assume that these girls are friends of my girlfriend that they don't know
i'm fucking three and andry's fucking three so of course it's natural and
normal for other guys to at least think about
talking to the girls who come with you to the club
that doesn't happen to be an andry because of the way we assert ourselves
what you'll typically find is the most confident amongst them
works as a scout will say hi will say can i borrow lighter from one of the girls
when that happens always ask the girl if she's okay afterwards i do it all the
time girl a guy will be like excuse me do you have a lighter from my girls
i'll say hey you okay and touch her arm gently
so the guy says oh i was just asking for a lighter
no problem my friend handshake eye contact you know you have to assert
don't fuck with me with the initial contact with the guy
if i just turn my back and ignore him after the light has been borrowed and he
gives it back he's gonna say where you from
who are you what's up you know you have to cut things off
the moment they happen you have to nip it in the bud
so the way you conduct yourself within your own group of people will stop
others trying to come over and invade your space
so the key is always to put yourself in a position of power
don't just sit down and start guzzling away on drinks
i don't typically sit next to Andrew and talk away and let our girls mind their
own business we're mixed in with them two or three girls
divided by one of us at any stage around around table
if you know what i mean so we're always in control of our group in control of our
herd if you like so the way you position yourself
lets others know not to creep up on you not to try to talk to your women
and especially not to start some sort of stupid argument
that said in clubs also combat readiness i always have to keep
at least one of my hands free if my hand isn't free it's something that can be
used as a weapon now i've in my life been in
maybe two fights inside of nightclubs none of them in
eastern europe it's more of an England thing and i avoid conflict
at all costs but the way you stand can mean the difference
between getting your ass kicked and winning a fight
typically even if i'm smoking a cigar the cigar can be easily dropped i'll keep
it in my left hand my right hand is the hand i'm going to strike with first
that's where i'll hold my glass because a glass can be used
as a weapon just as much as a fist can be used as a weapon
and i always stand left foot in front of right foot
ever so slightly just so i can't be caught off guard
just so that i'm not off balance just so that at any one time
with my glass my cigar one hand if someone approaches really quickly which is
how these things always start you're always good to throw a strike throw the
glass or throw a punch before people even come over
and try to talk to girls you're with or try to start a fight with you people
will always scout you out they'll always stare you
for a little period of time they'll ask their friends what do you think these
two are doing with all those girls where do you think these guys are from
so when you catch them looking at you don't stare at them out don't put an
aggressive look on your face because that just makes them want to fight you
more especially if you're outnumbered that's going to encourage
a physical altercation so you don't sit there look and angry at them
and what you absolutely don't do is when they catch you looking at them look
away instantly that shows calories what i do i'm a
very confident guy and you as well keep in mind that when we're in
a high-class establishment the people who are with us
are you know successful guys rich guys mafia guys dangerous guys
there's somebody's to be sitting there so if i'm holding my drink typically if i
catch them looking and i catch eye contact i'll just not
own or i'll go like this i'll raise my glass slightly
and continue drinking they'll typically do the same thing back and that eases
all tension nobody after that has been a come over
and start trying to throw punches to your face so if you sit confidently
and assert yourself just with your eyes and the looks that you give the people
around you you can avoid basically all types of
confrontation no one's going to come over and try and
talk to your women no one's going to come over and try to assault you
try to insult you um you have to set an atmosphere and set a vibe
that you're friendly but you're not to be fucked with
and one more time that takes me back to the handshake that's what you need to
say when you introduce yourself to people especially if they come over to your
table and try to do something you don't like like talk to your girlfriend
now i know i may look big and scary and some people watching me think oh well
you know it's all right for you you're big and mean looking
so nobody's going to start a fight on you nobody's going to
want to engage in conflict with you that's not necessarily true
you can assert yourself with confidence alone the way you scout the room everything
i was saying earlier sitting in the corner watching everybody around you
gives you the chance to see exactly what's going on
now that reminds me of a clip i saw on the internet of a man i believe it was in
australia where 10 to 15 guys ran into a bar i think
they were trying to attack somebody or rob the place i'm not sure what these
assailants were doing but this guy was standing his back was to
a pillar in the middle of the room so no one could necessarily run up behind
him and he was standing at the bar he wasn't a very big guy or a necessarily
scary looking guy but he stood there with one of his
hands on his glass and the other hand completely free
and as each person rushed by him and rushed up to him
he glanced at them slightly now the ccdv footage is a little
grainy i can't see exactly how he looked at these people but he didn't look down
at the floor he didn't stare at him with fear and he didn't sit there with an
angry look on his face he must have by process of elimination
ten ten guys ran by him they all glanced at him and nobody started on him
he must have conveyed some of the tips i've been talking to you about
in this video now why does nobody start on this guy
he doesn't panic he doesn't flee he doesn't run
that portrays somebody who can handle themselves certainly
his hands are free he's calm he's confident and he's
looking at what's going on around him the people who rushed into that bar
were ten to fifteen individuals they were not
confident men nobody who wants to go and rob somebody or
attack somebody has to bring ten to fifteen of their friends
if they're not careless it's like splitting up
a pack of sheep you know the herd on its own can look intimidating coming
towards you when you get one on their own they're
absolutely terrified and that's exactly how this guy handled the situation he
looked at each one of them as a one-on-one situation a one-on-one man-on-man
confrontation and when they got that look and when the guys made our eye
contact with him or when they brushed past him
none of those people wanted to fight him and that's the way the real world is
this takes me back to my original point what those indian miners did
by putting the masks on the back of their head may seem
so insignificant and so stupid and by all means please google it they look
ridiculous but all it takes is the tiniest
of little steps and the tiniest of little details
to deter physical confrontation and to stay out of conflict
the reason behind this is because most men are careless
most men don't want to fight you one-on-one occasionally you'll meet that guy
every once in a while who thinks he can handle himself
has a problem with you and wants to deal with you and will actually come forward
wanting to fight you head on but that's not the way the world is
99.9 percent of men cannot throw a punch they can't throw a punch they can't
take a punch and deep down they know it that's why tiny little details
can completely avoid conflict now in the last 10 years
me and Andrew have had maybe five or six physical alter
occasions where hitting someone has become a necessity
and every single time they've been very easy to deal with
but on top of those there've been at least 200 times where somebody has
wanted to hit me or Andrew or somebody has thought something negative about
me or Andrew and it could have spiraled into a physical
altercation had I been in the wrong company or had I
displayed the wrong body language that's a massive part of conflict avoidance
network brilliance every time I start one of these courses I feel like I need to
do some kind of intro and not just jump straight into it but I don't know what
the fuck you want me to do and do a dance or some
shit so we're gonna get straight to it I have met Hollywood actors Idris Elba
I've met Donald Trump Jr the son of the president
I've met basically every big person in politics on the right from Twitter
I've met here in Romania absolutely everybody who's anybody actors singers
etc etc and I've done this very very deliberately
and it's one of those things very similar to let's say girls where once
you get started once you begin the process it becomes
easier once you start and you start getting a few girls you end up with
lots and lots of girls once you start meeting important and influential
people you'll meet lots and lots of important influential people
but there are lots of mistakes that most people make
when it comes to networking themselves to the top
and that's what this course is going to be about it's going to be a long list of
mistakes not to make and it's also going to explain the psychology of
networking what most people don't understand is as follows there's huge
psychology involved in networking and there's three elements
the first element is you don't know who I know
so if you go to meet somebody let's say you're at an event and you meet someone
and that person happens to know the president
unless they are obviously overtly in the White House unless they're overtly
a member of the White House staff or they're a loud mouth
you may have no idea they know the president if I didn't advertise to fact
just now or put the picture on Instagram nobody would have a clue
that Donald Trump Jr and I speak to each other no one have a clue
so firstly a lot of people don't overtly advertise who they know
secondly most people when they do get a connection of influence that's
important they don't want to give that away
so most people don't want to give that away for a variety of reasons
one because they're afraid of getting sidetracked or cut out
and two because people are petty and jealous that's how people are
so if I have a very important connection and I know that introducing you to that
connection is going to improve your life what's my motivation to do that
why would I want to do that that's the first thing
and the second thing is if I do do that and it works out particularly well and
YouTube become best buddies then I've just been caught the picture perhaps
that important person has one more friend he's doing business with you I'm not
getting anything so what's what's the advantage to it
you have to understand that people are very secretive about whom they know
and even if they do tell you they know they're very guarding of it
and thirdly and the largest reason is it's impossible to refer someone
without also referring your reputation so if I were to go to someone who I know
is important and say oh this guy can do this and I
refer you and you fuck up that impacts me even if I say oh I don't know the guy
that well but you know I've heard he's okay even if I try and disassociate
myself if you do a shit job that impacts me so when people are
referring you and you try to network what's really happening is
people are recommending you but they're really recommend they're putting
their trust on the line to recommend you so once again they need a motivator to
do that the whole networking scene is down to
motivators and what most people make the mistake of doing is they run around
trying to talk to everybody without motivating anybody ever to refer them
and that's the biggest mistake so we have two ways we can look at this
everybody you meet it doesn't matter if you meet the president or you meet
somebody at the bottom of the chain you need to do the same things with
so if you're very lucky and you walk into the room and you see the president
there that's fantastic but most likely you're going to see somebody far less
important and if you do a very good job you can network to
wait at the top when I met Idris and I was putting on a TV show I didn't meet
him first I knew a lot of people knew a lot of people and I ended up there
so it's going to be very unlikely you're going to meet the person you want to meet
straight away but assuming that's the case is a few very basic rules and these
are super basic and these are things I shouldn't have to say
introduce yourself be confident body language is all explained in the body
language course be sure of yourself don't be arrogant
and third and one of the most important things important people
especially super important people they're not really that interested in you
you have to understand that it's a very fine balance people think oh I'm going
to meet this guy I need to prove to this guy I'm worth something
but also you don't want to sit there and tell the president about what you do
for a job he doesn't give a shit he's the president
compared to him you're nobody so you have to really understand the balance of
asking them questions while also validating yourself
so instead of saying if I were to be an important person and not say that
important person was in banking for example
if I sit there go I'm a millionaire I did this and he died I made money and
then he ain't gonna give a fuck the dude could be getting a million pound a
week as far as I know so instead I'd say ah yeah I'm actually looking for a
banking solution where I'm trying to move large sums of money I'm
struggling to get it done what is the best banking solution what would you
recommend with some living in Europe so what I've done there is validate me
as a person I've explained that I make large sums of money
but I've also stroked his ego by asking him a question and engaging him in the
conversation that is completely different from me
sitting there and talking shit and it's completely different from only asking
him questions so you have to find a way to validate yourself
while also engaging him and asking questions and stroking his ego
important people are arrogant you're never going to meet an important person
who's not arrogant all of them are so stroking their ego is always a good
idea not a you know not a pathetic way because I'm not going to respect you
but just respecting their position and their intelligence and their knowledge
and asking for some of it that's that's it there's a whole bunch of
shit these people know that you don't know that's the whole reason you want to
network with them in the first place so that's an important point
next and this is very key and this could be a whole section on itself but
we'll start now networking is expensive the key to networking is having money
and I say this all the time if you meet someone who's more important than you
you're paying for everything it doesn't matter how expensive the
drinks are how expensive the dinner is you need to pay for it you need to
absolutely insist no please no it's a pleasure to meet you it's on me it's on
me they don't give a fuck about money but it just proves a point it allows you
to have some kind of dominance and hold your own as a man
if you go to dinner with a really important person
and that person pays for the dinner do you think that same person is going to
trust you with thousands and thousands of dollars
when you're sitting there taking a free dinner with a little dork
no so you have to pay for dinner that's the first thing you got a look good when
you turn up you got to turn up in these very expensive places like you've been
there a thousand times before you cannot be impressed by anything
you can't be like oh wow this food is great oh this wine oh yeah this is a
really nice restaurant it's just a fucking restaurant it doesn't matter if you
end up on a private jet for the first time in your life you don't say a word
you're completely unimpressed like you've done it a thousand times these are the
basic things you're gonna sit there but oh wow wow wow
then he's gonna show that you're much lower down than him
people at the top they don't really want to do business or network with people
below them why would they they want to do business with people on the same
level of them as them or people maybe slightly below
but they have a good motivator to elevate you as an individual
if you're making it super clear you've never lived this kind of lifestyle
then you're gonna struggle so you're not impressed by anything
you're paying for everything when you're around someone more important than you
when Idris and I were in Thailand training for a spike
every time we go out I'd pay I was like oh I didn't need it because I wouldn't
even it wouldn't be offering just the bill would come on just put the money
down we'd walk off now Idris had more money than me
but I just just whatever just it's a point of dominance it's a point of
yeah you're the only one who would act over you're not the only motherfucker
around here with some money and at the time I didn't even have that much
money but I'm all little bitch I'm not gonna let him pay for me
because he's more important than I am so that's a very important thing
secondly when it comes to money it's super important because
networking is about chances it is super rare that someone's gonna stay to you
come here at this time and you're guaranteed to meet
ex that's not how networking works networking is about taking a chance
and taking chances is expensive when I met Donald Trump Jr he said if you're
around on these dates I might be free for half an hour
and I was in Romania how many people fly from Romania to New York
three thousand miles and sit there for a week
for a maybe on 30 minutes most people go out
I can't do that or they'll say oh can we guarantee what about this one and
they pressure the dude and then the dude's gonna say well I can't guarantee I've
got a very busy schedule how can I guarantee you anything I'm the
some the president I've got a super busy schedule I've never met you
I don't know you meeting you is really not gonna benefit me that much and I'm
a fuck about you I'm not gonna guarantee you a thing
if I tried to pressure him and said okay what about this day this time this day
this time to try and get my guarantee he would have bared
so instead I said yeah okay I'm around and I flew there and I spent
heck's about thousands of dollars and it paid off
there's been times I've done similar things for other important people and it
hasn't paid off but this is the reality of networking
networking is never going to be guaranteed so because it's not guaranteed you
have to have the ability to take your chances and that is expensive
I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and pretend that networking is
cheap it's absolutely not cheap you have to be prepared to go somewhere
out of wind turn up and see if that person has time and maybe they don't
but you have to be there right place right time and be in the right place at
the right time is certainly expensive to do so that's the monetary element
now we're talking about motivations and like all my courses this is lots of
information just like a PhD course there's lots of information coming at you I
don't care how many times you have to watch this I don't give you a state
note to break it down whatever I don't sit and do little chapters I speak
what comes from my mind through experience that's why so fucking golden
so you're just gonna pay attention. Motivayers there's only two in fact
three genuine motivators that are going to allow someone to refer you
because that's all networking is it's referrals if you meet someone for the
first time you just explain you have to pay for it you have to introduce yourself
don't waste the person's time make sure you stroke their ego with your
questions validate yourself while also allowing them to validate themselves
so they're happy being the dominant person being
Mr. Important those are the key things most networking is going to come from
referrals someone is going to recommend you so look at me here you know who I am
I have access to the president's son why do I not recommend you to the president's
son well the reason for that is one because I'm putting my reputation on the
mind and two the other three motivators have not been
fulfilled so there's three motivators I'm only going to recommend you to somebody
else the president's son or anyone for A money B because I really like you
or C because it raises my status so these are the only three motivators
that are going to take someone and make them put conscious effort
into taking into taking one of their relationships and sharing it with you
so talk about the first one money it's very easy to
to go through the world and think oh I've got people and I promise them they'll
make lots of money and everyone's going to network with me because I've got
this great business that it's all bullshit because
one your great business it's not nearly as great as you think it is
two telling people about your great business most people don't give a
shit and most people aren't going to believe in you
I mean the thing is about businesses none of them are really that sexy
Starbucks is a coffee shop you to walk around say I'm gonna start this coffee
