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Debate Redes Sociales
Nelly Alonzo Alpuche
Carpio Moo Brayan Anthony
Cambrano Laguna Cristian Jonathan
Gongora Soberanis Ruby Guadalupe
Xool Moguel Guillermo Israel
Ramayo Varguez Wanda Yuritzi Gpe
The purpose of the debate is to compare two points of view on some
subject, this time our subject to debate is social networks, on the one
hand being in favor of them and on the other being against them.
Putting and giving objective points on why they defend that position,
because they are good, what use they can give them, why they are
bad, what they cause if through their misuse, we will include all of this
to put it in a debate where each colleague will share their point of view
by running a short research on what they will defend before that,

social networks are a method that today are very present in our lives,
which there are too many for everything we want to do and have been
very involved in our change through technology and it is one of the
things that will continue to evolve and more will be created over time
for human accessibility to contact with other people

¿What does social networks like twitter or reddit give to mental

Guadalupe: There are many people who use social networks for their lives, some
powerful help for some problems. This is a good thing as it stimulates
communication, words with other people and I am not afraid of having bad

Jonathan: It has aspects that make it immensely detrimental to mental well-being,

due to the anonymity that the internet provides, and it is thanks to this factor that
people are susceptible to harassment and personal attacks. Nowadays it is
common to see hate campaigns against people who have made a community or a
group of people angry.

Guillermo: But this does not mean that the vast majority of young people or adults
who use social networks are affected, since this is a small portion of the population
that suffers when reaching such extremes of use of it.

Yuritzi: It could give us more than anything Stress, depression, which are the main
ones, but we have come to feel excluded at some point since sometimes we see
things that we would not like to see and we feel bad.
¿What role does Facebook have for society?
Guillermo: Facebook is one of the social networks where you can find people you
know, interact with them, participate in groups that discuss topics of your interest,
share content (images, text, video), send and receive messages, make contacts,
make searches, make announcements which gives us a lot of accessibility for day
to day

Jonathan: however there is a danger in each of these aspects, first we have that a
person can be a victim of identity theft, a victim of harassment, blackmail and
extortion by a "friend", secondly that Facebook is full of false news and information
published by unreliable means, which can misinform its consumers, and the sale of
products and services is subject to possible scams or services from unknown

Guadalupe: it is an application that is very frequented by young people and adults

since it is being used for personal use depending on the need we can see that in
this application it is widely used

Yuritzi: That's right, as my partner says, although he has good things, he also has
bad things; They lose interaction with their social and family environment. -They
can become victims of cyberbullying.

-They are exposed to people they often do not know, publishing personal

-They become victims of viruses and corrupted software.

¿Social networks to share photos like Instagram or Snapchat,

what effect do they have on teenagers?
Jonathan: It has a mostly negative effect, mainly due to two points, seeking social
approval and inadvertently sharing sensitive information through photos, in the first
point you can have the function of liking a photo or image causes an effect that
causes a social approval in the publications, so the person behind this publication
becomes generally sensitive to seek this approval, then there is the inadvertent
sharing of sensitive information, such as your home address, information of your
friends, places you go, where you work or study

Guillermo: From my point of view, sharing photos on social networks is a way of

expressing oneself since each user uploads depending on how they feel or where
they are, in addition to the fact that each person has the right to upload what they
want since no one is there to tell you what to do or what not to do, but it should be
emphasized that sending an image is exposing yourself to the whole world, this
can be prevented by adjusting in the app interface who can see it

Yuritzi: How images are shared and where they are shared today can bring more
problems than moments of laughter. The photos reach hundreds of thousands of
people, millions of people, not only those you have chosen as friends but all those
that your friends relate to or recommend. So it has a lot of VERY BAD effects

Guadalupe: None bad, it's a good thing because by wanting to grow their social
circle many people can see who the person behind the profile is. Apart from the
fact that it stimulates trust with new friends, they are also pleasing when someone
wants to show off their clothes or leaving them, it is something common and
quicker to interact

´¿What uses can be given to WhatsApp?

Jonathan: Since there is no filter in the application that confirms that the person
behind one of your accounts is really who they say they are, the service is provided
for cyber crimes such as extortion, fraud, blackmail, among other crimes, even As
there is no monitoring of groups or conversations, it is relatively easy to share
illegal material, such as child pornography, intimate non-consensual photographs

Guillermo: WhatsApp is an application that helps us to message with our friends,

family and also has an audio and video multimedia message and a link to any type
of internet page. At present, it is not possible to determine which of your contacts
has specifically reviewed your WhatsApp profile at a certain time or who can see
your messages.

Yuritzi: There are very good uses for WhatsApp, both good and bad, I'm going to
say bad, and that's why I don't like them: It causes distractions and loss of
productivity. ...

- It can cause anxiety. ...

- It is very easy to have misunderstandings. ...

- It can be used for harassment and bullying. ...

Guadalupe: Many, being an application with which you must have a cell phone
number, is very functional, to send messages to the people we love, make calls for
an emergency, you can even make a video call to see the person in case they are
far away
¿Why do you take that position?
Jonathan: Very little regulation is given to what happens within messaging apps
and sites where unverified information is shared by official means. In addition to
the fact that many people even today are not aware of the danger to which they are
exposed when browsing even the most popular social networks and with the most
infrastructure on the planet.

Guillermo: I am in favor because social networks are not only a dangerous tool,
they mainly help some companies as a means of messaging and calls using
WhatsApp, I do not trust that it is not because we have seen the great variety of
dangers that They find themselves having no experience in these, but this is a tool
that makes life easier for us in general terms, in addition to making things easier for
us that could not even be done before,

Yuritzi: Well, why I don't like social networks. More than anything, it could be a
distraction for the development of children and young people, they can lose many
good things, and that is wrong, that is why I am not in favor of social networks, they
have more disadvantages than advantages

Guadalupe: There is nothing wrong with a social network, if not in how you manage
it. They have enough privacy apart from that it is something necessary in people's
lives because it works great

In conclusion, each person will take their point of view and their side in favor of
which one seemed more attractive and for which a Social Network means, how
they use it, how they execute it and how it is reflected in their daily life, if it causes
positive or negative things. negative things, each person has the mentality to
execute their thought and perceive the point of view they want on social networks,
this was a small introduction to objectivity towards social networks, which do not
involve the thoughts of other people but only of the combatants, social networks
are very interesting, very open and very large before the public, each person
executes each application in their favor to their benefit or either for the use that is
mandatory in the subject of work since it facilitates a lot of communication between
people, or in the student sphere, this also favors too much the issue of accessibility
to classes, people with disabilities also run applications p To make your life easier,
but it is up to each person to know if the excessive use or misuse of these
applications is good or bad.

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