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Table of Content

List of Tables



1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Objective of the study

1.4 Research Questions

1.6 Significance of the study

1.7 Definition of terms


2.1 Review of concepts

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.3 Review of Empirical studies


3.1 Research Design

3.2 Population of the study

3.3 Sample size determination

3.4 Sample size selection technique and procedure

3.5 Research Instrument and Administration

3.6 Method of data collection

3.7 Method of data analysis

3.8 Validity and Reliability of the study


4.1 Data Presentation

4.2 Answering Research Questions



5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

The research focuses on the effect of using multimedia in teaching and

learning mathematics and academic achievement of secondary school

students in mathematics, it is devoted to researching how multimedia

technology enhances students' mathematics skills, which include sense-

making, reasoning, problem-solving, and communication, in this research

project. It will also determine if it will have a significant influence on the

teaching technique and student learning, as well as how it will improve

students' math skills in terms of academic performance. To this end,an

experiment of two equivalent groups wasdesigned, oneofthe groups isex

perimental & the other is control; each of them consists of 20 female

students. The lecture was given to the first group using a computer

presentation program which uses multimedia treated as an experimental

group, while the second group was given the same lecture using the

traditional method which uses the dialog & discussion technique treated as

a control group. Both groups were subjected to pre & post tests in the

subject tackled by the lecture. The analysis result of the pre test showed

no statistically-significant differences, which in turn proves the equivalence

of the two groups. Meanwhile, the analysis result of the post test showed

the following:

There are statistically-significant differences between the experimental

group and the control group at a significance level of 0.05 for the interest

of the experimental group



1.1 Background of the study

In the 21st century, technology has been prominent to learners.

Technology is an important tool in lecturing mathematics that can change

experience in learning as well as multimedia. Multimedia have been part of

the educational process of today’s classroom of tomorrow. Through

multimedia technology, teachers can improve their teaching method that

can help students to enhance their wide knowledge and ideas and to

improve their mathematical skills in mathematics. Therefore, teachers need

to make use of multimedia as a technology tool to provide a classroom

where learners can master their mathematical skills and ideas that will help

them excel in their academic performance.

Technology is defined as the use of knowledge to achieve a goal that could

include devices, or the systematic knowledge used to benefit society

(Spector et al., 2014). The effective use of multimedia technology as a

learning tool enhances the achievement of student in mathematics (Isiksal

& Askar, 2005). As stated by Gafoor et al. (2015), we use mathematics

knowingly or unknowingly in every facet of life and defined as the study of

numbers, shape, measurement, and many related concepts. Moreover,

according to Goodwin (2008) and Wang (2010), multimedia can mediate

learning through visual representations and provides instant feedback to

students, supports multiple learning styles, and enhances traditional

methods and experiences of learning mathematics.

PISA is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

(OECD)'s Programme for International Student Assessment conducted a

2018 latest global survey were Philippines (joined for the first time) ranked

second lowest among 79 countries with approximately 600,000 students,

scored only 353 versus 489 for the OECD average. This shows that

Philippines has a dismal performance in mathematics (Paris, J, 2019) and it

shows that if no intervention strategies performed, students could remain

lost for their entire period of their education (Peria, E. M., 2015).
According to one of the mathematics teachers working at the Junior High

School Department University arms secondary schoolsecondary school

eloquently stated that grade 7 to grade 10 students are having a difficult

time in mathematics. Students have lack adequate mathematical skills and

understanding because they lack motivation. This was support by the

findings of Brackett (2016), that if motivation increased, math skills will

increase, and overall math performance will improve. With this problem

that students are facing, it is essential to have a solution to solve this.

During the last decade, the rapid growth of multimedia technologies has

brought fundamental changes to computing, entertainment, and education

(Norhayati & Siew 2004). According to Hollebrands (2011), when educators

strategically use technology, they can provide all learners with higher

access to mathematics and help to advance mathematical sensitivity,

reasoning, problem solving, and communication. Integrating multimedia-

based instructional technology into math classes has the potential to

enhance student understanding, maximize and motivate learning, and

enhance mathematics mastery (Holmes, 2009 et al). A study conducted by

Zacal (2014) where he found out that the use of multimedia can led to

higher improvement of teaching mathematics. Furthermore, Gracia (2019)

concludes that 92.4 % of the students said that when teachers use or

incorporate technology in education, they can learn better.

In this research study, the researchers are committed to investigate how

multimedia technology improves students’ mathematical skills which are

sensemaking, reasoning, problem solving and communication. It will also

decide whether it will have a big impact to the teaching method and

learning of the students and how it will increase the performance of the

students in math in terms of academic performance.

Theoretical Framework

The theory use in this research study is Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of

Multimedia Learning. Dr. Richard E. Mayer, Ph.D. in psychology in 1973

from the University of Michigan developed Cognitive Theory of Multimedia

Learning. It states that words and visual illustrations are increasingly

helpful for learning, as opposed to simply words alone. Mayer (2005)

stated that Multimedia facilitates the human brain's method of thinking.

According to Sorden (2012) the theory attempts to address the issue of

how multimedia educational practices can be structured and more effective

cognitive strategies used to help people learn efficiently. Cognitive Theory

of Multimedia Learning goals is to Multimedia facilitates the human brain's

method of thinking.

One of the main aims of multimedia instruction is to encourage the

learners to construct a coherent mental representation from the material

presented. The task of the learner is to make sense of the material

presented as an active participant, and ultimately build new knowledge.

Mayer's theory is based on three main set of assumptions: the dual-

channel assumption, the limited capacity assumption, and the active

processing assumption. Dual-channel assumption is based on Baddeley’s

(1986) theory of working memory and Paivio’s (1986; Clark and Paivio,

1991) dual coding theory, where the working memory has visual and

auditory channel used for processing information that is often transmitted

in 2 separate channels. The second assumption is the limited capacity

assumption that is based on Sweller’s (1988) Cognitive Load Theory where

each channel has a limited capacity. The third assumption of this theory is

the Active Processing assumption where learners effectively process new

information for effective learning, after selecting and organizing, it

integrates the information with prior knowledge memory. By doing this,

stored information will be use (Mayer, 2014; Moreno, 2006). Furthermore,

Mayer underscores the significance of learning (in view of the testing of

substance and exhibiting the effective exchange of information) when new

data is coordinated with earlier information.

This study aims to carry out on the use of Multimedia as a technology tool

in improving the mathematical skills of junior high school students as well

as their academic performance in mathematics. Teachers of mathematics

show great interest in visualizing mathematical terms and stress that

visualized lectures are of great help in abstract mathematical thinking

(Bishop, 1989; Tall, 1986) believes that connecting the current pictures

that students have on other terms is of paramount importance in order to

further improve them and allow students to embrace the additional

knowledge. Visualization is very helpful when describing mathematical

theories, theoretical concepts, theorems, topics and so on. Therefore, in

mathematics instruction, it is important to incorporate the picture method

with the description method in order to improve existing knowledge and

extend it with new facts, which is an aspect in Cognitive theory of

multimedia learning (Mayer, 2001, 2005).

Conceptual Framework
This study wanted to investigate the use of educational technology such as

multimedia in improving the mathematical skills which are sensemaking,

reasoning, problem solving and communication of the Junior High School


The word technology is a combination of two Greek words Techne and

Logos. Techne is skill, art, craft or the way things are gained, while Logos

means “reasons or to speak of (Waddell, N, 2013). Technology performs a

crucial part in the generation's growth through the education structure

(Essays, UK, 2013). It provides dynamic possibilities for teaching in

mathematics classes and will improve the learning system, and make ideas

come alive through involvement. Technology can offer greater support to

address the needs of all students and create a customized learning

experience (, 2019) since students of today were raised into a

technology-based environment ( Teachers who use

math classroom kinds of technology tool will provide learners with a strong

instrument to engage in relevant math teaching activities

( According to Potter, J. (2018), teachers that are using

technology tools can help to visualize the knowledge, display formulas in

simpler ways, and can even work with and help children learn in
mathematics even though they are not in the classroom. It helps to

encourage effective involvement in the school, which is also a very

significant consideration in increasing the preservation of understanding

and offers excellent possibilities for teaching effectively for all with varying

demands ( Savvidis, 2019).

