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English assignments

Market Day &

Smaji Talent
compiled by :

Moh Al Muhtadi Billah

XI-1 / 25
Market Day
Market Day is an annual school event that aims to foster a sense of
entrepreneurship in students. In this event each class will sell food products.
One class will be divided into 4 groups and divided into 2 sessions according
to the class that gets the first or last day's schedule. This market day will be
held from 23 October 2033 to 24 October 2023 at Sman 1 Panji
First day of
market day 
The schedule of market day events on the first day is class
X.1-5 & all class XI, on this first day is exciting because of
the enthusiasm from all students and teachers, I am very
happy on this first day, because all students wear
traditional clothes or batik (male) and kebaya (female),
this is one of the efforts to preserve the culture around us
First day of
market day 
On this market day, my group and I were at stand six class XI-1 PKWU A
group 1, we sold appetizers, main dishes and drinks which were very
delicious to enjoy under the hot sun. Namely, there are pickled fruit, karak
rice and also mixed ice. We sell from 07.00 to 11.30 in the afternoon, our
sales are very popular, especially when the sun is hot, mixed ice sells well, as
well as pickled fruit and rice karak which can relieve hunger.
documentation pickled fruit

our product

mix ice
karak rice

My group
Smaji Talent

Apart from the market day event, in the school field there is also a stage for
the smaji talent event. Smaji Bakat is a school activity that aims to enable
students to channel their talents at Senior High School AWARDS
Smaji Talent
Day 1
For smaji talent, I think it's exciting because there are 3 types of
competitions that are contested, namely story tell, news ancor,
and solo sing and each class has to send 3 people to represent
their class in this competition.

Story telling solo singing news anchor

Thank's For

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