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Sarjiyanto, SE., MBA., Ph.

Dosen Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sebelas Maret
Curriculum Vitae
Educational Background:
 Bachelor of Economic Development Studies (FE - UNS, 2007)
 MBA in Social Entrepreneurship (MBA – FEB UGM, 2013)
 Ph.D. in Development Planning & Management (SoC - USM, 2021)

Research Interest:
 Economic Development
 Community Development
 Local Economic Development & Entrepreneurship
 Local Wisdom Cultural & Eco-Tourism

Sarjiyanto, SE., MBA., Ph.D. Professional Association & Experience:

081393124000  Coordinator of UNS Incubation and Business Development (2021- Now)
masyanto3105  Mentor & Expert at CRS School Powered By PT. Olahkarsa Bandung (2021- Now)
 International Society for Development and Sustainability (Member)
 Experts in the Expertise Body in the Indonesian House of Representatives, 2016
 Temporary Staff at Word Bank (PSF - PNMP Support Facility) (2013-2014)
 Sustainable Industry, Culture & Comdev :A Case Study OF Kampung Batik Laweyan, Indonesia : The Experience of
Indonesia (Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 2023, Scopus Indexed)
 The Sustainability of Community Empowerment as Development Strategies: The Experience of Indonesia (IJMMU, 2022)
 Grebeg Penjalin: Komoditifikasi Budaya pada Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Wisata (Aksiologya, 2022, SINTA 2)
 When follower believe in co-production leadership: why do personal characteristics matters? (JSB SINTA 2 Indexed, 2022)
 Moderating Effect of Social Capital on Community Empowerment and Economic Well-being (JPPD, 2022, SINTA 2 Indexed)
 Are SMEs Product and Local Government Programs (OVOP) Coherent ? (JEJAK, 2019, SINTA 2 Indexed)
 Territorial Indicative Budget Ceilings as Instrument of Technocracy of Regional Development Planning (SINTA 2 Indexed)
 Social-Economics Analysis and Community Empowerment the Watershed of Keduang at Gajah Mungkur Reservoir
Wonogiri-Cental Java (JESP, 2017, SINTA 2 Indexed)
 ASEAN Free Trade Agreements: Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Model (IJER, 2016, Scopus Indexed)
Metode ilmiah adalah seperangkat prinsip dan prosedur yang sistematis untuk
menghasilkan dan merepresentasikan pengetahuan seakurat mungkin. Ilmuwan
menggunakan metode ilmiah sebagai proses yang teratur untuk mengajukan pertanyaan
tentang fenomena dan menguji jawabannya. Diagram di bawah menggambarkan metode
What is Community Empowerment?

Community empowerment
processes support people to
do things for themselves and
enable people to take control
over the decisions and factors
that affect their lives and

Process where people work together to make change happen in their communities by
having more power and influence over what matters to them.’
Corporate Social Responsibility as Community Empowerment


Dimensions of CSR Definitions

Source: Hamidu, Haron, Amran, 2015, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences

Environmental CSR Issues and its Effect on Corporation

Source: Khojastehpour and Johns , 2014. European Business Review

Model Praktik CSR terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Menguji Hubungan antar Variabel CSR dan Pemberdayaan Masy
Penelitian Kualitatif Diskriptif Pelaksnaan CSR
Best Practice Comdev in CSR Berupa Kajian Empiris & Terapan
Mengapa Harus Publish di Jurnal Ilmiah
Ekosistem Jurnal Nasional or Internasional
Terima Kasih

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