Multimedia achieve the eminence of the ‘Educational Technology Tool’ as it

empowers the educational process by growing limitless teaching and

learning possibilities in math (Malik & Agarwal, 2012). Multimedia-based

representations play a significant role in math and mathematics education.

Consequently, it is significant for teaching purposes, since it is supposed to

be useful in representing mathematical structures and processes in various

ways (Ollesch, 2017). Multimedia-based technology includes multiple forms

of learner transmission of information (Vernadakis, et al., 2008). It

supports the learning of students when information is available in both the

combination of visual and verbal codes (Wiebe & Annetta 2008).

Multimedia instruction could provide students with multiple authentic

sources, such as graphics, audio, and video not available through

textbooks, encyclopedias, and worksheets (Levesque, 2006). In a study

conducted by Maag (2004), he found out that evaluating an interactive

multimedia tool on the knowledge and self-efficacy of mathematics among

students that students learning using multimedia tools have greater

satisfaction and self-efficacy when learning mathematics concepts.

Essentially, the teaching and learning environment benefits from

multimedia-based instructional technology (Pattern & Craig, 2007; Wiebe &

Annetta, 2008). Moreover, Classroom teachers have made an increased

effort to incorporate more multimedia forms of instruction into the

classroom by using computer usage, videos, and power point presentations

that have embedded mathematical applets into the presentation (Mayer,


Mathematics has been an indispensable adjunct to the physical sciences

and technology since the 17th century, and it has taken on a similar role in

the quantitative aspects of life sciences in more recent times (Folkerts,

2019). It is a methodical use of subject matter. It is said so because a man

is rendered methodical or formal by the subject (times of india, 2015).

Mathematics is also the art that deals with the logic of form, amount and

arrangement, and a building block for all in our everyday life (Hom, 2013).

According to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics or NCTM (2011).

It's essential that teachers and students have regular access to

technologies that assist and develop mathematical skills which are

mathematical sense-making, reasoning, problem-solving, and

communication. As soon as teachers use technology strategically, they will

supply large access to mathematics for all students.

Sense-Making is additionally characterized as utilizing earlier learning to

create a comprehension of another numerical idea (Nebesniak, 2012). The

term ‘sense-making’ is often interwoven with ideas of implementing deeper

interpretation/understanding and developing of mathematical concepts

(Velzen, 2016). According to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

(2019), sense making includes gaining an understanding of the situation,

meaning or idea by relating it to other information. Scharaldi (2018) stated

that technology gives learners further opportunities to see and interact

with mathematical concepts. It enables students to better capture their

attention and better understand and master mathematical concepts

(Khouyibaba, 2011). Using multimedia-based representation in

mathematics teaching could help students gain a different access to the

underlying structure of the mathematical problem, leading to a deep

mathematical understanding of the subject (Ollesch et al., 2016).

Furthermore, A research examined the effects of prior knowledge and

interactive design on developing sense making of mathematics in a mobile

learning environment where findings says that viewing enhancing the

multimedia environment is appropriate for the advancement of low order

thinking skills (Chiu, 2016).

Reasoning can be a vital skill that allows a student to use all the

mathematical skills. It is widely considered progressive to examine the so-

called line of mental numbers in various contexts. Research on the

interaction of language and cognition is widespread even in the case of

digital cognition (Schwank, I. &Schwank, E. 2015)

Mathematical reasoning is a manner of giving meaning to mathematics and

helping learners know where formulas originate from. Mathematical

reasoning is an assertion created to explain the method, operation, or

conjecture of one's own, to generate powerful mental bases and links so

that learners can handle updated data. (,

2019). There are different terms used to refer to "reasoning": critical

thinking skills, higher order of thinking skills, logical reasoning or merely

reasoning. Various subject areas tend to employ different terms. There are

however commonalities across all these subject areas. In discussions on

how reasoning is used, the following sentences often appear. High school
students were basically born in the digital age and are more likely to enjoy

the use of technology because they know it (Prensky, 2001). Using

interactive multimedia will activate some students in discussions, questions

and answers, presentations, and give more attention to learning.

Therefore, the explanation for using immersive digital for critical thinking

skills is that during the teaching and learning phase, students will

collaborate alongside their peers with modern technology-based media.

Moreover, According to Wahini (2016), the partnership between creative

thinking and immersive, multimedia-based learning not only encourages

students to think through different scientific disciplines, it also accounts for

their academic needs and effectiveness growth.

Problem-solving is a fundamental way of developing mathematical

knowledge at all levels. For this reason, one of the most important, if not

the most important, aspects of mathematics are the technique of

controlling the information of a problem to get an answer. This gives

students context to help them understand the mathematics they are

learning. Problems can be used to introduce new concepts and extend

previous knowledge ( It is the ability is one of the most well-

known and significant features that every individual should have. Most of
the moment, even a tiny group issue becomes larger, as no individual

would be prepared to bring an additional move to resolve or stand up for it

(, 2016). Mathematical problem solving has long been

recognized as an important component of mathematics, the teaching of

mathematics, and the learning of mathematics. It has flooded globally

mathematics curricula with demands for the teaching of problem solving as

well as the teaching of mathematics through problem solving. (Liljedahl et

al., 2016). Research have shown that when technology is used to help the

problem-solving math curriculum, it improves the students ' comprehension

of basic mathematical concepts (Sclater, 2005) and increases student

achievement in mathematics (Souter, 2002).

Communication is at the heart of learning in mathematics.

Zevenbergen et al. (2004). Targeted Implementation and Planning

Supports for Revised Mathematics or TIPS4RM (2005) states that

"Communication is the process of expressing ideas and mathematical

understanding using numbers, pictures, and words”. According to Boaler,

2015, Mathematics communication is a key component of studying

mathematics. It's a way to share thoughts and make understanding

clearer. Ideas become objects of reflection, refinement, debate, and

modification through communication (National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics, 2000). Teacher contact plays a role in understanding

mathematics, the ability to make appropriate measurements using

formulas, laws and procedures at the same time correctly (Kurniawan,

2018). Mathematical ideas can be communicated in a variety of ways

using many different representations. For example, you can use verbal

written, symbolic and/or visual representation to convey or expound on a

mathematical concept in multimedia technology (Eckert, 2017). Using a

variety of representations can improve and maintain student attention and

motivation and help to foster students' analytical skills and overall higher-

order thinking. The integration of technology in mathematics lessons

requires communication and discussion between students and teachers. In

order to display and communicate cohesive mathematical concepts, it calls

for coordination and strong communication skills. According to Susilawati

(2018), multimedia or any platform of multimedia can enhance students'

mathematical communication skill as well as students' interactivity.

Technology includes the development of mathematical terminology and the

adaptation of precise mathematical vocabulary, both necessary for the

representation and communication of results and solutions (Georgescu,


1.2 Statement of the Problem

1. What is the students’ mathematical skills level in terms of;

1.1 Sense Making

1.2 Reasoning

1.3 Problem solving

1.4 Communication

2. Is there a significant difference in students’ mathematical skills

before and after the intervention?

3. Do the learners differ significantly in their rating measurement after

the intervention?
1.3 Hypothesis

The following Hypotheses are presented below:

Problem 1 is hypothesis free.

HO2: There is no significant difference in terms of mathematical skills of

students before and after the intervention.

