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Name : Ryandha wildan

Class : XII rpl

Theme : impact of social media

Social media

has a lot of impact in our society , first of all social media can help us to communicate to other
person’s in oversea , and social media help us to get information from other people with easy

The meaning of social media

is a website or application that focus on communication, interaction, content sharing with other
people’s and community’s

Social function of social media

in social media you the user can post some photo or videos in instagram or youtube and there’s
application that called whatsapp or line that can we use to chat or video calls with our friends, so we
could get a new friends or make new community’s on social media

Discussion & explanation

but like other things social media have bad and good things too, the positive one is you could get in
touch with your friend anytime and u could get a new online friend too , either way it have a lot of
negative side too , there’s many crime cyber that can we see on social media for example like hacker
, scammer ,or even drug dealer


so in the end you must filter again what you doing in social media for safety reason, but what i think
mature person can get easily notice to avoid bad things in social media

Suggestion & recommendation

what i suggest to you all my audience that we must protect our social media account and change the
password once every 3 months and do not too often use social media and spend time with our
family in home


So that is my presentation about social media,Thank you for your attention wassalamualaikum wr

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