shop people like oh whatever now super is this
successful it's a successful business but if you're
before it started if you're walking around trying to pitch it to people
try to network and we're gonna have this coffee shop we're gonna sell carrot
cake no one's gonna be able to fuck no one's gonna be interested
so business ideas are really not that sexy to talk about even though you
think they are they're not and the ones that are are usually
complicated and different and you got to have someone's attention
and they have to trust you and know who you are as a person to really take you
seriously so money is quite a difficult one because if you think
you're gonna go and email me now and say hey I have an idea if you introduce
me to the president and he buys it and I'll give you 25 percent
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna recommend so money is is actually one of the things
that probably becomes later on they have people have to trust you first they
have to know you first they have to like you first
and then you can add in the monetary motivation if I've done business with you
for four or five years and I know you very well and I know you're competent I
know you don't make mistakes you don't fuck up I know I can trust you
I know that I recommend you you're not gonna embarrass me
and then you say look do you know any people who could achieve x y and z
because that would allow me to make x amount of money and you're gonna get
percent of it then you can motivate me with money
so that's the monetary motivation next is because I really like you
this can happen you can be liked by important people and if you're liked
by important people you're gonna be you're gonna be
like in places by important people and to be introduced
to other important people being liked is a skill within itself
I've just basically explained to you how to be liked by important people it is
as simple as that you validate yourself while
allowing them to talk about themselves because important people love
themselves because important people have spent a
lot of time and energy and effort in building themselves
unless you're born important which a few are more ons
in general important people have put in a lot of work to becoming themselves
and even if they haven't put in a lot of work they think they have
look at fucking pit bull the worst singer in the world
a loser basically but if you were to ask him how he got there
how did you become a famous recording artist do you think he'd say luck or would
he say I just really work bad people believe they work hard
everyone likes to believe that their success is down to work
and nothing to do with luck so everyone who's important believes they're a
hard worker so with this in mind they're egotistical
so you have to stroke that ego because they've spent a long time building
themselves up but you have to do it in a way that you don't embarrass yourself
this is new ones I can't teach you this this is something that's going to take
some skill get the body language course it's going to help with this
going to certainly help you but secondly it's going to take some skill I gave you
one example earlier validate yourself while also asking them
questions make sure you look like you're paying attention
try and be a little bit weighty a little bit funny
and just validate yourself and use your own personality I can't give you my
personality but when I met important people the
conversations were always free-flowing they always went well
I always validated myself while allowing them to talk and allowing them to
basically stroke their own ego because they love themselves
and there's nothing wrong with them loving themselves there's nothing wrong
with at all two examples we use these examples I'm
not in that form anyway um if you were to email me and say
take teach me how to punch I'll give you and now I'm gonna fight and I'll give
you a percent I'm trying to motivate me with money
it's bullshit if you were to mention me and say take
I've watched your videos and I genuinely believe you're the best striker who's
ever been but then you have to validate yourself
they have to say I've been training for 10 or 10 or 12 years and I really enjoy
it but there's some things you do that I can't quite do
I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions
that one validates you two strokes my ego and you're far more likely to get
replied than if you just emailed me teach me how to punch or teach me how to
punch for money because it's making me like you
this is an important thing and thirdly is status
if in certain situations especially if you're a cool enough dude
as I am people who may have high level connections
will feel more comfortable or feel like it's going to raise their status
if they introduce you to their connections and this is going to happen
as you elevate this is not going to happen at the bottom
but as you elevate this is going to happen so with me for example now because
I'm I've got some money because I've got some nice cars because I'm always with
hot girls there's people who think ah this guy's in town
and I'm gonna meet him at the club you know I'm gonna bring tape
because if I bring tape I roll up in a lambo and there's gonna be
10 chicks with us so he's using me for it to raise his
status than just going on his own and that's fine because I'm using him to
meet the dude so if you become start becoming
important yourself you're gonna have people who use you to raise their
status and that happens so those are the three
motivators status money and because people like you
now you're only going to be able to pull off any of these three either status
people liking you or even money if you have genuine relationships with people
the idea of walking through a business conference with your business card
hi yeah hi here's my card I do I do a counting I'm an accountant
I'm the best accountant I'm really good accountant I guarantee I'll save
you money yeah here's my accountant hi I'm a really good accountant
yeah you might get some it's basically cold calling you might get some calls
I'm all saying it's a completely terrible idea it's better than doing
nothing but that's not merely as effective as building a genuine
relationship with somebody you already know this you know that if you were to
go around that conference take a little bit more time with each individual
person make them like you make them remember you
that's the key to it and once you have that connection
once you have that connection then you have to nurture it
look at email marketing email marketing does this perfectly
you sign up to an email list to try and study something you ignore it
another email to try and sell you something you ignore it if they keep
trying to sell you things every day you unsubscribe if they tell you things of
value a long email a story something made you laugh something that's funny
etc etc etc going on and on and then eventually try and sell you something
again you might buy it that's nurturing a relationship and it's
exactly the same with networking so if I have some very important friends
and I'll message them now and again these are not I say friends this is the
wrong word I know some important people and I may not speak to them for two or
three months at a time but I will consciously either list of
people I know who are important a list of people I know who are high value
and I'll consciously contact them with things I believe might be relevant
so let's I'll give you I'm not going to like we said earlier in the course most
people don't give away everyone they know I've only told you about the people I
pictures with there's a whole bunch of other people I know I'm not going to
tell you about but let me give you an example let's say I know somebody
who's a multi-millionaire in England and they do business in Europe
so I will literally each month go through my list of people who I know are high
value and I want to stay in touch with and I'll see that person and I'll
Google up something about Brexit exports and I'll email him the link and say hey
you might find this interesting don't know this affects you
I'll be back in the country a few weeks but we should catch up then
so I provided value it's not just me trying to get something from him
not just hey can we have a coffee I provided him some value of sent him a
link he's probably already seen the link he probably doesn't care about the link
but it's the gesture oh it's sort of a break maybe that maybe that does
affect him or even if it doesn't affect him all who reply
oh no we've got all that handle that she thinks yet and you're good to see
that's a perfect example of how I'm adding value it's not just a matter of
hey can I talk to you hey can I talk to you hey can I talk to you
no one wants that because if you keep doing that hey can I talk to you
you're not adding any value at any point you become annoying
important people are busy so you have to add some value in your correspondence
with them they're they're extremely busy people
so that that's a little example of what you'll do
so I guarantee you sitting here right now if I want to tell you to make a list
of the five richest people you know you probably know five people who are
quite well off you probably know a few millionaires
but how often do you interact with them and when you interact with them do you
provide them any value in your interactions because if you start to do
that they're going to start to like you more and they're certainly going to
start to trust you more and it's going to display competence
and let's say let's take a completely random example
let's say you know a baker who has six or seven bakery shops and he had he's
making some good money and six or baker shops whatever
I knew some an article on the cake that won the cake of the year
there's all this shit's off the top of my head
say hey man you think you could hey I just saw this
do you think you could even bake something like this just go up one cake of the
year it was really good promotion for them maybe you should do something like
this and just send it to them straight away
when they reply to you oh yeah and they're gonna sit there and think oh
this dude's thinking about producing business for me this guy's thinking
about raising my profile he's asking questions he's doing things he's
giving me some value he's giving me some ideas
so then let's say that bakery company decides
he wants to up its market you're going to cross their mind
oh without dude he emailed me about replicating cake of the year or trying
to hit her cake of the year that guy yeah we want a marketing strategy
and he's been emailing me on and off every couple of months not knowing me
every couple of months for like six seven months now he had a few good ideas
let's bring him in for a meeting bam so you've gone from knowing a baker
to now going and sitting in a meeting with a baker and that baker is looking
to make more money and you can sit there and go i can guarantee you i'll
double your money i guarantee you i'll double your money
as long as i get x amount of money or i have or i get
i get a company car or i get this percent whatever whatever
i'm guaranteeing you i will double your money that's how networking is done
it's not about knowing the baker it's about building a relationship with that
baker of value so that they trust you and that they
like you and that you've proved yourself competent
this is the same with everything most people go through life
never approving themselves competent at anything
and i mean this when i meet people i'm never late
i'm early of course you have to be early i make sure i pay like i've said
before i make sure i pay for the bill i make sure i don't look tired
i make sure i never complain about my problems hey tate how are you yeah i'm
really good oh i'm fine yeah the traffic was a mess
dude doesn't give a fuck guy doesn't care oh i'm tired
i was out last night yeah i'm really good because people want
positivity in their lives if you're really good they want to be really good
why are you really good maybe they want to know more about you this person is
really good well i want to be really good what they say good what they said
good for you have to you have to display
competence and you have to display the attributes that people want to connect
with and these are always positive attributes you know what they are
not just about being rich it's about being a positive person
living a happy life these are things that have to appear
effortless when you go into sit down at a table and you're happy you're smiling
you're positive and you have this aura of
competence about you you're going to have people who want to do business with you
and the baker example is a perfect example i guarantee you all know
people right now let's see you work a normal job
you're working normal job let's say you're a fucking truck driver
i you know your boss you know the boss of the trucking company there's nothing
he's he's worth the shit though to money what's stopping you
googling up a whole bunch of stuff about trucking
or googling up the biggest trucking companies in the world how they advertise
or googling what they do and just emailing him saying hey he was reading this
last night you might find this interesting and building a closer
relationship with your boss or the richest person you know
nothing's stopping you doing that you need to build value they need to
believe you're competent i need to learn to trust you
so action list make a list of the most important people or most rich people
you know start finding a way to provide them value without annoying them
get some money together so that you can be at the right place at the right
time that's the beginning next a lot of people
are only interested in networking up whereas you can do a lot of networking
down there's a whole bunch of people out there looking for a chance and if you
network that way correctly you can also do very very well
i said this loads of times people say to me how do i get rich and i say find
someone who will pay you ten dollars to do a job
and find someone who will do it for nine dollars
because that way you delink your time to your money
time is fine you'll have certain hours in the day
money isn't as infinite effectively so if you find a way to make money
without it requiring your time then you can scale it infinitely
there's no reason why you can't scale it infinitely
so if you know a bunch of people who are looking for money or looking for a
job looking for a break what you have to do is you have to
vet and make sure they're competent and that's what i mean by networking down
so everything i've just told you about networking up
you have to reverse and do it the other way around
so you may have a younger brother you may have some kids in college you may
know this guy you may know dude who works in fucking
well it's about to say blockbuster it's a blockbusters is even a little open
for years blockbusters he's the only guy stores
blockbuster standing on his own works of blockbusters and he wants a chance
if someone goes to you let's say you're driving a half nice car or something
say oh they know you make money online well how do you make money online say
oh yeah well you know i've got a few things about this business going
maybe we could work together sometime but and then you have to you have to get
them to validate themselves you have to say yeah maybe we're together sometime
have you heard about this you heard about this course or you heard about this
kind of marking or if you're looking to drop shipping
yes send me an email about it and see how how much they apply themselves
and what you're going to find out is maybe nine at ten or time blasters
but you're gonna have the one guy who really wants it
and now you have someone who's prepared to basically work for free in many cases
work for free in many cases just to have a chance at life
and that's the kind of thing that can be valuable
networking up is fantastic but networking down is just as good
i had a new a guy who said you need friends in high places and you need
friends in low places and he was absolutely correct
we could go through in his town you go through any McDonald's drive through
was free go in any liquor store the vodka was free
he knew everyone at the low places and he knew the mayor of the town
so having people in low places is just as important as high places
so you're sitting here trying to make a list of all the people you know were
important you now have an action list you have to provide those guys value
fine but you also have a whole bunch of people looking for a chance
and if you're higher at values than them you're the value now you're the prize
you got to find a way to motivate them to work for you
and this is one of the biggest keys to networking because if you do this
effectively then you're going to be more and more
you're going to push yourself higher up the ladder
you can find a whole bunch of college students let's say you have
like an example you can go on fiber right now you could you could invent a
graphic design company i own graphic design company
you can make a website you can lie on the website and say you turn over
millions of dollars you can go to a graphic design
college or know some kid to do graphic design you can go to them and say you're
gonna get them all interviews if designed three logos
you can go on fiber and say your design logos for 50 bucks each
and when people pay you 50 bucks you'll get them to do it for free and you keep
in mind that's just a very basic idea but it's a very basic example of how you
can network lower by just feigning when i say feigning
confidence is not even feigning confidence you're competent enough to
make a website you're competent enough to get the jobs on
fiber so by just being competent and and just coming across as a more
higher value higher value person you can network down
and get people lower than you to do work for you and that's another thing that a
lot of people don't do and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
because if the people below you prove themselves to be especially competent
and prove themselves to a very good job then you're going to elevate them
if you have one guy who does fantastic logos he doesn't have 20 minutes he gets
them straight across to you and he's ready to work
like a dog well then you're gonna have a real company aren't you because you're
gonna hire him say okay you're the guy i'm gonna use you all the time i'm gonna
put more ads on fiber and get more jobs you're gonna do them all
i'll give you an excellent amount of money for logo i'll keep the rest back
done so networking down is a fantastic thing it
doesn't make you a bad person because if you find someone of competence you're
gonna elevate them and that and that elevates you
you now own a graphic design company you didn't own the shit
now you own a graphic design company now you can be emailing all the five
important people i told you on your list the five important ones and you can be
saying hey uh just look at your logo yeah it's really good but i've got this
graphic design company and i decided my guys have a look
here's a few proofs i don't know if you'd be interested
something to take to think about let's catch up soon with the bank
set a couple free logos to an important person
but then sit there and go hmm that's interesting so you've networked down
and i are providing values people hiring you
the whole thing about networking is providing value
walking around in a suit and handing out your business card and saying your name
isn't providing value to anybody you need to provide value and if you
can't do that you need to at least promise to provide value and if you
promise to provide value it has to be a genuine
genuine promise because the world's full of promises nowadays and the world's
full of lives so if i was an accountant and i was
doing a networking event everyone i introduced myself to
i would give them some ridiculous guarantee i'd say oh hi yeah i'm
i'm the accountant that get that guarantees a lower tax bill
guarantees yeah i guarantee a lower tax bill if you
there's no i've never had a single client who didn't lower the taxes with me
ever and it would be so brash you sort of the top is sitting
go really really doesn't matter what company you're in
doesn't matter who you use doesn't matter if you use pwc or deloitte or the best
accounts in the world i guarantee you with 1000
certainty any of my clients i love their tax bill
now that person will probably talk to you because you're giving you
you haven't provided value but you've assured them you've promised insane
value now you have to predict it now you have to
fill it but a verbal contract isn't a contract
if if this person emails you can go okay lower my tax bill and you look through
his stuff and you work out you can't you say oh okay
um uh we're really busy at the moment we'll be back to touching a couple weeks
i'm sure we can work together and you just never email him again
he'll forget he ain't gonna go he's gonna go to court and say i'm at this guy in
a pub this guy in a bar who promised lower my tax bill
and he didn't email me back and sue you he's gonna take what was it what's gonna
happen nothing but at least you had the chance
maybe you can lower his tax bill now you got yourself a client
so you need to be providing value but if you're gonna promise value which is
what a lot of people try and do but people do it like pussies
people walk around oh hi yeah hi i'm gonna count and yeah i'm certified
accountant yeah i've got some big clients and yeah i'm sure we can take a look
there might be something we can do what does that mean
