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Drugs are substances that change a person's mental or physical state. They can affect the way your brain
works, how you feel and behave, your understanding and your senses. This makes them unpredictable
and dangerous, especially for young people. The effects of drugs are different for each person and drug.

ABUSE: Use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose, misuse.

Drug abuse, the excessive, maladaptive, or addictive use of drugs for nonmedical purposes despite
social, psychological, and physical problems that may arise from such use.


Causes, Effects And Solutions To Drug Abuse: Drug abuse is simply the abuse of drugs, usually pain
killers, alcohol, sedatives or even drugs that have been banned by the government. Most times it is
taking drugs without doctor’s prescription or more than the quantity prescribed by the doctor, or for
purposes other than which it is usually prescribed for by medical doctor or personnel.


Most cases of drug abuse usually occur at adolescent years of the person seeking to fit in among their
peers, trying to conform to societal pressures and standards and are at an edge, or at a point where the
person is at the lowest, down or depressed and is seeking ways to escape. The following are some of the

1. Depression and Mental Illness:

Depression is the feeling of hopelessness and emptiness. It is that feeling of being alone and
unwelcome. Most times, it leads to suicide, and drug abuse, this in a bid to escape from their reality, to
be free from their suffering. Depression is very high in \adolescent girls and boy, unemployed youths
and people unsatisfied with their lives. This is not just a poor people thing. It is also rampant among the
rich.Mental illness on the other hand is the state of being mentally unwell. Most times mentally ill
patients are given drugs to help with their illness. The problem now comes when the patients try to up
the dose, so as to feel better, so escape from their suffering.Drug abuse provides a window of relief to
people, people get so high on drugs so as to feel excitement, rush, the feeling of being indestructible.

2. Trauma:

People have gone through very horrible situations; from rape, sexual harassment, molestation, armed
robbery etc. These experiences are trauma bound, and it affects how they see things. In order to escape
this, they are more likely to get high on narcotics, sedatives, and even smoke.

3. Peer Pressure:

Peer pressure is pressure from peers. Peer pressure affects people positively and negatively. It becomes
a thing of worry when it is encouraging a negative behavior such as drug abuse.Drug abuse could occur
where people, in a bid to feel among, to feel accepted by their friends, colleagues at work, in order to
not be seen as weak, join forces with their friends to partake in the act that could kill them or destroy
them forever.

4. Lack Of Parental Guidance:

Parents are there to guide their children through the right path, to prevent them from making life
damaging mistakes, and correct them when they are wrong or have strayed away.For most children, this
parental guidance is absent due to so many reasons which could range from high demanding job, to
imprisonment of either or both of the parents, lack of parental relationships, absentee parents etc.
When this happens, the children stray away. They become very vulnerable to drug abuse.

5. High Performance:

Lastly, another cause of drug abuse is the need for high performance in their jobs, careers, academics
and other areas of their lives. These drugs help their brains work faster, quicker, and help them perform
more than normal.The desire to keep excelling at this rate, drives them to abuse drugs and keep abusing
drugs, only that these drugs have a terrible effect on these individuals in the long run.

6. Curiosity:

Individuals desire to explore and experience new sensations may lead them to experiment with drugs,
making curiosity a potential contributing factor to drug abuse. Though it can trigger initial drug use,
ongoing usage can quickly lead to addiction and harmful outcomes.While being naturally curious is part
of human nature, it is crucial to provide education on the risks and dangers associated with drug use and
promote healthier ways of exploring and discovering.

7. Low self-esteem:

Low self-esteem is a common cause of drug abuse. Individuals with low self-esteem often struggle with
feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, and insecurity, leading them to seek temporary relief from these
negative emotions through drug use.The temporary euphoria and confidence that drugs provide may
make them feel better about themselves in the short term, but in the long run, drug use only
exacerbates their negative self-image and self-worth. This cycle can lead to addiction, as the individual
becomes dependent on drugs to feel any sense of self-worth or confidence. Therefore, addressing low
self-esteem and improving self-image through therapy and self-care can be crucial in preventing and
treating drug abuse.


1. Addiction:

Drug abuse brings a feeling, excitement so sweet that the participants always come back for another
experience. The continued hunger for the feeling, for the substance leads to addiction. Addiction is the
beginning of a whole new problem. It opens doors for death, mental infirmity and other effects. It is the
crux of drug abuse.


The continuous hunger for the drugs and the abuse leads to the victims spending money and more
money to afford these drugs, even when they cannot afford them. They often resort to stealing, and
doing unthinkable things to afford these drugs and maintain their drug abuse status.

3. Mental Infirmity:

This is otherwise known as mental illness. Drug abuse affects and destroys the brain, leading to mental
illness. This often starts with hallucinations, and eventually loss of memory and the capacity to control
one’s behavior. Most times, there are no cure.

4. Change in Physical Look:

There is usually a change in the physical look of the victim of drug abuse. Usually, they grow very lean
and their eyes look withdrawn and sullen. Most times, it is easy to point out a drug abuse just by the
way they appear.

5. Sudden Change of Friends:

A person abusing drugs is bound to have a change of friends. He or she associates more with people like
them; people that abuse drugs and will not judge him for his actions. Misery they say, loves company.

6. Death:

This is one of the effects of drug abuse, and in actual fact, the ultimate effect of drug abuse. It could
either move the abuser to kill someone out of incapacity to control his or her actions due to mental
illness, or get killed.