HO3: There is no significant difference of the students’ rating measurement

after the intervention.

1.4 Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This research study focuses on determining the use of multimedia as a

technology tool in improving the mathematical skills of High School


Furthermore, this study will be conducted in a private secondary school.

Researchers delimit their study only to JSS3 level particularly in the section

of JSS3 Aristotle. It consists of 36 students that were recommended by the

mathematics teacher for remedial/enrichment in mathematics after a series

of assessment from 1st grading to 3rd grading period.

The variables that will test the study are as follows: The use of Multimedia

as a technology tool can use PowerPoint presentation as its application that

teachers can use in teaching mathematics.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The result of the study will generate relevant information beneficial to the

following groups:

Students - The students are the first to benefit with the use of

“Multimedia as a technology tool" in the classrooms. Using this will help to

encourage these students to take an active part in the events in the

classroom. It will help them copy and don't miss out on important lesson

details because it will appear on the device.

Parents – The student’s parents will be glad, by seeing their children

improve in mathematics.

Mathematics Teachers - Teachers as the beneficiary of this, because

they will recognize how "multimedia" can impact students in successful

class participation. It's claimed that this will help them improve their

instruction. It will also give them new perspectives on how to successfully

educate. This study will help them realize that using in-class multimedia

technology will help their students participate actively in every lesson they


Future researchers - Future researchers may be inspired to undertake

related research in order to find additional methods that teachers can use

to increase student’s academic performance in math or any subjects.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Academic Performance – Refers to the student’s grade they get in a

subject. It is used in the study to let the researchers know the actual

accomplishments of the students before and after the intervention.

E-learning - A concept that describes learning using digital media and

electronic devices. This encompasses everything from conventional

classrooms to online universities which integrate basic technology.

Multimedia - In this study, it refers to the facility used in the classroom

that was part of the learning process of each learner. It is also a

combination of multiple media in various applications, including sound and

full-motion video.
PowerPoint – This is the application that the mathematics teacher will

use in teaching mathematics. It is a presentation program that creates

info, charts, and pictures to display in a presentation and can even inserts

videos, picture and animation related to mathematics.

Technology-based environment – In this study, it refers to the

environment of the students in a mathematics classroom where any kind of

technology such as multimedia that is used to teach students in a digital


Technology – In this study, it refers to the multimedia as a technology

tool that assumes to improve the students learning and teachers teaching.

A branch of knowledge devoted to the creation and use of technical means

which can use as an intervention in teaching.



2.0. Introduction

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough

and in-depth search done by the researchers. Those that were included in

this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and like the

present study.


Hechter, et al. (2013) defined educational technology as the technologies

used to engage students and improve the quality of mathematical

education and learning. The incorporation of technology into the

mathematics classroom offers a wide range of advantages. One of the

reasons that classroom technology can boost student engagement is

because classroom technologies can serve as an equalizer in the classroom

(Garthwait, et al., 2005).This increased achievement improves the

confidence of students in their ability to do mathematics, leading to better

participation in this topic and increasing the material's conceptual

understanding (Guerrero, et al., 2004).In the mathematics classroom,

proper use of technology will assist the instutual environment in a variety

of ways. It can promote autonomy as well as collaboration among students

(Ruthven, et al., 2004). Technology can also expand the ability of the

teacher to foster the improved thinking and logic that is a core benefit of

the math curriculum when used correctly (Ferbar& Turkman, 2003, et al.).

As a tool, a variety of different tools can be used to improve student

awareness by increasing student interest and participation when

introducing new approaches to information formation and assimilation

(Charischak 2000). Openness to adapt is one of the aspects that has been

shown to improve the use of teacher technology in the classroom setting

(Vannatta & Fordham, 2004). Use technology to learn math in a

constructionist fashion, however, helps the student to create nuanced

relations and think about math concepts in more sophisticated ways, while

offering opportunities to explore complexity. This allows students to

develop sense of number, making the whole field of mathematical thinking

more available (Rubin, 2000).

Properly used technology in the mathematics classroom has been shown to

be a particularly valuable tool. Various studies have shown that it is

possible to improve student motivation by using technology in mathematics

instruction (Driscoll, 2001, et al.). It's worth mentioning that alone.

Increased motivation is correlated with a more positive attitude of the

participant, better performance and increased behavior (Dynarski, et al.,

2007). Technology allows students to connect to a deeper level of

mathematics. Students can interconnect mathematics topics through

technology create multiple problems solutions and engage with concepts

through simulation and data collection. It removes computational

constraints that made it impossible to study certain topics beforehand.

Students may associate their experiential results with more formal aspects

of mathematical thinking through the correct use of software (Garofalo, et

al., 2000). To enrich the technological skills of students, it is essential to

offer a high-quality professional development plan that increases the digital

literacy of teachers (Albertsene, et al., 2014). Prospective teachers may

see technology tools as simply a means by which mathematics can be

accomplished faster and easier without meaningful experience modeling

appropriate technology use (Wachira, Keengwe, et al., 2008).

Technology can help reduce the time spent on repetitive mathematical

activities, allowing students to concentrate more on thought and idea

creation rather than the technical dimension of the problem (The Ontario

Math Curriculum, 2005). Technology is also a critical educational tool that

helps meet the individual needs of learners and different styles of

education. Habre (2007) said it is important to incorporate all available

tools, including multimedia technology, to help students understand math

concepts more deeply. Teachers need to integrate technology across the

curriculum to enhance learning and promote inquiry and analytical

thinking, rather than reinforcing traditional teaching methods in which

students act primarily as information recipients to create real advances in

the use of educational technology (Donahue, et al., 2001). In the

classroom, the effective use of computers can change what students learn

by exposing them to ideas and experiences that would otherwise be

unavailable. Opportunities like this are particularly useful in developing the

higher-order skills necessary for twenty-first-century critical thinking,

analysis, and inquiry (Rockman, 2003).

Results indicated that the effective use of technology as a learning tool

enhances the achievement of students in mathematics (Isiksal et al.,

2005). The perceptions of students were optimistic and felt that their

interpretation was endorsed by the process (Pierce & Stacey, 2001).

However, research involving the simultaneous use of two or more of these

software programs has demonstrated increased benefits for student

mathematical achievement (Deng, et al., 2007).Somekh, et al. (2007)

noted that teachers changed their lesson planning drastically by

electronically saving their files and reusing these files in subsequent

teaching situations after modification.

In the classroom, the use of technology creates a constructivist teaching

approach that has had a positive impact on classroom activities (Duhaney,

2000).Teachers who have used technology to improve classroom learning

have moved their teaching strategies from a "simple teaching" approach to

more of a "constructivist" teaching approach whereby students have

become more involved and own their own learning while teachers

encourage and guide students throughout the process. Collaborative

learning strategies are used through group work to investigate common

themes, patterns and solutions to problems and to strengthen

interpersonal relationships in the classroom (Duhaney, 2000).

Duhaney (2000) argued that technology is an effective tool to boost

classroom learning. Different teaching techniques, such as directed

exploration and collaborative learning, improve critical thinking skills

required to promote learning building for a student. The collaborative use

of technology increases student interaction and promotes deeper

interpersonal relationships between teacher and student.

Technology can improve classroom instruction, but the integration of

technology into teaching practices faces many barriers for teachers

(Hechter, et al. 2013). In order to integrate technology into a curriculum, it

is necessary to combine technology, pedagogy and knowledge of content

effectively (Voogt, et al. 2013).

In addition to the use of technology, there must be standards in place to

know that technology serves its educational purpose. Digital literacy

standards are critical components in teachers ' use of technology in their

teaching (Voogt et al., 2013). To fully understand how effective technology

is in promoting student success, it is critical to explore the barriers

surrounding technology integration (Daniels et al., 2013). Computer-based

technology has changed many of the world's population's personal and

professional lives (Bebell, et al., 2015). Educational technology is more in-

depth than supplying every student in a classroom with laptops or using

software to distinguish student instruction (Brown, 2014).