i've already gone to count and you're coming up to me saying you could take a
look there might be something to do that sounds like it's going to take time
i have to get all my records all my files
sent across to you maybe we can do something i've already got an accountant
who i've been with for five years it does a perfectly fine job
and now you want to fuck around me i'm not going to bother if you to come up to
me and say i guarantee you Andrew you're paying too much tax
you're getting ripped off with me i guarantee you all lower it
by minimum 10% minimum now i'm going to talk to you
that's how networking's done i'm certainly going to talk to you now if i send you
all my files and you look through all and you realize that my accountant is
actually fantastic and you can't lower my tax bill at all
then you just flag it off blag is an english word for americans blag means
just like flag it off okay yeah fantastic having a look
here i'll be i'll be back in touch in a few weeks
if and you know what's going to happen because i'm a busy guy and i've already
gone to count and and i've probably forgot about it in a few weeks i'm
like i'm going to chase you and if i do chase you hey there's anything you do
yeah but we'll have to do at the beginning of the next financial year i'll be in
touch a couple weeks in advance take care
just just flag it off delay i'll forget you'll move on
no one's going to court nothing bad happened at least you had a chance to
get my business you had a chance to look through my
accounts if you had to come up to me and say oh
hi yeah maybe we can do something i'm i'm an accredited accountant you wouldn't
have even got that far so you got either provide value or
promise value and this is the mistake that people make with networking you
have to promise value i said to interest with me you win
you go so really i said no no with me you're guaranteed to win
so if you get other people i don't know but with me
you're absolutely guaranteed to win yeah there's a lot of good fight inside
there but i know how it was as an amateur i know the mistakes you're
going to be making i know the mistakes he's going to make with me
interest with me you are guaranteed to win
and he did win
i folded off but if i didn't say that i wouldn't have got the chance
now imagine he lost what's he gonna do we're gonna sue me
you don't want doubt bro can't sue me it's not my fault
she'll block i told you to block that punch you didn't listen
i gave you the right instructions you didn't enact them correctly
that's not my fault but i networked myself to the top
with guarantees so you need to show value which is a guarantee because it's
something you've already done or you need to promise insane value
and this is the mistake you'll make with networking when someone comes to me
and i because i get this all the time i get emails all the time from people
saying i'm gonna make you more money i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that
blah pay me up front i don't hear that shit i'm gonna say no okay
do it if you come to me and say tape i'm gonna sell 10 of your courses
okay i'm gonna sell 10 of your courses if i sell 10 of your courses can we
Skype and talk business yeah all right and then just say okay
every every one every one of my courses i sell the reference is going to be this
and i get 10 course sales and in the box it says this person's name
then i'm gonna be like all right let's Skype
fuck does this do you know that's providing value if you're gonna promise
me you're gonna sell shit loads of my courses you better come at me with some
some convincing shit come at me well maybe we could try
maybe this could have you thought of not interested because i thought of all
yeah i could try blah blah no you have to come to me with
power now i know all you're watching this probably
to try that exact thing that's a bad idea because i'm a hard guy to sell to
but to other people that's what people want especially important people who are
running businesses and making money you need to either show them we can make
them money or you need to promise them insanely you can make them money
but here's what's going to happen the smart people
you'll get the odd idea who will agree and pay you up front
most smart people will want to see some work first
promise the value and then they'll say okay now show me the value
and then i'll give you what you want that's what's going to happen
and this is where the competence comes in but isn't it better to be talking to
millionaires and then replying to your emails
and and then going okay we're gonna give you a chance and then you might be
able to pull off a mirror isn't that better than then never emailing you at
all this is the key to networking i promised
it right it drissie never lose and he didn't lose it worked out for me
it could have not worked out for me but isn't it better that i promised him
and took the chance that never took a chance at all
so the bakery example you want to start emailing that baker and saying
you could sell double the cakes i guarantee you i can sell double your
cakes and he'll go if he's smart he'll go okay do it then
and then you're gonna sit there and go fuck how do i still double the cakes
but at least you have a chance now you have a chance
imagine you pull off double cakes for a fucking two days
imagine you get some hot chick to stand outside with a tray
she's your girlfriend so she's free with a cake and you're giving her a little bit
of a script and she convinces people that these are these cakes are made with
some special flour some bullshit and doubles to cake
sales when you go back in there now and say okay
that's just the beginning of what i can do i can triple this i can quadruple that
i want x amount of money not even to be having serious conversations
and that's what networking is show value or absolutely promised value
stroke people's egos and have enough cash to be the right place at the right
time the guy who owns that bakery he might own bakeries all over the world
he might say okay yeah i'm interested in talking to you come to our head office
in singapore now what you're gonna do oh sorry i can't afford the ticket
like a dick if you're so good at selling things and
doubling people's turnovers you're gonna be able to afford the ticket
you have to so money is absolutely an element
but the key to networking is you have to come across a super high value
another great thing about this is this is also how you get referrals
if you start doing good jobs for people and you do a good job and you prove
trustworthy or even if you're at least promising to
do a good job and people see this that they're going to be the ones who
refer you because it raises their status so i'm the bakery owner
i own the bakery you've come to me and promised to double my sales you've
managed to pull off i'm out with my other friend who owns a
fucking car wash and we're sitting there having beers
and i'm talking about this good this person and i now i get to say
you know what i could double your turnover your car wash is
and the guy goes cat and he goes yeah i know a guy
and this guy can double your car wash turnover now i get to look cool
for recommending you so remember what i was talking earlier about
motivators now i am motivated to recommend you
because it raises my status with the car wash guy
even if he's a good friend i won't ask him for money he's not a good friend i
might say i'll raise it give me this amount if i'm
i'm a particularly savvy motherfucker i'll say i want to double your car wash
turnover you give me 20 percent i'll send in a guy who works for me
who's really good you could they could do it for money but in general people
don't even work that way people just like to feel important
especially important people the head of the bakery is going to sit there and
take the car wash guy you know what you've got some good car
washes you're washing some cars but you could be making a lot more money
i know a guy who would help you make a lot more money yeah he works for me
i i found him i trained him he'll talk he'll lie
but he's really good and you know what i'm thinking maybe you should talk to him
because now the car wash guy thinks the bakery guy's a hero
oh wow okay so the bakery guy's motivation
for recommending you is raising a status and this is the motivator for most
people this is how networking's done you do a fantastic job for one person
they want to share your business they want to tell others if someone came
along to me and did a fantastic job i want to tell other people i do this
all the time the people who wrapped by lambourine for example did a
fucking amazing job cheap quick beautiful rainbow wrap psychedelic
looks amazing i'm happy to tell everyone where do you
get that done i'll go out down here they're really good
that's that's that's that's human nature so you have to be providing and same
value or promising and same value a lot of the people you network with
especially at a lower level they're going to want things from you
and because mutual relationships we all understand what mutual relationships
are and how they work people are going to want
things from you so i know that 99 percent of the emails i get are people
who want things from me nobody's trying to give me nothing
no one's emailing me going hey tait not our Ferrari
everyone's like oh hi do you want to invest in they want my money
do you have the time to help me with they want my knowledge
expertise or connections they want me to fucking network flip
how about email today from some dude hey uh my my girlfriend is struggling to
get shangan bizou and i know you can do these kind of things
okay cool if you would have said hi tait good to see you i know you're really
well connected i'm having a very particular problem and i think maybe
you can help with it and return i think maybe we could make some money
together make at least more interesting i'll just
hey get my girlfriend a shangan bizou even know me
crazy anyway can i get a girlfriend shangan bizou yeah
but am i motivated to know but 99 percent of the time people want things from you
and that's fine so what you have to do is to turn those
walks into something mutual so if someone comes to you and says
hey uh can i use your email list i want to promote my product
that happened a lot the correct reply is
my email list you can't use but when you build your own i'll teach you how to
monetize yours correctly we'll work together
all right who wrote oh okay thanks he'll be happy
with that reply so what's happened what's he gained from you
nothing what have you gained from him i'll present it to sales
done who come back to you okay i got my email list okay here's how we're going to
do it i'll send emails blah blah blah x and
not percent goes me this amount of it to you and we sell a whole bunch of
products simple when people come to you and they want
something from you that's a fantastic chance to change it around
to put on its head and allow you to take something from them
there's another key element from networking and also they're particularly
savvy especially with important people is this is how
smart important people think so you can be you can be aware it's happening
but pretend you don't know so it's like one of the one of the laws of power
for a lot of power is never outshine the master is true
so if you go meet with a really important person you know oh you know what
i'm gonna give you a chance if you double my sales for a week i'm going to give
you a chance you but oh yeah okay fantastic and you can sit there and
pretend you don't realize this dude just about to make
much money off you okay great you don't want to be too
smart you're smarter than the dude it's going to piss him off
i've had this a few times myself i've had people come to me and they say this
and i say well let's do it this way they go no
this this this and this my bro you're the one approaching me
i've got more money than you you're trying to do because don't come at me and tell
how things are you have to be super careful that because
people's egos an ego is more than enough to stop
someone doing business with you they'd rather lose money than than damage
your ego people are in jail over their ego
jail is full of egos you insult someone they shoot you in the head
that's so important a man's ego is to it so you want to come along and start
insulting people and go no this or no you're gonna be making
lots of money off me then what am i gonna give
that's not that's not how you network you gotta play the fool sometimes
yeah great that's a really good idea i'm happy to do that for you yeah
great so be careful so very often people who come to you they want something
from you if they're lower down you have to change
that to your favor consciously think about how to do that
if they're higher up they're going to try and get when you're when you're offering
something they're going to try and exploit you to a degree and that's fine
because you have to prove competence being exploited to a
comfortable degree to prove confident competence and make yourself likeable
is once again fine be very aware of that dynamic
everyone is in everything from themselves every relationship is for
themselves you're with your girlfriend for yourself
your love for her is nothing to do with her is for yourself it's for your own
sexual needs so you're not let isn't you're not lonely
it's completely selfish you're with her for selfish reasons
she's with you for selfish reasons and together you're both selfish
and you're both mutually benefit the reason i talked to the bus driver
is because he'll drive me and i give money to the bus which keeps the company
running the paces wages mutual benefit that's how
interactions work around the world there's no such thing as
selflessness it doesn't exist so you have to completely understand this and
understand the mutual benefits nobody's going to do anything with you
if there's not a benefit for them so at the beginning of someone's really
high value sure let them explore you to a degree make sure
the benefit is in their court but once you've proved competence
that can change quickly once you've proved yourself to be competent
then they're going to want you then things change if you're the dude who
doubled sales they're going to want you around
absolutely they're going to want you around i prefer to stay in touch with
my important people by email i don't really like to use linked in
because linkedin is a professional platform and that means that
relationships are professional that's fine for your professional
relationships but for your genuine networking referrals
it's all about status and whether they like you or not the money won
money maybe linkedin but in general if you only speak to someone through
linkedin are they really going to be like this guy's great
they're going to be like oh there's a guy in my linkedin maybe
so it's very it's very clinical it's kind of like tender you know like
the girl you met when a banger would you like her you don't know her
so it's very clinical so i don't even have a linkedin page
i don't even have one i don't really use it for networking and also
if someone's super important are they really on linkedin
like i mean you're going to meet some mid-level dudes on linkedin
but if there's a multi-millionaire who has his own company
he has a coconut business in greece and he has all these boats he's making
millions and millions he's fucking all these moles he has private jets
is he really going to go oh let me just quickly log into linkedin
oh logon email from mr random yeah hi
thank you i mean that's my experience with linkedin but yeah that's fine
i use email try and get people's email addresses
try and have an interesting business card like mine don't copy it
and like i said provide value every couple of months
don't flood them don't annoy them people are busy
next is protecting yourself and networking so what a lot of you are going
to be thinking after watching this is well how do i make sure i don't get
exploited how do i know that the baker
is not going to see my ideas i did to double sales
take the ideas and come in a fuck off and that is a genuine very real risk
and to be honest with you that risk is very hard to negate
you negate that primarily through making the dude like you
and this is my completely honest experience because i've been screwed this
way exactly the same if i've done work for someone
and it's been work and i've done a really good job
and at the end of it i said look i want some money xyz and they don't particularly
likely as a person they are far more likely to disappear
than if they go you know what this guy's all right
and i know this sounds like shit advice but it's the absolute truth
this is why i do business without contracts because if you need a contract
with someone to try and stop them screwing you they're gonna screw you
if you need a piece of paper and a core to try and stop someone from screwing you
over they're going to do it eventually anyway
and you're going to waste a whole bunch of time in court with lawyers and even if
you win the case they're going to claim bankruptcy
my chest connection claim bankruptcy and it's all over
the way it works is you have to make people like you you have friendships
of people and people don't want to fuck over their friends
because everyone has a conscience there's very few people out there who are
truly sociopathic enough that they're going to screw over
somebody who they like for a few for a few dollars i wouldn't do that
people who i know who could easily do that would never do that to me
because if you like people there's a there's a few people on the planet you
like there's a whole bunch of people you don't like
so you don't want to really fuck up the relationships of the people you do like
from out especially if you're making good money
it's very rare so let's say the baker example
if you're going to do that for five people one person's going to screw you
over you just have to eat that loss there's no other way to do it
but the other four will probably give you some kind of
uh recuperation for your efforts and on top of that
especially if you have more to show so the baker example is perfect because you
can say okay i doubled your cake sales but i've
shown you nothing yet i know x i know this i know that
even if you don't know it say you've seen a taste of what i can do
well now they definitely want to do business with you because they've seen
your efforts and validate yourself and you're saying you know a whole bunch
more but they're going to continue to work with you
so if you're worried about safeguarding yourself and worried about being
exploited i wouldn't worry about that worry about
getting the opportunities more opportunities you have
the better it may take three or four opportunities to one to pay off but one
it will eventually pay off it's better to have tried at
something and had an opportunity and fuck it up or tried at something had an
opportunity did a fantastic job and then that person
screwed over then never had the opportunity all
that's my genuine view because i've been screwed over i've been
rolled for money i've been through all that shit that's happened to everyone
else but i never deterred me from making relationships and trying to get to
high value places and do high value work for high ticket numbers
because sometimes they pay off so you can't be too worried about it and this is
what happens when i was saying earlier about
the people who are arrogant and insults people egos
i've had people email me go and take your email strategy
shit and they're right i agree my most strategy probably is a bit
shit it's disconjointed you need to do this this this this
this and this if you do this you sell this much more
i say okay let's do it ten thousand dollars a month
i say i'm not going to pay ten thousand dollars a month you've even done it
yeah but how do i know i'm not going to implement it and you're going to rob me
but you don't know that but it would have been better for them
to have implemented it start making me a whole bunch of money
and then there's two things that can happen i'm either gonna run off with the
ideas and and and scan them and they're not going to get any money
and then my reputation will be soured and they're going to go all over twitter
and all over everywhere and say i'm a bad person
or are gonna say you know i'm making so much money from this person
now and they want this the i'll make him 20 a month i wasn't making before they
want ten okay cool there's two choices now if you
obviously you want them to pay most people are protective of their
reputations most people aren't that sociopath they can second thirdly
if i actually kind of like that guy i wouldn't have done it
so let me give an example let's say he agreed to do the work first
let's say you start doing the work i never really heard from him
who just did the work and i sold products and the end he goes okay where's my
money that's fine if he did the work and he was
he sent me email hey man i'm not really late but i've got this idea and this
idea also after this one week trial we can do this
and this uh i'm really excited about our partnership
bang email me that or something else or something else and something else to
make me make himself more humanized then when it comes to paying i'm going to
be like okay we just told me there's more ideas
he was up working really late that night i'm not gonna fuck this dude over
i'm not that guy so that's that's a key element to it
and that's the same with all networking is being like a like ability
and i can't teach you personalities i can't teach you how to be like a
but coming across as human and making it clear how much you work