7. Loss of motivation and productivity:

The use of drugs can cause a notable influence on an individual’s drive and efficiency. Drug consumption
can modify the way the brain’s reward system works, making it challenging for the person to experience
pleasure or motivation in tasks they once found enjoyable.Consequently, this could result in a deficiency
of motivation, decreased productivity, and poor academic or work performance. Moreover, chronic drug
abuse may lead to additional physical and mental health complications, further lowering motivation and
productivity levels. It is advisable to seek assistance from healthcare professionals to support recovery
and enhance overall functionality.

8. Educational difficulties:
The consumption of drugs can trigger a range of challenges in education, which include inadequate
academic achievements, high absenteeism, and leaving school. The use of substances may impede
memory and learning processes, making it arduous for students to concentrate and retain information.

It may also lead to altered behavior patterns, which in turn may affect discipline and academic
performance. The negative outcomes of drug abuse, such as legal issues and health complications, can
further impede the student’s ability to succeed academically. Early intervention, education, and support
can be useful in preventing drug abuse and minimizing its negative consequences on academic


Drug abuse is a plague which has become rampant in so many people, especially the youths. However it
can be curbed. The following are solutions to eradicating drug abuse:

1. Sensitization:

People should be sensitized about the ills and negative effects of drug abuse. Public outreach should be
taken to schools, universities, adverts should be made via televisions, radio and social media. This will
help people understand the risks and effects involved with the abuse of drugs.

2. Recreational Activities:

A lot of people resort to using drugs, to abusing drugs in order to deal with stress and pressures from
work and society. People should learn to have fun, to engage in recreational activities in order to help
relieve them with stress.Exercise can also work. Exercise is a means of relieving stress and people should
be encouraged to work out, drink coffee to relieve stress.

3. Peer Pressure:

Peer pressure is one of the reasons people do certain things. Most times, people especially adolescents
are pressured into doing things like smoking, taking drugs, dressing a certain way etc. However to curb
this, adolescents should be encouraged to say No. They should be taught that they shouldn’t have to
make decisions they are not okay with. They shouldn’t have to do things they are not okay with, in
order to conform

4. Support Groups:

Support groups are groups of people with similar conditions, and it is created for them to help each
other. With support groups, victims of drug abuse could help each other get rid of the addiction. To help
victims of drug abuse, support groups should be popularized.

5. Pharmacist Check:
Drugs should be taken upon prescriptions by doctors. Hence, pharmacists should be mandated to not
sell drugs to people unless they are with evidence of doctor’s prescriptions. This will help curb drug
abuse as there will be no unwarranted access to drugs.

In conclusion, drug abuse is a very serious issue. Most often than not is very rampant among youths, and
to help curb this menace, causing harm to people, all hands must be on deck to help provide solutions

Drug abuse is simply the abuse of drugs, usually pain killers, alcohol, sedatives or even drugs that have
been banned by the government. Most times it is taking drugs without doctor’s prescription or more
than the quantity prescribed by the doctor, or for purposes other than which it is usually prescribed for
by medical doctor or personnel.


Drug abuse has been written about in many languages and by many people over the centuries. Many of
these works are very useful in treatment for addiction, but few have the same impact as the Bible. What
does the Bible actually say about addiction or substance abuse? If you read through it looking for that
word, you may be disappointed. That’s because the terms “addict” and “addiction” weren’t used during
the time the Bible was written. However, just because addiction isn’t directly mentioned in many
versions of the Bible doesn’t mean drug rehab centers can’t use scripture to help addicts. Quite the
opposite. If you know where to look, you’ll find that the Bible actually says a lot about substance abuse.

1 Peter 5:8

The Bible has a number of warnings about the dangers of intoxication, which can be read as abuse of
any substance. One such verse is 1 Peter 5:8:

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for
someone to devour.”

Alcohol addiction dulls the mind and makes it much easier to fall into destructive behavior. Peter is
warning readers that when you’re not sober, you’re more likely to make bad choices. Addicts may start
stealing to get drug money and lying to cover their addiction.

Ephesians 5:18

There are a number of scriptures that speak about drinking in the Bible. For example, in Ephesians, Paul

“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”

In most cases, you can replace alcohol with drugs and the meaning of the line remains the same. Paul
could certainly have said that addiction leads to debauchery. This scripture also points out that being
drunk (or addicted) is counter to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Proverbs 20:1

Proverbs 20:1 is saying something similar to Ephesians.

“Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.”

This could be taken as alcohol will make a drunk say horrible things and fight. Substance abuse certainly
makes a person do things they wouldn’t usually do. Like Paul, Proverbs contrasts drinking with being
wise. Abusing substances is certainly not a wise thing to do.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have
received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your

These lines speak to taking care of your body. You should not harm that which was created by God in His
image. Substance abuse of any kind certainly harms the body and the mind. It can also lead to self-
harming and even death. Anything that damaged the body should be avoided.

1 Corinthians 10:13

This verse has to do with temptations, which can certainly include addiction. The key point that addicts
and loved ones of addicts should take from this verse is the last sentence:

“But when you are tempted, He [God] will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

It tells addicts that there is always a way back to sobriety. Even when it all seems hopeless, never give
up. Addicts can overcome the temptation of drugs.

One of the ways out provided by God is rehab. Good Landing Recovery is here to assist your loved one in
taking their life back. We use scripture alongside proven rehab methods to help our patients defeat
addiction. If your loved one needs help, reach out to us today. It’s never too late.

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