To teach with technology effectively, educators need to practice software

education (Shafer, 2008). As it allows for more complex calculations and

more practical mathematical ideas. These teachers tend to use technology

as a tool for students to find data, publish tests, and create products, and

as a means of changing their position from a provider to a knowledge

facilitator (Kozma, 2003). Gorder (2008) found that teachers need to learn

how to integrate technology through practice, reflection, and sharing of

teaching practices within their classroom context. Technology has become

an important part of daily life. In the context of reform-based schools, it

plays an important role as it leads "to improved student achievement when

used properly" (McDougall, 2006).

George (2000) found that technology can be vital to help students achieve

higher standards and improve their performance. Results indicated that the
effective use of technology as a learning tool enhances the achievement of

student mathematics (Isiksal& Askar, 2005). The perceptions of students

were optimistic and felt that their interpretation was endorsed by the

process (Pierce & Stacey, 2001). These and other studies (e.g. Forster,

2006, et al.) found that the use of an optimal computer-based learning

system that utilizes several representations of mathematical ideas and is

regulated by the researcher enhances the comprehension of the

participant. We need to learn how to construct and adapt multiple

representations as a conceptual device rather than just items or tasks and

locate the representations in the social environment of the students to

improve mathematical concepts ' interaction and interpretation (Pape

&Tchshanov, 2001).

Bonifacio (2013) stated that ICT's can be used to enhance the satisfactory

of learning. They can promote learner motivation, mastery of fundamental

concepts, and the improvement of higher-order questioning and lifelong

gaining knowledge of skills. He concluded in his study that the first step is

to receive the need to formulate these standards, know and prepare for

the challenges ahead, and be in a position to raise on the appropriateness,

effectiveness, and sustainability of ICT integration in schools, preserving in

idea that its success lies in the arms of Filipino educators who are

dedicated to making their schooling system work in the midst of many

obstacles to learning. Ching (2014) concluded that students and school

need to engage in a collaborative process, in order to find out the

attainable use of the current technological equipment in learning, teaching,

and communication. Technology is built-in into all content material areas as

a studying device that will beautify the curriculum. The purpose is to

incorporate technology as an invisible agent in an enriched and redefined

gaining knowledge of environment. Successful integration of technology

into the curriculum depends on student's get entry to to technology, on-

going faculty-staff training, and a sturdy infrastructure. Consistent and

regular access via the person learner to the learning device of their era

strengthens their evolution as a fundamental thinker, thereby ensuring her

success in the future.

In many math classes, the use of interactive technologies turned the

mathematics classroom into an environment-like laboratory, where

students used technology to study, speculate, and validate their results.

According to Julia Ollesch (2019) A state-of-the-art digital developments

related to modern two-or three- dimensional entity modeling is used to

easily replicate a simulated mathematical world with chosen mathematical

concepts. To assess the output of the current interactive structure, a

variety of architectural principles are chosen and adapted for the

instruction of suitable high school and university courses and will be

discussed in depth. The digital method has shown that it produces high

learning levels for pupils, even for those students who are not

mathematically literate, thus enabling the teacher to illustrate basic

concepts that is difficult to produce using traditional teaching.

Essentially, the teaching and learning environment benefits from

multimedia-based instructional technology (Pattern & Craig, 2007; Wiebe &

Annetta, 2008). Wiebe and Annetta (2008) noted multimedia-based

instructional technology is helpful to student learning when information is

presented in combinations of visual and verbal codes. Investing in

educational resources should consider the potential of multimedia-based

instructional technologies to provide various learning modalities to meet

the needs of all students (Gallegos-Butters & Schneider, 2004). Also, it was

observed that multimedia has proven its usefulness in secondary-level

teaching of mathematics (Ioannis Deliyiannis et al. 2008).

The use of multimedia in education has changed the learning processes of

individuals considerably. Computer technology holds promise to enhance

student achievement and teacher education system efficiency at all levels.

Innovation today has been rapid, and technology has been recognized as

an additional resource for teaching. Results from a number of research

studies suggest that suitably crafted multimedia instruction increases

learning performance in mathematics and literacy among students (M. Eder

et al, 2014). Scharaldi (2018), stated that Technology gives learners

further opportunities to see and interact with mathematical concepts.

Students in the classes receiving mathematics instruction with integrated

multimedia-based instructional technology, scored significantly higher on

the posttest of algebra concepts than students who received instruction

without multimedia-based instructional technology. Results suggest that

the educational leaders would invest in educational technology focused on

multimedia. The length of time students receive instruction with technology

is linked to a key factor in student achievement gains with technology

(Malik, 2010). Digital video is a video that has converted its normal analog

signal into a digital format so that it can be easily represented on a

computer. Schnotz and Lowe (2003) define the term multimedia as a

combination of multiple technical resources to present information

represented through multiple sensory modalities in multiple formats. Using

technology in the classroom can help students achieve mathematics

success, understudies and the mathematics learning destinations. This

connects students through the use of media, enables them in the

acquisition of information as well as motivates them (R. Capuno, 2019).

It is worth examining the importance of multimedia-based educational

technology effects on student achievement since it leads to the

"comparative influence of immersive multimedia on learning" (Passerini,

2007). Multimedia communication's essential components are versatility in

presenting or arranging knowledge, rendering access to information

interactive and providing learners with immediate feedback (Deimann &

Keller, 2006), which is usually not apparent in conventional teacher-driven

instructional practices (Wang, 2010). In a study testing an interactive

multimedia tool on the skills of students and the self-efficacy of

mathematics, Maag (2004) found that students studying using the

multimedia tool do as well as their peers relative to students in the control

groups of the study. Nonetheless, students using the multimedia tools

showed greater satisfaction and self-efficacy as compared to the control

group. Stokes (2008) examined the use of multimedia tools on math-

delayed students and found no significant difference in achievement scores

between students who used multimedia tools and did not use them. Stokes

found, as with the Maag study (2004), that students who used the

multimedia tools "value and enjoy mathematics but lack confidence in their

ability to succeed in mathematics".

This paper aims to create a computer-based teaching material for the

design and development of computer-based e-learning to improve the

ability of junior high school students of their mathematical sense making

and space. The result of the validity of face and content of 5 validator

shows that the same decision results in the validity of face and content of

each object test of mathematical sense making and spatial sense

Mathematical comprehension capacity and spatial meaning reliability check

are 0.929 and 0.939. This test is very high on reliability. Although both

assessments have high and very strong standards for their validity
(Nurjanah, et al,2017). Understanding math will require a great deal of

patience. E-learning is becoming increasingly popular, and this opens the

door to a fun and exciting world of mathematics. Numeracy is one

dimension of education that often entails several students falling behind.

Teachers and students must have regular access to e-learning technologies

which support and advance mathematical sense making, reasoning,

problem solving and communication. Effective teachers are leveraging the

ability of e-learning to improve comprehension of students, enhance their

interest and increase their mathematics skills. If teachers wisely use

technology they can provide all students with greater access to

mathematics. The following portion of this study would include e-learning,

the advantages of e-learning in education online learning mathematics, and

some e-learning recourses for teaching and learning mathematics

(Rajadurai Rajkumar, 2018).

Incorporating audio, text, video, photographs and animation from a variety

of sources into multimedia instruction could increase and focus the

attention of students while reducing distractions and involving the interest

of students in learning (Wood & Ashfield, 2008). Integrating multimedia-

based instructional technology into ninth grade math classes has the
potential to enhance student understanding, maximize and motivate

learning, and enhance mathematics mastery (Holmes, 2009; Kennewell &

Beauchamp, 2007; NCTM, 2008; Preston & Mowbray, 2008). Kidd, L.