much work you do for someone there's nothing wrong with that there's
absolutely nothing wrong with that if you do it a positive light don't complain
oh i have to work so hard uh because nobody's like what's
fucking done then but if you do it a very positive like look i really
believe we can do x y z we're gonna take over the world blah blah
you can do fantastic one of my last time i had a job was about
seven years ago and after i could tell the story i started
i went to a meeting to sell a website our market rate was 1500
pounds for the website i tried to sell it for three grand
and i did that because i'm a risk-taker and everyone told me all the salesmen
in the company said that's too much he's not going to buy
and i said well i believe that we can sell our websites for more
and they said okay whatever and then i bought it
within a week i was giving a presentation to the other salesmen
because the fucking managing director couldn't believe i
i sold this for double sold for double and after i sold it i sent an email to
managing director saying hey i know i'm new i know you don't know me
i've just pulled off this sale for double i want to sell all the products for
double is that okay was he's gonna say fucking no
i just pull off i just pull off he's gonna say
yeah that's fine why do you believe that and i gave my reasons i said there's
only so many people in the world who want a website
if they don't need a website they're not going to buy one if they do need one
and they're susceptible we need to get as much money as possible from them
that's how we're going to increase the turnover of this business
and i believe that we do a few things to add some value small things
another meeting halfway through the website being made
a few more updates fancier pdf updates small things
that i believe we can really increase our value and that means we really increase
our prices even though we're providing the same problem
and i sent this back and forth to the managing director one
monday night and on wednesday i was giving a presentation to all the top
all the salesmen who've been there for years and everyone hated me
that was the g now the best thing about the story is
at the same time i was working this business i had my own business
selling websites so i was stealing this i was stealing customers
from this company and doing it myself with my friend
but what great was after i did this and i sold two or three more at double
price i had so much leniency in that business
that even one for like one month or one month and a half at the end when i sold
nothing so i was planning to leave no one questioned me
because i was the genius i was the guru i pulled it off and i just sold
this thing to my subcat on but that's an example
but that's a short story if you want people to like you
no sorry that's a short story if you want to make sure you don't get ripped off
make sure people like you trying to get contracts involved
trying to get legality involved all that shit is not the way to go
make people like you make people respect the work you do for them
and be a nice person and no one's really out to screw you
someone might screw you i'm not saying it's not going to happen
i'm saying it's still better to take those chances than to not take the
chances all now all of you watching this
know people right now who you could contact and make money with
i don't say make money from i make money with you make them more money you get
percentage all of you know people but you're just sitting there all
well how do i do it how do i approach it because if i email this person or i say
to this person i want to make money they might think i'm an idiot well maybe
but what are you worried about what's the worst i can say is no
who cares promise them something insane and then find a way to deliver
finding a way to deliver is the key i'm going to finish this first video off
because we've got two more videos coming for this course
but my business card which i think a lot of you have seen is not
you get it here my business card is a perfect example of this and people
always laugh when they see my business card because i think it's a joke
but a zero percent of the joke maybe we should
we'll put a picture in what my card is it's my card and it says on the back
i specialize in the following wars fall assassinations
uprising's quelled whiskey merchant helicopter hire all this stuff
i'm able to laugh and go oh you don't do those things
wrong i do do those things because i'm a
promissor i will promise you these things and if i believe that it's worth my
while i will plow off if if nasa come to me and say put a
probe on the moon i am not a fucking clue how to put
a probe on the moon but if i believe if i do that
i'm going to get x amount of dollars ten billion
or if i believe it's worth my while or i believe it's going to save my life
or something even superpowers whatever if i'm motivated to do it
i will do it i don't give a shit why have to do i don't care about to go and
learn how to do it myself i don't care if i have to hire
someone else to do it i don't care if i have to go to the
chinese and defect and and and get them i don't know what i'll do
but i will get it done and that is to keep the networking in most
spheres promisingly impossible finding a way to pull
off when you have the opportunity and doing so in a way that makes you
come across likeable come across as someone people want to work with
building up competence and value and then that's going to spread and it's
going to spread quickly another example i'll tell you the best
example of where this has happened for me personally is with girls
this has happened for me i can talk about all the high
all the high value people i could do but the thing that it illustrates my point
the best is with girls whenever i'm with people and they see me go up to
girl i get girl or i turn up with hot girls and there's always hot girls
around me people think i want to bring this people i want to
introduce this person to other people because he's the guy he's one who
raises the status he's the guy who can do this
he's the guy and that's networking all over just purely because i've displayed
competence or i promise things if people have seen me turn up with two
super hot girls and i turn up again on my own the next time i say oh yeah i could
guess i'm limited yeah we can go get chicks any club in this town will go
get girls anyway they're like wow this guy i've
i've shown value and i'm promising value if you do one of those two things they
want to invite you so then next time those two dudes go out
especially if those dudes are millionaires and they're going to a club where
going to Miami or a different town they're going to start inviting me
i've had that happen i've had guys go to me oh we're going to this
we're going to Miami you want to come um busy oh we'll pay your flight
brother because they're sitting there thinking this dude gets pussy
i have something they want i can provide i've shown value and i've shown
competence or i've promised value or competence
before you know you get invites before you know what your network and before
you know what people want to introduce you to other people
that's all networking is whether it's money whether it's girls whether it's
anything else come across as competent either get
people richer make people like you or raise their
status for them introducing you and you're going to find yourself with a lot
of friends very quickly and then you need to be selective
about who's worth your time and who isn't like i said there's nothing wrong
with networking down but that person your networking
down with has to be motivated there's a whole bunch of time
oysters especially people at the bottom people the bottom most of them are there
because they're lazy if people were motivated they wouldn't be at the
wall but there are a few gems you can find
but that's the those are the basic elements to networking watch this video
over and over again we've got two more videos coming
feel free to email me with any questions
welcome to god mode my name is Tristan Tate
now if you bought this course you already know who i am
i assume but who am i to be teaching anyone
how to get and retain beautiful women well let me tell you something
everybody who has ever met me who has ever visited me certainly in the last
five or six years has commented on how many
beautiful girls i have so before we get into the course material let me tell
you my credentials i used to run one of europe's largest webcam studios i had
75 women employed by me working to working for me
and following every single order i gave them
but right now i no longer have my webcam studio i just have a few models who
work for me but i have a few girlfriends this is one of them
this is the next
you get the picture number three all of these women
are loyal to me and exclusive to me number four
five i have six girlfriends six now i'm not talking about girls i sleep with
sometimes i'm not talking about girls who will come to see me when i'm drunk or
when i'm bored i'm talking six relationships women who love me
women who want families with me women who are not going to leave me women who
are loyal to me i'm not even going to waste your time by
naming how many side chicks i have come and hang out with me for a week or so
i don't know if you're in the war room or not if i know you personally or not
but if you hang out with me you will see my life is crazy now how do i do it
my credentials my credentials are are beyond doubt
but there's methodology to my madness and that's why you bought this course
let me explain something to you there's no trick there's no life hack
there's no being in a position where all the women you meet
or come into contact with want to have sex with you that doesn't exist
for any man on the planet besides brad pit and a few others
if you want to be an elite level player an elite level playboy like me
you have to work at it this is what i explain to everybody why is
Floyd Mayweather the best boxer in the world why is Roger Federer the best
tennis player in the world because they train and
work and perfect their skills and that's why they are the best in their
field i am exactly the same i'm not some guy who
women just all want and they chase me and message me on instagram and want to
come over to my house no i make a conscious effort
every single day i wake up i plan i make my moves like i'm on a chessboard
and i keep not only my six relationships going but i have plenty of time
to meet new women so that brings me into module one in this course
we're going to talk about meeting women and dating
now guys what i'm not going to go into in this course is
how to dress how to behave generally you know the answer to the question how to
dress i don't know what's your style are you a rugged guy with a lumberjack
t-shirt and a big beard good look that way are you a black guy with
dreadlocks good look that way i can't tell you how to dress
how to style style yourself or how to act and behave that's all
individual to you so you be yourself and play the game the best way
that you can and you know how to how to behave don't be a woman hater
don't be sour don't be bitter don't be unpleasant
don't be rude these are very basic things and i'm not even going to bother
covering these if you can't get a single girl to talk to you
this is probably the wrong course for you i'm teaching you how to up your game
from a guy with one or two girlfriends to five or six like me and a harim
of side chicks a question i'm asked a lot is how do you
meet women so before we get into the digital side of things we're going to
talk about how to meet women in the real world
now the best way to meet women in the real world is not what a lot of people
on the internet will tell you approaches now the guys who do
approaches number their approaches they count their statistics
oh i had sex with 10 percent of them i did a hundred approaches today
are you a nerd are you a geek what kind of person are you
where you have all day to walk around trying to talk to women
on the off chance that one might have sex with you
approaches my way is completely completely different you see
i don't march around trying to get women to have sex with me by talking to
them i have built a lifestyle i have built a
life which puts me in contact with beautiful women i'm around them i'm
in the i'm in the best clubs i'm in the best restaurants i'm in the best
bars i'm in the best spots in the world i'm flying all over the place
the highest level women in the world are not in your local mall
gentlemen they're in some bar in can or Monte Carlo
and if you're not there you're not going to get them
so the key to approaches is to keep your number of approaches very very low
aim like a sniper not a flame thrower if you see a beautiful girl you're in a
high-end spot you want to add her to your harim you want to add her to your
collection even if you're in your local bar
so you could be a beautiful bar maid you make your one approach you try to get
her contact details and you then work on that lead
mass approaching every woman who you could talk to is the
enemy of an elite playboy like myself because you need the hours of the day
you need your hours in the day to work to do business to do other things that are
important that add to the lifestyle that attracts
beautiful women you can't afford to waste all your day
walking around walking up to girls asking for their Facebook's asking for
their instagrams asking for their numbers it's pathetic
you need to make your approaches when it's approaching time you're out with
your friends you're at a nice restaurant you see a group of girls you're out at
a nice bar you see a girl by the bar she catches your eye
then you go over and you make your approach i make no more than two or
three approaches a week if that and i'm a very social guy
and i get more women than all the people you see on the internet every
single one of them so meeting women in the real world
is very possible and relatively easy be confident i'm not going to teach you
how to approach women because every guy has their own methodology
i'll usually walk up and i'll start with a compliment
i'll open with something as cheesy as you're really pretty or you're
beautiful because if she says oh thank you then she's interested if she looks
at you funny or says i have a boyfriend or says anything
negative you say okay no problem i just wanted to say you're beautiful
have a nice day goodbye and you leave them where any kind of positive response to
the compliment you have your foot in the door
and you can make your clothes in you can get the
telephone details the whatsapp number which you then
later work on so speaking of whatsapp we're going to go into
the online dating game now let me tell you
the world has changed the world has shifted
from many years ago when all playboys made their approaches
person-to-person there was no other way of doing it
the internet didn't exist instagram didn't exist
and the best dating app that exists right now is
instagram tinder this is where the ugly girls hang out
girls who can't get a boyfriend they might download tinder a hot girl might
download tinder and mess around with it for five minutes
but dating apps are nowhere near as powerful as
instagram everyone who's anyone every attractive girl in the world
is on instagram and every guy who's an elite elite level guy
every guy with some clout some presence some money some talent some skill
something to offer is on instagram too instagram is the most powerful dating
app in the world now if you've ever had a girlfriend
what you should do next time you do is get access to her instagram inbox i have
instagram inbox passwords to all of my girlfriends all six
of them so i can see the messages they get every single day
20 or 30 people are messaging them hi babe hi you look good
now they don't read the messages this is the problem and this is why instagram
is important if you understand instagram game and you understand how it works
you could be the most handsome guy in the world
you could be a Ferrari driver you could be in super yachts and all your pictures
and private jets if you have a boring profile picture
and 200 people following you it's not that the girl
likes you for the number of followers it's you are not going to be seen
you're going to send a message to this beautiful girl she's going to scroll
down her messages oh who's this this guy has 20,000 followers let me read this
guy's messages she's going to skip right past you the
importance of building up a nice instagram page
when it comes to game is exceptionally important in today's world
right now i'm 40 something thousand followers i have a verified tick
now i'm uglier i'm sure than lots of guys who are messaging these models and
these girls who i do meet on instagram however
when i send a message it can be something as mundane as hello or a love heart
reaction to one of her stories she's scrolling down her page
guy more handsome than me guy more handsome than me billionaire ugly guy
and then there's me there's a little blue tick next to my name it says i have
40 something thousand followers oh who's this guy
she'll then click on my page and look at my page she doesn't look at anyone
else she'll look at my page saying oh this guy decided to send me a message
you know what i'm going to message back or i won't message back
but my messages are getting opened and that is the key to instagram game you
need to have a powerful profile you know if you need to post photos of cars
do it you need to post photos with other girls do whatever it takes
to build up your likes to build up your online presence
because it's almost as important when meeting women as your real life
presence which we're going to get into later in this course
so instagram is the most powerful dating app
in the world i made uh headlines national headlines
um by stealing one of the most famous women in my country romania
from her husband over a million followers verified on instagram this girl
had my meter i sent her an instagram message now she gets
thousands of messages every day but very few from guys of my caliber
very few from guys with that many followers a blue check mark she obviously
was curious to see who i am i made a nation-wide scandal
by stealing this woman from her husband so if instagram you have to
treat it like a job as i said in the introduction to this why are
why is floyd made with the best boxer in the world because he trains
if you want to be one of the best playboys in the world and operate on my
level you have to think daily you have to make a
conscious effort to be more attractive more out there
more in the face of of the women around you
so every day if you see a cool scene you see a cool restaurant you're in a cool
place get someone to take a picture of you yeah it's narcissistic i hate
pictures i'm not even photogenic i'm ugly in pictures
but i take these cool pictures and i put them online because i know
it's money in the bank it's going to grow with interest
and it's going to pay off in the long run so absolutely you have to apply
yourself to your online presence and nothing is more important
than instagram there is a time and a place for dating apps
dating apps really do work i'm filming this on april the 11th 2020
in the middle of a quarantine which sucks however one country is not
quarantined stock home sweden the capital of sweden was
open for business so i decided to head over to sweden with my brother and have
a bit of fun play the playboy game over in stock home see how it goes
now if i had showed up in stock home which was a lot quieter than usual where
would i meet the beautiful girls i wouldn't really know where to hang out
i wouldn't know where to go or what to do so i set my tinder location yeah i pay
for tinder i pay for the premium tinder i set my
location to sweden i don't bother swiping i pay for
those boost things and i have the tinder goal to see
swipes me first i run three or four boosts then i take my
pick again like with instagram my tinder pictures are
me next to my supercars me by the pool me looking good having trained hard
i try to get all the attention i can from the social media and my tinder
pictures are my instagram pictures i then look at the best girls that have
swiped me i pick one her name was philipa absolutely
beautiful girl absolutely beautiful girl in fact here's a picture i'm including
a picture of philipa right now this is her now tinder is great for
one thing in one thing only finding the best places in the city to go
now years ago if you were a playboy and you were to land in new city land in
singapore it's 1988 what you do is you get in a taxi
and you tell the taxi driver hey brother you know where's the coolest spot in
town where's the where's the hot joint where's the where's the
cool restaurants the cool bars where the pretty girls hang out
and the taxi driver would give you all the information you needed
maybe a hotel concierge today taxi drivers don't
know shit they're bitter they're upset they the world has changed the rich
poor divide is wider than ever taxi drivers aren't going to the
expensive places but you know who knows the best places
in every city beautiful girls that's what tinder is for if you
use tinder trying to get your pee pee sucked
you're doing it wrong you need to use tinder to find the best places to go
match with a really beautiful girl say hey what's the best place to go in stock
home on a friday night oh what was the name of the place now
can't remember the name but this girl philipa replaced me
oh it's here i said okay we're going i'm going to take you out
bring your friends because i was with my friends i'm going to take you out let's
