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1)Environment is which physical and biological system surrounding, man or other

organisms along with variousFactors influencing them. Factors are soil, air, water,
light, etc. called abiotic factor.
2)Ecology-It is branch of science that involves study of interrelationship between
living thing and Environment.
3)Pollution-An unwanted changes in the environment which
involving air,water and Land.
Polluting substances dangerous to living
involves physical, biological and chemical change which affect human life in one
way of other. Contamination of natural environment with
habitant of organism health.
4)climate change - A change in climate which attributed directly or indirectly to
human activity that alerts composition of global atmosphere and which is in
addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time period.
5)Biodiversity- The variability among living organism and ecological complex of
which they are apart.
Levels of biodiversity -
1) Ecosystem biodiversity- In which of ecosystem on surface of earth due to
variation in climate, soil and topography.example Dessert, Grassland, fresh water-
2)Generic biodiversity- Related to richness and complexity of biological community.
example- Diverse Plant group, & type of animal.
3) species diversity - variety of living species in a definite geographical area.
Refers to variety of living organisms on earth. 4)Genetic biodiversity - Major of
variety of different version of same gene but of same Species, cattle, dog, man.
5)Nucleotide diversity - Diversity at DNA Level.
Benefits of biodiversity- 1)Ecological benefits-
To Supply food.
It is key to food security. It produces drugs and medicines.
It makes man healthy, Fibre. Biodiversity promote tourism Building material, Bio

Ecological benefits-
It plays important role in hydrological cycle, It helps in soil formation ,It helps
in nutrient recycling,
Biodiversity control pest and diseases,It maintain climatic balance It helps in
3)Asthetical and cultural value of biodiversity- It serves as Fishing, wildlife
watching hiking, outdoor activities based on nature.

Methods of biodiversity conservation-

1)In situ conservation method - In situ conservation, the conservation of species
in their natural habitant, is consider the most appropriate way of conserving
biodiversity. The conserving the area where Population of species exist naturally.
2)Ex-situ conservation method:- It is the preservation of components of biological
diversity outside of their natural habitant. This involves conservation of genetic
resources as well as wild and cultivated
species. It includes gene bank,seed bankIn vitro plant tissue and microbial culture
collecting living organism From zoo, aquarium.
6)Acid rain:-Mixture of deposited material,both wet and dry, coming from the
atmosphere containing
more than normal amount of nitric and sulphuric acids is called as 'acid rain. It
is rain with PH less than 5.6 . Acid rain is particularly damaging to lakes streams
and Forests and Plants and animals that lives in this ecosystem.
7)ozone depletion - Ozone layer depletion means the wearing out or reduction of the
amount of ozone in the stratosphere. Main cause of ozone depletion of is
CFCs( chloro flurocarbons), when CFC is reach the upper atmosphere, the high UV
radiation react with this and release chlorine atoms. This free chlorine atoms
react with ozone thereby leading to the. depletion of ozone layer.
8)Renewable energy sources / Non-exhaustable / Non-
Conventional energy sources :-The energy source which is not exaustable in due
course of time this energy source are continuously replenished it is called
renewable energy, ex-sun light, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water and various
Forms of biomass.
Non-renuable energy resourses. Sources of energy is the energy is going to be
exaust indue cource of time this energy. Sources Can't be replished as wat when.
they will finished. Ex-Fossile fuel-coal, Natural Petrolium gas, petrolium.
11)Deforestation - The cutting or clearing of Forest cover or tree plantation in
order to accomodate agricultural, industrial or urban use is called as
Effects of deforestation - Ecological imbalance
Increasing global warming
water Pollution,
loss of biodiversity,
Soil erosion,
Depelation ground water table.
Effects of civil engineering Project on environment 1)Civil engineering projects
the various construction materials like steel, Sand, aggregate, cement, Bricks,
Murum, Stones, etc. all are received From exploring natural resources ·like river,
mountain. etc.
2)Huge tree cutting / deforstestation undertaken for execution of various Civil
Engineering Projects like township dam, highways, railways, etc. which creates the
ecological imbalance.
3)Top rich soil layer explored in various CE Project hence CE Projects are
responsible for soil degradation.
4)CE Project like concrete roads restrict the infiltration of rain water under
5) Construction activity of various CE Projects creates noise pollution.
6)Civil engineering Projects affecting on river ecosystem, forest ecosystem,
Grassland ecosystem.
7) civil engineering Projects Adversely affecting on biodiversity.
8)CE Project of sewerage line discharging the waste water into natural water
bodies. like river, lake, etc. therefore water Pollution takes place.

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