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The Building began to collapse, but luckily all the people escape
2. Hurricanes, floods and tsunamis directly affect the availability of food which is known as
an extreme scarcity of food called a famine.
3. A Statement telling people of possible problem or danger is a warning.
4. PTSD is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event.

1. To cave in means to collapse under the weight, to fall into a big hole.
2. To be surrounded that there’s no escape is to be cut off.
3. To move very fast through an area and take everything in it’s path is to sweep through an
(3) Survivors feel as though the danger is over when it isn’t.
- 1,4,2,3,5

1. Culture
2. Naturalization
3. Reverse culture shock
4. Acculturation
● tiredness and jet lag.
● unfamiliar surroundings.
● unusual food and smells.
● not understanding the local language.
● separation from family and friends.
● missing familiar comforts and possessions.

● Extreme homesickness.
● Feelings of helplessness/dependency.
● Disorientation and isolation.
● Depression and sadness.
● Hyper-irritability, may include inappropriate anger and hostility.
● Sleep and eating disturbances (too little or too much)
● Excessive critical reactions to host culture/stereotyping.

1. Disorientation
2. Pollution
3. Hypochondria
4. Jet Lag

1. Bustling
2. Ancient
3. Compact
4. Contemporary (modern new things)
5. Cosmopolitan (budaya)
6. Crowded

My favourite place in the whole world is Italy

It was a friend of mine who told me about hanoi Vietnam
The very first time i went there was in 2018
I absolutely love the incredible atmosphere of Indonesia

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