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Brillante, Miguel M.

11 Humss A

Shaping the behaviour of this generation

The position of shaping human behaviour through the collaboration of schools, students, and homes
can be considered significant in this generation. There is evidence to support the idea that these three
entities play a crucial role in shaping the behaviour and development of individuals.

impact of the school environment: Numerous studies have highlighted the influence of the school
environment on student behaviour. Schools provide structured settings where students learn social
skills, values, and ethics. They also promote discipline, teamwork, and responsibility. A positive school
environment with supportive teachers and a focus on character development has been found to
foster positive behavior among students (Thapa, Cohen, Guffey, & Higgins-D'Alessandro, 2013).

role of students in shaping their own behavior: In your generation, there is increasing recognition of
the importance of empowering students to take ownership of their behavior and personal
development. Student-led initiatives, such as peer mentoring, student councils, and character
education programs, have been implemented in many schools. These initiatives encourage students
to develop leadership skills, empathy, and a sense of responsibility for their actions (Cefai, Bartolo,
Cavioni, Downes, & Hatzigianni, 2018).

influence of the home environment: Home is a significant factor in shaping human behavior. Family
values, parenting styles, and the overall atmosphere at home greatly impact a person's behavior and
development. Research suggests that parental involvement, positive communication, and consistent
discipline strategies contribute to positive behavior outcomes in children (Spera, 2005). Moreover, the
home provides a foundation for instilling values, ethics, and character traits that can guide individuals
throughout their lives.

Collaboration between schools and homes: The collaboration between schools and homes is essential
for shaping human behavior. When schools and families work together, they can reinforce consistent
messages and expectations for behavior. This collaboration can involve regular communication
between teachers and parents, joint efforts in implementing behavior management strategies, and
parental involvement in school activities. Studies have shown that such collaboration leads to
improved academic performance, reduced behavior problems, and increased social-emotional
development in students (Driessen, Smit, Sleegers, & Van der Ven, 2005; Jeynes, 2005).

In conclusion, the collaboration between schools, students, and homes holds significant importance in
shaping human behavior in your generation. Research indicates that the school environment, student
empowerment, the home environment, and collaboration between schools and homes all contribute
to the positive development and behavior of individuals. By recognizing this triumvirate responsibility
and working together, schools, students, and homes can create an environment that fosters
responsible and well-rounded individuals.

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