(2009) Allen (2008) noted that integrating technology into instruction is

capable of delivering and communicating information that teachers cannot.

With technology, students can grasp the instructional messages that

teachers are trying to convey, improving information processing for

students (Dornisch & Sperling, 2006). Maag (2004) found in a study

evaluating an interactive multimedia tool on the knowledge and self-

efficacy of mathematics among students that students learning using

multimedia tools have greater satisfaction and self-efficacy when learning

mathematics concepts. .

The impact of blended-learning approach on mathematics learning has

been evaluated. Blended learning, which was the fusion of standard face-

to-face teaching methods with authentic online learning practices, was

found to have the potential to transform student learning experiences and

performance. The study also found that the approach allows for more

innovative and engaging assignments to courses Tankha (2011). Kumar

and Habtemariam (2010) stated that the authors conducted a study

entitled "Learning through Multimedia: A collaborative cooperative

approach to education," finding that most instructional multimedia systems

create situations that allow students to perceive knowledge for their own


In the article of Mohanty (2008) he says that "Multimedia approach to

teaching," he stated that a number of tools are now available, starting from

traditional media to the internet, and teachers must use their creativity,

ingenuity and initiative if multimedia is to be used in the teaching-learning

process. "Multimedia Packages: Relevance for Effective Evaluation," Susan

(2008), discusses the value of multimedia packages in the current scenario,

teachers ' position in multimedia approach, and multimedia package

assessment where it is really effective. George (2006) conducted a study

on student teachers ' expertise and achievement in their use of innovative

instructional approaches at the high school level. She contrasted

cooperative learning kit and computer-aided teaching tools with traditional

lecture method on the student's academic performance. She concluded

that the academic achievement of student teachers using modern

instructional techniques and delayed memory achievement was found to be

higher than that of student teachers using traditional lecture methods.

(Chipangura, A. and Aldridge, J. 2017) investigate the environment of

classes that using multimedia and concluded that it is potentially important

insights into how multimedia exposure to students could foster more

positive learning environments and enhance student engagement in math.

Lalian, (2018), evaluates the impact of mathematics learning of using video

in teaching on the cognitive and affective dimensions of the students. From

previous studies results these effects were investigated. This study used

meta-analysis, which is a study of some research findings which focus on

similar issues. Documents about research into the use of videos in

mathematics learning, such as journal articles and research reports, were

written to the unit of analysis in this study. In accordance with academic

concepts, these scientific papers were chosen purposively. Quantitative

data analysis was used as a product of narrative analyses of the

experienced information, with percentage and qualitative analysis for

results. The results showed that the use of videos as a multimedia medium

in mathematics plays a role in improving the enthusiasm of the students in

school, improving the knowledge and understanding of the lesson of the

students and increasing the accomplishments of the students.


In short, it brings together multiple media types in your presentation. To

make your point, you may use combinations of pictures, audio, and video.

Each PowerPoint slide is a blank canvas, waiting for your material to

improve your points of speech or direct the presentation. Multimedia adds

diversity to your slides and allows visual learners to better understand their

text (Childress, 2017). Researched by University of Texas' Robert Bartsch

and Kristi, Cobern, and published in their article "PowerPoint presentation

effectiveness in lectures," coincided with my inquiry questions. They

investigated whether students liked more from power point presentations

than from overhead transparencies and learned more. They surveyed

students to see which lecture they preferred, during an investigation that

exposed students to lectures supported by transparencies and power point.

Some of the data collected were the students ' quiz results taken in both

types of lectures during the course. Classroom teachers have also made an

increased effort to incorporate more multimedia forms of instruction into

the classroom by using computer usage, videos, and power point

presentations that have embedded mathematical applets into the

presentation (Mayer, 2001).

Three main findings were achieved by Bartsch and Cobern. First, students

did not agree on whether they favored overhead transparencies over point

of control. The second finding indicated that students felt that they had

learned more from the power point presentations as compared to those

using transparencies. The third result was that the extended presentation

of the power point that took longer to construct corresponded to lower

mean quiz scores. Finally, Bartsch and Cobern found that the final grades

of the students in those sections that used power point had statistically

higher scores than those of the other sections. The difference, however,

wasn't significantly greater.

Bartsch and Cobern performed a second study with very similar results in

order to provide further evidence for their observation. Our findings

confirmed the cognitive theory of digital learning developed by Mayer. In

Mayer's model, people placed relevant words in the auditory working

memory when learning and placed relevant images in the visual working
memory (Mayer 2001) This resulted in the recommendation that teachers,

when using graphics in the power point, ensure that the images supported

the text so that when people organize and integrate given information with

prior knowledge, the new information would be the new information.

A research by White, Easton, and Anderson (2000) looked at learners ' use

of video in a language multimedia course. Researchers in the study asked

students to determine how the learning sources (video, audio, textbook,

workbook and study guide) contributed to language skills development. A

2015 study conducted by Kaltura software company found that 93% of

teachers agree that the use of educational videos enhances learning.

Videos create a sensory experience that's more engaging than just using

print materials. Students actually get to see and hear the concept being

taught and can handle it in the same way they handle their daily

interactions. They provide a go-to resource that can be viewed from

anywhere with an internet connection and is accessible on a variety of

devices including laptops, tablets and smartphones. It enables access at

the convenience of the student and wherever they may be from. Videos

enhance the retention of information, since they can be paused and

replayed as many times as necessary. These can also be updated long

after delivering the initial lesson.

Video instruction provide a more motivating environment that enhanced

students' problem‐solving skills (Shyu, 2002). Videos are also powerful to

attract the attention of students with mathematics difficulties. In

mathematics, incorporating videos into multimedia programs is an effective

method to show students with mathematics difficulties a variety of

problems in a real world context (Bley & Thornton, 2001). All state schools

have been equipped with a TV set and VCR player since 1991 to allow

educators make the most of the resources in the teaching and learning by

offering more visual support (Essays UK, 20180. In the teaching of various

subjects in schools, instructional television as a multimedia approach that

can be used to enhance student learning ability, interest and attitude in

any given subject. A number of educational researchers have studied the

use of teaching and learning instructional television in many parts of the

world and their findings show a significant increase in the efficiency,

attitude and interest of students with the use of television (M Mohhammed

and Haroun G, 2017).

A high level of contrast between colors for letters or numbers and

background must be considered for students with mathematics difficulties.

Too many colors on the screen may interfere with the learning of students

with mathematics difficulties who have visual discrimination and

concentration problems (Bley & Thornton, 2001; Higgins et al., 2000). For

example, interactive two- and three-dimensional graphics embedded in CAI

programs allow students with mathematics difficulties to explore the

properties of geometric shapes and help their understanding of geometric

relationships (Ittigson & Zewe, 2003). Use of attractive animation and

graphics are also helpful for these students to increase their motivation and

attention during multimedia.


It should, therefore, be taken seriously and encouraged to create

eagerness and interest in developing mathematical word problem abilities

within the learners. There are few works on this path internet tutoring

platform (Marsh, 2018).

Improving the capacity of learners to fix issues is an important objective of

teaching mathematics at multiple educational stages; therefore, the

significance of fixing mathematical issues has surfaced through numerous

calls from studies published by numerous domestic, provincial and global

authorities. In a study published by the Council of Mathematics Teachers,

USA (NCTM, 2000) The need to concentrate on math problem solving was

highlighted and regarded as the main center for teaching mathematics

programs and a learning standard for the different courses. The National

Council of Mathematics Teachers also introduced the key mathematical

elements of the twentieth century to mathematics teachers (NCSM, 2000)

and indicated fixing issues at its forefront.

