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Things we don’t like or want

to change in UITM

By Vsevolod, Andrew, Orest and Mouin

Moving forward the starting time of classes

It could give students more time to sleep and get to the university to those who live far away from the
campus. Even if classes will start not earlier than 9AM a lot of students will benefit of it.

Possible positive effects of this change include:

-Health benefits

-Overall increase of performance in studying

-Decrease of stress and anxiety caused by lack of sleep and being late for classes
Distribution of classes throughout the week
The “gap” between classes

By "gap" I mean the time between classes, which can be up to 3

hours, and it can be difficult to focus on work after such a break, not
to mention the fact that such a break lengthens the work day.
And possible solutions to this problem

● Optimize Scheduling: Adjusting class schedules to minimize long gaps between classes. Efforts
can be made to condense classes or stagger them more effectively to reduce the downtime
between classes.
● Recreational Activities: Organizing recreational activities, workshops, or clubs that students can
participate in during gaps. This can help students socialize, de-stress, and make better use of
their time.
● Flexible Class Formats: It offers more flexible class formats, such as evening or weekend classes,
to accommodate students' schedules and reduce the need for long breaks during the day.
● Academic Support Services:Providing academic support services, like tutoring centers or writing
labs, during gap hours to help students with their coursework.
The end

Thanks for your attention

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