have fun now she said yes and if she had said no
who cares i now know the best place in town i know where girls like her
hang out so stock home all worked out exceptionally well
i end up sleeping with this girl philipa she's still messaging me now i've been
home for weeks and weeks that's what tinder is good for
finding the best places to hang out in town and when you get to these places
make sure you check in on instagram take a picture
tag yourself on instagram because if you do that
i tagged myself at the stock home grand hotel the best hotel in the city that's
where i was staying i had three or four girls
message me simply because i tagged myself at that hotel
girls from spieden they all are obsessed with instagram hot girls are obsessed
with instagram and how'd i find out that the stock home grand hotel was the best
place in town to stay from a chick on tinder who i never even met
i said oh yeah i'm thinking i don't know where to stay she goes oh the best
hotel is a stock home grand hotel i googled it it was boom booked it
then at the end of the night when i was done in that club or whatever with philipa
oh where are you staying the stock home grand hotel
of course it's the best hotel in the city like i knew
and i didn't oh wow yeah it is the best hotel in the city you know i've got a
killer minibar let's go and have some drinks come on it's not late
i know everything here closes at three that's weird you know in my in in my
country the party goes on till five true or not i would have used that line
let's go back to the hotel that's what dating apps are useful for
if you're they're trying to get laid trying to talk trying to make your girlfriend
and stuff forget about it man forget about it these girls
get every dude they swipe is a match after a day or two of talking to them
you're they're going to stop replying regardless of who you are
if you think she's really hot and you met her on tinder get her off tinder
ASAP get her onto instagram get her onto whatsapp
because at least if you get on to instagram and you send messages back and
forth hey it's me you are now out of her other inbox and
in her main inbox you're a guy she knows a guy she
swiped and since she's attracted to and she will always read your messages
that's a good lead forget about tinder terrible that's its only use
now depending on the culture of the country you're in
another way you can meet women is by having a group of women with you now i
know this sounds insane guys i know this sounds crazy
but if you know two or three girls and you're heading over to a nightclub or a
bar and you invite them with you having a group of women with you
in a town or city where these women are from
it acts like a magnet this is elite level stuff that you will not hear
anywhere else if you have three or four girls from new york
with you while you are in new york and you're taking to the best clubs and the
best bars and the best spots the girls they know
congregate around you they come to talk to their friends you can make your
brief introduction hello my name's tristan oh really nice to meet you yeah
i'm just out with these girls right now well but i tell you what have you got
instagram yeah you know you come out with us next time
what you know stay here stay at our table screw those guys
having girls with you acts like a magnet now when i was much younger if i went
out trying to look for women it was a different world but i thought by myself
to crappy bars and clubs and try to talk to girls you know i learned things the
hard way however now i do not go out with just men i go out
with women every single time i don't care if they're my friends
my girlfriends girls i'm sleeping with i bring women
when i go out because they're friends their girlfriends are mates they all
want to come over and talk oh hi oh you're at tristan's table or maybe they
don't even know me maybe i can make an introduction and
that is a way that i meet a lot of women the friends of the women who i fuck
you better believe i've been through a lot of them
especially my side chicks when it comes to keeping my girlfriends i don't
really fuck their friends that's a bit of a
a line i tend not to cross because i'm spoiled for choice but yeah
having women with you attracts women don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't
because i know better than anyone else another way to meet women
is reputation especially in your home city i don't care if you live in
south africa johannesburg i don't care if you live in
moseambique i don't care if you live in uh cydney
la wherever you're from your reputation matters especially in the city you
live especially in the city you live in now
this is when being a gentleman comes in
kissing and telling bragging about girls you fucked showing their nudes to people
it's just not cool now guys who do this when i meet a guy and he's oh i fuck
this girl i fuck this girl it's a bunch of naked titty pictures i'm like okay
yeah cool yeah i do all right myself i don't brag that's an amateur tactic
because what they're doing is they're ruining their reputation
now i can meet a girl and she'll be like yeah you actually met my friend
before and i'll say who's your friend it's a girl i used to sleep with for a
little while but i was nice i was polite i was kind i took
it to nice places you know i bought her some nice cocktails i was always a
good host we had sex a few times i let her know that it wasn't anything
serious and her friends want a piece of the action her friends will hear this
and and actually want to date me or want the same kind of setup with me
than she had so reputation is another way to meet women don't let anyone
tell you that it doesn't work as i said these guys on the internet who pretend
to be playboys they don't know what they're talking about
they won't believe in a million years you could meet a woman because
you met their friend yeah that's because they're but her
they're losers when a girl breaks up with them they throw insults at them
and cry and scream and threaten to kill themselves because they're nerds
me when i break up with a woman or she breaks up with me god forbid especially
side chicks side chicks leave me because they find out about my
girlfriends i said you know what well i had a lot of fun with you you're an
awesome girl i wish you all the best yeah cool
yeah that's the way to do it reputation is another way
of meeting women and so is being
scouted out being actively searched out so when i talk about instagram game from
a man's perspective actually approaching women and trying to talk to
them i very briefly mentioned tagging myself at the
grand hotel in stockarm women will seek you out not just in the real world but
in the online world more so than ever before
young women who have never lived a life without instagram or 18 19 2021
if you take a very good picture as of this day i recently uploaded one of me
sitting in a hot tub which is full of money with a
girl in a bikini lighting my cigar while i'm drinking a glass of whiskey
that picture went viral thousands and thousands of likes people who didn't
know who i was people who had never interacted with my profile saw it on
their news feed because i planned out the good picture and i took it
i had lots of women message me ha ha i'd never
light your cigar for you but she messaged me that means she would
you actively get searched out when you're an elite level guy and this is what i
mean one more time when i say you have to train and you have to work
at being an elite playboy that's the key that way you do get searched out of
you're a normal guy marching around the mall trying to collect phone numbers
no girl in the universe is ever going to say to her friend
hey that guy who marches around the mall asking every girl's number yeah
he's hot do you know his name or no one is going to message you on instagram
aren't you that guy who marches around the mall asking girls for her number
wow you know what why don't you take me on a date
no you get searched out and you get scouted and hunted
when you're a top one percent man so if you're not being scouted out if you're
not being hunted if you're not being searched for
what exactly are you missing guys stand up look down can you see your dick
no then you're too fat lose some weight women care about looks too
i'm not the best looking guy in the world sure but i make an effort i try
i work out i get into shape all these women wouldn't like me as much if i was
20 pounds heavier or 30 pounds heavier of course they wouldn't
so you do get searched out when you're a top-level guys so
absolutely invest your time in that gig gym membership
obviously make some money drive a nice car do something
productive maybe you play the guitar very well i don't play the guitar
maybe you're an amazing surfer these things get women too i myself was a
kickboxer didn't attract as many women as many women as you think
but when i was young and i didn't have any money and i couldn't do fun things and
i couldn't go to nice bars or nice clubs the fact that i was a kickboxer got a
lot of attention i could be another man up sure i was broke but girls like that i
always had pretty girlfriends so what are you doing right now
if you are just a normal guy with a normal job doing nothing you don't
produce any content you're not talented you can't do gymnastics or play the
guitar do something because every man in the world has a
dick that he wants to get sucked every dude on earth and you're just another
one of them unless you make yourself different in some way you will never
get scoured out but it certainly is a way to meet women believe me
happens to me all the time that's how top level guys
meet women so essentially all the same ways most other guys do
but there are little twists and little spins on everything i'm going to very
briefly cover what not to do obviously i've gone into day game
don't do that you need your time you need your time
to work out you need your time to make money you need your hours of your day
you can't go marching around malls or marching around parks trying to
go up to every woman who you speak to do not send
pictures of your dick if you're watching this if you're watching this and you
send pictures of your dick what are you doing
women don't want to see your dick bro don't send random fucking dick pictures
to girls that's obviously a fucking red line
that's more women see my dick than the guys who send their dick to all the
women on the internet and you know why because women actually want to have
sex me don't send pictures of your dick guys that's an obviously
a big thing not to do do not spam messages if you message a girl
once and she does not reply do not send her another message even if you have
her number and you message her once twice three times no reply
give up quit delete her number move on to the next target message spamming
isn't cool these are the basic things of what not to do
but that is in essence how i meet my women now i'm going to go on to dating
because dating is the important part dating is how i add women to my
collection the most important part of dating
when you are an elite playboy is something that you guys probably wouldn't
guess if you've bought this course it is time
management when do you go on dates in the evening what do you do
dinner after dinner drinks after drinks you try to have sex with her maybe she
goes home maybe she comes back to your place
wrong wrong you don't do that how are you going to have six girlfriends
and ten side chicks if you commit an entire evening
of dinner and drinks ignoring your other girls on your phone
to try to have sex with a single girl that is not possible
if that is your method you're going to have two girls or three girls on the go
maximum that is it six girlfriends i see them all more than once a week
how does that work out well it's not magic i can't add hours of the day and i
can't make time but time management is the key
to dating multiple women to having a uh her dream of women you have to manage
your time so i'm going to give you an example
you need to turn things that you have to do anyway
in to dates you can't commit a whole evening to a new girl
so i've met a new girl at a club i have a phone number all of my girlfriends want
to see me let's say i've picked one of them for tonight
i know which girlfriend is coming over to my house and which girl i'm having
sex with tonight i meet my new girl when i do something
mundane that i have to do anyway i'm running errands in the city
i'll say you know baby i'll tell you what i'll pick you up
we'll go for a little drive we'll go for coffee i'll pick her up at three or four
p.m i'll do my errands drop the things off that i have to drop off
you know have a coffee with the girl for 20 minutes
make her laugh make her smile two hours only then i'll take her home
now something different has happened to this girl
when she's been with me then she's been with the typical guy
made her laugh made her smile she had a wonderful time
but there was no drinking there was no getting her drunk there was no me
trying to have sex with her there was no me leaning in for a kiss
she's back at home at five p.m like oh okay well that was fun
and she's alone in the evening who's she thinking about
me i can then commit my evening to my girlfriend
i could finish my work around nine o'clock spend a few hours watching a
movie with my girl fucker i could text on my phone my
girlfriends don't look at my phone and the girl who i went on a date with
was mine all day she was mine in the afternoon after i left her home she was
mine in the evening she was mine at night when i said good night to her and she
went to sleep thinking about me i didn't try to fuck her
but i spent enough time with her to implant myself
into her mind i owned her thoughts for 12 hours by investing a little bit of
time in the afternoon and still had my evening free to have sex with my
girlfriend keep her happy that's how you do dates that's how
you time manage fuck this evening go out for drinks go
out for dinner try and bang i'm cool you want to get a girlfriend do that
that's that's all you but if you want to play the game on my level you cannot
afford to waste your evenings you have to manage your time
now this was money well spent i'm going to let you guys in
on the most exclusive elite player tactic
that exists in the world i have never seen another man even do it
i've never heard of another man doing it i've never
heard of another man attempting it and that is having two dates
or three at the exact same time in the exact
same place a system my brother and i call double booking
what is double booking how is this possible i'm going to tell you how
only the elitist of the elite can pull this off
but once again i can date three or four women in a night
in the same place have them all thinking about me
go home to one of my girlfriends and spend the next two or three days
cleaning up the mess and fucking the girls who i went on the date with
how does one do this now i'm going to tell you double booking does not work
in certain settings you cannot double book at the cinema
you cannot invite three girls to the cinema all to meet you in the same place
and take them all out for a movie who when they don't know each other
that doesn't work double booking works when there's a vibe
when there's a party atmosphere and you have to understand that in parties and
clubs and bars women will put on their makeup put on their
dress do their hair come out and see you they haven't got any money
they're hanging out on my table your table drinking your drinks
they're not going to storm off and go home because there are some other girls
around especially when you're out with a crew of your friends yeah you know
everyone they're all your friends it relies on a poker face
these girls do not say to each other oh hi i came here for a date with Tristan
so when i go to a club on a friday this is an example of double booking
i'll bring one of my girlfriends why not i love my girlfriends are wonderful
people maybe two but let's let's say one one of my
girlfriends and then i'll take three of the women i've been texting who i have
yet to meet i'll say you know baby i'm going out to the club tonight i'm
hitting this club you know why don't you come with me
bring your friends yeah it's a group vibe i'm out with some people i know
i repeat that times three three women get done up they shave their legs
they wax their fucking eyebrows they do their makeup they do their hair they
paint their fingernails they put on their lipstick they put on their
high heels and they come to the club to meet me to impress me
i give each one of them maximum 20 minutes of my time oh hey baby
kiss on the cheek kiss on the cheek i'm really glad you could make it yeah you
know have a drink it's way too loud for anyone to hear any conversation that
is at one on one you buy champagne you keep the party going
everyone's doing shots everyone's yelling shouting celebrating having a good
time you're all in a big group and the party atmosphere
drowns out the room for difficult conversation
these girls then don't say to each other hi why are you here did you come here
to see which one of the guys tristan yeah i came here to see tristan
that doesn't happen they literally introduced themselves to each other
hi my name's andrea oh hi my name's christine hi
they kiss each other on the cheek hey girls would you like some champagne
i hand them both a glass and the party continues
i call it double booking now you'll see these guys on the internet playboys
um so-called who have tables full of girls these girls are either not
interested in them not fucking them or their escorts prostitutes girls who are
being paid girls who are being hired to hang out
that's not how i do it at all i don't think elite level playboys
ever play that game so i have women all coming for a date with me they've all
bought one or two friends my friends talk to their friends
in a huge mixed group and if i want one at the end of the night if one's made
it clear she wants to stay with me i could sneak off with her leave 20
minutes before my friends my friends will give me covering fire
if not then i'll go home with one of my girlfriends i'll go home to one of my
girlfriends i'll go home to two of my girlfriends but all of these women as
far as they're concerned i went to the club and i took
them with me they were my date for that evening the evening when
all the champagne comes over everyone's looking at the party that's being had
they were my date so yeah double booking elite playboy tactic
nobody i know does this only me and my brother and we have a good saying the
only thing better than double booking is triple booking
which sounds stupid but now you understand how the tactic works
the more there are the less room there is for any difficult conversation to
happen or any mistakes to be made you couldn't pull this off at the
cinema you couldn't pull this off at the restaurant but next time you're going
to a club and taking a date invite more girls
double book yourself try it out and then message me on instagram and tell me
Tristan thank you because it fucking works
so you know when i go to clubs and when i go to bars i'm usually double booked
or triple booked my table has lots of women on it
now i'm going to talk to you about club game how i run game inside of the club
now of course i'm spending some money i have some bottles of vodka some bottles
of champagne depending on what your budget is as long as you have enough
alcohol to get everyone at the table drunk and partying
that's enough you don't need to be a millionaire to pull off these this
double booking technique any club any bar or restaurant that has a
party atmosphere you could do it at but when i'm there
as i said if you want to be elite you have to make the effort
i can't go out there with three or four women and a girlfriend and think you
know what wow this is wonderful i can have any of these
girls i choose this is great that's enough it's
never enough so when you're in that position the
winning position you're the man in the club with the women
how do you capitalize on it to meet more women this is when you do your
approaches gentlemen you're the guy you're dressed nicely
you're looking your best you're surrounded by women you're on the table
you're drinking your champagne if you think that other women in the in the
club don't notice this you are wrong you need to expand
your horizons you don't just look at your table what you have there
look further look deeper into the crowd look at the bar
who are the two girls standing on the bar they're looking at you of course they
are you're the guy with all the girls in the club
now they're looking at you who in their right mind if they're with their
girlfriends and on dates would walk over and approach the two girls at the bar
surely nobody that's why you do it you walk over to the girls and say hey
girls hey i saw you look at you look familiar
have i met you before oh now maybe you just have one of those faces no i tell
you what love me and my friends are all having a drink
don't stand over here by the bar it's laying all these dorks trying to talk to
you come over with me come out of a drink with me let's go
maybe it's a yes maybe it's a no but you have to make your approaches it doesn't
matter what crowd you're in they may say yes they come over
they'll introduce themselves to the other girls they won't say
oh are you want to date with Tristan are you not
they are blinded by how fun the party situation is and you've added two more
to your triple booked girlfriend date situation
that is club game also as i said if you're out with women from a
