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Shaina Mae C.


1. What part of the webinar/seminar did you like the most? Explain.
Internet help us in many ways. It makes our life easier, help us connect with other
people and access information in a faster way. But, even though, internet is very
beneficial to us we can still encounter risks and dangers when using it. The part of the
webinar that I like the most is when the speaker discussed the dangers of internet,
whereas she mentioned the; Internet Addiction, Pornography, Oversharing of
Information, Online Predators, Identity theft and lastly, Cyber bullying. I’m one of the
million users of internet that’s why this part caught my attention because it raised not
only my awareness about the negative effects of internet but also the awareness of
other people who’s watching the seminar. I won’t deny that sometimes I’m using internet
too much, but now I’m gonna limit myself from using internet so it won’t lead to internet
addiction and other consequences of using too much internet and any social media
platforms. As a user of internet, we must ALWAYS THINK BEFORE WE CLICK. Be a
responsible user, do not overshare informations about you, be aware and
knowledgeable when using internet.
2. What was your biggest takeaways during the webinar/seminar? Explain.
The main takeaway for me is: Be aware, be a role model and share what you know to
“Lahat ng bagay ay maganda pero wag lang sosobrahan” is one of the speaker’s line
that got stucked in my mind. It is okay to use internet but being addicted to it is not. We
must be aware of the negative consequences of using too much internet and being a
irresponsible user. By using internet we can both face risk and opportunity, using it can
make our life easier if we have self-regulation and awareness, otherwise internet can
cause problems.
Being a student doesn’t mean that we are the only one who is being teached, we can
teach others, share what we know to them and be a role model. It is important to spread
awareness to prevent negative consequences from happenning like spending too much
time in internet and using/trying substances because of curiosity and lack of knowledge
about it. Just like what the speaker said, “You matter in Prevention”, be a role model.
For me being aware and being a role model is the key points or what the speaker is
trying to tell us that we should do to prevent and avoid the negative consequences of
using internet and substances

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