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• Body parts (ills and aches) and family members

Write the correct name of the body part and then compare your answers with your class. You are
going to find them at the end of the pictures.

Heel - Teeth - Ankle - Face - Feet
Tummy - Hip - Breast - Chin - Wrist
Arm - Hair - Bone - Leg - Armpit
Tooth - Lip - Back - Shoulder - Mouth
Stomach - Eye - Neck - Ear - Foot
Nose - Cheek - Brain - Hand - Belly button
Head - Chest - Elbow - Heart - Forehead

ESL list of health problems
This is a list of common health problems (ailments and illnesses). Below you will see a table, which
you must complete with the correct definition of each word or expression.
1. an infectious viral disease causing fever and
an allergy ( ) a red rash on the skin. It typically occurs in

2. when a bone in the leg is broken. Other parts

asthma ( ) of the body with bones can also be broken, for
example a broken arm, a broken wrist etc.

3. a lot of small red spots on the skin that are

a backache ( )
usually itchy.

4. an illness in which feaces are discharged

a broken leg ( )
from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form.

Cancer ( ) 5. the pain in a tooth or teeth.

6. flu is the common name given for influenza. It

a cold ( ) is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory
passages that causes fever and sever aching.

7. a medical condition that causes you to react

a cough ( ) badly or feel sick when you eat or touch a
particular substance.

8. a continuous pain in the head.

diarrhoea: (America English: diarrhea) ( )

9. a respiratory condition where spasms in the

an earache ( ) lungs cause difficulty in breathing. An asthmatic
uses an inhaler to calm the spasms.

10. when the skin becomes red with

a fever ( ) inflammation as a result of overexposure to the
ultraviolet rays of the sun.

the flu ( ) 11. the act of expelling air from the lungs with a
sudden sharp sound.

12. The pain in a person's belly. Notice how the

a headache ( ) word can be spelled together or as two words,
depending on the country.

Heartburn ( ) 13. pain inside the ear.

(the) measles ( ) 14. a prolonged pain in the back.

15. a form of indigestion felt as a burning

a rash ( ) sensation in the chest. It is caused by acid
regurgitation into the esophagus.

16. a common viral infection which causes

a sore throat ( ) mucus to run from the nose, gives a sore throat
and often includes sneezing.

17. an injury to a joint in your body, especially

a sprain ( ) your wrist or ankle, caused by suddenly twisting

18. a serious disease caused by an uncontrolled

a stomachache (US) - stomach ache (Brit)
division of abnormal cells that kill normal body
( )
cells in a part of the body.

19. an abnormally high body temperature,

Sunburn ( ) usually accompanied by shivering and a

20. a condition of pain in the throat, typically

a toothache ( )
caused by inflammation of it.

Adapted from: Wood Ward English (n.d). Retrieved August 25th, 2021, from

Practice: Follow the instructions.

Taken from: iSLCollective. (n.d). Retrieved August 25th, 2021, from:

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