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Praise to God who has helped his servant finish this paper with great ease. Without help
we may not be able to complete the this paper well.

The paper is organized so that readers can find out the reason why students who take full
shifts of schedule a day feel sleepy and less concentration in the class especially at the end of the
class. This paper set up by the compiler with various obstacles. Whether it came from self
constituent or who come from outside. But with patience and especially the help of God finally
this paper can be resolved.

This paper includes on “The reason of students feel sleepy and less concentration when
take full shifts of schedule” and deliberately chosen because the authors draw attention to
scrutiny and need support from all parties who care about the college students well being.

Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has
advantages and disadvantages. Authors beg for advice and criticism. Thank you.


A. Issue Background
Students as a human being are easily influenced by their environment. When they meet
with certain condition, it will give an effect to them. Either it is good effect or the bad one. In
university, there are many problems and difficulties that will be faced by students at one
time. One of them is too many study shift in one day.
In university there are several shift that has to be taken by the student as their daily
schedule. Four shifts means the student will study from 07.30 AM until 5.40 PM. As a
human student has limited energy because of that the longer the study shifts that they have,
the less their energy become. At that time the concentration level of the student will be
decrease and they can’t study well.
Because of that the authors choose this topic to know the effect of the four shift long
study to the students.

B. Limitation of Problem
The problem can be identified as follow :
Why students who take full shifts a day feel sleepy and less concentration in the class?
C. The Purpose
● To know the factors or the reason of students feel sleepy and less concentration when
take full shifts
● To provide a broader insight to the reader.


A. The factors why students who have full shifts feel more sleepy and less concentration in the
As a college student we should to arrange our schedule by our self. But, in a certain
condition, we can’t arrange our schedule. So, many things can be happen about the
schedule. After that, we should receive the schedule from the faculty. For example, there is a
schedule that in one day, they should study in full shifts. And for another students they get
two or three shifts in a day.
Then, we would like to discuss about the different effect between the students that
study in four shifts a day and the students that don’t. Based on our experience, there are
many aspects that can be as measure for find the different between that situation. There are
five aspects that we would like to discuss, such as the compare between the total of shift a
day that we started count from morning until the each of shifts end, then the type students in
class during the shifts, the effect of how long the break time during full shifts a day, and
then the different method that lecturer applied during full shifts a day, and the last the
condition of weather during the full shifts schedule.
The effect when we enter the class that have full shifts and that haven’t full shifts
from morning, the result of the condition are the students who have full shifts or four shifts a
day will feel sleepy after took more than two shifts, especially when afternoon, the students
will feel sleepy in the class. So, they can’t focus and less concentration while study in the
Next, we would like compare the type of students during the full shifts when they
have enough sleep before or not. If they get enough sleep before the class, they could pass
the class well and give more attention to the class. But, if they didn’t sleep well before, the
concentration of students during the class will decrease and they can’t give more attention to
the class.
Then, the effect between the students that took more break time during full shifts a
day and the students who less their break time. The more break time can be caused by there
are a class canceled or others. So, the effect of the students who took more break time, they
could more focus and attention. But, if they took more time to study with less break, they
can’t more focus and attention to their class. After that, they could feel sleepy during the
After that, the different between the method of lecturer applied during full shifts a
day. Same with the aspects before, there are two type like the lecturer only using slide and
the lecturer who make a discussion during class, with the same students, material for
learning and same lecturer. And when the lecturer only using slide for learning, the effect
for students like they feel more sleepy and bored during the class. But, when the lecturer
using discussion method, the students will more active and focus during the class.
The last aspects is the differences between the condition of weather a day during full
shifts schedule. This aspect has different with before, when the aspects before just have two
type, but this aspect has three type of condition, such as the sunny day to normal day, the
normal day to rainy day and the last is rainy day. In sunny day, most of student feel restless
and causes less concentration to the class because the weather too hot. And in normal day,
the condition of students are normal. But, in rainy day, the condition of students are
comfortable but most of students feel sleepy and causes less concentration to the class.


A. Knot
Based on the description of the discussion “ The factors why students who have full
shifts feel more sleepy and less concentration in the class “ can be conclude that :
1. The long of time of schedule causes most of students feel sleepy
2. The amount of break and sleep affect students' condition during the class
3. The weather of the day give different responses and also affect the condition of
students in the class
4. The method of lecturer applied affect the students

B. Advice
Based on the factors that cause the student feel more sleepy and less concentration in
the class, authors provide some suggestions:
1. students be expected to have to sleep enough the night before to avoid feel sleepy
in the class
2. Lecturer be expected to use the methods that can help students to not feel sleepy
( students center method)
Group Assignment
“ Why students feel sleepy and less concentration when take full shifts a


Annisa Ramadhani
Pratiwi Bestari
Syifa Fauzia
Ratu Shavira
Tria Naj’la Prima Hermanto

Accounting International
Department of Economy
Andalas University

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