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Hai, I’m Rafeyfa in this video I want to share some tips how to avoid a problem

in social media. As we know, social media has been used by people all over the
world. Many people use social media as a tool to communication, express
themselves by posting a photos or sharing moments with others.
However, not everyone uses social media well, many of them use social media
to commit a crime. They commit a crimes by stealing someone's personal
information, hacking someone's account and using it for bad things and many
others. Maybe we’ve had problems with social media. For example, being lied
by others who claim to be our close friends, claiming to be a girlfriend or lover
by someone else, being lied by our online friends about themselves and so on.
So I’m going to give some tips to avoid a problem in social media. The first is
never to give out your personal information or tell the thruth about youself.
Next, don’t share your password and email account with anyone. Choose a
good friend in social media. Don’t use your personal data. And lastly don’t get
too close to people you don't know on social media. Those are some tips that
you can use on social media. Thank You

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