Although many of the teachers decided on the need to educate learners to

fix issues as an objective of teaching mathematics, we do not realize

practical interpretation of such need as we discovered that it was limited

only to enhancing arithmetic abilities and that those teaching mathematics

in the school caught complete exposure. Problems involving abilities that

transcended Mathematical abilities and more focus on arithmetic abilities

than on other problem-solving abilities prevented learners from finding

mathematical issues (AlShari, 2009; Barak &Mesika, 2007; Al-Natheer,

2009; Bernadette, 2010). Problem-solving ability relates to the ability of an

individual to use cognitive processes where the problem is not immediately

apparent and previous understanding is needed to discover a remedy

(Hudson & Miller, 2006; Swanson & Sachs-Lee, 2000).

The utilization of technology turned into a useful asset to investigate

properties and connections that didn't show up in paper and pencil draws

near. It was clear, that understudies' thoughts regarding tackling routine

issues get upgraded when unequivocally they scan for different approaches

to speak to and settle the errands (M. Santos et al. 2003). The

investigative model offers a reasonable image of the sort of activities that

lead to the arrangement of every issue, uncovering the student's capacity

to manage mathematics and technology in problem solving. By recognizing

this as an instance of a human-with-media in taking care of mathematical

issues, the students' productive method for combining technology and

mathematical knowledge is depicted as far as her techno-mathematical

familiarity (H. Jacinto and S. Carreira, 2016).

The results of his study indicate that students prefer multimedia

presentation to the traditional classroom instructional method

(Ogochukwu, 2010). For students with mathematics difficulties, the use of

manipulatives and representations is particularly important to increase their

understanding of the target mathematical concepts or skills (Steel, 2002).

Furthermore, such use of effective strategies also helps students with

mathematics difficulties develop their independence and confidence (Steel,


For students with mathematics difficulties who have deficits in visual

discrimination and memory, all instructional components should be clearly

presented with appropriate signals (e.g., titles and headings) and

consistently placed on the same part of the screen throughout the program

(Bley & Thornton, 2001; Higgins et al., 2000). Mathematical problem

solving is "the analytical process of finding out how to solve a problem in

mathematics that you don't know how to solve" (Jitendra et al., 2007). In

addition to increasing their skills, technology also helps them to become

more self-directed students, putting together new learning and educational

opportunities (Kara, 2008). In order to understand the meaning of

mathematics, understanding a problem is as important as solving it. It is a

widespread view that problem-solving skills help people in their daily lives

to easily overcome the problems. A problem-solving person is a self-

confident, imaginative, and independent thinker. It can be clarified that

these individuals developed communities can readily solve problems.

(NurdanÖzreçberoğlu ÇağdaKıvançÇağanağa, 2018).

Problem solving in mathematics education was a notable area of research

that aimed at comprehension and relating the processes involved in solving

problems to students’ development of mathematical knowledge and

problem solving competencies. Mathematical problem solving has long

been recognized as an important component of mathematics, the teaching

of mathematics, and the learning of mathematics. It has flooded globally

mathematics curricula with demands for the teaching of problem solving as

well as the teaching of mathematics through problem solving (Peter

Liljedahl et al. 2016).

In particular, the strategies include a variety of techniques for teaching

mathematics difficulty students to interpret problems by paraphrasing them

into their own words and using an image, diagram or map and solving
problems by hypothesizing, organizing and implementing strategies

(Montague & Applegate, 2000). Norgaard (2005), Vincent (2009), and

Wallace and Clark (2005) found that word-problem solving was the most

stringent level of mathematics, requiring grammar, logic, communication

and computation to be used. Cross (2009) found that students who

performed better in argumentation and writing had greater gains in

problem solving knowledge than students who performed well in

argumentation alone or in no activity. When teachers present word

problems, they must ensure that students use all of their skills including

strategic reasoning, intellectual perseverance, creativity and craftsmanship

(Sahin, 2007; Senge et al., 2000).

In addition, numerous studies have shown that technology has a profound

impact on academic performance specifically improved, such as literacy,

communication, and math skills (Bouck & Flanagan, 2009). The definition

of multimedia as educational technology has been applied to learning

environments enriched by the media. Hasselbring and Glaser (2000)

concluded that the educational use of interactive technologies should

encourage the conceptual understanding of students "by connecting visual

imagery and sound effects to hard-to-understand details when presented in

text alone". Mathematics education researchers agreed that visual

representations play significant roles in improving mathematical

understanding (Gersten et al., 2009; Griffin & Jitendra, 2009).


According to paper masters (2018), The significance of reasoning skills

can't be overstated. Reasoning skills are used in day-to-day life. People use

them in the following order: (1) To take given records (2) Compare that to

what is already recognized (3) Come to a new conclusion. Reasoning skills

enable us to choose between two choices, often when there is no

straightforward on the spot answer. By being in a position to motive

through alternatives, a character can come up with a nice decision

(Marczak, 2019), Education researchers agree that engaging students in

interactive, multisensory things to do that promote elaboration,

questioning, and clarification can simultaneously enhance student

engagement and academic performance.[i] Games and simulations can be

especially two effective equipment to help students spark off prior

knowledge, apply to understand in new settings, test hypotheses, search

for patterns, use evidence and common sense to make arguments, resolve

problems, and examine from their actions.[ii] This sort of lively

engagement allows college students to take possession of their getting to

know and improves retention of information.[iii] Experts agree that self-

regulated learning—the ability to monitor, evaluate, and control

questioning whilst completing new tasks—helps assist essential thinking

and switch of knowledge.[vi] By providing tremendous modeling, coaching,

scaffolding, and problem-solving, technology gives rookies richer

opportunities to build metacognitive skills.[vii] Effective digital learning

environments not solely two models the concept methods that underlie

precise strategies, however also emphasize the stipulations for applying a

body of factual or procedural knowledge.

One of the competencies students need to master is critical thinking. When

learning, the solution to solving problems is to use immersive multimedia.

Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the learning

process is capable of improving teacher and student activities, learning

outcomes and student responses in elementary school by using interactive

multimedia to improve critical thinking skills (Daniar Meiliana Rahayu et al.

2019). In the classroom critical thinking is relevant throughout various

ways. First, it helps students improve their ability to solve problems, and

enables them to make decisions by excluding guesswork. In fact, critical

thinking helps students improve innovation, and teaches students how to

manage time and resources, allowing students to quickly adapt in an

atmosphere where such skills are needed. Critical thinking is a skill that will

be required by students in high school, college, life and careers. The

instructors are preparing students for the future ahead by developing

critical thinking skills in the classroom (Kelly Nelson-Danley, 2019). There is

little doubt that critical thinking— the ability to connect new knowledge to

prior knowledge, construct and test arguments, and consistently solve

problems—is crucial to college, career, and beyond. But ensuring that all

students have access to personalized learning environments that build

these skills, without technology, can be almost impossible (Lindsay

Marczak, 2018).

Critical thinking is an important ability students’ need in their professional

and personal lives to be successful. Instructors can be proactive and

purposeful in developing learning goals that encourage critical thinking

skills at lower and higher levels, and using technology to incorporate

activities that support those learning goals (JESSICA MANSBACH, 2015). A

course was designed to include inquiry to promote the creation of critical

thinking process that was built in two technology-enhanced world. The

study findings showed student experience of using technology with the

inquiry's instructional method, and their explanation of the logical thinking's

expected learning result. Identify important factors for developing a course

to use technologies effectively to help student learning. (Ruth Swart,

2017). Based on this finding, immersive digital learning materials tend to

improve the critical thinking skills of the students (Djusmaini Djamas et al.


According to the study of Djamas, (2018), Results of the research show

that immersive digital learning resources are efficient, realistic and

successful. Based on this result, interactive multimedia learning materials

appear to enhance the critical thinking skills of the students. Mathematical

reasoning has 2 types: Inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning.