certain city their friends come over when they come over they're like
magnets the more of them congregate in one area the more flow in
make your approaches then talk to their friends introduce yourself
tell them your name if nothing else oh hey no hi my name is Tristan
really nice to meet you would you like a drink cool have whatever you like
bye you'd be surprised you do that with every single girl a few times a year
you're going to get an instagram follow the very next day
oh hi it's it's Cynthia no hi Tristan yeah we we met in the club
it's that simple you need to run game on top of game
there's no universe where you try to get 10 women and you get all 10
to get as many women as me you have to try with hundreds you have to make
yourself available and out there for hundreds of women to know and
hundreds of women to see so when you're in the club
you can get into the minds of 50 you can have 15 or 20 women thinking about you
and you can get six or seven of their details on top of your own situation
which you're already running that is why nerds who do day
game are never elite level playboys i do not approach women all day long
i've built a beautiful life and put myself in a wonderful situation
where my situation attracts the women they are they come to me
for me then to attack i'm a trapper i'm not a hunter
that's the way to do it and that's why i have so many women but yeah club
game don't just look at what's on your table
maybe maybe your girlfriend will break up with you tomorrow and none of those
four girls will want to fuck maybe they just wanted to drink some champagne
maybe they don't like it in the maybe they don't like you they just want to
hang out at the club cool what you're gonna do then go home and jerk off
no no you're gonna talk do you gonna get one of the girls who you went and
approached the bar always over stretch and always be
thinking on how to capitalize your situation
and add more women to the herring that's the end of module one how to meet
women if you apply all these things the way that i've taught you
you should meet women and be ready for the next stage
which is dating module two
nobody covers this topic nobody but i'm going to talk to you
about how to have sex with virgins virgins now elite level playboys
these dorks who take these pictures with all these girls
they are usually paid their models their actresses they're they're sent
there by their agency i do not pay for sex i've never hired a prostitute in my
life and i won't i don't need to but when you don't pay for sex
there are advantages to that you get the women no one else gets
any shake in Dubai can hire the hottest Dubai escort and bang her
i could go to Dubai and bang the exact same escort why would i want to
that's disgusting however in my situation you get access to girls
that no one else has access to when you run game like me and meet the women
who i meet and roll in the circles i meet you meet
beautiful virgins sometimes me i'll do two or three virgins a year
now how do you date a virgin when you're a when you're an ice-cold player
there is a tactic which i'm going to share with you
on how to date a virgin and how to take a girl's virginity
typically the first girl's virginity i took i was 16 years old she was a virgin
i was a virgin it was rubbish and what i did was this
i dated her she was my girlfriend for three months
then we had very boring sex that's how i had sex with my first virgin
now the recipe hasn't changed but the tactics and the implementation
has certainly changed be their boyfriend for three months and be in a nice
relationship with them that is the recipe i'm sorry guys
you want to run into a virgin and fucker the next day
don't ask me how i don't know i don't think anyone knows i don't even think
it's possible you have to be their boyfriend for an extended
period of time you then have to take a virginity on the
second month anniversary or something along those lines and i'm going to teach
you how to do it while still being in a playboy lifestyle scenario
what you do with your virgin is you turn everything into a date
i need to go have a business lunch with my brother or my friends
i make sure she's there i uber her in i uber her out
if i have to go for a drive i make sure she's with me
i go and pick her up do my drive drop her off go back home
if i have to go to a club she's part of my double-looking scenario
she's always with me at least three or four times a week
irregardless of what i'm doing i go to a lot of lunches and a lot of dinners i
eat a restaurant's a lot i take her to the restaurant
nothing about my life has changed i'm not going out of my way
i'm not making specific time for her i'm not trying my best to take her on dates
and show her a good time what i'm doing is i'm adding her
into my normal everyday life now to me i'm fucking my girls i have my
girlfriends my relationships i'm getting my sex i'm having my
drinks hanging out with my friends nothing has changed in my life apart
from there's some quiet girl next to me half the time when i'm out
and i would otherwise be alone but to her in her mindset
Tristan is my boyfriend he took me to lunch today and he dropped me home
he took me to the bar today he was with his friends and he took me with him
and then he sent me home Tristan is my boyfriend in her mind
we've been dating and then one day that day will come
when she's ready and you'll know you'll know because she'll make it obvious to
you no matter what you do with virgins don't get
pushy don't take them to your bed and try and sleep with them and get your
dick card and no matter what do not violate my golden rule
with virgins if she won't fuck you do not let her
touch you or your virgin maybe you can suck my
dick no no no it's desperate or maybe you can
wank me off it's it smells of desperation
do not do this baby you're not ready i understand
let's go to sleep go to sleep like a fucking man
without a sex for one day if she stays with you for fuck's sake have some
dignity well some virgin give me the worst blowjob in the world
trying to explain her how to guys grow the fuck up
if you're with a virgin in bed she's not ready cool go to sleep
nothing will make her want you more than this
so i've come into situations where i've been seeing these virgins for
a month two months nothing about my life has changed
and then they'll come to me and say oh maybe we can do something special this
weekend boom i book a hotel we have a few drinks
at the hotel bar take her upstairs virginity gone
as far as she's concerned i've been her boyfriend for three months
she's in a long-term committed relationship and all it's taken
is me to order some ubers when i'm having my free time with my friends that is
how i have added virgins to my list two of the girls of my six were virgins
when i met them they're not anymore but now they're mine
now when it comes to dating i know what some of you think
women love money no horrors love money
women love fun and fun costs money if you're broke you're not going to get as
many women why you don't pay the women i don't
give women money women very rarely see my money i think oh maybe i can get some
money from him only if they're real bitches or real
horrors or prostitutes good girls don't care if you have
money they're not going to ask you for money but if you don't have any money
all you can do is invite them to your apartment money is important because
money facilitates fun you can take a girl out in your
nice car that's fun for her you want to take her out
in my house i have a jacuzzi that's nice i have a fully stocked bar
in my cigar lounge in my house they can come here they can have some drinks
money facilitates fun so when it comes to dating yes
you need money now there's an old fallacy when they say oh well you pay for it
one way or the other you're paying for it if you're higher hooker you're paying
for it if you go to the club no one go into club's bars and
restaurants is much more expensive than paying a hooker one it costs more
two it costs more because it's better it's better
you can't pay for the sex that i have you can't buy the sex that i have
do not hire escorts and do not hire prostitutes if a woman
comes to bed with me she has a genuine desire for me i may have bought
champagne i may have bought dinner i may have bought movie tickets
it doesn't matter she comes into my bed with me thinking wow
i want this man i'm going to fuck with this guy i'm gonna let this guy inside
of me i'm crazy about him he seduced me i want to have sex with him
any situation where you are paying for sex eliminates
that spark and that spark is what makes male female interaction
beautiful i love having women around me but i would hate
women sitting around me charging me by the hour
looking at their watches oop that's another three hundred dollars that's
another two hundred dollars that's another one hundred dollars
i would detest them who the fuck do you think you are sitting around me
charging me by the hour to be in my company no
so yes it is more expensive you do pay one way or the other if you date them
or if you pay them but paying for them you don't get them
you're giving her money she thinks ah okay i better go fuck this loser i better
go fuck this guy because he gave me some money that's very different
to a woman thinking i want to be in bed with this man
elite playboys do not pay for sex because anybody could teach that
ready i'm going to give you the playboy pay for sex course
make lots of money hire hookers have sex with them done
anyone with money can do that but as i said with the virgins
with the good girls with the girls looking for long-term relationships if
you're smart enough and your tactics are solid
you could play the game and you get access to women that the guys who pay
simply can never touch another important aspect of dating your
women is when you have your guy time when you're an elite level playboy like
me and you have all the women that i do you need to maximize your hours in
your day but what you can't do is you can't eat
into guy time by replacing it to date women your guy time is when you hang
around with your friends maybe you drink beers i drink whiskey
maybe you i don't know smoke your cigarettes i smoke cigars regardless
of what you do in your guy time you need it
men need to be around other men you can't just be around women exclusively
so a very good test to whether women are relationship quality or friend quality
is how are they around your friends now my women are all the same
all six of my girlfriends are the ones who pass my test and they get to be
around me when i have my guy time now when they're around me what do they
do they make sure the ice stays cold they bring the beers over they make us
coffee they make us tea and they remain quiet
your guy time is important date time especially when you're hanging around
with virgins or girls you need to put a lot of hours in with you can happily
invite them around introduce them to your friends and make sure they sit there
and stay silent do not eat into your guy time and replace it
with women time but you can absolutely use that
when dating as well basic things you shouldn't do
when dating now we're wrapping up dating i'm going to tell you one not to do
i already covered do not waste evenings do not commit
mass amounts of time to a single female you can commit the time by living
inside of her mind i can do a date at one o'clock a date at three o'clock
a date at five o'clock and then i could fuck my girlfriend i'm with four women
all night four women all night i have turned 12
hours into 48 somehow why because all they think about
is me the one on a date today his name was Tristan he was nice he took me for
coffee he made me laugh he made me smile i could run the same script on all of
them tell him all the same joke i'm gonna fuck two or three of them
probably of the girls i dated that's the way to manage your time do not
waste massive hours dozens of hours with the same girl that's
never going to get you to the point where i'm at because you only have 24 hours
in a day other things not to do do not sideline
important business for women you need your money you need your
vehicle you need your agency you need your presence as a man
to have your women if you suck start sidelining important business for pussy
you're going to end up without your important business which means you end
up without your money which ends up means you end up without your lifestyle and
without your lifestyle you're going to end up without your
pussy too so never ever sideline important business
for pussy and don't try to fuck women too fast
guys get their you know the typical date and game of meeting one girl it's all
about when are we finally going to fuck it doesn't matter
guys build up your collection of women very much if you've ever worked a
sales job like you build up your sales leads
it's a bunch of babies and they all come crashing in eventually
and when they all come crashing in you won't care that the new girl you just
met isn't fucking you yet because you're getting your dick sucked that night
irregardless of her and what she does however you can meet her
show her a good time make her smile make her laugh have your nice afternoon
go and get your dick sucked anyway doesn't matter if she wants to fuck you
yet but she's going to lay in bed thinking oh he didn't even try to fuck me
i wonder if he's into me do not try to fuck too fast that's a mistake
too many guys make and it's amateur and it's desperate
now i'm going to talk a little bit about toys and when i mean toys i mean
supercars jacuzzis jet skis i don't know what you have surfboards
i don't know who you are or what you have but all of us men have our toys
now trying to impress a woman with a super car doesn't work
if you're trying to press a 12 year old boy yeah it might work i'm going to tell
you how to handle toys so a Ferrari can make an amazing
date but you don't a jacuzzi can make an amazing date
i don't know what else you have a guitar a surfboard whatever your talents are
they can add to a date massively if you're talented i don't have a surfboard or
a car or a new i don't know what type of girl would like that kind of stuff
quite a few but i mean not the girls i typically date but
for example if you have a lamborghini like i do
you don't say oh you want to go out with my lamborghini talking about money is
narcissistic talking about money is not attractive
when it's one-on-one with a female it's not cool do you're boasting on instagram
do you're boasting on twitter tell guys you have money make them feel bad
you know but boasting to women is stupid it's asinine no woman has a
lamborghini what are you boasting for you look like a dickhead what you just
say is let's go for a drive i'll tell you what no you want to come over to my
place yeah cool come over make sure you bring a bikini
then you say let's get in the jacuzzi you dig it for a drive then you're in the
lamborghini all it is is a extra surprise on top of
things never approach a girl say hi i have a lamborghini
would you like to come for a drive with me so you know what you're really cool
you know let's go for a drive sometime never talk about your assets never talk
about your toys never say oh here come to my house
and i'm going to play the guitar and sing a song for you
that sounds gay however if you have your guitar on display in your room
and you take her back to your house and she sees your guitar and goes oh play
me something okay you know what cool i'll play you a little something
then bust out the guitar i can't even play guitar but if you can that's your game
and the guitar analogy i don't know what else you want to apply it to
but there's something that you have that they don't
something you have to impress her but never mention it
understate these things let them they already know who you are they like you
enough to meet you cool everything else is a bonus on top
if they're meeting you you don't have to say oh i could play the guitar and i
have a uh Ferrari and i have a jet ski at my lake house but if they want to meet
you hang out with them first have coffee then add these things in
they're just bonuses things that we're going to make her smile things like that
are going to excite her and things that are going to lock her in to you even
further than she's already invested vacations
do you take a girl on vacation why take sand to a beach people always say
vacations can be used but they should never be used on new women
see in the 1960s the elite playboys i don't know i won't say elite playboys
actually in the 1960s the womanizers had their fast cars
you had a Mustang you pick up your girl in your fast car you drive her around
she'll want to suck your dick that doesn't work today
uh various things in the 1980s you take her to the luxury casinos you get
all dressed up in your tuxedo she wear her nice dress you know
ticket to the nice party's drink buyer's champagne she'd want to have sex with
you yeah cool today it has changed today it's flight tickets
flight tickets and plane tickets will get you in a girl's pants if you're a
customer if you're a dork if you're a loser if you're going to go on vacation
and bring a woman cool take one of your girlfriends a girl you've been with a
while a girl whose loyalty you've tested a girl whose loyalty you want to reward
people see me on vacation and there are some vacation pictures of me and
Dubai and i'm with some beautiful women and
losers haters will come at me huh yeah you're taking women on vacation
uh it's the same as higher in escorts no no no no
the women i take on vacation have been my girlfriend
for years they've been my girlfriends through me cheating
through catching me doing all sorts of bad shit they've been loyal to me
they've been respectful around me and my friends they've been faithful to me
yeah cool you want to come on vacation i'm coming i'll go for two weeks i'll
bring them out for four or five days do not use vacations for dating guys
do not you're going to attract the wrong type of woman and you're going to set a
precedent with these girls who are going to expect you to take them
everywhere and really they're just they'd fuck anyone for a plane ticket
girls who are eager to go on vacations with the guys they've never met
you want to stay away from them so do not use vacations as dates
vacations are not dates do not use them in your dating game use them as rewards
for long-term long-term girlfriends obviously when you're on vacation
all the rules to the game the tinder uh the instagram
that all applies by all means meet new women when you're there
leave your girlfriend in your in her in your hotel room for the night
go and stay in a different hotel if you get lucky
cool but do not as a rule go on vacations as dates
golden rule don't do that text game now your text game is very important
because after meeting a woman your text game
is what gets her to actually being in a relationship with you
or being a girl who shares a bed with you
text game is intensely important the one mistake guys make
that elite level players do not is they text too much let me explain to you
it's a very simple mathematical problem if i spend
three or four hours a day talking to a girl on whatsapp
how many girls can i maintain that level of conversation with two
three i need to be talking to 15 girls at a time
i keep a numerical system if you've got Andrew's PhD course my numerical system
is explaining there and i have all my girls
filed in my phone i need to talk to all of them all the time
how do i do it a few messages a day every two hours i'll open whatsapp i'll
apply to every single girl another two hours passes i'll apply to every single
girl it's only a couple minutes every two hours you don't lock yourself down
into huge conversations for two reasons one the
conversation should simply be trying to secure a date
secure a time and a date to go for coffee and when she's happy you put it in your
calendar and you make sure you text her a few hours before or a day before
can't wait to see you tomorrow i'm really looking forward to tomorrow and you
confirm the date before you go that's all text game is
if you and i know lots of guys do it so don't feel bad for making this mistake
are talking on text about her interests what she likes doing
uh why are you single uh her life story where any of this
shit is date material you want to be sitting at a dinner table or sitting
at a coffee bar having that conversation she's met you she finds you moderately
attractive at least she gave you her contact details
the whole text game is aiming at closing a date
hey how are you it's good to see you the other night
continue with your business a couple hours past she's replied
yeah yeah it was really good it was a really nice out
you know i'd like to see you again and get to know you a bit better
you're free tomorrow let's go for coffee boom that's it
that's all you need if you set the precedent we are talking for hours and
hours a day on WhatsApp you probably do it now
what you're doing is when you do become her boyfriend
when you are in a relationship with her and you start texting her less and less
to message your new girls she's going to think you're ignoring her
however i'm always the guy who texts five times a day
i'm always the guy who replies five or six replies a day
over the course of 24 hours and that's it that's always been me
i'm not the guy who has huge long conversations all day on WhatsApp
and i set that since day one now since day one that's been the case
cool she's not going to ever expect any more from me
then our interaction could be the kind of interaction i like
do you get excited talking to girls on WhatsApp that's gay
as lame as loser shit the interaction i want with women
