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This Thesis Submitted to faculty of Hospitality Management

Department of Capiz States University Sigma Satelite College In

Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree


MAY 2023

Rationale/Background of the study

According to Eileen Salazar(2016). There are 6 amazing benefits of dalandan, Dalandan is

a local Philippine orange fruit but it's skin doesn't turn orange even when it is ripe.
Dalandan is rich in Vitamin C. It can benefit us because it is used to reduce nausea and
vomiting, It also used in disinfecting wounds by squeezing a fresh juice on it. The rind of
this fruit also helps to relieve dizziness and car sickness just smell it and you will feel
refreshed. The extracted essence of it's seed are also used for regulating menstruation,
treatment of cough, and relief of rheumatism, swelling and muscle pains. It is very good
for appetite suppressant and it is recommended to weight watchers. But we all know
that it still has more benefits waiting to be discovered.

According to Tagalog Lang, Dalandan is from the Spanish naranja (meaning: orange). The
Tagalog word dalandan refers to a variety of citrus fruit native to the Philippines. The
scientific name of the fruit that Filipinos refer to as dalandan is Citrus aurantium. It had
also been known by these scientific names in the past: Citrus vulgaris Risso, Citrus
longispina Wester and Citrus sinensis Osbeck. Dalandan has been called "sweet orange"
or "sour”.

Citrus aurantium (Dalandan) is rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids that have antioxidant
and immunoboosting activities. Two particular flavonoids, naringenin and hesperetin,
were reported to have anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic acivities. They also help
regulate glucose and lipid metabolism. Dalandan's limonene content possesses
gastroprotective properties. Dalandan essential oil has antimicrobial, anxiolytic,
sedative, and gastroprotective properties.
Technical Problem

•Post harvest Handling- Dalandan is highly perishable and requires proper

handling storage and transportation to maintain quality and prevent.

Technical Solution

•To prevent Dalandan perishable want to able make it dry to become

Prior Art

Acceptability of Dalandan as an ingredient in candy, there may be various studies

or recipe variations available online or in academic literature.

A search for keywords such as "Dalandan candy acceptability," or "sensory

evaluation of Dalandan candy" might yield some relevant results. It is important
to note that the quality and reliability of research studies can vary widely, so it
may be helpful to evaluate the methodology and findings of any studies you
come across. Additionally, there may be regional or cultural differences in the
acceptability of Dalandan candy, so it may be useful to consider studies or
recipes from the specific geographic area or demographic group of interest.

Present Study

The present study aims to fill this research gap by exploring the acceptability of a
candy made dalandan. The study will evaluate the sensory attributes of the ice
cream, determine its overall preference among consumers, and compare its
acceptability with other commercially available candy. The research findings may
contribute to the development of new functional candy products with unique
flavors and potential health benefits.
Objectives for a study Dalandan Candy:

1. To determine the nutritional content of dalandan candy and its potential

health benefits.

2. To investigate the traditional methods of preparing dalandan candy and

identify ways to improve its taste, texture, and overall quality.

3. To explore the market potential of dalandan candy and assess consumer

preferences and buying behaviors.

4. To analyze the economic feasibility of producing and selling dalandan candy as

a viable business venture.

5. To document the cultural significance of dalandan candy in the Philippines and

its role in local cuisine and traditions.

Research design

The experimental Research Design was used in this study. This design
focuses on the use of various treatment. The researchers used five treatments to
test the acceptability of different amount of dalandan in preparation of candy.
The treatment are as following.

Treatment A - candy mixture with 100% dalandan

Treatment B - candy mixture with 75% dalandan

Treatment C - candy mixture with 50% dalandan

Treatment D - candy mixture with 25% dalandan

Treatment E- 100% candy mixture



•1 ½ cup white sugar

• ¾ cup water

• ¼ dalandan juice

•1 tbsp. food color

• ½ cup cornstarch


Sqeez the dalandan and separate the seeds, put a ¾ cup water into the dalandan
juice and put the ½ cup cornstarch and stir until cornstarch dissolve when it's
done stiring add 1tbsp. orange food color and mix well and set aside. In a
separate cooking pot, put a 1 ½ cup white sugar and ½ cup water and turn on
flame (low heat), stir until sugar dissolve, continue stiring until it become syrup,
when sugr started to thicken, turn off flame and set aside. Prepare your molder
and grease, Pour the dalandan mixture in a pot, turn on flame (low heat) and
cook until thicken. Pour the sugar syrup gradually and mix well, continue mixing
until it boil and until it become think when it's thicken turn off flame and
immediately transfer to your molder and let it cool, when it's cool put sugar, Coat
the candy with sugar and cut the size you want.

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