Inductive method of mathematical reasoning, the validity of the statement

is checked by a certain set of rules. Deductive reasoning means applying

the rules of a general case to a given statement and make it true for

statements. Reasoning are statements that you encounter in mathematics

(, 2020).

Developing mathematical communication skills is also an objective of the

national curriculum (KTSP). The process standard at the Education Unit

Level Curriculum (KTSP) states that the learning process in each

elementary and secondary education unit must be interactive, inspirational,

fun, challenging and motivates learners to participate actively, and provide

sufficient space for initiative, creativity and independence based on the

talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of learners

In KTSP stated that one purpose of mathematics courses is that students

have the ability to communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or

other media to clarify the situation or problem (Qohar, 2011).

According to (2019), Communication skills are skills that you

use when you give and receive different types of information. Some

examples include sharing ideas, feelings, or what's going on around you.

The ability to communicate includes learning, speaking, analyzing and

empathizing. It is also helpful to understand the differences in how to

communicate, such as email and social media, through face-to-face

interactions, phone conversations and digital communications. A

mathematical communication skill is one of the capabilities that a math

teacher has to own. Junior high school students can receive and

understand the content (Hana PuspitaEka Firdaus, 2016). Heller et al.

(2005), indicated that teachers should provide students with opportunities

to engage in various mathematical communication activities that stimulate

mathematical discourse to optimize their understanding of mathematics.

Mathematical communication requires a vast array of cognitive abilities. It

is an exchange of ideas, it involves both listening and reading, as well as

speaking and writing (Laney Samons,, 2020). Communication is

an essential ycomponent of education in and out of the classroom. Social

media technologies provide methods of informal communication which

promote student engagement and satisfaction by removing barriers to

communication. Results show that students are happy and believe that

social media for class communication has enhanced their learning

experience (Mohammad Alshayeb, 2018).

Mathematical literacy was defined by Lutzer (2005) as "capable of

communicating and understanding ideas written in mathematics language”.

Thompson and Chappell (2007) proposed among the different methods of

mathematics interaction that verbal communication (e.g. talking and

listening) might be the "most natural form" for students to communicate

their evolving ideas. Scientific literature reviews have shown that a

significant amount of studies support the diverse benefits of 24 math

dialogs and classroom discussions (e.g. Tyminski et al., 2014; Walshaw &

Anthony, 2008) Specifically, by consistently discussing and listening to one

another Students may: 1) gain more skill and ease in linking mathematical

ideas (Marks Krpan, 2013), 2) co-create and design learning environments

that promote mathematical inquiries (Diez-Palomar & Olive, 2015).

The integration of software in mathematics lessons requires communication

and discussion between students and teachers. In order to display and

communicate cohesive mathematical concepts, it calls for coordination and

strong communication skills. Technology includes the development of

particular mathematical terminology and the adaptation of precise

mathematical vocabulary, both necessary for the representation and

communication of results and solutions (Elena Corina Georgescu, 2013).

the Ontario Curriculum for Grade 9 and 10 Mathematics (2005) specified

that teachers should encourage their students “to select and use the

technology that would best support and communicate their learning”.

TeachThought Staff (2017), One direction that technology is changing

education is by having the teachers more available. Callas claims

instructors are willing to communicate with students almost 24 hours a

day, rather than the "old-school" communication methods such as

arranging office visits or impromptu after-class conversations. A project

conducted by Essay in Education (2016), that using technology to improve

mathematics in Mauritius high schools. This addresses the different

theories involved with the implementation of modern technology and

teaching-learning mathematics, as well as the computational tools available

and their implementations. This experiment was successfully completed

and tested on a group of students from' Lower six' after much research

work. The use of technology in mathematics teaching would inspire

students to enjoy the subject, thereby encouraging them to work harder,

achieve a better understanding of concepts, strengthen their instinct,

logical thinking and problem-solving skills, and increase their overall

performance in the subject matter.

Sense making are inherent in developing the components of mathematical

competence (Kilpatrick et al.,2001). Sense Making, students’ reasoning and

sense making skills are argued to be the basis for mathematically literate

citizenry prepared for success in our society. This document marked a shift

in the use of the term away from reasoning conceived of as one of five

important processes of mathematics and towards a conceptualization as

the foundation of all five process standards (National Council of Teachers

of Mathematics, 2009).

According to the regression analyses, sense of self-efficacy in math

accounts for six percent of the variance for resistant behavior toward math

and attitudes toward math account for seven percent of the variance for

resistant behavior toward math (Pelin, et al., 2018) Sense-making are

generally assumed to be part of students' personal vocational knowledge

development, since they contribute to both students' socialization in a

vocation and students' personalization of concepts, values and beliefs

regarding that vocation (Elly, et al., 2016) According to a widespread view,

one of the most important roles of education is the nurturing of common

sense. Making sense can become an educational encounter that breaks

hierarchies and generates thinking independently of the thinker's

knowledge and place in the sociopolitical order (Snir, 2018).

Mathematics is about making sense, the stuff that makes sense can be

perceived in the mathematical universe as some form of inert material

(Mccallum, 2018). The practice of seeking coherence between formal

mathematics and conceptual understanding is mathematical sense-making.

It is a key element in solving the problem of efficient physics. Mathematical

sense-making will help students see beyond the standard procedures and

develop skills that are useful in solving the fresh and challenging problems

they face in their academic and professional futures

(Kuo et al. 2019). Furthermore, according to Khan et al. (2016) stated that

Sense-making in mathematics can be a complex process that may not

make sense as far as the natural world we know is concerned, and

therefore affects the choice of abstractions used in teaching. Mathematical

intuition continues with logic and yet acts with creativity to discover new

mathematical horizons.

Children are naturally curious and learn to use discovery, questioning and

logic to make sense of their environment. When children grow older they
become more self-conscious and their inherent inquisitiveness is not

expressed or maintained as much as it might be. This is problematic

because learning to use mathematics in meaningful ways requires interest,

many questions and logic to be asked (Nicola Herringer, 2013). Students

need opportunities to make sense of mathematics – decide what strategies

to use, engage with each other's ideas, and struggle productively to reach

new and more comprehensive understandings (Calli, 2019). Technology

will greatly improve mathematics lessons in the classroom and increase the

students ' use of logic and sense making. The proper use of technology can

make students learn mathematics at a deeper level. Though technology

should never be used as a substitute for basic understandings and

intuitions, it can and should be used to strengthen those understandings

(, 2012).
Chapter 3



This chapter addresses about Research Setting, Research Design,

Participants of the study, Respondents and Sampling Procedure, Research

Instruments, Validity and Reliability of the Instruments, Rating Scale, and

Data Gathering Procedure.

3.1 . Research Setting

This research study will be conducted at Staff secondary arms University of

Lagos campus University arms secondary schoolsecondary school,

particularly in the Junior High School Department, School. RNP campus

University arms secondary schoolsecondary school High School Department

is a private, non-sectarian University in the city of Cagayan de Oro, located

at Rodolfo N. Pelaez Blvd., Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines,

where it has a positive atmosphere that can help students to learn better.

3.2. Research design

This research study is a quantitative research design because it seeks to

count the scores obtained from the respondent on their pre-test and then

compare their scores difference with their post-test in which the

intervention (multimedia) would be utilized during an 8-week discussion

with their assigned mathematics teacher. In this process, we can describe

the students' cooperation throughout the process to identify whether

Multimedia is effective as a technology tool or not.