i want them sitting across the table for me
smiling rubbing my shoulders while we watch a movie eating popcorn together
in bed waking up together that's what i want i don't want to be talking on
WhatsApp all day so text game keep it minimal
and keep it to the point however you do it i i don't speak maybe you don't
speak english is your first language maybe you're doing
what regardless of what your game is and how well your text game
comes together the goal is simple make sure it's all
orientated to getting her on a date what kind of food you like
perfectly okay question oh i like this i like that oh you like
Japanese for that school i i know a really great Japanese restaurant in
town have you ever been to this yeah it's my favorite restaurant okay
i'll take you there tomorrow or no i've never been there oh you gotta try it
i'll take you there tomorrow everything has to be a slow closing process to
getting that date and if you really won't go on a date with you
because you're not texting enough fucker that's plenty of girls who will
that's text game summed up and that is the end of module two that is
everything you need to know about dating to be an elite playboy but
dating isn't the end goal which is why we have module three i'm going to talk
about relationships i've covered meeting women
and i've covered dating women but that's not all you want
now there are guys on twitter there are guys on the internet
i was like yeah women ain't no said i just fuck them and leave them i just hit it
and quit it now you're missing out on something
they're missing out on the fundamental enjoyable experience of being with
women women aren't just sex objects yeah that's coming for me
one of the baddest playboys in the world women are not
just sex objects women have a special type of energy
around them they're fascinating they're wonderful
in their own special way i'll never trust a woman like i'll trust a man
if i if i need backup in a situation or if i have problems i'm never going to
call a woman i'll call a man like my brother
however women are unique and they make life beautiful
you're taking a walk on the beach it's better with a woman you're laying in
the park looking up at the sky it's better with a woman you're at dinner
it's better with a woman you're at a club with your male friends you want
women around women are the seasoning to life
they make it more special if you're sick you're in bed you're not feeling well
you want a woman to look after you don't want a man
bringing your soup and rubbing your back that's
gay i mean maybe you're gay wouldn't buy this course if you were but
in which case you would want a man but women have a special type of energy
and i love women so these hit it and quit it guys
they don't have serious relationships like i do i have six
serious relationships why because the love and the relationship
is maybe the most rewarding part of being an elite playboy
collecting the relationships not just the notches on the bed post
but the women who would cry their eyes out if i stop speaking to them
that is power and that is truly having affinity with women
so now we're going to go into the details of how to have
relationships first and foremost in any relationship you have to establish
if she's relationship material now there are people who will talk about how to
find the right partner for you how to navigate the sexual marketplace
i see them all the time i look at their videos and i laugh
because these guys have never navigated the sexual marketplace
to be a man who knows what a good apple is and what a bad apple is
you have to try thousands of apples every day taking bites of new apples
knowing what tastes good knowing what doesn't this is why
i have such wonderful women in my life because i have met
the psychopaths and the terrible women that men warn you about
i've met the women who would divorce rape me or try to have my baby
or upset my life or try to ruin my business i've met them
i fucked them once i never talked to them again because i can spot a good one
from a bad one from a mile off so that is the key to having
relationships you have to differentiate which girls you fuck
from which girls you want to stay with the best way to do this is
as hard as it is guys we all think with our dicks sometimes
you have to eliminate beauty in your mind the hottest girl in the world can be
a horrible backstabbing money grabbing gold digging
bitch and most dudes will stay with her oh but she's so nice
what exactly is nice about her me when i'm trying to
differentiate which kind of women i want to love and which women i want to
just sleep with i usually close my eyes and i think about them
as a asexual blackened figurine i think of what their qualities are
i wake up in the morning she makes me coffee my injured shoulders playing up
she gives me a massage she leaves her phone around unlocked
doesn't matter it doesn't care if i look at it
never goes out of the room to make to take a phone call
is respectful to my friends cleans up my house
cooks my meals if these things are adding up
then i'll usually turn it into something serious i'll tell her she's exclusively
with me i'll tell her the truth i'm a busy man i'll see her as much as i can
i'll tell her that i love her even i'll tell her i have respect for her i'll
tell her i care about her all of it's true
yeah i have other women and a lot of them know that
but women would rather share the king than marry the jester
and when i say about training yourself to be in that elite
level position whether it be fitness income maybe you're the most handsome
dude in the world one of my friends alexander cortez is the most handsome guy
i've ever seen i'm sure he could have a collection of women if he chose to if
you want to live this lifestyle based on looks alone i don't know what your
attributes are but whatever you they are
understand that women would rather share a top one percent guy
than be with some fat dork who's exclusive to them believe me
and fat dorks come with their own set of problems anyway
now i meet the type of women all the time who are no good
and i just know that men would fall in love with them
because men are weak and men are stupid you have to be
better than most men to have a collection like mine
you have to be better than most men because the good girls
are the ones who are willing to share you this is what people don't understand
and this is what people don't teach like my wife
would never tolerate me talk to other women yeah great
great your wife's a bitch let me tell you something
i know women who are so invested in my happiness
that they know when they're not around there may be another woman in my bed i
don't know if they know the true extent of it
but they love me so much that they allow me to have other women when you meet
a horrible nasty vindictive jealous bitch
and she's like oh you better not go out with your friends
you better not do it oh you think that's the woman who really loves you because
you wouldn't tolerate you with another woman
no the woman who really loves you is like look i know you have another girl
tears streaming down her face but i really love you please don't leave me
just tell me i'm different from the rest that's the woman who loves you
so you have to differentiate which girls you fuck and which girls you want to
love it's simple as that a good way of doing this is
testing their loyalty now i'm not obsessive
stalker i'm not a jealous guy i know my girlfriends
don't cheat on me sure do i sleep with some sidehose that may have a
boyfriend i may be their side guy do i sleep with sidehose who may
do that every weekend maybe maybe but my girlfriend certainly don't cheat on
me but you have to test their loyalty now don't even look through their phone
don't even look through their phone hey baby give me your phone unlock it
i want to do something on it unlocks hands are over
don't do shit take a selfie give it back to her if she'll hand you her unlocked
phone she ain't cheating because believe me these girls get hundreds and
hundreds of messages every day on instagram on facebook if they're
applying in a way that they know you won't like
they will not unlock their phone so if they won't unlock your phone and hand
it to you then that is a very good loyalty test
she's probably not girlfriend material by all means get her to suck your dick
have your phone with her but she's probably not the girl you want to be
with and i hear a lot about harryms about how to
have multiple women let me tell you something i don't enjoy
group sex i don't enjoy threesomes i don't
enjoy forcums i don't think they're enjoyable
sex is a lot more intimate and a lot more fun
one-on-one you only have one dick that's it so you can only it's taking turns
one way or the other so i don't enjoy group set group sex and my harrym
game is different um then a lot of guys now on the internet
there are very few people who have multiple women
i know one i'm not going to name him and shame him in my course but he's a
Muslim guy black guy american lives in germany
very smart guy he legitimately has a harimi as multiple wives
respect respect to him and he's a good friend of mine
almost no one you see talk about having multiple women has multiple women
besides my brother and myself now how do i run my harim game it's different
than most people you see women behave better and take this from an elite
level guy women behave better when they know you have other options
if you have one girl one girl only she'll try to stop you talking to other
women stop you meeting other women and she'll
aggressively try to interject in your life but when you have other women and
she knows that you have other women maybe she turns a blind eye
maybe she doesn't want to hear about it but she knows maybe she's seen you tagged
on your face instagram with them maybe she's seen them in the background of
the instagram story when she knows you have other women
women up their game i'm telling you the truth
good women don't leave they try to make you happier
now when you have a harim all living together i've lived with two or three
women maximum at any any one point very unpleasant experience
because sleeping arrangements were always difficult sex i didn't enjoy that much
because there was always too many girls however the women behaved very well
one woman didn't want to be the one who fucks up at a three because she knows
that she's sleeping on the couch and you're fucking those two that night
it was always a game of one-upmanship the women try to up their game
to out compete one another now my harim game is very similar to this
however the women are never in the same place at the same time
they know each other's names they know who they are they know that these girls
are around me even one of my girlfriends isn't quite sure if i'm
sleeping with these women but she heavily suspects
that i am and she checks her their stories all the time
she knows they're at my house and that does not make her flip out and calls
arguments because she knows she'll get blocked and she knows when she's blocked
i'm going to be around these other women it makes her up her game
so my women are not in the same place but they're fully aware of each other's
presence they're fully aware that the other ones exist
and they up their behavior and they check themselves
so i don't have to check them and end up with these other women
so my harim game is is what i call distance game they're they're far away
from each other but they know each other exists
and that's what makes them behave i'm going to be honest with you
this is a refreshing moment of honesty it is hard to have six girlfriends
i have six i didn't know the exact number i had until i started filming this
course i had to actually count i didn't know i thought it was five six seven
it could have been one of those numbers it's difficult
because time management is a problem luckily for me i live a lifestyle and
you need to set your lifestyle up in the same way
where you are busy all hours of the day but no hours of the day
i can be busy anytime i like i have a very busy hectic
work schedule which is usually my excuse but you do have to see your girlfriends
now i'll take a girlfriend on a date i'll date a new girl and i'll see a second
girlfriend in the evening i'll usually wake up with that girlfriend
uber and a girlfriend lunch and see another girlfriend that at the
second evening i see my girls about two times a week maybe three times a week
each but instead of having one relationship you can have six
relationships where the girl thinks you're a busier man than you are
it is possible but you have to manage your time
very very closely which makes meeting new girls difficult
now whatever you do when you're in a relationship
never ever concede to having enough women never think you know what i've got my
three girlfriends that's wonderful i'm not going on an elite tinder
i'm going to stop posting on instagram i'm going to stop going to clubs i'm
going to stop doing my approaches i've got three girlfriends are all smoking
hot you know why because i've lived it i've been in that situation and i've
been content one girl has an argument with another girl
they find out about each other they both break up with you
maybe you only get one back boom you're down to two
same thing happens again boom you're down to one
shit suddenly you're the guy who's happily married you got one jina
you're stuck there with one chick now you've done no legwork you've put in
zero hours in terms of getting new women so you have to start from scratch
build up your collection again it's months before you have three again
then four them five and six never ever be content
but in relationships it's very important to be kind
people think players especially guys who worked in the industry that i have
are horrible people that i'm rude to women that my house is a revolving door
with women in that okay that bit is a bit true
but you think they leave unhappy no they do not
be polite buy them flowers sometimes buy them chocolates
you don't have to go out of your way to make a woman smile i stop at the gas
station all the time look at my cars every time i stop at the gas station i
buy a box of chocolates it's the thought that will make a
woman's day if you have lunch with a woman and you
bought her a teddy bear and a bouquet of flowers
girlfriend's only obviously she'll go home in the evening and she won't
think about what i'm doing who my dicks in she's like oh
Tristan loves me he bought me flowers and a teddy bear and she'll be posting
photos to her instagram of the flower and the teddy bears i bought her which
makes my other girls see they suspect that i bought them
they up their game hey Tristan when am i seeing you
it's a beautiful system but be nice to your girlfriends in your relationships
but being nice also includes not engaging in bullshit arguments if a
girl wants to argue with you all the time she's not a girl
that's cohesive with the elite player lifestyle you need to stay away from
those women engaging in needless arguments is a tactic
women use they're smarter than you think to eat away
the hours of your day and the hours of time you could be using to pursue other
women i recently had to let a girlfriend of mine
go beautiful i'm not going to show her picture here she's long gone
i don't reminisce over old news however absolutely stunning but every moment i
wasn't with her you're with other girls blah blah blah
start arguments with me complaining moaning i was engaging on whatsapp for
an extra 30 40 minutes a day that i didn't have
stay away from women who make arguments so be nice be kind but don't take
shit if they want to start arguments stop talking to them
if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all
so they're arguing with you and you have no nice response to them cut them off
do not invest hours in that ship in relationships a good way to keep your
relationship fresh and a good way to keep your relationship
happy is to make demands of women women love to serve men they really do
if a woman cooks you a meal and it's good she's going to be happy she can spend
an hour in the kitchen sweating toiling she can burn her hand
if she brings you a plate food and you eat it and you're satisfied
she is happy believe me women are servile good women are servile
and a good way to keep your relationship happy is to make demands of your women
i have a ritual every morning i drink a black coffee in bed
i never make it myself whichever girl i wake up next to
goes downstairs makes my coffee she knows how i like it she brings it up
stairs i sip it now i don't just sip it i'll add
something in you know i love when you make me coffee your coffee is the best
because i can tell it's made with love it's a joke real laugh it's cheesy
it's corny but that will set the mood for the day
that will set the pace for the day it's a wonderful thing women are very
servile creatures so do not be afraid to make demands of them
so if you hang around me or you know people who have hung around me
you'll know how it goes i'm sitting with the boys i'm drinking some whiskey
baby uh bobby wants a refill hey iggy wants another
few ice cubes uh darling excuse me a jonathan's beer is out and you're in the
house like i've been getting a lighter as well as cigars out come on
they love it they really do if you have a good woman
so that is certainly an important part of having a relationship make demands
be the man be assertive be alpha be dominant
it helps when you're maintaining relationships like i am
and your time is limited you have to be sure not to burn your time i call it
burning time you're with your girlfriend for three hours
all you have is three hours Netflix no not fucking Netflix
why would you sit there and burn three hours away on Netflix you have other
girls to see and other things to do now admission
i am a guy i fuck every day i do not masturbate i do not watch porn
elite level playboys do not do these things because
you can't so i'm gonna have sex with three different women today and i still
need to jerk off no i'm fine i haven't jerked off in a
year and a half yeah i was in india last time because there were no girls around
i you remember the exact fucking date so i'm telling you
porn masturbation throw them out the window you want to be an elite level
playboy be a fucking man you don't get sex from one day cool you'll live do
50 press ups before you go to sleep go out the next day hungrier i'm going to
tell you women need sex just like men do
now it's very easy for me if i wanted to to not have sex with my women
for a week two weeks for an individual girl
because say i only see her three times in a week and it's all during the
afternoon i've already had sex that morning i know i have another girl to
see in the evening it's easy for me to just
spend time burn the hours watching Netflix
but she will not be as happy guys tiger woods isn't the best golf player in
the world because he sits on his couch watching
Netflix floym uh mohamad Ali was not the best heavyweight boxer of all time
because he sat on his couch watching tv you want to be an elite level playboy
you want to collect these women then you have to keep them happy
you know what it's the middle of the afternoon i've already had sex three
hours ago or four hours ago a girl sucked my dick because i woke up in
the morning ah my girlfriend's over you know what
grab her by the fucking tits to your dick gets hard and make sure you fuck her
make sure you do there is no maintaining a relationship without sex
maintaining a healthy relationship and never having sex with a woman
is not real doesn't matter who she is doesn't matter how loyal she is
if she's really loyal she'll bring it up to you
uh why aren't we having sex oh you never want to have sex with me
and she'll get mad if she's disloyal she'll seem fine and she'll
she's fucking someone else if you're going to collect these women
they're not cars you can't park them all on your driveway for months
and sit there triumphantly and say ah look at my collection of cars aren't
they beautiful you've got to drive them if you don't drive them they'll
disappear someone else will take them off your driveway that's the way women
are so you absolutely have to keep your woman happy
man up i'm not going to tell you how to fuck your girl
you know how to fuck your girl i'm not going to go into sex tactics that's not
what this course is about but if you have multiple women
make sure you fuck them you got to keep them happy
what women really crave is attention they love the attention because they
love feeling in demand they love feeling desired
now if you hang out with a girl three times in a week and you don't fuck her
once now you can brag your friends yeah i was tired i
fuck too many other girls that's cool but she doesn't feel desired and she's
going to be unfulfilled in your relationship when your hours are
scarce you have to invest your hours doing things that make her
feel wanted take some pictures together say you know baby air take getting your
underwear i'm gonna take some photos if you take some photos of her
what do you do with them nothing make her feel special then get your dick out
make sure you fuck it right there's no excuse
for women leaving you even if you have six or seven i have more
girlfriends and less time than most guys who get dumped
and i don't get dumped why because even when i'm not in the mood
i man up and i understand what i have to do to keep my women happy
i'm often not in the mood often i've been training often i've been fucking
other women but you got to get it done now i've covered how to maintain a
healthy relationship when you have multiple girls but i'm
going to touch on what not to do the basics of what not to do
