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Feedback questions for NIB projects: midterm evaluation

Please write in the boxes provided; "briefly" means 1-2 sentences!

Feedback about the topic and research question

Q1 In your own words, what is the project about? Do the key/core scientific concept(s) seem to be
adequately explained given the necessarily short length of a mid-term report?

The project is about discovering the ethics behind still using conventional plastics as opposed to
bioplastics. Bioplastics are proven to be the more sustainable option and less harmful for the
environment and therefore what are the reasons for continuing with conventional plastics.

Q2 Is it clear that the project is problem-based, as opposed to topic-based? Explain briefly

The project is problem-based. The conventional plastics being used are creating harmful outputs.
Figure 1 demonstrates this well. It could be a good idea to explain the figure and explain the
outputs. What do these outputs mean and what affect do they have.
It is also mentioned that plastics are used across the almost every section and are also distributed to
oceans, making it a large-scale problem.

Q3 Do the aim and research question match the semester theme? Comment briefly

The research question is clear and there is a clear ethical aspect in the question, matching the
semester theme.

Q4 Does the project seem, going by the research question, to be limited to what can reasonably
done in one semester and does it have a clear direction? Elaborate briefly

Yes it does, the project seems to have a clear direction. Firstly, by introducing the problem at hand
and then to discuss the ethics. They also have a hypothesis of what they believe they will conclude.

Feedback about the proposed methods and plan

Q5 Can you give advantages or disadvantages for the chosen approach/solution method?

Literature review is a good method, followed with a LCA analysis. Will you then do a comparison
of the two kinds of plastics?

Q6 Is there a list of literature? Does the group’s choice of literature seem appropriate: original
texts, peer reviewed, covers the relevant background for the project?

Good start with the literature – As mentioned in the report you will have more literature to read.
Q7 Does the group have a clear idea of how the theoretical background will be used to analyze
their case and answer the research question? Answer should be a number on a 5-point scale from 1
(no clear idea) to 5 (very clear idea).

4 – There is a good start to the background to answer their research question. I think it could be a
good idea to include more stats.

Q8 Do they have an idea of what a possible answer to the RQ could be? Comment briefly

Yes, they do, they have made a hypothesis for what they think they will conclude. That bioplastics
are more sustainable than conventional plastics and that bioplastics can replace conventional
plastics. However, it might be difficult to answer the “How ethical is it”.

Strengths and weaknesses as apparent from the mid term report

Q9 Name one section/point/item/argument you found weak with the project/mid-term report and a
brief reason

It could be an idea to use a more attention-grabbing opening sentence in the introduction.

“One of the most used materials” – maybe could be an idea to state a statistic or fact here.
What is PET in the introduction? It is not explained or in the abbreviations part
The problem could be clearer in the introduction.
In the beginning of the background maybe explain the abbreviation LCA from the start ‘’ This
section aims to explain the basic LCA of conventional plastics and bioplastics. The LCA will follow
the comparison of conventional plastics and bioplastics...’’ (UNLESS this was an explanation only
for the midterm).
More detail is needed in 6.1 (Maybe it is coming?) Why are conventional plastics worse than
References are needed in 6.1

Q10 Name two/three things/sections/paragraphs/arguments that you liked best in the project/report.

The 6.2 section is very good and understandable. Good use of figures in reports, makes it easier to
understand and follow (but I would explain a little more about the figures)
Introduction is also off to a good start.
Report so far is very appealing and nicely formatted.
Good with LCA analysis – will you do a comparison?

Semester-specific questions – answer the one(s) for your semester!

3rd semester (BP3)

Q11 Is there a good balance between science theory and natural science in the project? Indicate
using a 5-point scale from 1 (not enough science theory) to 5 (not enough natural science)

3 – Natural science aspect on right track with the knowledge of the plastics and the outcomes (more
detail needed) and once the ethics is discussed there will be a good balance of science and theory.
Exciting topic!!

Other comments:

 ‘’....list of why the production and use of plastic blew up right after its discovery [2].
Following decades were a peak of plastic material discoveries. ‘’ maybe you could connect
these 2 sentences with a comma.


 On the background ‘’ a methodology for assessing the environmental aspects of a

commercial products and industrial systems [4],[5].’’ (Remove the ‘’a’’)

 On the background, I don’t really understand this sentence ‘’The methodology is associated
with a focus on the product from raw material extraction to the final disposal of the product,
to the point when all the materials are returned to earth [5].’’

 ‘’Prior to 4 system boundaries are inputs which include raw materials and energy used for
production. ‘’ Numbers below 10 should be written as words and not digits.

 Explain what is seen in figure 1 and what the outcomes mean

 Will you keep in unbiased and do a for and against comparison?

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