3.3 Participants of the study

The participants of this study are grade 9 level students University arms

secondary schoolsecondary school. This grade level is consists of six (6)

sections for this academic year 2019-2020, namely, Aristotle, Curie, Dalton,

Einstein, Galileo, and Gauss. The current total population of the grade 9

level is 213 students. To identify the section who have a lot of students

that are having troubles in mathematics, the researchers ask a specific

grade 9 mathematics teacher University arms secondary schoolsecondary

school Junior High School. The math teacher recommends Grade 9 –

Aristotle which consists of 36 students.

3.4. Respondents and Sampling procedure

The researchers of this research study chose to have a Purposive sampling

procedure because the participants cannot be selected at random. Instead,

mathematics teacher who can identify the performance of the students in

mathematics will rely on the given section.

3.5. Research Instruments

The questionnaire to be given to the selected participants is a multiple-

choice type questionnaire that has 25 items in total that based on math

skills in sense making, reasoning, problem-solving, and communication. It

is adapted from Study Mode LCC (2020), Singh V. (2019), Online Test

Centre (2005) and has been checked by one of the mathematics teachers

in 9th grade. This test is 'adapted' because some parts are not included

when the math teacher checked the test questionnaire. Test 1 consists of 6

items about Sense Making in Math, test 2 consists of 7 items about

reasoning in Math, test 3 consists of 6 items about Problem Solving in

Math, test 4 consists of 6 items about Communication in Math. It goals to

test the level of students’ knowledge and math skills in math. The rating

scale for evaluating their results in both pre-test and post-test is Liceo

Grading scale to be addressed in the following section.

(On the back of this researcher's research paper is inserted a hard copy of the study
test questionnaire.)

3.6. Validity and Reliability of the Instruments

This study will undergo face and content validity from the experts of the field.

3.7. Rating Scale

The rating scale that the researchers will use is the Liceo Grading System.
Test scores drop from high to poor from Outstanding to Needs
Improvement. Each descriptor has a corresponding percentage and
remarks this Liceo grading system. The percentage typically tells the
number of correct items that students gain on the test. Outstanding is the
highest grade in this grading system, with a grade of 96-100%. Very
Satisfactory which ranges from 90-95%. Satisfactory which ranges from
80-89%. Fairly Satisfactory which ranges from 80-84%. Needs
improvement which ranges from 75-79. And lastly is Did not meet
expectation which ranges from 65-74%, this is the lowest grade in this
grading system.
Table 1: Descriptors, Grading Scale, and Remarks


Outstanding 96-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 90-95 Passed
Satisfactory 85-89 Passed

Fairly Satisfactory 80-84 Passed

Need Improvement 75-79 Passed
Did not meet Expectations 65-74 Failed

*Liceo Grading Scale

3.7. Data Gathering Procedure

In the conduct of the study, two days after the researchers address a request letter to

the head of the Prefect of Discipline and Students Affairs Office University arms

secondary school secondary school Junior High School Department if they could

formally use a vacant classroom after class at 4:30 in afternoon and end at exactly

curfew hours which is 5:30 pm. The devoid classroom will serve as the venue where

researchers can survey the selected grade 9 students who have performance identified

as (1) Satisfactory (85-89 grade) (2) Fairly Satisfactory (80-84 grade) (3) Needs

Improvement (75-79 grade) and (4) Did not meet Expectations (65-74) according to

their mathematics teacher. Then, another request letter will be sent to the teacher to

spare an hour or a minute in this said activity. After given permission, the researchers
personally invite those selected JSS3students by giving them consent form to ask for

permission to their parents that they will be going home late on this said assessment.

The consent form should be brought by the selected JSS3students during the pre-test

and post-test survey. Furthermore, the researchers will give the selected students a

piece of paper that contains exam information and things that they need to bring during

the said survey.



The researchers in the following statistical processing used the

Statistical Package (SPSS) for analyzing all processes:

Calculating the median.

Calculating the standard deviation.
T-test to examine the difference between the performance of
control and experimental groups.

Table 1
Group Number Median Standard deviation Student T-value Significant differences
Control 20 5.05 1.637 1.915 0.063
Experimental 20 5.15 1.316

The study results and its discussion

Table 2 Results of the post academic achievement test for the experimental and control groups.
Group Number The median Standard deviation Student T-value Significant differences
Control 20 6.06 1.231 9.121 0.00
Experimental 20 10.00 1.239\

Table 3 Comparison between the results of the pre and post achievement tests for the control and experimental groups.
Group Pre achievement test Post achievement test Student T-value Significant differences
The median Standard deviation The median Standard deviation

Control 5.05 1.637 6.60 1.231 3.639– 0.002

Experimental 5.95 1.316 10.00 1.239 11.522– 0.000
2. results related to the first question

question (1): what is the impact of using multimedia on the

female students’ academic achievement in the curriculum of

‘‘computer and its uses in education’’?

after getting the statistical results of the pre and post academic

achievement tests of the control and experimental groups, the

positive impact of using multimedia was clear on teaching the

curriculum of 250 ‘‘computer and its uses in education’’ and on

better scientific academic achievement of the experimental group

compared to the results of the control group, which proves that

using multimedia in education is an effective means of reaching a

better learning.

3. results related to the second question

question (2): are there any statistically-significant differences

between the average marks of the female students of the

experimental and control groups in the pre academic achievement

test in the ‘‘computer and its uses in education’’ curriculum?

to answer this question the median and the standard deviation

of the pre academic achievement test for the experimental and

control groups were extracted as shown in table 1.

table 1 reveals that there are no statistically-significant

differences between the experimental and control groups at the

significance level of 0.05 in the pre test which indicates the

equivalence of the two groups.

4. results related to the third question

question (3): are there any statistically significant differences

between the average grade of the experimental and control

groups in the post academic achievement test to female students

in theresults related to the fourth question

question (4): are there any statistically significant differences

between the average grades of the experimental and control

groups in the pre and post academic achievement tests in the

curriculum of ‘‘computer and its uses in education’’?

to answer that question, a comparison was made between the

standard deviation and the median for the experimental and

control groups in the pre and post academic achievement tests,

as shown in table 3.

there are statistically significant differences between the pre

and post achievement test at the significance level of 0.05 for

both the control and experimental groups.

it is observed that the development of the academic

achievement for the experimental group is greater than that of

control group. this stresses the effective use of multimedia in

presenting computer lessons.



5.1 Conclusion

The usage of multimedia means and enhanced methods of

education has been the focus of many recent education related

research papers and studies. In this study, a small math program

is developed for students at young ages to evaluate the impact of

interactive learning on students’ abilities to improve their learning

skills. In synchronization with several similar studies, results

showed that those methods can be Acta Didactica Napocensia,

Studying the impact of using multimedia interactive programs at

children ability to learn basic math skills effective especially for

youngsters where they can be motivated by graphics and

animation particularly when known cartoon characters are used in

those educational games. As explained in the paper, and despite

the fact that results showed improvements in students learning

skills, however, this is not a proposal for replacement of

traditional education. Rather, interactive enhanced learning can

provide a very useful alternative for traditional education

especially in cases where it is not applicable to teach through

traditional methods. In future, a field study will be conducted on

students of schools in Jordan to assess the effectiveness of using

multimedia interacting systems with larger study or experimental

groups. In order to be able to generalize the outcome results,

different game applications will be used and apply them to

different subjects or fields of knowledge. In order also to reduce

possible bias in the results, groups of both students and

educators will be selected randomly.

5.2. study recommendations

according to the study results which indicated the effective use of

multimedia compared to the traditional methods of teaching, the

study recommends the following:

1. using multimedia in theoretical faculties.

2. expansion in using multimedia in teaching other theoretical

curriculums and stressing the use of computer as an

educational tool in teaching.

3. giving training courses to computer teachers regarding the

use of multimedia in teaching educational subjects provided

that these courses will be available over the academic year.

4. conducting more studies on using multimedia in the

academic curriculum in the university atmosphere.


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