never admit that you're wrong for doing something that you wanted to do
i'll give you an example another girl sucks your dick
another girl you fucker your girlfriend finds out two of your girlfriend
girlfriends find out don't even say sorry you you're not sorry one
why are you not sorry because you wanted to do it at the time so you're sorry
you got caught you're not really sorry and she knows it
you know you have to hold the line the moment you start apologizing you're
making a concession oh i'm sorry i'm sorry means i shouldn't have done it it
means i won't do it again many things are implied by your sorry
i never engage in this kind of behavior this girl was at your house this girl
is at your house hey the fuck haven't you got a life stay off
Instagram are you watching this girl's story for anyway
it's really embarrassing what you're gonna stalk everyone who comes into my
house but don't look through my phone why are you
looking through my phone now you know what i was having a really nice
day with you and now we're arguing because you
wanted to look to my phone this is so stupid how old are you 16
you're obsessed with with social media quit fucking look at instagram
never admit you're wrong hold the line say whatever it is you can
but never concede and never admit mistakes because they're not mistakes
you are on your way to being an elite level playboy
i am an elite level player i don't make mistakes i fucking because i want to
fuck them it isn't a mistake no i'm not sorry
now this isn't an act i mean it i don't apologize and i fucking mean it i'm
really not sorry so jesus they can't break me down they can't squeeze
nepology out of me because i really really mean it when i say that i'm not
sorry never concede in a relationship another thing
not to do i've covered this basically but do not
engage in pointless arguments and do not engage in pointless conversation
um we if you have a relationship if you're gonna get caught cheating
don't let it be with some girl who lives in
california that you're flirting with online for no reason
that makes you look like a simp makes you look like a fan
makes you look like a customer makes you look around like a nerd if you're
gonna get caught get caught fucking something
do not burn your hours cheating on your girlfriend emotionally
with girls far away with girls you haven't got a chance with
with girls with boyfriends who don't take you seriously don't waste your time
with this stuff man you only have 24 hours in the day and you need to see
three or four women minimum if you want to operate on my level
so do not waste your time with girls that are far away because there's nothing
worse than getting caught and having your girlfriend
all strung up on some nonsense with some girl who's hotter than her
but she's in singapore anyway what are you doing
so absolutely do not do that one of the most fundamental mistakes when you get
attention like i do as a man make sure it's localized make sure you have
an opportunity to fuck her an opportunity to see her
and don't get caught by your girlfriend doing nonsense shit
don't get caught watching porn it makes women feel undesirable
cut porn out of your life if you want to operate on my level
do not get caught masturbating that's super embarrassing
these are very basic things but i think if you if you are on your way to being
an elite level guy you should know these things already
those are the don'ts in relationships no elite playboy lives without
girlfriends or the respective women relationships are
essentially important to every single man it's not enough
to just have sex relationships are intensely important so
use everything i've taught you and maintain your relationships
the way that i do it believe me some of these things may not seem like they
work test them and hit me backwards to feedback because i know from personal
experience they do that's the end of module three
now there's a part to this no one wants to hear
everyone uh most guys are looking for a quick
fix you're looking for a secret something i'm going to tell you a magic word a
spell an incantation that's going to make you
be surrounded with women who want to have sex with you all the time it doesn't
exist it does not exist it's a recipe it's a recipe
which includes lots of hard work and this is be this is this is something i
call being a man in demand for the five F's
i've got five F's they are fitness finance fun free time
and fucking those are the five F's and that is the recipe
of what makes you a man who women want to fuck
if you're not a man who women want to fuck if you are lazy
and you're broke and your instagram looks terrible
and you're fat as fuck and you look like shit and you're not smart
you're not interesting you're not funny you're busy all the time
how many women do you think you're going to get zero it doesn't matter what
you apply of what i know you have to be a man who has some level of demand
about him to be an elite level playboy so we're going to take these five F's
in a row the first one fitness now i don't mean just physical fitness
but how well do you look women care about looks they do
i'm not the best looking guy in the world but i try my hardest
right now as we film April the 11th i'm in quarantine
my beard isn't trimmed my hair isn't cut nicely
but most of the time i'm walking around with a nice
trimmed razor beard my haircut is always on point i've gelled my hair i've dressed
nicely i'm wearing a designer shirt nice watch nice shoes
i'm presentable to the world i work out i'm physically fit
i'm always i'm not always in the best shape but you know i do my push-ups
every morning i do my boxing i do my training whatever training you do
you have to do it fitness is important how fit do you look
it is basic human evolutionary biology
oh look this big strong handsome guy he'll give me nice children
women may not think that exactly in their heads but it's a big part of what
makes women want to have sex with you if you disregard it
if you think oh well i'm rich ah it doesn't matter i'm a big fat ugly
fuck i've got loads of money women will want to
fuck me they won't they won't they may fuck you if you pay them
but that isn't what this is about that's not being a playboy that's being a
customer and i'm not teaching you how to be a customer
so yes you do have to be presentable you have to look your best
train as much as you can make sure your
hair is the way that you like it i don't know don't get your hair cut if you have
long hair whatever do whatever makes you look good
fitness is essential because it's something that women desire
and there are general rules to women no woman on earth
things i love big fat ugly guys i mean there are guys who like fat chicks
maybe no woman on earth wants a big fat ugly dude
who gets out of breath when he walks up the stairs not a single
one so you take that general rule and you think okay i want to be as attractive
as i can to as many women as possible don't be a fat lazy fuck
well number one if you're a fat lazy fuck get to the gym you're not going to be
able to live like me until you do get into reasonable shape at least
being the fat lazy fuck is not attractive to women
fitness is essential now with these general rules
when i say women don't like guys who are big fat and ugly
you can take everything else i say in the five F's
and apply them exactly the same way i am not every woman's type
a lot of women look at me and think you know what
i don't like him i don't like the way he looks
don't like the way he's shaped don't like his height i'm too tall maybe for
some women yeah they're short i don't like this i don't like that
cool i'm not every woman's type neither are you
nobody is i know some handsome dudes are not every woman's type
they can't be however being fit makes it far more likely that you are going to
be the type of the women you meet so absolutely this is an
essential rule the first of the five F's being a man in demand
is fitness look your best train hard women like to feel safe
they like to feel protected they like when you put your big arms around them
they like if you can pick them up women love that shit
get to the gym now some people have further to go than others
yes some people are genetically blessed if this is you you may work out once a
week and have an iron six pack i don't have a six pack right now
that may be you cool lucky you you may work out five times a week
and still look like shit then you simply have to try harder
than the other guys being a top one percent guy
everyone's born with different attributes you're born smarter okay it's
easier to get rich you're born with better genetics okay it's easier to get
fit you're born you're born uh wittier you're
raised in a in a better environment okay it's better to be
funny and and make them laugh everyone has advantages and disadvantages but
you need to maximize all of these as much as you can
as much as you can regardless of who you are and some have further to go than
others but if you're not taking into account your
fitness at all you're not going to get the girls i get
number two finance finance is important finance gives you the ability to do
things if all of the hottest women were in a
building and it cost five hundred dollars to go
inside that building to have drinks and you only had a hundred dollars to your
name you're not going to meet any beautiful women
that's the way the world is it sounds like such a crazy example
but the world works that way all of the most beautiful women in the world
with very few exceptions are in high-end luxurious places
they attract women and if you're not there you're not going to meet them
finance is very important you do not give women money
ever you do not give them money for sex you do not give the money
to show off you don't give women money that's bullshit
however your financial situation creates an aura of fun
women love fun i have a swimming pool in my house
women love that in the summer they're coming here jumping in the pool taking
their bikinis off now are they thinking ah this pool
28 000 euros this cost oh this pool cost so much money
Tristan has money wonderful no they're thinking wow
swimming pool that's it finance and your financial situation
makes you fun now this is something else that you are not going to hear
anywhere else but this course
investing investing you say investing your money
to get women that doesn't make any sense you don't understand
you can invest in a city you can invest in a club in a bar you can invest in
your location that doesn't mean buy shares i'm talking about
wasting your money i call wasting my money
investing why i was once asked what the best investment i ever made was
i looked straight at my cousin i said you know what
one of the best investments i ever made was blowing hundreds of thousands of
dollars right here in Bucharest champagne shows for drinks i don't drink
getting all the sparklers come over my name put up on the wall
tipping really heavily in restaurants ordering lobster and champagne when i go
out being out in clubs and bars all the time
buying coffees all the time being cheap isn't cool
now me throwing all this money around i am the man that everybody knows when i go
into the club everything is made possible for me
i'd be no smoking allowed have you ever seen a picture of me in a club without
cigar in my mouth i have special privileges special rights
everyone treats me with respect of i'm with a girl the security shake my hand
the manager comes over with a free bottle of champagne every time i go
anywhere because i've invested in becoming a
somebody in this city nobody will give you this advice
the advice you read on the internet be cheap save three pounds 50 and don't buy
that coffee make a coffee at home no don't make a coffee at home go to a
cool cafe and drink their fancy coffees every day tip the weight or heavily
then you're that guy you go there on a date
Tristan how are you doing sir good to see you again mr. Tate has someone parked
your car for you nicely investing in your city is important
and it's what most people call wasting money what does wasting money even mean
what is money for you can't hold on to money you never really even own money
even if you have it in your pocket money is just to be interchanged with other
people you got it because you sold something they want
you want good service you throw it to someone else just passing it around
don't waste all your money obviously but you live in atlanta
Georgia i wasn't at lanta and there's a cigar bar where they would recognize me
right now if i went there same in uh hollywood in california
there's a cigar lounge where they'd recognize me right now
because i went there for two weeks i was there four or five times
bought the most expensive cigars tipped heavily ordered some nice drinks
they know me today so there are a few parts in the world
uh moscow slobakius and parts in the united states certainly
where i would be stock home now where i'd be known on a first name basis if i
walked into the establishment but within my city
yes i am a celebrity i mean i'm in the newspapers all the time i'm actually
a celebrity here but again that stems from my initial investment
the club owner is knowing me the barman knowing me
everyone knowing who i was before the newspaper has got a sniff of who was
this trust and take i'd invested so finance is important blow your money
in the city you're in you want to be a somebody it's not free
you make good money great good for you there are millionaires on twitter people
claim to be millionaires who also talk about all save all your money don't
spend it yeah cool that's all right yeah you want you want you want no one to
know who you are and have a big number in your bank account yeah that's cool
i invest my money by blowing it in my city it was the best investment i ever
made i'm one of the most famous faces in this city i walk down the street
i get asked for photos all the time girls know who i am i get hit up on
instagram by random females yeah you want to be a playboy
throw some money around finance is the second of the five f's
exceptionally important number three
fun you have to be entertaining now there are ways
that nerds think you could be entertaining that don't work
having a lamborghini for example having a lamborghini does not make women want
to have sex with you it makes little boys want to drive around in your car
women don't give a shit about driving around in your lamborghini that much
unless they like you you have to make it fun
having a super car gets you an opening conversation you park at the club you
walk inside is that your car if you reply yeah that's my car
uh it has 600 horsepower and i got the tires custom from
from germany and and the body kit is actually from a custom body shop and
book arrest and i changed the color and i've got a special steering wheel
the girls can be uh-huh uh-huh cool see you later if you're a boring
twat it doesn't matter what car you drive it doesn't matter what car you
drive hi is that your car no it's yours i'm
gonna get drunk tonight you're driving me home yeah
cool obviously don't really let her drive your car but say something funny i just
came up up with that off the top of my head say something witty say something
entertaining being a millionaire having nice things
having cool things it doesn't get you pussy it gets you a
five second opener and if you squander that if you waste it it was all for
nothing you have to be fun women don't care about
money they care about what's entertaining now
when i was broke i used to have no money
i would be funny i'd take girls on a date i'd say uh oh you didn't wear high heels
on our date in my Volkswagen golf they'd be like
ah no where are you even going well you know what you're not wearing high
heels i'm gonna take you i'm gonna take you to somewhere
suitable bra McDonald's this was my routine i go to
McDonald's i had a few pounds to my name i roll into a no high
i need a ice cream at flurry yeah bring that ice cream at flurry but put extra
love in it what what do you wouldn't you say extra love
extra toppings no no no extra love i want a date i need to make her fall in love
with me oh okay the girl's laughing her ass off
she thinks it's hilarious to give her her ice cream
is it working are you in love with me yet why did you take me to McDonald's
well you weren't wearing high shoes haha i didn't have any money
make them laugh make them enjoy their time with you and this is what i said
about dating earlier you have to implant yourselves in their mind
wow i had a wonderful time that could be on her mind for two days
while you're fucking your girlfriends and your fucking other women
that could be on her mind all week while she's working maybe she's busy and she
can't wait to see you again you have to be
fun fun is important now this is very subjective
it varies from man to man i don't know where you are
i don't know where you live i don't know who you are i don't know what you know
i don't know who you know but you know
kill the mosquito see boom i'm a ninja but you know how to have fun in your own
city i'm sure or your own town you know how to show a girl a good time
don't be boring yeah that is essential and if you're a boring guy
work on it if you're broke work on it if you're unfit work on it
those are the first three of the five F's
free time free time is essential it kind of links to finance because what
money buys you is free time you need to have free time
i was watching a dork who was a former goldman sax trader who's saying yeah
well i used to go to bed at midnight wake up at four in the morning
and i had one girlfriend and one day she left me she got up in the middle of
night at four when i woke up and started screaming at me saying are you kidding
you're never home okay you're a goldman sax trader
maybe you're a goldman sax trader i don't know what you do
but you're working 70 80 hours a week find a better way
if you really want to be an elite level playboy
you need to be working 40 hours a week max 45 at the very
very upper limit you can't do it any other way
all of my women all of my girlfriends all the sex that i have all the dates
i go on there's no 70 hour week where i can accommodate that
i'd have to cut my women look i'd have to cut them in half
literally so yeah free time is essential it really is essential and you need to
be flexible with your time as well the flexibility of time is just
important as your free time because if a woman says oh well there's this
place i want to go or there's this lunch event at this restaurant or i you know
i want to go to a swimming pool or in the middle of the day when most dudes are
at their nine to five you need to be like yeah okay cool
yeah let's go i'm gonna come pick you up it sets you aside from most men
being available whenever you want the flexibility is very important as well
most guys work nine to fives at one o'clock in the afternoon you know i'm
gonna take you out for a spin let's go for a drive let's go for a coffee
being free at those hours when no one else is free is important so yeah you
absolutely have to maximize your income minimize your hours worked
that's super important if you're working a wage job
you're getting paid per hour no shame in it brothers i used to do the same thing
but a way to get women don't start working more hours
now cut your workload in half do budget dates you'll get more women than if you
have your work hours trust me free time immensely important
number five the f-word fucking you have to fuck your
women right not just for them i've covered about how it keeps
relationships together but fuck relationships i'm talking about
bitches slots girls who are at your table one
night stands put the work in i'm not going to tell you how to fuck
i'm not going to tell you how to please a woman if you don't know
then you're never going to be an elite playboy you never will be if you can't
fuck but when you do it right it gets you more women
it really does women talk about this shit on a scale you have no idea
believe me if you fuck a girl ignore your girlfriends you don't you don't
want to be messing around with your girlfriends friends anyway
but let's say you meet a girl for one night you don't see her for four weeks
oh her friends now following me on instagram why is that
because this bitch has been talking about yeah i met this guy Tristan yeah
took a drink it's a bit of an asshole oh my god he
fucked me so good yeah he fucked me so good oh can't be mad at him i'd like to
see him again actually but he's not really texting me
boom her friend hears you her friends on it
sex is immensely important that is the most important one of the five f's
because if you have everything else on point and you fuck your girl and your
only last 30 seconds and then you fall asleep you're a joke
you're never going to secure her into a relationship
you're never going to get the love you're never going to get the respect
and you're never going to have the reputation that leads to residual
women coming in those are the five f's remember fitness
finance fun free time fucking you cannot neglect
any one of these if you wish to be an elite
i'm going to be a guy with one girlfriend maybe two
i'm going to have sex once a month maybe twice cool
neglect as many as you like you can't live like me
if you neglect these things and there we have it short and sweet
module four the five f's immensely important stuff you have to
put the work in this is the most important part of the course do not
neglect module four do not neglect the five f's if you do
you're going to be very lonely and you're never going to pull it off

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