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Nama : Mutiara Yustin

Nim : 231211035
Class : 1A
Lecturer : Mr. Hasbi Thaufik Oktodila, S.Hum, M.Hum
Subject : English



Jainal Abidin, Ferawati Artauli Hasibuan

Faculty of teaching and education, Graha nusantara university

*Correspondence e-mail :


The problem of air pollution in this era of technology has reached an alarming rate. This is
with the increasing number of pollutants produced from daily activities. The number of
industrial factories, power plants, and motor vehicles that every day always produce
dangerous pollutants that pollute clean air. As well as forest fires well as one that pollutes the
air. This is a source of problems for the survival of living things on this earth. Air that has
been polluted by pollutants not only affects human health but all living things and the
environment will also be affected by the air pollution. In humans it will cause dangerous
diseases such as respiratory disorders that can lead to death. There is air pollution that can
be seen directly, there are also those that cannot be seen, some that smell and some that don’t
smell. Many ordinary people do not understand the importance of maintaining clean air and
the risk will be caused by air pollution. In the introduction of the process of the spread of air
pollution to the general public, it can be done by giving a direct example of the process of air
pollution such as pollutant fumes coming out of the factory chimney. Besides directly, the
process of spreading air pollution can also be explained by doing a simulation or a modeling
to see the distribution of pollutants. Modeling can be done using the Gauss dispersion model
to model the distribution process of the concentration of pollutants.

Keywords: Air pollution, Pollutants, Health, Gauss dispersion

The problem of air pollution is a problem that every year always Happened. This happens as
a result of the development of technology and science.Knowledge and fire forest.Increasing
the number of human activities.In today's modern era, so that requires an improvement in
The improvement of technology with increasing.The number of industrial factories, plants
electric and motorized vehicles that every the day it produces pollutants as air pollution. As a
result, clean air that as a source of breathing becomes polluted which can cause health
problems in humans and can also damage ecostim environment.

Gaussian Dispersion
In modeling the spread of pollution air there are many models that can be used one of which
is the dispersion model Gauss for environmental impact assessment, risk analysis and
emergency planning, and study of pollution sources. The Gaussian dispersion model can used
to estimate pollutant dispersion from one emission source or several sources while taking into
account factors internal as well as external factors such as meteorological conditions,
topography and buildings. Gaussian dispersion is an analytical method for studying
distribution pattern of gas pollutants in the air due to the process advection and diffusion
caused by wind used to calculate concentration pollutant substances at a certain distance from
source and describe the distribution in the area around the source location.

For H = 30 m
Figure 3. Results of distribution of CO pollutant concentrations over a distance of x = 8000
For H = 40 m
Figure 4. Results of distribution of CO pollutant concentrations over a distance of x = 15,000
For H = 50 m
Figure 5. Results of distribution of CO pollutant concentrations over a distance of x = 38,000
For H = 70 m
Figure 6. Results of distribution of CO pollutant concentrations over a distance of x = 78,000
The Gaussian dispersion model is used to describe the distribution pattern of the distribution
of pollutant concentrations originating from factory chimneys. Next, with the help of
MATLAB programming, programming is carried out by inputting the emission rate (Q) value
of carbon monoxide (CO) pollutant produced due to the use of coal fuel and varying the value
of effective chimney height (H). The Q value is taken from data used by Yayat Ruhiat and the
H value is 30 m, 40 m, 50m and 70 m.

The conclusions that can be drawn are: the influence of the effective emission height (H) is
very influential. When height H is 30 m spread very high concentration at a distance of 480 m
and The range is only up to 7400 m but when the H value is increased then change occurs. So
to overcome the effects from the distribution of pollutant concentrations factory chimneys are
required to be made high.

Air pollution, Pollutants, Health, Gauss dispersion

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